11 SHORT CHANGE MEN ABROAD HERE Two Artists Worked Little Game Here Yesterday Afternoon at Restaurant. SECURED SUM OF $5 BY CONFUSING CASHIER It Is Thought That Same Two Men Made Attempt to Oper ate in Salem. Oiiiiiiim-.l from Wcdiu-s-lay, Tun J i r t cii.'iiiKC .'ilU'iiKiuii uurUru til rihis y-j. iwiay it'.tlc tf-llllC "ii -. i''M' Mini l ln;ir trie I; w :i . no: lcUv- 1 iiniil .sonic time .i:Vr l.y tni: clerk u iiiiiiK-iliiilcly Chiel of Police Ans- vi' tl nre!i .Sill). tin v;i itr.'.iliril :iml til eoiiijiiii i'oliieiii.'in (iriti Kin iii.nl..- ;i lor the men litit were uiiMir Thai eviileiitlv these line two men " 1 1 1 -1- places, tliih morning tn. Tile eluei ! -.vivi-d la.-t li.ivc lieeil )iu:l'a:iiiK " was the statement iii.nl: l.y I hicf ol I'olkc An n rejH.iis that word wa-i ninlil f rum Salem that t'.vu men ,m i.u'1'riiiK Ihcir ili'ci iiuiuii aMi'inplcil tu work their gallic on several Iiiim ncfs In u s.:s nf that ei'y 1ml were un successful. Thcv entered Ihc i cm an ra u l , or dered a meal and nl-j il. One ap- p'ueli''l the enUllliT all! tendered il tin dollar gold piece in paymelll for the two meals. 'J'lie oilier man :ei ped lip immediately ami iusi-.leil lie lie allowed to "a ytlie bill claiming ll.at the former bad pa d for :lie last, ; , he tendered a five 'lnll.ir gold lece. 'l'bey engaged ill an arnnienl as to who should pay the bill, whil': the be fuddled clerk watched not knovv-ng what to do. b'inally both of the men pulled down their gold piece!. The one wdio tendered the five secured his, unknowingly to the clerk, lie remarked to the mm b"hilid the conn ler to give him back his poltl piece, as be laid out a silver dollar. 'I lie clerk, completely dcui rapze l by the confusion, reached in lbs cash drawer and threw out il iiv. took up the dol . lar and tendered the change. Ap IMirenlly the only chance that the men took towards the success ful carrying out if Uieir name was in confusing Hie clerk Immediately after accnniplishiiM their object the Hum skipped. ; According to reports from Siilein, two men operating similarly, and be lieved to be the fame panics, have been operating .here extensively dur ing the past two or :hree days. '1 hey worked similarly in l S.ilem restau rant as in the local restaurant but were uustiecessniill in Hie attempt. The proprietor was wise t their game, lie slrii.-k one of the ni"n in the jaw ami at'einpted to call '.he police before thee ciui.l kv avvav lint was iinsuccesslill I i forestall their escape. l ater ill the liv, iwr, men aiisvvcr nur the description, hired an automo bile to take thcni t. l.ivelv. While eiironte they decide I to no o.i to hast Indcpenilcn the driver was knocked senseless befnc reaching the killer place ami relieve 1 of all the nioney the men had pud him and a small sum. JAPAN LEADS ALL NATIONS IN WHITE SLAVERY TRAD? T,.kni. Oct. ;ill n.ition-i ill .". 'rbiit .i.ip. OlH'll "wlliU' b-;ul ill' i, il i- fll.liso nf I -l.lt. - itMl IUT. f 'O.l l l iiii'K aitil Japan Mail, which in1 more than j met; omen in the j houc;. of pro-:itu;iou in Jap- ( a'i. Thoughtful, intelligent Jap inese 1 h,!e been con-.ider.iIdy aion-ed by1 f i i-.hip aii'.n of I'loU'-oi- 1 I ii ariiMi.i-, -!,e W.ised.i rnirrs!!y. .! iin-t thi- , ,- :! 1'iou-s.or Hir.iiuiin.iN recentK . ii. .-laud that the "lloi-d'.a in mining '. In n;'' little can be done however, ;in lo-.i: .if the e.o ei niHeit:. gies Midi 1 oii-.cn a eoiu'CNNiou and licence. It in pointed out that Japan is obtaining! a vvo'ld wide reputation tor immoral it. Htshop Cecil, in ToKio lus pub- j Ii lied pioictN in the Jiti Shimpo and; kolunni t ecei ed bv Iiiui from hi-; : chnrcli people in Sti"M;'oie and other in Ma st It Mills' i!u imiiiin a ,.l lh I !