The Cheapness of an Article Does Not De- W e Are Located at First and Washington opposite Masonic Building peed on the Price, What You Get for Your Money. 1 ' l,..., rfftfr Ladies Skirts III Ask every lady who has, bought a skirt of us. She will tell you it was the best buy she ever made. Many hundreds will sub stantiate this claim. We scll'nothing but all wool skirts that look right wear right and the prices arc right. Rji.nje To People Living Distance Also Those Who Reside in Town Mi Wool illy wm Do you need an oiio waist we have a nice ,;:;oi linent of wash waists of mescalines dainty stripe design with em broidered collar also of l ice. These are worth 3.50 our daily price on them is $2.49. 1 a its Wool Shirts. Man "sli collar, stripe rnttcnw. .50 value SSo White I, awn waists in near patterns ille & (SJ)c Lower Than Sale Prices! Ladies Union Upon investigation we find that a great many people send away for Si'cods to the Eastern Mail Order Houses, especially those living in the rural districts. .Whenever a person fce!s that he can do better elsewhere, it is a cinch his money will eventually go there. .The only reason pccjjle ever send away, taking chances on getting what they older, unnecessary delays and perhaps disappointment, is because the Home Mediants have not been asking the right prices. .That is the reason we located here. .Send us your mail-orders; we can and do compete with the large mail-order houses of the East, znd when you arc able to do that, you know that the one store merchant hasn't a look-in. .Our combined purchasing power of 48 stores en titles us to jobbers' privileges, which we now enjoy and will increase ov.y operating powers from year to year. .No matter what the re tailors offer at anywhere near our prices, rest assured that the qua! sly in mt as good as ours. .We can prove it. .The cheapness of art ;rtit lc docs not depend on the price, but what ycu get for ycur mon ey. .Co-operate with us for better merchandise at lower prices, ah tolr.'e satisfaction guaranteed. .Everyone knows that the leather Tai'-iet has gone upward again, shoes are higher than ever before, that is new shoes, and we don't offer you any other, consequently the retailer gets more. .Look in the windows; yeu will see tVe" from five to seven dollars for the best makes. .Not here, no raise in prices, the best makes at one to two dollars a pair less than others are asking. .Come in and prove it to your good selves. We carry men's low work shoes, black, tan, alll e a t h - Brass screwed and stitched at . .$1.98 & !?2.2-- J U oes Our tl'C:! line Oi' boys' and girls' shoes are known for miles around for price.., their good looks and durability. "e c?n snve you 25 ; (Mi the dollar and in some cases, more. This is worth while locking into. Children's shoes all leather, sizes 5 to 8 S9e 79c 89c 98c Cur line of ladies' underwear cannot be j Mil passed in quality or make. From Am- j erica's lending mills at "let live" prices- 69c 98c $1.23 I .ulies' Wool Unions $1.23 $1.49 $1.69 Children's shoes, S to 12 all leather 1 . -w eather : ... w Children's shoes- 30 $1.49 all v5 ii. t, aw 121 2 to 2 Children's Union Children's heavy Vellastic Unions, first rade .4!)c a suit Hoys' heavy fleece Unions ....4!)c eaeli Ladies' Hose Ladies' Black Hose 5 and 10c pair $1 Ladies' Dress Shoes The ladies' shoe business keeps on get ting bigger day after day. No wonder we save you from 50c to $1.00 a pair. Besides" ours are all pure leather and we have the largest stock in Albany to choose from. Anykind of a shoe you want. McKays' $1.9S-$2.25-$2.49 Perfection Welts S2.25-S2.69 Coodycar Welts . . . .$2.9S-$3.15-S3.50 Men's Under wear the host that human hands can produce. Note the Savings. Heavy fleece Unions 98c S;uini; needle l'nion-$1.23 Merino wool I'nious $1.69 Wright's Silk and wool I'nious $2.69 HoyV Wool 1'nions 98c "Mi Kock" tu'.'y lleece I'lHlerwear lor men 98c suit. Youths' & Boys' Clothing Mothers nnd Fathers Save from one to two dol lars a suit on our clothes. Knickerbocker suits, 4 to lt years $1.98 $.'.98 $A 98 $4,98 Vont'.is' 1 onc-pants suits. $4.98 $6.90 $7.90 $.90 INVESTIGATE! Men's Suits None so koolI or as low. S.UUX1 Values tor $30.00 25.00 Values for 17.50 22 50 Values for 15.00 2000 Values for 14.50 18.00 V.itueis tor 12.50 15.00 Values for 9.90 .1250 Values far 8.90 Values for 6.90 ".e have some, good Knockabout suits for men at $ 5.90 IN your pair of Crossetts you get a through ticket to the land of Comfort. And you travel in style all the way. The new models are ready. iIARK (f $430 to $6.00 everywhere Lewis A. Crossctt, Inc., Makers, North .Uin(;ton. Mass. There's " spceie.l C'rosselt last fi;r peop''' with ureh troubles. Ask our agents about it. Style f""'" ip, t I 2696 r W Crossett shoes represent all that is honest and good in Men's dress shoes. The line now retails at $4.50 to $6.50 everywhere. Can be bought here at 'JUlJ!aU a a - a to b - c - d widths. "V-n's .Ihot, STAR BRAND iMen's- $4.00 gunmetals $3.15 Men's $-1.50 Gunmetals $3.50 Men's $5.00 Gunmetals $3.93 Men's $3.00 Gunmetals $2.49 Men's $3.50 Gunmetals $2.85 Men's Work Shoes At a Clear Saving of 33 1-3 per cent. Men's 15 in. Black Hi-Top $4.98 Men's 14 in. Tan outside counter, $5.49 The Above in a Goodyear Welt. Men's 14 in. Tan, Goodyear Welt $4.50 Men's 14 in. McKay-Screw $3.98 Low Work Shoes Men's tan Paris Veal with Wear-Proof lining, also comes in black, a $5.00 Shoe for $3,93 Men's tan Viscal Sole Goodyear Welt, 2 full soles a $4.50 Shoe, for $3 59 Men's Black oil grain welt 3,50