The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, October 21, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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The Semi-Weekly
Editor and Publisher
Entered at the postoffice at Albany,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
Published every evening ecept Sun
day. Semi-weekly published Tues
days and Fridays.
bL'SlXL:-o MAI 1 i-K.
Address all communications and make
ali remittance-, payable to the Dem
ocrat Publishing Lo.
In ordering changes of address, suit
scribus should alwas give old a.
tvell as new addiesr.
Delivered by carrier, per week....$ 10
delivered by carrier, per year 4.0)
by mail, a: end of year 3.5U
Uy niuil in advance, per year 3.00
At end of year $1.50
When paid in advance, one year.... 1.25
ic per word for first publication; lzz
per word thereafter, payable in ad
vance. Minimum charge of 25c,
Established in 1265,
The intellect of the simple Ameri
can housewife may not be a:i large as
that of the militant English suffra
gette but the Democrat is wdimg '.o
bet dollars lo doughnuts thai the for
mer can get a better brew on steak.
The conception which many peo
ple have of a successful Christmas is
buying a twenty-five cent present
which looks as if it might have cost a
dollar. If the writer had a single
friend who looked at the value, and
not to the spirit in which a gift was
given, that trieud would cease to be
held as a friend as soon as this trait
in his character was discovered.
Albany may not be able to stage
that football game this year but from
present indications will stage a city
election which will not be without it:
interesting features.
Congressman llawley appears to he
wither absent or tardy whenever a vote
on any real important question is
scheduled to take place in the lower
house. The Democrat never did ad
mire a "piker."
A man by the name of lieu Joner.
is said to be a candidate for the Re
publican nomination for Congress
man from this congressional district.
The Democrat does not know Jones
but inasmuch 'as it appears that iie
will be the only opposing candidate
against llawley we will urge all of
our Republican friends to vote lor
It is usually the fellow that smokes
Iwo-for-a-quarter cigars that com
plains the most about the high cost
of living.
"Even a fool has a heart, " sings a
poet. If you question the truth of
the assertion remember that . the large
ropoiition of the male contingent is
Some girls' idea of breeding is shov
ing a number six foot into a num
ber three shoe.
David l.amar preferred to forfeit
his bonds i at her than stand trial in
the federal court upon the charge
of impersonating a member of con
gress, l.amar came into prominence '
as a result of President Wilson's in-,1
veslig.ition of the Washington lobby.!
and i- a fairly good example of the
class ot men who are hired by the cor
porations to exert their influence up
on members of congress.
Elaborate Ceremonies in Pre
sence of Emperor William
and Other Court Potables.
I.eipig, Germany, Oct. IS. In the
presence of Kuiperor William, the
Crowuprinee, and his five brothers,
the Kmys of Saony and Wur ten-
berg; Prince-Regent l.udwig of Ba- eua product fiom his mill where he
varia: Archduke Ferdinand, heir to c:m htp on the railroad whin the de
the throne of Austria, with a suite of calls tor it.
fifty persons, a special delegation j A i -ept c-eut .tt i e of the I'ell Vele
froni the Car of Russia, and virtually ;!:oiu company met the members of
all of the rnleis of the llerman states, lu- local tines here and made a propo
the massive monument' i.iou to them regarding the switch
ing the H.itMe ot Nations (ought at
I.eipig in 1SU. was dedicated today
with elaborate cereuioun s, j
The monument commemorates the ;
downfall of Napoleon the liieat, who;
was defeated by the (lerm.ins, Aus- i
trians and at Leipzig As
Napoleon ih considered the greatest
general in history, so the monument,
conimeuioratinli hi downfall, U the
largest in the world excepting only the
pyramids of h'ypt. Situated upon
the level plain in the edge of Leipzig,
the massive proportions of the monu
ment arc mightly imposing. It took
ten years for the construction and
cost more than $1,500,000. The
money was raised by private sub
scriptions, much of it being given by
children. The monument is. .304 feet
high and at its base nearly 200 feet
wide. in the center is a gigantic
ba-c relief figure of the Archangel, St.
Michael, the patron of Germany, driv
ing over the battlefield in his war
chariot. The figure itself is thirty
nine feet high. To the right and left
of this central figure are two "Furies"
lighting the way with torches. The
main part of the monument is dome
shaped and of massive blocks of
granite. It contains a hall of fame
with four heroic sized figures repre
senting the virtue, bravery, sacrificial
willingness and faith of the German
peoples. Each of the four figures
about the hall of fame weigh 600,000
I J. E. Moore, of Seattle, is atreitd
hig business here today.
