The Semi-Weekly Democrat WM. II. IIOKXIIiROOK, Editor and Publisher Liu tied ul the pustullice at Albany. Oregon, a secund-ch'ss matter. Published every evunug c.m-i :uu day. isnnr n-ily puhhsiieu inns days and Fridays. UUSlNhSS MATT ER. Addiess ail riniiiminiLaliuiis and make all remittances payable to the Uem ociat Publishing l.o. In oiUeiirig eiiatiges uf address, sub scnlieis should always give old as well a lie addtesv :UH.-U1 I'l I'JN KA I La Dad Delivered by carrier, per wcck....$ 10 lAlivered b cauicr, per ye-. 4'" ty mail, a. end oi year 3 S. liy mail iu advance, per year 3.U0 Semi-Weekly At end of year When paid in advance, erne year.... L25 i.i.Amii'II.Ij RA 1 ES 1c per word br first publication; JSc per word thereailer, payable in ml vance. Minimum charge ol 25c. Established in 1065. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1913. From Yuba Dam to Yonkers the man of backbone conquers, where spineless eri tiers fall ; all obstacles o'crcomiug, he goes along a'liumniiug, and gathers tame and kale. No ghosts of failure haunt him, no grissly bug gies daunt him or .make his spirits low; you'll find liitn scratching gravel wherever you may travel; from iiuttc to Itrokeu How. Erom Winniped to Worcester you'll see this ciieertul rooster, ihi.i model to all men ; tin -daunted by reverses he wastes no Mine iu curses, but digs right iu again, ilis face is always shining though others be repining; you cannot keep li nit down; In trail i always smoking while cheaper men arc clioakiug about the oh dead town. From Humboldt to Jiobokeu be haves his .sign and to ken in buildings high and grand; in factories that flourish, in industries 'that nourish a tired anaemic laud. He brings the work lu toilers and fills wilh bread and broilers their trusty dinner pails; he keeps the ripsaw rip ping, the big triphammers tripping, the workman driving nails. All honor to his noblels ! We drink to him iu goblets of grapejuiee rich and red I he man of spine and gizzard who hustles like a blizzard and simply wona. be dead ! Walt Mason. A "knocker" should be treated with more Christian charity. He suffers from acute liver trouble and needs calomal instead of censure. When boiled down and stripped of falsehood, social success means the ability to make people believe that you are pleased when in fact you're bored. There is notlungiuider the sun more mournful than ihe old fashioned or gan or Ihe modern piano when the latter is punished by an unskilled mu sician. The difference between a burglar and the fellow who is trying to break into society is that the burglar usu ally gets something after he gets in. What's this city way ? election about, any- St range how tl ways happens to vocation in life. other fellow al hnose the easiest Some of llie-e long-winded banquet speakers ough'i to be recalled. T'n Demo PaiiMuirst. He is rain: 1 1 Mr. dead. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT. j Here are a fc x .iruntenls advanc ed by the frici'i'.-. of the Wn-kiin-i s ! Compensation act : j Number line: A careful exatnina-j tion of Ihe statistics of the twelve1 largest liability companies for the last two years obtainable, viz: W10 and I'Ml, reeals the fact that only 4.19 per cent of the picuiiuuis paid went to the injured. Number Two: This 43.9 per cent is paid grudginglx and every obstacle is placed in the w ay of an injured workman scckim; just redress. Usual ly the burden is placed on him of tak ing the rich liability company into court. Number Three: When the injured workman has paid the lawyer and other is a certainty that not more than hall" this 43. per cent is left. In oilier words, probably not move than M percent of the total preniiuins i relief of th.c actually goim; for the mini ed. Number Four: The remaining 5h 1 per cent of the premium i- eaten up in ex pen - e and profit s, In -lead of going :o help the injured, it goes to swell the coffers of the insurance com panies As a general rule, liability companies pay ImiuImmiu di idemls. Number Five: The employer of la bor would like to ie the whole of the premium he pa go to the injured. Under the present system he is help less and to protect himself he has to nccept any term the insurance com panies offer him. Number Six : I" very work hitman who, in the course of his regular em ployment i injured, is entitled to re ceive coin pen s,t inn. Number Seven: The Workmen's j Compensation Law proposes that ! workmen who arc injured in the ; of their employment shall au- totnaticnlly, and as a matter of right, receive adequate compensation with- ; out interference or intervention of . lawyers or courts. j Number Eight: The total cost of administering the law in Washington j (luring the first year of its operation was miner iu per cent 01 tne total premiums. It will be less this yeir. Number Nine: It is an indefensible, economic waste to spend fifty-six per cent of the gross income of a busi ness when experience proves better remits can he obtained by the expen diture of less than ten per cent of the gross income. Number Ten: With the passage of the Workmen's Compensation Law, the employer knows that all the mon ey he pays is going for the relief of the injured; the workman knows, in the event of injury he and his depend ants arc immediately provided for; the citizen knows that the poverty which often accompanies disability or death will be relieved. The work men's Compensation Law will work a grave hardship on the casualty com panies and on the accidental lawyer;;. No. 211. REPORT OF THE CONDITION of the BANK OF SHEDD at Shcdd in the State of Oregon, at the close of business October 21, 1913 Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured and unsecured Bonds and warrants Hanking house Furniture and fixtures Due trout approved reser banks ti'n'r.s and other casl items Cash (in hand Kxpcuves ?. 1 7,295.00 I.S5 14.S27.50 2.9().7S 2,256.68 19,165.26 159.65 3,149.47 l.oyy.yy o.;v Lilicr resources Total... $611,924.45 $15,000.00 750.00 Liabilities. Capital slock Surplus fund paid m Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid .... Individual deposits subject to check Demand ceritficates of de posit Ca.shier cheeks oulstand- , JK Time certificates of de posit 399.65 41.2SJ.36 994.46 40.00 2,456.98 Total... Slate of $60,924.45 Oregon ( )ss. ( County of I. inn I. W. M. Heals, above named bank. Jr., cashier of the do soleilllllv thai the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge an, helief. W. M. HEALS. JR. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2S dav of October. N13 C. J. SHEDD. Justice o f liie IVace. Correct Attest : S. S. MYERS, W. I). POUTER, I Jirectors. -o- SUMMONS In the Circuit Conn of the State of I b e 4O11 for I inn Comity. Forest Mavis, I'laintiff. vs. Miles Tetherow and A. 1! Tethe row. hi'i wife. I iiiii-r Tetherow and C. : V l elherovv. hi, uitY. Anna Wit-:- -o.1 I I. din W 1 i-d k. er. her hiisli uid. Fftir Pi.-r,-.- F. I'iiivc. her hn-hand and I'eiherovx , unmarried, Dei end- I,!e ; ants. ! To I ffie I'ieive. !" I. Pierce and Jo;;i :-mw. Ai-a Wie bi've named de ihe ra'iie of '. Von are hrndn v ndanis. liie Stale of On eteby required to : l he com, 1, lint of th ..lined pi 1111:1:1 in t lie aho en- 0:1 lib- with the Tie; !i or het'ote the Ut a;:d yon ive noiifie lo IMMIir ;i!'d .IIWW; ' " herel piircd. the court for compl.iint. following i : i e to i'l d : litle to t!i He line ind W. It l"! -Ian: IV 1 . ; -.'Pic . -15 i'l ing Xo:. i'p. : s. k l i eon, .uid : vti.i ,,,. nee S. 1S4J thence V o chs.. to .1 I W of running Mr e . 14 e h". !f"4 1 4 1 l-'dv OCT" 1' P. V, t'on-i! (Vt . T' "d t'n e t2 01 i!-e l.t li of Dec . 10H 011 is t' d;n 1 G LI'WFLI lG, Attorney for Plrntit'i. o.M n?-14-21-2S D5-12 Notice of Road Meting. '-: kc is hereby given by ihe un derpinned, resident tax payers of Koad isiri t Xo. one of Linn County, Ore- gon, being more than ten per cent of the tax payers of said Road Di-- trict, that a meeting of the tax payers said Road District will be held at Lemke Store at Ninth and Elm S:. tne 29 day of November, 1913, at the hour or o clock in the atternoon 01 said day, for the purpose of levying j such additional tax on all the taxable property in said road district as may be deemed advisable by the majority of such tax payers at such meeting to rove the road.i of said Road Dis trict. Tl 's rio'i'f ispostcd this 28 day of October, 101.1 o31 n7-14-21-28 Referee's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the 1111 !trsi',i;cd wis bv an order of the Cir - Co:--t of t' State of Oregon for Finn County, Department No. 2. in that certain -nit wfprein Mary E. Wil son and O. W. Wilson, Fer husband, F. li. Powell ami S. M. Powell, were -'riimiff and Martha Marrs and John Marrs. her husband. Horace M. Propst and lane Doe Propst, his wife, Alvis L. Propst and Mary Roe Probst, his "iff. Nina