KENNEDY TO SERVE IE L Supreme Court Dismisses Ap peal Taken by Defendant From Circuit Court. WAS CONVICTED IN JUNE BEFORE JUDGE KELLY Will Serve 60 Days and Pay a Fine of $600 for Conviction In Two Cases. Continued hum Saturday, Sept. 27 Kor violation of the local option liijunr law, James Kennedy will have 1 1 1 -iTe (ft days in l lie county jail and I-auy a line of $f;0. The .state supreme court yester i'..y issued a mandate dismissing the appeal taken l.y Kennedy utter his conviction. iveuuedy was con vie led in Circuit J '..(!;; i' Kelly's court during the June ti mi cjii two joint indictments with James Hart. The jury found a ver dict as charged and Kennedy was seu l red hy the court to ,W days in jail in JmjiIi cases and to pay a fine of $250 in one case and $.150 in the other case. His houds were fixed at $1500 in each case. Immediately, through his attorney, J. J. Whitney, Kennedy served notice .i appeal. Meantime while the action of the supreme court on the appeal was be ing awaited, Kennedy has been out on $3000 bonds. Tliey were furnished by J. Riley, 1'. Anderson ami others. Soineliine today Kennedy will be taken back to jail to .serve his term. He served several d-ays following his toitviclioiu without bonds. Hart who was convicted jointly with Kennedy, made an effort to get a no tice of appeal served in his ease but the piper was never recorded. Mean time, llrarl has been serving lime in the county jail. The trial of Hart and Ivennedy at tracted considerable attention. The prosecuting witnesses were Lebanon iles, who claimed that the prisoners shipped lienor to Lebanon in a riJ during the Sliawberry fair anii dis posed ( f it there. This va on-' of t'le tw-t charge-- i.;hhi which they wrw in dicted, the other concerned 'i local case. DRUNK AND ABUSIVE HE GETS SOAKED HARD Robert Wiseman Gets It by a Fist and Also In the Police Court. That when a man i drunk it is no ex cise lor him to n-e ahuive language to everyone he meets, was demo li st i .i led yestei day evening, when Robert Wise maun. of Lebanon, got a badly swollen face and his assailant, J. C, ear inspector at Souilu'ui Pacific depot, was com mended for his act ion in the police court. Vienuuu eurou te from Salem to Lebanon apparently imbibed too freely of joy water and while waiting for hi train to depart, meandered about the depot platform, it is el.. inied. abusing everybody with ttu lnvotning language. At lat, it is said, I'c lan .hmo-. the wrong man Xeal dtdn'i u.ul a minute but nave Wise .Hiding blow on the side f tin- face. This morning Y matin's face mvhIIvu in a miff and be could lurdly -ee out of his i-ye. Pt i bee nu-u l in 14 and Rodger ar rested the two men Wienunn spent the mhi in the ciiy .i.ol -.obeiing and Ned told to appear in the police com t this morning healing the eidenee of sev rral ilnr"c P. due Judge Van Tas s: ' levied a fine t $M and col- up on Wiseniann w hu-h h.i paid A ftev co in mending Neal lor his ae tion in the matter, Judge Van Ta-sel piompt ly dwhat ged him Mrs I-' 1. lUiiu.m, t t.elunoii. is victim; ll.itiy hii-mls ttnl.iy. V K r.uiiLi.ui. uf U- M intivilli'. is :i tiisims visitor line Unl.iy. A. F. IliiM'r, oi Amity, i sa micst at the Vamli.m hotel. II. F rholnpson. of Swrt't Motnr. is :t !'ii-inrs iMtor hru- tol.iy l Y Xt'wnun. tif Amity, .tltrinUul l'ltsincsi matters hi'rc toii.iv. JEALOUSY MAKES HER LIFE BURDENSOME Evelyn Christie Files Suit For Divorce Against Martin Christie. Charging that through jealousy her Ijii.ihaml would not permit her to visit friends, compelling her to remain in isolation at her home without friends , or relat ives lieing permitted to visit , in .'ho again 'tllirtinT! 1 Chri-.tie for divorce upon the grounds j of cruel and inhuman treatment. 