The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, October 28, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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The Semi-Weekly
liditor and Publisher
collect a bomb fin hi.
bntcrcd al mc pustoflice at Albany,
Oregon, as secund-clasB matter.
Published every cveuiiiK except Sun
day. Semi-weekly published lue3
days and Fridays.
Address all communicatii)iis and make
all remittances payable to the Dem
ocrat i'ublishitiK Co.
In ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as
well as new address.
Delivered by carrier, per wcek....$ 10
Delivered by carrier, per year 4.0iJ
by mail, at end of year ..... 3.5U
By mail in advance, per year 3.00
At end of year - $1.50
When paid in advance, one year 1.25
Ic per word fur first publication; 'tc
per word thereailcr, payable jn ad
vance. Minimum cliai'KC of c.
Established in 1365.
Some men will never learn
noise is not statesmanship.
Judging from the number of light
uintf rods which have been installed
during the past week, Albany is abomaj the first of the week visiting with the
Former Night Watch Here. John
Jones of Portland is in the city on a
few days' visit. He is a former city
nighlwatrh and engineer for many
years. His son, Ulem Jones, is a let
ter carrier in Portland, and his daugh
ter Emma is now Mrs. Bertram of
Mill City, wife of the superintendent
of the Hammond Lumber Co's mill,
with whom he is visiting for a few
weeks. Mr. Jones, like other Albany
'people sees a great improvement here.
Marriage License Issued Two mar
riage licenses were issued yesterday
afternoon. They were to Walter Dag
gert, age .36, and Maud Huston, age
36, both of Albany, and Roy McKend
rick, age 21 and Nola Pinkston, age
18, both of Albany.
Jordan, Or., Oct. 23. (Special to
Democrat.) Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree
spent several days at Albany recent
ly. Mr. Herman Shelton and family
spent Friday and Saturday in Albany.
Mr. Jno. Sandncr went back in the
mountains a few miles south of here
on a hunting trip. The first day he
killed the limit, rctliriug the next day
disappointed because he Iiadn t en
joyed any outing at all. He reported
plenty of game and it was hard to
resist the temptation of exceeding the
If you want a bear story ask Debs
Shelton about it. He can give it in
rhyme,, but neither he nor L. W.
Wood can bring in the bear's scalp.
Peter Uurchart of Sublimity and
John Uurchart of Topeka, Kan., spent
Great Game Is Promised To
morrow Afternoon on Local
One of the best football games of
the season is promised tomorrow af
ternoon at Athletic park when the O.
A. C. freshmen team clash with the
Albany High school team. The game
will be called at 3 o'clock.
According to scores the "aggies"
are on a level with the local team and
with good teams, in splendid shape a
good game is assured. This will prob
ably be the last gnme played in Al
bany until Thanksgiving day as the
high school team goes to Salem next
week and Eugene the week after.
With their great victory lasf Satur
day spurring them on, the members
of the local team are in high spirits
and 'arc determined to win from the
freshmen. Albany's lineup is as fol
ows: McKcy, Rexford, r. e.: William
son, r. t.; Mart, r. g.; uavis, c; inac
cr, Simpson, 1. g.; Tracy, 1. t.; Briggs,
Llelau, 1. e.; Alomcith, q.; Arcni
bald, 1. h.; R. Archibald, f.; Gloor,
Schnllz. r. h. The admission will be
35 cents.
due for a severe electrical storm.
Speaking ubutit candidates for chief
of police, wonder what has become
of Ellis Daughtry?
Many an embryo-statesman is wait
ing lo be urged.
Dignity that is not overdone, hon
esty, conservatism and brains, cou
pled with a pleasing personality and
the ability to address an audience
without bringing discredit upon the
city which you represent are some of
the qualifications which go to make
a successful candidate for mayor,
Wlio wants to stand up and be meas
ured? .
families of foe Schwindt, and Frank
Rohwcin, They were looking for a
Manager Geo. Sanders of the Bell
Telephone company of Albany met
the people here and presented a prop
osition whereby the people are to re
turn, or purchase the phones which
they already have.
Airs. Aduie heaver and her sister
Ruth visited over Sunday at the home
of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alph Shelton of Lyons.
