llTwaT?itffl""" "" " Never Before in theHistory 'of Oregon Mas Such a Wonderful New Stock of at Season s Very Beginning ! ! ! ! ! Six weeks ago the Chambers & McCune stock represented the very high est type that can be found anywhere between Portland and Sacramento. Every article in this mammoth $100,000.00 stock of new Fall and Winter merchandise was of the first quality. We were planning upon the biggest and best season of our business experience. Then came the crisis of our merchandising careers. Without notice, and like a thunderbolt from clear skies came the order from our Landlord either to move or comply with their terms. No store rooms are available and there is but one course to pursue. That is to sell, without regard to cost or profit, every item in this beautiful new stock. "Forced to Move" Sale A legitimate sale with a legitimate purpose. Chambers & McCune are actually and postively Forced to Move or comply with the Landlord's terms. Never before have you had such a golden opportunity! Here we are compelled to sacrifice not only our profits, but a part of the cost in many instances in order to clear the store of every single vestige of merchandise before our lease expires. The story of this sale sounds like a fairy tale of old, but it is true to the smallest detail. Our misfortune makes your chance to buy new Fall and Winter merchandise at "Forced to Move" prices before the first frost! READ ON! READ THE TALE OF SLAUGHTER AND SACRIFICE! Every Women's Suit Reduced! Werv Misses' Suit Reduced! Even Women's Coat Reduced! cr Child's Coat Reduced! Every Pair of Hosiery Reduced! werv Garment of Underwear Reduced! 1 e AAT 1 ct 1 1 II werv i air oi omen s anoes ieuuceu: Every Yard of Piece Goods Reduced! Every Article in Millinery Reduced! Every Pair of Children's Shoes Reduced! Every Pair of Gloves Reduced! Every Pair of Blankets Reduced! Every Fall Sweater Reduced! Every Fall and Winter Waist Reduced! Every Article in This Mammoth Stock Re-duced--Now's the Time Come Tomorrow!!!! tr3g.!im'vmjwmiii,'Ai-ijuii-n MlMtaEMilAiujWii!wB.,M)W, ) ,