The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, December 23, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Act Shsuld Do Much to Pre
vent Panics and Shortage of
Money Is Claim.
Grtat Improvement Over Leg
felatien Now en Statute Beek6
Ic Verdiet.
Continued from Saturday, Lee. 20.
Agreed in the statement that the
new currency bill which passed the
senate yesterday is a decided improve
ment over legislation now on the
statute hooks covering this subject,
heads of the local hanking houses
here this afternoon gave out inter
views in which they pay tribute to the
administration and in the main, ap
proved of the provisions of the new
The statements 01 the local bankers
are printed below:
Statement of A. C. Schmitt.
"Replying to your inquiry as to
what my views arc on the currency
bill as it passed the senate yesterday,
beg to state that I think the senate
hill has been greatly improved over
the house bill, ami I would particular
ly mention the following points:
"The way the bill stands now in
stead of going into effect within nine
ty days after its final passage it will
go into effect as soon as convenient.
We all know what a time the gov
ernment has had with the income lax
measure, it went into effect before
all the details were arranged for, and
it has been a very difficult thing to
get the matter straightened out. In
as important a measure as 1 lie cur
rency bill is the details should all be
arranged for and worked out before
it becomes effective.
"Under the senate hill there will b
from eight to twelve regional banks
instead of a definite number of twelve.
"AH national banks are required to
subscribe an amount equal to one
filth of their capital stock to the cap
ita! stock of the new regional banks
which are to be established in Af
ferent parts of the country, but the
national banks w ill have the privilege
of electing six out of the nine direc
tors which govern these regional
hanks, that is each regional hank has
nine directors, an, I the national banks
located in the district surrounding
each regional hank are entitled to elect
mx out of these nine directors.
"Under the measure as passed by
the house the national banks were to
elect only three out of the nine direc
tors. "There is to he a central federal
hoard composed of seven members,
which arc appointed by the president,
an. I this board has control and su
pervision over all the regional banks.
Il is likely that there will he just one
regional hank on the I'acitic Coast,
anil that it will be located at San
h'r.incisco. In that event the banks
of Oregon will all be in the district
of the regional bank located at San
"The senate bill also raised the
amount of reserve required from re
gional hanks from thirty-three and
one-third per cent to forty per cent
against the proposed paper currency
that these regional banks are going
to issue.
"As the bill now stands the member
banks of the reserve system will have
the privilege of re-discounting com
mercial paper that runs for six
months, instead of ninety days as pro
vided by the house bill.
"National banks are also given the
privilege of making farm loans to
run for a period of five years.
"The senate added a provision to
tlie bill creating a fund to guarantee
the deposits of failed banks that are
meniheis of the newly created reserve
"'o United States Senator, repre
sentative in congress or officer or di
rector in any member bank can be
come a member of the central federal
reserve board. This last provision
prevents the Wall Street bankers
from asserting too much influence in
the management of the financial af
fairs of the country.
"There are still some things in the
incisure that are objected to bv the
financial interests at large. How
ever, the measure as it now stands, and
it is likely to be passed by congress,
when put up for final passage, is so
much of an improvement over the bill
as originally drawn up that nearly all
The Democrat Wants a List of
the Needy and a List of the
Arc you a "Good Fellow?"
Would you like to make glad
the heart of children whose life
has been cursed by the blight of
poverty? Would you like to
bring Xmas cheer into the
homes of those who are less for
tunate than yourself? Would
you like to show a little Chris
tian charity to the little folks
who may not receive a visit from
Santa Claus? If you would,
send in your name and address
to the Democrat, stating in the
letter the number of children
you care to remember Xmas.
Dc you know of any child in
your neighborhood who may be
neglected? Can you send in to
the Democrat the name and ad
dress of some poor child who
would appreciate a visit from the
"good fellows" of Albany?
Every subscriber is asked to
cooperate in this work. A list
of the needy is as essential as a
list of those who a-e willing to
join the "Good Fellows'" club.
The Democrat will simply fur
nish the "good fellows" with the
names of the children who are
More Die of Typhoid at Cm
traliaMany More New
Cases Reported.
According to word received in Al
bany today, the tlaiiKnter of Rev.
Ployd Doris, of Central..-,, and grand
(.aughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Tfeiffer, of
this chy, is considerably better. Re
cently she was taken ill with typhoid
Il is said that two more deaths as
the result of Lhe epidemic and several
more cases of the disease were report
ed in Ceutralia this morning. Korty
new cases were reported yesterday.
Mrs. llattie Zarkham and J. II.
Campbell died during the night.
Campbell was a barber, and the local
barbers' union has taken charge of
the body.
