The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, January 09, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    Simple but Formal Ceremonies
Mark Installation of New
Dr. Davis Re-appointed City
Health Officer Standing
Committee Named.
Continued from Tuesday, Jan, 6
Albany's New City Officers
Mayor, L. M. Curl; recorder,
F. E. Van Tassel; chief of police,
Anthony Austin; treasurer, H.
Ii. Cusick; Cotincilnicn, Franz
Pfeiffer. I. 11. Simnson. M. J.
Cameron, F. T. lllount, E. A.
Jolinson and II. W. McElmurry.
All holding elective offices.
Officials elected by the city
council are as follows:
City health officer Dr. W. II.
Davis, lo succeed himself. 6
Three members library board
ffl II. II. Hewitt and Dr. M. II. El-
lis 10 succeed themselves and
1,'rs. 1'. II. Gesclbracht to take '
() the place of Miss l.ucy Card,
Albany is under a new administra
tion. With simple but formal ceremonies
and in the presence of a large crowd
of residents of the city, assembled
in liic council chamber, Mayor I'. D.
Gilbert and colleagues Mirrendcred
the reins of office lo Mayor-elect I..
M. Curl anil his colleagues last night.
The exchange took place after the
members of the old administration
had spoken briefly and appropriately
lo the occasion.
Old Council Finishes
The old council convened a meet'
iug at 7 o'clock and remained in ses
sion while the minutes of previous
nieetiutis were read and approved.
Mayor Gilbert then announced that
the business of the old council had
been completed. He then entered up
on a short but appropriate address.
Holding its first meeting the new
council adopted a set of rules, desig
naird the place of meeting, the pre
siding officer announced the stand
ing committees, the council appointed
three directors of the library board
and appointed a city health officer
and then listened to the new mayor's
annual message.
Mayor Gilbert Speaks.
Prior to the adjournment of the
(dil council, Mayor Gilbert spoke a:
to the pleasure of bis tenure of ol
ficc. thanking each anil everyone un
der him and expressed the kindest
wishes to the incoming officials.
He said in part; "My term of of
fice lias been most pleasant and 1
hope that the terms of office of tin
new officials will be as pleasant. I
have been shown every courtesy and
1 want to thank each and every one
of my administration for their able
assistance and at the same time heart
ily commend their work. In my opin
ion I do not believe that a body of
men could have served more faith
fultv or1 consistently."
Handing the Ravel to Mayor Curl,
Mr. Gilbert wished
him a pleasant
term of office.
Mayor Curl Talks.
"The experiment is a new one to
me." said Mayor Curl, addressing the
assembly, "but I fed that I know the
condition of the city fairly well. 1
have nothing but the kindest feeling
for you. While 1 may make some
suggestions and recommendations that
are not in acordaucc wi.h your ideas.
they will not be made by way of
harh criticisms. 1 believe that there
is much to be commended by the en
tire city for the work the old admin
. Utiatinn has accomplished and the
adminisli ation will endeavor to prove
coiucn worthy oi the steel. I thank
you very much for the privilege ol
saying these things. 1 know that
there is much thai comes before us,
wherein the real facts are not always
understood by everybody. Criticism
will t'ltcp in. 1: is n. ion .illy expect
ed. I 'miff the ciu-Hin-lancc
only thing to do is to act by
eons it nee and do what you abt
s tne
thitiV- rh:ht. If this stein will
ev ul amoMvt lis. I fan see that no'h-
hut the best interests will be up
held and we will all be acting to the
best of our ability l believe you
h.le always done this"
Two Attendants From State
Pen, After All Night Vigil
Return to Salem.
Believing that Edwin W. Jurgens,
who escaped from the penitentiary
yesterday was headed this way, two
prison guards arrived in Albany yes
terday afternoon and remained on the
lookout until this morning when they
returned to Salem empty handed.
Jurgcns, 20 years old and doing 10
'years to life for assault and robbery
in Douglas county, cut his way out
.of prison. Using a brace and bit, he
removed the bricks in the floor of his
cell on the first floor of the prison
and let himself down in the hace-
mcnt, then he sawed his way through
the bars of a window, gaining the
prison yard. Taking a ladder from
the prison shops, he scaled the cast
wall without attracting the attention
of the guard.
