I T COLLEGES GRAPPLE Game Started at 3 o'clock on Neutral Ground and Will Be Biggest of Year. TEAMS ARE EVENLY MATCHED IN WEIGHT Conditions Are Ideal for Great Battle Grounds Are In Splendid Shape. Continued from Saturday, Nov .8 Willi every train hundreds of peo ple liiive arrived in llie cily lud;iy from ;ill sections of the state to attend liie annual conilict between the Ore gon University and I he Oregon Af niiltura! t"nllrje. It is expected that at least K,l K K will attend and the at tendance will probably reach K),M). ' lie day is ideal for the name, and llie field is in splendid shape. The inline was called promptly at 3 o'clock. Six years ago the Oregon Akkkm anmitshcd tlie University of Oregon. Six years ao Carl Wolff booted a i'l .iceineiit hetwn'ii the goal post-, anil wo: i t !:e t vi.-fn-y fur the orange and black ju 1(1 loiitf years. The score was !-(). Six seasons have flashed by since liieu, i.vr of ilicin disastrous to Cor vallis, and tod iy these two bitter cn-einte-, cla-h anain on a neutral battle ground at Albany, midway bet ween 1 lie liui campuses. Considered in broad sen-e today's battle will be ll.e imi-l pre : m ions ol the year in this stall-. Tine. (Ireg-m meets W'a-hi!u;ton in ! 'or 1 1 and o:?r weed; from lodav, but the natural 1 1 vah v w hich e i-l s be I ween the : wo r.lleKe., the added spier of siii 'ii-.e and upset, conspire to make llii- -ame lodav the classic of llie In strenitth and weight llie l are rvenlv iraii li. il nrg'?i lit a et a:;r a n -mid 17 t t Him Je- L.I In LI lionti wdl the weather niateri i It v a l'anie, although it i ler tin- field ll v. ill M,:e. Tl t'r.ibtiee, Or, Xov S. tSpivi.tl ti Democtat ) -"Of all the ignorant, back woods precinct s, t'r.ihu ee -''lie takes the piie," urn tiered a h il unieisitv suppottei as lie tinned in distil ti oill i e. oh liv; the elec- ion re turns eduesd.iv. " I'm a turned I lie here" Oahtice voted S2 ag.imsi antl J5 for the uui ei it v ap n opi ia tiou "Then are just J5 people hce who have hi atus and inte men! ion in i;." he cmninued, "and SJ in. liawn't The pitv of it is that just Mich people have a voice iu public al fairs, have a linhi to say "o or no" on questions beond their cmr.pie luvsioii No womler Oregon is on- l the most back ai d staie m the I'nioM, education, t'lv No wonder ill tell ik en:, prot essi e peph' et dis com aged and want to get out. No w nider I'tabUee doesn't grow K'eh t t w i) against 2? progressives is 1 ig odds ami hard to overcome Hrr? ho;M"g ard pi.ning that there ire few con i tmi n i tie like Crabtt er iu t 'regon." COR KKSPONDKNT -o- Vincrnt Astor EnKactJ. ( Hy lnitcd Press Association) Xew ork, Nov S Mrs Robert P Huntington, of Staatsbtirg. Xew York, announced the engagement of her daughter Miss Helen to Vinctnt Astor. He is only twenty-one and his fiance is twculv vcars of age. j.,,,.;.,., it i ,.i iii'. i j- i i- , l- i-i'i ucerv mt c: moving vi; - onj. " ' 1 1 1 "'" - - I ave been : ( . i f ! b' . ' -tl r. ' . I . I-.. ( ,ri m. !i!iie-ie r . aver-. i i. . . ! t'..- r.....rt,.. sni ',,, t,., ...; ; N;k,.u. ...,.,...., ,.. ... ..!....,,,.,:, v I"-.-.! a,raa,-. All V !,.,.,,: !, v, , t, l :-., !"! nrW hv,..-n t .-T,--r I- Ilu- Mil. an, I , i,l,- ,,:,;,.,! I,,, ,Ik, I I,,,-.,,,,. r.-.-:.. ' V ''"''- "'' Hr..lin,U li.iv,. I.vvn ,la,.,-,l. Vi--.fr- I !,.., -,-,.!, v.-f vliir r-n 1.,-,-n . t ::-'"' n,.v,.,i mt . iv ai.,-.-,-nnn a ,-r,w m: mih!,-,m, nn-i;M,., :,r,;,,,i,,lv,' ,., ) y rnililn.;; a,l I Mfrs-lav I .. . ill' r lliv lir.-.-li-n ..f liiiilual,- Man ,vls , i, ,.,.,,, I i, ,n f ,i. ,.,..-! - I-- ' CITY NEWS. !! wt-:t nnm-il nun t!... r.-ma ni n-,. ' Will..-. ..i i.. i ,,ni,l,-l,.i ! a ,, , ii, ,,.,,.,.. Hi- .,. -v -a; in . v ! r-a. -Cs ulii-llv ... 