The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, November 14, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 he JSemi-Weekly
Kditor and Publisher
Entered at the poslolluc .11 Albany
Oregon, as second-class matter.
Published every evening except Sun
day. Semi-weekly published Tiles
days anil Fridays.
Address all communications and make
all remittances payable to the Dem
ucrat Publishing Co.
In ordering changes of address, sub'
scribers should always give old as
ivell as new address.
Delivered by carrier, per week....$ 10
Delivered by earner, per ye;..- 4.ui
by mail, at end of year 3.51)
I y mail in advance, per year 3.00
t end of year $1.50
v hen paiil in advance, one year.... i.25
cLAS-H hi hi) l I ES
Ic per word for first publication; 14c
per word thereafter, payable in ad
vance. Minimum charge of 25c.
Established in 1365.
Tlui't one of the most important
pieces of work ever undertaken by
any br;uicli of the government is con
templated by Joseph E. Davics, feder
al commissioner of corporations, is
Riven as the belief of Senator La
Folcttc, contained in a signed editor
ial in La Folctc's Weekly. Senator
La Kolette declares that an investi
gation conducted by Mr. Davies will
result in relieving the people from any
"further tribute on fictitious wealth
and inflated values."
"If Commissioner Davies is em
powered to carry out the plan out
Jincd in his speech at Atlantic City
a few clays ago, the bureau of cor
porations will enter upon one of the
most important features of work ever
undertaken by any branch of our gov
ernment," says the senator. "Mr. Da
vics contemplates an investigation of
trusts and combinations which shall
determine first, whether the concen
tration of industry in the hands of a
few corporations has had economical
results, and second, whether the pub
lic lias been benefitted by the results.
"Since its creation eleven years
ago, this branch of the department of
commerce has made separate investi
gations of great value, including the
beef, tobacco, lumber, steel, Stand
ard Oil, water power, harvester and
other trusts. These Investigations
have furnished the public authorita
tive facts regarding each specific in
dustry, but tip to this time the gov
ernment ban not attended to correl
ate the facts in relation to the whole
big problem of industrial monopoly.
This, Commissioner Davics proposes
to do, and to extend the investigation
to cover the whole field of industrial
combination. If undertaken in a sci
entific spirit and carried forward with
the assistance of the nation's ablest
and best economists and investigators,
this work will he of immense value
to congress in dealing with a radical
and effective way with the next big
problem to be dealth with, before the
country can become industrially free.
"Such an investigation should de
termine the value of these great prop
erties. We should know the actual
amounts that have been invested, and
to what extent we suffer from extor
tionate prices because of ovcrcaptali
laliou. The people are willing to pay
a fair return on legitimate values., but
they should mi lunger be compelled
to pay tribute on fictitionus wealth
and inflated values. In outlining this
far-reaching work. Mr. Davies has
shown a far-reaching breadth of view
and a comprehension of the possibil
ities of his bureau that will receive
general public commendation."
Administrator's Notice.
To .ill the creditors of Major John
sou, deceased:
You ami each of you are herebv
notilied tint the undersigned has been
duly appointed administrator of the
estate of Major Johnson, deceased;
thereto! e all pc: -.uns bavin,; claims
against said est. He ate hereby non
tied anil tc.iiircd to present the saute
with the proper vouchers !o uie at
the law office of Y U. Ililvctl in
Albany. I.iuu County: Oicgon. within
six months from the date lleieot'
Dated this 14 d.iv of Nov . I'M .1
Administrator of Major lohusou, de
ceased. n!4 21-2S dS-IJ
Summons for Publication in Fore
closure of Tax Lien.
In the Circuit Court ol the State
of Oregon for l.inu County. Depart
ment. No. J.
C. II. Cunuuiugs, Plaintiff,
W. A Alioi.l. Defendant.
To W. A. Alloid. the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby tionticd that I'. II.
