The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, December 26, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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m f'CTnififiJirijic
Strong Probability That Univer
sity of Washington and 0.
A. C. May Play Here.
BE ON OCTOBER 31,1914-
Commercial Club to Received
$250 of the Gata Favorable
Progress Being Made.
That, tii ere is a btroiitf probability
of Albany .securing the 1914 Univer
sity o WahiiitiKloii-OreKoii A grit: til -ttiral
College football anie for Oc
tober 31, is believed to be certain,
judyiiiK front the present indications
and from the way the school authori
ties made overtures for it, when the
matter firs!, came tip.
At the meeting of the Commercial
club last ninht, it was reported thai,
negotiations 0f ;i favorable nature
were in progress for t Ii c sccurinK of
the f'1"11-'- 'he members of the club
unanimously voted in favor of 'he
pre idcn.'.s aciiuii in offering tiie field
on the basis that the club receive
of t':e a'.e receipts.
'l i e proposed lecture to be ive:i
during the holidays by John l Chun,
frr I lie Southern I 'acilic company,
was not regarded with favor. The
secretary w;i instructed to notify tha'
the club could not handle it this sea
son. Those who attended the meeting
were: J. S. Van Winkle, Vice Pres
ident 1 V. Nutting. S. N. Mraden. V.
A. Kasthiirn, G. 'I. 1 lockensniitb, J. II.
Kobnett, J. V. Keeder and M. Send
ers. Attorney Klnter Richardson act
ed as secretary protein.
However Arrest Was Made,;
Prisoner Charged With j
resisting Oflicer.
On suspicion that he ivai hi;, pi::
booze in .t ,':. t s, Officer ( ii'ii ;
K i n f-f w:;- tl;i.- morning about J
oYIoei; iven a lively c'iae after Kr.i::.:
A ! ceebt, whe a the officer accosted
::im at a di-laucc ami told liiui to
halt. Albreclit .itarted out on a dead
run and managed to out di-wauce the
officer, eluding arrest until thi at
tcrnoou, when a charge was nL-d
against him of resisting an officer. Tiie
case will be tried in the police court
tomorrow morning.
Albrecht was walking briskly east
on Second street, and was crossing
liroadalbin street when commanded
to bait, lie ini mediately broke and
ran, the oflicer following elo-e on hi.
Iieels for about a block. The fleeing
man dodged into the livery uable at
tin- corner of hi Is worth and Second
.ind thence up the alley and was lo.i
:rack of. Shortly alter 1 o'clock Of
ficer K in made tiie arrest on has' street.
IIIHIUItlll Ulllll
I fa! I
not a person
0jA sol'.Is
meal and uv.r;
A t::.i-ii:e im
1:1 t iiii city oi ovtr
i!l be without a good
u ciuiluiii; o:i C'iri--i-
( Uv United Pitas As-j-n-'iation I
Old' Morton, Mo., Dec. X Xiubl
riders early thi-. inoriiiuu; whipped
Mrs. Par lee Collins, aed 2$, burned
bei home and ordered her to
the country.
h is cliaiM.'d that Mrs. Collins, win
a ii,;: t cn in pan ion. recently Mr::l
bei self of all elotlnmr and ro b.
llironnh i h f principal uce;s o! O "
Morton mi l:inba k,
She Id, Dec. 21 tSpccial to the
1 e itinera t.) A lint' Jersey yearling
bull bred by one of (he imv 1 widely
known eM.ihlUhinetit s of Ohio was
received yesterday by J. C. Urowu &
Son, breeders of n;i ade Jorsies
Sbedd. The pure blond idea in stock
is iakini; -tmiii; hold of many pro
KffSMw breeder';. The lit own com
pany lias been known for a score o!
years throughout l ret;on stockdnm
ha: a urn j
Mouud-ville. W. V.i.. lec. J-l - j
Since Wilbur S' ui;iiiei" was e ; ; h; t o a i
e.;i obi ae ban not e.ilcn t ' 1 ir i 1 1 , '. . i
dinner with hi:, uiothci, a ejay ban !.
bent It: l U l.;d , who lues in ;.u
scure town in Ohio. Slaughter :k w
t hirt iive. lie las r pent l lie oaM
, ear-, in l lie penitent ic ry here. In
IS'5 be ,h seuienced to impi i-o-i-uieut
for killing a fellow miner in i iv
of the Viimia coal mine--.