1 ! -v i . .. ' -. : ,. , -I : v I' i- ri; ,,r,-l,,, a ,naa ; ... , E ...,, , s. , Mr", r im ' - . , ' : ; - !'e" eci ni:: ! t e-ldel't - m ! :'e I luce new -! !t"! c s I -:-1 1- s : u- , M!M1'iv lo.hv to ..:- . , , , 1 1 m i - - of! s ' " '. i.' ' e' i " ' inr l'u' ,'a'it M'v " one '" 't",1,'v' "-'''" cm- ;. . ,-vtl ,.,,:'!:e.; v'in - m,-:c pro ,! i v , W'.drr.liv vc'- ' ' ic I '" "! ' v T ! e i u.i 's na t ue conld no t j ; I e I 'i i i jM -or,;li S'J ,) I, ii lo-.'b ill e'i' Imi - i i ' - i hi -11 . 'i .'' i ' j .', .. 1 ' b-ai lied. According to - ; part of town rid Mr-:. l-"ra:vcs We--- j o- o ! n f i i 1 1 ' i 1 1 ' o Vb.tnv m 1 . ' ' '"y,,. " u - ! ' '"d "-! "1 1 1 '" i'1 ' ?1'v ' '"I""' i" l'"1 n.vlh k d.- mht i...',M;ii,v im.- ; .t i i -.,',-. . i1''! :"; :".;"":ilj't. 'V.""1' J1, !,:ir!- o . .".':1,.,U. '!!'? ;,'. -, ,-, ChryR.-nthcmuni Show.- t the ar- " l mV, ilial the o;.e n. is I'cen spliien .u is i,.- ',m ,i-v ind '-is pi-im ; " 1 ' - ....... . cvc poinTDrc ic ipmrdamt !!,',.:'.".T ..... , . ood t uiuj uii.'iLi i iill iu luiiuiuii! i . ' .' .. v ; ;.,: . .. ;: :;.i:i -in,, i ; , ,-i i,-m M....ns- AND BACKWOODS PREGiNGT t r; ! ioH-c fe.iunc- I .unbs were st'.iii; l. ?5 75 Kecnp:s comi.ar Hc'v licht : 1 ,u ALBANY HIGH SCHOOL ! DEFEATS EUGENE HIGH Played at Eugene Yesterday Afternoon; Score Was Six to Nothing. In ame resembling water polo more than football, Albany hih h IiooI defeated Luene iiikdi school yeerday afternoon on Kincaid field, by a six to nothing score. J'oor genera! -hip on the part of Kugeiie lost the game. With the field in the condition that it w,h in for them to hope to tfain consistently by straight football, was impossible. Hut Onarterback West failed to realize this, and lime after tune he would put his men through the same kind of plays. Had he reported to a puntiuK wattle instead of line bucking, the j core miht have been different, in the la-t quarter fit the game the Kit- j gene team, with four downs to make 1 I heir vardaire. and onlv eiiiht vards! from Albany's goal line, tried a for-! ward pass and lost the ball. Albany s team was blessed, now- over, willi all the nrovci'bial luck of ; he Manic. There was never a lime ! -..'.en Inch figun-d in the name that all of it didn't break with Albany. Hut de-pit e this bp Ic. Albany outclassed j Kttgeue in generalship and team work. Kugene had good inter ferem-e. but Jiltje or none of it was u-ed. All llie til ays were by individuals trying tci slar with tiller disr d for team work. The f i iw Lugtne up was a- follow-: iSlllOll Albany ! Wiganore Lb... Callison IT. Club ,I.C. Tims C . il..,f!er h'C P. . hi win jKT. Kniiiev h' I-'. . West " OP. Cray I'll Terril U 1 1 kh-ting. MfiM-s LI I o Uexrod Schuli Tracy Timelier Simpson Davi- William-on Mart McKee ... Monteith i. Archibald Urigg- Archibald Mi arri v -s l-loicnce Smith, of Portland, d in the city l It i morning iu- an Sun-lav visit with l.i er tr;c mt'ics. and incident; v II ta'e in the Iml; football game ftenioon. Don't forget the chrysanthemum fair at the armory Tuc-d.iv and ed uesila v, Xov ember 11 and 12 Hoost the "ltbv show " See the N' M. C boys in their gvinn.t'tic work and aNo to p. ut. ike o good refreshinent'i. WANTS DIVORCE ON GROUNDS OF CRUEL TREATMENT Cli.-irK'iui: cruel .mil inhuman trc.it mrnt. Mary A. lKxii;!anil brmittlit uit for (livoroo against 1. Hoacl.iu.l Tlie plaintiff i rrprrscntnl by V. K Hilyru. The couple wore marrinl in I. inn county near Scin on March 10 last In thr omi'laint it i allruril that thr di-lcmlant hccainc tliscacil attt-r Inn marriaijr. It is further alle.iea that the detcnilanl has a son hv a former wife, who is a nuisance about the house. I v i?ivcu tin-, year al tlie .Whauy poultr," (WEEKLY REPORT FHOM rr - :: e : L. I . 