i GIT! TREASURER MBS. W. H. DAVIS ELECTED VICE PRESIDENT OF CLUB: NANCE H.W.M'Elmurry Defeats Henry Lyons for Councilman from Third Ward. PHEIFFER AND CAMERON WERE EASY WINNERS 1313 Votes Polled, 85 Per Cent of Registration; 40 Per Cent Women. News from Tuesday's Daily 5 (H Albany City Officials Chosen in Yesterday's Election. L. M. Curl Mayor F. E. Van Tassel Recorder Anthony Austin Chief Police Harry Cusick Treasurer Franz Ffcifier ..; Councilman (First) 'M. J. Cameron Councilman (Second) . H. VV. McElmurry ... Councilman (Third) S In an election that 85 per cent of the registration voted with fully 40 per cent of the votes cast by the wo men, complete unofficial returns gives Albany the following ticket: L.. M. Curl, mayor; F. E. Van Tassel, in cumbent, recorder; Anthony Austin, incumbent, chief of police; H. B. Cu sick. incumbent, treasurer: Franz Ffeiffer, first ward councilman; M. J. Cameron, incumbent, second ward councilman, and Henry McElmurry, third ward councilman. Candidate! Run Close, A total of lUi votes were cast. Be tween many of the candidates the race was close. Curl won over his Social ist opponent, W. S. Richards, by 159 votes. Van Tassel won a majority .j.'M. Payne, of 132, in a three cornered race.- Austin, in a four cor nered race, defeated Fred Ries, his closest opponent, by 36 votes. Cu sick had a walk away over his oppon ent, E. C. Krause, Socialist. Pieiffer and Cameron ran with big odds over their Socialist opponents, E. V. Smith nnH I Creamer. In die third ward, early returns indicated a neck and neck race between McElmurry and Henry Lyons, in the three cornered race with Jim Bryant, Socialist, poll n imnH vmp. However, later re- turns gave McElmurry a majority of 46. Cusick Polls Big Vote. Htirrv Cusick for re-election treasurer polled all but a very few in and Franz Pfeiffer and M. J. Cameron in the first and second wards, were easy winners. By far thr most interesting race for council man, was in the third ward between McElmurry and Lyons. The race centered about them exclusively and at one time they stood 111 cacn. v-om-plete returns, however, gave McEl murry a good majority. snTO PKOPLE RETECT THEIR CITY CHARTER Scio. Or., Dec. 2. W. A. Ewing was elected mayor of Scio in the city flection here vesterdav. defeating I. A Bilveu bv four votes. J. S. Sticha elected recorder and Roy V Slu-:ton. treasurer, both without op pos.tiun, and I. N. Weddlc won out for marshal over J. M. Lindley by 2tl majority. Out of '0 candidates for council man the fjilownig seven were suc cessful: R. M. Cam, f. 11. .uacuon ald. A. V. llagcy, A. G. Prill, N. I. Morrison, Enoch Shelton and i-red Bilyeu. A proposed new city charter was defeated by nine votes. Reports of Officers of Civic Im provement Club Were Read During Meeting. Meeting yesterday afternoon at the Commercial club, the Civic Improve ment club received the report of var ious officers and elected a vice presi dent. Mrs. W. H. Davis was elected vice president. When the annual election of officers was held several days ago an effort to elect a vice president be tween two candidates resulted in a deadlock tie on several ballots, hence the election of a member to fill this oilice was poBtuoneil until yester day. The reports of the officers were read by the respective officials and showed the marked progress made by the club during the past year. Reports on the standing of the club were given, showing the substantial con dition of the organization. Mrs. J. K. Weathcrford was elected chairman and Mrs. Levi Tracy secre tary of the executive committee. It was decided that the ladies would sell red cross stamps during the holi days to raise money for charitable purposes. F. M. Redfield was called upon the evening. Firemen Refused to Organize Department Under Provis ions of New Bill. STEPS WILL BE TAKEN FOR RECONSIDERATION With Agreeable Termination of Affair Department Will Be in Good Shape. G0W1TZBQ0TH DAMAGE SUIT IS STILL ON May Go to Jury This Evening or May Not Be Finished ' Until Temerrow. '"' The case of -Charles Cowitz against W. H. Booth and J. C. Booth, phy sicians of Lebanon, is still in progress -before Judge ivelly with the probabil ities that it may continue over until tomorrow. However, there is a chance of the case being given to the jury sometime late this afternoon or evening ,- According to the complaint, Cow itz. who resides -near. Sweet Home, suffered a broken leg on .