; VOL. XLIX ALBANY, LINN COUNTY. OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1 913. No. 44. MANY CHRISTMAS EXERCISES TONIGHT Various Sunday Schools of the City Will Join in the Merry Yuletide. unique entertainments 'andexercisestobegiven Cantatas, Christmas Trees and ' Various Other Programs Firm Features. Many local Sunday schools will to night hold Christinas exercises of var ious natures. Commencing at 7 o'clock t!i full riir.'cttnnc crtirlt I., mnn. iicst throughout the city and more especially in the t churches, where unique programs ' and entertainments apropos of the occasion have been all planned for. Cantatas, Christmas trc a nrl vn rirtn c n 1 1i r vrii cc will form the main features of the even ing. Baptist Giving Christmas. At seven o'clock tonight at the Bap' ist church, the Sunday school will told Christmas services. Following put the custom of the past 10 years, he main feature of the evening will )e a missionary program, entitled 'The Spirit of Christmas." An of fering will be taken in support of the Baptist Home Missionary Society and the Women's Home Mission Society. On the completion of the foregoing, some novel Christmas exercises will be given, and all will partake of good Christmas cheer. Methodist Sunday School Cantata. Tonight at 7:30 the members of the First Methodist, Sunday school will give the cantata "Planting the Christ mas Tree." The church has been beautifully dec orated and preparations are being made to give those present an en joyable and profitable evening's en tertainment. It has been the custom in this school for several years to have "Giving Christmas," the gifts to go to some worthy cause. This year a silver offering will be taken for purpose to be announced during the evening. Cantata at United Presbyterian. A splendid cantata, with a chorus of fifty voices and a genuine Santa Claus will form the Christmas exer cises at the United Presbyterian church tonight. Part one of the can tala introduces a merry party of boys and girls who are making- out their Christmas lists before it is too late. A fitting choriu and general discus sion, coupled with difficulties make the scene very lively. Mr. Sandman will make his appearance in the second part. And as the playlet progresses, pleasing scenes and interesting con ditions exist, until finally the little heroine. Dorothy, who sold her dol ly in the first part to secure money to brinrr cheer to her sick mother, re appears with good news and reclaims her doll. A beautiful Christmas play wa-5 giv en at the Academy to mark the open ing of the hcliday season. A brLy: crowd attended pud enjoyed the pl.iv ( Continued on Page 2A Tin IDnmoiOTaift WbSnes A Merry Christmas MID A Happy New Year TO EVERYCHE, EVERYWHERE AND FOREVER HERE IS THE HAP PIEST BOY IN ALBANY Poundmaster Gets His Dcg; Friends Come to Rescue and Saves Dog's Life. Have you seen anything of my lit tle black dog?" This was the ques tion put to an officer of the Albany police force this afternoon by a lic.lc :1mp who ra:l spent most of the mom- mi.' ;n r.ut-st 01 Ins playmate. V lcii informed that his dog was in the pound, the little fellow tearfully asked how much i. would cost him to get the !ok hark for Xinas. When told : hat he would have to pay the city 5C, he burst into sobs and said that the money he had was the dollar hill which his grandmother has seit linn for 'hr'Mu.as a; 1 his folks ould not sive him anv nn..re. Kelievi.ur that hf v. a n bbed o; h.- test friend and playmate by a hear' le:s shylo; wht. is officially desig iut- d as poundmaster, the boy turned his face homeward, thinking that to morrow he must mourn the loss of his dog while other little folks were making merry. The case camejo the attention of a resident of Albany, who volunteered to pay the fee demanded by the pound master. Officer King volunteered to pay half and the poundmaster finally yielded to the plea of the latter and contributed a dollar of the charges. After the "pound of flesh" had been taken, the dog was released. Later the case was brought to the attention of the city authorities by Officer King and the money was re funded by order of the city council. The writer has never seen a hap pier smile than that which adornejj the face of this boy after his canine companion had been returned. o tliitttlllltilttt