Clllllilliiigs. the holder ot Cci titic.ilc i
of Delinquency numbered 35. issued'
on the 5th day" of December, l'XV-t, by!
the Ji Collector of the County ot
Linn, Slate of Oregon. lor' the I
amount of Two and 22-100 Dollar-,!
the same being the amount then due
and delinquent for taxes fur the ear
1907, together witli penalty, interest
and costs thereon upon the real prop
erty assessed to you, of which you arc
the owner as appears of record, sit
uated in said County and Stale, and
particularly bounded and described as
follows, to-wit:
beginning at a point which ii 2M
chain:, west of the quarter section
post on the easl side of Section 5 in
Township 15 South, Range 4 West of
W'illiainctlc Meridian. Linn County.
Oregon, and running thence north I.7X
chains; llience west 10 chains; th':n-:e
South 10 chains; thence north 8.22
chains to the place of beginning, ail
in I. inn county, Oregon.
Your are further notified that
said C. II Cunuuiugs lias paid taxes on
said premises for prior or subse
quent years with the rate of interest
on said amounts as follows:
Year's Tax Receipts Rate of
Tax Dt. I'd. No. Ann. Intr.
1908 Mch 23 1909 4978 $2.47 ISpcrct.
1909 Mch 24 1910 5.KJ7 2.82 ISpcrct.
1910 Mch 22 1911 5348 3.75 I5perct.
1911 Mch 23 1912 5701 448 lapcrct.
1912 Apr 22 1913 6953 4.37 15 erct.
Saitl W. A. Alford, as the owner of
the legal title of the above described
property as the same appears of rec
ord, and each of the other persons
above named are hereby further noti
fied that C. II. Cummings will apply
to the Circuit Court of the County
and Mate atoresaid lor a decree fore
closing the lien against the property
above described and mentioned in said
certificate. And you arc hereby sum
moned to appear within sixty days
after the first publication of the sum
mons exclusive of the day of said first
publication, and defend this action
or pay the amount due as above shown
together with costs and accrued in
terest ami in case of vour failure to
do so, a decree will be rendered fore
closing the lien of said taxes ami costs
igamst the laud and tircnnses above
This summons is nuhlished bv order
of the Honorable D. II. McKnight,
Judge of the County Court of the
state ot Urcgon, tor the County ol
Linn, and said order was made and
dated this 11th day of November, 1913,
and the date of the first publication
is this summons is the 14th day of
November, 1913.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned residing within the State
of Oregon, at the address hereafter
'Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address Albany, Oregon.
nl4-21-28 dS-12-19-26 J2-9-16
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Linn.
C. H. Cummings, Plaintiff,
Flora C. Joy, Watson F. Rinehart,
Ellis W. Rinehart, Guy S. Rinehart
and Frankie Mayer, Defendants.
To Flora C. Joy, Ellis W. Rinehart
and Frankie Mayer:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon: You arc hereby notified that C. H.
Cummings, the plaintiff herein, is the
holder of Certificate of Delinquency
No. 144, issued on the 30th day of
December, 1908, by the Tax Collector
of the County of Linn, State of Ore
gon, for the sum of One and 90-100
Dollars, the same being the amount
then due and delinquent for taxes for
the year 1907, together with penalty,
interest and costs thereon upon the
real property assessed to Melissa
Rinehart, of whom you arc heirs of
the owner as appears of record, situ
ated in said county and State, and
particularly bounded and described as
follows, to-wit:
lleginuing at a point 18.98 chains
East of the Southwest corner of the
Southeast of Section 13, Town
ship 14, South of Range 5 West, Wil
lamette Meridian, thence running East
I0.9(i chains, thence North 22.75 chains
to the river; theucc up river with
mcandcrings to a point due north of
the beginning; thence South 18.25
chains to the place of beginning, con
taining 22 acres, situated in Linn
County, Oregon.
You are further notified that the
plaintiff has paid taxes on said prem
ises for subsequent years as follows,
ill of which payments, together with
itie Certificate of Delinquency hear
interest at the rate of fifteen i.15 per
cent, tier annum from the date of the
several payments.
Years Kate of
''x Date Paiil Aim. Int.
I'MS Mar. 2.1 l10 $1.S7 15 pcrct
I'MO Mar 2-1 I'MO j.n; 15 c,
l10 Mar. 22 I'M 1 ,15 ISpcrct.
I"l I Mar. 23 lOIJ .(,.1 15 01.
