NEW YORKERS WON M JT0 VOTE OKLY 172 SEGONU OF SERIESL. . .. HAVE RFfilSTFRFO Second Game of World's Series Goes to Giants by Score of 3 to 0 in Tenth. TIMELY HITTING AND AN ERROR GETS RUNS Mathewson and Plank Do the Twirling Act Throughout Contest; Great Crowd. Eig Case Opened Today With Every Seat in Large Court Room Occupied. Coiiliuut-d fru Wednesday, Kl. H ii ') v v 'j v 'si "t 'it t) 'si i (!) S (?) s W features of Today's Game. (si s lialtcrics I'hiladclphia, flank !i Wand Lapp; .ew 1 ink, Malhcw (?) .son anil .McLi'iin. (!) w plays first base for (! (- (jiauls in place of Merklc. (!) w Itakcr Kivcn ovation by tholls- (!) W and.s of fans. !) Dri.ling mist, stubbornly (!) Iiuuk over i'hiladclphia dtiriny '!) CJ p,ainc. (!) Cs I'.stiuialcd attendance is believed (!) s' not to exceed tbirty thousand. (!) (!) !) (J ! J ! s?; ') '!) ! ) !) 'i! ) (!) '!) Philadelphia, (Jet. K. The Xew New York (iiants won the second (jalne of the World's series by a score of three to nothiucr. .Neither side scored up to the tenth inning. In this limine; by timely hiltine, and an error by I'liil.idelphia, three (iiants scored. Ily Hal Sheridan. Philadelphia, Ocl.K. Despite a mis ty ilii-vlc which soke, I Ihroilirh to the skin, four thousand waited all niiit, outside of Shibe Park, indicalini; thii another crowd of forty thousand would willies lllc second e,aille of the World's sciies here today. At ciiil o'clock live thousand well' in line. At II o7.,cl; the drizzle set in a.eaiu. the prediction ol the weather lime. in, sas that it will continue bill il piobably wouldn't rain ciioucji to prevent the faille. I'irsl llaselllau MclUe, w iio m isled his ankle III yesterday's gallic, was nn ahle to stand on his loot this nioru iliU and will be out of the e,,iiue today, ami probably for the remainder of the series. At II o'clock the Kales of Shibe pail, were slil clo.ed, with cicjil thousand awaiting in line on the out side. mist a k.i i 1 1 appi are I. eliminated the chdlv atc- At noon the A h.;hl breeze air. At twelve twenty o'clock the vte'e opcue-1 and Ihousands t.m., filed in. The field is hettw tunl 1 1 -.-hae lines appeared 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L -. Ki't.drcds l ie perched on til.' hi Use lops ovcrlookiiin the Klounds. The Athletics appeared on the (rounds at one o'clock and the (Iiants followed a few uiiutilcs later, baker, who made the home run in yester day's name at New York, lor Phila delphia, was loudly cheered. John son, the Washington Iwirler, was presented with an automobile before Ihe Kami- for beint; the most valuable )ayer of (he American league. Al I . .til o'clock the stands were fill iiiK rapidly an, I the bleachers are packed. 1 1 is mil believed that the crowd will exceed thirty thousand. Suode,rass played first base for New York, because of Merkle's inability. The ballet les w ere I'lank and Lapp, for the Athletics and Mathewson and McLean lor the (liant Kielf, Oct. K After lyiinj in jail for two years and a half, Mendel lieilis was placed on trial today in the crim inal section of the Kiefi District court for "ritual murder." On account of the extraordinary juiciest the case has attracted throughout Kurope, the courtroom was packed by a a cosmo politan throng when Jud;;c lioldyrcff .and his associates mounted the bench and beiu the cinpaniiclinrr of a jury. The. r,ei;ular venire for the court term from which the jury was clroscii con sisted of four men with a university education, fourteen with an intermedi ate or elementary education, fifteen ivho have not attended any school, hut who have received some domestic edu cation, and three who are ipiile illiter ate. More than newspapermen, from various countries, had previously applied lor seats, hut so