Some of these "Why I Left My
Husband" articles which appear in
the current issues of the popular la
dies magazines ought to be labeled
, trash and tossed into the yawning
waste paper basket.
Wonder how many of those corn
gcous gentlemen who are urging the
.liuinistration to buckle on the sword
and make an example of Mexico,
would enlist in the event of hostili
Some men who are brave enough
to fight a buz saw arc veritable cow
ards when tney clash with their wives
Usually the fellow who "would not
lake an office if he had a certificate
of election, couldu t be elected.
Ben Jones is out for congress. The
name sounds familiar.
The. most vain men in the world
are the fellows who go about pro
claiming that they don't care for
newspaper publicity.
Albany is getting some good ad
vertising out of the Salem local op
tion election anyway.
Don't be too good nntnrcd or too
generous with your cigars. Someone
may construe your good nature ami
generosity as a bid for nomination to
some city office.
Mrs, Pankhnrsl complain- that her
Madison Square llardcn address wa
poorly advertised. The be
lieves that the small crowd was due
to loo much advert iseineit; of the
principal speaker.
'Captain D. W. Collins, of the U. S.
Artillery Corps, detailed as instruc
tor of the Oregon National Guard Re
serves with headquarters at Eugene,
was in the city yesterday.
R. P. Conant, of Mill City, wasa vis
itor in the city ycr.terday afternoon.
Constance P. Darics, of Toledo,
shopped here yesterday afternoon.
Forest Wilburn, of Salem, trans
acted business hereyestcrday after
noon and this morning.
W. T. Murphy, of Aberdeen, Wash
is registered at the Vandran.
D. G. Hopkins, of Salem, attended
business matters here yesterday af
F. Webster, of Corvallis, was m the
city yesterday afternoon attending
business matters.
A. L. Downes. of Portland, is a
business visitor in the city today.
Uscar Hair, ot rortlnnd, is a busi
ness visitor in the city today.
A. Olson, of North Dakota, arrived
in the city this morning and is stop
ping at the Vandran.
Issues a Public Statement in
Which He Says He Is Not
Candidate for Re-election.
Petitions Are Being Circulated
Today and Will Be Filed
Friends Claim That He Will
Prove a Strong Candidate
and Claim Election.
The following formal statement was
Bivcn out to the Democrat today by
Mayor Gilbert:
To the people of Albany:
As I am asked, daily if I am a can
didate for re-election to the office of
mayor I wish to say that I am not a
candidate. I have other interests that
will require all my time.
I think it the duty of all our busi
ness and professional men to serve
at least one term as mayor or council
man and as I look upon our business
men as being above the average I see
no reason why we should have any
trouble getting the best of material
for mayor.
I shall always look back upon the
past two years that I have served as
mayor with much pleasure and to my
successor whoever he may be I can
wish no better fortune than that he
have six such men in the council as
are there now or that have been there
during my term loyal, honorable
business men who look alter tlie m
terests of Albany all the time.
Relieving in Albany and that she
will never take (t step backward nut
that each succeeding year will be the
greatest m her history.
Your obedient servant,
S Nomination petitions for L.' M. S
5) Curl arc being circulated this S
3 afternoon and will doubtless be
S filed tomorrow morning.
' When seen bv a Democrat rep-
'3 resentative Mr. Curl said:
3 "Yes, I have definitely con-
3 eluded in enter the race and will
3 accept the nomination. My,
3 friends have insisted that I be-
3 come a candidate and I enter the
3 race believing that there is a
demand from a considerable niim-
3 her of the best citizens of the city
3 that I permit the use of my
3 name."
3 Mr. Curl came within a few
3 votes of being elected two years
ago. He has served as a mem-
her of the city council and his
3 friends believe that he will prove
3 a stronir candidate.
A. Booth a Member of That
Body Will be Present on
. October 30.
That there is a probability of O. M.
