The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, October 10, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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The Display at State Fair Was
Most Creditable of Any
Says Supt. Jackson.
Judge Galloway Adjourned the
Term of Court Until To
morrow Morning.
Booth Contained Articles
Quality but the Quanity
Was Lacking.
Continued from Tuesday, October 7
Granting eight divorces in two days
he held court here, Circuit Judge Gal
loway adjourned court yesterday af
ternoon until tomorrow. The judge
returned to Salem where he holds
court today and will return here
tomorrow to continue the intermittent
session here during Viis week.
Aside from granting the divorces
Judge Galloway disposed of many oth
er matters in his court, and by the
end of the week will have his docket
fairly well cleared up.
The divorces the judge has granted
are as follows: L. A. Messing against
Dora Messing, H. H. Blough against
Mabel Blough, Anna Watkins against
Charlie Watkins, Charles Kolb against
Elizabeth Kolb, Arthur Chrisman
against Grace Chrisman, Clara Gro
shong against Josephine Groshong,
Myrtle Hearn against M. E. Hearn,
George Murting against J. Murting.
That Linn county had the most cred
itable school exhibit at the state fair
in any season, that quantity and not
quality won for Marion, i'olk and
Yamhill counties places over Linn
county and that the Linn county ex
hibit won eight first prizes, was the !
statement of County Superintendent
W. L. Jackson this morning. Mr.
Jackson had charge of the exhibit at
the fair and is thoroughly elated over
the success attending it. He was as
sisted by School Supervisor Benner.
"Considering all in all Linn county
had the most creditable school exhibit
at the state fair this year than in any
season past, saw Lounty superimcn- , ,',,, ,, hv -,(1
" in nvihihil- wnil t .......... 1 .
General Convention Opened
Session in New York Today
with Large Attendance.
New York, Oct. 8. Uniform laws
for divorce, the demand that certifi-
Makes Damaging Admissions
but Sticks to Story That He
Is to Blame.
Sulzer Nervous and Upon Ad
vice of Attorneys Does Not
Take Stand in Own Behalf.
Henry Boyes Was Shot by a
Stranger Through an Accident
in Shooting Bird.
dent W. L. Jackson.
eight first prizes. They were on tur
keys, geese, ducks and chickens. The
general exhibit outranked the average
oi the state and took fourth prize with
out any special preparation. There
was a big competition on canned fruits
brides and bridegrooms the question
of changing the name to "American
Catholic Church" or merely "Ameri
can Church," and the proposition to
let the public into scssjons of the
House of Bishops were the import-
ami jellies and we won third place on ; - Vh&otat
this. In mechanical devices we won
third place. In prize money we won
about $150 from the state and about
$500 from the county. In quality we
were not outranked but in quantity
we were and this in my opinion is the
cause of our losing to Marion, Polk
and Yamhill counties, who were in
order in winning the respective places.
Each of tbesc counties had large ex
hibits while ours was small. The
ciualitv had nothing to do with the
Episcopal church of the United States
and Territory Beyond the Seas, when
the meeting opened today ' at the
Church of St. John the Divine.
Because of the questions which
will be considered and settled the
convention which opened today is ex
pected to be the most important ever
held by the church. Perhaps the
most important question to the church
body will be whether the House of
Jishops shall meet behind closed doors
(By United Press Association)
Albany, N. Y., Oct. 8. Governor
Sulzer showed signs of extreme ner
vousness today and his friends are
worried by fears of his complete
breakdown. Sulzer's lawyers are try
ing to persuade him not to take the
stand in his own behalf but he is ob
stinate and insists upon telling his
story to the impeachment court.
Under cross examination at today's
session, Louis Sareck'y, the governor's
private secretary was forced into what
were considered by the attorneys for
the prosecution as damaging admis
sions. He is still a good witness tor
the governor to the extent of sticking
to his story that he, and not Sulzer,
should be blamed for any carelessness
or misconduct in Handling tne suizer
campaign money. It is generally con
sidered as doubtful if the court will
accept as true, his assertions that his
employer knew nothing of any of the
remarkable things the witness ac
knowledged. He destroyed all cam
paign records of receipts and expen
ditures, as well as cancelled checks
and the stubs connected with the case.
The defense rested its case this af
ternoon without calling the governor
to the stand. .