- I'A.C; l'G VIVOUM) HKOKKN. PACKS HI KOXKS I 11 An to vv.i v ll-e ' All 1 !' mi'' Ir-ln- i IM al ..'' '. :ll't!fl n:!.i A lr ' 'imiihii ni the e.ir, vveie on the I-hi'mmi! tor it. LOCAL BUSINESSMEN Albany Men Accept Invitation to Visit Salem on Friday Evening. : .Irys liieeLii: of Salem anticipate a tiie armory 1'riday iiihl wi cn to:i:e twenty of t lit lui-d-h- ;i3 i.ien of Ail-ruiy accompanied by a Mir-iiLvi men's ijnarlette, will lie ;;i Saieiil t" tell the s'.oi'y "of how I, a I that city became on account o! ;iic iiaiii-ii:::cnt of saloon-." It is tiioiU'iil there will he an im-:ie:i-e crowd out a-, lite men who arc couiiii! to Salem from tlie Hub city, on in nation of the Salem drys, are ail well known, hard headed commer cial ex per is and that they will have ii inii-re-linjf story to tell is a fore gone conclusion, .stale the Salem drys. Great preparations live. heinj made to tfive t-ie iritors a (jrcat reception and men ar.d women .'ire planning to crowd the tale armory thai niht to !ie;ir liie huiness men ati'ite on, what in Salem, is a very live (pi cm ion at present. Statesman. ROY NICHOLS RELEASED FROM THE COUNTY JAIL Koy Nichols was released thj.s niorn ir.tf troin the county jail after serving ten days for conviction in the justice court of stealing tools hclnnijintf to .iii employee of the Oregon J 'o wet Co. Niclnds v. as arrested Sunday a week a'o by Policeman Kintf- He was tried, convicted, sentenced and hewar. -ervinj his lime on Mftnday. The of ficer escorted him out of the city and he was told to hit it for the soirh, which he did, leaving by way of t J 1 - foot route on the Tanj;e-n road. DEMOCRATS 0R6ANIZE TO FIGHT MACHINE POLITICS Marion, I ml., Oct. 29. "Elimina tion of the boss and his machine" in polities is the object of the Grant county Woodrow Wilson club, the first in the state, which today is plan ning a busy campaign. The hundred Democrats who organized the club ire admittedly of t.he.progressivc wing of the party. A threat is contained in this organization for the Democrat ic state machine headed by Thomas Taggart, national committeeman and the well-known French Lick hotel keeper. The anti-boss movement made such a hit locally that it has been taken up by a group of Demo crats opposed to Taggart's domini tiou of the party in the state. The 'ending newspapres in Indiana have been enlisted against Taggart and an attempt will be made to organize sim itar clubs in all counties in the state. BRIEF NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM PEORIA l'eoria, Or., Oct. 28 (special to Democrat.) K. M. Jones mVe a bu-i-uess trip to I'eoria on Tuesday Lester Porter was ov-.t from leu ton county Sunday. City lliamwell of Lake Creek had business in I'eoria Momlay. 'ulton Wooldridge of !p!ue, lieu ton count v spent Sunda v w v h M rs. M M. I'rnil. J a AntiN was down f,'oiu 1 la-ri-iuirg Sundav visiting witn friends ,V ami 'Mrs. W. I). IVnier from Sliedd were Sunday guests of M is. Alice Ibnm. ';inv little a f fairs are being plan ned this week tor tin plcasme of Mr. ,rd Mrs. I1, C. Heiry who arc visit here ti o:n I'oi I kind For many real's Mr. Herry was the Peoria iner ''.ints and both he and his c'.iarmin j ife ha e ln-ts of friends in and , about Peoria. Tbcv are s; pp'.rg I. I nnar. . 1 ..imar e pre id Mr m' merchant.. Vr levrv are sisters. V" 11. 1 :i-m n car Peoria and hortlv lor Tem-cs to lea m'C to isi; hi- ag seen f bro:h, the rs. n.ii'er 1 a.rty c. in-law o the pine Vond av mi he Mr K xiaml. le Clbsgh.ini hi er. and took Mis. George P. urns -urpn-ed her .at shaml Sunday on bis binhdav an- nei-s.uy by haing all (heir children ml .grand children gather home for lw. ...... isi.n M'luuu.h tin- n ve.ir.s f age Mr. IWciis b-s children and i grandchibl : en. Hotel Mi-i .-!. M.i Here. the II. Mi n W. V Tier v,l v . ,:r..t .'I M. FlM",l- Uv well plea ..I IV. lie -.1 Mr. V. :.!....'. y iV.r I'll , ' Manv Goo.i Attr.-. :tions Cotv.irie, N..VC" IV.-,'. He .--iii 1,1 lelt'.' I 11.1 I il .v rAed in tS- e:'v ve.'r,'.! ! ; (iiicst oi Miv Winmfu-.l Aii.-.m IDEKffS ATTOHHEYS Is Towards Gaining Dismissal ofOne of FourCases Against Him at Tulare. STATEMENTS OF ING WITNESS NOT BACKED Court Holds That Testimony in Preliminary Heading Not Sufficient, According to report from Tulare, Calif., relative to the progress of the irial of W. A. Iden, who was arrett ed here sometime ago charged with -ecu ring money under false pretens es, !..