V Democrat VV.M. 11. IlOKMiiUCJUK, Editor and Publisher Entered at the postoffice at Albany, Oregon, as secoitd-cbss matter. Published every evening t.uvl Sun day. L'iiii eci.ly published 'l ucd days and Fridays. liUMNESS AlAT'l ER. Add teas all communications and make all mi i ma nee payable to the Dem ocrat Publishing lo. Hi uiueimg changes of address, sub scribers should always give old as well as new address. SUBSCRIPTION KATES Daily Delivered by carrier, per week .$ 10 Delivered by carrier, per yeki... 4.0') ly mail, at end of year ..... ii ui.nl in advance, per year.... 3.0U Semi-Weekly At end of year $1.50 When paid in advance, one year.... i.25 .... ... ( t.u KA J Ej ic per word for first publication; l2c pci word ilK-reaiicr, payuhU m ad vance. Minimum charge of 25c. Established In 1365. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1913. The much libeled Governor West appears to have won another victory over his enemies in Llie case involv ing the alleged minit.se of of the pris on funds. Judge Kelly bit the nail on Lite head wbeu he held lh;:t to con stitute a wrong it must first be shown that there has been some in jury to tne slate.. Wonder why our Republican con temporary in Portland has ceased to refer to President Wilson as the "Schoolmaster Statesman t" The people of Albany will soon have an opportunity to settle old scores with their eneuicis. If the in sult was great, run your enemy for sonic city office. You could do him no greater injury. -o One of the easiest things in the world is to tell the other fellow how to conduct his business. It don't cost you a cent if he takes your ad vice and loses and if he declines to substitute your judgment for his own it doesn't cost you more. According to the press dispatches Saturday Colonel Roosevelt sailed for South America in a rage. If the ex-president had not been in a rage it would have had more news value. "The Wilson-Underwood tariff law is an outrage on the American peo ple says a manufacturer. 1 f you don't believe it ask the tariff pro tected trusts. Have you reMered yet? According to the statement of a ranhionahle Washington modest e a debut ante cannot properly make her how in the exclusive society of the nation;'.! capital without i!u expendi ture of at least $15,000 for clothes. The society bud's wardrobe must include sixteen gowns, seven talored suits, one ermine lined opera cloak, twenty-five hats, twenty pairs of shoes and several dozen pairs of stockings. From these figures, it must cost almo-1 as much to iutro a girl into the exclusive so - set as it doe to settle with the plumber. Cm Uooscvelt come back? Yes from Soir.b America. WHAT CONSTITUTES USURPA-i TION? The Morning (u-goni.in finds itself, unable to .iijiec with the Deium i a;. . We aie not surpiUcd or itis'u-.n u rn d. 1 There i . only one qneMioti uj.ou which i the Oiei;oui.'i! .in.l the Pe'iioerat ai e app.iieurh .i.:utl ,i:-. tb.,t i upon , the dinn! oi i liii t We ate tore-1 ed t.dmil i! v , ,-:e una'de to find a spa hi upon i ': toot of - er I m tvi.it and a o!mt it: cvevv law ot I H-Ulo.T. !!, .! 1-111 1 ; ,,tif breadth o . imo;i i - limited hy the ' ll.Hiow e.i:;!ii;i ot Cotti'lrv lieu sjij per offiee. hut :'-e I lcuhvi.it i'imU mueh to cotMMu-ad iu t!,e .idmim'-ti a lion oi ;.. : Hiii rsi We in :c no apologies Jot ll;e m.iin:er in w hic't I lie kow-ipoi h. x ,-.!. Uh-te 1 his on ice. and lind on? iUe, ::oM nr. ;h to agree Willi I'se t .c .:on. .-I In ;he ei:io:' that he .'.u- uMirped the duiic- ot the emei te.u'x kt.ird. I t li t v;ni.ui U :! Mc novi ti tor a ear. did dis cnsMoit ot : e !I'.i -i;om and we aie pleased to con;d with tie re.iu l oi on- esieemed I'nul.nd con t e m pora i iJo ernoi e t 'm not usurped II. r di'lie- ot i!.e eamitencv l'.nd line n i, :! it l.e ais evpt ,!, d :i o-n 1 .s ov ,i i-e: om l i"d pm aie funds t';e mu vf $I.Sll loi llie puipone of ,lii:;: oil In- ,Tiisade ;UMn-t oi i-.HJi.'ed . e I'e 'uw hi own person. I cle,-.. r"-!" J oi.U lo 'Ie t.:fresS .. ! ! k -lUM--.is of t;-e boatd to reiM'-iii-e him from the fund of the stale. He assert, -d ib.W h, '-.ul no leal claim for the rein-'Mti se-nenl. He fr inkl t-hl I he m.