A . Terrific Selling Marks the ill Absolute Clearance Sale! I Lease Positively Expires Feb. 6! j Even greater crowds than at the beginning of this great sale have thronged the store since last Friday, when the final smashing reductions, to absolutely clear the store, went into effect. Never within your memory have you been able to buy quality merchandise at such a tremen dous sacrifice. We are going to lose thousands of dollars in this effort to clear out every article in our stock before the lease expires Feb. 6, and we are forced to quit the Elks' Temple. It is a double event, combining our great annual January Clearance Sale and final wind-up of Forced-to-Move Sale. Don't put off coming barely three weeks until the doors close on this gigantic sale! Join the crowds here tomorrow! Remember, every article is going at sacrifice price positively nothing reserved OF WOMEN' S SUITS ess Than Absolute Cost of Hundreds of suits left to be closed out before our lease expires! The very finest materials, the most beautiful tailoring and guaran teed Skinner's satin linings. Suits that will give you a year or more of service, now going for a song. at L Material ANY SUIT IN THE STORE UP TO $18.50. 87 ANY SUIT IN THE STORE to $22.50 $9 ANY SUIT IN THE STORE to $28.50 $12 ANY SUIT IN THE STORE to $30.00 $1185 ANY SUIT IN THE STORE to $37.50 $16 ANY SUIT IN THE STORE UP TO $40.00 819 Coats Sacrificed! Any Coat in the House to $9.50, for Any Coat in the House to $12.50, for Any Coat in the House to $15.00, for Any Coat in the House to $20.00, for Any Coat in the House to $23.50, for Any Coat in the House to $25.00, for Any Coat in the House to $27.50, for Any Coat in the House to $32.50, for Any Coat in the House to S37.50, for Ail Evening and Opera Coats up to new going at $40, Vi . $4.45 .$6.45 .$7.85 . $9.80 $10.95 $13.80 $14.85 $16.45 $17.80 Price Children's Coats! Ages 2 to 6 and 8 to 14 included at these prices : Any Child's Coat up to $3.50, for $1.75 Any Child's Coat up to $5.50, for $2.45 Any Child's Coat up to $7.00, for $3.35 Any Child's Coat up to $9.00, for $4.40 Any Child's Coat up to $10.00, for $4.90 To$25Dr'sses$7.98 cn-i one a beauty the very newest 1913 1914 models, for street, afternoon and evening wear! Lovely silk Messalines, Moires- Poplins, f.r rmeuse, RS well as wool serges, Eponges, Corduroys in every im- raole color. Dress es that sold up to $25, in this big lot for the Final Whirlwind Finish, now All Party, Dancing and Theater Gowns, in exquisite silks, shadow laces, chiffons, etc. Every lovely evening shade. Regular price, $20 to $65 at 'S Price. Hundreds of other s-unning Silk and Wool Dresses, only one of a kind, at less than actual cost of malting. rte pal f r SHOES $3.50 Women's Button and Lace Shoes.all leathers $1.88 To $5 Women's Red Cross Shoes all leathers and styles $3.39 $1.50 Children's Broadwalk Shoes pattent button and lace 73c To $2.25 Children's High Top Jockey Boots, vici and gun metals, $1.29 $2.75 Children's High cut "Red Goose" School Shoes per pair $1-78 $3.00 Boy's High Cut Water proof Shoes, with buckle top, 11 to 13 $1-98 STAPLES 12 l-2c Heavy Outing Flannel, Plain colors, 9c 15c 36-inch Percales, light and dark, .. 9c 25c Bungalow Nets, new patterns- yard 16c 25c Bathrobe Fleeces, all col ors, yard, 16c Genuine , Pre-Shrunk Rip lettes, yard 12c A. F. C. and Red Seal Ging hams, yard 8c 10c Fancy Flannelettes, spe cial, yard 6c 40c Genuine Pacific Bleach ed Sheeting, 31c UNDERWEAR 35c Women's Vests and Pants 18c 75c Girls' Union Suits at 59c $1.25 Boys' Union Suits at 87c $1.25 Women's Vests and Pants, at 98c 50c Boys' Union Suits for 33c $2.75 Women's Union Suits for 98c 75c Women's fancy hose pr. 15c Outing Gowns, Etc $1 Women's Outing Night Gowns, (53c $1.50 Women's Outing Night Gowns 99c $1.75 Extra Heavy Outing Gowns $1.19 60c Women's Outing Flannel Skirts 29c 65c Children's Outing Gowns for 49c $1.45 Women's Muslin Skirts at 78c $1.25 Muslin Combination Suits 78c 75c Women's Muslin Gowns 49c 65c Muslin Corset Covers, 37c & McCUNE GIGANTIC CLEARANCE OF ENTIRE STOCK. BEFORE FEBRUARY 6th CHAMBERS ! ;n : 5 , 1 t - ( - - T