'I he couple were married on April j 7, VJiO. There is one -on, Carl, age 3, ; for whom plaintiff asks the custody. According to the complaint tiie de fendant has treated the plaintiff cru elly and inhumanly through jealousy and ha aisociated with improper per sons, which has brought humiliation upon the plaintiff. The plaintiff asks the court for $25 per nionih alimony, for the support of her child ami $500 worth of household goods, owned by them during their marriage. She also asks for costs and disbursements of the suit. At-1 tor neys Weather ford and Weather ford represent the plaintiff. LINN COUNTY FAIR WAS ONE GBANO SUCCESS Closed Yesterday, ''Albany Day" Best Exhibits Shipp ed to Salem. That the Linn county fair was marked with great success and that the exhibits were better and bigger than ever before and that the attend ance was larger than in years, was the statement made this morning by scores of Albauyites, who attended the closing day yesterday, the occasion being "Albany Day." It has been estimated that fully 200 or even more Albany people attended the fair yesterday. Many made -the trip in aulos and it is said that 20 lo cal machines were counted in and around the fair grounds. Many peo ple went over on the train. The fair this year was pronounced a thorough success. Today the work of tearing down the exhibits is on the best of the fair will be crated and shipped to the state fair. Messrs. W. L. Jackson, K. C. Roberts and D. W. Runibaugh, are in charge of this Nvork and will accompany the exhib its to Salem ami superintend their installation in the space. CITY NEWS Lebanon People Were Visiting Here. During the week a motoring party consisting of J. C. Devinc, pro prietor of the Hotel Lebanon, and his son-in-law, C. Wilson, and 'Misses Itennet.Verena Deviue and Jewel Hen driekson, visited in Albany. Rauch Moved to Salem. Salem le gal field has become so extensive that an expert court reporter in the person of C. D. Rauch will take up the work here in the future. Mr. Ranch is a young man and his ability to make "hen tracks" is up In snuff. The reporter has been busily engaged at the court house for the past few davs and he stales that he likes Salem and its people very much. Mr. Rauch was formerly court reporter in Al bany. He is located in room .114, Hubbard building. S;.lem Journal. Paper Changes to Weekly. The Lebanon Kxpros, which has been is sued as a semi-weekly newspaper tor many years, has returned to the week ly isue, the publication! day being changed to Wednesday. Make Home here Temporarily Mr and Mrs. Frank lUig'n. of Sa lem are making their home here temporarily. They are here to assit I'onraud Meyer. Jr.. resident manager of the Itligli theater, in getting that concern in good working order. Mrs. Bligh, who was formerly M is Mil dred Rhodes, of Salem, is attending the box office. Mr. liligh is a son of T. ti. Kligh, manager of the Bligh Amusement. Co. Conlin to Sing "Perfect Day." 1 Mr. Conlin the popular tenor of the Kolfe theater, will make his last ap pearance tomorrow afte; noon and evening. Anions ins numhers win ne "The Perfect Pay." Women Kcttister. Seven women registered as voters at the county j clerk's office. Three of them were I irom l-.ast Albany, two from Knox Hutu and 1 from Orleans. Kscape from Reformatory and Steal ................ .... ........... .... .. ..... ,.S1 . hearing thrt'i' boys who I'scipt'il trom tlio .state ti'tonn school at ak'iu car- Iv veMenlav moi ntiiLT. I l lev were -een in Alluny yoster.l.iy l-m I'-'vc .s, ot here, has written to the Pemo not been seen in l .mene ami a-Par- j ,.;,. ,.,. 01,c ot his line ently have avonle.l tne j ,,rM,v 0invs wj, lc Jav . Kl'l!IM,', h'y a hunter. "From now on I will Hall Came Called Off. The base- i uro-eeute every person caught on my ball name w hu-h was schettulcil to he ; eluded tiie letter. tdayed tomoruw altennuMi on the ! tarm. Hunters take notice." con local grounds between the Albany j eluded the le:ter. " i li K-t u- " and t. orv.ilhs "(.'oriets" Decorations Coming Down. All of lias been called oft. the dworations of black and white Answer to a Garnishee. A suppli- put up by the various business houses, mental answer to notice of garnishee ! m honor