irreat was the demand made by the friends of both local and St. I'elersburt; officials that many of the correspondents had to stand ill the back room, and some, al though holding tickets, failed altogeth er of fldutission. Conspicuous amony the reporters was a personal represen tative of M. Slchcvjovitoli', minister of justice, wdio had been instructed to wire a ruuniiiK detail .account of tiie proceedings to his chief in St. Peters burg, f rom the inception of the case Ihe mini-try of justice had carefully directed the activities of the local prosecutors, llraiidnrf ami Chapliiisky. and il was willl Ihe full approval of the central Kovcrnincnl that the charea: of 'ritual murder" was made in the oriK inal indictment. Kvcr since the niorniu.,- of Aprd 1. I'll I, when the mutilated body of An drei Mu-chinsky, a l-vear-old Chris tian boy. was found in tin abandoned brick yar.l ju -I outside Kieff the pros eculion .has been ende.a orin ir to es tablish the theory that he was slain in accordance v. ill an alleged lewish rile prescribed by the Talmud, sa, ihat his blood mi;;!ii be used in making passover brctid. h'or eenlnries Ihe ": 'o 'ol and liperstitioits Jew-liailers of f.'lls-itl have cllim; -o the belie; ihn 'his "rile" is icitularly practiced by the .lewi-li race, and the Ltovcruluen l ha ipparenlly done all it could to "sler this id,'::. M. K ras-ovsk . cldcl" I the Kictf dclectiie del i Yesterday Was Largest Day for Registration When 54 Became Qualified. ONLY SIXTEEN SIGNED UP THIS FORENOON Not Coming in Fast Enough Says Van Tassel; Ought to Be Average of 75 a Day. rlnieiit. pn ly I ible l"i cci alii actually ll'i'i'iy til it cnin. lews, abiion,.;, the 01 li xt lor ihe "1111, :" , "I e -o stall Molllllls. rem. siipcvstilio:', lac 'I murder is accompli .lied bv muds. Me cotil, obtain alis,,!,,' eii.lcnce alom; , re,i:iied line m the coutrarv lu-lieveil h.- 1. ol murder to a e inur of liiicics leiitlihors of the boy's fain d and who were known to "e Icarlul Ihat 1 u scam sky would be in to Ihe anil.,'! ilic-. lie idence thai one of the !,!,., ... 'V Is -ceil w ill, a chi el - i,,,,-,!,. I,,.,-,,,., he niuidei' ar, that this in:,, lenient " ' "l a moon, was lonml ,y two 'oys tne luick kiln at'terv ards l lie Hoys, up,, n orders of the thief, traced t! lo which ilv belon d One hundred and seventy-two have registered for the coming city elec tion up until noon today. Yesterday fifty-four registered and this afternoon, Registration Clerk Washburn staled that only sixteen had registered. Up until yesterday Morning oniy one hundred and two had registered and since then there has been an in crease in the registration of seventy. " I hey are not coming fast enough" -aid Recorder Van Tassel this morn ing. "We should have an average of a registrations a day to have a rep resentative vote in the coming city lection." That interest has increased is in licatcd by the registration yesterday he number being the largest of anv day since the hooks were opened jii the second day of the mouth. Several women were among those who registered this morning and it also appears that the women are be giuniiiif to register faster. The books viI close on Novem ber 22 and Recorder Van Tas.-el cs tiniates tint with an average regis tration of 75 per day from this dale until the close, that practically all of cb-ihle niters will have register id. This w ill make the number sotne li'iii't over di'llll. I It niti-t be borne in mind Ihat to Mile, means that an elector nill-t be icitislered. Under ihe new order of things, they cannot be sworn in at Ihe polls unless the supreme court should hold compulsory registration invalid. Inew it nit, ver. LINN COUWTY COUNCIL HELD MEETING SATURDAY Score by innings: R " New York . .11001100000 ,-0 S Phila 0000000000 .1 7 2 Until pitchers worked throughout Ihe game, and their work was of high oiik-r. BANKERS IN CONVENTION OPPOSE CURRENCY BILL My Alfred C. Schmitl. Hoston, Mass., Oct. S. (Special lo V--With four thousand dcl- rg.ues present, tlie American Hankers consumer lo p in chase his product association met here Monday and yes-. llu' lowest possible cost after it leaves leiday in sections. 