CO . Standard Oil RtprMtntative Hro. W. P. Blake, a representative of the Standard Oil company, of Portland, is in the city today transacting busi ness in the interest of the compan". , Old Tim Eafinsar. A Walsh, an old time engineer of the S. P. railroad of many years ago, but now retired, was in the city last night visiting friends. He is enroute to his home in Portland after visiting relatives in San Francisco. He stopped over night at the Vandran. Find Bearer Fur. Game Warden Mctzgar has located $50 worth of beaver fur. He found the property near the forks of the Santiam. Home From California. Buford Payne arrived in Albany last night from Sanfrancisco to spend the Christ mas holidays. He has been attending the University of California. Petition to Appoint Guardian. Al ice J. Bishop, this mornintr filed peti tion in the juvenile court for appoint ment of a siKirdiriiii of Vina Whitaker. aire 11 years. Her mother is (lend. Alice Bishop is a grandmother and asks that she be appointed guardian. Spend Xmas at Detroit.!. eavma this morning, D. J. Crickclair went lo Detroit where he will spend Christinas with M. McCalm.in. "the mayor" of that town. Mr. Crickclair was ac companied by Mr. McCalman, who :ran-actel business here yesterday. "The M.ivor" is an Oreion Power j company engineer and makes his home ;at Detroit. WILSON 1 IY tOQI SETTLES TO MISSISSIPPI; OVER CHICAGO President Receives Scores of Telegrams Congratulating Him on Currency Law. PRAISE OF NEW MEASURE IS ALMOST UNIVERSAL Names Being Suggested far Membership tf Ktw linking Biard. (By United Press Association) On Board President Train, North Carolina, Dec. 24. The president is enjoying a complete rest in his se cluded private car and slept late, de nying himself to all visitors at the few stops the special train made on the trip. To attendants he admitted that he was completely tired out but was happy in spite of 'his physical con dition. Scores of messages from every section of the country congratulated him on the passage of the currency bill were received and all echoed the same note. The president is unable to get away from job seekers, many telegrams having been received today suggesting names for new members of the new federal reserve board. The president expects to make up the per sonnel of the new branch of the gov ernment before he returns to Wash ington on January 13. ILIRECRT PATS FIRE IF $28 1 PILICE 61BBT Pleaded Guilty te Charge ef Resisting Officer KiNf Yes terday MerRinf. Frank Albrecht, charged with re sisting an officer, this morning enter ed a plea of guilty in the police court and was fined $20 and costs by Judge Van Tassel, which was paid. Al hrecht was represented by Attorney Mark Wcathcrford and L. L. Swan represented the city. It was agreed that the fine should be a minimum one. Albrecht was arrested yesterday af ternoon by Officer iving, after he had resisted arrest, during the morning. Albrecht was suspicioned of hipping 'rooze in his pocket and when told to halt by the officer, started on a run and outdistanced his pursuer. Marriage License Issued. John Si! vayka, age 30, of Tangent and Greta McChurchill, age 26, of Plain view, were issued a marriage license this morning. Petition to Probate Wiii. Upon pe tition of Sam Garland, attorney for petitioner, the will of the late John II. Iludleson was admitted to probate. The deceased passed away December 1. 1913. at the aire of 85, leaving an estate of SofrU). There arc nine heirs. William Iludleson will act as executor. JR Inky Blackness Caused By Low Hung Cloud Puts Damper on Xmas Shopping, STREET LISHTS IN USE AT THE NOON HOUR Seeend Time in Past fclenth ThatUmuial Conditions Pre vailed in Windy City. Chicago, Dec. 24. An inky black ness settled over Chicago today. Christmas shoppers fought their way through the gloom which was as pro nounced as at midnight. This is the second time in a month that the phenomena has occurred. The street lights twinkled through Jthe, darkness, the automobile headlights flashed and the lake craft operated with searchlights. All stores and of fice buildings are illuminated. The weather bureau attributed the dark ness to the presence of a lowhung cloud and to the fact that aerostatical pressure made ithe air stagnant. In the absence of wind, smoke clouds hung over the city during