The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, January 02, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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City Council Last Night Con
sidered Ordinances and
Deferred Them.
Ordinancs Passed Making Mis
demeanor of Minors Loiter
ing in Resorts.
That under the present administra
tion Albany is fast becoming a city
of serene virtue in nearly every parti
cular, is indicated by the passage oi
numerous ordinances during the year
and by the passage of one and the
considcation of two others by the
cily council last night.
After the of the year, or within
10 days of the passage, as the case
may be, there may not be any more
moving picture shows on Sundays and
there may not ever be any more dico
lli rowing, playing of cards or any
other games of chance playid in 'uih
lic places of Albany. These restric
tions are intended by virtue of the
two ordinances which were considered
and referred because of undesirable
features. The third ordinance made
it a misdemeanor for proprietors of
pool and billiard halls or any other
similar resort to permit minors to
loiter therein and to the minor found
guilty thereof woidd also be deemed
guilty of a similar offense. This or
dinance was paused and becomes ef
fective immediately.
Minor Ordinance Passed.
Tile ordinance was introduced by
Councilman Henry Lyons and is in
part as follows:
An ordinance to amend Section I
of ordinance A2,, entitled "an ojdiu
;mce to license, tax and regulate bit
liar d rooms and poo! rooms. That
section 1 shall read as follows : 1 1
any person duly licensed to engage in
keeping a billiard or pool room in the
city, shall allow or permit any minor
to visit, loiter around frequent his
place of business, shall upon convic
tion thereof before the rec or tier's
court, be punished by a fine of not
less than five nor more than twenty
dollars, or by inprisoiiiueui in the
city jail for not less nor more than
ten days. Identically the same "ini
h.hmctu will be imposed upon a minor
upon conviction of loitering in such
a resort.
Non-Dice Throwing Measure.
The non-dice throwing card playinu
ordinance was introduced bv Council
man K. A. Johnson and is in part as
follows :
An ordinance making it unlawful
to permit card playing dice throw
ing or other games of chance in any
i nhlic place in the City of Albany
and making it unlawful for ail" person
to play cards, etc in a nublic place
and providing what shall be deemed
card playing and providing a penalty
for violation.
If any proprietor shall permit, any
person to iuduge in games of chance
or card playing in his place of busi
ness, characterized as ciji-ir stores,
pool and billiard rooms ami confec
tionery stores, will be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor and upon convic
tion shall he fined not less than :
nor more than $J5 or imprisonment
in the city jail between 2 to 10 tlavs
Any person guilty of such misde
meanor will upon conviction be sub
jected to identically the same punish
ment. The handling of a deck of cards or
a portion of a deck by any person
within a nublic place, which deck of
cards is not in the original packatie.
shall be sulhcieut evidence to sus
tain a conviction for plaviug card
or for permit ting card playing in a
public place
Lyons Interposes Objections.
Councilman Lyons iter posed a
strong objection to it, which was sus-'
tained and the ordinance was deferred
for final action at the next meeting
"1 believe I am just as good
church ',oer as any of you." vtated
Mr. Lyons, "but I don t believe that
we would be exactly rinht in pa-sing
this ordinance witli the provision.
stipulating the act of card playing
staled so vaguely.
Theatre Closing Ordinance.
A brief sketch of the ordinance in
troduced by Council man M. J. Cam
eron relating to the closing of the
atres on Suml.iv, is as follows:
An ordinance lo nrnvide for .he
regulating of theatre and moving pic
ture shows on the first day of the
week commonly called Sunday. Kv
vry person, firm, company or corpor
ation owning, conducting or manag
ing any theatre or moving picture
show within the citv shall close at
the hour of midnight Saturday night
and keep the same closed until mid
night of the Sundav following.
Section Lor violation of :n
provision of this ordinance the per
son shall be gnilv of a misdetmMMoi
and upon conviction before the re
corder's court shall be ttned not les
th.iu $5 nor more than $.'5 or im
prisonment in the citv jail not more
than twelve d.ivs
Lyons Opposition Sustained.
