The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, November 21, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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No. 33.
Construction Work on the New
L; Addition Will Start After
First of Year.
Banquet Room and Ladies'Par
i lor Are to Be Included; De
I mensions 50 by 100 Feet.
-That construction work on an annex
to the St. Francis hotel will start the
first of the year, was a statement
made this morning by Manager West-
Drook, who announced that all of the
plans have been made by E. H.
Rhodes, owner of -he hotel building
and the adjacent structures, for the
construction ol the same.
The annex is to be built on the
west side of the building over the one
story structure occupied bv the Hul-
, best-Ohling Hardware company. That
; firm is to vacate th premises soon
: and will move into the Knights of
rythias building on Lyon street.
The new annex to the St. Francis
is to contain 50 rooms all of which will
be outside rooms. The dimensions of
the new structure wil "be 50x50 feet,
thereby giving the entire hotel build
ing an area of 100 feet eqaare. The
annex ib to he built three stone high.
making it flush with the to? of the
present building: which is for storm
The new addition is to contain be
sides the fifty rooms, a spacious ban
quet hall, and a ladies' pari jr. Sev
eral of the rooms are to be construc
ted on the combination f ample room
and bath plan, affording the best of
convenience to trunk traveling men,
Plans for the construction are now be
ing drawn hy Architect T obey.
Aside from this needed improve'
ment, Manager Weatbrook- announc
ed that (he lobby of t:ie hotel, upon
completion of the annex will be some
what improved. It will be beautified
to considerable extent. More light
will be supplied through the installa
tion of windows and more cqvipment
is to be installed. The room now oc
cupied as a barber shop will thereafter
be used as a writing room which will
make this convenience more private
than heretofore and at the same time
give considerable more room to the
lobby. The annex will probably be
completed sometime in the middle of
next summer. 1 he annex and the
building now occupied by the hard
ware company will be built to con
form with the material used in the
construction of the hotel building. The
storeroom after vacated by the hard
ware store, will be fitted up and main
tained as heretofore.
To discuss the problems of the
present, there will be a joint meet'
ing of all the Women's Missionary
Societies of the churches of Albany
at the rirst Methodist church, cor
ner of Ellsworth and Third streets
Wednesday afternoon from 2 o'clock
until 5 o'clock.
The event will be held as the re
suit of "home missions" week, which
will be observed during this week
Able papers will be read during the
session of the union meeting Wed'
nesday relative to the questions of
the day and on problems that con-
front the missionaries at home.
The program of the event ;s now
being prepared and will be announced
Miss Crystal Shank, an Albany Col
lege student, returned this morning
trom a week-end visit to ner nome at
Mt. Pleasant.
Mrs. John B. Leech, of Brookfield
Farm, Harrisburg. is visiting at the
home of Rev. and Mrs. Leech.
W. A. Walton stopped off today
at the Leech home today on his way
from Alaska to his home in Wichita,
Kansas. He has been attending to
home interests in the dredging busi
ness in Alaska.
Miss Edna Cornell of Grants Pass,
a student at the O. A. C, visited o-er
Sunday at the home of Rev. and Mrs.
M. McCalman. of Niagara, district
construction engineer of the Oregon
Power Company, is in the city to
day on business.
3 Newt on Thia Page ia X
From Dailr laau of
Retention of Phillip'mes Will
Be Issue at Albany High
School Contest.
To choose its debaters for inter-
scholastic contests during the school
year, the Albany high school will
hold its final debating tryout next
Wednesday afternoon. Six debaters
will be selected to form two teams.
Through a series of preliminary
contests the contestants tor places
on the debating teams have been re
duced in number to eight. The ques
tion of permanent retention of the
Philippine Islands will be discussed
t he final tryout debate, and the
eight students from whm the teams
will be chosen are Miles Ma-ckey, Mar
garet Gibson, Arthur Leech and Ru-
bv Moench. who will sneak on the
affirmative side of the question, and
Dan Ashton, Faul Dawson, Mae eal
lack and Bina Reeves, who will sup
port the negative.
A pretty wedding ceremony was
performed Sunday evening in the
Methodist parsonage by Rev. D. H
Leech, in the presence of only a few
immediate friends and relatives. Tee
contracting oarties were Jamee H.
Wade and Miss Louise Mesmer. Tae
jcremony took place at 7 r. m. Mr.
Wade is employee ol tae- C. k. 1.
Both young people are well kaown
here and their many friend is the
city will be surprised and pleased to
learn of their marriage. They will
make their home in Albany.