1 'arlllers hands. i i.e giance as the leading tanners' tl ominunicated ) The Linn County Council Patrons of Husbandly met last Saturday m,!, Claud Prairie grange Xo. 1(1 and held .. cry interesting session. Hon. .1. II. Scott, president ol the I u'ncil filled the chair. C. II. W:il' c acted as secretary pro tern. Owh.g to the .ii'u.ucd in,.. ,ii i.irni work the attendance was not up to expectations, but the session n. with much enthusiasm. c--I'pc'alion among farmers in l.unug and selling was i.irne.stly advoca'cd 0v a number of speakers, amonw thi ill I'., rainier and wife of Woo, Unci grange, Multnomah count v The time was considered propit ious for sonic radical action looking u, organization among farmers to act in Ml! defense and protect tlum ,hes from the organized interests that are exploiting themselves at the farmers' expense. I here is something radically wrong when Ihe fanner receives less than oue half the price the consumer has lo pay for his products. The grange doctrine is for the producer to receive a good return (or his labor and the :it CITY NEWS A Mistake Corrected. -1 1 was the I'.a-c, aid I' Musical Comedy CKi'iv which has been shelving at Ihe Koh'e and no; the Frank Rich Company. The killer will show at the Hligh on October Dili. 10th and 11th. Gets Account of Game. The Home Telephone Co. receives Ihe score of ihe Worlds scries baseball game over ihe wire from Portland by innings and the dope is sent lo the Whitaker ci gar store, where it is posted on a big core card. This system of reporting Ihe game will continue throughout the Inteiesl in the pending currency bill is keen. One thou-aud country bank cis in special session pu, tested against the bill A dele,;. , lion, of one banker hum each state is to appear helot c Ihe senate committee lor the purpose of asking the mo, line. Hi, ,n. Yesierdav Ihe federal director of lllc posl.i sav inns si-tem addies. ,d the couicutiou inlet i siine,ly. Hoston i. t :!e!iehtl',ll pi ,cc ,,n,l is A g, uetolls ho.; m, r, organization and the national cli.u.icter is bv tin Ihe "ill I 10 a Anthony Funoral this Afternoon. The funeral of the hue C. Anthony, was held this afternoon at the Meih- odist church. Rev. Leech conducting me services. lllc hurial took nace in the city C'tueterv. Weather Fair. T.te range of tem perature for 24 hours . ndinir a: S clock this morning was -15 to 5,v' de grees. I lie river is at .14 feet this morning. The rainfall f ir 24 hours past has been .05 inci's. "J'he wca- tner report ' says fair tor today and tomorrow. Delivery Team BoheJ. Yesterday afternoon one of the delivery teams of Scott i; Conn, of Fast Albany, broke and ran down Main south to Fourth, scattering packages along the way. At one place, a man waived his arms in trout ot them c.i;..:ng tlum to i stop; he lowered his arms whereupon they again bolted. The driver ran j after and succeeded in climbing into ihe back of the wagon :nl stopping thetn. " Erects New Residence. F. M. Ar-! nold of the J. V. Cusick & Co. bank ! estcr,lay purcha.l a lot from Sam i I Worrell on l ighth sjrect and has a!