-inher- of t!ie hoard tli.it hv had no legal way in which he could collect. He made no demand for re imbursement and told the member. of the board that they could pay it o" i ot as they saw fit. He did not pre en d to bind the state to a contract, which l.e had made as an individual. It is therefore apparent to tl.e mind -,f ai;y reasonable man that no defici was created, consequently by no ra oinl i unsanction of the c;tc, ha.-. Iiere been any usurpation of pow ers. -M-crnor attempted to bind the state to a contract which was not authorized by the emergency board, and issued vouchers for the money so xuended, thereby creating a deficit which the state was obliged to pay. there might be some merit in the claim made by the Oregonian. Rut such was not the case. If our content- 1 orary insists upon proceeding upon premises which arc founded entire ly upon fiction, it can hardly be ex picted to reach a correct conclusion. AN ALIBI. In (he October American Magazine Charles Dillon writes an article en titled "Humors of the Courts." It i.s made up largely of funny true stories told by lawyers of their experiences. J "he following is a story of a prisoner who became di.sgii.ited with his lawyer and took his case into his own hands: "A western lawyer whose practice seldom goes beyond the justice courts strayed into a lawyer's club one night, ostensibly to look for an acquaint ance, and after he had gone someone .old this one about him: "Tdack's chief fault," sail the man in front of the fireplace, 'is his dispo sition to ask leading questions. These questions, as anyone can see, are in tended to warn the witness how to answer. Once, not long ago, this man endangered his client's liberty, or the client thought so, for, at any rale, he suddenly took the case into his own hands. 'You have no case, Mike, the discomfitted lawyer whispered. You'll . uin yourself. ou hit that Chinaman and a lot of people know ii. The judge himself knows it. If you only had an alibi, a good witness to call.' "'There's Tim Maginnis,' said Mike, l.oiu'iug into the audience. 'I spoke to him. lie knows what to say.' "'Pine. Take your case. I've had enough of it. When Fong Voo fin ishes his story you call Maginnis and ask him a question to show where ou were when the Chink was struck.' "At the proper moment Mike, look ing very wise and very self-important, .ailed Tim Maginnis "'Mr. .Maginnis,' he began, 'do ym I'liiterslaud ibe nature of an oath?' "'I t'ink I do,' Tim replied, a hit :: relessly. "'Well, sor,' said Mike, holding his 'ead high, 'will you please tell the onit where I was when I struck (h Chiuymau in front av the hotel?' "'Ye were home in lied," was the Mounding reply, but poor Mike was on ieled." The ice man, having earned his wage which was cnusidcrd large is ready row to leave the stage, and give the oal man charge. Through all the -umnier months we coughed our coins to dodge the heat; the ice man's snap was large and soft, distributing his Mcet. Aaud now while winter rants and groans, while howl the deadly stoiiu, we'll cough up all our extra none, iu effort to keep warm. The coal man is a cheerful wight, and naught his rapture mars; he basks on downy beds at night, hy day in motor i.irs. In gilded luxury he rolls, lie '!cn raiment wears, while sway I ..eked hirelings pack his coal r.p thir- i'i :' is of 1 .i irs. He is ;i crank i . I' i me -it weight, a Spartan sou! is l e: at-,1 oft lie throws iu chunk of state !o give variety. When wintrv 1 .'im'c. s ronnd u- -hriek, the of u . re;ni:e : but that's the coal in.m'' lime !o speak an optiMiistic line. The Mi-ls can't sroit around too hud to i'hi-c this cheery soul, while thee uc w.u'.ons in t'is vard a-Ioadim; up with co., . .nd o the goid old coi! man grins. Hs- laughter flow in HI-; ' e I'limp- hi- debris iu our bin-; led :Wm sends in Ids hilN -Walt Mason. Jubilee Closes at St. Mary's Church. The closing sermon of the Jubilee wit! be given this e cuing at St. Mary's church The sermon will be in appeal to the congrc.; ition to re new the sacred pledge of baptism .nid live up to them in every .!