'c ( lauanau. lMi:r'''ie. '"M iiinnn flTnnw winnn "' e :de:' : 1. Iv :n : Itoti -e. ("1:: cha ;ua I-. N..r W W S K 1BH S.,:,,..,r,..;,! i.m. m.:..r u, , ,1... UIIIUIT UIUUII I.'IIIUU , , , , , r.s. 'w .. , inn 4 1 " i i . 1 1 s. '.Ill 1 -1 1 . . I til I ,., ,. ii..,i I- . ' ,",",,) ,. rorila::l. SrallK- ami S; li.ini' Sil-- . '; I,.- :l p.. ...I ,.,,1 I... V.. f... . m:h... i, I l m: "" "'" ' ' ' " iv. ,:.,. ...;.k ;,. ,!,',' ri..n s.h v-,..i 1.,,,-iL,,.,::' ii s. ii.,7,".: i,i (;,'a;i,.;i"f,'KT '-:'.'r "' V ' ':':". v-"-y- ' t !- iici- lit " p i , . , ' , 1 ........ - v : a , ' ' ' ;'c paui and demand exceeded -upplv Al I prices steady to firm and trade bris1; Mhs uiaiivs Konev 01 voi v.iins. is ( a cue-t of M iss Zona 1 1 aicht. She is here to attend the game. Oregon Branch of American Association to Hold Meeting Here at Same Time. CHAMPION OREGON HEN WILL BE ON DISPLAY Splendid Array of Exhibits From 0. A. C. Will Be on Exhibition Also. The Mbanv I'otiltry show v ill Ii1t11 1,1 l -e.-oiid week in January a: the armory. lie -ides :he regular oiiltry show, there will be an ixhi- onion the O. u.Xg and food display from (.'. Also the trreate.s- lav ing hrn in t !t world from tba- in-u-tution. The Oregon branch of the Ameri can 1'oukry Association will also hold its meeting at this show. The American Ton I try Associat'.-m ii to the poiil try in en what the s'.oc!; association is to the stockmen It works for the interest of the pouliry inen in t!.e way of having freight and cxprc-s rates reduced, try i.i induce people t raise better poultry. .shv ter and cleaner eggs, lavs Own the mu tual. lor running poultry n w s the rules tor judges i . The A in eric an Poultry A -s ).;:; t ;i. m ha over 51(00 meinbers in tin .'. S. It has branches in every Mao On.-e i . -..!! year, each branch L,'ives a '.', t:. This branch shciw i- held in a iiy f.:et: i ti f.r the largest number of -oti s . "in its members. Thi- year .Mliany received over one-halt of the n-. The slniw and the meet in will !e held here in connection with the Mbany -Jiow. Portland, Knircm. Mc .Minnville and .Mbany were in the j fice. At the-e shows the A met ican Poultry Association fil'fers oil" u'obl ' j medal (worth $J5) twelve silver nnd- 'mrg. Good Show -ast Niht from ed !ia oc with th.e sii-c em.'ti.Mis of a la:;:e I'iig'a theater ing.it Miss ail m the irtg toi, u i- .ihiv -upponeci. acting t'.no'.'.ghout the tdav was 1 he chori:- work was ecet- 'itio;;'aiIy clever .oid brought tor a lmni e:'.coie-. The costumes of the players added much to the success ol the plav. HiKh School and College to Play. Next Tuesday the local high sciiool tein will meet the Ab.iuy College foot ball team on Athene park gridiron. it game is promised. 'u t ;ie tit : cent h of the month the college team will play Pacific University here, t rh,'.nksgi iug day they will plav at New berg Kditorial Association to Meet. The W illamette V.illev Kditorial As sociation will meet iiere on Novem ber 22. iluring which time the editors will disc iis various subjects. Dance Tonight. Tonight the F. D. t. will give a dance at Hik sard's hall to which all of the members are cor dially invited together with anv of their friend from on: of town. Good music will be provided. Lodge Produces Plays. Iv.mhoe lodge, knights of Pythias, under the direction of Thorns l. Dowding. staged "The Lesson of Friendship." a play telling the immortal storv of "Damon and Pythias." at Swiss hall. Vr -2 Third street, last night. Over 7i1 members ot tlie organization were )rccn:. The role of I '.iinon was play 1 hv Pert t'troocock: l-thias hv C Mcloney. The otl'.er leading parts were taken bv W. .1 11. (."lark anil A. A. Dailcy. About J? others held mi nor roles. Portland Journal. h" .' .! . 7 ,!"""" "'; ne vsit,.