1I2 Oct. (1 101.1 ',,:) Hpevct
101.11 amour.: pant since tile issu
ance 01 the Certificate 01 Delinquency
is Seven and S-ltHI Dollars (J70SI
Said Flora C. Joy. Ellis W. Rine
hart and Frankie Mayer, as the heirs
ot the owner ot the icgnl title of the
above described property as the same
.ip'n-ars of record, are hereby further
notilied that the plaintiff will' apply t"
the Circuit Court ot the County a:'.!
State aforesaid lor a decree foi-echv--'
ing I lie lien agains: the property above
described and mentioned in said cer
tilic.ite. And von are herebv sum
moned to appear w ithin sixty d iv s
alter the firs, publication ot the sum
mons exclusive of the day of said
first publication, and defend this ac
tion or pay the amount due as above
shown together vviih costs ami ac
crued interest and in case of your
failure to do so. a decree will be ren
dered foreclosing the lien of s.i-d t ax
es and costs against the laud and
premises above named.
This summons is published bv or
der ol the Honorable D. H. Mcknight.
Judge of Countv Court of the Suite
of Oregon, for the county of Linn.
anil s.uil oriter was made and dated
this Ilth day of November. 1-113. and
the date of the first publication 1 f
this summons is the 14th dav of N 1
veinber. 1013.
All process and papers in this nro
cec, lings ui.iv be served upon ill un
dersigned residing within the Stat"
ot I Vegon, at the address hereafter
C 1 V. S Hil l.,
Attorney for the Plaintiff
Addre-s. Atb.inv, Oregon.
uU 21-2S ,15 t2-W -Jo 12-i-ln
Notice of Road Meting.
Notice is hereby given by the un
dersigned, resident tax payers of Road
District Xo. one of Linn County, Ore
gon, being more than ten per cent
of the tax payers of said Road Dis
trict, that a meeting of the tax payers
of said Road District 'will be held at
I.emke Store at Ninth and Elm St.
in said Road District on Saturday,
the 29 day of November, 1913, at the
hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of
said day, for the purpose of levying
such additional tax 011 all the taxable
property ill said road district as may
be deemed advisable by the majority
of such tax payers at such meeting to
improve the roads of said Road Dis
trict. This no:i-e ispostcd this 28 day of
October, 1913. o31 n7-14-21-28
Referee's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned was bv an order of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Linn County, Department No. 2, in
that certain suit wherein Mary E. Wil
son and G. W. Wilson, her husband,
I''. H. Powell and S. M. Powell, were
plaintiff and Martha Marrs and John
Marrs, her husband, Horace M. Propst
and Jane Doc Propst, his wife, Alvis
L. Propst and Mary Roe Propst, his
wife, Nina P. Propst and Dale D.
i-ropst, were deleudants, duly made
and entered of record on the 23rd day
of October, 1913, appointed sole ref
eree to make sale of the following
uescrinea real property, to-wit: He
ginning at a point 5 chains west of the
northeast comer of the Donation Land
Claim of Samuel Sitnnson. Not. No
862, in Township No. II South, Range
o. 1 west ot ttie Willamette Meri
dian, Oregon, same being the north
east corner of the tract of land set
apart to Rebecca Powell by decree of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Linn County, made and en
tered on the 16th day of November,
1904, and running thence west 120
rods; thence south 66 2-3 rods, thence
cast 120 rods, thence north 62 2-3 rods
to the place of beginning, containing
50 acres, more or less, in Linn Coun
ty. Oregon.
Now Therefore, in in pursuance of
said order and of the Statute in such
cases made and provided, I will on
Saturday, the 29th day of November,
1913. at one o'clock p. m of said day,
at the front door of the Court house
in the City of Albany, Oregon, sell at
public auction, to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, all the right, title,
interest and claim of the parties, plain
tiffs and defendants, in and to the real
property above described.
Datcd this 27th day of October,
Sole Referee.
o31 n7-14-21-28
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County.
Ucrtha Wapas, Plaintiff,
Frank Wapas, Defendant.