Through a hunting accident
last Saturday, Henry Boyes, a
15-year-old Albany boy, will lose
his left eye. The lad and a man
he did not know were hunting
China pheasants and were on on
opposite sides of the Santiam ca-
nal, near this city. A pheasant
flew up between them and both
fired. One shot from the other's
gun hit young Boyes on the
wrist and another lodged in the
ball of his left eye.
When the boy cried out the ft
man who fired the shot crossed
the canal to sec how badly he
was hurt, but in his pain and ex-
citement young Boyes did not ask
the stranger's name.
Body Was Found Today with
Two Bullet Holes Through
. His Head.
decision of the judges but it was the as it '(luring ,hc 12S vears tlcre
ciuantitv. It was recognized ny every
body that our sewing and mechanical
exhibit was the best on the grounds
have been general conventions. A
hot contest is expected to come when
the motion to let m the public and
from a practical standpoint. Articles , ,he . as is tnc case wllen tne
ot Deputies, meets, is Intro-
of mechanical art in our exhibit were
not entered upon the prize list because
they were not made as a rule accord
ing to the specifications, which for in
stance called for a table so many inch
es in width and heighth. But for this
reason I believe we would have taken
first prize easily on this exhibit. The device exhibitors worthy of
special mention are Frank Hughes.
Seth French and Henry Fish. Of
(luced. The House of Bishops met in
the Synod Hall and the House of
Deputies in thc new Synod Hall.
Attending thc general convention
which opened today arc 1 15 bishops
and 630 clergymen, and laymen, all
of whom attended this morning's' ser
vices in thc Cathedral wltere Bishop
Lawrence, of Massachusetts preached
the opening sermon. Holy Comtnun-
poullry. .Curtis Winn, Glen Jackson, ion was administered with the Rev.
James Jenks. of Tangent: Glen Greg-I t-K s. Tuttle. of Missouri, presid
ory and Telithe Hawthorne, of Shcdd: ;a bishop of the church, as thc
Girl of 16 Who Participated in
Episode of Few Weeks Ago
Is Incorrigible.
Three Hundred Strikers Start
.Demonstration But Are Dis
persed by Cavalry.
ctirant. He was assisted by the Kev.
wcrc j Hoyd Vincent, bishop of Southern
and Miss Myers , Ohio ami Risbon David H. Greer.
The mechanical draw- Representatives from St. Louis to-
Burkhart brothers on duck
geese: m sewing arts csrnmit
Virginia Thompson
of Crahtree.
ing from the Albany High School at- (,-,y put in an early plea for the next
traded special attention. A lot of convention as the pear 1916 will be
maps drawn by the students of the t,e fiftieth anniversary of the eleva
cotinty schools were especially good , ,jon nf Bishop Tuttle to thc cpisco
and worthy of note." j pate. St. Louis is Bishop's home city.
Says Fair Was Bigges-. Ever Held.
W. C. Cowgill. field agent for the
.it r a -..,--
cd jisleniay afler spending a few days PERSONAL MENTION.
at the Polk and Yamhill county fairs, g " '
and one week at the State Fair m Sa- J -1 w w J w
lcm. Mr. Cowgill says that the state Mrs. Taylor, and daughter
fair was thc biggest ever held in the (.illie. of Alsea, are visiting with the
slate, ncco-ding to the gate receipts. former's sister, Mrs. George W.
County Gets First Snow. Snow fell Hughes, of this city. They arc cn
yestcrday in the mountains of East- route home from a visit in Portland,
em Limi county, it being the earliest ! Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Anthony went
A :
snow tall in many years, rerry i.
Conn, of this city, who returned last
night from a huntintr trip, says that
considerable snow fell in thc moun
tains back of Granite Mountain, on
the Corvallis & Eastern railroad. Re
ports from other sections of the moun
tains show a snowfall in other local
to Portland this afternoon
G. E. Purving. of Salem, transacted
business here this morning.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ander
son, a baby boy.
L. Hathaway, of Harrisburg. was
an over night visitor in thc city.
II. R. Chess, an attorney of Leb
anon, attended business matters here
OCWCT S-UHSU utuuH riuEituig, .
Rapid pro'gress is being made in the ' ' .
,Krvtmn of the trunk sewer line1 -' n- s,r,,c' of Niagara
up Baker .street. The ditch digging
machine has hewn a large ditch from
Water to First street and this morn
ing was crossing thc latter street.