the greater portion of the day. Cliff Simon arrived this noon from Tangent to spend Christmas at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. S G. Simon. CHIT 6INTEKPI PRISONER RELEASES FROM CU5T03Y Ed. Richards liven Liberty Jastin Timete Enjey Christ mas a Free Man. After serving 10 days for contempt of court, Edward Richards was this morning released from the county jail just, in time to enjoy Christmas a free man. It was just ten days ago today that Richards was hailed before the juvc jiilc court on a citation issued by Judge Mc Knight. Previously Richards was up before court on a charge of not providing the proper parental care for his 13 year old daughter Pearle. A neighbor entered the complaint. Judge Mc K night continued the case pending investigation and set Decem ber 15 as the date for the final hear ing. Richards appeared according to the citation buL was unaccompanied by the girl. Investigation developed that she had been sent to Tillamook to re side with relatives. For contempt or court in sending the girl out of it jurisdiction while a ca.-e involving he:' was being considered, Richards wa.i sent to jail. MONK STSil GRANGE ELECIS NEW OFFICERS A. C. Libby Is Chosen Worthy Master Oon Installation to Be Held. Morning Star grange No. 311 elec ted the following officers at its last meeting: Worthy master, A. C Lib ly; overseer, Thos. Fallow; lecturer, Mary A. Coolidge; steward, D. L. Unt il r; assistant steward. Wallace Tru- ax; chaplain, Grace Libby; treasurer. W. K. Fi-her; secretary. Louise F. Reynolds gate keeper, . A. Asche; Cere-, Cora Philippi; Pomona, Lizzie Truax; ForaJ, tier I rude Asche; lady ,i--istaiit steward, Lena Asche; organ ist, Mae Si rat ton. Tru-tee for three years, Tlios. Farlow. An all days M-'sion of Morning St:;r will be Ik Id on Saturday, Jan. 10, 1914. A 11 friends of the grange arc invited for the afternoon at which time they will hold an open in t tion of officers, followed by a program. ST. JOHNS W WILL BE 1 1 n'RRVAIJT HFI M nnrrnurn mi pTimruui"i U Ulllnlll IILLU UDGLfliLU UN DfllUliUHIl Masonic Lodge Members Plan ning Elaborate Celebration in Honor of Day. The annual observance of St. Johns Day will take place on Saturday even uig at the -Masonic 1 e tuple hy M. John's Lodge A. F. & A. M., of tills y. banquet, a musical program and other features of entertain men t will mark the celebration. All Masons ind their families are cordially urged to attend. Elaborate plans are under way to make the affair a pleasant as well as a successful one and the Masons arc looking forward to it with pleasure. Several prominent Masons are slat ed for addresses. From indications the relebration will shatter all prece dents, pertaining lo the observance of the day, in the history of the local lodge. ALBANY MAX RETURNS AFTER KBNTHS TRIP IR THE MIDDLE WEST C. H. It.wtrl It (lad te Be Htm; lUitrU Splendid Trip ; Ctmmtnttt Cnloage Land Shaw Whitb Ht AtttRded. Returning last night from the cast, C.H. Stewart is home after an ab sence ot a month, during which time he attended the Chicago Land Show as an Oregon representative and vi: tted the various places in the miu die west. He visited relative whom he had not seen in many years. H reports an enjoyable timo otiv is kIiu! to be back home. Mr. Stewart re turned by way of Denver, ami just got home on the approach of a heavy snow storm which is raging in Utah Colorado and Eastern Oregon. It be gan to snow hard while he was Denver and was snowing furioush in Eastern Oregon, while he was route, hverythig is reported as lici up now. Mr. Stewart visited a brother, G. J Stewart, of Charlslon, Iowa, whom he had not seen in forty years. The two brothers enjoyed a visit of two clay in Youngstown, Ohio, the home of the Stewart, looking over old landmark renewing acquaintances ot lung ago ird looking up family records. "If the Oregon exhibit had been entered in a contest under similar 'rules of those governing the Oregon state fair, it would have excelled combination of any 6 exhibits of state at the show," said Mr. Stewart, i commenting on the Chicago show. "All exhibits more or less ran into the elaborate and leaned towards spec tacular displays while our exhibit showed up more the diversified char acter of the products of Oregon. Thousands of people visited the ex hibit, many of whom came to Chica go to alien (I the stock show. Thi i show attr.i.'ls the better class of farm ers all over the middle west a far cast as Pittsuirr' ;nd as far sou;'.i a T'xjs. It was being I eld at the same t ii.f that the la-i'l how was hv.n1.' held. A very ,.,e;.t in'erest was plan ifestcd. The point 'hat e"tned t im press them more was that wc. raided considerable more than fruit in Or'j- ,'on. Many seemed to have the im pression thai this was only a fruit hi mi t y. Th's fa -t was known be fore we went east and we had made sp'.