Clark of the Oregon Commission of
the Panama Pacific International Ex
position attending the meeting to be
held here on October 30 of represen
tative of various valley counties, sent
from the booster organizations and
county courts for the purpose of dis
cussing plans for a Willamette valley
exhibit at the exposition, and that
K. A. Booth, of Eugene, a member of
the commission will be present is in
dicated by the follofing letter received
this morning by C. H. Stewart, from
Mr. Clark:
"We are pleased to note the inter
est you are taking in the exposition."
runs the letter, "and we will be glad
to do anything to assist you and can
promise that Mr. Booth will attend
your meeting at Albany and perhaps
the writer."
The other three members of the
commission are C. L. Hanlcy, McCoy;
lohn F. Logan. Portland, and W. L.
Thompson, Pendleton. The meeting
will convene here at 2:30 o clock at
the Commercial club.
When : woman strains every nerve
to lt.ul down the prie at a card party,
she calls it a mere harmless diver-ion.
When her husaml play.- poker .it two
bits an ante, she believes he lu
mm d hi- title to the next world.
Tangent. Or., Oct. 22. (Special to
Democrat.) James Jeuks and wife of
Salem have lately been visiting with
their relatives in and near Tangent..
Mrs. Lillie Moses of Stayton was
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. T. Archibald last week.
M. P. Wlood has moved his family
into 1 angeut where their children can
attend school. They occupy the house
belonging to Mr. H. W. Mills, who
soon expects to go to California to
spend the winter.
Floyd Hayes of Mill City spent Sun
day in Tangent, visiting his parents
and children.
Mrs. Joe White of Salem spent the
last few days of the past week with
relatives near tangent.
Mrs. Klla Haves of Portland stop.
ped off the Sunday train to visit with
her nephew, l Wood and Utility
Thomas Skelley has moved his fam
ily to Tathnan. where he has eharg
ot the S. I, section gau between Al
hanv and Lebanon.
A. C. Armstrong received the larg
est express packages ever shipped to
Taunent list Sunday. It was a cow
packed in a crate.
The public -ehool of T.ingeu: g.i-e
.in entertainment last Friday evening.
There was ; lare number oi pat
rons of the tohool and others in at-
Jordan, Or., Oct. 21. (Special to
Democrat.) Three miles east of Jor
dan and about the same distance from
Lvons on the old Hoffsfus homestead
a couple of bears have been making
trips every few nights to the orchard
in quest of fruit. These bears have
been pursued a great many tinies by
local hunters with dogs, but would not
tree.. 1 raps have been set nicely bait
ed with honey and apples, the traps
thrown, bait eaten and the brutes are
vet master of the situation.
Last Sunday evening a bunch of our
local sports concluded to go to the or
chard and wait for them, but as the
small hours came along, drowsiness
crept over them anil some how or
other the bear came, ate to his fill
and left, leaving the hunters "hold'
imr the sack" as usual.
Crowds from Stayton, Salem, and
be to.
W. S. Richards Up for Mayor
and J. K. Davis Will Seek
Office of Marshall.
The full Socialist ticket has been
filed at the city recorder's office, for
the coming city election. The ticket
was filed on the twenty-first but :he
recorder forgot to announce it to
the press until today.
lhe following is the personnel: for
mayor, W. S. Richards; for recorder,
Al. !. Hhves: for marshal. J. K. Davis:
for treasurer. Ed. C. Krause: for
councilman from the first ward, E. V.
Smith; for councilman from the sec
ond ward, J. Cramer; for councilman
from the third ward. J. u. Bryant.
That the Socialists intend to make
a strong effort to place at least some
of thcr candidates in otlice is mat
cated by the recent activity among
members ot the party.
Considered a Strong Candidate;
Hulburt Absolutely Declines
to Accept Re-nomination.
Believinc that F. H. Pfclffer will
make a strong candidate for the of
fice of councilman in First ward,
friends yesterday afternoon circulated
a petition in the business section of the
city and secured a large number of
Mr. Pfeiffer is at the prest time
a member of the executive committee
of the Albany Commercial club and
has always been active in promoting
the best infests of the community in
which he lives. He has a large circle
of friends who are confident that he
will he elected bv a large majority.
J. K. htuloert, tlie present council
man from tlie nrst waru positively
declined to accent a renomination.
He was strongly urged to run for the
office of mayor but owing to business
reasons was unable to accept tue
nomination. Mr. Hulbert was con
sidered one of the best men on the
council and had he desired a second
term, there would have been but lit
tle doubt of his re-election.