-!, 1 riady commenced the erection .if a : new hungalow on Ins property. MS HUSBAND THREW ;W0iViAN3 CLUB HAS STOCK CITIZENS OF NGiViE STAfiT CLOTHES OUT OF WINDOW B CHAUTAUQUA AGSQGiATiCN; WORK OF BECUNSTBUCTiON Bertha Hale Brings Suit for Divorce Against Lawson C. Hale. Charging that her husband is a habitual drunkard and thj-.t as such he has abused her and threw her clothes out of a window, Iiertha M. Hale has tiled suit tor divorce against Law son C. Hale. The couple were mar ried on October 6, 1901. According to the complaint the defendant has beat and ill treated the plaintiff in various ways and she claims her hus band has often falsely accused her of being intimate with other men The ;''tm,,''c':'i",s on a "'8hl i Au gust, 1912, the defendant dragged her "J" of bed by the hair and thtxw he" c out ot the window. She claims she then deserted hem W R "Iveu represents the plaintiff That the Shakespeare, one of Al bany's leading literary organizations, is the first and only similar club in the city to acquire stock in the Albany Chautauqua association, was the state ment of Mrs. F. G. Franklin, yester day evening. Mrs. Franklin is the Jeader of the club. She said that the club purchas ed one share of the Chautauqua asso ciation stock some time ago. The Shakespeare club is strictly a liter ary organization and is composed of leading matron of the city. Although a club of study, the Shakespeare club nurses civic pride to some extent and its members are never reluctant to assist in any way possible towards civic betterment. H. F. Swartout and wife of Lyons, were in the city yesterdp.v afternoon. Mayor Jones Has Been Assured of Help from Scores of Cities. (By United Pre.-s Association) Nome, Alaska, Oct. S. Some oro gress has been made toward recon structing the wrecked city of Nome. Scarcity of supplies however, have prevented any great improvement ill the situation until relief arrived from the outside. In response to his appeal for aid -Mayor Jones has been assured from many quarters that everything needed would be sent at once. Many citizens whe lost everything in t lie storm will leave as soon as possible. A. G. Paddock, of Union, transacted ('nsiness here yesterday. iJm Firinniirflj f EMgini9 winner AUTY PARLOR; iini fiSaafi dfty Haas cHnarg off th departaeiM aft thk sfe All if th mdkra' nmjpiravemeinifts Haw Ibsira kstel imekdllaag asu elecftdc vnlbircateir srnd Hair Bryeir. S3 a e'ysrrjojjEj n .3p- B5ir2 .z Kk Dryer, a fc&?y h& eff hi ctn !be .feectpeced irysJ k liS asJaitSsa, as it giyes a hot &n& ca!3 correct cf sar. thdidkwi &re dyed M ds-yed ia 30 miiaates. HsiiT gvssdls will lbs mad m irisr, als swkcEss mi warn cmhm$. Ann Segcminill stock IF Hm,w Qd f s sarrkd nun tock0 spsjrit Micsnairlmg ffr LaI-ss asad mm -parltinnieinilt lis m v : i i WE HAVE THE GOODS YOU NEED The Variety Is Greater Than Ever. Values Better Than Ever Befc lore onlv one ol ,i dim,, to abide i Applies to Kinlcv for Oninion and Id live" next nicctine of the Council I'lcrk Marks this lad of IS applied to t.'ountv uid.i, ocmbcr Is:. m with ll.iinionv eramic m its w hall near t'tahlicc. I'ltVIl t!'C CCMCllUlS in. UsC l.'i,M, III.' council b bets lor past 4l , , 'xpected.' its cr pi aisc al ol the , aid work 'Met lllcill dtltmi! Ihe i:i"t,'i,;i lor a ainc h. cii-c. t! c clerk deferred ihe ! .nance of the license until c nlld ei: an opinion from State llauic War den l-'micv. upon tin- cronii,!. the V'lll'C fellow's father w.i. . a il,.., mm; p. t ihc gallic id a '-tame 1.1,1 tor a is- he has Warm Underwear Women's Fine Rib Fleeced Union Suits in white, extra good at $1.00 suit Children's Wool Union Suits, white or Grey, all si;?es, $1.00 Suit. Kabo Front Lace Corsets Children's Co. ion Union Suits, all :;!.:os ."iOf to T.h' suit. The only sat isfactory front lace Corset at a moderate ju ice $2.00 un.l S3. 50 pair HiIm" jcn.t Knew Asiettts lor Slaml.iril ' Patterns ! i-j Ill 1 FLOOD'S STORE m WEST FIRST STREET Agents for Kabo Reducing Corsets