VOL. XLIX ALBANY, LINN COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMEE.: 5. No. 37 PAQ1 fit 3 PI Nearly Every Candidate Feels Confident of His Election; Many Women Vote. BIG VOTE IS EXPECTED BE POLLED BEFORE CLOSE Indications Are That Curl and Austin Are Way in the Lead; Councilmen Very Close. With nearly every candidate feeling confident of election and wearing per ennial smiles, be.-p'eaking their inward sentiment, but otherwise carrying an air ot" indifference, the city election progressed today uneventful and in weather ihat'l'.ireaieued rain which up until 3 o'clock did not fall. Small Vote Cast. 'i he vote cat up to 2:oO o'clock is very light. Willi 15iaJ registered the -. ote polled up to this time was less than 50U. It lias been estimated that between 35 and 40 per cent of the vot ers were women. Voting during the early .hours- was unusually slow but towards the afternoon more life arouud the polls was evident. In the fore'.'oou the judges and clerks were hardly kept busy while this afternoon ..-I Kept husilimr to handle the steady stream of men and women coming to exercise their prerogatives of citizenship. Rush Expected This Afternoon lu the first ward tit . 2:.10 o'clock on ly 164-- votes had been ca-t and while that number stooxl, scores were" wait ing in line outside the booths to make out their ballots." . ' . in the second " ward only 150 had voted at. that time,' while only 100 had 'voted -up to 12 o'clock. Several were making out their ballots as this number stood. The number of votes cast in the third ward shortly after 2:30 was about 100. ..-.'. However, the indications are, in the opinion of muny. are that the total number will be swelled considerably hv night fall. Some are of the opin ion .that U-vAi votes will be cast while others believe, that closer-to 1500 will be poled before o'clock this even ing, .the closing time". A later reimv: this aiiernoon esti mated thai af 3 o'clock approximately 5:0 y (in-.-; had been polled. Women Playing Important Part. Thai i he women will play an im portant pari in the election is the opinion of many. The ladies of Al bany have apparenib- exercised their ri '.:'!' t of suffrage durhvg this election more than at any other previous elec :!'.; hi.'.icamig that the .-ignifioanee of the ballot is now beginning to be .'M'p-e.'n'.ed by th'em. '. has been au ,'n. iu eiy estimated t h rt t in the fir-t ward at lea-! 40 per cent of the votes east were bv women and in the sec o: '1 ward :: was likewise estimated that about 35 per cent of the voters wen- women. A report from the third ward says that many women have vot ed there. It i expected that the complete un official iv.i'V.-i will be made bv mid night. Counting will be enintneneed ;:,::. v!i. ;:c'-- ". ftcr the vol's idn-c. School Question Vote Slow. Voting in the special -er ol election has been very slow, according to a retiort from th'e high school late this afternoon. Only 1 ' M vote- had been cast shortly after 2:30 o'clock. In dication?, however, are that the ma jority will be in favor of disposing of ("Continued on Page 2.) BIG SUNDAY SCHOOL WILL BE HELD Invitation of Executive Committee of the Commercial Club Has Been Accepted Will Hold Forth Here on April 27-28 and 29. The invitation to the executive com-1 mittee of the Oregon State Sunday School Association, from the Albany1 Commercial club, to hold the next session of the annual convention of the association in Albany was accep ted at the meeting of the committee held in Portland last Monday Nov. .'4. was the announcement made by the state president. Rev. F AV. Emer son. Some of the details as to date, etc., have since been worked out and it is now definitely announced that the convention will be held on Monday. Tuedav and Wednesday. April 27-2-29. On account of the natural physical division of the state, and the difficulty in rising from one side to the other, there are always two con ventions held. One located so as to accommodate the eastern half of the state and the other in the western There were a number of places de ONLY THREE TRUE BiLLS RETURNED BY GRAND JURY Harvey Bhernhardt. Harvey Thompson and Charles Miller Larceny, Indicted. Only three true bills were returned iy tiic grand jury which adiourned Saturday night. Harry Kurnhardt and Harvey Thompson, the two Independence lads. were in dieted on two separate ac counts and Charles Miller was indict ed. In one indictment Bernhardt and Thompson were accused of larceny ot