The street at this point is closed. Thc
work is being done by the James Ken-
nedv Construction Co. of Eugene
at the Vandran hotel.
Chct. Houston, of Linn county, is
' visiting here today.
C. W. Tcbault returned this noon
, from a business trip to Marshfield.
i Art Sandstrom, R. D. Snell and J.
T r..L: ...,.,,...-. ,,l ,
To Spend Winter in Illinois. A J. , tcc w; Wi ' for Corvallis.
James Freeman, a furniture dealer,
Smith, of Hal-ey, and niece, Mis?
Smith. Icf. this mnrnitm over the Ore
To Observe Rally Day. Next Sun-:
day is Rally Day at thc First Method
ist church, and a larije attendance is
expected at the services. The morn
ing church services at 10:30 and the
Sunday school follows inunediately at
11:45. The dining room and kitchen
will' he in readiness for those 'who
come- from thr country or who wish
to hriug lunch with them and enjoy
the services of the day. Special mu
sic is being arranged and the sermons
by the pastor will be appropriate to
the day. Thc Sunday school will also
present a program on the occasion.
Year Book Issued. Thc Shake
speare club, one of the city's leading
literary organizations, has just re
ceived from thc press its year hook
showing an elaborate program for the
coming year and designating those
who are to present the various topics
of study. A list of the officers and
conlmittees are given.
Big Peaches Were Exhibited.
Grown by Miss Helen V. Crawford,
of Lebanon, several specimens of four
varieties of exceptionally large peach
es which were on display in the coun
tv exhibit at the. state fair, arrived at
the Commercial club this morning
and are on display temporarily. They
are Early Crawford, Early Charlotte,
Champion and Mnir varieties and arc
packed in four big glass jars filled
with a preservative.
Part of Exhibit Arrives. Some of
thc article, such as grninc and canned
fruits, which were exhibited at thc
tatc fair in the Linn county exhibit
arrived at the Commercial club this
morning and Manager Slewart and
Miss Hinkley were busy this morning
(unpacking the stuff and arranging it
l artistically on thc display table; in
j the club.
! Council Meets Tonight. This ev
ening at 7 o'clock the city council will
meet for thc purpose of transacting
routine business that has accumulated
during the past two week.
Gets Dope on World's Series.
Special wire reports on th? World's
baehnll crics are being received at
Rnbln'ns Billiard each day fr'im
11:30 o'clock and up until the finish
of each game. Crowds have watched
the score boarIs yesterday and louy
.'nd it has proved to he a popular in
formation bureau.
Much Betting on Games. Loral
nort-men have been betting on the
Stella Morgan, thc sixteen year old
girl, who made an attempt recently
to run away with sixteen year old
Mclvin Pccbler, with two stolen hors
es, was this afternoon committed to
the Oregon state industrial school for
This verdict was given by Judge
Mc Knight in the juvenile court follow
ing a hearing.
The girl was arraigned in the court
on complaint of her father, W. E.
Morgan, of North Albany, on a
charge of being incorrigible. She will
be taken immediately to thc. institu
tion at Salem.
Mclvin Pcebler, her companion in
the episode several weeks ago, when
the two were captured at Sweet Home
while on their way .across the moun
tains, was committed to thc reform
school for his part in the affair.
(Ry United Press Association)
Calumeut, Mich., Oct. 8. The body
of James Polack, a mine guard here
was found today near Houghton. The
corpse was badly disfigured but two
bullet holes in thc head were the im
mediate cause of death. Five Copper
mine strikers were arrested this af
ternoon charged with the murder of
Pollack. Disorders have continued
today and the police have experienced
much difficulty in maintaining order.
Three hundred strikers started a dem
onstration in thc vicinity of thc Osceo
la mine but were dispersed by thc
state cavalry.
Millie Compton Has Filed Suit
for Divorce from E. H. Comp
ton for Desertion.
Charging that her husband won!
abuse and ridicule her for her work
as a member of the Women's Chris
tian association, Mijlic Compton has
fjled suit for divorce against E. 1L
Compton, on the grounds of non-support
and desertion.
The couple were married in New
Mexico on October 5, 1898.
