The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, November 28, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Compromise Was Affected Yes
terday; Men Buy Tickets and
Give Expense Money.
More Light Thrown on Uncom
pleted Romance, Which Has
Attracted Attention.
The spotlight rays shown in a new
light yesterday on the Swiss maidens
at fair.
Telling of how lie had been the vic
tim of malic iou.i tongues,, how lie
liar I st rived to ca:,t a Mile these pre
judices and finally how he and Her
man i oung had arranged to send Ce
cile I Jielhelman ami i 1 11 Ida Kraner,
to San Jose, aClif., under an agree
tieiii that the girls would not cause
.hem any futher trouble in the matter
Kasper Wirt, yesterday declared he
. nd uis partner, to the misplaced love
affair, were glad to get rid of tin
;;ii I-. and I hat they wouldn't marry'iii now under any circumstances.
Wirt declared that tiny had done
all 1 hey could lo reconcile the girl-
at lii si, that they had heui as cour
teous to lin-iii and had made ilu-m as as pos.-ible. Ik dcclaud
mat ti y were willing lo do what was
more than right, in offering to pay
their passage hail; to Switzerland,
lie further declared that the girU la
boring under the prejudices, would
not listen to his iniphiriiiL-with the
u-Mih l he ami 1 ouug has fiuallv
'lh.;.-d t'-. 1 (he H-rls wen- no! .uii".
cd to them, that Ihey would
ry the girls under any condition now.
He told of how the compromise was
effected, caying lie didn't begrudge
losing the money and was glad of the
termination, of the affair that has at
tracted considerable attention and
that has been termed an uncompleted
romance. Wirt (said he was not at
all discouraged, however. "I will con
tinue to keep on the lookout," he said
in broken Knglish, "for the right
girl. I won't send away for one but
I think I can find her in America."
He deplored the mail order marriage
system and intimated that the only
way to secure a wife in his opinion was
to meet her personally, "not py der
Leaving this morning at 11:30
o'clock on the Shasta Limited, with
Wirtz and Young, bidding them adieu.
Misses Uiethelman and K.rancr, arc
on their way to San Jose, on tickets
purchased by the two men and with
$50 each supplied by the jilted, for ex
penses, where an uncle of Miss Die
thelman lives. Wirtz explained his
and Young's presence at the depot ; j
"Vc vanted to see that they started'
in the ridt direction." Wirtz said
Miss Diethelman received an unfa-;
vorable letter from her uncle, but that
he consented to give her a position as
domestic in his home while Miss Kra
ner will gf) to one of his friends home
to work similarly. He said that the
girls told him that they would work
to get money on which to return home
in the spring. Thus the affair bar,
been compromised finally as far as
the men are concerned as Wirtz said
he and Young had an attorney draw
up a written agreement that the rrirls
signed, which was to the effect that
they would n cause the men any
further trouble.
I-'.nroute from the Southern pnrt of
the state lo Salem, Monday. Ralph
I. liouhain, a federal immigration
officer, stopped off in Albany to in
vestigate the ease at the instance of
the governor. It cosl the men cx
actly $70 am'cce lo send the irirls to
Sau Jose and $140 and $ll apiece
lo bring them to America. The two
have paid out the aggregate sum of
S-170, not to say anything of incidental
That both he and Young have !er;i
the victim-, of unfavorable gossip at
the hands of neighbors, which preju
diced the girls against them, was the
statement made by Wirtz. lie -aid
ihe t-'irls were perfectly agreeable to
marriage upon t heir arrival and thai
it was not until day- after, that
they changed their views. Iuves:iga-
toii t !u-nn:rli la M;ii".r wrh 1 1n
Register of Land Office Is a
Candidate for Congress
Against Hawley.
Arriving this morning on the north
bound train, B. I. Jones, register of
the United States land office at Rose.
burg1 was shaking hands with friends
in 'Albany for a few hours.
Mr. Jones is a candidate for the Re
publican nomination for congress
against Congressman Hawley and
promises his friends one of the best
political fights in the history of the
He proposes to take urt the record
of Hawley and present the same to the
oters durin" the campaign.
1 1 is term of office will expire in
about six weeks, at the end of which
time he will oncn his campaign.
Crabtree, Nov. 26. (Special to the
Democrat.) The sale at W. J. Tur
nidge's store closed Saturday night
and is reported as being a success.