P. J'nmst and Dale I). Propst. were defendants, dulv made and entered of record on thp 2.3 rd dav of October, 1913. appointed sole ref eree to make sale of the following described real pronerty, to-wit: Hc ginniugat a point 5 chains, west of the northeast corner of the Donation Land Tiim nf Samuel Simpson, Not. No. 18rt2. in Township No. 11 South. Rnn-e Vo I Wt of the Willamette Mcn !;;oi, Oregon, same being the north-'a-t comer of the tr-r of Find set i"ar to )Vfcca Powell by derree of e Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Linn County, made and en t'rrd on the 16th dav of November, 11(14, and running t.hmce west 120 rods: thence south 66 2-3 rods, thence east 120 rods, thence north 62 2-3 rods j ihe place of beginning, containing 50 acres, more or less, in Linn Coun ty, Orcon. Now Therefore, in in pursuance of -aid order and of the Statute in such made ard provided. T will on 'tiirday. the 20th day of November, "13. at one o'Hock n. m of said day. at 'he front door of the Court house ;n the City of Albany, Oregon, sell at -uMic aurtinn. to '' Mirlvst bidder i-a-h it hand, all tile right, title, i.rp( .,.,,1 ;.p,;-n nf lc Dar'ies, plain ,:ffs and detend:i"U, i- and to the real "'"'"frl - above d-cv;h(d, nMed thi 27th ('ay of October. 1013. M. V.WF-ATI1 FT? FR D, Sole Referee. .31 7-14-21-28 SUMMONS I:i the Circuit Court of the State of ') recoil for i .111 11 County. Itertlia Wapas, I'laintiff, vs. I;r:uih Wapa.-, Defendar.t. To l-'rank 'apa4i the above nanied lel"e:id,int: hi the name of the State of Oregon: Vou arc hereby required io appear in the above Court 10 answer the Cinu plaint 01' plaintiff, filed against you in this eaitie. on or before the I3th day of Oecem'ber. 113. The date of the l'iit publieatiou of this summons is October 31st, W13. and the last day of publication is December 12th, l'.MJ; and you are notified that if you fail to appearand answer the Complaint in this suit as herein required the plaintiff will take a decree against you for the relief prayed for in said Complain:, To-Wit: tor a decree of aid Court diMdvinij and annulling liie marriage contract now existing be tween you, said defendant,' and the slid 'plaintiff. Lli i- Munitions is puMi-hed by or der of U01:. P. I1.. Mcknight. County Jnde of the County of Linn, State of OiL'on. made and da:ed at AI- tid County, I )c tuber J''t!i. PA DDK Attorney : first pnidi & CI. ARK i for riaintil'f. a 1 ion to be Oc Date of id-rr M-i I l.Uc of Jl!i. . P'l.i. last publication :o be Dec. oM n7-14-JP2S d5-12 Referee's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, was by at: order of the U'ircuit Court of the Stale of Oregon I for Linn County, in Department No. iu that certain ti it w'nereiu Andrew Shearer was plaintiff and Ida l'ugh, i 1 I Van l-'lee; and Mary Kha Van , Meet, his wife. ". llutfinan, , a minor, Lmnia liiukiu and David ; 1 ix 11 k in. her husl-and, Mary A. Wright. I.'iues A. Litgli and Charlotte K. I l'ugh. his wife, Annie K. Kendall and j V M. Kendall, her Imsband, Ada L:ckso:i and ilcury Jackson, her hus : b.:nd, tVncr Tetherow and C. D Tctii . crow, his wife. Miles Tetherow and I A. U. Tetherow his wife, Clyde Tetli ; riiuv, Anna Wch and John Wi her hu-band. Kffic Tierce and l'iercc, her h.usbaiul. and M. A. F. -ugh. were defendants, duly made I entered of record on the JO day July, appointed referee to in. 1 ;e -a :e ot pi scribed, to-wit : IVginr-ing at ST! chains di west corner o Claim of tesec o: No A Mi'. 12 Sou:!'. K a : c 1 itMette Mi l iili emi-ies herematter de- P- in t which, is north ant iroin the son t li the Donation Land W. l'ugh and wife. CI. ''it Xo. 45. in T;v c 4 West of the W:I 1. V ccon, and run : ! . .5 chains: thence ihei'ce south ,V5 we! 2d 5l) chains, to H'it':'!iiv. 4, containing oi !es-, in Linn coun- uin t'-e pi.-? S SS acres, iv, Oreyoi ' Now T said or !cr 1 .'.sc mad mort lore, it pursuance ot 1 tv.c Statute in mh " I pro-. Med. ! will on ,..., ay t''c d.iv of "Covember. 1 o"c o.'o.