H. H. Moag, of Sal era. arrived in
the city yesterday and today is trans
acting business here
H. Anderson and wife of Fortune,
were over Sunday guests at the Van
d ran, returning home this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. John Marvin, of Eu
gene, visited friends iu the city yea-
teraay. .. , .... .
O. T. Larsen. of Indeuendence. was
in the city ever Saadsy tnltiae
menus. ne rormcriy resided here.
C. J. Howard, of Mill City, cause
dwn S b Jay a4 (hie asorams Irsae-
aete4 -kHMitess hex
Vota oi Tbaatas. The Mod
ern Travelers wish to extend a vote
of thaoke and to exprees their appre
ciation to all who in any way, con
tributaa to tha success of the ckrys-
aninemum snow.
VaBar Aaaoaaalsoa t Meat To
pertect the final details of the orga
nization and launch the first step to
ward preparing for a Willamette
Valley exhibit at the Panama expo
sition, the newly ora-anized Willanv
ette Expositionh,thCawamekugasition
ette Valley Exhibit Association will
meet in Portland tomorrow. All of
the Linn county representatives will
attend. The meeting is to be held
in tne rortland Chamber of com
Will Laav far East Tamarraw
Manager C. H. Stewart of the Com
mercial club will leave for Chicago
tomorrow evening, wnere ne wilt rep
resent Oregon at the Chicago Land
Show. Mr. Stewart intended going
tomorrow Decause ot the meeting ol
ine tvuiamette valley txhibit As
sociation in Portland.
Kip Kaaabarries Pickad Yesterday.
County Kruit Inspector D. W. Kum
baugh stated this morning that
he picked ripe raspberries yesterday
off of a vine growing in a garden
patch at his home. As a result, he
said, he took great delight in sitting
down and writing to several relatives
in Ohio and other parts of the Mid
dle West, who have been suffering
irom the severe cold snaps, and tell
ing them that he was eating ripe rasp
berries. Cammarcial Clak Teaigat, The
regular weekly meeting of the Com
mercial club executive board will take
place this evening in the club parlors
commencing at 7:30 o'clock. It is de
sired that a full attendance be had
as several matters of importance are
to come up. It is understood that
several prominent Eugene business
men will wait upon the board rela
tive to a. manufacturing enterprise and
the members of the committee on
manitfactufies are especially urged to
b present.
How Daea skit Iau4? How does
this sound for Albany as the "foot
ball capital of the slate?" Only 7000
attended the biggest intercollegiate
conference game of the season be
tween the University of Oregon and
Portland Saturday only 7WX) attend
ed the biggest intercollegiate con
ference game of the season between
the University of Oregon and the
Oregon Agricultural College at Al
bany on November 8. That appar
ently sounds good for Albany and if
the football games do as well here
as in a ci:y the size of Portland from
an attendance standpoint, the chances
are great for the staging of the an
nual game between the two big Ore
go colleges every year.
Believed Rebels Attacked
Capital of Tamaulipas No
Wird As Yet.
Villa Prihiiiat U. S. Senator
No Extcutitm-One Shot
(By United Press Association)
Noealee, Ariz., Not. 17. The pro
posed rebel attack on Maseatton has
been postponed by the rebel leaders.
following the exteltenaeat her when
it became known battle was like
ly, quiet has fallea on Ike west coast
of Mexico, accordhiff to idrKM re
ceded, is also ejawe.
Mo word has boaa referred from
Victoria, capital of the state of Ta
maulipas, where i irae reported this
morning; that battle w immiaent.
Carraazt, rebel leader. ma4 Hale had
held no farther coafaraace at aooa to
El Paso. Nor. 1?. So far General
Villa is keeptac eaceOaat ardar la Ju
arez. -Already he bae chasea munici
pal officials front eke town's citizens,
with Joea Terae aaayec. fa report
has been openad to importation again
and Duemees i regaintag trs feet
slowly. The rebel ajaaerall Carranza
is expected to trawfar bie headquar
ters to Juarez, so a to e us touch
ritii Villa.'
Villa repeated bis deaial today that
more than eight prjeonare were exe
cuted by him after tba captnre, al
though he admitted (bat one man was
shot while attempt! to escape.
El Paso, Not. 17. No more ex
ecutions were report1 ab to noon to
day in Jaaree. Gaaaral Pawcho Villa
promised Senator Catroa, of New
Mexico, yesterday, raat there wilt be
na aaara execatiaa. At aooa today
the towa mm set.
