CAPITAL CITY Estimated That 1200 Attended Gat ring in Armory at Cherry City. Mrs. Hazel Vehrs Makes Many Allegations in Complaint Filed Today. INTENSE INTEREST; IS BELIEF DRYS WILL WIN Many Local Men Make Pointed Addresses in Refuting State ments of Liquor Men. Continued from Saturday, Nov. 1. Uy F. T. Xuttin lly special invitation of business men of Salem, last niht twenty-nine A litany business ami profes-iotial men went -to that city to a.ssist in a big mass ineeliiitf at 1 lie armory. They n orl a K'e-'t time ami much entlnis k.mii. Tlie meeting was held in the interest of the campaign lor prohibi tion of l ii e li'jitor trallis in the capital y. A larue crowd was present, es t i.natcd at l-i) I people, showing liie intense intere-i in the election to take i.tce on Tuesday. On account oi ji. iny staieim nts and reports made in p.od ad vi I i semen I - in ihe local pa pers, a I Mint All tany's eoiidit ion, and the effect the absence of .aloons ha. had on the city, the program was of special concern. .M:'or Sleeve- pre Med at the meet ing and made himself plain on the saloon quest ion. The A litany (piartet, composed of A. M. Hat r, I'rof. Kendall. Dr. i V. I,i.:ihr and .1. I". Irvine and K. (.'. Kobe ts, the hitler ah'lemalink'. wire Ik aril several limes, with their anti-rum MHig-, uiahim; an immense hit. The Albany men i- illrd upon for 1. !';- hit mo 'lonlit of !he po-ilioii of iln- I'tisiiics- and pi ol'e ioi:al men of . Uy on .;:: ipie.tioii of Ihe pro ! i! -it ii hi of the lienor ti.ifi'i- in Albanv i ,u iis splendid eiici ! o1. bii-iuess. Ti-e spr.ilit i'- wrn-: Mavnr ( iilberl. v l o .hvhred tlir reporl in Salem thai hu-iuess is Magnaut in Albany is tlie swm song of the Salem saloon men; tha.i, business was never helore as good as now, with clean boohs and mo.l collections; I'o-luiaster .1. S. Van Winlile, u ho explained the re- 1 1 rted high tae w we aii' now c mm' t !m- debt I ot prolnbiln Kansas V t thr best t u ifii it put ago: I'. M dolla le city, mowing ling a fund to - created in -aloon .!, i;-:. who lold of on ! .! :ne-- by ;e loon and ihe big cl i in l ii former home 1'. ,'u1 tin.;, who (Ic ing Alhany ever did lu - doon out se en 1 rer.h, u lio told of lining oiuer t Minus 1 l:e m i' I i i'i-o ei I v in ! In n about nine millions diir-ior- da y to o rr t t v mil row ; A. Johnson, wlm live in Al ii in the Mate; for the eife.t .on ha-, on the Claiming that her husband told her he wished s!ic would leave home and .lay away, that he would not support : 'rr and tlie children, that lie would allow hi-, relatives to ridicule her, that lie would continually treat her cruel ly, call her vie names, that -he con sorted with other women, that he Mealed her nhameessly when she was that he compelled her while in poor health to heep hou.-.e for himself . .! three I trot her and aside from an tt:i other allegations, Hazel A. Vein s has filed suit in tlie circuit court for divorce from George l' Vehrs, a i el: i roil butcher. 1 he couple were married at Peb avon May 7, P'10. There are three :i!dre, ai;es Xt, 2 and 3 months. The plaintiff averts, slie is able to ai e for them and asks their cus tridy. She al-o asks for their support 1 ' iO per ni! (r. tli from the defendant, .lainnng that he is ampiy aide, witii hu'ciier shop in Lebanon of the alne 'if $(t'XAi and hundreds ofhrd v.'-ue of and household goods of tin- value of S-'-UO, besides omc real ropeitv he owns. The plaintiff a-ks for suit money and one-third of ; h e proper! y. HAS RI'TUKNKI) FROM TRIP TIIKOIICII TIIK K AST If .vw.