doctor's implements from Dr. Li. R. Wallace of the value of approximately SJXiO. In the other they are accused of larceny from a store, of shoes and money belonging to Charles Proch :.ow the West hirst street shoe deal er. Ihe thetts are alleged to nave :ieen committed on .November a. l-i- mer Richardson was appointed by Judge Kelly as their attorneys and the youths are to be arraigned to plead at 1 o'clock. In the third indictment Charles Mil ler is charged with larceny in a store It is alleged ihat he stole a kodak of the value of $25 from tiie 1'red Daw son drug store on September IS. Kl in er J ie hard f on was also appointed is attorney. Miller was arraigned this morning; -at 9 o'clock and entered a plea of guilty. Judge Kelly fixed Wednesday at 9 o'clock as the time ;o pass sentence. Judge Kelly exonerated the bonds men of Mike Cosgroye. who was placed under bonds to keep the peace on October 27 and the matter was dis missed. T. O. Sudtell of Moosjaw, Canada, arrived yesterday fro a three months jsit. to avoid the cold weather of i Canada, SUTTON AND' HAMMEL GET 25 AND 20 DAYS Youths, Employed at Hammel, Were Convicted of Larceny of$15from Chef; Crime Was Planned by Sutton He Says. Arraigned this morning before Jus tice of the Peace L. L. Swan, Curtis "MiV.o:', charged with larceny at the llo'.el Hamniel, w!hi was given a hear ing before the grand jury Saturday, was enteuced to 25 days in the coun ty jail. Sutton was the night bus '. '. i '.' !' r for the Hotel. i ! i- com--an ion in the crime. Uoy :i annuel, who was employed as a dish- washer w:rs tried Saturday before Jus- tice Swat: and sji'tenced to JO davs in he couuty jail. The youths, whoe arre are given as 19 and 20, began ,e-vi:ig their ente;:ces this morning. , ' ,. - . . .-.a inn .j in i o;i nji s ii . . corn this morning hv Sutton it is ; ' dra vn that h.e idanned :hc affair which -m',1 it ivu ii,- vi-iio -inl.' ii . 10 -oid Itiitfalo fivece::: piece. Their v:c-:m was La 1-ourge. chef of the -',:' ;int'' W"!"" inuiKgi ing )OIc to the various institutions ot learning. Sutton and Hummel were arrested; Petition for Guardian. Wiley Hol I'riday night by Constable Catlin up-. man this morning filed "ctitiou in the on complaint of :he chef and the ho- probate court asking for the appoint ed inanarment. The former came j mcnt of L. L. Swan as guardian of the here recently from Salem. Although ! e-ta.e of Carrie K. Murray, an iucom 1, earing the "same name as that of the j petent. who was adjudged insane by hotel, and its managers, the latter no relation to the Hammels ot Al bru IN ALBANY SOON sirous of securing the convention for this year but the invitation from Al bany was accepted unanimously after considering all the advantages offered hy other cities. The convention for the west side of the state was located at LaGrande. The da'"- selected for LaGrande were Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 30, May 1-2. Last year the convention on the cast side was held at Baker and on the west side of the state at Oregon City. The east side convention came fir and that on the west side second. The order will be reversed this year owing to the fact that the International work ers and speakers will come into the state from the California convention instead of from the east as was the cae last year. The state Sunday school convention always brings together the most ef ficient and best trained workers of (Continued on Page 2.) LAHE SHEBiFF NABS 01 Bad Check Artist Released by Grand Jury at Instance of His Victims. WAS TAKEN TO EUGENE TO Auto Bought in Varsity City Sold Here to Square His Accounts. Relea.sed by (he Linn county jury late Saturday afternoon on cliarges of obtaining money and goods under false pretenses, Charles Li. Smith was met at the Linn county jail door by Sheriff Parker of Lane county and was taken Ui.it night to Hugeiie to answer r huilar charges peudiny against him in the varsity city "Xo; true biii: ' were relumed by tiie grand jury here in both cases agaiu.