He was committed January 11, 1912,
and is considered a bad man by th?
prison authorities, who are making
strong efforts to retake him. He is
5 feet 7 3-4 inches tall and weighs 116
ponds. He has sandy complexion,
with sandy red hair and blue eyes.
His upper teeth are defective: heavy
eyebrows meet in the center- has a
cut scar on right side of his chin, and
the little finger of his right hand if
broke'! at the second joint.
Many Matters Taken Up at
Meeting of Commercial Club
Last Night,
That the Brownsville Glove Fac
tory is considering a change of lo
cation, became known last night at
the Commercial club meeting through
a letter from the factory officials, ask
ing the opportunity afforded thci:l
in moving the plant to Albany. The
matter was referred.
' Many Matters Come Up.
Many other matters were taken up
and discussed by the following, who
'were present: President J. 5. Van
Winkle, Vice President F. P. Nut
ting, Secretary C. II. Stewart and
Directors S. N. Braden, W. A. F.ast
burn, F. M. French, G. T. Hocken
sinith. J. J. Hoydar, K. C. Hunt, A.
M. Hammer, J. A. McKillop. h. II.
McCuue, F. II. Pfeiffer, J. II Rob-
nett and M. Senders.
A communication was received from
the Seattle Chamber of Commerce,
reuuestii: that this organization use
its influence in appealing to the Re
serve Bank Organization committee
at Washington, for the creation of a
Northwestern federal reserve d-strict.
On motion Manager Stewart wjs te
questcd to prepare a statement show
ing the reasons why a reserve district
should bo created in the Northwest,
and to forward the same to the com
mittee at Washington.
Factory Wants Change.
A communication was receive'! f'-om
the Brownsville Glove Factory stat
ing that they were consilient!-; lae
matter of a change of location, and
wanting lo know what the o-.vortur.-
ity would be if they should decide ti
move their1 institution to Albany. The
matter was referred to the manufae-j
luring committee. !
Mr. F. II. Pfeiffer reported that ar-I
rangements were being made to give :
a "Made in Oregon" banquet at the
St. Francis hotel, under the manage- j
inent of Edith Tozicr Wcatherred. !
sometime in l-ebriiary. the proi-ecns
j to ,c ,PVotcd to the improvement of
Riverside cemetery. On motion the
movement was endorsed, and the club
pledged its members to render all
assistance possible in selling tickets.
Mr. A. M. Hammer told of a plan
followed in some other cities by which
the help of school children was en
listed in Civic Improvement work,
and on motion the matter was refer
reil to the Civic Improvement com
mittee. Goes to Tangent. I. cavil!.' His
noon. Councilman E. A. Johnson went
to Tangent to attend business in con
nection with the elevator operated by
the Albany Mill and Elevator com
pany of this city, which is owned by
Mr. Johnson. He will return this
afternoon late.
Lebanon People Here. Arming in
the city this noon Vr. and Mrs. Scy-
Washburn will spen t l"c at-
tc: noon
fir the
have be
here am! will leave tomcat
home at Lebanon. They
n to Newport.
State Bank Examiner Here. Chi
Skua::, state bans, evaniii'cr. tor-im-i!
assistant cashier oi the I:ir;t
National Bank, of this city, left this
afternoon ior Portland to attend hn-i-tuss
Department Chief Re-elected to
Serve in Office at Last
Nights Election.
Council Confirmed Election
Six Call Men and Two Reg
ulars Were Elected.
E. H. Horsky was reelected chief
of Albany's fire department at the
election held last night at fire head
quarters. L. C Krause was elcctea
assistant chief. They were unani
mously chosen.
This was announced at the meet
ing of the city council last night.
Six Call Men Elect
The election was held under the
provisions o: the organization fire
department ordinance passed some
time ago by the council.
The six cail men appointed at the
last meeting of the council acted as
electors, together with the two other
members of the department, the auto
truck driver and the engine man, who
ill retain
neir jois until me new
council appoints their successors ol
reappoints them. These latter- two
men and the six call men together
with those tw-o officials elected, com
pose Albany's paid department.