- v. i 1 County Clerk Marks Today Made Report of Registra tions in This County. i , loud to ii- ! inn imp lire ,M tin tan! . . pi :in t 1m A. C. Sehrmtt That the linaucial eoiuht loas ol the coiiulrv are eoml hut that the money interests are marking time pendiuL; financial legislation over the proposed currency bill now before eon g res-, was (tie st a lenient of A. C. Sell mitt, who with his family, .Mrs. Srhmitt and two sons. I awreiiee and Roland, re-i- iMMei! home laM night alter a five -r-ek ' nip in the KaM and Middle U'eM. While his family isiled at the Iioim f !: i- i areii t s. Mr. and Mr-., t S,'iiniit. of Mucoda. Wis.. Mr. S.-!;niil t went hast to I'ostou to al-ilu- American Hankers' Asso- i couverlion. After the con- .niion lie isiied in New York City, l hie ago and varit us oilier lir ;e citie. lie vi ited several relatives in various !'.KJ-. of th.e country and report- a mo-t euioa!de trip. Mr. S i : t was appointed on the emu mi; ee to di--. n-s tlie currency bill, hut was uuahle i. i;o iu .iceouul of previiius arrani'e uient s. "W'v had a must enjoy 'hie n ip and the weather was fine all tlie time" a ill Mr. Sch mil i . "I found business n't!: i ion i h roil'.; 1 1 on: the Middle meial con--iiapc ami urnn-y in- ESTIMATES THAT ABOUT 80 PER CENT ARE WOMEN Clerk Has Been Busy for Sev eral Days Arranging Precinct Supplies. Showing a total registration oi 2432 voters in Linn county, who didn't reg ister at the last election, but wiio rei .lered for the coming special elec tion, County Clerk Marks today made a report of the registration in tills county. Mr. Marks estimates that SO percent of this number arc women. This tact can be easily accounted lor, by tl: reason that all ot those who regis tered tor tlie election in Ivl did no1 have to register for the special elec tion, and at that, time the women were not electors. However, it is believed that a small percentage ot the eligible women voters in J -inn county reg istered. County Clerk .Marks esti mates that there is about 51 XX) eligible o neii electors in the county am! that out of tli is number only about registered. I e:nocrats, Republicans, I'rohibi ai.ii -t.s. So;: ialist , i'rogre.-sivcs, 1 n depeiiik iii s are numbered distinctively among t tie voters of 1-iun county who were registered, lacking one of iy, called her viie names, that he coti t.ariv ai filiation. , hollowing is the official regis tra .iii.i iiv precincts and larttes: Alba'uy, l.r-.; Kast Albany, 175; West Akiany, 173; North Brownsville, ll)5; Soum I'.rowiL-ville, 97; Calapooja, 5lJ; L e nter, 37 ; Craw lord vib f; 1' os r. la; l-ox aiiey. -17; !lal-ry, N7: Xortu llariishurg, US; Souih Harris hnr", '13.t; .Ionian, 43; King-ton, J; v ':o. ) iti; te. ; L.u oinb, df,; i ,e';u :.n!!, North Lebanon. s4; Souti : ai.i'i., i'd: Iriean . in; I'rice, 37. i-k - h i -', 3S; a!tt;a'ii, 44; Nori.i Seio, J3; South Scio, IS; Shed'l, 54; Shelburu. 4b; Sodaville, 3J; Sweet Ifoine, H-4; Syracuse, 4: Taiimau.' I -i ; Tangent, b3: V'ater!oo, ','4; total. J43j. Ity poluieai parties: Uepublicau, 1070; I Jeniocratic, 709; 1 'roll ibit ion, 33J; Socialist. o7: I i-g restive, 3;i; In depemieiii. 1(A); refused to give po litical affiliations. 