Slaughter' Chi inua- pi e-ent w .-s
a complete pardon by liovernoi Ma'.
luld, aeeorditti; to his .Miniial en-tiiu
of pat do niiii on i." In i-tina- eve ' he
niot de-er inn pi isoner, w bo ha
sci cd t lie loudest number of year.
be' iml the bars.
Slauhtei's pat don came to him
shortly after noon iod.iv, and be left
immediately lor Viio. in e U i im I
mas dinner with I t" lumber. Slau;'.i-t'-r
ince ti'c day be erieied Motr-d--ville
peniteuti.ay, has been a nndel
prisoner, lie b;.-. spent hi paie tune
tud mi: and beside- e duelling huu
(ll above the aera;.:c. li.o. h.unel a
ttade which be will follow. He p!a-.
to look up t!:e fanul of t ic man be
was accused o' killing. ai:d it tl.ey are
in w ant. aid tlu in.
Soldier Stationed in Philipines
Would Like 10 Invest in
Local Lots.
Many letters are from time to time
received by the Commercial club from
many foreign places, inquiring as to
conditions here, indicating that with
in the next feu seasons or about the
time of the San I'Yaueiseo fair, there
will be a great influx of settlers into
l bis section. At least tin's is the
opinion of prophets.
The following letter from James V.
Sexton, of Company "1 1" Fifteenth In
fantry, stationed at Manila, Philip
pine 1 la nils, as a first class sample
of the 'special kind of letters: "Would
like to invest in bits in Albany. Can
you put me in touch with some real
'. state dealer who has a subdivision in
your city. I would not want less
than 50 feet frontage and in a good
location. Any literature you send me
will be appreciated." The receipt of
such letters would strongly indicate
that Albany is on the map at any
Declare All State Institutions
Come Under Scope of
' Recent Legislation.
Mai nten ance Appropriations
Will Be Insufficient Under
Eight-Hour Ruling.
(By United Press Association)
Saiein, Dec. 23. Sweeping in scope,
the members of the supreme court of
Oregon today handed down their
opinion on the eight-hour law, passed
in Oregon by initiative petition and
e-cnacied by tiie state legislature,
leciaring that it applies to all state
inplnyees. The effect of this inter
re. ation will be to place all slate
institutions on an eight hour bais.
AH employees arc limited to 4S hours
per week. State officials declare this
will cause a deficiency of the main
tenance appropriation of every state
The Stage Is All Set for Great
Public Event at Cleveland,
Cleveland, Dec. 23. When Cleve
landers awoke today the stage was
set for one of the greatest public cel
ebrations the city lias ever known.
The celebration is to be known aa
Community Christinas and Cleveland
lias the honor of being one of the
first big cities in the country to in
augurate tiie idea.
A Christmas tree almost fifty feet
high, decorated profusely with toys
and varicolored electric bulbs, has
been placed on the big Public Square
in the center of the city. Band stands
have been erected about it and tonight
the ceremonies will start.
Tiie object of the Conununity
Christmas is to combine the activities
and make the giving of Christmas
cheer to the poor and needy a matter
of civic duty, n the past the Associ
ated Charities, Salvation Army, Vol
unteers of America and other charit
able societies have separately min
istered to tiie needy.
This year a committee of thirty-five
prominent citizens including Mayor
Baker and Lieutenant Governor
Greenlund, took charge of all charit
able activities and they boast that
A fe
a. ,
i raising
wee );s :
placed (
k in tie C'-minun'rv
es sold for
scares oi
company. The
The certificates were made, on: in
due legal form. They stated that hei
Community Christina:; company I
would return the original investment,
with interest, not in money, but in j
satisfaction a feeling hat your in-j
vestment had gone to make some I
unfortunate pei son or family happy
on the day on which was declined
"Peace on Earth and Good Will to
Men." The stock sold, even beyond
the expectations of some of the most
enthusiastic beckcrs.
On Christmas eve a great canvas
screen will be spread at one side of
the public square and upon it will be
thrown the words of patriotic and
Yuletide songs. There will be speech
es and bands about the big Christmas
tree, while an elaborate program has
been arranged by various singing so
cieties. There has been established a holi
day "clearing house" and Clcveland
ers have been asked to send the names
of needy families to the committee
in charge, which will prepare the lists
sent in, eliminate duplications and see
that every needy person in the city
is supplied with food and clothing.