-k p :n. of aid day. front J.ivr of ! e C'ur'..bout i'y. Linn County. Ore con. cl' lie auction to :he highevt bid- . a- ti'i fr in A1mm af public iier. for ertv abo j Dated ash in hand, the real prop- e described ihU Ut!t day of OctVocr, T. F. YATFS. Sole Referee. OJ7-24-J1 n714 m smith has ; ; been captured j i I ! Jail Breaker, Who Sawed Way: Out and Bad Check Artist He captured at Frisco. CHIEF OF POLICE WHITE NOTIFIES SHERIFF BODINE Smith Broke Out of Jail Week Agoin Company with Charles - Davidson. According to wo yesterday afternoon :l h. by Shen:f J'-o- dine from Chief of Poljce f. A. White, of San L'ranciseo, diaries h. Smith, who sawed his way out of the county jail and who escaped in com pany with Charles Davidson on the Jlilh, has been captured in that cty. Sheriff 1'odine has had detectives on the trails of the fugitives s:;vc their escape and has spread the news broadcast, lie has entered a request I for requisition papers and left this! afternoon for San Francisco. Smith was being held here in the county jail in default of bonds, await ing the action of the grand jury, op. a charge of securing credit thrrugh a bank book showing a deposit. When the merchants, to whom he had ten dered checks, attempted to cash them, it was found that Smith had no funds. Smith, it is claimed, operated exten sively throughout the state, and Hu :;ene and Albany were the scriics of his latest operations, which resulted iu his arrest at Woodburn sometime ago, after he attempted to tdude Ine noliee by a thrilling automobile ride from Albany. CITY NEWS. $ Eugene Still Leads. Eugene Y. M. C. A. now has 2136 points chalked up to its credit in the membership con test with the Salem and the Albany .-iociations. tiuii' of the latter have ce:i slow iu reporting for ,-ome un '.nowii reason and the time has been i "extended io Nov. 1. All new members taken up to this tjme will count in the oiliest. The local association is still working hard despite their apparent sife lead as it is not known what the other towns mav spring in the shape of surprises. Guard. j Returned From California. Re-: turning home Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. (i. W. I'eiuiebaker, have visited i in California tin ring the pat five weeks. They visited the 1'ortola at -': Krancisco. and the Wat-onvillc Apple Fair and the California Laud Show. They also visited various orange groves and vineyards. Uiey report a most enjoyable sojourn. Funeral Held Today. The funeral of M rs. Dudiey Gibson who died m Salem Saturday morning w;s held in Salem this morning and the remains were brought here this afternoon tor In-rial in the city cemeur . Marriage Licenses Issued. Yester day and today the following were is sued marriage licences: Rov A. Tv cer. a-e 21. Clare M. Finley. age 21. both of Itrowu.-ville, and Lawrence it. Thompson, age 2o, Sweet. Home. Frankic Thilpott. age 22, llolley. Attended Meeting of Typographi cal Union. Alva 1 let son, a linotype operator of the Democrat, returned a- v.ight from Salem where he at tended the 25th anniversary of the or ; I'-iaiion of the Salem Typographi cal I'nion. The anniversary was cele-M-ated Sun 1 lay evening with a ban- u-et it the Oreuonian grill in Salem, s of irinters were in attendance 1 great session was held. Mr. n vi-dted friends and relatives nbv before returning home. :ud Guardian's Sale. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned guardian of Ilerthel Ho flich, a minor, will, pursuant to the irder of the county court of Linn County. Oregon, duly made and en tered in the matter of the guardian ship of said minor on the 27th day of Sepieniber, ld.V sell at private sale for cash in hrnd from and afier the 1st day of November. 101.1, the fob 1 lowing described real property be I loi'eing to t lie estate of said minor, to-wit: j 1 liecinnirg at a point in the center i of a countv road on the South boun- 1 d;ry line of Ferry Watson's Dona tion Land Claim No. 6S in Township ,11 Pou'h of Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian. Oregon, which j ynirt j 0 chains Fast of wrc e tlie I section line between Section 2m and ! 27 intersects s:miI outh boundary line i of said Claim No. 6,1 and running hence Fast 25,2rt chains; thence South 1 ..1 chains: thence West 25.26 chain to the center of said countv roid: j thence South 10 degree Vet 2S5 i chains: thence West 6 .15 chain: ! thence North to the South boundary i-ne ot s.iid 1.11m .o ti ; licence FaT abv'ij ,Tid South boundary b-ie. ti the place of heirirninc containing 275 acre more or le all lying and being in Linn County. Sate of Ore gon. Said "ale to be made uhicot to con firmation bv iid countv con-f. MAT1FL H. HtTlTfR Guardian. L. G LFWFLT.INO. Attorney for Guardian. 