Mr. E. A. lias ton won the pair of,
shoes in the guessing contest. His
guess was 2200, exactly the number
of persons who made purchases 'at the
store during the sale.
There was a good attendance at
church both morning and evening and
a good sermon was enjoyed by all.
Shedd. Nov, 26. (Special to Demo.
crat.) Mr. Wm. Porter had business
calling him to Albany I uesuay.
M r. Emerson True of I lalsey
bought his clover seed to hrdlhrd
brought his clover seed to Shedd Mon-d--
y to have it cleaned.
Mr. C. J. White of the Valley Lum
ber iv Supply Co. was in Shedd Mon
day. Mr. V. K. Satchwell with his wife
were Albanv visitors Sundav.
The Messrs H. J. I-arwell and L. II.
Kent spent a pleaant evening at I lal
sey last week.
Mr. C. A. I'ugh had busines call
ing him to llrownsville Tue-dav.
Mr. !:tck IWcr of Albary va-
Shedd Man Thrown By Horse.
Shedd, Nov. 26. (Special to Dem
ocrat.) Mr. Clyde Kelly was thrown
from a horse here Tuesday morning,
escaping without any broken bones.
He is still in bed and feeling very
Shedd Stable Leased.
Shedd, Nov. 26. (Special to Dein
ocrat.) Mr. Glenn Chance of Halsey
leased the Harry Canter livery stable
and hotel here Monday morning. Mr.
Chance has put in several fresh horses
which have not been on the road, and
the service promises to he good.
developed t!i;ii they hail been talhim:
wit h neighbors who had told ol all
ihe alle'ed had qualities of tile men.
;. i"; tre.l that everything would
have all been will and good but for
this fact. He declared that they had
been rriiiu-rcil'-.illy assailed by their
in "nVs ard ivetit -o far as to mention
'Mil' :
a Shedd visitor Monday and Tues
day Mr. J. H. McConnell had business
calling htm to Albany Monday.
Mr Alviu Sadastorm is working ler
Mr Chance at the Diary Cantes livery
stable at this place.
1'rot. (r.aftwell lectured on prohibi
tion at the L I', church Sunday ev
ening. Mr. James Kelly and son Clyde
made a business trip to Cottage Grove
Mr. X. R. Howard of llahey was
in Shedd Tuesday.
Mr. St. Johns and family were Al
bany shoppers " Mondav.
The I. ). ' ). !". held their regular
eleetio nof officers here Monday. Mr.
T. I. 1 ):uipau was elected noble
grand; Mr. II. J. Karwell. vice grand:
T. St. John, financial secretary: Dol:
Duncan, trustee.
;S) 'S ,S)
' News on This Page is i
From Daily Issue ot
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26, 193 3
(i r?1 (i 'Vi r fi G) (S) -51 ri) rS V) ')
No Paper Issued Tomorrow. Fol
lowing' out a time honored custom,
the Democrat will not be published to
morrow, Thanksgiving day.
Missionary Program Tonight.
Wednesday at 8 p? m, a 'missionary
program, the main feature of which
will be "Cradle Songs of the Nations"
is to be rendered by the Philathea
class of the Albany Baptist church
The young ladies representing for
eign nations will appear in costume.
A free-will offering for missions will
be asked. Please come and bring
your neighbor.
Post Office Will Close. There will
be no deliveries, neither rural nor
city tomorrow, from the local pot
office. The general delivery window
will be open, however, from 1 to 2
p. m
We Think So Too. The following
editorial appeared in this morning's
Oregonian: The two Swiss girls at
Albany who refused to become mail
order wives refuse to return until re
imbursed. They have the right spirit,
but the loss will be Oregon's if they
depart. Surely there must be two
young men in all of Linn county who
can prevail upon them to. remain.
Weather Fair. The range uf tem
perature for 24 hours ending at
.clock this morning was 52 to 44 rie
.;"ce?. The rainfall for the same p.r-h.-l
was 18 inches. The river i.s at
i 4 a:;d is falling. Rain tonigii. and
-.''imrvou' with hri-' nutherlv 'vi"d-
is tiie weather prediction.
....Suit to Recover Money. Demand
ing judgment in the sum of $110 with
interest, John W. Loder has filed suit
in the circuit court against L. S. Barm
ley to recover on a promissory note,
executed at Oregon City November
21, 1909 and due 60 days after date.