According to the complaint the de
fendant has neglected to support the
plaintiff. She claims she has support
ed herself and assisted in -supporting
thc defendant for several years past
by sewing. It is claimed that in Fcb
ruray 1912 the defendant desterted
the plaintiff and went to Kansas. The
plaintiff asks that the name of Can
ning by a former husband be restored
to her. that she may have the same
name as her children by that husband:
Attorney Nt M. Newport represents
the plaintiff.
According to a statement made t
morning by County Clerk Marks $932
was thc sum taken in at his office for
the month of September on thc issu
ance of game licenses.
This included thc total receipts
throughout thc county for the issu
ance of game licenses for last month
alone. All of the liccncs were not is
sued at the county clerk's office as
books were out in other towns of thc
county. Thc money taken in at these
places added to the, sum taken in dur
ing the month at thc clerk's office
gives thc grand total of $932.
Lansing, Mich. Oct. 8. Thc Mich!
gnu supreme court today ordered Cir
cuit Judge O'Brien of Houghton to
renew Hie anti-picketing injunction
dissolved recently upon representa
tions of attorneys acting for the cop
per mine strikers. The court ordered
that cause must be shown why thc in
junction should not be made perma
Mrs. E. D. Sloan returned last night
from (he Round Up at Pendleton.
She has been visiting relatives in that
iry tor several ve:ks.
Kjarl Stcincr, of Jefferson, transac
ted business here today.
E. II. McCune, of Chambers & Mc
Sunc's store left yesterday evening
for Seattle on a business trip. He will
return Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Skinner of Wren,
were in the city this morning.
The Albany Retail Merchants'
Association will hold a meeting
Friday evening, according to an
announcement made this after-
noon by W. V. Merrill.
The meeting is to be held in
thc banquet room of the Hotel
llanunel and will convene at
6:30 o'clock. All of thc members
of the association are expected
to attend.
Thc committee on programs is
now arranging that feature of
the meeting but it was not pre-
pared sufficiently to release Ibis
information for publication. How-
ever, by tomorrow the program
and other details of thc meeting
will be given in detail.
Fred Fortmiller and family wlm
have been sojourning at Newport are
expected home either this afternoon
or tomorrow.
F. S. Coppock, of Salem, is at the
I I'ammcl hotel.
M C. (-..-. din of Red ll "(i arrive
today and this evening will go to
flrownsville to visit his old home.
Vh.le here Mr. Carolin renewed, his
S. It. Yerex, of Portland, owner oi
considerable land near Newport, is in
thc city. He is slopping at the Mote!
t'OOM 1 Albany State Bank Bldg. Home 303 Bell 457-R.
Gun Club to Meet. The Albany
Gun Club will meet tomorrow night
at the Commercial club at 7:30 o'clock.
It is desired that a large attendance
be bad.
R Kd wards of Salem,
visitor here.
C. A. Dcanean and wife, of Wren,
wcrc visitors in the city today.
for Portland, whence ?f F-if the city today-attend-j World's series quite profusely and a
enn Fleotric
thev will en to Chenoa. 111., to spend
tile whi'cr visiting with relatives.
They will be the guests of C. C. Mc
Donald, a 1 rotber-in-hw, of Mr.
Fntlier Forrrt. of Cilinrv. Canada,
is visiting at tl-c 'me of Father f.ane,
rector of the local Catholic c''reh.
Mr. Kline, new manner nf Drr.ain
Innd t'leater It ;t on tbi morning's
train '"or Port!.a"d -o'1iae an up-to-date
equipment to- the operating
room. The theater wi" reniain closed
for a few days iinta'l new machin
ery. Pee noli.'e b'er of opening date.
v.w. rje -v -'-a iV'Vi Thi I'ead
Tc - . r.:tn f ..... of
ing Dlismess matters. considerable Mini changed hands ves
A. S. McDonald of Eugene, is at-herday. While the Giants anpear lo
tending business matters here this af-jhave many barker the Athletics :ieen
ternoon. ' ! to be the favorites with' the local
D. C. S'anard, of the Varsity City, i sports,
is at the St. Francis. I Bjt pr.1n.. Uti.... M,rv
W. If. Stewart, of Corvallis. is a A G,tm fiuA "Pllit in ,he ,.(,
'''UVW'1,': c,,y thi' "ftemoon. fnlIrf ,ori1, aB,ir W. C. I!os-
vv. c ti.aiiow.ay .ami wne. oi cor- ; . : i. i ,lti,. fr.l.itr.