- won .1 tremendous victory on Uctober 21, when Judge Allen ruled i hat juMifficient evidence has been given in the preliminary hearing in what is known as the .Manuel case to justify his being held to answer the upenor otti'L on a criminal charge ot eciinug money iiuuer talse preten- scs The motion which was presented the day before to dismiss the informa tion was granted and Iden was re turned to jail with only one informa tion standing against him in the su perior court though two other charg es are pending. The contention of the defense was that no corroborating testimony had been given in the lower court to back up the statement of E. M. Manuel that he had given a check to Iden for which was put to use other than that for which it was intended. In ruling on the matter Judge Allen said he supposed that the magistrate must have considered that the check and the receipt which were submitted were sufficient proof to substantiate the charges, but that he did not con sider them so. After the argument by the attor neys, Judge Allen rendered his decis ion in the matter discharging the de fendant for the reason that there was no corroborating testimony and that no crime or public offense has been committed in the case, and he there fore ordered that the miormation he set aside and the defendant be dis charged from any further prosecu tion in the case. CITY NEWS. a)(cyte) Good Window Display. In one of the windows of the Young department store there is on display anothc-r at tractive and unique exhibition. In the center is a huge shoe, adorned with doll babies. Surrounding it arc regular stock shoes. T'.vi scene is t:ken -from the nurserv rhym;, "The Old Woman who Lived In a Shoa." Bazaar and Chicken Dinner. The ladies of the First Christian church of I'm- city will give a big ! a aar 'ind thicker, pic dinner in the batmeiit o ibi.-vh on H i-bivc'eii md a large r v.vd of local pe'pV are plau ubig to attend the eve.-. Many nse fit! ;ii,; ornamental t'dngs will be on s ib- a: lc bazaar and tht r; iv i-o nee 1 o. . r.ying auythi.i 5 about i.e cbi k 'ii pic dinner. T e tli.. .'".'v'i Sheriff Left for Frisco. Sheriff Hotline left yesterday evening for Krisco, where he goes tn return C. H. Smith to tlie county jail here, in the event his requisition papers are honored bv California's executive. Smith broke jail by -aw bv his way ' out about a week ago, while awaiting he action of the grand jury on a charge of passing cheeks when be had tio funds. ; Vpw Equipment for Y. M. C. A. ! ':iebt new v.,-ts .-.Mil a s:riig;ug board i o-rv.cd thi' iMornb'g from Proidence j R 1.. as added c'ldnment f r tin V. M C A g nmasivin. ' h'ixin S'.rcrt Along Car Track. , The pa v enicnt alovg the car track fnin l' ibr-ooi to l.vtin tree's is be 1 i i ; ficd The surface between the I n-a.-ks along the edges ot :be rails. ( . being mebed !y a huge toreb and i -moothed over, -o as to tn ike it j ''hi-'1 w i'h ihe -nrface of the streey i Over 1000 registered. I'r until last ! iiiig'ii o or yW had regi- tcred for 1 'lie coming city election on lVcoui : bcr 1. The citv recorder stated again j V' j ' nirng t r i-i on!v a M r, "i-tcr on Wveni- 1,-it Cn.Ier Vtiv He -i! l.r Al'i 1. T 1 s; iiu::'h I MINERS AND GUARDS ARE mm by militia; Martial Law in Effect in Strike District; Quiet Reigned at Daylight. (By United Press Association) Trinidad, loio., Uct. 2!J. The sirike iiriL t is uuw occupied by more than one thousand slate troops. .Martial law prevails and the soldiers have al ready bc,'ua the work of di. arming l he strike sympathizers and mine ijuarda. Many miners disarmed them selves before the militia arrived and turned the weapons into the union of ficials who later hai i'ed them to the troopa. Quiet reigned at daylight. Senator Norris Defended Recall (By United Press Association.) Wa.