J, B. Gentry, state organiser for the
A. O. U. W returned this morning
from a business trip to Mill City.
Portland, Or., Oct. 17. (Special to
Democrat.) Wednesday morning at
11 o'clock, in the Baptist church at
Portland, Miss Heulah May Kauff
man, formerly of Albany, was united
in marriage to Anton J. Kralovetz, a
prominent young business man of that
Miss Kauffnian is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Kauffman of East
Albany, and will be remembered by
many during the years she attended
the Albany schools. Later she was
employed in the Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph office here and was after
wards transferred to the Portland of
fice. Mr. Iralovitz is assistant business
ilmanager of the Iloltz Inc. of Portland
and has many friends in that city.
The Albany friends of Miss Kauffman
wish her every happiness in her wed
ded life. The young couple will make
their home in Portland.
Georgt; S. Lewis, jf Portland, U a
business visitor in the city this after
noon. Me is at the Ilainmct.
J. T. Apperson -tin I wife, of Port
land, were in the city overnight last
night, returning to Portland ;his
morning. Mr. Apperi m has been to
Corvallis to attend a meet big of th
board of regent i of tiic O. A. C. of
which he is a member.
Oakville, Or., Oct. 17. A very pret
ty wedding was solemnized last even
ing by Uev. M. M. Gilchrist at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George ?!rown
of Oakville, when their d. inciter Hat
tic was united in marriage to llo
The room was beam i fully decorat
ed with blossoms an 1 autumn leaves.
The bride becomingly attired in a
gown of white saii-i w.n waited upon
by Miss I'.Ua Stockton, .ister of the
groom, while Game Thompson, a
prominent Albany teacher, attended
the groom. The wedding was a pri
vate one. only the immediate friends
and relatives being present.
Mr. and Mr-i. St icl;t m are both
well known and highly respect til
oung people ot' ;akille. They have
bet wishes .if manv friends.
Jordan, Or., Oct. 17. Special lo
! Vim u rat.) Mr. Kimball and sou
W ili ci in. i.h- :i living irin m Alb:mv
i i '
Quite a number of our people had
a pleasant time at a dance at Lyons
; Saturday night.
i Mrs. John Hilyeu and daughter Eve
line was visiting relatives Sunday.
, Mrs. Hilyeu enjoys good health and
I U unite active lor a person having
.o-ed summers in life.
Mi. Kimball, our flouring mill man.
,ii just erected a storehouse a; l.y-:-s
tor the purpose ot storing the
Nurd More detunte plan w;l!
,ousUmnuted at a meeting to be held
,u At (01U11,V
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ti1 (tf- ar tft ft ft y v1
Nw n This Page i
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Forty Members of the Parish
Gathered at Church Last
Night in Social Session.
Meeting last night in the rectory
of the church the communicants of
St. Peters Episcopal church and a
number of their friends enjoyed a
pleasant social session, transacted
.jUaii.css, elected a new vestry and
partook of a dainty lunch afterwards.
. there were about forty pres
ent. The business meeting was pre
sided over by Rev. J. D. Cummins,
the vicar of the church.
Matters of importance to the church
were discussed after which the elec
tion of the new vestry took place.
Tiie senior warden chosen was VV. B.
Stevens and C. VV. Tebault was elec
ted junior warden. The following
five vestryment were elected to serve
for the ensuing year: F. C. Bellows,
W. A. Salisbury, T. Y. S. Uallantyne,
Dr. L. E. Tracy and Clarence Te
bault. . Cooper of Corvallis, is attend
business masters here today.
Forty-three Women Register
and Forty-four Men; Books
Close November 22.
The women ran the men a close
race yesterday in registering at the
city recorder's office for the coming
city election to be held on December
1. A total of 87 registered and of
this number 43 were women while
only one more man registered than
the number of women.
Lp until last night, at closing time
a total of 573 had registered. This
is the number of registrations cover
ing a period from the second of the
month. It is not a good enough show
ing, considering that the books will
close on November 22 and that by
that time there ought to be at least
2500 registered. It 1ms been estimat
ed that there arc as many as 3000
eligible voters in the city.
J. D. Ifoughson, of Corvallis, ar
rived in the city yesterday and today
is attending business matters.
