The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, December 19, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly
Editor and Publisher
Entered at the postoflice at Albany,
OreKn. as 8ccunl-cl;tps matter.
Published every evening except Sun
day. Semi-weekly published Tuca
days and Fridays,
Address all coimnunicalimis and make
all remittances payable to the Dein
crat Publishing Co.
In uidcriiiK changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as
veil as new address.
Delivered by carrier, per wcek....$ 10
Uclivtreu by carrier, per year 4.(10
ij mail, at end of year - 3.5l)
iiy mail in advance, per year 3.00
At end of year $1.50
When paid in advance, ine year.... 1.25
i ) i-1 li KATES
It per word for first publication; Jc
prr word thereafter, payable in ad
v;nieo. Mininium chare of 25c.
Established in 1205.
The starting of an entirely new sys
tem of making fruit shipments to the
coast ami abroad this ear by the
Northwestern l-'ruit Exchange of this
city lias already saved growers on
shipments to Germany alone $11,340.
This saving in the cost of trans
porting apples to market was innde
because the services of the refrigera
tor companies were dispensed with.
H cost 10c a box for rail refrigerator,
to the east and 12 1-2 cents additional
for refrigerator to Europe. Tihis is
a total cost of 22 1-2 cents a box and
fu sonic instances is the dividing line
between profit and loss to shippers.
Up to this time practically all of
Ihe Jonathans and other soft fruit
was sent out from the Pacific North-j
west under refrigeration. That was;
the old system and it was generally
accepted up to this season as the
proper method.
The Northwestern Fruit Exchange
.shipped HO cars of apples to flic Ger
man market alone this season, there
fore, the saving on these from the
new system alone is $11,340 or 22 -2
cents a box. Hcsidcs these shipments
to Germany, t'here are numerous ship
ments to England under the new sys
tem but the number of cars sent in
that direction without refrigeration
this season is unknown at this time.
The saving of 22 1-2 cents a box
hi the cost of marketing Pacific
Northwest apples is a very big thing
tu itself. If the system is generally
adopted it will mean Ihc saving of
many thousands of dollars by grow
ers of this section alone. Huge sums
arc paid annually to the railroads for
this service and it has now been
found that in most instances it lias
been simply throwing that much
Again the Albany Commercial club
has gone on record as favoring the
improvement of the Willamette river
according to the recommendations
contained in the report of Major Me
ludoe filed during the month of De
cember, 1910.
In this report Melndoc asserted
that the sum of $245,000 would cover
Ihc cost of mvesaiy improvements
between Corvallis and Oregon City.
Mated thai in his judge
ment the improvement of the rivet
between llanisburg and Eugene was
impi acucahle
In September t'MJ the
Club of Albany endorsed the report i
and asked the Government to make
the improvements .uvoiding to the re
commendations contained in that doc
ument. In October of the same year
Con g i ess man I law lev appeared be
loie the Commercial club and --poke in
ta or ol his "pet" plan tor an cx-
pensive serie- of locks and dams be
tween Oregon t il y and Km; cue, A
survey was made and a few weeks a no
the t io vein men t engineers reported
unfavorably upon the plan proposed
by I law ley.
Thus has a year's time been lost.
Not hiug has been done towards the
impunemeiit ot the Willamette rier
and the people ol this section ot he
Mate are no ne.iier an open iiei than
P'ev were when Congressman llawlev
first assumed his oath ol of lice.
Nad llawlev accepted at its actual
value the report of Melndoc tiled in
I'MO and applied himself to the work
of obtaining an appi opi iatmn tor the
purposes therein set forth, it is more
than probable that, his efforts won hi
have been crowned with success.