-hington, Oct. 2y. Senators Norris today expressed in the senate emphatic dissent with the view ad vanced by the opponent of the recall that the removal of Sulzer proved that such methods were unnecessary. He said "the political machine re called Sulzer. lie was not recalled by the people by by a political boss." captain mm LDCSES ms mi FOR DIVOBCE (By United Press Association) San i-ranciaco, Oct. 2V. Captiir. Henry C. .Merriatu lost his suit for divorce from liessie C. Merriam by a decision of Superior Judge Graham today. Instead oi granting the peti tion of the applicant the wile was giv en tile custody of the daughter, Char lotte and awarded $75 per month for separate inainiainance. Mrs. Merriam also cleared the charges of miscon duct with .Major Clarence Murphy of New Orleans during Merriam's three months' absence from the army bar racks, o CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY REPRESENTATIVE. HERE Here for the purpose of interesting students of public schools in depend ent children of Oregon public institu tions, towards donating funds and ar ticles for Thanksgiving, J. D. Cain reports much success. Mr. Cain is special agent of the Boys and Girls' Aid Society of Ore gon and is here in the interest of the receiving home at Portland. His home is at Summit, Oregon. One would think that there is not so much rainy weather in Oregon after all. New Saturday Evening Post Out Containing several splendid stores. aside from many illustrations, etc., etc., the Saturday Evening Post of November 1 is out. '"Shakespeare's Seven Ages and Mine" byIrvin S. Cobb, is one of the stories Beginning with this number. Get your copy from Riley Lobaugh. Oregon Countryman Issued. With a pretty cover design of a tray of ap ples, printed m colors and contain ing many stones and illustrations, tlie October number of the Oregon Countryman, was issued this morning lroin the V. K. Lhurehill press. Great Northern Representative.- V. Kistlcr, contracting freight agent for the Great Northern Railway was interviewing the local business men this morning for the purpose of ob taining husiness lor Ins line ot road. Grocery Store Moving. The C. O liudtong grocery store at the corner of Ninth and 1 .yon streets today mov ing into new quarters diagonally across the corner in the Vaudran ho tel building. New Attorney for Albany. Victor Special wool and Jbi-iiLCUl iLJ2.IL Extra Special 56.50 wool blankets, white, and pl.uus this week $4.95 pr Agents for Stand ird Patterns RCBBEBY ATTEMPT HERE LAST H Would-be BurglarMade Attempt to Effect Entrance to Cassie Home. PRIED SCREEN OFF WINDOW EUT COULD NOT GET IN Mrs. Cassie Was Home Alone and Did Not Discover It Until This Morning. That an atempt at burglary was made on an Albany res idence .some rime late last .light or eariv rhU morning, became known this morn:;: , wiie-i Police- J man King was -nunm ir.vc i-i the home j of Kivgiucer Ca ssie, at Ligtiuii and Hill streets. Arriving there, :hc officer found the screen to the pantry window in ; be rear of the house torn oft. and evidence that the intruder had en tered the pantry and aiteia.jteJ to pry open the kitchen door with an ax. The handle wi; brok.-n Mid found lying on i no Poor. Several burnt ma tcli cs wer found al -o. roll of butter was mashed flat A the end. where :h: woul 1-bg burglar had evidently knelt upon it in crawl ing over a shelf from the pantry win dow. Nothing was found missing. . The attempt at burglary was not discovered until this morning by Mrs. Casic, who was at home alone last night, her husband being on his reg ular run. She says that she heard no lotse last night, although at home ill evening. She was considerably frightened when the discovery was nade and immediately notified the olice. Nothing was found that would 'cad to the arrest of the intruder. Ollivcr, recently from Indiana, has located in Albany and has opened law offices in suite 206-207 in the First National Hank building. M Olliver is a graduate of the Indiana, law school. He has only been in Ore gou for the past month, making his home in Portland during that time. Funeral Held this Afternoon. The funeral of Mrs. F. D. Cornett, who died yesterday morning a't her home near K-nox Hutte, was held this af ternoon at 2 o'clock at the family home. Interment took place in the Central cemetery five miles east of here. The Weather Fair. The range of temperature for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock this morning was 63 to 34 degrees. The river is 1.6 feet. The weather report says fair tonight with rain Thursday. Shakespeare Bust Here The hand some life