IV a! V,J 1W STATE FAIR IS BEST EVER HELD F. P. Nutting Declares That Exhibits Are Most Creditable in History of Event. SAYS DISPLAYS CANNOT BE EXCELLED ANYWHERE Fruit Inspector Rumbaugh in Charge of County Exhibit; Fair Closed Today. Continued from Saturday October 4 That the present state fair, which will close tonight, is the best ever held in the state, was the opinion of K I'. XnttiiiK, who returned last uigiit after seciiix the splendid exhibition of Oregon products during the day. "AnioliK all the lines are seen dis plays that cannot be excelled any where, ones that make the (Jrconiun feel that he is in t.he land of promise," said Mr. Nulling- "Whether in the products of the soil, or live stock, there has been .shown the best i world. In home manufactured goods, t"o, things have been seen to open Hie eyes of visitors to the fair, ami make them realize that we ' do not need to send away from home for most of the things we use. "The exhibits have been well set," he continued. .Much more attractive than in former years, the rough edges u.iviiig ih-cii rouiioeii ami tile surlaces polished. "The big pavilion is a bee hive for Mghl seeing, he said, "a thought suggested by a display of bees, with a iiieen bee showing Hie other be s bow, all eager to do their part, will, oul a drone in the hive. "The part taken by I. inn countv is one of interest," declared Mr. Nut ting. "In charge of County bruit In spector Dan V. Niiiubaugh a county display is made thai is decidedly credi table, to the general observer as com plete and altractiev as sonic given a higher standing by the committee of awards. Douglas county was given first place, with Hcnton 'second. The Henlon people- assert that they were entitled to f i i t place, ami that it was only taken from them because they hail hail the blue ribbon fours years in succession. I inn county also hail a splendid school display, in charge of Coimiy Superintendent V. I.. Jack son, given fourth place, though pre- jieiiimg mii as creililalile an appear ance as any of Ibcni. A big drawing fe was a series of moving pictures by the ( ). A. C, a fine thing, an educator full of vim. A panorama view of the Willamette valley bad a crowd all the lime. It showed Ibc vallev in all its ina-nili- ccnt selling, the sin, shining glorious-I IV. I hen the glow of the sun. cll'nl gently red, marked it selling. All along Ibc vallev electric lights spark led forth, showing the different towns; the moon arose and rapidly went its circuit, then the glow of the morning sun came, completing tin circuit. "Superintendent I'M Scbocl has a great display of fowls, including some gooil ones from this county. On the grounds arc all manner of side shows for people wanting amusement. The races have been full of interest, with some fast programs. The manage ment is entitled to special credit for the great success, aided by splendid weather," concluded Mr. Nutting. MILLER FACES CHARGE OF SHOPLIFTING IN PORTLAND Man, Charged With Stealing Kodak, May Be Guilty of Other Crimes. That Charles Miller, who was ar rested here about two weeks ago on a charge of appropriating a $25 kodak from Dawson's drug store, is wanted for shoplifting in Portland, was the statement made last night by a Port land detective, who was here inter viewing Miller in the county jail. According to the detective, Miller is charged in Portland with stealing a $65 watch. After the theft, he claims Miller made his wife, whose name is given as Mrs. Charles Adams, take it to a pawn shoo where it was nawncd. The detective had a warrant for the arrest of Mrs. Adams, who is now in Salem. He expects to make the ar rest today. It is said she has confess ed everything as to the alleged oper ations of the two, but claims that Mil ler is responsible for her engaging in crime, by compelling her. llic detective is credited as savin? that Miller and his wife operated ex tensively in Portland and that they have been sought by the police for some time. It is said that hundreds of dollars are alleged to be involved in their operations, on various articles sncii as jewelry and dry goods. The matter that brought the detec tive here, it is said, was for the