In October I'M-' llawlev was a can
tttate for re-election. 1 1 is golden
dream of an expensive series ot locks
and dams betw ecu T'ugcne and t re
gou City bad a pleasing sound to the
otei s in the ieinity of T'ugcne. It
w as good politics and doubtless was
the means of securing many a vote
for the gentleman who now repre
sents this district in the lower house
of Con g r ess. It did not how ever,
have the i ight ring to the people in
Albany in 1 11 1 J. and inee the more
recent report of the Government en
gineeis will doubtless not inspire any
undue enthusiasm among the voters
bet w ecu I Ian isbm g and l;,.i :cie.
llawlev has tailed to make good on
bi pie (lection piediciiou and his al
so failed to MViirr the amuop
i ia t ton of $J rceoinuu mL d by
It is now up to Mr. llawlev to do
mh.ici hiug. 'The people ol the il
lamctte Valley want no more pre
election fairy tales. They desire and
insist upon tangible results. If Haw
.cy is either unable or unwilling to
give the people an open river to
Portland, it will not be difiicul1. to
iind m me man m this congressional
district who will take a more active
inierot in representing the. desires
and w, ol his constituents.
Jordan, Or., Dec. 13. (Special to
Democrat.) Mr. Newt lliomas went
10 Salem by way of Kingston and
rrank Koliwcin 'uas Deen doing con
sidcrable blasting on a piece of soap
ilonc rock road between his place and
win. lirotherton s.
John liender spent most of the week
m Albany on business.
Mrs. Hill Jlobbon and Mr. and Mrs.
Eou Thomas of Stayton visited over
sutHiay with Harvey Slielton.
'I'ne church holiday Monday caused
unite a lew absences m school.
Quite a number of local hunters
accompanied by a number of hounds
started out after a bear which had
been reported in a nearby orchard, but
liruin tailed to appear that evening.
The hunters, however, contented
themselves with a nest of coons con
sisting of six fine specimens.
John Slielton went to Albany Mon
day with a large load of clover seed,
.viiich he intends to store.
The Salem tiling people were up
looking for a probable location. They
received quite a bit of encouragement,
from local people.
Scio, Dec. 17 (Special to Demo
crat,) Postmaster Vv. 1. Gill went
to Portland i hursday where he wiil
purchase new show cases lor use in
tne new store.
Airs. P. II. McDonald was a pav
sutger to Lebanon Thursday, where
she wsited her sister, Mrs. L. M.
J J. Ilarnes and daughter, Miss
ellie of Siayion were business visi
a here Wednesday.
i.I is. A, E. Randall was a passen
ger tu Lebanon Thursday.
I. G. Cary was a Portland visitor
Hi r. and M rs. K. Slielton attended
the stock show at Portland last week.
Aiiss C. Hump spent the week end
in Salem.
Prof. Al. S. Lovelace was a pa
enger to A many l-nday.
Afiss Minnie Soiicek, who has I teen
nt Lebanon lor some tune, is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joint joit
cek. juliu Leffler was in Albany Saiur
i!ay where he wrote on the examina
tion tor the position of rural mail
carrier at I larrislmrg.
Roy (Jill oi Spokane made a flying
visit Sunday with his parents, y .-.
and Mrs. M. C. Cilt.
Mat Smith of Crab tree was doing
business here Monday.
Ai r. and M rs. Geo. It latch ford of
Shclburn were business visitors in
Scio Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Peltit returned
home Monday after visiting relatives
in Corvallis.
Word was received Friday night
froiii Washington auuouncin gthe ap
pointment ol l-'.lmo Sims, of this place
in the position of rural mail carrier
on route 2, here.
Otto Cotuptun, who has been here
several davs with relatives, returned
Monday to Albany.
... C. Wade is moving the pool
room and express office to the build
ing rece vacated by llibbler &
Gill Co.
A skylight will soon be installed
in the Scio State Hank.
Joint Wesely . was a passenger to
Albany Monday.
Kobert I tonkins arrived here last
lueeu- iron. Montana and is visiting
his sister, Mrs. L. V, Charles.
i Mis Cecil Sturges of Kilev. who
has been here visiting her grand-
mother several months, leu last week
ami was m.irrieil in aueouver,
Misses Uos.i and Stella Young have
gone to Ashland for the bene lit ol
the former's health.
I lie Masonic Lodge of this place
elected officers Saturday. Thev were
Master. Geo. Grillir.; iSr. Warden,
lohn Urock; ch'C K. D. Mvers; Trea.
W, A. Kwing; Tiler. A. K. Randall;
and Marshall. K. C. Peerv.
M iss I tern ice Morris is spending
this week with her grandmother, Mrs.