-s in IWtlamMVcW'siy. MUCH BUILDING AND MOVING AT HCIO NOW Two Break Arms; Many People Travel; Postoffice Changes Location. Scio, Or., Xov. 8. (Special to the Democrat. J Mrs. llarpe," rind daugh ter, Miss Mabel, of Colfax, Wash., who have been visiting with .Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Richardson, have let: for Los Angeles. Mrs. O. Jiaiitz has returned to her home in Portland after v. vi-it vitti Iter sister, Mrs. T. K. Saude-son. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Peltit left Tues day for Corvallis where they will vis it for a few days. J. W. Wil.-.on returned home to Hood River after being a week with liis wife wiio is slowly improving in health. The little four old son of Kiley Poyu fell from a fence last week and broke his arm. Prof. M. L. Lovelace spent Sun 1 iy in Portland. Mrs. Louise Alexander, an elderly lady, tell Sunday and btoke her Mrs. Riley fering with Shelton has been i severe a.tack o :uf i la grippe-. M iss Remout L er. spent Sunday Mi-- Var SlvU ins. n school teacli u in miL :n Sale.n. gave a 1 lallowt 'en party for the high I-'riday night. school students Kli IMumnier and family have :uoved to their place in town. Mrs. C. II. Wain is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Kurmester, who liv. nkar Jor dan. y-r. Mc Haley and .laughter ot Ka stern regon are gtie-ts at the home of !. C. Peerv. )tto Rahn and wit are vi..iti:iu- the hitlers Lliza Crabtree. 1 f Jefferson mother, M rs Join; Wesley has had ipg done o:t his store fr m Mi- Or., Weddle is vi-tti' in ( Ier;:i-. M r-. A. lornenson o; k Auburn, lor her la.ili- Wa-Ji.. is helping to car er. ! rank St icha, who n.i s bc-.m :, snmc time. Mrs. E. Cyrus returned Wednesday from a business trip to Portland. J. K. Wesley i- moving his faini'v into hts new S f 4 : I ! oue a -hr.rt !i utili ot town. X. 1. Morrison and wit wee lutsi iicss vsito'-s in Portland Wclnesdav. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. '.'Jill re'tirne to Scio Wed lie -day after . i-itiug i Spllil'-Mi'ch!. .Marion Alexander wa to Albany Wednesday. Mrs. ". I", (iill who has been away a Mot i; ', ret ir;.e ! home T.:c -da . While uone Mrs. Cill idt .l i"ri n 'ortland, Seattle and Spo'.ine S lso spent seve-al days ai if her -i-:er in Carbtadi. Aliierta La-t uee'v' miu1!: moving vi new hi'P Imi r , W'e sd. For Women and Women's fleeced cotton union suits, in white, per suit 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 Women's wool and silk and wool union suits, per suit $2.00 to $3.50 Women's vests & pants in fleeced cotton, extra good at 50c a garment Agents for Slindird Pattens I Governor Felker Signs them at Concord by Request of ' Governor Glynn. WAS THE RESULT OF CONSPIRACY CHARGE Case Now May Last for Years; Thaw Not To Be Returned Immediately. (By United Press Association) Concord. X. H., Xov. 8. Governor I'elker today signed extradition pa pers returning Harry Thaw to Xew York at the request of Governor Glynn. The extradition resulted in a charge of conspiracy in connection with the escape from Mattewan on which Thaw was indicted by the Xew York county grand jury. The decision, it is said, doesn't mean that Thaw Thaw will be returned immediately to Mattewan. It is stated the Thaw's fight against conspiracy charge may last for years. Jerome was not present. 1 1 is a foregone conclusion that Thaw could not be taken to Xew York iL'KASlJRIfl bKAT PAbbtb Mr court. It may be several years, it is said, before the decision is reach ed as both -ddes are determined to carry the case to the supreme court if necessary. Linn County Court to Confer Here. -The members of the Linn county I oitrt will confer w ith the Lane conn- i I tv court in Ktigene this afternoon, -! presuniablv on the matter of a bridge I ' ros the Willamette. Word of their I coming was sent ahead yesterday. 