--t Smiui. i'r.c Albany men from whom he secured goods and money had their properly returned when he was arrested and, it is said, did not desire to proecute the prisoner. Smiih was ai rested at Woodburn, waived examination" here and was held for the grand jury on two ehargi one ol o i) lain in g money under ial prclenL-s :incl o'l oUiiiiini tjootls under false pretenses On the night of October 19, Smith sawed his way out of the Linn county jail, but se eral days later he was captured in San Kraucisco by officers uaiching the wiiereahouts of his wife. :ie nas returned iiere by Sheriff lio unie. Smit'ii in Engene Jail. 1 Kugene, Or., Dec. l.C. U. Smith, wanted in Kugene for. issuing bad cheeks to the-extent of $1,100, was re arrested by the Lane county sheriff when released' in "Albany yesterday, alter he had secured his freedom by seliiug an autoU'.idnle which he had illegally obtained in Kugene. Smith was released in Albany yesterday. where he was booked on charges ot obtaining money on tale pretenses, when he made good his accounts. i do this lie sold the automobile which he purchased from l'loyd Booth in Kugene several months ago, after he had cashed a bad eneek for $1,100 with i'ne Kugene Loan and Saving bank of this city. Sheriff I 'arker .returned w::h him !:tsl ee:ing, and he is now in the Lane county jail. (a r) CITY NEWS W Weather Fair. The rauite of tem- perainrc for 24 hours ending at .y VVI"ck m"!rni"ff ns 49 M, degrees. Ihe river is S.J tcet. Ihe .i t- .' . . . . i athi'.- , t'diction is fair tonight and I uesnav. Trains Loaded.- -All of the south- l)ound trains last night, were loaded with pa.-.tengvrs and particularly col- I lt-'"e stl".,,'l;i returning irom tiieir isl.enton county court m October la-t nid is, now confined in the state sane hospital Lebanon People to Attend Trial. Here ior tiie purpo.ie of attending the trial of Charles Cowitz against W. ii. Booth ct al, which went to trial before judge Kelly this afternoon, a num ber of Lebanon people, involved in :he ca-ie and others to act as witness es, are in the city today. They are at the Hammel Hotel and are as f' Irws: Or. V. H. Booth, Dr. M. P.. MarcelJus. Dr. J. C. Booth, C. S. Chirk. V .M. Newport and wite, Mrs. M. .V Richardson, Lester Anderson and Mrs. Temple, all of Lebanon. Dr. Stewart and Dr. Johnson, both of Corvallis and Dr. L B. Wilson, of Sweet Home. Another Hospital Mar Be Agitated. That Albany may have a Protest ant hospital, became known this morn ing, through agitators or tins pro iect and the probabilities are that it will materialize. It is understood tliat the matter may be brought up at an early date before one of the civic or ganizations of the city. It was in timated that the project has the best of backing. Hill Kills a Goose. Returning la-t night from the shooting grounds main tained by himself and friends of Al bany. Gale S. Hill brought home a big Canadian goose which he brought down with his trusty gun late Sat urday afternoon. The - Tty also kill ed ten ducks. New on Tint Ptg 3 From DiiU Imui of MONDAY, DEC. 1, 1913. a EN HAS BEEN FOUND GUILTY Ex-minister Arrested in Albany Three Months Ago Convicted at Visalia. CHARGED WITH LAND FRAUDS IN HIS DEALS Officer King Made Arrest Here in Real Estate Office on Wire Instruction. Vi.-alia, Cal., Dec. L A. Idem an ex-minister arrested three mouthr ago at Albany, Ur., charged with laud fi amis in connection with his real es tate exploitations in the Tulare dis trict has been found guilty by a uiry in Judge Allen's court, on complaint of selling mortgaged property. The specific accusation is the sale of J.S head of cattle given as -ecnriiy ;u H. A. Stellar of Los Angeles. I den was arrested here by Officer King in the office ..f the Tebatilt iveal Kstate company, a few niiuule after receiving telegraphic descripiion from the sheriff of l ulare county, Cai- itornia. At ihe lime of the arrest Idcn was negotiating the trade of some Califor nia property for 1 .inn county prop erty, lie had then been here about three days, stopping at the hotel Van dran where he had registered under the name of C. M. Dickey, lie w;i. accoinpanied here In his IS vear old ,m Wade, who shortly after the ar rival departed for Long Beach. Cali fornia, to join his mother and sifters. . i o were sojourning there. When approached by Officer King. Iden immediately admitted bis identi ty, lie was confined in the county jail to await the arrival of California authorities with extradition papers to return him. to Visalia to stand trial.. W. L. Jones, of Jefferson, trans acted business here this morning re mrning home this afternoon. G. M. 1'itts, of Corvallis, was in the city yesterday afternoon. L. I'eter Coinptoii. of Scio, visited friends here yesterday afternoon, re turning home tliis evening. .iis ha 1 lot beh returned tlm morning to Corvallis to resume her triiics at the O. A. C. alter spending the week end with her parent. .M r. and .Mrs. Geo. Uotlich. 