-! ot. The strong sermons on intonmer nnce. prolanitv .Tin! iuvno-Tl litera ture were -p u ticulaclv inipresvlve. uid pe(r!np the W of the eries The tn.ssi.Mrv made i f on ;iddress to the Knights of tVhi'uhns on the oc casion t i" j'm!- t"-.,-o u-'-iiii' o!erance of CoIun'!m Pa, and the initiation of ca"did-Ucs on that d tv In the absence of leather I ane todav, t-.ts ismv-.vM. 1'i'i'cr lUtw. will o'ficl.v '. t.' e t'etied '-t'on m"v i,-e tonic)-'. spe-i'l t' :!fe of toni 'lit's er vice wilt 'c the Ko-oy tr.ve-:r in vvt'ich the np'l- of the Vcid-'-iv and the CorM-M of c'-rch ' ;'t pl't'Ctpi'e T'-is will ch'v ih- 1 ce-tury oheraive of the edict of peace. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONAL MENTION FROMHARRISBURG! Harrisburg, Or., Oct. 4. (Special to Democrat.) A. M. Smith, former ly mayor of Astoria; Mr. adn Mrs. C. R. Jones; Mr. and Mrs. E. Xakcr; Robert Fames and Jack Hammel comprise a pheasant hunting party in llal-ey this week. J. R. Cartwritfht went to Albany and bought a new 1914 Ca dillas from Barrels', the first '14 in I larrisburg. Mrs. George McCulloch went to Salem to the fair Friday. Edgar Senders of Portland is here after pheasants. J. R. Wyatt, a Portland lawyer, ,'ormerly of Harrisburg, and at one time connected with the firm of Wea therford & Wyatt is here after pheas ants. VirGil II. Massy, editor of the Har rishurg Commonwealth made a busi ness trip to the Hub City Friday to file a petition with the county clerk for the prohibitionists of this neigh borhood. Smith went to Albany Sat urday to take the Civil Service ex amination. I.ee Martin and wife were passen gers to Albany Saturday. W. M. Moore, one of Ilarrisburg's :iuciioncers, was in Albany Friday on business. Executor's Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, executor of the last will and testament of F. M. Furnish, deceased. All persons having claims against said setate are hereby required to present the same to me properly ver ified at the office of C. C. Bryant in Albany, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated September 10, 1913. IRA COX. C. C. BRYANT, Executor. Attorney. sI2-19-26 O3-10 5 (. & News cn This Page is From Daitr Issue of S- TUESDAY. OCTOBER 7. 3 - e ) Summons. Oregon for the County of Linn. Cora Stiles, Plaintiff, vs. Fred M. Sliles. Defendant. To. Fred M. Stiles, the above nam ed Defendant, in the name of the Slate of' Oregon you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the Complaint of Plaintiff filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court against you on or before the first day of November. I'M 3, and if you fail to so appear and answer said Complaint for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the Complaint, to-wit : I 'or a decree of the Court disolviug the bonds of matrimony now- existing between Plaintiff and 1 k t'endan t ;ind for furl her decree changing Plaintiff's name from Cora Stiles to Cora Hest. and for a judg ment against the defend-itit for the costs and disbursements of this suit. Tin's summons is served hy publi cation upon you by order of the Hon. D. 11. McKuight. made on the 16 day of September, 1913, which said order requires a fir-t publication to be made on the lth day of September, I'M 3. ami the hist, publication to be made on the 30th d:v of October, l'M3. and that you appear and answer on or before the 1st dav of Novem ber. 013. Wl ATI I F.RFOR D & WEATHER FORD, Attorneys for Plaintiff. slO J(-n.MO-ir-J4-31 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the of Oregon for Linn County. 