-November, 1 and employed the doctors to attend the iiiiurv. It is claimed that they negligently attended;, the fracture. causing the plaintifi to become a crip pie, alter remaining ill tor nine months and after spending consider able money. Judgment, in .the sum ot S5100 is asked. in reply to the complaint, tlie de fendants alleged that at the instance of the plaintiff they -rendered the nec essary medical attention and that the plaintiff has completely : recovered from the fracture. Tliev asked that the complaint be dismissed and asked judgment in the sum of $260 for serv ices rendered. Attorneys newitt Sox and Garland represent the plain tiff and Attorneys Weatherford and Weatherford and Newport the defen dants. KNIGHTS OF pSaSELECT OFFICERS FOR HALF YEAR At Well Attended Meeting, with Work Splendidly Exemplified, Candidates Initiated. KNIGHT TEMPLARS ELECT OFFICERS FOR YEAR K. Ohling Chosen Eminent Commander Pleasant Session Enjoyed. Meeting last night in regular ses sion, the members ot Temple Com mandery No. 3, Knights Templar of phis city, enjoyed a pleasant meeting and elected officers for the ensuing year. The election resulted as follows: Eminent commander, Ralph K. Ohl ing; generalissimo, William . Pears; captain general, George H. Crowell; excellent prelate, Edwin L. Wieder; senior warden, Walter R. Bilyeu; ju nior warden, John 11. Simpson, treas urer, William Bain; recorder, Edwi.rd Washburn. STATE TAX RAISED 1.45 TO 5 ILLS Linn County Will Now Have to Raise $150,000 Only $36,000 Last Year. LEGISLATIVE APPROPRIA TION CAUSED INCREASE PYTHIAN SISTERS CHOSE NEW SET OF OFFICERS Meeting last niirht the Albany fire board passed a resolution refusing to organize the tire department under the provisions of the reorganization and regulating ordinance passed by the city council several days ago. However, after a committee irom the fire board waited upon several members of the council this morning, laying their reasons tor such an ac tion. belore the city dads, it was dc- cided that the municipal body would re-consider the ordinance. I'ollowing this conclusion it was announced that within thirty days the tire department will be in better shape than it has ever been in and will come up to if not excel any volunteer de partment in the state. Speaking -this morning of the meet ing, secretary Walt Worrel of the fire board said: lhe board had an interesting meeting last night, during wmch the various memibers discussed he urouosed reorganization of the fire department under the provisions of the ordinance. It developed that the ordinance was was not satisfac tory to all of the members of the board in everv respect. A committee was appointed after a resolution was drafted to present' the same with a cooy of the ordinance to the crty council. This was done this morning with the result that the fire board and the councilmen have agreed to take steps towards reorganization along another lin through reconsid eration of t,he ordinance. We hope to have the new organization perfected within thirty days and after that time the department will be in better shape than it ever has been in. We will excel any volunteer department the state then. The retail merchants' association have expressed .interest in the department mid have pledged themselves to support it. CtTT RKWft. d . Moose to Serve Big Banquet. The Albany Moose will serve a big ban quet tomorrow nijrht at the lodge hall in honor of the visit of 250 Corvallis brethren. A program, consisting of several numbers is to be tnven and a pleasant tune is anticipated. J TXtw Beginning With Tbi Ha4 It From tht Dulr Iau of WEDNESDAY. DEC. 3. 1913 Meeting last night Laurel Lodge Xo. 7 Knights of Pythias, held a pleasant session, initiated two candi dates into the first rank and held the semi-annual election of officers. The result of the election follows: Albert L. Kullander, chancellor com mander; Leiand R. Gilbert, vice chan cellor; Paul Rambo, prelate; Leonard 1?. McClain, master of Work; John G. Bryant, master of Finance: Ralph E. MeKechuie. master of the Excheq uer; L. M. Curl, keeper of records and seals: L. Read Dowlin, master at arm; Edwin A." Tyler, inner iitiard. r.iHl Samuel Hunter, outer guard. L. M. Curl was re-elected irute Uncalled for Letters. Letters left and advertised on Nov 26, 