0 CITY NEWS S C? fi Boys' Conference Adjourned. Willi bovn li'oiu all parts of tiie valley attending- the annual Oregon Buys Conierenee aujoitrued yesterday al teruouii at Dallas after i einaining in se-ion Saturday and Sunday. Scores of delegates passed through the cilv this noon enroll te to tiieir homes. Farm Near Munkers Sold. Closing a deal today, A Se hn eider so hi 57 acre farm near Munkers station to 11. A. lloUeeu, who wil make his home on the place. Schneider will leave diurtly for Iowa In i-.it relatives ar.d Hum there will go to Sv, iizeiiauil, ui: native country ior an extended vi-it Big Drop in Price of Eggs. A hi;, drop in the price of eggs has rcMilr el miicc Saturday. The reason is as signed to the fact that the market was -uddenly flooded. i he price ol egg has dropped 8 cents Miice Saturday, selling for 4J) cents per dozen today instead of 48 cents, Saturday's selling price. Xmas Spirit Manifested. The Christmas spirit is strongly manifest ed in the business district with scores of early shoppers and wonderful dis plays of holiday goods. Several of the stores this morning began decorat ing in the usual style and within a few days ever'-thing will have assum ed the full aspect of the Yuletide. It is evident that many have obeyed the impulse and are shoeing early. Merchants report that Christina shopping is well under way. COWITZ AGAINST BOOTH CASE IS UP FOR TRIAL BEFORE JUDGE KELLY Before Judge Kelly this afternoon in the circuit court, the damage si::t of Charles Cowitz against V. II. liooth et al, went to trial immediately after a jury had been chosen. Scores r f people are involved in the suit an 1 cores ere to testify. It i rxpetc-i 1 hat the trial wi!l be completed by toniOTow r.oon. The folowing i the jury: Th-'M.t I Quiglcy. A. L. Norman. Jour Shtm.iiu'k. h'r.'i'ik Skiptou K. it lijiv - H. C'nn. X. I) Conn. L. IL KVr J W. Barton, S. Freerkscn, L. K. Wal ion, G. G. Hells. FOR ALBANY POliTOFFICE Proposal Submitted by Salem Contractor Is Lowest; Is Below Estimate. 0 liids were opened by the su- pervising architect, Washington, " 1). C, tor the construction of the federal building to be erected at tf" ..( Albany, Oregon,1 and the propos- tf J al submitted by F. A. Krixon of i" Salem, was the lowest at $57,- ?' (50 for sandstone or $$$,975 for vs lime stone. The other figures given were as follows: A. V. C i) Ivntsohe. Veon llldg., Portland, v? $7(i.UX) for both samUtnuc ami limestone; J.J1. Tillman, Chain- '? -1 her of Commerce Hldg., Port- v .) land, for sandstone or f limestone. The bid submitted by f) Cteorge Isacksou was not given. which was submitted, and other-- ts - from Portland who intended to ' ubniit figures. A complete list C $ of bills will be given at an early date. ? The structure will be two stor- (.' ies high, of stone and fireproof construction. The supervising architect s estimate tor the com v i1 of the proposed structure was placed at i?75.lXKl, which brings (. is) the cost of the building under this C estimate, providing the hid is ac- 1 cented. 0 is) & : & S1 ( Cs1 Cs1 Mr. and M rs. George V. b'orgy who have been visiting their sou Gro cer and family, returned lodav and reports them doing well . On their 'vay home they slopped at Portland attend church services and see the. sights. 20 MILES IN RAIN TO FILE PAPERS IN Tl! IE Thereby Road Tax Levy Notice Will Comply with Law; T. M. Downing Makes Night Trip over Muddy Highways. T. M. Downing, of Laeotnb, drove 20 miles over muddy roads on a d.o'lv i.vny night in four hours last h'ridsv to :iiake a special road lav v.ilid by filing the papers in tim-' gr. in.t notice ;f ihe lax levy. A road meeting lo consider lite levy ing of a special tax was held in dis trict Xo. 2-1, ai Laeotnb, thai .after noon. A ,-iiiill tax was voted.' The 'aw provides thai -not ices of such lev :es must lie filed with the county clerk before the first day ol Decem ber, and yesterday being Sunday, 'iiiduight Saturday night was L e lai-e-t hour the report could be filed: The m.-rting closed at 5 o'clock, and Downing, who is road super visor of tiie district, called up the county clerk's office here and ni.tdi arrangements for the office lo remain open until he could rcadi Albany, lie left Lacoinb at 6 o'clock, and, though the reads are unusually muddy on ac count of the recent heavy rains, he drove into an A Ibany livery barn al 1(1 o'clock. Ten minutes later he en tered the clerk's office in the court house. Xine of the fM road districts of Linn oii t1 1 v l ave made spf.