size bust of Shakespeare, presented to the Albany public li brary by the Albany Art Craft, Miss es Caufield and Jones proprietress es, has arrived and is on exhibition at the art craft establishment, in the old national bank building, until the completion of the new library. The bust stands on a pedestal and presents a very imposing statue. oks Have Arrived. Several hun dred pounds oi books for the county public school libraries have arrived at the court house and Jani tor Mart Uilyeu today unpacked them. They were carried up stairs and are to lie seggrepated for ship ment to the various schools later. Cider Pedlars are Abroad. For the !;;-t three .lays many cider pedlars have been about the city selling the inscious juice made front apples. The apple crop this year is plentiful and :t rc-ult :heve will he :;n unusual- t Week PJoocfs prices on all Blankets, in cotton until Saturday night. Wool RijI size, ular 52.50 This blanket sale includes our entire both cotton und wool, running from FLOOD'S STORE 334 WT.ST FIRST STRKKT IE HELD Ifl BALL ROOM Lavish Display Will Be Made by Members of Family for Dead vlillioniare. (By United Press Association) New Vork, Oct. 23. That lavish-i-.e.-s will at:er.d the funeral of the l:;te Charles G. Gates is evident from tke plans being made by the family. The young millionaire died at Cody, Wyoming, yesterday from a stroke of appopiexy, following a hunting ex pedition. The funeral service it is said wiii probably be held in tlie grand ball room of tlie Plaza hotel where the fat:.e:' of the deceased laid in state two years ago. The procession of re gal magnificence will accompany the . ody to Woodlawn cemetery. The fin: era! will probably be held on Mon day but the date cannot be act defi nitely owing to the delay in getting the necessary certificates for the transportation of the corpse from Wy oming. ARTIST IS FOUND DEAD in mm mmmm (By United Press Association) Los Angeles, Cci. 29. The body of Harriet Vernon, twenty-one ar.d a well known artist was found in a room in liie mission appariments here loaay. -.iar.vs on tr.e tliroat indicated U i ir.at sue had been wrangled and nau heen uead lor about six hours. Laura Reynolds, a chum of Harriet found the body and notified the nolice. She is being held as a witness. According lo Miss Reynolds, tne body was found in a room that has been occupied by a man known as W. Wilson. DIAZ WILL SAIL FOR HAVANA ON OCEAN LINER (By United Press Association.) Vera Cruz, Oct. 29. General Diaz is still on board the battleship Louis iana to which he has been transfer- red fro mthe gunboat Wheeling. He will be put aboard the first liner for Havana unless none sail before No vember 4th, the date the Louisiana is scheduled to leave. In that event he will be landed at the first neutral port that he wishes. iy heavy supply of cider. Much of it is now being made by various farm ers. One day last week, a cider mill north of here, made 2000 gallons. This is a big plant operated by a steam en gine. Novel Way to Advertise. Secre tary Bynon of the Salem Commercial club, has sent out several packages of dried loganberries to the leading dining car services of Oregon, Wash ington and California railroads, with : request attached to use them as side dishes for the traveling public. The secretary hopes, in this way, to draw the attention of Easterners and West erners, too, for that matter, to the fact that dried loganberries make fine eat ing, and Marion county is boosting this late product. Police Bell Rang Last Night. To cal Chief of Police Austin last night at 7:30 o'clock, to notify him that short change artists were abroad, ac cording to a report from Salem, the police bell was rung. Busy Preparing Ballot. County Clerk Marks is busy preparing the ballots to be used here in the general election on November 4. Four meas ures are to he voted upon, namely, I'. e WorkivUi's Cumpeit ation bill, countv attorney hill, two bills for SI "5.000 appropriation for the univer ;irv and the su-rili7rttion hill. Nap Blankets at $1.95 pair heavy weigul. value. Our lVq- line of Blankets 50e to 7.50 pair Ac-llt: lor K.iImi Kcdticini! Corsets