59. County Clerk .Marks has been busy 'nr -everal :ay a:rai..;ing the balhtts n d i ;Mo! boM-s tor i;te special elec tion on November S. Several of the .ec i- have v,; -uppliid and sim ilar supplies were sent out today, ''ra il allv everything is now iii read iness for the election. Winter Underwear For Women and Children Women's fleeced cotton union suits, in white, per suit 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 Women's wool and silk and wool union suits, per suit $2.00 to $3.50 Women's vests & pants in flceeed cotton, extra good at 50c a garment Boys' fleeced, ribbed cotton union suits, ull sizes 50c to 75c a suit Misses' fleeced cotton union suits, in white, all sizes 50c to 75c a suit Children's wool union suits, white or gray, sizes 2 to 12 at $1.00 a suit Agents for Standard Patterns FLOOD'S STORE 334 WEST FIRST STREET Agents for Kubo Reducing Corsets -o I 'resident Crooks of Alhany Col a i seak tomorrow at ihe ves er sei ires ot' the I', ot t. . the college grounds south of here, which will be the association head a.a. tera . when ii.e new college is :,re.ted. The ;rirls will serve at so cial events, ets., to raise the necessary fund, and will begin their campaign nilh the U. of O.-O. A. C. football game here, when they will dispense two or three hundred pounds of ehoiee home made candy to the fans. VrAd Ten and Costs. Mike Fojota, a Polauder of Portland, had no sooner landed in Albany last evening, laden with a grip and a package, when he arrested by CJi ficer King on a . i : n ; i : charge. The arrest occurred at :he Oregon Hkvtrie depot shortly af '. r five o'clock. Th.e foreigner, ac- oiii!.; io liie o.l' va-i hauiy in toxicated and threate'ied with every tei to lo-e his luggage. Mailed be fore the police court he promptly paid 0 :iu, cost?:. D. C.i'.h Confined Hcrr.e. Fx S'neriti I). S. Smith has iu-en confined to h' home for th.e pa-,; week with del: ties-. Today he is reported as much better and will probably be out in a few days. 1 le was up one day during the week but felt so incapaci tated that he had to go back to bed. Hurley on Job Again. Dan Hurley has assumed charge of the Russ Mouse, and the place has been reop ened on a practically different scale. .Vr. ilurlev was formerly the proprie- I tor of the place and recently sold out. I However, he has now purchased the j place and intends to run it on a bet ter scale than ever before. Meals will he served at popular prices, the place ! will be somewhat renovated and new ) equipment installed. All white help 1 will he employed in the dining room. I Fixing of Car Track Nearly Fin- , :.shf:d. The laying of cement between the street car tracks is nearly com pleted. Ihe cement lias been laid :i; d co'i;;,!(.tt.(l ;is f,ir :is the m iddle of the block between Fifth and Sixth -tree!-;, 't no cement only to be laid o Six i h st rue.:. The tracks are stil! fenced off to traffic in order to let ; .e;--.'!-t -etile thoroughly. Within a rT.ort lime the obstructions will be emnved. Farm Name Filed. Xicewood bro thers this morning filed with the coun ty .-V-;- -!:e name of "Kxcel-ion Stock and Dairy Farm" by which their large farm located near Tangent will here after be known. Marriage License Issued. Yester day afternoon a marriage license was issued to Arthur Irwin Leighton, age 21 and Rhoda Harney, age 18, both of Albany. Reported Very Sick. Albert A. Smith, a well known farmer residing on the Sautiam road near Albany, is reported ,-eriously ill at his home. ! h.' is suffering from a severe attack of heart trouble. Grange Meeting Postponed. On account of ihe big football game here on November S, the big gran -re meet ing, ;roposed for ihe same date, has been postponed. It will now be held on the' fourth Saturday in the month. Season Does Not Close for Fishing. Contrary to the idea prevalent niong man v local fishermen yester day the fishing season does not close a the end of October, but according to the new law pa-scd by the las: -es.