Grange Meeting.
l.inn county Pomona grange P. of
II. will meet with Morning Star
grange seven miles north of Albany,
Wednesday, October 15, at 10 o'clock
with an all day and evening session.
good attendance is desired.
A. C. Mll.l.KR. Master.
I". M. MITCH El. I.. Secy.
d o6-7 wk olO
Thc Big Why !
T lie reason I am dating; so many
. sales is lliat Auctioneering is my
specialty and not aside line. TJie
following dates are taken, which
date shall I reserve for you?
Sept. 27. Chris Widmicr, 1-12 miles east of Harnthurs.
Sept. 27. Chris Widnicr, Harrisburg. Gen. -.arm
Sep. 30th. Amos Ramsey, llalsey, gen. farm sale.
Oct. 6th. J. P.. Davis, 5 mi. so.of Albany, gen. farm sale.
Oct. 15th. J. C. Iltirke, 2 1-2 miles southwest of llalsey. den.
farm sale.
Free lunch at noon. These arc all big ;i'ts Pemember the
dates and come early.
BEN T. SUDTELL, Auctioneer, Ilulscy, Ore.
Phono 570-H 1425 K. 1st St. Albany, Oregon.
Letters Uncalled for.
Albany, Or., Oct. fill, vm
I.etli is uncalled for ant' advertised
at Albany, Oregon Post office: Prof.
1 Anderson, S. Ulackwood, Mrs
N'aney Hounds, Joe lienson, If. M.
Clark. T. J. Clifford (3), Peg C. Ctnn
itiings, Jan Ciagto (Foreign), Cbas.
Uagon, Maud Durn, Absalom Frai--.
ier, J. 1J. Hatch. T. Jsper, G. T.
Knapp, Mrs. F. I.. Kane, Mr. Ada
l.ogan, Lester L. Murphy, Warner
Xewport, G. Xieto, Cbas. Olson, Lou
is M. Slurgis (21, Ernest G. Wiggins.
P. M.
valli. are at the St. Francis.
D. II. Autman and wife of Prine
ville. are visitors in the city.
. M. Groves, of Corva'Hs. trans
acted business here Saturday after
noon. A! Tavtr.r. of Siletz. is a- the Van-d-an
hotel. Smith and niece of Hal-1 Marriage Licensee Issued. The fol
sev left todav for Sherown I Minois. lowing were i'Micd marriage licenses
wi'ere they will spend the winter. jvcMerdav: Harry R. Commons, age
I rc .lev. of Wlivil!-. is a guest ?1 and Ethel S'-re-irer. ag. ?0. both
of a mortifaire. to recover $200 execut
ed on a nromis.orv note for ??00 Xo
venihcr 15. 111. The tnmev was se
nred l.v an are and a hMf n Section
- mwi.i.;,, 11. S. R I W. The tdain
ti'f a-Ve for 25 attorney's fees and
'ot and disbursements.
6 PER CENT LOANS on farm, .r- jfj
chard lands, city residence or bUM-rJ
ncss property, to buy. build, im- J
prove, extend or refund mortgages
or other securities; terms reason-j
able; special prt ih.ges; corrc-pon-,
deuce invited. Dept. L, 618 Com- j
monwcalth Hldg., Denver, Colo., or
Dep't I, 749 Henry Hldg.. Seattle,,
Wash. w o-KI-17-24 31
' A local paper that covers the County, State and
Nation with an accurate and reliable news service -
The Albany Daily Democrat
Now Has a
Telegraph News Service
Furnished l
lite t'tiitrd Press Association
' civ York City
ted V
T, y
W. R. Shinn. M. D., rtls-a-es
eve and ear a siieeialtv. Eves teste
at the Hotel Vandran. . SVM.- pov Piiotv age 2.1, and :i"d spftacles guaranteed a perfect I ri
V P Cteel, of Yaqnir.a. is a hui- (",,-da C Power, a". 18. both of Al- fit. Any style nf tense or frame. Of-1 P
ne viitor in the city today. I bany. ' fiee over Cusick bank. wk s9tf i IB
Why take a Porllntul Duily when the Demi crnt will
give ou (lie; news of the world and all of tin
looul and cot nly news for n less price
$3.00 pur annum $3. 00
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.25 one month .25