Yesterday afternoon at 2 p. m. at
'.he Methodist parsonage in, the pres
ence of a few friends, Samuel Moyd
and Kdith Prine we-e united in mar
riage by Rev. O. II. Leech, ttoth
young peopie are re.n tents t f I. inn
county. After the wedding they left
for Salem and Portland on a brief
honeymoon trip, Cpon their re tin n
they will make thei" home u a farm
near Crabtree. Hoth arc well known
in I. inn county and ;!utr ma v friends
unite in wising them sue.?es and
prosperity in their wedded life.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, tor Linn County.
Fvelvu M. Christie. Plaintiff,
Martin K. Christie, defendant.
To Martin K. Christie, the : bove
named defendant :
in the name ot the state of Oregon:
You are herebv reuuired to appear
i in the above entitled eouit to answer
I the Complaint ot plaintiff filed in this
date of the firM publication hereof
which date is the .0 day of Sept.. 19U;
and you are notified that if you fail
to appear and answer the complaint
in this uit as herein required, the
plaint if t will take a decree against
you for the relief pn.yed for in the
d Complaint, to-wit: For a decree
dissolving and holding for naught the 1 IMaintiff will take judgment against
bom's ot m.'trimony rov: existing be- you for the sum of $76.00 with mter
tween plaintiff and defendant; tor a ct thereon at legal rate since Aug.
further decree givming and dcciceing, 16. 1011. and for cost and disburse
unto plaintiff the care, control and ments of this action and will also take
custodv of Cat I Chri-ue. tiic minor ;m order of said Court directing the
r'-ild of plaintiff :ml defendant: lor ale of real estate heretofore attached
i di-.-ree 't ia . t i : ' t ar.d .'. crecii i: rnto in this cause and described as fol
ri.uT'tiff tnrri'.uu vow owned be low, towit:
w. irtiM ;!'id defend.'-it and thai it ; The south wet miarter of section
be decreed that defendant pay the ,lfi in townhtp 16 omh. of ranee 6
sum of ?J? 'V per month for the sup- west of the Willvnette Meridian. Orc
por of -aid M'i-ior child and the costs gon, and contninina l'V acres in
and disbursements of this suit. ! 1 ,i"o county. Oreom.
This Summon is published by or-
. dcr of lion IV U. MeKnigM. Comity
I. inn Countv. State of Ore-
le and dated at Albany in said
untv. September J'ih. r'l.v
Pate of first public .-lion to be Sep-;
tember ,'0. 1U. d.i'e of last publica- i
tiott to be Nov 4. 1I.V !
1 FOR P.
Aitomev ''or Vlaintiff.
.10. o 7-14-J1 n4
Two Highwaymen Perpetrate
Bold Hold Up and Secure
Sum of 75 Cents.
Two Police Alarms Sounded
and Two Officers Were Hot
on Trails-Unsuccessful.
Two Greek section hands were held
up last night by two men east of the
old C. & E. depot and robbed of 75
. The highwaymen made a suc
cessful getaway, notwithstanding the
fact that two policemen were hot on
their trail shortly after the holdup was
? robbery occurred shortly after
5 o'clock. Two police alarms were
sent in, which brought a quick re
sponse from Chief of Police Austin
and Policeman Griff King.
They immediately proceeded to the
:eno and after a protracted search
of the railroad yards, gave up the
chase. The matter was dropped for
'the time being and the officers re
turned to the city.
Shortly afterwards, the two Greeks
thoroughly excited and interestingly
in earnest rushed frantically into the
office of the Tebault Real Estate
Co. and asking for the use of the
phone called the officers again, in
arming them that they had seen the
. The officers hurried again to the
depot and conducted another search
Unit were unsuccessful. However,
they came upon a camp of thirteen
hoboes southeast of the depot. The
officers approached the gang and com
manded them to stand up. A search
-.-as conducted but no clue to the rob
bery' was found. The officers then
commanded the hoboes to move on
at their earliest convenience, as they
were in the midst of a meal, cooked
foil and being eaten in the light of n
blazing camp fire.
J. A. Shaw was a visitor in town
this week.
. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Abe Mason,
Oct. 15, an 8 lb. boy. Mother and
'son doing nicely.
Three fots were sold the past week
on the Wadsworth and Cahler addi
tion. Basketball is in full sway here. There
are several good teams :i town.