1913. Ralph Cronise, Ben F. Crisp, Gep Ericson, Mrs. W. E. Holland, Wal lace Icrrels. W. C. Little. Mrs. H. M Lindscy, R. J. Prichard, Wm. Pricem, O. Porter. Mrs. Mary reely, M. U Sperry. David Scott, Mr. Sorrels, Pat . . i t pi n : 1 1 : outrun, wiss rtiury inonuis, tunic Warren. J. S. VAX WINKLE, P. M. Sentence to Be Pronounced. Charles Miller, who pleaded guilty to the theft of a $25 kodak, and who was to ihave been sentenced by Judge Kel ly this morning, will not be sentenced until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Pronouncing of sentence was defer red on account of an application for parole pending and the judge desired to secure more facts concerning the case. Paul Makes Motion. W. S. Paul, the defendant in the suit brought by W. J. Turnidge to recover money, this morning through Attorney W. S. Risley, filed application to have a motion filed by plaintiff to be placed in the motion book for hearing and that said motion be set fcrr hearing on Saturday, Dec. 6. Paid His Fine. John Travis, who yesterday was sentenced to 5 days in the city jail on a charge of drunken ness by Police Judge Van Tassel this morning paid a fine of $10 and costs and secured his release. Money Will Be Raised Through Tax Levy of 5 Mills As Value Grows. Because of the inability of the state tax commission heretofore to antici pate state expenditures and make ap proximately uniform levies, the levy this year, according to figures given out by the commission, will be the largest in the history of the state. The total assessed valuation of the state is $945,282,374, an increase of $49,270,695 over last year, and, de spite this increase, there will be a levy of at least 5 milts as against a levy of 1.45 mills last year. Linn to Raise $150,000 As a result of this County Judge McKlnight stated this afternoon that Linn county would have to raise about $150,000 as against $36,000 raised last year. This sum will be raised through :i levy of 5 mills as against a levy of Mrs. Fred Ward Elected Ex cellent Chief; at Pleasant Session Last Night. After a very pleasant session last night, the Pythian Sisters elected of ficers for the ensuing year. The meeting was well attended. The election of officers resulted as follows: Most excellent chief, Mrs. rrcu vuiru; most excellent senior, Mrs. Dora Wilkins; most excellent junior, Mrs. Leona Reynolds; mang- Mrs. Willard L. Marks; corres ponding secretary, Mrs. J. S. Van Winkle; financier, Mrs. Mary Parker; protector, Miss Alzina Parker; out side guard, Mrs. A. Austin, and in stalling officer, Mrs. Sam Chambers. Mrs. Helen Herry was the retiring chief and assumed the title of past chief. A. T. Edmunds, of Salem, trans acted 'business here yesterday. Get Your Boy One W. R. Shinn, II. D., diseases of eye and ear a specialty. Eyes tested and spectacles guaranteed a perfect fit. Any style of lense or frame. Of fice over Cusick bank. wksptf attended rind the work a- put on in the lir-t r;uik by tilt' officers wa- highly comnicr.il cd. The newly elected officers will he installed during a coming meeting. WOMEN VICTORIOUS AT LITTLE SODAViLLE Sodavilie. (Jr., Dec. 2. Two scat Wl 1 lC MUCH 111 IHC t-ll? suuuwi I . , ..!... ..... this town bv two women as the re- or the next three year i. .. i. .. ..i. Th.. t-i-r. The session was wcl ladies "who were nuiniiered anions the live succcful candidate? of the lr nominees lor the council are the wives of tile men who were elected city recorder and cit" marshal. The officers cho-en are: Trea?urer. Herman Scifert: lecord cr. Allen Simmons; marshal N. ri'l-tes; members of council, Mrs. X. Bridges. Mrs. Cora Simons, A. Cole. G. Ma-on and Charles Thacker. Xo .n.ivor was elected, a- under the So davilie ordinance the mayor is chosen bv t!ie city council. SWEET HOME ELECTS WOMEN TO COUNCIL. 