Mrs. M. J. Bridgeford left this noon
for Newport for a 1 over Sunday visit.
Rev. E. H. Hicks left this noon for
Riddles where he will lecture tonight
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, lor Linn County.
Evelvn M. Christie, Plaintiff,
Martin K. Christie, defendant.
To Martin l. Christie, the : bovc
named defendant :
In (he name of tlie state of Oregon:
; You arc hereby required to appear
! in the above entitled court to answer
! the Complaint of plaintitt tiled in this
m'.ui'. on or before ( weeks from lhe
Will Be Candidate for Renom
ination; Friends Assert He
t Will Have No Opp csition .
That M. J. Cameron has consented
to accept a renomination for the of
fice of councilman in the second ward
became known today when friends cir
culated his petition.
Mr. Cameron has always been iden
tified with the best interests of the
city and his friends assert that his
creditable record during the past two
years of his incumbency on tlie coun
cil, should entitle him to re-election
without any question.
Whether there will be an opposing
candidate is not known, but thus far
no other petition has been filed with
lite recorder.
Barber Arrested Yesterday
Barely Missed Being Taken
on Second Charge.
Constable Catlin ..ailing for
Warrent, Discovered Tnat
Sheriff Had Prisoner,
W It) Cf ) 12 W IS
Remains ShioDed. The remains of
J. V. Doores, who died Ihursday at
St. Marv's hosDital. were shipped to
day by the Fortmiller Undertaking es
tablishment to Miver'oa tor Diiriai.
Will Have New Barber. Manager
Westbrook of the St. Francis stated
this noon that a new barber will as
sume charo-e of the St. Francis shop
sometime soon. One was looking it
over today and will probably take it
Vestry Elected Officers. Meeting
in the rectory last night the newly
elected vestrv of St. Peter's church
transacted business and elected offi
cers. Dr. L. E. Tracy was elected
treasurer and Clarence W. Tebault Jr.
was chosen clerk.
Hammel Busv Place From indi
cations of the past few days the Hotel
Hammel is a busy place. Several
night this week the big hostelry was
crowded to its limit and over. As
sistant Manager M. D. Hammel state
ed this noon that at present there is
considerable transient traffic.
Green Peas in October. F. M. Mit
chell, proprietor of a fruit farm in the
vicinity of Albany stated to a Demo
crat representative today that he had
erreen peas just picked off of the vine
for his dinner today.
Had Arm Broken. The first acci
dent as the result of football here this
season, that has been reported happen
ed yesterday on the old college
grounds when Menefce. son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. I- Tracy, sustained a broken
arm. Both bones in the left arm were
hroken between the elbow and
the wrist. A crowd of youngsters were
en miring in scrimmage
4Vhat's Oregon's loss is Wash
ington s gam, said Constable John
Catlin this morning commenting on ,
another phase of the Odell arrest yes
'I am going to put up a sign' he
continued humorously, "to this ef
fect: 'Wanted barbers with the best
of references. Board jumpers or
jail breakers need not apply."
Had the Washington sheriff not ar
rived the time he did yesterday after
noon, arrested the prisoner, A. F.
Odell, the barber-who ran the shop in
the St. Francis bote, and beat a hasty
retreat north, Constable Catlin in all
probability would have been going
south with the barber as his prisoner
at about the same time the sheriff de
parted for the north.
The latest developments in the case
form a rare coincidence.
Quietly and unexpectedly the Wash
ington sheriff arrived in the city yes
terday armed with requisition papers
and all other necessary weapons to
take Odell back to Ritzville, Washin
ton, where he is said to be wanted
on a charge of breaking jail. Ac
cording to local police he was serving
a term there on conviction of con
tributing to the delinquency of a min
or. The Washington sheriff had
trailed Odell to Albany and through
the assistance of Chief of Police Aus
tin, who conducted the investigation
here, was convinced that the man here
was the right and succeeded in
intercepting him without trouble or
It now develops that Udell was in
Eugene before coming to Albany. He
has been here for nearly three
months. The authorities pf Eugene
have, been on the lookout for him since
he left there, according to the con
stable, on a charge of jumping a board
bill of $50. Finally Odell was locat
ed here. He was cormnuncated with
and an effort was made to collect
the bill. Odell disregarded the pay
ment and accordingly a warrant was
secured for his arrest. Constable Cat
lin was awaiting the warrant to ar
rive by the noon mail yesterday when
he learned that the Washington sher
iff has gotten in ahead of him and
that the prisoner was speeding back
to Washington.