Horsky Good Fireman
F. H. Horsky has served faithfully
and consistently in the office of chief
for some time and is regarded as
one of the most thorough and com
petent firemen of the force. He has
always been on the job and has al
ways looked out for the interests of
the department and its welfare. Un
der his direction the department has
reached the highest degree of effi
ciency and the fact that the depart
ment is on the present substantial
footing and in the splendid condition
that it is ow. is attributed to Chief
Horsky's untiring efforts and faith
fulness to his duties.
E. C. Krause has served as a mem
ber of the fire department for some
time and is regarded as a competent
fireman. He has been a faithful and
consistent member and his services
have proved of great value.
Council Approves.
The election meeting was called
to order by Chief Horsky and Wil
liam Wood, who was chosen as
chairman. Daniel Cell acted as sec
retary. The names of Horsky and
Krause were the only two placed in
When the result was announced at
the council meeting, the election was
at once approved by that body. Un
der the ordinance, the council has :
right to approve or disapprove ol
such an election.
News Beginning With This Head
9 I From the Dailv Issue of
JlJ'TlT1l'", T
We are prepared to furnish mon
ey on farm loans in the Willam
ette Valley at the lowest current
rates of interest. Will give fivt
years time and allow the bor
rower liberal options of prepay
ment. If you can make more
money from your farm by ad
ding livestock and new machin
ery and new buildings we will let
you have the money for that
purpose. If you want to dis
pose of your place, the quick
est way to make a sale is lo add
substantial improvements. When
in need of funds call on us.
We arc the only established
company n aking long time
loans in this county.
The Oregon Tide
ami Trust Co.
58 Exhibitors from All Parts of
State Competed for Many-Prizes.
Large Number of Albanyites
Among Exhibitors Many
Fine Birds.
With 58 exhibitors from all sec
tions of the state competing for the
18 silver cups, silver medals,' cash
prizes, special premiums, including 50
blue ribbons and representing 10 dif
ferent Oregon counties and being the
owners of 700 entries at the show,
the Central Willamette Poultry As
sociation annual show, which opened
yesterday, continued today, entertain
ing hundreds of visitors and will con
tinue until Friday. Combined with
this show is the annual poultry show
-of the Oregon State Branch of the
American Poultry Association and the
Oregon Agricultural College food and
poultry display. Today, also, the
i1)rcmjums were offered.
Many Counties Represented.
Counties represented in the list of
exhibitors are are Multnomah, Mar
ion, Lane, Linn, Douglass, Benton,
Polk, Yamhill, Washington and Lin
coln. The scoring of the birds began early
yesterday afternoon and prizes in a
tew of the classes were announced to
day. The judge of the show is Frank
-W. Breed, of Walla Walla, Washing
ton. Exhibitors to whom awards were
made are as follows:
Awards Made.
White-Plymouth Rocks Poisal &
Shaw, of Salem, first cock, second
hen, second pullet, first pen; Claud
C. Bray, of Albany, second cock, third
pullet; E. D. Schancn, of Lents, third
cod:, second and third cockerel, first
pullet, second pen; Holger Bcntzen, of
Eugene, first cockerel, first hen.
Barred Plymouth Rocks J. W. Gar
rison, of Salem, first cock; A. C.
Beutzen, of Eugene, second cock, first
cockerel, first and third hen, second
pullet, first pen; M. M. Lower, ol
Creswell, third cock, second cockerel,
second hen, third pullet, second pen:
A. II. Hinz. of Jefferson, third cocker
el; Edgar Miller, of Roseburg, first
pullet, third pen.
W'bite Wyandottes I. R.
ton, of Portland, first hen, first cock,
third cockerel, third pullet, first pen;
J. A. Griffin, of Eugene, second and
-third hen; second cock, first cockerel.
first pullet, second pen; Tom War
ifield. of Alsea, second cockerel; A. J.
Steele, of Albany, second pullet.
Big List of Exhibitors
The following is a list of all the
exhibitors: E. A. Miller, Roseburg;
Al Bcntzen, Eugene: A. B. Hinz. Jef
ferson; N. N. Lower. Creswell; J. X.
