in Oil! I CI MM Oregon School Teacher Who Was Thought to Be Linked in Mystery Is Safe. DECLARES SHE DOES NOT KNOW ANYTHING OF AFFAIR Workmen Discovered Clew to Supposed Murder at Aurora III. Yesterday. CoiHimictl from Saturday, Nov. 22 Much concern prevailed lurc this morning following a report that Miss Alice McCornack, a school teacher of District 6.1, of f.inu county, was thought to he linked in a box car mur der mystery, until she was located at the ranch home of J. It. I lay worth, five miles southeast of I larrisburg, where she is hoarding, while teaching in a school near that place. "Xo, I'm not missing," she said haughtily over the telephone, "mil the report frightened nie at first. I do not know a thing about it. I would like to see the mystery solved." Miss McCornack, whose age is 24, is the daughter of Joel McCornack, a rancher of near Springfield. She janie from there on October Ct to accept the position of teaching school, suc ceeding; Mrs. Jean I'eppiu, who re signed. The mystery is the result of work men finding a girl's blood tained un derskirt, a school n-ailer and an emp ty revolver, yesterday at Aurora, III., while they were unloading hi ruber from a box car. The articles were found in one end of the car and blood was spattcrrd about, indicating a 1 struggle. The police of Aurora believe that a murder has been disclosed. The flv leaf of the bonk, which was a I hiss German reader, bore the name i of Klsic Ilelba Day, Springfield, r., j ami below it the name Dr. II. A. Day, j Colville. Wash., tin. nght to be the: girl's father. I Klsic 1 lelha Day was found last i night at Des Moines, la., where she , i visiting at the home of her bio- ihcrAll'ied l.ove, who formerly lived tuv n time in Spokane. Wash. M iss Day s iid the finding oi tin- hook with her name in it led her to believe Miss McCornack. might have had an en counter and possibly been murdered. Miss Mct'oinack was an intimate friend of her-, says Miss Day. and It id many of her Uooks and effects. The carload of lumber was shipped from South Hend. Wash. Seplcinher 25, y the South Hend Mills company. It i beliexed that the tuui det er broke into the car and bid the book, skirt and revolver The v e.ipoi: i 'Vl'1' Johnson .'2 calibre ; Tiu- chambers did not contain shells. I ami both skin and gun wcie .ipp.nciH-1 1 new. i I'her iviPie- in the reader, perhaps u I Hives of the school g:rl. w ere" ' C'miIcs Mam. Colville. Wish : I , :,d, l.ove. n.V Kiverade. Spokane. Wash ; Mis C. A. Day, 5M Noiih Twenty si th street. I'm t land. Or., .i'mI Mrs D 11 Smith. CniottviUe. la. "i do not know how my name hap pened to be in (he book." -aid Mi Mi Co i nack, dm ing I lie com creation over the telephone, "and I don t know how the book came to be in the b- Miss Day lias admitted that the book belonged !o her. according to re pot t lhoiii De Moines, and said that if she i can mho cd correctly, she loan ed it to Miss McCornack some tune ago. side from these tacts, she could not thtow anv light on (lie mystery. C I!, and Wall.ue HembM-ou ot" Deli oit wet e over nig lit i si tors ia the ci;V J. W. Ciockei, of Tangent, trans acted hn-mess brie t!iis iiHMning. C!. ester A I. von of Mill Citv was a btiMiifs- i-itor m tin- ci;y tins mumii ing Kuby I.. Cornell, ot Sale'!, isited liiends heie yesteiday afternoon. Mis, 1' 1 oonev, of Jeffei son, i ted l!.ri trends r!ns moitnng, te ti:i ning home thi- noon H I', Hodge-, ,,f the Silveiton Ap of SiKetton. is attending the cd-iloi-.' meeting this aftetnoon. i'.eoige Chile let! this 'Vom for Cot - ,i 1J i - on a brief buM'T-s etrivd James Parcel, rdhor of the Dallas bvetve'. is m -he city :'ii- afternoon attending tiie i.ewsp.iper men'! nu-et- ir SAYS REPORTS OF ACCENT WERE GREATLY EXAGGERATED ; John Yoakam Returned This I Morning from Eugene and Describes Sad Accident. That the reports of the accident that happened near Kugene l'lnirsd-iy .'jlcrnooii have been greatly exagger ated, was the statement of John Vo;.k aru, one of the victims, who returned to his home here from .hat pl.u.e this morning, ;.fter attending an mmiest held there yester'lay afternoon. Rob ert F. Si.iithwiek, assiVnit engin-.