S. Morris.
V. I'.. She I ton and wife of lordan
were Scio visitors Tuesdav.
Prank ILibcnuan and wile of Mutu
e 1 1 adiug in town Tuesdav.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. V -Silver-ton
were here on business Tuesdav.
V r. 1 11 is, is . gent for the Columbia
Life i Trust Co.
Sunday Schooy News.
The general attendance at all the
schools is good There were 7ti pres
ent at ti'c r ir st rreshyterian yes
terday. This school has recently been
graded and is doing the standard
woik required bv the educational com
mittee ol the svuod.
Plans are in progress for an elab
orate Christinas observance. The dec
orations will all be placed this week
so they will be in readiness t'oi
next Sabbath as well as for the spe
cial exercises on Christmas.
The members of the school cele
biaied their birthdays In1 contributing
. penny for each year and this mone
is sent lo the bovs' school in West
Attic.i where Kev T'red Ncal. an AI
b nv man, is stationed.
This vear the entire school will con
tribute WM cents in rememhr.uv t o'
Christ's hirthdav which brought "g!ad
tidings ot iov" and "peace on
earth good ill t man."
l et all the tiierds of the -chool
ind the cau-e join in this special of
feiing of loe next Sabbath
Saturday Was Busy Day for
Grangers; Order Is Free
from Debt.
Last Saturday was a busy day for
Grand Prairie Grange No. 10. Two
members were received by card and
seven names were proposed for mem
membership. An unusual event took
place when the treasurer, Thos. Fro
nian announced that the grange was
tree from all debt. Election of offi
cers was held.
From time to time payments Tiave
been made until latel" the last $23
was paid. The note was signed by a
number of members all of whom are
alive except J. I'red Pcebler, held
in fond memory. Iiy a vote of the
grange, the master was authorized tp
burn the note in the presence of the
members, A match was applied and
soon the document, held up by the
master, was consumed, amid hearty
Tthe ladies of the grange served a
splendid dinner, after which the of
ficers for the ensuing vear were elec
ted as follows: Master, C. L. Shaw;
overseer. Otto Froman: lecturer, Clif
ford W. Walker; steward Hcrschel
Payne; assistant steward, Carl Rob
ertson'; chaplain, Cyrus H. Walker;
treasurer, Thos. Froman; secretary,
F. M. Mitchell; gate keeper, Elmer
M iller; Ceres. Georgie Pannington;
Pomona, Golda Combs: lady assist,
steward, Amp Payne Robertson; trus
tees, Charles Walker, Ed Schocl and
John Carnegie.
Installation of officers will be held
on the 2nd Sat.urday in January next,
open to all grangers and invited
Fayettcville, Or., Dec. 14. (Spe
cial to Democrat.) Fayettcville is
booming. Several passengers take the
trains daily, buying tickets to differ
ent points along the line, most of
t'hem going lo the Hub City.
Our agent, L M. Saxton, at the de
pot, is kept busy selling tickets anu
looking alter freight and express.
There is a crowd going and coming
every Saturday, taking advantage of
the week end rates.
Mr. G. W. Leeper of Fortland made
a business trip here to meet come
prospective buyers of some town lots.
If the ileal is made there will be
something doing in Fayettcville.
Some of I'he farmers are busying
plowing this fine weather.
J. F. Miller drove to Corvallis Fri
day. Mr. K, G. Pugh is busy dragging'
the roads.
A number of the M. V.. church la
dies met at I'll e home of Mrs. C. J.
Lawson. December 12 to do some
church work. A pleasant afternoon
was spent together, after the work
was finished. An Aid Society was
organized with eight members, which
will be known as the (greenback Aid
Society. They have a fine set of of
ficers that will keep thigns on the
move. The society will meet with
Mrs. Tod, our president, next month
for work.
Word has been received that Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Gordon will soon be
home from their two months' visit
in Iowa and Uinois.
C. J. Lawson has received his in
surance money all O, K. for the loss
of his prune dryer w hich was burned
in prune drying season.
The older boys of Greenback dis
trict school drove to t'he timber and
brought back a fine flag pole measur
ing about 40 fee'.. We will soon see
Old Glory floating over the school
house as they huve a fine large flag
that the school won at a contest
isme time ago.