This ordinance was likewise oppos
ed bv Councilman lons. who agaii
teiur.ncd his taicnuut a- bring a
good chutch goer, and a-ked if Line
w.i reallv anything d:-gi icctul in ir
g:,rd to the operation . t pn tuic -how - I
on Siimb v Me ..-Md that the oi.nn
ance be deferred en the grounds t'.at
ir believed the onditions didn't x n-
Annual Event Given Tomorrow
Night at Armory; Hender-
shotts Orchestra.
Never before in the history of Al
bany's formal social world will a ball
be characterized with such elaborate
;tnd artistic decorations as those grac
ing the inteior of the Armory hall for
the annual Alpha Omega dance to be
given tomorrow night.
Electric lights and effects, flowers,
rugs, ribbons, elaborate cozy corners,
lattice work, greens and over 1000
artificial chrysanthemums and other
things will compose the decorations.
The young ladies of the sorority
have been working industriously since
Friday transforming the hall into a
most, wonderful scene. Now the work
is fairly completed and everything
will be in readiness by tomorrow af
ternoon, when the finishing touches
will be placed. A special feature has
been arranged as one of the numbers
of the ball. It is expected that it
will be attended by a record crowd,
including scores of out of town guests
Patrons and patronesses will act as
hostesses for the young ladies.
ITendershotts' orchestra of Eugene,
probably one of the best musical or
ganizations of its kind in this section
of the state, will furnish the music.
Election to Be Held Next Mon
day to Choose Chief and
Under the provisions of the fire
depart men t reorganization ordinance
passed some time ago, the city coun
cil last night appointed six call men
constituting a (portion of Albany's
paid department.
Under the provisions of the ordin
ance these men are to hold an elec
tion next Monday for the purpose
of electing a chiet and assistant. 1 be
council made the appointment of the
six men upon applications filed.
Those appointed are as follows:
Daniel eh, William Wood, Corbet t
Wilbur, J. R. Pennington, Otto Swin-
son and Merle Moencli.
The auto driver and the engine
ailaied by the ordinance,
arc to serve until the first of the year.
It will fall to the lot ot the council to
appoint their successors. They will
have a vote in the election to be heid
Will Be at Home Dr. and Mrs.
(ieselbracht will be at home in the
social rooms of the hirst Presbyterian
church hnday evening, January 2m,
7.30 to 10 to members and friends in
church and congregation.
This Man Was Generous A
man so drunk he couldn't tel!
whether it was day or night was put
off the northbound afternoon train
yesterday at Main street. Me waved
his hand generously to the waiting
world at large and invited everybody
to have a drink at the bar the bar of
the river, presumably. WThcu Officer
Kauif sought to bring him to the bar
of justice, however, he betook himself
to the woods.
Library Report Filed A detailed
report trotn 11. H. I lewitt, president
ol t he hoard ot trustees ot t Me .l
bany Public Library, in behalf of the
rest ot the members ot the hoard, wa
uad hist night before the citv couuci
and ordered tiled.
Fire Escapes Blocked and Panic
Conditions Prevail Until
Firemen Arrive.
(By I'nitctl Press Association.
New York, Dec. 3. right perished
early this morning tu a tire of incen
diary origin which destroyed a five
story brick tenement house on the
east side Seven were scruuislv
burned and the lives ot scores were
endangered when the stairway burned
The fire esc.ii- ere blocked when
the firemen reached the scene and it
was impossible tor them to enter the
-ui tiding. The wilde-t n.iuic ensued
The terror stricken men and wouvu
choked the windows and tire escapes.
The ladders were hastily put into
place and the firemen passed the men
women and children down from ttooi
tti floor until thev were safe on :he
Mrect. All of the dead suffoea'ed.
rewi on i nit rag is v
V From Daily Im of
1 Wednesday, December Jl.
nunc time for con-iidct ation ot i: v.w
h- had The council si:t.uncd Mr
City Council Last Night Con
sidered Plan to Help Those
Out of Work.