-cr of the J. ortland, Kugene an;l Eastern was killed, and Mr. Yakain and M. II. Whitney of San I'Vaticisc ). of the S. I company, were siiglitly injured. The .rcrlcnt happened nea- J'orter on the P., K. & M., when a speeder rai which .he three men were rifling crashed into an automnhila 'join. lining four Kug?:c real estate irien. "In the first place," said Mr. Yoak am, the speeder was not going as fast as reported as it is equipped with a government seal that will not permit it to run over 2) miles per hour. We were about sixty feet from the auto when he saw it on the track. When we were withing forty feel we had the brakes on and the speeder slid about this distance until it crashed in to the car. The auto was standing with the rear w heels on the track. The only damage done to the car was that the outer tire to one of the wheels was torn off. I was thrown 25 feet and received a deep gash over my right eye and am considerably bruis ed. Whitney was thrown obeut 15 feet ami sustained a badly cut, scalp. , Ilis skull was not fractured. He re-1 eeived no other injuries. Smith wick was only about four feet from where ( the speeder hit the auto when picked up. Wihitney and myself both got j up after the accident. I walked about i KM) feel down the track and flagged1 the approaching work train. All three j of us were taken to Kugene on this ' train. Whitney and myself were tak-! en to the hospital where we were held for the inquest. Whitney left Kugene j last night alone for his home in San The remains of Mr Smith-' wick are resting hi Kugene ami will! be sent to his home for burial. I expect to be out in a few day.' WAREHOUSE CASE WILL BE CONTINUED FOR WEEK The case brought by Smith Cox audi twenty ntlier 1 .inn county farmers ae.aitist the Albanv Farmers Com pany, which failed in l'HS to recover n a warehouseman's bond, fidlowiut further aiLiituiem before Judge flal- loway this morning, wa continued for j a week pending final settlement. The ease came up yesterday morn- i ing for trial and when upon motion of j attorney to effect a compromise or 1 cllK-meut out of court, the matter was deferred for action until this I morninc, .it ' o'clock, when the above , i-oiulusioH wa readmit. A-ide from this Judge Galloway lias j entered several orders m other cases; of minor importance. CURRFNCY BILL SCHEDULED FOB DEBATE ON MONDAY ( Hy I'nited l'ies Association) j -aim: ! '. o V I'lif euiren . v !-:il was letunied to the senate this al'leinotMi hy the senate hanking currency con unit tee. With it eanie two proposed Mibs'.itutes. one 1y "ad miniU at ion" democrat :c committee men, and one by Senator Hitchcock. and five Republican mem lie is ot the commit tee v'h.tii man Ow en srred notice today tlia: he will op en deli.d e on t he m i eney in ca mi re M otiday. LINN PIONEER OF 1849 CELEBRATES 87TH BIRTHDAY Mr. John tieisendot Ter w ho tcidcs itr mile-, east ot tin- city, ce'ebrat- j ed hi- S,"th lui thday 'o ember 10. ;with a pleasant dinner paity. Mi t iei-i ndo: :"er i u;mi:.Ll!y hate j .oid lu .r. : lor a man ot his ae. He jwo:k Mime each day and claims that , : Ii :s is what keeps him .t i on;. A number oi eai s .uo he ted from the root of a ba:u and has been forced :o u--e a crutch eei Mtice Pe-pite this his garden is weedle-s and his or chaid i kept m jiood condition. Thi fall a friend called and Mr. GeNon doiier was dtscoeted