"Anyway," said the constable, "the
sheriff would have had the first crack.
HJis case was before mine and in-'
volved a greater crime. What's our
loss is Washington's gain and what's
the difference."
Scio, Or., Oct. 24. (Special to
Democrat.) A. W. Hagey was doing
business in Lebanon last Saturday.
Mrs. Fred Bilyeu visited relatives
in Shelburn Sunday.
R. Shelton and J. M. Lindley left
last Saturday for a hunt. They re
turned home Tuesday but did not
bring any big game.
A party of six men left Saturday on
a hunting trip and returned Monday
with meat. On their way home they
bought a sheep and sold the hide to
a junk buyer who happened to come
along. The party would -probably
practice, i have left the impression that they had
v hich
tir-t ion hoi cot
i the .lay of Sept.. WU;
tendance. 1 ley report a nne time j da
and were well cntci lamed.
There will -0011 be anoth.'" dry '.and von are notified that it voti fail
yooiW ant! grocery storo -.ipetied in u appear and answer tlie coin plaint
, . . Tangent. The new building loeaU'd . ,n tins -nit as herein required, the
thirii; be said in favor ot ; on tlie .onur ot Se.-oml it roe ts rap- . -l.iintiti will take a decree aq.uust
you tor t!,e relief pr:.ed tor in the
st-l Complaint, to-uit: For a decree
K President T.tft. He makes los
roiso than anv otlur e-pi-oident
iillv matin; Completion anii when i:n
i.! ed Tanu't will have two v.neral
If some
U-tH Ihey
men emiM .ipiuh
n I it 1 e wot i ii a
'0 t
mill .
la"v a S'ew York di parttnent store
ivnuld give a fortune tor the adverti-.-tm;
I ovtv ed by 1 1 .trry ! . Tha w.
Npws tn This Pane
Vr p n.v'i tnc of
li- iiu: .mil hoMinv: lor n.uii;l;t
!on.U tt m.Mririoi'y :mv existing I'c-tui-cu
it.i t ti lilt :unl iU u'.-d.uii ; for n
uirl'uT t'tv.'i-o i;'.".uii!-: lUviccini;
i:t:M planum the one. control and o:' C.u I Ciivi tic. tiic minor
Portland 16S List Xo.
Notice for Publication.
L'nitiM S:a:c I.ntul Office, Fort
lam!. Oreson, September 3ltlt, 1"U.
Notice i hereby given that the j
Northern Pacific Railway Company;'
whose po.'totttcc address is M. Paul,
Minnesota, has this 35th day of Scp
tcmKer. 11.. tiled in this office its
application to select under the pro
yUions of the act of Comjress ap
puned Inlv I. 1SS, .0 Stat. 5'). fOOI.
l ot 7. Sec. 14. T. 10 S.. R 4 West.
W. M : Lot 1. Sec. 2i. T. 7 S.. R.
T,,..,. foil M, cronnd and a Killed a deer it the pink dealer had
number of his team mates fell upon iot arrived in town before they did.
his arm. He was hurried home and Hue he let the secret out.
his crandt'ather. Dr. K. L. Tracv, was 1 G. W. Rohrbaugh of Albany dcliver
eallcd and set the fracture. The doc-1 ed an address in the Baptist church
tor is oi the opinion that it is not a , Sunday.
serious one.- I Proi. ilson ot Albany was a Scio
Attractive Window. One of' the visitor Monday.
windows of the Young department I -Misses f-va and Lecil Stltrgis re-
V .V
hankers -ire willing
commodate" ou for ten per
I Public Auction Sales.
! If on have farm implements, ve
of the i hides, live stock, farm lands, lots,
w ish i !,,H':t of dry goods, furnishings, fur-
iniuie, tvutiw.uc. noois ,iu,i
It, ,,r v .,t!,r It, in,. ,1,1
nrs appears to have none out of t.lsli-1 bring money to sell at public auction.