1 aituietit No. J. State De li a 1 Huhite plaint iff. vs. 11. C, Puhi defendant. To H. G. Ihihite. above named de fendant : In the name of the State of Ore f gon. you are hereby required ;o ai- ! pear and answer the complaint of' plait-tiff filed against you in tin above j .entitled court and cause on o' bctoif .the Tenth day of October. 1913, said date heimr ix weeks fot!owi?i the I first publication of thi- summons.! being Oc time prescribed bv the' court for auweri:'j; the eomp'ant of. p'.M-itiff in order for publication of thi summon-: and if you fail to ap pear and answer :iid complaint on nr before the Tenth day of October. PM3. for want thereof plaintiff will i apply to the court for a decree dis- j solving the bond of ivatrimonv ex isting between plaintiff and d. fend ant and aw irdi"e the cixtodv of tK ;'l"-ee in'"vv chiMren, IV. L, C. and 1 1 . ' ..,t!",:tt' to plaintiff and fcr ' 'i":i'f cost i-d disbursements T'-U sun puMieatioin M...lV-r..t - VV -".'t lv. I" t Ho- IV-cv TW'.I In'! of O-o-o". h.iny, O-- o" i- served on von bv th-cof 1-t the Albany ei' -ht w1 tUhed emi-i"--ra ve of m order of R k'cttv, tudiie of the 1 IVstriet of t'-e State V .ber, at Al- d iv. 1 ,nd entered ' V- l'il3, prr- ' ," ' f:rst nuhli- -:-.-o- on A it git t ' d ' -te o'" tbt last - , -- V.- tO;h. 1013. ;r W WTOMT .. ,..v f,, pt-i,lt,-ff ;.t? 10-2 Ol-tn jWILL ARRANGE FOB CANAL CELEBRATION OCT. 30 The Commercial Gtub Appoints Commihee witnh. P. Miming As Chairman. To formulate plans for a fitting cel ebration of the opening of the Panama canal on October 30 iu this city, by a brief period of suspension of business and the blowing of whistles, etc, the executive board of the Commercial club appointed a committee at the meeting last night. Those present at the meeting were: President, J. S. Van Winkle; vice president, F. P. Nutting; secretary, C. H. Stewart, and directors Waldo Anderson, S. N. Bra den, G. T. Hockensmith, J. J. Hoy dar, R. C. Hunt, and J. H. Robnett. G. T. Hockensmith, chairman of committee on entertainment, reported that it had been impossible for various reasons to make arrangements for a get-to-gether meeting for this even ing, but advised that we should en deavor to hold such a meeting in the near future. The matter was left in the hands of the committee. Manager Stewart made a verbal re port of the proceedings of the meet ing recently held at Salem, where rep resentatives of the commercial clubs of the principal counties of the valley met for the purpose of making argu ments for advertising the Willamette valley at the Panama-Pacific exposi tion. He reported that he had extend ed an invitation for the second meet ing to he held at Albany, and this was accepted and Thursday, October 30, at 2:30 p. m. was named as the date. The manager was instructed to place this matter before the county court, and the Commercial clubs of the different towns of the county, and urge them to have delegates at the meeting on October 30. It having been decided at a previous meeting that the actual date of the opening of the Panama canal should he celebrated in this city in a becom ing manner, the president appointed the following committee to make the necessary arrangements: F. P. Nut ting, J. L. Tomlinson, E. H. McCunc, A. M. Hammer and Dr. R. C.-Hunt. Notice of Final Settlement!. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Executrix of the last Will and Testament of W. H. Kaltrider, deceased, has filed her final account as such Executrix of said Estate, with the County Clerk of Linn County, Oregon: and the Judge of the County Court for Linn County, Oregon, has fixed November 3rd at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m for the hearing of objection of said Estate if any, and further settlement of said Estate. Dated this the 25th day of Septem ber, 1913. LOLA M. SHAW, Executrix of srid Estate. WE ATI! ER FORD & WEATHER FORD. Attorneys for Estate. O 3-10-17-24 Notice of Guardian's Sale. Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to an order of sale made and en tered by the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, in the matter of the guardianship of Aura Anderson, n minor, ou the 29th day of September, 1913, the undersigned guardian of said minor will from and after the first day of November. 1913, sell, at pri vate sale for cash in hand, all the righr. title and interest of said minor in and to the following described real prop erty, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 29, in Township 9 South. Range 4 East of the Willamette Meridian, in Linn County. Oregon, containing 40 acres, said sale to he made subject to confirmation of said court. H. H. HEWITT, o 3-10-17-24 31 Guardian. Notice of Sale of Real Property. In the County Court of Linn Coun ty, Oregon. In the matter of the es tate of D. C. Flint, an incompetent. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as the guardian of the person and estate of D. C. Flint, an incompetent, hy virtue of an order of sale duly made and entered in and 1-v the above entitled court of date September 2-d. 1QJ3. will, at the res idence of the undersigned, near Crab tree. Oregon, on and after the 14th d.n- of October. 10)3, offer for sale in-1 will sell at private sale, to the hi-'u-st and best bidder, all of the real nroertv belonging to the estate of D. C. Jrh"n. an incompetent, to wit: Neuinnirg at the southwest corner of the D. L. C. of Geo. V. Howell and wife Not. No. 1S65 ami claim No. (i) in township ten south of range two west of Willamette Me ridian, Oregon: running from thence Fast forty chains to the southeast corner of section thirty four in aid Tp. and Range: thence north on the east boundary of said section thirtv fonr a distance of seven and 75-100 (7 75) chains to the center of Crab tree creek: thence along the renter of said creek down stream following the meanders thereof to a point in the center of sa;d creek which is "orfh rh'V and 50-100 S 50) chain from t'-e sot-'b boundary v? of nid -'-n-n Vo (V; thence west thirty four chains more or les to the west v ""-li-v o' said claim No fV); '"--oe '-ouh rich ad 50 100 S.5im e'-im ;n place of beginning, con 't 'pi'UT 'hi-' v-t''r a errs mn'f or lev nl' J' I no County. O-oeon. mv te--" o' ;-'e he-ng 0"e 1alf cash and Ki !-, tiMK r, -fl t,v pote r-nd n'o-'-.-T ; Ke.irhi? I-ril interest, hut ,v:u c.-M f- iU cas'- down if rnr n,...,i c-p. 2. 1013 c vvvr. ' to "v: r -n YOU MU3F REGISTER IF YOU WANT 10 VOTE Swearing in of Electors at Polls is Eliminated by ! New Law. If you want to vote in the coming city election on December 1, you must register before November 22. As has been the case, electors have been sworn in at the polls and allowed to vote but under the new order of things this cannot be done any more unless the supreme court should hold compulsory registration invalid. In plain words, "you must register to vote." Read this relating to the statutes and constitution relating to elections iu the state of Oregon for 1913: Section 6. No elector who is not registered as provided in his act shall be entitled to vote at any election provided for by law except in school district or road district elections; provided that in cise the supreme court should hold the above provision for the compulsory registration in valid then, and in that case only the elector may register with the judges of the elcctim upon election day. This morning another clerk was ad ded to the registration force in City Recorder Van Tassel's office. Ed. Washburn is now engaged in the work of assisting in filling out the registration blanks. Mrs. Harriet Van Tassel is the other registration clerk and the two have been kept fairly busy during the day, while Recorder Van Tassel has been kept on the go swearing in the electors. According to figures compiled by Mrs. Van Tassel, a total of 102 have thus far registered. Out of this num ber 26 are woman. That number in cludes those who had registered up until 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the second of the month when the books were opened. Recorder Van Tassel again stated this morning that if registration does assume a more of a brisk aspect, that scores will not he able to vote. He contends that a bigger average of reg istrations should be made daily to avoid the rush towards the close and to enable those who cpmc iu late to get in in time. From the present in dications there will be a big rush to wards the close of the books or an unusually small dumber of eligible voters will be registered for the com ing election. 