at the top ot a ten toot ladder, ptckini apples. Mr. tieiseudorter eiosed the plains in 1S4' and has lied in county since tMJ VALLEY EDITORS EHE TODAY Newspapermen of Upper Will amette Valley Hold Busi ness Meeting. ADDRESSES GIVEN BY PROMINENT EDITORS Session Held at St. Francis to Be Followed by Banquet at Hammel. Well known newspaper men from all parts of the Willamette valley are in Albany this afternoon to attend the annual meeting of -the Willamette Valley Kditorial association. The business meeting of the asso ciation is being held at the St. Fran cis hotel. At 5:30 o'clock this after noon the visiting editors will be ten dered a banquet and smoker at the Hold Hammel. Through the courte sy of Manager Hammel of the hotel, the banquet will he tendered as a compliment to the newspapermen. The programme of addresses for the meeting follows: "Credit and debit problems of the Small Daily," K. M. Reagan, of the Albany Herald: "How to Get the Small Advertiser," C. G. r.cMarssters, of the Amity Stan dard ; "Duty of the Newspaper to Higher Kducation," Charles L. Spring er, of the CorvalMs Gazette-Times; "The Job Department, vs. the News paper," W. H. Totteii, of the Dallas Observer; "Cost of a Cost Sysreni," A. I7.. Scott, of the Forest Grove News Times; "Things an Editor Thinks, ' W. H. Hornibrook, of the Albany Democrat; "How an Kditorial Asso ciation Makes Business for Me," II. K. Hodges, of tlte Silverton Appeal: "I low the ( regon Newspaper Field Looks to New-comers," G. T. Taylor, of Molalla: "What a Newspaper Should Print," Carl A brains, of the Salem Statesman. f'aiitor F. M. llrowu of the Mrowns viltc Times, is in the city this after noon attending tfie meeting of the ed itorial association. Mrs. Inria Graw and! son, of The Dalles, were in the city yesterday. They stopped at the V.indrau. Miss Getty Taylor retuniivl this noon from Corvallis where she at tended a dance la -t night, givtn by an ). A C. organization. S. ".. Uusell ami' wife of Kingston, were Albany iitors cteulay after- UOa'U. Mrs. M. D. lUmincl ami daughter, Ifit this noon to visit relatives at Independence. Train Late. Southern I'aeitic north-! hound train due to arrive here at ; 2 -W oVlovk ill not .m rive until o'clock. For rea-on the train is 1 overdue could not lie learned. j Application to Register Title. Hat tie Walters this tnoruini filed appli cation in the circuit court to register title. to the west half of lots os. 1 and 2 in Mn-k - of Kh kpatricks ad dition lo l.ebaiioa. MONET 7 W'r air prepared t furnish mon ry on farm loars in the Witl.mi ctte Valley at :hc lowrt current rates ot intetet. Will nive five yrar time and allow bor rower liberal options of prepay ment. If you can nuke more money from your farm by d ditii: livestock and new niachin ery .v.:d new b;::lili:u we will let you have the money for that purpose. I f you want to dis poe of vnur jvace. the i;uick est vay ?o make a vi!e is to add subtan:iil improvement "lien in reed of fund ca'.l on u W'f a-e t':e ordv e:abl:l'ed c-mp. my m or time loans in thi county. , j The Oregon Title and Trust Co. ALBANY. 0RKC0N MASONS ENJOYED PLEASANT CEREMONIAL SESSION About 100 Members of Order from Other Towns Guest of Local Order. That, everybody expressed opinions that the work of the Master Masons degree, exemplified night by St. John's Lodge of this city, was put on very creditably, and especially the vis itors, was indicated by many remarks made at the close of the session. The event was made an auspicious occasion. Over 200, including 100 vis iting Masons, attended. The visitors came from Harrisburg, Lebanon, Jef ferson, Corvallis, Shedd and Browns 'vtlle. When the ceremonial session was over the entire assembly enjoyed a splendid banquet. Many this morning expressed