-ial tax levie for extension on the 113 asesnient roll of Linn county lo raj-e extra money for road improvement, in ad- ition lo that realized trom the re'ru- lir county road lew. In some otht disiriets, the nue-tion of a special tax was Hihmittrd. but was voted down EACH COUNTY'S SHARE FOR EXHIBIT Assessed Valuation of Property Made by Assessors to Be Used As a Basis Resolution to Effect Passed by Valley Commissioners. At the meeting in Salem recently of the county commissioners of the Willamette valley Imposition Associa tion, which was organized here Oc tober .11, composed of eight valley countie-. and with ihe purpose of ad vertising the valley as a district al (he Panama lxpoilion in 1915 at San ! ramisro, a resolution was pascd. stipulating that the general expense, ol preparing Ihe exhibi; supplied by ceh county be apportioned according to be taxable property of the entire district, provided that each county shall pay the expenses of its special representative aside from their pro portion of the general expenses. The following is the resolution: Kc sohed: That the general expense 'jathe: nig, preparing ami exlrbiting on i,eha!f of ihe eight Willantet val ley counties at the Panama-Pacific Kxposition at San Francisco in the vc ir ' 5 as may hereafter be (ieter- Efi'i'i III CAPiTAL Gill Claim That Mexican President Has Left For Vera Cruz Is Discredited at Washington. DICTATOR IS NOT DEAD CLAIM HIS FRIENDS Hales Arrives in Washington; Huerta Regime Doomed Claim Diplomates. (By United Press Association) Mexico City, Dee. L That the ilu erla government will face a crisis he lore the end of week is nredicted bv the men close to the situation. The rebels are reported to be at San Louis Potosi and hold the key to the capital's railroad connections. 1 hey burned the new Mation at Aju no. Villa, it is edicted will capture Chiahuahua City and Maatlau is said t be loitering. Iluerta is complain ing publicly of the disloyalty of his ostensible supporters. Huerta Leaves Capital. Xew York, 1 lee. 1. The IC veiling World today published a Mexico City dispatch declaring that President Ilu erta .secretly left the ca-utnl for Vera Cruz on Sur morn in ir over the 1 nter ( k'eanie railroad. Xo confir natioti of. ihe World's story could be obtained up to 1:15 today. Lind Returns. Vera Cruz. Dec. I. Consul Cana da announced today that Lind has returned from Tampico and is now in Vera Cruz. Hale in Washington. Washington, Dee. L Hale, . who talked with Carraiiza at ioales has ii rived in Washington and today held i conference with Seere-lary Pry nn. He will be received by the president this afternoon or Ion ior row. Huerta is Drunk. Mexico Cily, Dec. 1. It is persist ently reported ibis afternoon thai 1 J it erta is dead. Xo evidence could be discovered lo support the story lie 'id been taken on a train to Vera Ouz. Those familiar with his habits -aid they were sure he was merely drunk. They discredit ihe reports otii of his death and his departure from ihe capital,' Reliable privale in formation was that he has been drink ing even more heavily lhan usual dur ing the pas! two days and that in ihe Meantime official business is still at a s'.aiid- till. GABLES 00T0FC0MSSI0N; PHONE SERViCE IMPAIRED Five hundred pairs of underground cables of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co at Second and liaker lieels went out of commission Sat urday morning and several hundred tele nil ones were put out of service, di.rirg Sal in day and Sunday. How ever the cables were repaired by a force of workmen, who labored since Saturday, completing the work this morning. j Prof. A. Q. H. Hompiet, of O. A. C.t i was a visitor in the cily yeslerdav. inin-d by the executive connniitec or fthc- committee having the same in charge, be apportioned ae :ord;iig lo the taxable property within the en tire district as equalized by the s!..te tax commissioner for the year 191.1. Provided: That each county shall pay the expenses of its special repre sentative a-idc from their proportion of the general expenses as herein pro vided. The total value of the property a equalized by the board of state tax commissioners for V)Z is as follows: County Amount Proportion Kenton ,WtW2.) S276.KI Lane .1f,21O,K.S2O0 K5H.I9 7727 706.19 9H57K 4011 19 54.108 473.54 Clackamas .12.54.1,29X1)0 I. inn Marion Polk Washington Yamhill 29.79H.07H (K) 41,594.2.00 lo.XVH.701. 00 22.915,07900 19,915,610.00 $211,620,958.00 $5015.35