1. Sweet Mon.e. Or., Dec. 1 Running for the city council, two women in e-terday's election were successtul and one' of them- won out while her husband was defeated ior mayor. Complete results on the S.veet Hume election follow: l-"or mavor II. M. Mycr. 57: Chas. I vrm 44' l"or recorder R. V. Van JUDGE KELLY QUASHED INDICTMENT AGAINST YOUTHS UNDER AGE He'll annreciate it, and after he gets acquainted with it ti is gratitude will more than compensate you. Think also of the pleasure you will get in hearing him play your favorites on the Hobart M. Cable Piano the Pi ano without an equal cither in tone or the reasonable price asked for it Select one now for a Christmas present. DAVENPORT MUSIC HOUSE Established 1903. Oldest in Albany 234 I.yon St. cor, 3rd. ALBANY FORESTERS ELECT SEMI ANNUAL OFFICERS Pleasant Meeting Was Held Last Night at. Local Lodge Hall; Initiation, Meeting last night in regular ses sion the local lodge of Foresters of America enjoyed a pleasant evening, initiated one candidate and elected officers for the ensuing term. The initiation work as exemplified was highly praised. The meeting was well less Chan a mil and a half last year, attended and was characterized with The appropriations and other ex penditures of the tast Legislature, which must be paid front the taxes to be collected next year, are respon sible for the increase. It is estimat ed that $4,700,000 will be needed (or state purposes. The amount ttiis year was $1,122,214.48. Levies to Be Uniform The last legislature, however, pass ed a law giving the commission pow er to anticipate such expenditures and as a result levies in 'the future iwill be more uniform. The full cash values of all publfc: service corporations in the state fixed at $182,117,694.58, as against $172,852,451 last year, and the taxable Value as apportioned according to much enthusiasm. The following officers were lec- tcd: Geo. Simons, past chief ranger; F. W. Horsky, re-elected chief ranger; W. M. Parker, re-elected financial sec retary-treasurer; Bert Crawford, re elected recording secretary; Henry Karstens, senior woodard; A. L, Bee son, junior woodard; E. H, Horsky, senior becdle; Ralph Morris, junior becdlc; H. J. Kavanaugh, trustee, Mr. Smith, lecturer. ' After the business session a social session was held in the banquet room. county ratios of assessment to full cash values $119,017,202, as against $111,916,498 Inst year. YOU ARE LOSING MONEY Unless You Get the Benefit of Wholesale Lumber Prices Now Quoted ALBANY Both Phones. by the LUMBER CO. SURVEYING? sTe PENLAND & EATON Room 5, Newew Bligh Bldg. Bell 535-R. On motion of Attorney Richardson. ,'udkre Kelly this afternoon quashed the indictment in the circuit court against Harvey Thompson and Har ry Bernhardt, charged with larceny, upon tile eruumW that the court has rno juri.-diclinn in the matter, thc ladn being under 18 years of age. Accordingly the case will come up in tile juvenile court, a petition hav- i.-i. T 1. niiL'L'cr. 9. Treas-iine been filed for their retention on urcrlV.' B. Thompson, 77: Leonard I the charge. They boys will probably Kiddle, -1. .Members council, two, tie given a Hearing ociorc jii'ige .uc vears (tliree to eiccn .irs. j. .-v. Thompson. 61: W. H. Daugherty. 59: Mrs. Charles Lyons. 47; 11. R. Slavens. 42: V. II. rutman. .'4: Mrs. L. K. Ceil. Jl. Councilmen tor one vear (three to elect i M. V. fmcad. 7i II Thompson. 59: F. Tost, Sa: M. I Nye. 52: W. II. Itoings 31: Da vid Docrfer, Knight Jiis afternoon or tomorrow. George Wheeler, of Lebanon, was v v stcrdav afternoon to atfppd bnsirip-s mattery yesterday, the people of District Xo. 5 decided by a majority of 50 votes to exchange the block occupied by the Central school for a part of the Al- (-RNTRAL SCHOOL SITE banv college campu-. tncreby placing Through the special school election , the school block in line ior purchase PEOPLE DECIDE TO SELL MONEY We arc pri'iiri-d to furnish mon ey on farm loans in tlic Willam ette Valley at llie lowe-t current rates of interest. Will k'ive five yer.rs time and allow the bor rower liberal options of prepay ment. If you can make more money from your farm by ad ding livestock and new machin ery and new buildings we will let you have the money for that purpose. It you want to dis pose of your place, the quick est way to make a sale is to add subi-taniial improvements. When in need of funds call on us. We arc the only established company making long time loans in this county. The Oregon Title and Trust Co. ALBANY. ORKGON Xhr) W FURNITURE AT AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY, at 2 P. M. AT SUDTELL'S AUCTION HOUSE AT 128 V. 2nd St. Phone 134-R An extra fine lot of Furniture and furnishings at this week's sale. Bring in anything you have to sell or phone us and we will come and get it. We buy and sell everything. SudtelPs is the place for bargains in furniture and household goods. Prizes given away free at every sale.