. ' ill oi plaini-if -ad ,!efendant: for west, w . u.: i.ot . Kef. . i. hi
i decree c-i f:'ir ,!,-,: eoirg unto S . R. 4 west. . M.;Lot 10 Sec. 31, T.
I'bi-'tit'f the fttrri-u-e "ovv owned bv : 4 N'.. R. '' West, W. M.
vi'Mi! .'! ,'e;".' uh'i;t am! that it: -'"V nm' 1 persons claiming ad
he d.vree.l 'ilut leml.nit nav the verse'ly the lands described, or desir-
turend Tuesday from Albany, where
thev visited friends.
Mis? Fless Morris returned to Leb
anon Tuesday after a visit with rela
tives here.
While pulling stumps Tuesday C. C.
Wade was sllghtlv injured when a
The head of a man. : piece of a stump broke loose and hit
oils is seen just beyond , him.
n the act of raising his Mrs. Nell Gtinsau! of Lebanon was
, small toy duek mounted i visiting her parents .Mr. and -Mrs.
store is atractivelv and artistically
crated to represent a minaturc duck
pond, surrounded bv marsh, weeds and
cattails and skirted by a fence. Au
' titinn leaves arc strewn about with
a n.vural touch. A mirror furnished
the water, with a lone (hick resting up
on the surtace
the fenci
on wheels is on exhibition with a, J- A. rnyeii eilncsdar.
h.-iHm.. Tattirht on the Horni-! Pr. B. R. Wallace of Albany was
and Parker duck preserve by "ere on a proiessionat visit eones-
i It svstem " A small bar of ' dr.
Wonder what his become
sweet young kuI who used to
'he dishes and make bread? I
ion among the younger set
! I will sell it for you at a reasonable County, September -?,;h, ll.V
sum oi S.'JIM ner month for the SUP- "'g io onieci nrraue oi me mineral hrook
,..,r, .,i' -.;.! n,;,,. it ,i it, eosts character of the land, or for any oth-'.i,..;-
ami disbursements of ihls suit. er reason, to the disposal to appli-! ,,ii nn exhibition. Comiuo-! Prank Sticha as taken to Albany
This Summons i puhlished by or- cant, should file their affidavits of ,)ore Ilraiton anil A. H. Banks arc ! Thursday where he will be under the
dr of Hon, IV R. MeKnight. Countv protest in this office, on or before responsible for the appropriate win-: doctor's care a: the hospital,
ludge of Linn County. State of Ore- the 6th day of November. 1013. dow to advertise duck hunting acees-! Mrs. Fva Wilson, of Hood River
gon. made ami dated at Albanv in laid' invioi, stories during tne season now on. ; is nil in ,n me nome oi er putiin
Sharpen up your ax. The
the municipal election is Peeember
Mr. Panklnirst came to America lo
j rate. Long experience in the busi
late oL "i warrants me in guaranteeinesat-
is faction. Apply to
liV'l Jefferson St.
Phone Iml. Corvallis, Oregon.
dly o::-2i wk o.'4-.U
Terra CotU for Library. Accord- j Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bilyeu.
Hate of first publication to be Sep- Published in Albany Democrat, lo-: ;nv to a statement made this niorn-
tember M loi.l. d.i:e of last publica- ! cated at Albany, Oregon. ! ing to a Democrat representative by
tion to be Nov 4 ll.t I Published in Silverton Appeal, lo-!pr. Ellis the terra cotta for the li-
T THF.RKORD & WEATHER-! cated at Silverton. Oregon. I brary was shipped on the ?th of the
FORD. I Published in Seaside Signal, local-; present month. Just as soon a the
Attorneys for Plaintiff. 1 at Seaside, Oregon. j material arrives work will again be re-
s.V o 7-14-21-28 n4j wk ol7-24 31-n7-14-21 1 sumed on the building.
J. B. Richardson of Boring, is vis
iting t the home of J. W. Richard
son. I. C. Bates who has been ill for some
time was taken to Lebanon Wednes
day where he will be at the home of
his dauhters.