1 ke'i-ter. ! "weather Fair. The ramje of ie:u ! ra;i' re for J4 hours ending at y o'clock this a. m. was 7 to 60 de-;ree-. The river is at 6.2 feet and is j falling. The weather report -ays rain : ioiMLfht ard Snnday. ! On Way Home. A card received fro it Fa the" Ar:!;nr Lane, enronie iliome from the Fast say-:; "I will be :v to e :'i:ne aain. I have seen some interesting things on mv trip articularlv the historic P. os ton and surrounding places. 1 marie a short visit in Xew y ne -,. ,J :m,l ( :;.".. I "d the parliauient buildim; of the Do minion at the bttrr place. We r;i; into very cdd weather in St. Piul and, mite a bit of snow in the Roc hie-. I haven't -ecu anything that could equal our ( i-eop pr- nine: s. e:t the way of flowers or of fniii. :s a pleas. nt -:rr -. i; i-hi in ne-triug ho'iie I hope to be there within a few CEDAR FENCE POSTS 16-ft and 20-fi FENCING at wholesale prices for November only. ALBANY LUMBER CO. FLOOD'S STORE 334 WEST FIRST STREET BETTER BABIES WILL . BE SPLENDID FEATURE A New Department Has Been Organized for Linn County Fair in 1914. Do you love your baby? Of course you do and so does your neighbor who has none, and the crusty old bach elor who pretends he thinks babies are a nuisance. Everybody loves a baby and that is why the better babies m n-tiiu-r.t is :he sensation of the present day. Its a real fine plan tor makiu, nick babies well, delicate babies strong, and well babies perfect. It hi fowl ed on sane hygienic living tor the baby. The Linn county fair will hold it first contest Sept. 23, J4 and -5, 1914. Kntcr your baby. The ."nfot inat:cn you wiil receive will be worth many dollars to you in the fir.nr-;. This great event will be conduct ?d by physicians of this and other coun ties. In this contest babies w;I! be ex amined by physicians under the better j babies standard score card, compiled I bv prominent specialists m children'-; diseases. Prizes are awarded according to physical and mental develoumen:. Physicians cooperating in this splen did movement are. Doctors Davis, Kobnett, Kavanaugh, Stark, !5. U. and J. P. Wallace of Albany; J.)rs. Hide and Adams of llarrisburg; Dr. Ilrew er at.d lleauchamp of St ay ton ; Drs. A. II. Ross, Hooth and C. W. Ross, Lebann: Dr. Allen of Jet fe.-so-i, i". H. Thomp-on of Salem and K. Ii. Hob son of Scio. I uves; igate. I n forma tion is free and no en : f.-es are charged. TO HER LflST Mrs. Mary i of iier son, J street after ai . Itray died at the home R. Uray. SZ2 Walnut illness ot five weeks. n in Pennsylvania Oct. She was bo: 23. 1S24 and died Xov. 7, 1913. She went with her parents to In diana in IS.5. She was married to Charle- Grice Uray Dec. 19. 1.-44; to the 111 ew er bonrari ill told-tleso the to tliem were born four children. I ler hu-hand died Xov. 6. 1S52. In 1S57 -he moved with her children to Illi nois where she lived until 1SSS when she came to Albany, )regon, where -he resided until her death. !ie ha.es one sou, J. R. llrav. of Mbanv. ard t'ii' daughter. Mrs. 11. C. Dennis, of Red Owl, South Dakota. She leaves six grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. The funeral will be held at 2 p. m. at liie residence. H22 Walnut street Sunday af: ernoi m. and will be con- An Old Subscriber. Worth 1 1 us n called at the Democrat office vc.--rday and renewed his Mibsciption. e is one of the ohle.M stiliscrihei i on I : the the list, having taken the paper since -auie was es'.alilislied in tin. vcar irwear Childre Boys' fleeced, ribbed cotton union suits, all sizes 50c to 75c a suit Misses' fleeced cotton union suits, in white, all sizes 50c to 75c a suit Children's wool union suits, white or gray, sizes 2 to 12 at $1.00 a suit Agents for Kibo Reducing CorseU