The funeral of Mrs. McFarland,
who died Wednesday night, was held
this afternoon under the auspices of
the Royal Neighbors and Ladies of
The report has been circulated
through the stale that Ceutralia is
plague-infested, and as a result trav
elers are shying clear of the city.
There is no danger of contagion from
the disease, it is said, and every pre
caution is being taken and every de
tail supplied for the care of those
stricken vit.h the disease.
hanks throughout (lie country will
find it to their interests to support it,
and will wait for future legislative eu-.K-tuivnts
to correct the defects in the
"Kvcrything considered it is a re
markably good measure, and every
patriotic citien of this country should
Mippmi it, and thus help to maintain
public confidence in our government
and in financial affairs generally This
bill is the result of an honest effort
on the part of the administration, and
if it will accomplish what it was in
tended for, we can not have another
financial panic, such as the one of
Statement of E. D. Cusick
"The bankers of this country have
long wanted a currency measure and
have been the main force back of the
moveim-nt. A great majority of them
favored the Aldrioh bill, believing it
to be the result of expert opinion,
based upon economic law, applied to
present conditions. We believe the
lilass-Oweu bill, now being adopted,
is instead a political measure, ami
lias some objectionable features.
, I low ever, I think there are many
good feature's in the law and that the
results will be an improvement over
pi oent conditions. 1 f part of the
law arc unworkable, it can be amend
ed and I hcliee that we shall be
more free from panics and shortage
of money in the future. The redis
count feature of the law will allow
bank to realize money in times of
stringency and thus help to avert a
Statement of Wm. Bain.
"The passage of the new currency
httl is a step in the right direction.
When propei ly adjusted it honht
mean a great advancement in the fi
nancial condition of the United ,
S:atvs." I
Albany Postoffice Will Handle
Volunin of Parcels in
Plenty of Time.
Never Before in World's History
Were Holiday Counters
So Tempting.
WHth the help of two extra clerks,
several messengers, clerks working
overtime, an auto delivery, two sub
delivery stations and a Christmas
morning delivery, every effort pos
sible will be made to handle the
Christmas rush at the Albany post of
fice in time and the authorities are
tonfident that they will accomplish
Two extra clerks have been em
ployed for the rush, several messen
gers are engaged and kept busy as
bees, clerks of the regular force are
working ovetime and Jud Ross' au
aulomobilc mail transfer car will be
pressed into service to deliver the
packages in the main sections of the
city. Sub stations will be established
at Gcrdes store at Ninth and Elm
streets in the West end and at Metts
and Calavans drug store at Main and
Third streets in the East end. Par
cels will be delivered at these places in
'the bulk and distributed by messen
gers. Although it is customary that
the carriers have a whole day holiday
on Christmas, arrangements have
been made for a morning delivery.
With Uncle Sam taking the bulk
of the business by means of the par
cels post, and express companies mak
ing sturdy bids to the public for pat
ronage, Christmas gifts by the thous
ands arc being shipped from Albany
to all parts of the country, and to
many foreign lands. From present
indications, it appears as if the local
post office will collect a revenue of
about $1200 through Chris'tmas busi
ness of the parcel post. Yesterday,
the parcel post clerks took in ahout
$200 and those who know the whims
of the Christmas shopper agree that
tc real rush has not begun.
The daily receipts have varied from
day to d.iy during the past week. The
tore part of the week the business was.
estimated to be over $100 a day bu
now the .iternge is considerably high
er Kxpress c-nnjianles, while admitting
;: the parcel p st i.hs cct into their
buiiness, report a t-nsk business, nev
ertheless. Managers of the Wclls
Kargo, Great Northern and Adams
companies all say that the business is
exceptionally good considering the, cir
cumstances. This Christmas 'season has been
marked as one in many. Crowds
have been everywhere. Merchants
generally report business as splendid.
As far as can be learned everything
is reported as moving along tine. Ad
ditional clerks have been added to
nearly every store and then it has
been a rush in many cases to handle
the crowds.
Never have there been such fasci
nating toys on the market toys to
fit every purse, dolls from a penny to
$50, mechanical toys from 10 cents
to $T, the latter being the price of
the fine new battleship, which with
colors flying looks ready to embark
for a trip around the world. Subma
rines may be had for from $1 to $3.
though it is probable the United
States navy isn't aware of this and
will keep on spending millions. All
others toys ami Christmas goods can
be stated comparatively and it would
take a good sized volume to tell of
all that comes to one's imagination,
when filled with the happy Vulctide
Joe Ralston returned today from a
, business trip to Portland.
I Chris Myhre. of Junction City,
j transacted business here this niorn
j ing.