pur pose of securing Miller's release from the county jail here so that he could be taken to Portland to answer the joint charge, against he and his wife of shoplifting. Local authorities would not turn the prisoner over, of Charles Miller, was confined in the county jail awaiting the action of the grand jury in default of bonds, lie was arraigned before Justice Swan some lime ago and waived preliminary examination. Chief of Police Austin received a '(Iter yesterday from a woman who -igneil her name Mrs. Charles Adams, vrilteu on the stationery of the po 'icc matron's office at Salem. She iu lithcd if her husband, under the name of Charles Miller, was enfined in the tail here. Accompanying the letter was another letter, which she asked the otficcr to deliver to Miller, and she asked the officer to notify her by I'd. phone if he had been released, stating that she would come to Al bany if Miller was slill in jail here. Mi.su, i loiupiicii wttn lite rc- 'liiesi inn in,' woman has nut slnv up as far as the police know. F PROPERLY SPENT Judge Kelley Holds That Com plaint Against Governor Is Not Sufficient. DEMURER FILED BY DE FENDANTS IS SUSTAINED No Allegation to the Effect That the State ot Oregon is Damaged. REGISTRATION WAS BRISK AT RECORDERS OFFICE TODAY Many Will Be Left Out If Re gistration Does Not Come Up to Higher Average. That if the voters of the city don't register faster than they have for the past three days, a lot of them will be left out of voting in the coming city election, by the fact that they didn't get in in time, was the statement made this morning by Recorder Van Tassel. A bigger average of registrations will .have to be made from now on until November 22, when the books close, than has been made during the past three days, said the recorder, to insure a representative vote at the coming election. Day before yesterday 25 registered and yesterday 27. Many women are included in the number thus far reg istered. Registration was quite brisk this morning, said the recorder, and the prospects are that the registra tion will continue lively throughout the day. Apparently, from the indi- fBy United Press Association) Salem, Oct. 4. Circuit Judge Kel Icy today sustained the demurrer to I cations this morning, voters have just w.,.,,! ii.cu uy niiorucy utn- ncjrun to take interest in the election, cral Crawford against the governor. I It is hdieved that from ,,nw n average will be made. secretary of state and state treasurer for the purpose of recovering the sum of $16,01)0 which it is alleged was unlawfully spent on the penitentiary! ST iniid. judge Kelley sustained the de- J ' murrcr on the ground that the state I CITY NEWS. plaint does not allege that the state i? has been damaged bv reason of the 19 w alleged unlawful expenditure of the money in question. The case has attracted a great deal of attention throughout the slate and the decision of Judge Kelly is gener ally regarded as a victory for Gov ernor West. BLACK FACES CHARGE OF SHOOTING QUAIL Case Went to Jury This After noon Shortly After 2 O'clock. -o- Services in Episcopal Church, Rev J. D. Cummins, who is to have charge of St. Peters Episcopal church, ar rived yesterday from Smyrna, Del. and will hold his first services to morrow at 11 o'clock a. in. and at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Brownsville Editor Here. F. M. Brown, editor of the lirownsville 1 lines, of Brownsville, is a visitor in : the city today. He is the editor of one of the county's livest weeklies. In clipping stories from exchanges,! sometimes Mr. Brown gives the wrong ! paper credit unintentionally and this ; i sapparcutly his only fault. Sidewalk Being Repaired. The sidewalk at the corner of the alley and Lyon street between Third anil Fourth streets, is today being re paired. A tli",v crossing of ccnienl U I being put ill. which will eliminate a , . , . ,,, , slight raise in the sidewalk. , Before a jury of six, George Black Live Runaway this Afternoon. ! i .iiay in justice nwau s court. Held m I'rcightened bv an unknown object the county circuit court room, laced ! while standing' in the street a team : a charge ot shooting quail out of -ea- hitched to a rig belonging to the -1-son. I he crime is alleged to have j hany Stables, enacted a live runaway1 been committed over two weeks ago. this afternoon but no damage was Ibc case went to trial tins morn done. They started on West Second nig ami ta'-iug ol testimony was com- street and ran to Washington street ' I letcd tl.i-. afternoon shortly alter where one horse stumbled and fell to o clock. he jury was charged and ' the pavement. Regaining its feet safe-I nnniciliatcly went out. At the hour o: i ly, the horses dashed up this street ing to press a verdict had not been , to Water, thence east to the Cameron reached. j Tnjii where they stopped. Attorneys m the esc were for the Beauty Parlo s at Young's Sto'e state were IVpttty District Attorney j .Miss Hastings, who for the last six Dan Johnston ami for the defendant : years was in partnership with her Attorney I Italics (doss ,. Corvallis. 'sister in Kugeiie. conducting the Iar"- l lH'jur.v isasfi.ilow..: It I. I leek-, est beauty parlors there, is now ?n W I . . ""WI":'!'. - Palm, K. I.. Albany and will take charge of the .M).imcls. Dr. J icpn Myers and K. j beauty parlors at Young's store. Miss I', -chtiltz, I Hastings is a scientific worker, etn- P'oyiitg all of the most modern nieth- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wcstbrook left oils including an electric vibrator, :1ns morning for Tonkind and Salem. : electris hair dryer, etc. She will take Mr. Wcstbrook went on to the Rose charge of the department Monday 1 City on business anil Mrs. Wcstbrook' Morning ami will be re.-ulv m .1.. I, Mopped off in the Capital City to visit dressing, shampooing, manicuring and relatives. jail hinds of hair work. Mrs. Griff King and daughter Fay, j Home from Hospital. Frank Kizcr accompanied by Miss Ruth Kawliugs who recently underwent an operation lelt this morning for Salem to attend here for appendicitis, returned vester- .is. me lair. nay to Ins home east of Albanv. The o . Miss Louise Wiedcr left this morn- boy is but ten years old but stood the int.' for Sail Francisco, I'a.-adcua and : operation wonderfully well .Misses Kale Stewart and Wdlctta I ,os Angeles, to visit friends and rcl- J Injured on Train. S r' Willis is Wright lelt last night for Salem to . aiives .luring the coming uiutith. going around with his ..ft li-.,,,l r., S. S. Train went to Newport this ; daged up as the result of an accident noon to spend the week end and in-! happening on an Oregon Electric cidcntally attend to some business j train the other day at Salem. Mr. matters. j Willis was standing in the vestibule'. r. M. Redfield relumed this noon in the midst of a jam of state fair from a weeks visit at Newport. ; goers, awaiting for the train to stop AT TANGENT OCTOBER 2 Tangent. Or., Oct. -I (Special to Democrat I. A pretty wedding was si'b'iiinieil at the home of Mr. and Mrs. . '. Archibald near Tangent on TIiiii -day morning. October 2 when their youngest daughter, .Miss ""el was married to Lawrence Sheaier, youngest s,,n f David Shear er, one ol 1 .11111 county's popular cil iens. 'The wedd. . march was plac ed nilli fine effect by Mrs. Claypooic. The pallor w: s decorated with flow ers and plants. A banquet wa i spread lor the inviied guests which was greatly enjoyed. Key. R. Hocking w.'s l in- otl'ieiating minister. "The young couple are well known and have the best wishes of ho-ts of SURVEYING? se. PENLAND & EATON KOOM 1 Albany State Bank Bldg. Home 303 Bell 457-R. at the Salem depot, when the brake man released the trap door to the vestibule. Mr. Willis" hand was was caught in the mesh and painfully bruised. At first it was thought a bone had been broken. But an X-ray examination showed that this was not the case. Duck Hunters Build House. Leav ing tomorrow for Potter station on the main line of the Oregon Electric railway. Gale S. Hill, Chas. Neeley, T. D. WhimWf n..,l n,. r ...:n k..:i.i a cabin on their leased hunting grounds, contractors Bob Knell and Sam McGilvery will go along to su perintend the construction of the building. According to statements given out by one of the members of the DartV. Whit.