Garrison, Salem; A. S. Hart, Albany:
A. G. Propst, Albany; E. D. Schanen,
Lents; II. Bentzen. Eugene: Poisal
and Shaw, Salem; Claude Bray, Al
bany: E. W. Elrod, Bcaverton: Roy
Cain, Scio: Bayard Moul. McMinn-
I-villc: J. R. Hamilton. Portland; J. A.
Griffin, Eugene: Walter Paramainc,
Salem; Tom Warfield, Alsea; A. J
! Steele. Albany; E. L. Watrous, Al
:hanv; Tearce and Hamilton, McMiun-
Iville: R. X. Torbet. Albany
Ricse. Albany: A. E. Randall. Scio;
.I. W. Wagner, Albany; H. C. Mc
'Cammon, Sheridan: A. Oliver. Rick
'crall: J. C. Harrison, Shedd: C. W.
tVtink. Albany; A. C. Baker. Albany.
:J. F. Weselcy, Scio; Ed. Schoel, Al
Uiany; A. H. DcLong. Albany; L. C.
i'Armstronp. Tangent; A. E. Kruse,
Roseburg: A. C. Armstrong, Tangent;
i Edgewood Poultry I-ann. Harrisburg;
Roy Warfield, Alsea; Clarence" Wil
liams. Halsey; Shcrrill Fleming, Sa-
'lei; II. L. Carter, Salem; Warren
Gray, Jefferson; J. E. David, Chit-
'wood; Walter Rosmirm, Forest
Grove; Dr. L. A. Bollman, Dallas:
! Ed Loop. Monmouth: J. L. Bray. Al-1
bany: Ed llolloway, Albany: J. L.
Hoskins. Newberg: A. C. Miller. Al-
bany; Mrs. B. L. Holmes. North Al
bany: Mrs. G. C. Schocl." Albany: Geo.
Dorr. Albany: D. B. McKnight, Al
bany; P. P. Wright, McMinnvillc: Ar
thur Albert. Jefferson: Fucene Pres
colt. Salem: William Eagles. Albany.
V E. Ptich. Albany: James Smith. Al
biuy: Fran? Pfeiffer. Albany: Roy
Bur;. Albany: A. Dumond. Albany:
I.. I". Moe. Albany: Mrs. J. N. Horn-'-.ich.
Albany, and C. B. Winn. Al
bany. O. A. C. Exhibit, Feature.
A feature of the show which is at
:r..:;:ng attention is an exhibit from
Handsome Federal Structure
to Be Completed within Year
for Albany.
Contractor Fred A. Erickson,of
Salem, Here Looking Over
Site Yesterday.
That actual construction work will
start on the Albany post office and
federal building, to be erected at the
corner of Second and Broadalbin
streets, on April l and will be complet
ed and ready for occupancy within a
year, was the statement last night
of Postmaster J. S. Van Winkle.
Contractor Here.
Here Monday night for the purpose
of conferring with Mr. Van Winkle
and looking over the site, Fred A
Erickson, the well known Salem con
tractor, who was the successful bid
der for the contract, announced that
he had received notice that his bond
has been approved and that his con
tract bad been officially accepted.
Mr. Erickson authorized Mr. Van
Winkle to make the statement that
the work would start on April l. Un
der the terms of the contract the
building is to be completed within a
year or perhaps sooner.
The contract was awarded by the
treasury departfent December 17 to
Mr. Erickson. who was the lowest bid
der at $58,282. Several bids were en
tered and at the time they were open
ed, were published in the Democrat.
To Be Handsome Structure.
Contractor Erickson's bid was en
tered for construction of a two story
structure including basement, w'th a
ground area of 4.700 square feet, stuc
co, stone and terra cotta facing v. h
tin roof and including the media:-.:.' il
equipment, interior lighting fixtures
and approaches. Drawings and speci
fications are in the care of Postmasier
Van Winkle. The building will be a
handsome structure and in keeping
with the rapid progress of Albany.
It will be modern and up to date in
every respect and will have all of the
latest conveniences of present day
nost office buildings. It' will be
building that Albanyites will truly
proud of and one that will add much
to the appearance of the business dis
trict of the city.