03-10-17-24 : JUDGE DUNCAN DECLINES TO Mi FOR MAYOR Gives Out Formal Statement to ' Democrat Stating Position in Regard to Candidacy. That Judge Duncan will not be a candidate for the office of mayor be came known today when he issued a formal statement to the Democrat declining to enter the race. As stated in yesterday's Democrat, petitiotts had been prepared and were being circulated on behalf of the for mer county judge. It wa. under stood that the judge had agreed to rv.n but it now develops that he had not given his formal consent to the proposition. The statement issued is as follows: Editor Democrat: Referring" o your item in last night's Democrat staling that the undersigned had be come a candidate for the office of nayor of this city for the coming elec tion. I am sorry this inipross'on got out. As stated to a mintbe' of friends who spolie to me abou: becoMihig a candidate, I had made plans for the coming year that vouui prevent my giving the time and jaretul attention j rne o;ncc in case neciuKi mai i felt tiu place sn.uttd i-i Possibly I should have been more positive but thought I made it plain that I could not serve as much as I appreciate the confidence reposed in me by them, 1 will have to decline. J. N. DUNCAN. LARGE CLASS INITIATED IN KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Most Enjoyable Session Held; Lebanon and Corvallis Brothers Visited. In the presence of 65 members of the Knights of Pythias, iuchuiing members of the local lodge, the Leb anon and Corvallis lodges, twelve candidates were initialed into the rank of esquire last night. Ten of the can didates were of Albany and two were of Corvallis. This is perhaps the larg est class that has been received into this rank in the local lodge -dnce iis organization. The ceremonies were most impressive and were splendidly solemnized by the officers of tne local lodge. Included among the visit irs. were many prominent men of CorwiUis and Lebanon, and the members of tin lo cal lodge were the recipients of many ilateriug comments by them, as to the way the work of the lodge was car ried on and the progress now being made by the Knights of Albany, in ferring to the magnificent new ;eiu ple now under course of con.itruciioti at Lyon and Third street. After the business session of 'he lodge a splendid lunch was served, during which a general social session resulted. It was not until a Lite hoar that the session adjourned. The Cor vallisites came over in an auto ruck, and extended a most hearty invitati- 11 to the Albany Knights to vis'- them at an early date. Wortt on Car Track Progressing. Work of laying cement between the car tracks is progressing rapidly. At proem the work is practically eom j Lted to Fourth street, with only two more blocks to tinib. Wnen til work is completed the track bed will be very suhtantial. Albany Hotel Man at Salem. J. C. llaunnel. jro-rietor of the new liam 'iel hotel at Arnnny, was in the city Saturday on business. 1 1 e returned to Albany late Saturday evening. Statesman. Died in Portland. U. H. Dolan, ot Portland, a brother of Samuel Dolan, a member of the O. A. C. faculty, died of Urights Saturday at his home. .""S Kat Clay street. Mr. ian was abou; 31 years of ac, and ;vs:des his brother here leaves a wid .v". one -.1:1 and three sisters to mourn his early demi -e. Prof. Dolan went to Portland to attend his brother's funeral. The deceased was a brother of Mrs. Fables of this city. Summons. Oregon for the County of Linn. Cora Stiles, Plaintiff, vs. Fred M. Stiles, Defendant. To. Fred M. Stiles, the above nam ed Defendant, in the name of the State of Oregon you arc hereby re tpiired to appear and answer tlie Complaint of Plaintiff filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court against you on or before tlie first day of November. 191,1, and if you to so appear and answer said Cnmphint for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the Complaint, to-wit: For a decree of the Court di solving the bonds ot matrimony now existing between Plaintiff and Defendant and tor turther decree changing Plaintiffs name from Cora Stiles to Cora Pest, and for a judg ment against the defend nit for the .-osts and dishursemei.ts of thi suit. Tli is summons is serve tl by publi cation upon you by order of the H-"n. D. P. McKnicht. made n:i the 16 dav of September. 1L1. winch said order requires a first publication to be nide on the lth day of September. ld.V and the last publication to be made on the .th d?v of October. 