Mr. Hillerg Reeves left for a visit
l.i his old home in Virginia a few
days ago, going by the Southern route
through Texas.
.V is Eva Stokes has rented a room
in Albany where he will be found
when not busy waiting for patients.
V of Albany College will be repress
euted at ti e Sexemh Annual Mission
ary convention, which will convene
in Kansas Citv o December 2 be
came known til is morning when .1
bst of the three delegates chosen bv
the s p. idem body was gi en to the
press. Arthur Hodge. Irvine Aeheson
and Mi-s Ima Cuhma;i will repres
ent the local school.
C D. K.iuch of S.i!cm. formerly ot
Albany, a court rc;'or:cr. is in the city
tttcinluii; Jml;.;v ti.illow .ly's session
ol court.
Executrix's Notice.
Notice i 'ini'lty civen th.1: the un
U'ric,iu'd has been duly appointed by
the County Court ot I. inn County.
Oiecon. .is eNc.'iKriv ot the estate ot
!.. W. IVl.inccy. All per
sons luvini: claims ac.unst said cs-t.iti-
.ire l-.i'ieN. required to present
tlic s.iine to the un.l.-: signed at the ol
ive of I.. M. Curl, .it Albany. Ore
con, with pio;H-r .ouccrs thereto!",
itkiu -ix nion:;s from the .'.ate hcre-
HitfJ this I5:!i d.iv of December.
S. .1 DI'l. WCI'.Y,
I.. M Cl'KL.
Attorney for Executrix.
IVo in Jo l.ui J-J-lti
Ichanon, Or., Dec. 13. Miss Helen
V. Crawford, a native of Oregon, on
January 1 will assume 1 lie duties of
city recorder and municipal judge
of Lebanon, to which she was elected
at the recent city election held therej
She also will be clerk of the city coun
cil and she has jurisdiction as a. jus
tice of the peace and a committing
Miss Crawford was born on a farm
a few miles west of Lebanon which
her father, Dr. George F. Crawford,
took up as a donation claim. Later
she was instructor in the Oregon Ag
ricultural College. Five years ago she
came to Lebanon and she owns a
tine peach and walnut orchard of 25
Attorneys A O Woodcock of Eu
gene and W H. Holmnn of Dallas arc
in the city to attend the Harrisburg
local option contest case which is up
for trial
Administratrix Notice.
Notice is hereby given that 'the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istratrix of the Estate of Angus A.
Shaw, deceased, by the County Court
of Linn County, Oregon. Any and
all persons having claims against said
e-tatc are hereby notified to present
the same to Weathcrford & Weather
ford. Attorneys, Albany, Oregon,
within six months from this date, du
ly verified as by law required.
Administratrix of the Estate of An
gus A. Shaw, deceased.
FORD, Attorneys for Admrx.
d5-12-19-26- J2
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the last will and
testament of L. 11. .Montanye, de
ceased, has filed in the county court
for Linn county, Oregon, his final ac
count as such executor, and tiiat Mon
day, the 29th day of December. 1913
at ten o'clock in the forenoon, has beev,
set by said court as the lime for hear
ing of objections to said final accoup
;,nd the settlement of said estat.i.
j. p. ro Hirers,
C. C. BRYANT, Attorney
n 28 d5-12-19.26
In the Circuit Court of th State of
Oregon for the County of Linn.
C. II. Cummings, Plaintiff,
Flora C. Joy, Watson F. Rineunrt,
Ellis W. Rinehirt, Guy S. Rinehlrt
and Frankie Mayer, Defendant!.
To Flora C. Joy, Ellis W. Riuehart
and Frankie Mayer:
In the aame of the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby notified that C. H.