To Frank Wapas, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
in the above Court to answer the Com
plaint of plaintiff, filed against you in
this cause, on or before the 13th day
of December, 1913. The date of the
first publication of this summons is
October 31st, 1913, and the last day
of publication is December 12th, 1913;
and you are notified that if you fail
to appearand answer the Complaint
in this suit as herein required the
plaintiff will take a decree against
you for the relief prayed for in said
Complaint, To-Wit; for a decree of
said Court dissolving and annulling
the marriage contract now existing be
tween you, said defendant, and the
said plaintiff.
This summons is published by or
der of Hon. D. H. McKnight, County
Judge of the County of Linn, Slate
ot Oregon, made and dated at Al
19" '" S'i(l Co"",y' Octooer 29ln
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication to be Oc
tober 31st, 1913.
Date of last liublication to be Dec.
12th, 1913. o31 H7-14-21-2S dS-12
Referee's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
lersigned. was bv at: order of tlo
Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon
,v i.iuu v-oinuy, in ucparimcill io.
2 in that certain suit wherein Andrew
Shearer was plaintiff and Ida Pugh.
r. r. van fleet and Marv l-.lva Van
Fleet, his wife, George W. Huffman.
a minor, Emma Junkiii and David
lunkin, her husband. Mary A. Wright,
James A. Pugh and Charlotte F.
Pugh. his wife. Annie E. Kendall and
. M. Kendall, her lwisband. Ada
Jackson and Henry Jackson, her hus
band, Omcr Tcthcrnw and C. I) Teth
erovv. his wife. Miles Tctherovv and
A. It. Tctherovv his wife, Clyde Tcth
erovv, Anna Weir and John
Wier, her husband. Effie Pierce and
Pierce, her husband, and M. A.
Shough, were defendants, duly made
mil entered of record on the 30 day
of July. 1913. appointed referee to
make sale of premises hereinafter de
scribed, to-wit:
Beginning at a point which is north
871 chains distant from the south
west corner of t lie Donation Land
I linn ot .lesee . Pugh and wife.!
Not. No. 2040. No. 45. in Tt. I
12 South. Range 4 West of the Wil- j
lamette Meridian, Oregon, and run-1
ning thence north 3 35 chains: thence
east 2d 50 chains; thence south 3.35 i
chains: thence west 26.59 chains, to!
the place of beginning, containing ,
SSS acres, more or less, in Linn coun
ty, Oregon.
Now Therefore, in pursuance of.
said order and the Statute in u-h'
i ascs made and provided. 1 will on !
Sa'uvday the 15th day of November.
I0..", at one oMock p 111. of said day.!
a; the front door of 'he C'-un-house f
in Albany, Linn County, Oregon, sell
at public auction to the highest bid
ilcr. for cash in hard, the real prop
erty above described.
Dated this 10th dav of October.
.1. F. YATrS.
Sole Referee.
ol7-24-.ll n7 14
Summons for Publication in Foreclos
ure 01 1 ax Lien.
In the circuit Court of the Slate
of Oregon for Linn County. Depart
ment -No. 2.
C. 11. Cummings, Plaintiff,
John F. Duncan, Defendant.
I o John V. Duncan, the above
named defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon.
You are herebv notified thai C. H.
1 Cunmiiugs, the holder of Certificate
ot Delinquency numbered 246 issued
011 the 6tii day oi October, 1909, by
the Tax Collector of the County of
Linn, State of Oregon, tor the amount
of One and 81-100 Dollars, the same
being the amount then due and de
linquent for taxes for the year 1908,
together with penalty, interest and
coats thereon upon the real property
assessed to you, of which you are the
owner as appears of record, situated
in said County and State, and par
ticularly bounded and described as
follows, to-wit:
Beginning 10 chains S. of the NW
comer of .Sec. 33, Tp. 12 S. R. 1 W.
of the Will. Mcrd., thence E. 12.31
chs.; thence S. LMJSciis.; thence W.
12.31 chs.; thence N. to beginning,
containing 1.74 acres, more or less.
You are further notified that said
C. H. Cummings has paid taxes on
said premises for prior or subsequent
years wit.11 tne rati" ot interest on
said amounts as follows:
Years Tax ReceiDt Rale of
lax Dt. Fd. No. Ann. Intr.