Escape is Caught. E. W. Jurgcns.
who made his escape from the peni
tentiary Sunday night, was captured
yesterday at Gervais and brought back
to Salem this afternoon. He gave the
guards, who brought him back, no
trouble and was again incarcerated in
one of the cells of the prison. The
nyin was in from ten years to life for
assault and robbery committed in
Douglas county. He made his escape
by digging up the floor of his cell.
sawing his way through some bars
in his path and scaling the wall of the
penitentiary with a ladder. Three
woodchoppcrs caught the man. Sa
lem Statesman.
Wilson Buys Hotel. A) dispatch
from Lebanon says: One of the larg
est real estate deals in the history of
this city took place the first of the
year when J. C. Devine sold the new
concrete Hotel Lebanon to Albert
F. Wilson for $50,000. Mr. Wilson
was a member of the firm of Bach.
Buhl & Co., but recently disposed of
his interests to his partners.
the Oregon Agricultural College poul
try department. It includes four birds
of 200-egg laying strain, a display ol
poultry foods and models of scientific
equipment for caring for chickens.
Unless You Get the Benefit of
Wholesale Lumber Prices
Now Quoted
Both riiones.
Room 5. Newew Bligh Bldg.
Loss Estimated Between $1000
and $2000 Covered with
$500 Insurance.
Origin Is Unknown but It Is
Believed to Be Work of An
Facing danger of explosions, the.
members of the Albany fire depart
ment last night strove desperately to
check the stubborn fire, whipped by
a brisk breeze, which completely de
stroyed the building occupied by the
Albany Bottling Works. Loss to the
building is estimated at $-)00 and the
damage to the bottling works is be
lieved lo be between $1000 and $1500.
The entire damage is only covered by
$500 insurance. H. A. Xelson, owner
of the building and proprietor of the
works, was unable to make a definite
estimate on the entire loss this morn
ing. Origin Is Unknown.
Origin of the fire has not been as
certained. Indications, however, say
firemen, lead to the belief that it was
the work of an incendiary. Mr. Xel
son this morning was at a i-ss to cc
count for the fire and expressed
an opinion that it must have started
on the outside.
The lives of firemen and possibly
scores of spectators were in jeopardy
for a time and but for the timely ar
rival of Mr. Xelson there was immi
nent danger of an explosion. Seven
carbon water drums, used in soda
fountains, had been charged during the
day. Arriving at the scene, Mr. "Xel
son risked his life in the burning
building to remove them to safety on
the outside. Had these become heat
ed, terrific explosions would have re
sulted. It was only a few seconds lat
er that the entire roof of the building,
enveloped by a solid mass of flame,
caved in. Just previous the firemen
had been working on the inside but
warning was conveyed to them. Prac
tically all that was saved entirely from
damage was the seven drums and a
'carbonater. It is believed that many
of the bottles and other paraphernalia
will be recovered.
Alarm Was Mistaken.
Owing to a mistake in receiving the
alarm which was turned in from a
box shortly after ten o'clock, the
fire truck bearing the hose, proceed
ed to Fifth avenue and down that
thoroughfare to Jackson, before the
error was discovered. The fire en
gine proceeded correctly and was sta
ioncd at the corner of First and Mont
gomery, less than a block from the
scene of the fire, within a few seconds
of the alarm. The delayed arrival of
the fire truck was costly as the fire
had gained considerable headway be
fore the hose was run out and the
stream was played. The fire was dis
covered by Fred Wooley and son,
who were on their' way home after
attending the poultry show. They
sent in the alarm.
Woman Doesn't Want Job. Ac
cording to word from Lebanon, Miss
Helen V. Crawford, who was recent
ly elected city recorder of Lebanon,
will not qualify for the office, the an
nouncement having just been made
PIAXO CASE and organ, good con
dition. For sale chean. Payments
if desired. R. H. Kaltz. 120 West
2nd St.. Alhanv. Oreg., Phone 591-R
w TV- 1 -2.1-2
W. R. Shinn, M. D., diseases of
ye and ear a specialty. Eyes tested
and spectacles guaranteed a perfect
fit. Any style of lense or frame. Of
fice over Cusick bank. wk stf
Bell 535-R.