Dan Quinn and wife returned with
their son Robert from a very plea-taut
two weeks' acation. Mrs. Omnu
being away six weeks visiitng her
parents, M r. and M rs. ' .atigsiou of
Station Agent C. A. Boles and fam
ily accompanied by Mrs. ll-Jte-; moth
er. Mrs. Or. Pratt, are making an ex
tended irii through 'he southern pro t
of the state
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Linn county:
M. itussard. Plaintiff,
S. O. Rice. Defendant.
To S. O. Rice, the above rimed de
fmlant: In the name of the state of Oregon
; vou are herebv remiired to appear
and answer the complaint of the i
; wit hthe County Clerk in the above
: entitled cause in the ahen-e
entitled court on or before the 21st
day of October. 1013, the same heing
the last dav of the publication of this
summons and you are further notified
that unless you appear ami answer
said complaint as herein required the
The date ot the nrt ntibh vi'mn of
thi mmnnn i
l:h. loji nnrf
the last date of n.-, publication will
be Oetober 2. !d.l.
Ihi summon n Vun'wod m pur
urvve o( an orMer of Hon. P. n.
Me Knicht. County Judge of T urn
Conntv. Oregon, dated Sept. 6:h,
r. x nrxrx.
Attor-trv n- Phi'ff
-In.r.V.i.or-H 21
nr.iu nil turn steffii
uumi uii uniiLii uiiilli ;
Six Pieces of Old Money Dug
Up This Morning in Sewer
t Six coins varying in size from a
-ii.aiicr to mailer than a ten cent
i-iece, were itneartned this morning in
'e ditch being dug tor the sewer at
:hc corner of Second and Baker
streets, by a laborer, J. Smith, 15 feet
dow the surface of the street. They
a-ere found in an old decayed buck-
Jn sack.
The material of the coins is judged
io be copper and brass. They are
massive compared to American mon
ey, being made roughly and much
thicker than any of the American
:oin, '
The word Constantine is distin
guishable on three of the coins while
nothing can be made out on the oth
ers. No dates are distinguishable.
Several figures, resembling Greek
letters can be made out on all of the
coins. They are thought to be very
old and are believed to be foreign
y. The coins have been turned
over to V. S. Weaver, for keeping.
W. L. Marks, L M. Curl and
L. F. McClain Named Com
mitteemen of Grand Lodge.
Three Albany men were appointed
by the new grand chancellor of the
grand lodge, K. P., Frank S. Grant,
to serve during the coming year on
standing committees. One of the
three was appointed chairman of the
committee. The appointments were
made Wednesday afternoon in Port
land just prior to the closing of the
d grand lodge session, which wa
held there during the fore part of the
Willard L. Marks was appointed
chairman of the publicity committee
of four other members. L. M. Cur!
was appointed a member of the judi
ciary committee with four o'her mem
bers, and L. F. McClain will serve
during the year as a member of the
insurance department committee.
Yesterday afternoon at 1 p. in.
Mr?. Sarah Ellen Wexr of llalsey
died after a long iilucjs at the a.j.2 of
74 years. She leaves lo mourn her
death, her husband, J. A. Wear of
Jialsey, a daughter, Mr.. L. A. Pray
of llalsev, a sister, Mrs. Martha
Barnes, of Hunt 111; two brother,
Dr. George Richardson, o( Cayuga.
Ind., and Prank Richardson, of
George town, III.; five grandchildren,
A. J. Lawill of Melbourne, Wash.:
Laren McCibben, of Wiley, Colo.;
Roy Pray, of F.nid Okla.; Mrs. Davs,
Wiley, Colo., and Mrs. W. B. Morrow,
of Tacoma. Dell McClure of Albany
is a cousin of the deceased. There
are also seven great-grandshildren in
various parts of the country.
The deceased was a member of th:
! Presbyterian church throughout her
j Hte. She has resided in llalsev for
!-the past ten years, formerly living Li
Benton comity.
1 Arrangements have been completed
for the funeral which will be held in
'the M. E. church of llalsev and will
'c conduced by Rev. Green, pastor
of the church, Saturday at 1 p. in.
; Interment will take place in the Pine
Grove Cemetery.
1455 Portland 168 List Xo. 03925.
i Notice for Publication.