Cummings, the plaintiff herein, is the
holder of Certificate of Delinquency
No. 14, issued on the 30th day of
December, 1908, by the Tax Collector
of the County of Linn. State of Ore
gon, for the sum ot One and 90-100
Dollars, the same being the amount
then due and delinquent for taxes for
the year 1907, together with penalty,
interest and costs thereon upon the
real property assessed to Melissa
Rinehart, of whom you are heirs of
the owner as appears of record, situ
ated in said county and State, and
particularly bounded and described as
follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point 18.98 chains
Fast of the Southwest corner of the
Southeast of Section 13, Town
ship 14, South of Range 5 West, Wil
lamette Meridian, thence running East
10.96 chains, thence North 2275 chains
to the river; thence up river with
meauderings to a point due north of
the beginning; thence South 18.25
chains to the place of beginning, con
taining 22, acres, situated in Linn
County, Oregon.
You are further notified that the
plaintiff has paid taxes on said prem
ises for subsequent years as follows,
all of which payments, together with
the Certificate of Delinquency bear
interest at the rate of fifteen (.15 per
cent, per annum from the date of the
several payments.
Years Rate of
Tax Date Taid Ann. Int.
lW W Mar. 23 1910 $1.87 15Derct.
Mar 24 1910
Mar. 22 1911
Mar. 23 W12
iXV 15 per ct.
.15 15perct.
.S3 15 per ct.
Oct. 6 1913
:.iK) 1 3 per ct
Total amount paid since the issu
ance of the Certificate of Delinquency
is Seven -ind S-1U) Dollars ($;.08V
Said Ftlira C. Joy, Ellis W. Rine
hart and Frankie Mayer, as the heirs
of the owner of the legal title of the
above described property as the same
appears of record, are hereby turtiier
notified that the plaintiff will apply to
the Circuit Court of the County and
State aforesaid for a decree foreclos
ing the lien against the property above
described and mentioned in said cer
tificate. And you are hereby sum
moned to appear within sixty iUs
after the first publication of the sum
mons exclusive of the day of said
firt publication, and defend this ac
tion or pay the amount due as above
shown together with costs and ac
crued interest and in case of your
failure to do so. a decree will he "ren
dered foreclosing the lieu of s.vd tax
es and costs against the land and
premises above named.
This summons is published bv or
der of the Honorable D. H. McKnight,
Judge of County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the county of Linn,
and said order was made and dated
this 11th day of November, W13. and
the date of the first publication t f
this summons is the I4th dav of X -vember.
All process ami papers in this uro
eeedtitgs may be served upon th? un
dersigned residing within the S'ate
of Oreifon, at the address hereafter
Attorney for the Tlaintiff.
Address. Albany. Oregon.
n!4-2!-2S' .15-12-10. 25 J2-9-16
Summons for Publication in Foreclose
ure of Tax Lien.
In the circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Linn County. Depart
ment No. 2.
C. H. Cummings, Plaintiff,
John F. Duncan, Defendant.
To John F. Duncan, the above
named defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon.
You are hereby notified that C. H.
Cummings, the holder of Certificate
ot Delinquency numbered 246 issued
on the 6th day of OctoDer, 1909, by
the Tax Collector of the County of
Linn, State of Oregon, for the amount
of One and S1-10U Dollars, the same
being the amount then due and de
linquent for taxes for the year 1908,
together with penalty, interest and
cokis thereon upon the real property
assessed to you, of which you are the
owner as appears of record, situated
in said County and State, and par
ticularly bounded and described as
follows, to-wit:
beginning 10 chains S. of the NW
comer of Sec. 33, Tp. 12 S. R. 1 W.
of the Will. Merd., thence E. 12.31
chs.; thance S. 1.14 ens.; thence W.
12.31 chs.; thence N. to beginning,
containing 1.74 acres, more or less.
You are further notified that said
C. H. Cummings has paid taxes on
said premises for prior or subsequent
years with the rate of interest on
said amounts as follows:
Years Tax Receipt Rate of
Tax Dt. Pd. No. Ami. lntr.