1909 Mch 24 1910 5340 $1.90 15 pr ct.
1910 Mch 22 1911 5365 3.16: 15 per ct.
1911 Mch 23 1912 5696 2.76 15 per ct.
1912 Apr 22 1913 6960 2.31 15perct.
Said John F. Duncan, as the owner
of the legal title of the above describ
ed property as the same appears of
record, and each ot the other per
sons above named are hereby further
notified that C. H. Cummings will
apply to the Circuit Court of the
County and State aforesaid for a de
cree foreclosing the lien against the
-roperty described and mentioned in
said certificate. And you are hereby
summoned to n--ar within sixty days
after the first publication of the sum
mons exclusive of the day of said first
publication, and defend this action or
pay the amount due as above shown
together with costs and accrued in
terest aw! in case of your failure to
do so, a decree will ibe rendered fore
closing the lien of said taxes and costs
against the land and premises above
named. .
This summons is published by or
der of the Honorable D. B. McKnight,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, and said order was made and
dated this 11th day of November,
1913, and the date of the first publica
tion of -this summons is the 14 day of
November, 1913.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned residing within the State
of Oregon, at the address hereafter
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address Albany,
iiH-21-28 d 5-12-19-26 J2-9-I6
G. H. Tracey of Salem arrived in
the city last night to attend business
matters here today.
Summons for Publication in Fore
closure of Tax Lien.
In the Circuit Court oi the State of
Oregon for Linn County.
Oregon, for Linn County. Depart
ment No. 2.
C. H. Cummings, Plaintiff,
J. Wi Menzies, Defendant, ft
To J. W. Menzies, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon:
Y'ou arc hereby notified that C. H.
Cuniniings. the holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 286 issued
on the th day of October, 1909, by
the Tax Collector of the County oi
Linn, State of Oregon, for the amount
of $3.28 the same being the amount
then due and delinquent for the taxes
tor the year 1908, together with pen
alty, interest and co.sts thereon upon
the real property assessed to you, ot
which you arc the owner as appears
of record, situated in said County and
Slale, and particularly bounded and
described as lollovvs. to-wit:
The NE'4 of SE'i of Section 3.
Township 12 South. Range 1 East of
Willamette Meridian, Linn County,
You are further notified that said C.
11. Cuiuniiugs has paid taxes on said
premises tor prior or subsequont
years with the rate of interest on
said amounts as follows:
Year's Tax Receipts Rate of
lax Dt. Pd. .No. Ann. Intr.
IW Mch 24 1910 53o9 $3.59 15 per ct
1910 Mch 22 1911 5.W2 ,?.o.t ljperct
P'll Mch 23 1912 5712 4 SO 15 per ct
1912 Apr 22 191.1 (,9o3 4.74 ljperct.
Said J. W. Menzies. as the owner
of the legal title of the above de
scribed property as the same appears
01 record, and each of the other per
sons above named are hereby further
notified that C. 11. Cummings will
apply to the Circuit Court of the
County and State aforesaid for a de
cree forcclo-ing the lien against the
property above described and men
tioned in said certificate. And you
are hereby summoned to appear with
in sixty days after the first publica
tion of the summons exclusive of the
day of said first publication, and de
fend this action or pay the amount
due as above shown together with
co-ts and accrued interest and in case
oi your failure to do so. a decree will
be rendered foreclosing the lien of
said taxes ami costs against the land
ami premises above named.
Tins summons is published bv or
der of the Honorable D. H. McKnight
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Linn, and said order was made ami
dated this II day of November.
1913. and the date of the first publi
cation of this summons is the 14 day
of November, N13.
!1 process and papers in this pro
ceeding in. iv be served upon ihe un
dersigned re-iiling within the State of
Oregon, at the address hereafter
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address Alb.inv. Oregon.
nU-21-28 A 5-12-l9.Jp JJ 0-16
Up This Morning in Municipal
Court on Charge of Main
taining Nuisance.
Changing his plea this morning.
Loo i'oo, a Chinaman, was fined $52,
vi ich includes costs, by Municipal
Judge Van Tassel on a charge of main
taining a nuisance. The fine was paid
and Foo was released from $100 cash
bail. Attorney Mark Weatherford
represented the defendant.