-ri-- ,.f i In- k-u'i-dature any per.-on holding a fisherman's license may fish throughout the year, but beginning with November 1 they may not keep '"Tit of the water any fish less than 10 inches long. Tins clause of the law is in operation until April 1. From that time through until the third of October all fi-h over six inches long -r:- lip carried home. IM TIME F PEACE PEEP AIRE FOR 4 my .n 'P 1 iun si; in Cate;, Heavy gi raMbir tec, NOW CITY NEWS. ' j9 ..-) ,.) ,a m a ..I iii & i.; l-'in tlU''llll i- .i- i: .Mir 11- L'!H"V Lovctt Passes Through.--.! n. Isi- lv It. I.ovi'll, o tin' !i.u'tl ol ii.i t ol 1':, Mil I '.i i I i.' . i ) r'm hi Slum Line and O. V. R. & X. iusmh! tl.rininii li'.i- .1 1 K y I i nii;lit .11 hi I.' ii. .-i'c.'t.i! !i. liu in c.'iup.iin' will: olliii- itlli.-i.iU 01 1.H' '. .i.i. s:is tlii- hr.m-nr 1 i u.i m1. riii- u. 1111 stiip ; .'.! !v: ;'. !'!. 1 ":.'.: t M '.' :.".' ::lit U.I.. il.u k i'x.'i''.:. ii-;' I lie 1. v .'.ill;.: hi mi I Rain Coats-We Jnav am IgaEnft, asscsritmciniit of Ram i Caate ilmt hasw jmi b&&& put en sals. All new m&izi? j bits wiacMirog coirdlMifoy. Priced sift 1 S2.50, $6.50, S7.SG, and $10.00 tor au.-i:il si'd tin lor the hou- in the fi- t iiv a slUo ing lor their position on the wet ami if l'oi .illt--. i- at tlte ludoitiLT from the current d .'t the anuoiy, before and after ihe meeting, the -.enlinient -ceuicd to 1. 1- - , i'-; ) .i! ..ilcin will go dry on itv' Tue -day. T,-r 'o'touine Mltirv men were in ' . ,-i. 1 ixor I'. 1 tolluMt. 1 . V.. MamilttMi. div uomls: t' i'. lamerou. sh and door ni.inui'ac ! ui er : Mi Kiel inl . contractor; W. A l''.t.thuru. , , ,,dent chant ; r . Johnson, t iju. t-itv iO! and ; tne eu 'uniled in iis; heltov .s was in -onesoine underneatli il I. w. w. -hadow of t, c . iic'iou-i ..iiiv nack never i'cn woke '.vhe.i Jiid-e l.ovett's spe cial sMoncd up io the depot and the spout of the water tank leaked stead- William -on. a well known ily through the entire stay of the I W'elU Station, arrived in prominent, in l-'ugii M. .1. eport- 1 I lammel A' l-s Anna Spnuu-, ot (.ra-; alley s shopping in Alhauv this afternoon. i'. McDonald, o!" Portland, trans icteil lMi-.iue-.-i here thi. morning'. Misses N.nuui l'h iver and Irene l'e ","!e. of Kel-o. V.i-li are in the 'ity. stopping at the St. Francis. A V gme ard the u ai-t'.e shrill sliriek- at tlie twu. Fngineer C"a-i charge of the thrt:le I .an y rode on the i the : iggagr -oac'i. S i'o w .-re -it-epmg in Wool Dress Goods Our showing" of wool dress goocis is particularly good. All colors including many new shades are now on display. Seethe Hrocaders and Shepherd checks. , Weather lair,-lhe range ot tem perature lor J 4 hours ending at 8 o'clock thi- morning was 47 to 57 ' degreev 1'iie river is 1.5 feet. Tne 'rami. ill for the same period was .4. "dav afternoon and tloiiiing mill: .1 S. an Winkle, poM- i jran.u-.ting tmsine-s here todav. masier and hairniau ol All'any v'oin-j r MU Knuk Pdigh. of Sa niercial clnh: hied ! oil miller, fit mi- ;i, e --.itoi s in the oil v. Mr lute: F. V ISiaden. furniture: .1. C. Hljyh. a sou of T. C. Hligh,' her. 1 1 vine, ot t lie r irsi savings nanh , ,,,, lui-mess m connection with the mc lies. I lie weatlicr report