9 9 CITY NEWS . s.a Salem May Vote on Liquor. A lo cal option petition signed by about 600 voters w:is filed in the county clerk's office Saturday afternoon bv Attorney W. 11. Triudle. The peti tioners request (lie county clerk to set a date upon which an.elcclion up on lhc issue shall be held. The coun ty clerk will check over the petition, and. if ii is sufficient, will call an election. It is planned th::t the local option measure shall be voted on No vember 4. Capital Journal. Headache in His Feet With a headache in his feet, tired and home sick, E. C. Roberts, according to a statement made by him this morning is homeward bound after attending the state fair throughout. Mr. Rob erts declares that the fair was the greatest ever and that he walked, looked and talked in order not to miss anything on the grounds, until he is ready to go home to mother. He ar rived here last night and will leave this afternoon for his home near Leb anon. Suit to Foreclose Mortgage. A complaint in equity, for foreclosure of mortgage was filed in the circuit court this morning by Gus Waldcn and Swan Waldcn, partners, of Horn brook. Calif., against Elizabeth and John IX-tupscy. wife nd husband. The plaintiffs seek to recover S-TO on a promissory note executed March 1. 1012. and due one day after date, and ask $I(X) attorneys fees and costs and disbursements. Guardian's Sale. N'o'ice is herein- given that the un dersigned guardian of Hcrthel Ho flich, a minor, will, pursuant to the order of the county court of Linn Cmmty, Oregon, duly made and en tered in the matter of the guardian ship of said minor on the 27th dav of September. 101.1, sell at private sale for cash in hand from and after the 1st day of N'ovcmbcr. 101,1. the fol lowing described real property be longing to the estate of said minor, to-wit: rtegimiing at a point in the center of a county road on the South boun dary line of Terrv Watson's Dona tion Land Claim N'o. (S.1 in Township 11 South of Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian. Oregon, which point is .0.1 chain E.lt of where the section line between Sections 2fi and 27 intersects said south boundary line of said Claim Vo. 6.1 and rurnine thence Fast 25.26 chv'ns: tl-rnre South .1 chains,- thence West 25 26 chaHs to 'he center of said county rmd: thence South 10 degrees West 2 chains: thence West 6.15 ch-: thence Vorth to the South honndirv line of sail Claim N'o 6.1: thence Fast along said South boundary 1e. o the place of beginning containing 275 acres moi-e or less all lying i.H h-i"g in I. inn Countv. S-ate of Ore gon. Slid sale to he mr-de jtiMeet to eon H'nntion bv .7-M co.tpjv M A Jl K I, I', HT.-TTFP ' n TFWFTUVr, G",r,i,, Attorney for ot-10 1724 .11 DISPOSES OF CASES Held Court Here All Day Yes terday in department No. 2 of Circuit Court. ACTED UPON SEVEN SUITS FOR DIVORCE Many Cases Settled and Dis- missed; Motions and De 1 murrers Overrulled. ! Holding court here yesterday in de . partment Xo. 2, Circuit Judge Gallo- way, disposed of the following busi ness: Smith Cox et al vs. Albany Farm ers Co. et al through stipulation in ' open court the answers heretofore' filed to the complaint shall stand as ! answers to the amended complaint, j Fred Holzapfel et al vs. Albany Far j mers Co. through stipulation in op ! en court the answers heretofore filed . to the complaint shall stand as an swers to the