opin ions that the session was the best of any ever held. Remarks were made to the effect that the work was magni ficently exemplified and it appears that all must have been unanimous in voting the session a most enjoyable affair. w CITY NEWS 9 9 Commissioners to Meet. A letter was received at the Commercial club this morning from Fred S. Byuon, secretary of the Willamette Valley Ex position Association, stating that there will be a meeting of the commis sioners of the association in the Sa lem Commercial club rooms Friday, November 28, at 1 :30 o'clock in the af ternoon. Alt of the commissioners are urged to attend as business of im 60-inch Mercerized Table Damask yard 64-inch Mercerized Table Damask yard 75c All-Liner Damask 66 inches vide yard $1.25 Heavy All-Liner Damask, 70 in. at yd Afieiits. for Sl;i(l:ii J Patterns EDISON PHONOGRAPHS All sizes at prices as cheap as they are sold anywhere. Remember it's DAWSON The Albany Pill Man Who Sells Them portance ii to conic up before tli meeting. Entertainment Was Great Success. I he eutertainnu-iit given last night a: the Mcthodi.-t church by Queen Fs :her Society, to raise money for char itable purposes was a thorough suc cess ar.d attended by a large crowd. As a result a good sum of money was raised, which will go towards com pleting the purchase of a scholarship which the. society undertook to secure, in a southe.rn school for a mountain white girl. Mrs. Sedy and Daughter Visit. Mrs. E, J. Seeley and daughters Miss es Clarabellc and Alice, of Portland, formerly of Albany, are guests of Mrs. Scelay's mother, Mrs. Steven Frccrksen. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Seeley said that she and her daughters were going to Los Angeles socmrtQi make their home. They will return to Portland shortly to make arrange ments, to move south. Cloverseed Duck Club Meets.v-1 Meeting last night, the members of the Cloverseed Duck club adopted rules; and; regulations for thee season; and will: commence shootmg-as soon as there-is enough water. It is not an ticipated' that there will bee a flight of ducks in this section of the valltiw before Thanksgiving. Harrisburg Booze Fighters Unkind. CEDAR FENCE POSTS 16-ft and 20-ft FENCING at wholesale prices, for November only. ALBANY LUMBER CO- Thanksgiving Sale of Table Linens!! 39c $1.35 Plain Center Piece tf fJ Linen Damask yard p mJ $1.50 Extra Heavy Ger man Linen Damask, yd c $1.75 Irish rine and the yard FLOOD'S STORE 354 WKST FIRST STREET Mrs. Virgil Oais and. Mrs. Muna - a :'.vu well k;.ow:i ladii:S of Har r:.3tiurg. v t-rc in town ti.U morning. Mi'a. 0;.vi., .v;iiie renewing h-r sub scription to the Democrat., suited that before the election in that place, she ..a- never troubled by men drinking, s they til en drank in the saloons. Hut now they arc forced drink in the streets and Mrs. Davis, -says as a result she picks up two or. three empty bottles in her front yard .every morn ing. Money Received for Mints. The Elite confectionary store this morning received a letter enclosings-payment for a package of mints . wliich W. W. Schlagel, of Pomeroy, .Ohio, forgot to pay for when he was here recently. According to his letter, he is a regu lar user of Vivial, which"; is similar to the mints, and at home-He is used to taking the package from the box with wrt bothering the clerk.- He says that e only timech'e- ever forgot tio pay and offered his apology. Here From Irelacuir Mr. Charles McDowell, of Belfast. Ireland, is visit ing in the city at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mills. He jj;;jn his way from Ireland to southern California to look . af'cr hi: estate there. Linen Damask, Extra Heavy at per cent off on all. Napkins, either separate or to match. Agents for Kabo Reducing Corsets