I Elmer Churchill arrived this morn
ing from Portland where he is attend
j ing Hill Military Academy to spend
the holidays at home.
l'l N'. CS1" a:ul orv-i'i. cood con-
lition. For .i!c ciic.uv I'.ivmcnts
if desired R II Kalt?. l.V Wt.i
.'i'.l Si . All.anv. Orcg., Phone 51-K
w lVc t '-:.!-..'(,
W. K Shinn. M D., nl.ei... of
t tnd r specialty. Fim tutad
and apctcla guarantied a ptrfeet
fit Any trl of Itone or frame. Of
lara ovtr Cuik bank. wk tf
Judge Kelly Today Sustained
Demurrer Interposed Against
Through a decision rendered
today by Judge Kelly, in the suit
of the city of Albany against W.
II. .MeColderick and the Title S
Guaranty & Surety Company, a
Pennsylvania corporation, jthe
plaintiff corporation virtually
wins the suit.
It grew out of the granting of
a gas franchise to the defendant
some time ago. In turn a bond
of $1000 was giren to insure op-
erations on the plant within a $
specified time. When the defen-
dant failed to comply with the
provisions of the franchise the
city instituted the suit to collect
the bond.
The case has been pending for
some time in court. Sometime 8
age the plaintiff municipal cor-
poration entered a demurrer to
the first and second further and
separate answers of the defend-
ants. This morning this demur-
rer was sustained by Judge Kel-
Iy in his decision and the case 9
is virtually ended. It is under-
stood that both parties will rely
on the demurrer and that the
case is settled.
Fayetteville, Or., Dec. 20. (Special
to Democrat.) Wylie Lamar of Pe
oria left Fayetteville on the noon
train Monday for an extended visit
with his mother in Tennessee. He
will also visit old friends in Missouri,
his old home.
Mrs. Lawson and Mrs. Saxon made
a business trip to Shedd Monday.
There were several Russians ar
rived in Fayctteville Monday night
to join the Russian colony that are
settled two miles southwest of here.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon returned
from their eastern trip Tuesday, and
report a very enjoyable time.
John and Glen Curtis visited at
Cartney between trains Thursday, be
ing the first to take advantage of the
Christmas rates.
The Greenback Social Imnrovement
club met with Mrs. Stella Painter
Thursday and spent the day in sew
ing. A grand dinner was served.
There were twenty-four present.
Wednesday, the following named
took the train for Albany: Mr. War
ner, Wilbur Acheson, Roy Myers,
Claire Higby, also Mr. and Mrs. Tas.
Johnson, who went to Albany to at
tend the sixtieth wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hiatt.
Sheridan Smith and Leighton Bayne
returned from their trip to Lak
Miss Meda lirown took the noon
train for 'Albany Thursday.
Claire and Betha McCormick are
having a rest from high school duties
the latter part of this week.
Two lots of ladies'
dainty designs, special
Ladies' 35c Handkerchiefs
an extra good value at the regular
price, now 25c each
Special Prices
on all ladies' and children's sweaters.
The best line in town to choose from.
Agents for
Will Dynamite Entrances to
City Federals at Mercy
If They Succeed.
t Hy United Press Association)
Mexico City, Dec. 2U. Rebels are
advancing in earnest upon Tampico
today bent on capturing it. Reports
have it that fighting has already be
gun, but this has not been authenti
cally received at the war office as yet.
Indications are that .the pending bat
tle will be much fiercer than the pre
vious one. The rebels are strength
tntd in their determination to liter
ally wipe Tampico and the federals
bivouaced' there off the map of Mex
ico. They are planning to dynamite
every avenue of escape from the city,
and doubtless the next few hours will
transform the battle-site into a veri
table sea of carnage. If tbey suc
ceed in gaining entrance to the city,
the federal garrison will be at their
mercy if mercy they show. The fed
erals cannot now ,evacuate their de
fenses and as the rebels are strongly
reinforced it seems highly probable
the outcome will record the defeat of
the state forces.
Mrs. Bachmeyer of Sixth and Mont
gomery streets was hotsess to the
young ladies of her Sunday school
class, the Deborah class, at a seven
o'clock dinner on Wednesday. The
rooms were prettily decorated with
holly and mistletoe and the dining ta
ble looked attractive wfth Oregon
grape, place cards and candles. After
dinner the evening was ipleasantly
passed in contests and music. Cov
ers were laid for Misses Dorris Mc
Clain, Loma Chambers, Sadie Smith,
Nora Ashton, Ella Meade, Emma
Rice, Lulu Heist, Lillian Bowles, Ed
na Smith and Mesdames D. H. Leech
and Bachmeyer.
a c tt
Misses Hutchinson and Blackwell
were hostesses to the members of the
Monday club this week at Tremont
Hall. Professor Hans Flo presided
and Judge Hewitt read an interest
ing paper on "The World's Peace,"
which was followed by a discussion
lead by Dr. Sharp and Professor
White. At the close of the evening,
a dainty collation was served.