1909 Mch 24 1910 5340 $1.90 15prct.
1910 Mch 22 1911 5365 3.16 ISperct.
1911 Mch 23 1912 5696 2.76 15perct.
1912 Apr 22 1913 6960 2.31 15perct.
Said John F. Duncan, as the owner
of the legal title of the above describ
ed properly as the same appears of
record, and each of the other per
sons above named are hereby further
notified that C. H. Cummings will
apply to the Circuit Court of' the
County and State aforesaid for a de
cree foreclosing the lien against the
"operty described and mentioned in
said certificate. And you are hereby
summoned to a ar within sixty days
after the first publication of the sum
mons exclusive of the day of said first
publication, and defend this action or
pay the amount due as above shown
together with costs and accrued in
terest and in case of your failure to
do so, a decree will be rendered fore
closing the lien of said taxes and costs
against the land and premises above
This summons is published by or
der of the Honorable D. B. McKnight,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, and said order was made and
dated this 11th day of November,
1913, and the date of the first publica
tion of this summons is the 14 day of
November, 1913.
All process ana papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned residing within the State
of Oregon, at the address hereafter
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address Albany,
n!4-21-2S d 5-13-lf-26 T2-9-16
taramass for Publication in Fera
claaura of Tax Lien.
In the Circuit Court of tile State of
Oregon for Linn County.
Oregon, for Linn County. Depart
ment No. 2.
C. H. Cummings, Plaintiff,
J. W. Menzies, Defendant.
To J. W. Monzies, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon!
You are heroby notified that C. H.
Cuuinu'ngs, the holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 286 issued
on the 7th day of October, 1909, by
the Tax Collector of the County of
Linn, State of Oregon, for the amount
of $3.28 the same being the amount
then due and delinquent for the taxes
for the year 1908, together with pen
alty, interest and costs thereon upon
the real property assessed to you, of
which you are the owner as appears
of record, situated in said County and
State, and particularly bounded and
described as follows, to-wit:
The NE'4 of SE't of Section 3,
Township 12 South, Range 1 East of
Willamette Meridian, Linn County,
You are further notified that said C.
H. Cummings has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent
years with the rate of interest on
said amounts as follows:
Year's Tax Receipts Rate of
Tax Dt. Td. No. Ami. lntr:
19H9 Mch 24 1910 5369 $3.59 15perct
1910 Mch 22 1911 5392 3.93 ISperct
1911 Mch 23 1912 5712 4.80 15 perct
1912 Apr 22 1913 6963 4.74 ISperct.
Said J. W. Menzies, 'as the owner
of the legal title of the above de
scribed property as the same appears
of record, and each of the other per
sons above named are hereby further
notified that C. H. Cummings will
apply to the Circuit Court of the
County and State aforesaid for a de
cree foreclosing the lien against the
I property above described and men-
tioned in said certificate. And you
; are hereby summoned to appear w'ith-
in sixty days after the first ptlhlica
; tion of the summons exclusive of the
! day of said first publication, and de
I fend this action or par the amount
due as above shown together with
costs and accrued interest and in case
of your failure to do so. a decree will
be rendered foreclosing the lien of
said taxes and costs against the land
and premises above named.
This summons is published by or
der of the Honorable D. B. McKnight
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, nud said order was made and
dated this 11 day of November,
ll.i. and the date of :Y first publi
cation of this summons is the 14 day
of November. 1913.
! All process and papers in this pro
i ceding unv be served upon the itn-
:ers:,;ned residing within the Mate of
Oregon, at the address hereafter
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Addres Albany. Oregon.
. nU-21-28 d 5-12-19-26 J2 9-16
Notice to Stockholders.
A meeting of the stockholders of
the Albany Creamery association will
be I. -Id at the creamery in Albany,
Jan. 8, 1914. at 1 p. m. tor the purpose
of electing five directors and the trans
action oi any other business that may
come before the meeting.
dS President.
W dl2-16-19-23-26-30 J 2-6
in the County Court of Linn Coun
.y, Oregon.
In the matter of the guardianship
Frank Switlinski, and insane per
son. Now on this 28th day of November,
1913, the above entitled cause com
ing on for 'hearing upon the duly ver
ified petition of W. C. Stellmacher,
guardian of the estate of Frank Swit
linski, insane.
And it appearing to the court that
the matters and things set forth in
said petition are true.