The tree will be lighted nightly un
til Xcw Year. On New Year Eve
another cede lira t ion will take place
Body Found Frozen Like Statue,
Leaped from Bridge Which
Spans Big River.
(By L'nited Press Association)
Minneapolis, Dec. 23. Standing
iike a statue in the ice in the Mis-is-.-:ppi
rivi r, only about a halt block
iv.Mii t.- municipal Christina tree,
it wel; dressed woman about ti.irty
five years of age was found frozen
She had evidently jumned from the
bridge which spans tiie river at a
point near wiiere t lie body was
found. She broke through the ice as
far as her waist and died from ex
posure. One arm was broken and the
oilier extended above her head as it
gesticulating and was undoubtedly
calling for help when she was over
come. The firemen were compelled
to chop the body from the ice. The
woman was expensively dressed.
Supreme Court Delays Decision.
(By United Press Association;
Washington, Dec. 22. The mem
bers of the supreme court adjourned
today until January 5th without de
ciding any of the important pending
cases. t
Marshal Shot from Ambush.
Prof. Franklin left today for Salem
where he will attend tiie meeting of
the state teachers' associatfon
which is expected to replace the hilar
ious scenes in cafes and hotels which
have characterized the observance of
holidays in pn-vious years.
Paris, Dec. 23. 'Convicted last
week of a series of thefts which he
inspired his dog to eouunitl, Wilhelm
Volkamps, a (termini baker, today
beiian serving a sentence of thirty
days. A t Volkamp's trial it was
shown that he had subsisted eight
months on choice cuts of beef, poul
try, fish and sausages which he had
taught his dog to steal from neigh
boring shops. The dog has been ad
opted by the gendarme who arrested
its master. An effort will be made
to reform it.
Tonight there will be four sanies of
aketb.ill played at tiie Y. M. C. A.
Kyni. Teams composing the recently
m ianized b-a L;ue will batte and a ot
m" fun is expected. The tour im:ih
will only last a it le over an hour
The teams re; re-cuud are the
bankets, men, hii;h school,
college, httMUe-s men, seniors am! in
:e r mediates. There are only spven
ti.uns in the league but the seniors
have two teams. Kach team is in
play a short ;,iute. The idea of the
i our nar, lent i to promote interest m
: he game and iuore athletic -pint
! ; I.! ,' :"..".'Nts of ll;e a-oc'a-
i '. in i j,.!Pe w.d co-nun- vc
.; S o'clock
S dem. O:-., I c -V. - Coventor
We- i- f ii": to b u ' c-.n .;
uti's a pbvsi. , n '
w hi skew Pi strict At tovm !' o .
to: y are reported to be re i : . a i:o,.I
en hat est bv w - .iue: !: c :x' .on
lor thir-ty citizens P e i;oerroi
' .. . -e ei it i '. ('..' ipiioi's to -aow that
a ii'i -i 'i n is .'oiri; -iK'b a
'..y.-e 1 1 i to ao;,l ihe labor oi
Warranty Deeds.
Mary Jcnks et al to F. E and J. S.
Jeuks, Nov. 29, 1913. Lands in Tit.
12, S. R. 4 cast, $10.
Robert L. Burkhart and wife to
W. V. Merrill and wife, Dec. 17, 1913.
Lands in block 11 Iiurkhart Park Add
to Albany, ?10.
City Cemetery Association to Mar
g.iretlia Karstens, Oct. 6, 1913. Lot in
City Cemetery, $35.
1". K. Jenks et at to li. M. and O.
II. Jenks. Nov. 29, 1913. Lauds in
claim 52, Tp. 12. S. R. 3 west, $10.
Nathan Talbert ami wife to V. liiud
ing, Dec. 19, 1913, Lands in block 8,
in Hackelman's 4th Add to Albany,
Salem Banker Dead.
(By L'nited Pros Association)
Salem. Or.. Dec. 23. Asliael Hnsn,
millionaire hanker and pioneer of the
Willamette valley died here today.