S 9
The "500" Club met with Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Pirtle of Ferry street on
Tuesday. Cards was the diversion of
the evening, the prizes, being won bv
Mrs. T. V. S. Ballantync and Dr. 11.
J. Kavanaugh. The hostess served
choice refreshments at the close of
the ercning's games.
The ILadies' Aid Society of the
Christian church gave a tea at the
Wednesday, at her home on West
Fourth street. Sewing was the diver
sion of the afternoon, followed by
0 e
The T. K. club members met with
Mrs. William Prohl on Oak street on
Thursday. The ladies passed the af
ternoon in sewing and a social hour.
Piano selections were rendered by
Misses McFcnan and Coc and en
joytd by all. Mesdames Truman
Babb and Charles Scott were elected
new members. Mrs. Howe was an
honored guest. At the close of the
On Christmas Merchandise
. .8e and 12'2e
afternoon, the hostess served a dainty
collation. The next meeting of '.he
club will take place on January Sill
at the heme of Mrs. W. H. Sharp and
all members are urged to be present.
The Shakespeare club met in its
regular session wiih Mrs. Franklin
on Thursday. Mrs. Bodine spoke on
"The handling of dialogue in The
Comedy of Errors, the suspense, in
terest and Shakespeare's art." A very
interesting paper on "The comic ele
ment in the play and comparison to
Much Adoo About Nothing," was read
by Mrs. L. E. Hamilton. A very
good and able discussion of "Woman
hood in the play" was given by Mrs.
C. W. Tebault.
Mrs. Alton Coats of Seventh and
Broadalbiu streets was hostess to the
members of the Wednesday Book
club this week. Each lady brought a
Christmas present to put on a tree,
and at the close of the afternoon, the
gifts were exchanged, which was fol
lowed by dainty refreshments. The
hostess complimented on this occa
sion Mesdames B. R. Wallace, Fran
ces Coats, LcRoy Wood and Miss
Becker. ,
Miss Lucile Snyder entertained the
members of her sewing club on
Thursday, at her home on Washing
ton street. The young ladies passed
an enjoyable evening in sewing, after
which the hostess served a dainty re
past. e e e
Miss Willctta Wright left this noon
for Payette, Idaho, for a two weeks'
visit with her sister, Mrs. Nelson
9 9
The Tri Sigmas, a club composed
of students o f the Albany High
school met with Mr. Lee Hulbert of
Elm street on Wednesday . The
young people passed the evening in
playing games, after which refresh
ments were served.
The Ladies of the Baptist church
met on Thursday with Mrs. J. S. Mor
gan on Jefferson street for a "silver
tea." 'A short musical program was
given by Mrs. Paul Beugiman, Mrs.
Frank Powell and Mrs. H. Logan,
alter which a dainty collation was
Mesdames B. R. Wallace and Le
Roy Wtood were hostesses to the
ladies of the Tuesday club at a one
o'clock luncheon at the Wallace
home on Seventh street on Tuesdav.
The H. D. W. club met with Mrj.
F. K. Churchill on Thursday. A
pleasant afternoon was passed in
sewing, followed by refreshments. !
Invitations were issued this week
for the Alpha Omega dance to be
given New Year's night in the Arm
ory. Hcndcrshott's orchestra (Eug
ene) will play and many out-of-tow.i
folks will be in the city for the affair.
Mr. and Mrs. George Prichard of
Loma, Montana are receiving con
gratulations upon the arrival of a
baby girl, born Friday morning in
Great Falls, Montana. Mrs. Prich
ard was formerly Miss Rhoda Stal
naker of this city.
The Twilight club met with Mrs.
Frank Caldwell on Tuesday for a
five o'clock supper. The young ladies
passed the evening in sewing and a
social hour.
The Baracas and Busy Bee classes
of the Baptist church gave a social
in the church on Friday. Games and
music was the diversion of the even
ing and refreshments serevd.
Invitations were issued this week
by the Albany Military club, for a
dance 'to be given in the Armory
next Monday evening, following the
This week the Elks issued invita
tions for a dance to be given Monday
evening, December tv, ctv-ninth in
the Elks' hnl .
Men's Ant. Bands
supporters and suspenders, in fancy
urnt wood boxes 25c to 65c box
Ladies' Breakfast Caps
in dimity or lace 75c each
Ladies' Silk Hose
extra values 50c to $2.00 pair
Hand Bap
:-i ti e very latest styles 25c to $6.00 ea.
Agents for
Kabo Reducing