-lkr ic nrnei,lAnl T ley secretary and treasurer, Hill legal rtuvisor anu ur. v-ox win looK atter the spiritual needs of the members. Will Ttrritr n. v. Wednesday, October 8. at the First f.l I- - ! , ... mciiiouisi cnurcn, miss HarKness, who will be remembered as having pleased so many at the last Chautau qua, will again present a program of grand opera readings. Miss Harkness is a graduate of the Columbia School of Expression. May Put on "The Wolf." A prop osition is on foot with the University Dramatic club to supply some of the actors in Eugene Walker's play "The Wolf," which is under the direction of C. J. McN'aughtan, of San Francis co. The play is a three act comedy drama portraying life in the great northwest and has taken well in other localities. Eugene Guard. Visited at Brownsville. Atty. G. W. Wright and family, of Albany, au toed to Brownsville Friday afternoon and spent the night with relatives. The Times. Stayed Out All Night It is report ed to the Times that the members of the W. C. T. V., who attended the state convention at Corvallis last week, stayed out all night while on the road home. Some of them are reported to have said that they didn't mind it though. Brownsville Times. .11 f They Are Pleased AND COME BACK Look Here Before You Buy IT PAYS Buy Your Clothes Where Quality Fit the Prices and Where Prices Fit the Quality .Never before in 16 years of merchandising have we been able to give such values. Our buying connec tions are on the same basis as are the big city stores. Looking out for our customers' interests is part of our business and the valuer, wc give you are values that will bring you back to this store from season to season. Six teen years we have pleased the dry goods trade and it the brick stays up wc will continue to do business with you at the same old stand. attend the stale fair. Thcv will be gccs'.s of Mr.. Dorothy 1'carcc at a house party over SuntiaV. F. A. Johnson, of the Albany Mill Elevator Co. went to Tangent this loon to attend business. WALLACE 5PRENGER CLAIMS MISS DAiEN AS BRIDE Mr. .1. Walbec Spieugcr and Miss C.ara K. D.niucn were united iu inar liaec Wednesday evening October I. at S p. m at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. ami Mrs. G. 11. Danncn, two miles south of Shedd. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Hocking of that place A" very pleasant evening was spent in visiting and partaking of the excel lent lunch which was served by the bride's sister. Mrs. Minnie Stevens. Both the parents ot the bride and groom as well as all Ibc sisters and brothers, except those who were too far auay to come, were p.esent. Mr Geo. D.innan, Jr., acted as best man ami M Us I'tbrl Sprti '.i'r , .. ;,! maid. T' e btiile and grool i left Thursday morning to take in the sights at the stale fair. They will return today to make their home on the J W l'ligh place near Shedd which thev rent ed for the coming year Both aie llii''' honor,,! a..,l rc-pcctcd young J people and have the best wishes ol j all lln it it ieuds. j TWENTY LOSE I.IVES WHEN MILITARY TUG SINKS I By I'nited Prrsj , ivi.ition! Rio .l.inciio. ( lei 4 The military tug s.uik today in a collision wuh the steamer Boi boi cilia, Thitty on board the tug aie unaccounted for and Iwcn tv lose lives. WE HAVE THE GOODS YOU NEED The Variety Is Greater Than Ever. Values Better Than Ever Before Warm Underwear Women's Fine Kib Fleeced Union Suits in white, extra good at $1.00 suit I'hiUlren's Wool Union Suits, white or Grey, all sizes, $1.00 Suit. Children's Cotton Union Suits, all sizes ";0e to 7.u suit. Kabo Front Lace Corsets The only sat isfactory front lace Corset at a moderate price $2.00 and $3. SO pair Mm a Agents for Simulant l'mteriis FLOOD'S STORE 334 WEST FIRST STREET Agents for Kaho Kcilticiui! Corsets OUR SUITS Have No Comparison KT'"tiiMUYiifiimiirarfTrri OUR COATS Have No Equal Ready-to -Wear Apparel To Please Every Fancy WE ARE OUTFITTERS FOR WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN (Until you have looked here you have missed something) Come In Tonight Bring Your Note Book DO YOU WANT PIECE GOODS ? WE HAVE EVERTHING COTTON WOOL SILK Store Open Tonight Until 9 O'clock HAMILTONS ALBANY'S BUSY STORE