says oc (". ' 1 inter, dentist; Deputy Sheritf j ligh theater. rain tonight and tomorrow. Kendill: 1'. P N'uttiug. Alhany I cm- i Woodworth of Salem trans-! Some Football Fan. That Henry ocr at : F. M Fieuch, ieueler: M O. atfd luisiness here this afternoon. lle!W. Mcl'lmurry, school director, and Woodworth. diu'-gist: .1. H Kalstm. ;s at the Vamlran. : candidate tor third ward councilman, electrical Mtppliesj (' U Stewart.; W. Smith, a prominent resident ( is some football fan is indicated by mauaKer Albany Commercial club: .1. ,.f let'ters(Mi. i- a business visitor in tlie fact that he journeyed to Salem A Hott.tid.nal e-tate; C ,V Sens, the city thi afternoon. yoterday wuli tlie A litany football Albany planing mill: A. V. Meckley, , K,-v W P. ITuiore. a well known rooters and occupied the highest seat lu' -M-'- e tnanio n turei : Frank How-t l',rowns die man. was in the city this in the bleachers throughout (lie ard, Albany Dray company; W. H. morning He returned to his home gime Tho-e who noticed Mr. Mc HoniMU.; I M Mckillop. gro- tin noon. Flmurry tliat he cheered the lo eer: H. 1. kites-. Albany Sand - lo-ie M Postrack. of Detroit, a.- cat team In -t ily ard as an ardent I'.raxel (ontpauv; II. li ant. attorne tended bu-tne matters liere this af- ' r(ter throughout t!ie game at law; Nlr Suiallttood. oi the Umal teinoou. He i at the V.iudt.m. 1 Funeral this Afternoon. liie tuncr Oregonian. T " l'e!ault returned last night al o:t'-e late Mr. Dorgan, who died 0 . front a two days' business trip to at hi- I. inn county home ea-t of here oi t i.iud (lay he I ore yesterday, w a- liehi this Mi-s I i!i Pacini tetuined to lu - .utennnMi at J o'clock at ie Catholic hi Mite at H alsey y e-tei d.i after i-- chute li. 1 n termer, t took place in the at t'ie i'ome of lt-s WirMtl'sed c-Tv ce"ie:erv. utin. Sheriff Keturrting Home. Word Pob Murphv. tlie Altvurv griiu va- ieee:odat t!ic -'u::! - office this Messaliue Silk petti coats, all colors shapes WEDNESDAY SPECIAL NOV. 5 We make a specialty of Fancy silks. The new patterns are now here. Ask to see the Dolly Yarden. Velvets in all colors, also the new moire velvets arc now on sale. All silk, 26 inch POPLIN. allcolors. Special OOC and carefully made with fancy fc9 59 flounces. . Special Silk Petticoats, Fancy Flounces, wi h Jersey tops at $3.50 Major Charles F. York, of the Ore gon 1 oast A i tillery Ke-erve band, of Portland, ai 1 1 ed m the city tins noon and it at t'-e I l.ontin 1 Men's Outing Flannel gowns, full size, good length, light color, stripes trimmed CI flfl with white braid -PX.UU If you arc a good judge of values, see our outing'flaunel at 10c Dr. K. II. Sharp, of the AM-any Col lege faculty, left this noon for Me Mi;'Mille wheie he will conduct Sun d -t r ices loin- ii row Mis. W. F. Vvr and d, ughter. Mrs. M. F. Catifii Id lett toda for Sa lt in hu a wee-end iit w ta ie!.i!ies Vhs Mabel Albre. ol aUu, i- a guest of Albany friends today. dealer, returned this noon from D. Vi. m when he ha- been enioing a her hunt tor the pa-t wee' P.-1 o"- ImcV. e"piv 1-auded from ont w ai d appe.u ance- hut it is he!:c ed that he had some luck W M Averl.L.ii im' Koute O-e wa in the (it t':i- inorniug tei'.ewmg his -ub-ciiption to the Democrat. hi enrt Pod- S'tn:!'. bv w a i i- . i..-.-;'.-.l i.- .i lilt',- !,-M.I.IV S.'fUJ Wiinttd. : W C. A I '.-,U!V r l.'it S.i 11 i.o li'.is ni tn. Xi'vinv some Iiv tiuMilN'r.. o: a h!;il.v tMi Krmnants lli:tf Price ICm ry WcdncsJav mm ' j Wednesday Special