Committee Appointed to Invest
igate Conditions at An
Early Bate.
Like a ray of sunshine out of a
cloudy sky, Councilman E.A. Johnson
just prior to the adjournment of the
meeting, suggested the plan after
speaking at length. It- was immed
iately taken up by the other members
of the council spiritedly.
To Assist Local People.
The plan, however, is merely to as
sist local unemployed. It is believed
that there are numbers of men resid
ing here with families who arc out of
work and arc up against it. It is de
clared that the condition exists more
or less every year.
During the discussion that ensued
it was brought out that numerous ap
plications by deserving citizens hvvc
from time to time been made at var
ious places for work.
It was conceded that at present
there is no available city work but it
was agreed that the citv authorities
could plan out some on short notice.
Much Work to Be Done.
Speaking relative to this. Council
man Lyons said that in his opinion
there was all kinds of work to do.
such as grading of streets, giving
them proper drainage and eliminat
ing muddy sections in streets and the
clearing of newly laid out streets oi
slumps and other obstructions.
After a lengthy discussion on mo
tion of Councilman ohnson, a com
mittee was appointed to investigate
conditions as alleged. Mayor Gil
bert appointed Councilmen Johnson,
Cameron, Simpson and lilount.
Will Investigate Conditions.
. This committee is to proceed im
mediately and ascertain the conditions
and make a report and in the cveu:
the circumstances warrant, the cit
will, without delay, plan out muuicf
pal work for the unemployed.
During the meeting Councilman
Johnson suggested that the cily tax
levy be lowered 3 mills, making i:
1(1 instead of LI, giving as his rea
sons that the state tax was nearly
twice as much as heretofore and cit
ing the county tax of 15 mills. Noth
ing, however, could be done in re
gard to the matter as it is now too
Mrs. Sheridan and daughters left
on the noon train Sunday for Port
land and Seattle.
Mrs. Mcssman and son returned
home after spending Christmas with
her daughter, Mrs. Mulled and family
of Peoria.
John and Albert Bayne went to
Portland with their uncle, John John
son lo spent their vacation.
May Kda Workinger of Corvallis
spent Christinas with the home folks.
Mrs. Kua Hein.c and daughter
Mildred are visiting at the home of
t. I. I. aw son.
Bert Millard made a business trip
to Albany Holiday.
Miss Kthel MeCormick visited Mil
dred lleine Monday afternoon at C.
J. I .awson's.
Miss Pitts ot Portland spent Christ
mas at the Muller home.
Mr. and Mrs. I .ouis Sehultz and
daughter of Plainview, returned home
M on day alter visiting with Mr. Ed.
N'itzcl and family.
M aster Kdward Hart on with his
mother went to Albany Monday to
have an operation performed.
More Russians arrived in Kavette
ville Monday nicht.
M iss Grace M iller is spending her
vacation with her grandparents at
H. K. Van Ness of Fugcuc was a
business visitor in Albany yesterday.
Dr. C. A. Smith of Brownsville is
a litest at the St. Francis Hotel.
Letters Uncalled For.
Albany, Oregon. Dec. 27. 1013
Letters uncalled for and cdvertised
on Dec. 27. VHA: Mrs. Lue Baker.
Geo. I). Cowcpas t Foreign P. M.
furry. Bert Francis. Zeal Fraziei.
Clara Krccta- S W. Gray. Mrs. Mag
gie Holgate. J.C. Herdman. Miss Han
sen. Mrvtle Loiwlale. P. Mitchell,
Hilly M.itlicw-i, V t aMttindy. u'
Miss Nell Morchoite. Kit on McCaul
cy. Mrs. Harry 'eIou, R. W. Pirtle
tM. Dr. John Parsons. Horace Par
son. O. H. Smith. Ted l.udlarc. Fred
I omunson, I .. I oder.