amended complaint. Ina Iluhite vs. C. E. Barrows settled and dismissed without costs to either par ty. L. A. Messing vs. Donia Messing default entered. Lebanon Lumber company vs. N. Q. Barton et al set tled and dismissed. H. H. Blough vs. Mabel Blough default entered. Chas. Kolb vs. Elizabth Kolb default en tered. Testimony taken and decree of divorce entered. August Kroschel vs. Ida Czarske et al leave granted to plaintiff to file an amended com plaint, the defendants to answer the same withing twenty days. George Frum et al' vs. Peter Keeney et al leave granted to amend sheriff's re turn. Guardian ad litem appointed for minor defendants. Order of dismis sal as to certain defendants. Findings of Fact filed and decree entered. An na Watkins vs. Charlie Watkins de fault entered: testimony taken and decree of divorce entered. Vincent Renzer vs. J. A. Miller motion to strike out denied. Volceta D. Cnm mings vs. John A. Bosserman et al report, of referees confirmed. C. H. Cumniings vs. Clara L. Starr et al dismissed on motion of plaintiff. C. H. Cummiugs vs. I. W. Starr et al dismissed ou motion of plaintiff. C. It. Cumniings vs. W. C. Stearns de- t.niii ,uiu jmigineiir auu decree oi lore closure. C. II. Cumi.nings vs. John D Walton default and judgment of decree and foreclosure. First Nation al Bank of Albany vs. Oregon Title & Trust Co. et al motion to elect overruled. James. X. Rciley vs. J. W. Keller et al decree of registration of title. O. S. Boyles vs. R. W. Tripp dismissed on motion of plaintiff. Lu ella llolliday vs. Kate Bilyeu et al L. M. Curl appointed examiner of ti tle. Arthur Chrisman vs. Grace Chris man testimony having been taken in Salem heretofore, decree of divorce entered. Clara S. Groshong vs. Joseph E. GropJiong dismissed on motion of plaintiff. Myrtle Jane Ilearn vs. M. E. Hearn default of the defendant en tered. Martha Houston vs. Orpha Greener demurrer of defendant ov erruled and defendant given ten days to answer. Georgia Murtingcr vs. John Murtingcr dismissed on motion of plaintiff. F. II .Esmond vs. Del la Esmond default of the defendant entered. E. T. Millard vs. Etta Kee ney Motion to strike out part of an swer denied. Rudolph Orth vs. West Priehard et al two demurrers argued and taken under advisement. KUvr- . bcth Wiley vs. J. J. Whitney et al ! Demurrer to reply overruled. Forest ! Hill Investment Co. vs. Will D. Rudd 'et al decree entered. Forest-Hill In- vestment Co. vs. Ed W. Mueller et al ! decree entered. G. I.ewelling. Trustee, vs. R. Goldblatt motion ar gued and taken under advi-ement. Arrested for Shooting from Road. A man by the name of Gilchrist was ; rrctsed this morning by Deputy Game i Warden Mctzger. on a charge of shooting pheasants from the county ; road in violation of the law. Gilchrist is to have a hearing before Justice ; Swan sometime this afternoon. i Send School Laws to Officers. , County School Superintendent Jack- son is sending out 550 copies of the 1 Oregon school laws for 191,1 as re vised by the last Oregon Icji-lature .to the various school officers oi the 'county. Mr. Jackson says that there i has been great demand for these i books and that he will mail out the last todav. i Would Be Carrier.. Vin t various parts of Linn county took an examination at the Albany postoffice Saturday for appointment to the next vacancies occurring in any postoffices of the county. The only present va cancy is at Scio Those 'who took the tests were Clinton O. Strancv, of Al hauy: Morris B. Rice, of Lebanon; Claries F. .-Wlic. of Albany: I.lovd E. Gormley. of Ilal-ey: Rov D. Smith, of lfarrishurg: RalpJi D. Lamb, of Al bany: Charlen It. Lamb, of Albany: I. eo J. Martin, of Harrisburg. aiid Frank B. Stunrt. of A!ba::v. 1 Nebraska Man Buys Property. O. ; P. Alphinc has close. j the'deal for the 'purchase of the Walter Stewart res idence on Fast Second sTcet and will i move i;,.n his new property in No vember. Mr. Aphine i a recent ar rival from Nebraska.