Mrs. Carrie Ocambaaafe of Oneaha,
Meb., and Wra, Robart tAapWbye of
rortawd ara Tisittaff at the uora ot
Mrs. ). Un. 41B TY Seweatk.
Mrs W. S. Alaxaaaar of CorTaltis
was in the city SaaaraWy aftaruooa
Tmtiag rriaad.
Miss Charlotte Caauaing weat to
JorUana bandar to Tt bar aant Mrs.
Williamson. She expect to ba gone
a month.
C. L. BarchtoU, of Cor Talks, was a
visitor in tha city yaataraay.
F. E. Dilley, of CorraUia, wa vis
itor in tha city yaataraay.
S. Calliford, of CorTalh'e, stopped
over banuay at tae Tandran and re
turned home this morniag.
Thomas Burk, of Billiags, Montana,
is in the city tor the purpose of
estimating conditions here with a riew
of making his horn somwhere in the
'alley lie is stopping at the Van-
Mcsdames Philipps and Hayes, of
Corvatlis were over Sunday visitors in
the city. 1 hev stopped at the Van
dran. i
Mrs. Nina N. Smith of Brownsville.
visited relatives here yesterday, re
turning home this morning.
Crabtrce. Nov. 12. (Special to the
Democrat.) Mr. and Mrs. Chas
Pierce are the proud parents of a ten
pound baby boy who arrived Wednes
day night.
Mr.nd Mrs. Hatch transacted busi
ness in Albany Saturday.
Mrs. Fred Brewster returned Fri
day morning from Lebanon where she
has been haTing some dental work
There was a bio- crowd at
Turnidge's on the openiug day of the
Misses Mae and Maade Serfling xis
itcd the Crabtre high school this
Dr. Ross of Lebanon was a Crab
tree visitor Thursday.
G. W. Combs and Bv. Mr. Booth
of Portland were Crabtree visitors mi
behalf of the National Life Insur
ance company this week.
A new plank walk has been laid
from the church to the S. M. With'
The young people of the Literary
society are planning a programme to
tie given in the near future.
we nave Dee inlormed that our
article regarding Crabtree's attitude
toward the state university appropna
tion nas ottended certain., persons
ror this we are sorry, for it was not
our intention to offend anyone, how
ever it was given to us by others
lor publication.
Believes That Diplomacy Will
Effect Settlement of the
Reports to the Contrary Are
Fakes Also Canada
Sticks Too.
(By United Press Association)
Washington, Nov. 17. In spite of
the threatening aspect of affairs ii
Mexico, President Wilson is still con
fident that diplomacy will yet solve
the problem.
To a conference of newspapermen
today the president stated that Lind
was not going aboard the battleship at
at Vera Crnz unless Huerta hands
him his passports. Nor is Canada
getting ready to close the American
consulate at that place. O'Shnngh-
nessy will not close the American em
bassy at Mexico City. President Wil
son referred plainly to the reports of
Lind's. O'Shaua-hnessy's and Canada's
departure from Mexico as "fakes'
nothing more.
Suitriarity in Goal Kicking
Enabled Visitors t Carry
,8ff Hanars.
Rallying in the laat quarter with
score of 19 to 7 against them, the
Pacific Unirersitr football team de
featcd Albany College here Saturday
afternoon br oue point, the nun
scor being 30 to 19. The game was
both turn.
Each team scored three touch
down bit Pacific kicked two goals,
whit AlMif negotiated only on.
trom tho start it looked as tnougi
the collegians would walk awar with
their atvtr opponents. Us of the
forward pass in tb last quarter n
abUd the tisitors to win. On straight
football tb local team somewhat had
it over their oDDonnts.
HofTvr. both teams used the for
ward d a fits successfully for big gains.