.1 S VAN Vvkl.K, P. M.
PIANO CASK and ornan. c.ood con
ihtion. Kor .ilt- c!uip. P.nnu-nt'
if desired R H kah. 1J0 Wot
J -d S: . Alfvuiv, t. 1; cc . Phono 5'M-R (
w Iv P.1 Jo
i W. R. SSinn. U P., Mcm of
tTp and r a specialty. Frs tested
: itnl ptc Uclrs RuaranWrd a ptrfect ;
'fit. Anv tvl of U-:mf or frame. Of-1
i fcf oTtr Ctiick b,nk.
k jfltf
Half Burned Shacks to Be Re
moved-Fire Chiefs Report
Received Bids.
Meeting last night in special session
the ciiy council transacted a volumn
of business and adjourned to meet
igam next Mqnday nndit. All ot the
coucilmen were present including the
various other ofiicials with the excep
tion of the building inspector, who
was unavoidably detained.
1 he report ot lure Chief Horsky
for the month of December as re
quired by the tire ordinance, was read
and placed on file, it contained re
ports of two fires as follows: De-
embcr ly, at L. A. Kraschel. corner
Third and Washington streets,
cause, matches, damage, $15; and ano
ther on December 27, at Albany Shin
gle Mill, cause unknown, damage.
Two bids for the purchase of bonds
were opened. Okie was fnom the
YViarren Constnm Company for
$14,000, bidding on par and accrued
interest : and the other from Sweet
land and Company of Denver, bidding
par and premium. The former was
accepted and the latter rejected, be
cause the bid was not entered for
par and accrued interest.
The committee on printing and sup
plies was instructed to have the bonds
printed at an early date.
W. L. Jones, a merchant of Jeffer
son, was in Albany yesterday after
noon on business.
Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Munkers
Have Been Married Nine
teen Years Today.
Congratulated by a number of
friends, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Munkers
today observed the nintcenth anni
versary of their wedding. Today also
is the eighteenth birthday anniversary
of Miss AEnene Munkers, their dau
ghter. That she was born on the first
wedding anniversary of her parents
forms a coincidence.
X-o paticular celebration will marl;
the observance of the double event
The Munkers are well and favorably
known in Albany and Linn County
and have made their home here for
years. At one time Mr. Munkers
was a representative in the legislature
from Linn and later served as chief
of Police of the Albany department,
Returns from Portland Dr. F. W.
Emerson of the First Christian
church, was in Portland yesterday to
attend the Pacific Northwest Parlia
ment of the Disciples of Christ. The
gathering embraces renreseutatives of
the Christian church from Oregon,
Washington, Idaho, Montana and the
Western C;tfnaAlia.n 'Provinces Dr,
Emerson read a paper before the
Parliament yesterday on "The Edu
cational Opportunity."
Help Is Acknowledged The Social
Hygiene Committee wishes to ack
nowledge the services of the Oregon
Power Company. The Democrat, The
Herald. The Hligh Theatre Co., the
Dreamland Theatre. The Rolfe The
atre. The Hamilton Store. A. II .
Hanks of S. E. Young Store, and the
Albany library, in connection with the
presentation of the exhibit during the
Blanket Week
Agents for
Ed. E. Mitchell, Held in Portland
As Man Slayer, Unknown
in Hub City.
Police Report Similiar Char
acter, Who Has Been Re
garded with Suspicion.
Word was received this morning in
Albany from Portland that a man giv
ing the name of Ed. E. Mitchell,
claiming to be a resident of Albany,
had committed murder there late last
night. Mitchell, according to the re
port, is described as having only one
leg, 'medium height and about middle
Claim Not Substantiated.
No other information was received.
Details of the murder could not be
learned. However, the report said
that Mitchell had killed another man
after a quarrel.
Thorough investigation however ,
has failed to substantiate the claim of
Ed. E. Mitchell, that he is a resident
of Albany. If he has made his home
here, old time residents do not seem
to have ever heard of him.