He wa sio years of age.
vS- (!) (!) 1 S CS 5 a
News cn This Page is '
i'luin Ditily ttsiie ot
9 Li")?j!iSJli8l
SftOTe Will E Gpeim TcgBuft
Hf yiwa Haavs not decadedl wlnat Ito Her, d"o so righft mow, rnmalke aft
We have a great special ou Wool Dress Goods Today and Tomorrow only. Beau
tiful shades iu first class, seasonable suiting-, materials that will stand the "wear and
You want to get something" nice, and at the same time are interested in saving
money, alright, here you are
55 oBJloa'
&cui U.'
only. Special aft
gcdy &nd irg!ui!air
frnmpviyiywvy (a
D1 SpEOsil foir ftodlay anadl ftmonrwDirssedl Dolls,
praftftj faces, irasaftly dressed, owe special at 19c,
exra special NOW 10c
Tomorrow (WesJasesdlay) only Bath Robes for Ladies' amd Men. A!3
ladlies' baih rofeea are included, also all men's. Good heary Bath Robes for
man, regular $7.E0, at $4.98, $5.00 at $3.98.
Remnants (i f Jl ft. Q ! Watch
Wednesday '. Qj Secia!s
V 1 .i' filing ul r.miMit in
t';i- ill ',iui.. s'l vpiu .l.'' H'lHW -
l-' I ..ini Kit I'ii-i hum Minn i
ritlll.Hlll tO 1-lt t'l M' il.ts
U. M. TitMiks w.i-i ;i ('.is-iv.or tl;'.s
imirmntt lor Poitltml t iUtinl Im i
' i"( J
IViS ii Iff I iITiii iT UHi MVi I 11
I Great Success.
; 'ivvuty iw f IiiKh i'ii in C.uit.ii.i
, .it tlu 1 riun!,uHl. ;i t;re;U '
kV will ' ri'jK'.iU'il ttnij4!;l.
" 1'iu' Otnii'iiu'." a most bevu tii'ui
' tn.i'..i:i;a:.i. pr-i-nti'il iy loctl
. t'tit l.i-t t o 1 1 1 : i . oi if giami ;ic-
Mi-s ll.ullfy In-, ifrl.iinly ?.!ir,
1 !u-ril: to !u- a tliuvior ot t;re.i: .iliiliiy
j ami ffry c'iiKl i!oii: Ins or Iut
, in a i;iol ihm;. ;i;a:;iu". i uriii
; ' i- cnu-! t.M:;i:u'iit. .i .iny iu-u: i i: li I ni.-i-j
oilics were ri'iuieroil by Mis Allnria
ll.ulUy, ami the ciioni.- oi 25 Uval
! Toyoilu'r with most Nuititt:l sta;c
i k 1 I I itt cK-i-'
meal eneeis. iiu was pronoinu'ed o
hv tiie nraiulet ueeess ot anytiiii';
iever een here m ttie w.iv ot local ui-
niai.i was -is-aiMau-e
a.uit tonii;!u
no were tiu
; iieir ehiKireii
s. Mr.
ir.l last
l be heard
at s diiiereri.
aiul 10 cents.
Jadc i'il!ijm Galloway
: I'lANO t'ASK ami orcaiv, cood con
; d.:io:i. I o- ak e!-e r.v Pa v men:.
) it desired. R. II. Ka'.r.-. l.V Ve:
1 t s t ( nc ;oi -R
V R. Shinn. M. P.. (U.cas of
tf ami ear a prcialtv. Eves ttsted
.oid $reetat ie yitaranteed a perfect
int. Any 5ivie of leime or frame. Of-!
I fir e over Cu&irk bank. wk 9tf I
On Christmas Merchandise
Handkerchief Special
Two lots of ladies' handkerchiefs,
dainty designs, special . .Sc and 12 '2c
Ladies' 3")c Handkerchiefs'
an extra good value at the regular
price, now 25c each
Special Prices
on all ladies' and children's sweaters.
The best line in town to choose from.
Turn's Ait.",
supporters and suspenders, in fancy
'.unit wood boxes 25c to 65c box
Lsdics' Breakfast Caps
in dimity or lace, 75c each
Ladies' Silk Hose
extra values, 50c to S2.00 pair
Ilrnd Paces
. ery latest styles 25c to S6.00 ea.
Agents for
Agents for
Kaho Reducing