1LV and that you appear and answer vi or before the 1st day of Novem ber. I0LV WFVTUFRFORD & WEATHER FORD, Attorney for Plaintiff. ,"10 2Ml-in.17-24-3l CLAIMS PARTNER ! TOOK RIIK Rudolph Crth Charges That S. Prichard Deprived Him of Interest in Concern. THEN IT IS CLAIMED HE . SOLD IT TO ANOTHER Wants Accounting Taken and Order to Collect Residue, Alleged Due Him. That S. Prichard took exclusive pos session of property, owned and con ducted on a co-partnership basis with him, took possession of the books and accounts and orevented him from having anything to do with the busi- ness, is tne substance ot a case that being tried before Circuit Judge Galloway. And that the said S. Prichard sold the plaintiff's interest to one F. A. Pictrok, after a period during which Prichard conducted the business with out the say of the plaintiff, is another allegation made in the complaint. Virtually charging the defendants with swindling -him of his interest in the property, Rudolph Orth. is the plaintiff in the case against Prichard .uid 1 ictrok, in which be ts seeking a decree for an accounting to be taken, es training the defendants from dis posing ot the property and tor the ollection ot the residue he alleges is uue mm. In February 1910 Orth and Victor Small, as set up in the complaint, entered into a co-partnership for the purpose ot erecting a saw mil and engaging in a general logging and milling business, lu May, 1910 they purchased machinery - and erected a structure near Lyons. The business was continued until July, 1910 when Orth's partner sold his interest to S. Prichard. The business was then conducted until Mav. 1911 when, it is alleged, Prichard took possession of the business and deprived Orth of his right in the concern. Later, it is claimed, the defendant sold the hitter's interest, to IMetrok. and it is alkged that the sum of $3000 was re-:- i'd. Judge Galloway took the case of Houston against Greener, which was tried yesterday, under advisement. One of Hammel's Latest. "Did you hear about the accident at Astoria this morning," asked J .C. Hainmel, manager of the Hotel Hammel, this afternoon. "Xo, what about it?" was tlie inevitable bite, when 'Reddy" is springing a joke. "The wind blew up the Columbia river," replied Hainmel as he turned and walked hurriedly away. Everybody has been biting on thai joke today. Police Looking for Stolen Auto. The police today have been looking for a stolen automobile, which is said to have been taken yesterday or the day before from a garage in that city. The authorities at Salem have sent the .news of the theft to all of the valley police. The car i1- described as a 1911 fore dore Cadillac, number .U('-S2 Oregon licen-e number LI 10. Died at Knox Butte. Mrs. Viola (deih Cornett died thi-- morning ,tt her home near Knox Hut re at the age of 50 years. The de -eased was born in Oregon. February 2.i. Kyc-3. Arrangements for the funeral have not been made yet but announcement , will be made laters. News cn This Page is From DaiU' Issue of '$ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23. ; S c1 fT1- Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Executrix of the last Will and Testament of W. H. Kaltrider, deceased, has filed her final account as such Executrix of said Estate, with the County Clerk of Linn County, Oregon; and the Judge of the County Court for Linn County, Oregon, has fixed November 3rd at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., for the hearing of objection of said Estate if any. and further settlement of said Estate. Dated this the 25th dav of Septem ber. 1913. LOLA M. SHAW. Executrix of said Estate. WEATHER FORD & WEATHER FORD. Attorneys for Estate. O 3-10-17-24 Notice of Guardian's Sale. Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to an order of sate made and en tered by the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, in the matter of the guardianship of Aura Anderson, n minor, on the 29th day of September. 113, the undersigned guardian of .iid minor will from rnd after the first day of November. 1013. sell, at pri cate sale for cash in hand, alt the right, title and interest of said minor in and to the following described real prop erty, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 29, in Township 9 South. Range 4 Fast of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn County, Oregon, containing 40 acres, said sale to be made subject to confirmation of said court. H. H. HEWITT. 0 3-10-17-24 31 Guardian. 1