May Have Been Here.
However, the police report that a
man appearing to be about 30 years
of age, with his left leg amputated
near the hip and walking with crut
ches, has been hanging about the city
for the past several days. He has been
missed for the last three days. The
police believed that he operated a
gambling joint over a local restau
rant and say he was a frequenter of
alleged resorts in the city.
Investigations of records in public
offices has failed to reveal Mitchell's
name and it does not appear in
local directories.
Whether Mitchell is a resident of
the county has not been definitely
learned, but from investigation con
ducted in the city it would seem cer
tain that he is not a resident of Al
bany. The theory is advanced, how
ever, that Mitchell may have made
his home here temporarily.
(By United Press Association)
Salem, Dec. 31. The methods to be
used by Miss Fern Hobbs, private
secretary of Givernor West, in closing
the Copperfield saloons, was not di
vulged by the Governor.
That she will "be there with the
B'oods" was all the Governor would
say when asked for an interview. She
did not leave today but will go to
morrow, catching the Copperfield
train from Huntington Friday evening.
Reduction on all
wool and cotton
can save you money
Accident Happened This Morn
ing Near Miliersburg No
One Was Injured.
The tender to the engine of the
Southern Pacific Albany and Port
land local this morning at 6.50 jump
ed the track about 1 1-2 miles this
side of Miliersburg delaying traffic
until 10.20. No one was injured.
However, considerable damage was
done to the track. The tender was"
dragged about 350 feet, tearing up the
track and ties. It is believed that
a weak rail caused the accident. None
of the cars, however, left the track.
Bearing a number of Albany peo
ple the train left here at 6.30 o'clock.
The train was proceeding at a mild
rate of speed when overtaken by the
accident. According to a report, the
people aboard the train didn't know
of the wreck until the train was brought
to a standstill.
A wrecking crew was quickly dis
patched to the scene. The damage
was completely repaired and at 10.20
the train proceeded north. Only one
train was seriously delayed. That
was the Willamette Limited, which
was scheduled to leave here for Port
land at 8.40 o'clock. This train re
mained here until the track had been
Peoria, Dec. 31. (Special to Dem
ocrat ) Cato Gibbn was a business
visitor to Albany Saturday.
Mrs. Alice Dunn and Mrs. J. S.
Bell attended the joint installation
of officers of the Masonic and Kastern
Star lodecs in Shcdd Saturday night.
Rev. and Mrs. Dclus Higbee and
son of Seattle are visiting this week
with relatives in and near Peoria.
J. S. Lamar visited on Sunday with
tiie family of Geo. Githens, who ai.
spending the holidays on the farm.
Mrs. M. C. Brown and daughter
Thelma, of Tangent, spent Saturday
and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Bare us.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davis and dau
ghter Grace of Salem are visiting Mr.
Davis mother, Mrs. Mary Newman.
Miss Johanna Huntsch of Corvallis
spent Sunday with Mrs. J. R. Frady.
Miss Mary Leabo and Miss Hazel
Leabo are visiting in Albany this
week with Mrs. EHa Price.
Velma Leabo Tcturned Saturday
from Junction City where she had
gone to spent Christmas with friends.
Misses Lucie and Bessie Barcus.
Lester Porter and Charley Dnvis ,
spent Christmas week visiting friends
in Benton County.
Amos Taylor had business in Al
bany Wednesday.
Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Canfield re
turned Monday from a short stay at
Work is to be started on the gym
nasium this week if the lumber ar
rives in time.
Mrs. Jewel Brattain was a Mon
day shonner in Albany.
An interesting program consisting
of special songs and recitations was
rendered Sunday afternoon the
children of the Free Methodist Sun
day school.
K. M. Baker of Myrtle Creek is at
the Vandran.
George T. Pearce returned this
noon from McMinnville where he
spent Christmas at home and will
assume charge of his duties as cir
culating and advertising manager of
the Rural Oregonian.
Agents for
Kabn Reducing