Foo was arrested yesterday on a
varrant sworn out by Chief of Police
Austin. In the complaint which was
hied by the chief, the Chinaman was
accused of violation of scction6 of
ordinance 436, prohibiting the sale
of intoxicating liquors in the city and
regulating the operation of cigar
stores, pool halls and restaurants.
Foo is the proprietor of a chop
house at 121 and 125 East First street
known as the White House restaur
ant. According to the complaint filed
by Chief of Police Austin, Foo, was
charged with allowing booze to be
consumed in his place of business and
of supplying the articles for such pur
poses. The offense was alleged to
have been committed on November
News cn This Page is S
From Daily Iisuc of 9.
TUESDAY, NOV. 11, 1913.
When Clem Irvin of the First
Savings bank of this city accepted the
secretaryship of 'the bankers conven
tion he did not believe that with it
he has accepted a job as mail carrier
for Uncle Sam, but such appears to
be the case.
Among other things the secretary
was instructed to write to Senator
Owen for detailed information con
cerning the provisions of the Owen
Glass currency bill. This he did and
in todays mail re received a mail sack
completely filled with literature on this
subject. Ihe local banker took up
the white man's burden and carried
it to his place of business and as
serts that its not part of the secretarys
duty to read and digest all of the mat
ter contained in the government mail
Out of the 1912 tax roll, Sheriff Bo
dine has collected $484,859.83, segre
gated as follows: General fund $250.
328, school district fund; $72,194.34,
union high schools: $4,391.47, road
fund; $86,900.68, special road fund;
$10,369.47, city fund, $60,671.01.
The total amount in penalites col
lected thus far is $1,678.27 and the to
tal rebate is $12,032.40.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County.
Forest G. Davis, Plaintiff,
.Miles Tetherovv and A. B. Tethe
row. his wife, Omer Tctherovv and C.
D. Tetherovv. his wife. Anna Wier .anrl
John Wier, her husband, Effie Pierce
ami h. !. Tierce, her husband and
Clyde Tetherovv, unmarried, Defend
ants. To Effie Pierce. E. F. Pierce. Clyde
Tetherovv. Anna Wier and John Wier,
the above named defendants.
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, You arc hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of the
above named plaintiff in the above en
titled court now on file with the ClerV
of said Court on or before the 12th
day of Dec. 1913, and you are notified
that if you fail to apnear and answer
said complaint as hereby required, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
!'c relict demanded in said complaint,
That plaintiff's title to the following
described real property to-wit:
Beginning at the south boundarv
line and W. 40 Chs. distant irom the
S. E. corner of the D. L. C. of Jesse
W. Pugh and wife same being Not
2040 and Claim No. 45 in Tp. 12 S. R.
4 W. of the Will. Mer. Oregon, and
running thence E. along said boun
dary line 10 S4 chs. thence S. IS 42
chs.. thence W. 14.67 chs.. thence N.
10.04 chs.. thence h. 3.S3 chs.. to a
point due S. of the place of beginning,
thence N". 1 48 chas. to the place of
beginning containing 26.40 acres, ly
ing and being in the County of Linn.
State of Oregon, be forever quie:e.l.
and that plaintiff he decreed the own
er of said premises in fee simple, free
from the claim of the defend.- and
each of them and that each and all of
the defendants be perpetually enioin
ed and debarred from hereifter as
serting any claim or interest in or to
said premises or any part thereof and
for such other, further and general
relief as to equity may seem meet in
the premises.
This summons is served on yot. by
publication in the Semi-Weekly Dem
ocrat by order of the Honorahle D.
IV McKnight. County Judge of Linn
County. Oregon, made the ?9th dav of
Oct.. 101.1.
T!-e due of the first publication is
t'e 31st day of Oct.. 1113. and tl-e da'e
of the last publication is the 12'h dav
of Dec. 1013
Attorney fo- PVrntof.
o31 'n"-14-21-2S D5-12
Only 1128 Have Thus Far Re
gistered for the Coming
City Election.
Fairer Sex Are Fewer Than at
First; Only 10 More Days
Left to Qualify.