The plaintiff asks for $25 attorneys
Administratrix Appointed. M a rga
ret J. Shaw, widow of the late An
gus A. Shaw, who died November 21,
last, was this morning appointed ad
ministratrix of the $3000 estate. The
deceased left surviving him no child,
ren and the only heir is his widow.
The deceased left, no will. The fol
lowing have been appointed appraisers
of the property owned by the late
Mr. Shaw in Multnomah county: W.
A. Shaw, J. J. Graham, and Charles
Stewart and the following for Linn
county: C. L. Ransom, F. H. God
dard and C. C. Cole.
Will Perform Marriage. C. R. La
mar yesterday recorded his authority
to solemnize manages with the coun
ty clerk.
Marriage License Issued Yesterday
Afternoon. A marriage license was
issued to Charley Voss, age 41, of
Albany and Christina Peterson, age
23. of Thomas.
In Jail Year; 225 Days to Serve.
Last Sunday completed exactly one
year's service in the Linn county jail
for Albert Peacock, of Albany, his
imprisonment breaking all records
-,ere for ti e longest incarceration for
violation of the local op'jon liquor
law. Kfforts are now being made by
P-'.!cock friends to secure a pardon
fur him. It he is not released by ex
ecutive clemency or the payment ol
es not yet serveiLout he will have
. -.,,.,:.. : ;.,;) 7?.; dnvs lonvrer
16-ft and 20-fi FENCING
at wholesale prices fcr
November only.
I Exceptional Merchandise at Unparalleled Prices Has Brought
Hundreds of Men to this Albany's Greatest MEN'S SALE!
You all know of the clothing sales that have been held by the
Tiacy store in Albany. Each season our sale has bei'ii the ban
ner ev.'iil for men. Values have been always just us we ad
vertised them. There has never been a deception and they
tiave always been just as we quoted them in our ads.
V::t a change has taken place in the management of this pop
ular stoic. New capital has interested itself in this store and
a new merchandising idea will govern (his store in the future.
In order to start out on our new plan we have decided to first
char the store of the greatest part of our present stock. 11
is imperative that we have the money we have invested in our
present stock to carry out the new ideas, and for this reason
alone are we holding this Gigantic Re-Organization Sale. Con
sistent with our new policy of absolutely selling every article
before each season expires, we have made smashing and drastic
wtiuciions in every department of this store to turn the stock
b'.iore the end of this sale.
Every New Fall and Winter Suit, Overcoat and Raincoat Is Now Reduced!
r"i Raincoats
$20.00 Suits
$25.00 Suits
$30.00 Suits
About 7 Dozen Soft and Stiff Hats in Staple Styles
and Colors.
$3.00 values, while the lot lasts, take (ti OQ
your choice at this saving D 1.
I $,").00 Knox Stiff and Soft Hats, all t0 f0
latest styles. Reorganization Sale DO.c70
all new shapes in soft hats and derbies
$..()() Men's Austrian Yclour Hats,
black and blue. New bow-back style
.S:?.0(1 Men s Imported clour Hats, all Qtfy Hnj
colors, bow at backa great bargain 3),0.3'
25c Men's Boston
Garters - - 13c
50c President Style
Suspenders - 19c
55.00 Tower "Pish
liraud Slickers 1.93
15c Men's Plain
Lisle Socks - 6c
$5.50 R u IT n e c k
Sweaters - $2.39
1 0c Work S o e k s
cut to the pair 5c
55c Heavy V o o 1
Work Socks, pr 2 1 e
55e Men's Cashmere
Wool Hose - 19c
$1.50 Men's Underwear, - 89c
Men's warm, natural Australian wool Shirts
and Drawers. Perfectly mace, with fashioned M
cuffs and skirt. All sizes, splendid $1.50 grade.
Organization sale price, per garmvnt ftLJ jJ
'l'jmous "Hayes" Shirts and Drawers, advertis
e.l so extensively this season in the Saturday J ft B
Evening l ost! Reinforced and extra well made
throughout. Best 50c underwear in America.
"The Active Man's Underwear," that you see advertised so
extensively. Kvery gament reduced for this sale.
Si. 00 Superior Uniog Cuits cut to 89c
$1.50 S.:pc-:or Union Suits. Cut to Si. 29
SvOO Srpeiior Wool Union Suits Cut to
$.i.M Men's Knn-.ous Wornte.l Wool Union Suit? $2.79
330 West First Street. Albany, Oregon