L'nited States Land Office, Port
land, Oregon. September 30th. 1913.
i Notice is herebv given that the
Northern Pacific Railway Company.
whose postottice address is St. l ain,
Minnesota, has this 2th day of Sep
tember. 1913. filed in this office its
application to select under the pro
visions of the act of Congress ap
proved Tulv 1. 1JWS, ("30 Stat. 597. 620V
Lot 7. Sec. 14. T. 10 S.. R. 4 West.
M : Lot 1. Sec. 25. T. 7 S.. R. 2
west. W. M.: Lot 5. Sec. 14. T. 10
S.. R. 4 west. V. M :Lot 10 Sec. 31. T.
4 N . R O Vst. V. M.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the lands described, or desir
ing to object because of the mineral
character of the land, or for any oth
er reason, to the disposal to appli
cant, should file their affidavits of
protest in this officet on or before
the 26th dav of November, ld,V
1L F. Hir.BV,
Published m Albany Democrat, lo
cated nt Albany. Oregon.
Published in Silver ton Appeal, lo
cated at Si I vert on, Oregon.
Published in Peaide Signal, locat
ed at Seaside, Oregon,
wk ol7-24 31-n7-14-2l
i-vin m airiT- r-ftinin
m is m mm
Searching Party is Dragging
Calapooia River for Body
of W. E. Greene.
Was Last Seen at Brownsville
Horses and Demolished
Buggy Found in Road.
to information received
the telephone at 9:50
nere over
o'clock this morning from Browns
ville, a party of searchers left there
this morning to search for the body
of W. E. Greene, salesman of the
Blakc-McFall Co. of Portland, who
:as been missing since early Wed
Wednesday night.
A representative of the Blake Mc
Fall Company has been detailed to
'.i the search. The searchers,
Hiding to the information received,
are working on the supposition tint
the Portland man drowned in the..
Calapooia river, the indications point
ing to this theory, after an accident.
His team and badly demolisntd bug
gy were found on the Craw! n-'isville
road about four miles above Browns-(-f
ville. J
According to the word receive !, the
axle broke under the buggy, appar
ently frightening the horses. It ap
peared that they started on a run.
swerving down a steep bank and in
to the river. The stream is quite
high at the present time and is run
ning in a swife current.
At four o'clock Wednesday after
noon Greene left Brownsville, driving
the team, for Crawfordsville and four
hours later his team and buggy were
found alongside the road. One wheel
was torn off of the buggy and one hue
was broken.
That Greene was seen in Browns
ville Wednesday night after the ac
cident, has been given up as a mis
take, in view of the fact that no e
'planation as to how he reached that
place after the accident has been se
cured and that the indications point
strongly to the belief that he drowned
in the river.
At a quarter to three o'clock this
afternoon, word was received over the
telephone from Brownsville, that the
searching party after dragging the riv
er all the morning for some distance
below the spot where the team plung- .
ed down to the river bank, has been
unsuccessful in the search. The
river is being dragged thoroughly and
the work is still in progress.
Shedd, Or., Oct. 17. (Special to
Democrat.) J. L. Reams of Spring
field was in Shedd Tuesday morning.
Miss Mary Sutherland was an Al
bany shopper lau week.
Miss Lena Powers of Albany is in
Shedd this week visiting friends.
Harley Morgan of Plainview was
in Shedd Monday.
Miss Ethel Gregory was an Albany
hoi. per this Tuesday.
T. M. Ilentley had business in
Shedd Tuesday.
Paul Green of Halscy was a vis
itor in Shedd last Saturday.
Mrs. L. St. Johns went to Albany
Wednesday to do some shopping.
Mr. Ed Sears of the Albany Plan
ing Mill was in Shedd Saturday.
C. E. Sox, attorney of Albany had
business in Shedd one day last week.
j M. F. Wood and Dick Anderson was
i in Shedd Monday,
Maybury brothers shipped a carload
of milch cows out of here Thursday,
i Mr. J. C. Davis shipped a car load
'of hoes Friday.
Mr. J. I. Cornett shipped two fine
! Shorthorn hulls and several sheep
k Monday.
! C. J. White of the Valley Lumber
1 and Supply Co. wa in Shedd Satur
day. S. M. jo:e, ofSaeramento. Calif.,
was in Shedd on business Monday.
E. L. McNeil, a contractor of Al
jbany. is building a nice new porch
jat the home of Mr. C. J. Shedd this
i week.
VotnL-r lit Ven. of Medt'ord.
vmerly :i state senator, is in the
city today. H . is Mopping at the