Are you going to vote in the coming
city election?
If you are, then why don't you reg
ister. It is estimated that nearly 1000
more eligible voters of the city of
Albany have not thus far registered
and there is only about . 10 more days
before the books close. The election
is to be held on December 1 and the
books will close at 6 o'clock on No
vember 22.
That the women who have ' been
rather scarce in the registration boo'h
as compared to their activity when
the books first opened was the state
ment this morning by Mrs. Harrier
Van Tassel, one of the tegistraticn
clerks in City Recorder Vaa Tassel's
"For awhile," said Mrs. Van Tas
sel, "the women gave the men a close
race in number of registrations but
now there are nearly twice as many
men as women. If the women don't
come in faster many of them wi:! not
have a chppce to vote."
At presiit there is a total -f D28
registered. Ot this .iuinb.-.r 700 arc
men and 28 are votticn.
City Recorder Van Tassel stated this
morning that there should be at least
2000 registered voters by the time, the
books close but that from the present
progress, the indications are for only
about 1500.
"It will either be that number." said
the recorder, "or there will be an awful
rush toward the end.
During the past few days the regis
tration clerks have hardly been busy
all of the time, so slow has the reg
istration progressed. The officials
wish to urge those who contemplate
registering to come as early ?.s pos
sible and avoid a probable rush to
wards the end. The books will close
at 6 o'clock sharp on the tvven:y-src-ond
and if there happens to be a srowd
waiting to be registered at the ex
piration of the time, tiiey will not be
sworn in.
Miss 'Mabel Riggs, of Portland, is a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.
A. Young.
F. S. Craw, of Portland, is attend
ing business matters here today.
L. A. Messing, a well known attor
ney of Lyons, arrived in the citv this
noon to visit relatives and attend busi
ness matters.
On enirinlninl n( fo TeklU
Soutlnyorth, Ed. Richards will be tried
inis aiiernoon nctore Lottntv nd.-re
McKnight on ti charge of not' provid-
ini' .nnmer nrvriiint urn fnr Wi .1,1-
teen year old daughter Pearl.
The case went to trial at 3 o'clock.
Tt is understood thnl fin nffnr. ,,.:il ko
made to have the child sent to some
industrial institution tor children. Her
f.nlllprA ic n lnhnrnr Ct,.n-1 :nn-
es arc 'to be called in the case.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
lerslimed line liln.l Uic f.'n.l ,,...,..
as administrator ot" the estate of W.
y. Stewart, deceased, in the county
Court of Linn County. Oregon, and
that said Court has fixed Monday, the
Sth day of December, 1913, at the
nour ol one o clock m the altemoon,
as the time for the hearing of objec
tions to said final account and the set-
lement thereof.
n-14-21-28-d5 Administrator.
Notice of Road Meeting.
Notice is hereby given bv the un
dersigned, resident tax payers of Road
District No 27 of Linn County. Ore
gon, being more than ten per cent of
the tax payers of said Road District,
that a meeting of the tax payers o:
said Road District will he held at
Mill City Stbt.ol House in said Road
District on 27, the 28 day oi Novem
ber. 1913, at the hour of 2 o'clock in
the afternoon of said day, for the pur
pose of levying such an additional tax-
on all taxable property in said road
district as may he deemed advisable
by the majority oi such tax payers at
such meeting to improve the roads
of said Road District.
This Notice is posted this 5 day of
Nov. 1913
S. M. Bassett. F. N. Bassett. E. E.
Bassctt. E. L. Davis. M. T. Stone.
Geo. W. Stafford, J. H. Greenhasen,
Robert Bows. D. L. lurnidgc. Clvde
Stone. II. L. Schnackenburg. N. "Al
;.::. H. !-'. Bodeker. S. D. Brown. Eva
Quinn. A. Vaughn. A. H. Brown. W.
B Robertson. J. H. Hesuman. F. M.
Hester. A. L. Carter. W. II. Carter,
G. B. Heath. W. J. Smith, G. E. Hi
att. J. O. Samlbcrg. W. H. Trask,
O. M. Aplet. F. A. Mariels. A. L. Hi
att. I. V. Gardner. 7-1-2I-28