-cial preparation to counteract this wrong impression and wc did. Hun dreds expressed thV probability of coining here to locate, giving as their easons for wanting a change that they dy tired of the conditions were sun; in the mate." east and want a better cli-- W. Richards, of Koseburg, attend-r-d bu-ine-s mailers in Albany yes terday, returning home this morning. D. M. McLaughlin returned last niirltt from San Franc isco, where he attended business. lie is assistant paster mechanic at the local railroad shops. -o- News on Thia Pago ii hrnm Hi ii Tsaua of V WE UN tea DAY, UteClSMHliK Z1 ; UP Ai ROBBED 2 Highwaymen Assailed Young Benton County Resident on Steel Bridge. VICTIM MAULED OVER .HEAD FOR PALTRY $5 Bleeding from Injures 0'Bryant, Came te Local Drug Store and Was Treated. Bleeding from .injuries on his head and hands, Jack O'Bryant, age 22, staggered into Foshay & Mason's drug store last night shortly before eight o'clock and told a story of how he had been assailed by two men a I, the foot of the steel bridge, and rob bed of about $5. O'Bryant resides across the river about a mile from Albany near the school house,- at the home of his brother-in-law, Roy Kelly. He was on his way to town, afoot, when as sailed by the two men. The holdup occurred on the north approach of the bridge about 7 :30 o'clock. One of the men is described as being tall and the other short. One it is said wore a light suit and dark hat and the other a dark suit. It was too dark to discern their features and neither one spoke a word, while working on their victim, O'Bryant said he bad just reached the foot of the bridge, when he not iced two men coming toward him. They walked past, and turning quick ly assailed him. One struck O'Bry ant a heavy blow behind the car with an instrument, described as being about a foot long -and appearing to be a piece of lead pipe, wrapped in cloth. The unfortunate man was struck another blow on the temple. His face was badly lacerated and bruis ed though not serious. O'Bryant was not rendered unconscious but was stunned for a moment. Thrown down, one of the highwaymen held his victim by s'.anding on bis hands. The itiipri" r rch cork was left on O'llryaut's hands from which the blood freely flowed. O'Bryant said that at the time ho told the men if they were looking for money, he would give them all he had, but they disregarded this and went after their plunder in a cruel and heartless fashion. An approaching rig from town frightened the men and they beat a hasty retreat to the foot of the bridge and disappeared, having secured their plunder. O'Bryant re gained his feet and came lo town. Entering the drug store, bis injuries were washed and dressed. Word was sent lo the relatives and the injured man was taken home in a rig. Today he is reported as convalescing nicely. EASTERN STAR ELECTS SET OF NEW OFFICERS Mrs. Maude Ltrauss Elected Worthy MatronCandi dates Initiated. M eeting last nig ill the order of Eastern Star transacted the regular order of business, initiated several candidates and elecled officers for the ensuing year. Tl( election resulted as fallows: Mrs. Maud Strauss, worthy matron ; j J"Im H- Hulburt, worthy patron; Mrs. J. I Wentwurth, associate matron; Mrs. Marvin Itraudeberry, conduct ress; Mrs, L. II. Fish, associate con ductress; Mrs. J. It. Luatlierman, sec retary, and Mrs. William Bain, treas urer. Al (other officers were re-elected. Considerable routine bu -mess was transacted and several well known candidates were initiated. The work was splendidly exemplified and evciy one appeared to enjoy the session. The meeting was well attended. Notarial Commission Filed. Attor ney S. M. flarland yesterday filed hi ' crrtific.-ttr of not:tri;il commission !? V? 1 - ' , Comity CITk Marks.