That the said Frank Switlinski, in
sane is the owner in tee simple ofthe
following described real property,' to
wit: Beginning at a point which is south
14.73 chains and west 5.59 chains dis
tant from the southwest corner of
Section No. 25, in Town-ship 10 South,
Range 3 West of the Will. Mer., Ore
gon, and running thence west 23.35
chains, to the east side of the county
road from Knox Butte to Jefferson;
thence south 21.41 chains; thence east
23.35 chains, to a point due south of
the place of beginning; thence north
21.41 chains, to the place of beginning,
containing 50 acres, more or less, in
Linn county, Oregon, and that it will
be necessary to sell said real prop
erty to pay the debts of. said Frank
Switlinski. insane, and the expenses of
this guardianship.
And it further appearing to the
court that Iuzefa Mickilwicz, of Pa
sod, Lozemskoi, Hubivnz Posad, is a
sister and Mikal Switlinski, of Ozie
vskoi, Woloscz, Hnrod Horodno, is
a brother of said Frank Switlinski,
both of whom live in Russian Poland,
and are the next of kin of said Frank
Switlinski, insane.
it is therefore ordered by the court
that said next of kin and all persons
interested in said estate be and appear
before this court, on Saturday, the
3rd day of January, 1914, in the coun
ty court room in the court-house in
the city of Albany, Linn County,
Ojegon, at the hour of one o'clock
of said day, to show cause, if any why
said real estate should not be sold in
accordance with the prayer of said pe
tition. It is further ordered that a copy oc
this order be published' in the Semi
Weekly Democrat, a newspaper cir
culating in Linn County, Oregon, fo.
at least three successive weeks.
d. b. Mcknight.
County Judge of Linn County. Ore
gon, d 5-12-19-20J2
tataneas far PuaTioatian in Fore
closure a Tax Lien.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Linn County. Depart
ment No. 2.
C. H. Cuinmings, Plaintiff, ,
W. A. Alford, Defendant.
To W. A. Alford, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby notified that C. H.
Cummings. the holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 35. issued
on the 5th ay of December, 1908, by
the Tax Collector of the County oi
Linn, Slate of Oregon, for the
amount of Two and 22-100 Dollars,
the same being the amount then due
and delinquent for taxes for the year
107, together with penalty, interest
and costs thereon upon the real prop
erty assessed to you, of which you are
the owner as appears of record, sit
uated in said County and State, and
particnlarly bounded and described as
follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point which is 2 61
chains west of the qnarter section
post on the east side of Section 5 in
Township 15 South, Range 4 West of
Williamette Meridiaa Linn County.
Oregon, and running thence north 1.78
chains; thence west 10 chains; thence
South 10 chains; thence north S.'iZ
chains to the place of beginning, ail
in Linn county, Oregon.
Your are further notified that
said C. H Cummings has paid taxes on
said premises for prior or subse
quent years with the rate of interest
on said amounts as follows:
Year's Tax Receipts Rate of
Tax Dt. Pd. No. Amt. lntr.
1908 Mch 23 1909 4978 $2.47 ISperct.
19i9 Mch 24 19'.0 5307 2.82 ISperct.
1910 Mch 22 1911 5348 3.75 ISperct.
1911 Mch 23 1912 5701 4.48 ISperct.
1912 Apr 22 1913 6953 4.37 15 perct.
Said W. A. Alford, as the owner of
the legal title of the above described
property as the same appears of rec
ord, and each of the other persons
above named are hereby further noti
fied that C. H. Cummings will apply
to the Circuit Court of the County
and State, aforesaid for a decree fore
closing the lien against the property
3!'Yr. "'scribed and mentioned in said
certificate. Ai-.d you are hereby sum
moned to appear within sixty days
alter the first publication of the sum
mons exclusive of the dav of said first
publication, and defend' this action
or pay the amont due as above shown
o'-euier wnn costs and accrued in
terest and in case of your failure to
do so. a decree will be rendered fore
closing the lien of said taxes and costs
against the land and premises above
This summons is published bv order
of the Honorable D. B. Mcknight,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the CountT of
Linn, and said order was made and
dated this Uth day of November, 113,
and the date of the first publication
i this summons is the 14th day of
November. 113.
I All process and papers in this pro-
IY""". '-c- sciei upon me un
dersigned residing within the State
oi iiregon, at the address here:'.f,e
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address Ail-any. Oregon.