The Presbyterians excelled in nearly
every denartmcnt of the uame ill the
tirst nail uut in iongregaiionansi.s
rallied in the last ban and hurled ac
curat nasies lor lonir trains.
i'iciiic kicked oil aim on tne first
play of the game lebault received
forward pass and ran 65 yards for
touchdown. Albany scored again in
the first quarter, Frenchy carrying the
ball over alter the collegians had car
ried it down the field by straight foot
ball. In the second quarter Albany
swept down the field again on forward
passes and cross bucks and Hodge
scored a third touchdown. Again, n
this quarter, Albany crossed the I'a
cific ironl line when Acheson intercet)'
ted a Pacific forward pass and ran
GO yards to the goal, but the score was
not allowed for holding in the Albany
Pacific's first score came in th
third tiuarter when after several sue
ccssful passes the ball was hurled over
tli e Albany line to Ireland for a
touchdown. Time and again Pacific
negotiated successful passes which AI
bany seemed unable to break up and
1 upper twice crosced the Alhany go;
on line bucks after forward passes
had placed the ball in striking Uis
Tunper. halfback, and Ireland, en
starred for the university. Tebault
end. Holland, halfback, and Hodge,
fullback, played a good game for the
In a splendidly contested game of
football at Halsey Saturday after
noon the Albany High School defeat
ed the Albany Athletic club by
score of 13 to 6.
The game was well contested
throughout and was characterized by
several briliant plays. Halsey scored
the first touchdown when a punt w
dropped in the Albany backfirld and
Kirk picked up the fumbled nail an
crowded the line. The high school
scored one touchdown in each halt
Kirk ulaved a good ifiirnc for Hal
sey and Monteith, and both of the
Archibalds and nnggs, played a splcn
did game tor the local team.
Banquet Will Be Held at New
Hammel; Business Meeting
in Afternoon.
That practically every newspaper
man in the Willamette valley will at-
cml the annual meeting ol the Wil
imetie Editorial Association which
ill convene in this city next Satlir
iv is indicated by the number of let-
crs received by the Secretary. Elbert
IH-de. oi the Cottage Grove Sentinel.
A business meeting will be held ditr-
ng the afternoon at the St. Francis
otel and will be Mowed -hv a ban-
iiict which will be held at 5:30 at the
Xcw 11 annuel. Nearly all of the ed-
tors plan to remain for the banquet
Inch will be one of the big attrac
tions of the meeting.
Suit te Recover Money. A suit to
ecover S232 with interest on a promis
sory note was filed in the circuit court
this afternoon by W. H. DuBeau
against Charles Lynch. Attorneys
Weathcrford and Weatherford repre
sent the plaintiff.
Articles incorporator the Harris'
burg News Publishing Co. were filed
this morning with County Clerk
Marks. Ihe company is capitalized at
The baeiness of the corporation will
be to buy, own, control, print and
nublisk a aewapaper. The principal
office of the corporation will ve in
Harnsbura; and its duration snail be
perpetual. 1 ha cnpital stock i umu
ed inta ona kaadred and fifty skaras
of the par Tnlae of lea dollars ench
Ihe incorporators are John I. Barnes,
V. H. Hassey and A. C Johnson.
Jack Phelan. of SiWerton, wast a Tis-
itor in the city yesterday. He stop
ned at the Vandran.
L. 11. btnitu ol trownTiiia was in
the ctiy this morning. He risited
friends oyer Sunday, returning home
this noon.
Fred Honbs, ol Eugene, transacted
business here this morning, returning
home this noon.
: C. Berrr. of CrawfordsrilVe. eaiae
down yesterday. and went to Portland
this morning to attend Dusinesa nut
ters. Fred Johnson of. Mill City, was in
Albany yesterday enronte to his borne
after a week end business stay in
Portland. .
Patftkue tot Probata al Will A pe
tition was filed in the probate court
this morning for the probation of the
will of the late Anna D. Pace, who
died October 15, 1913 leaving proper
ty of the yalue of $100. Three heirs
are surviving. It is set up that by the
provision of the will, the petitioner,
Charitv Isabelle lleeson, is named cx
ccutrix of the estate, wherefore she
asks to be appointed the executrix.
afaaia at Hamanal. Last night at
Hammel hotel the music was furnish
ed by Wood's orchestra. The Sun
day dinners at the Hammel are prov
in ir a irreat attraction and the man
airement has received a larne number
of compliments from both the travel
ing public and local people.
McDowell R Warns. I. A. McDow
ell of the McDowell Shoe Company
has returned from a business trip
throuirh Idaho. He says that busi
ness conditions arc slow throughout
the greater portion of that state.
Kditar Hare. Editor Humphrey of
the Jefferson Review was shaking
hands with friends ill Albany batur
i.iv afternoon. Mr. Humphrey re
ports bifsiness conditions ift Jeffer
son as good.
Praaidant Baakuiall Hera. President
liiisliucll of the Pacific University and
his wife spent Sunday at the home of
Judge Hewitt and wile.
T. M. C. A, Statement Tomorrow.
On Tuesd.iv and Wednesday the Y
M. C. A. will put on their financial
campaign to raise the money neces
sary for running expenses for the
coming year. Tomorrow's Democrat
will contain the total receipts and ex
orndititres for the past year. 1 he
M. C. A. wishes the people of Albany
to know just where the money comes
from and where it goes. This evening
25 men will feed together at 6:30 and
.talk over plans for the campaign. The
luncheon will be at the I'.hte.
Considered a Success. The special
meetings at the Grace Presbyterian
church were conscdcrcd a success,
some old timers have said the best ev
er in Albany. One of the unique le
tnres of the meetings was the interest
of the people about ten different dc
nominations, which kept up to the end
There were 32 converts, going into
various churches, all of which were
young people. OTd sinners seem to
be hard to reach. The Glorious Gos
pel was presented.
Marriage License Issued. This af
ternoon a marriage license was issue
to Kred Johnson and Ruth Lundren,
both of Mill City, lhcy will be mar
ned this aftenujon.
Residents of Western Oregon
Are Urged to Write Friends
in the East.
Believed That This Plan Will
Result in Far Greater
The people of Western Oregon who
have friends and relatives residing in
tne iiast and Middle West can easily
advertise the Willamette valley if they
desire to, was the statement ol C ii.
Stewart this morning.
As outlined by Mr. btcwart. the peo
ple of the Willamette valley can write
to their menus and relatives m the
Kiist, who reside in and about Chicago
nd tell them to attend the land show
which wilt open there soon and lst
util the fore part of December. 1 he
Oregon representatives sent from this
state to girt the visitors at the show
citable and authentic information rel
ative to the conditions of the state will
do the rest.
This matter presented itself this
morning when it became known that
a prominent resident of lAlbany, devot
ed the entire afternoon yesterday to
wntingdetters to relatives who reside
in and about Chicago, telling them to
attend the show if it is possible and
learn something of this great common
wealth. The plan appears to be a very feas
ible one as the show will he of in
tense interest to everyone. Hundreds
I sectioM tjf Middle West
tr expected to attend. If everyone
residing in this section who has rela
tives or friends whom they would like -
to become interested in the state with
a view of coming to settle iu the val- .
lev.-would write them a letter to the
aforementionod effect, thereby show
ing their proper spirit in helping to
boost for the valley, the attendant re
sit., it is believed will bt of far greater
proportions than otherwise.
The land show is to be held in Chi
cago trom November 20 to December
H Mr. Stewart with several- other
leading citizens of various mirts of
the state will leave Portland tomorrow
in a -body for Chicago to bo presrait
during Ihe show to exploit (he resourc
es of the state in connection with ex
hibits. '
The OrcKon branch of the Ameri
can I'miltry Association will hold its
next annual show in Alhany in con
nection with the annual show of the
Central Willamette I'miltry Show,
which which will be held January
6 to 9. This is cxpcclcd to be one
of the largest poultry shows ever held
the state and it will be featured hy
a special display of eggs and poultry
from the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, including the two greatest egg
laying hens iu the world.
At last year's poultry show in Al
bany there were entries from 11 dif
ferent Oregon counties and irom tne
state of Washington. The American
l'oultry Association will offer one
gold medal, 12 silver medals and 12
diplomas as prizes and the local as
sociation will give 17 silver cups, be
sides diplomas and substantial cnsli
prizes and premiums iu every breed
and class.
Plans arc being perfected by the
officers of the "Central Willamette
I'miltry Association for the success
of the coming show. Last year a
large supply of splendid, modern ex
hibit coops was prepared and tins
supply will be increased this year.
The premium list is being compiled.
Yet Boys Don't Play With Dolls.
Contained in the report of the Dept.
of Commerce, just out, is the state
ment that in rieptcrnher alone or this
year two million dollars worth of
toys were imported in the U. S.
Bligh Engages Celloist J. Hran
deberg. recently from France, and cel
loist of ability, has been engaged for
the orchestra at the Bligh theater.
Mr. Brandcberg commenced his du
ties Saturday night. He is an ar
tist with the cello and his playing
Saturday night was highly comment
ed upon by people. With the addi
tion of this instrument the Bligh or
chestra has now four pieces, the pia
no, clarinet and drums, which makes
a splendid musical organization for
this popular play house.
Operated Upon for Appendicitis.
John Mcinert who was operated upon
last week for appendicitis is recov
ering, lie was operated upon by Dr.
W. if. Davis.