of the Knights Templar! was filed with County Clerk Marks have been coming down rapidiv this morning in the case of George i Motored to Portland. Mr. and Shaw and A. F. Chastain. I Mrs 1'. A. Young left Fridav morning Carbon-nit Demonstration. The j in their automobile for Portland to deuiouMi anon of Carbon-nit, the new visit, with friends over Sundav. Record Number of Petitions for Final Papers Filed With County Clerk. DECLARATION OF INTENTION PAPERS ARE ALSO FILED Many Applicants Is the Result of Expiration of Time Limit Today. All records were broken yesterday at tlit county clerk's ofice for the reception of petitions for final papers ;.nd declarations of intention paperi for citizenship. Nine petitions for final papers were made and two made declarations of intention to become citizens. Those who made petitions for fin al papers are Robert Irvine, of Al bany, Scotland; Charles Ilolloway, of near Brownsville, England; Tedley Stubbs, of Brownsville, England; Wil liam Pears, of Albany, England; lohn Mc K.ercher, of Crawfordsvillc, Can ada; Frederick Kraschnewski, of Scio, Germany; Paul Limbeck, of Scio. Hungary; Christopher Shelvig, of Al bany, Norway, and Christopher How land, of Albany, Norway. Those who made declaration of in tention to become citizens ar Paul Shelvig . of Albany, Norway; a nr. Thor L'en, of Albany, Norw iv. The previous records established at the joitnty clerk's office in on single d iv for the reception of appli-m ; for citizenship s two. The re.' ."jii for the many noidi ;a t'ons ;estciday is that all mcr who m.' tie ( ec. a rat ions of in t em ion fur :i' enshi n i re than seven v.-Nirs ago l.iuh' '.,pl; for second papers not iater than today. If application for final papers was not made by the as pirants tt become American citizen i before thi c;ate, the applicant v.-uid have tc file z new declaration of tension in which event he would hive h. wait .r hast two years bet'on he an apply for final papers. Thrs iKmgr was caused by a new "aw passed by the last le.ji-dature which goes into effect. The appli cations made yesterday were all tin ier the old law. fuel for automobiles in place of gas oline, was attended this morning in front of 1 lulbert-Ohliiitf I lardware company's store bv a large number of local atitoists. Some were supplied samples of the fuel in their motors and tried out their cars with the new substitute for gasoline. Some pronounced it the coming fuel and expressed favorable opinions. Leave for Southern Oregon on Hunt. Arriving here last night and leaving this morning after stopping over night at the Vandrau hotel, C. K. Mantus, A. K. Mauser, J. W. Hoches and K. V. Newman, all of Amity and W. I Carrigau and A. P. Autiu, both ot iMcAltnnville, are on their way to Southern Oregon on a deer hunt. Marriage License Issued. Yester day afternoon a marriage license was issued by Deputy County Clerk Rus sell to Guy Cotter, over 21, of Leb anon, and Ploria Mav Dunn, age 17, of Albany. Return to Their Home. Leaving this morning, lames 1. Robinson, and son Ralph Robinson anil wife, and , daughter, Mrs. H. M. Hendershott, returned o their home in Portland, after attending the Knights Templar conclave. While in the city they were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. CtY Lit tler. Mrs, Littler is the daughter of! James Robinson. He was elected re-! corder of the grand comniandery tor' the J4th consecutive year. j Minister Expected Soon. Accord ing to word received yesterday from vichdeacon Chambers of Portland, by C. W. Tebault. Rev. J. 1). Cummins, of Philadelphia, who has been en gaged to take charge of St. Peters Kpiseopal church will arrive here from the eat September JO. Cpou his ar rival be will i m m 1 1 i .-1 1 1 1 v t .1 L-. 1 1 -1 r n f of the church and will conduct ser vices the following Sunday. Marriage License issued. Orton 1 Charles Ager, age Jl, of Mill City,! and Luctresia Rroda. age 20, of Scio. ; were iued a marriage license Thurs-' (UV anenmoti iv 1 'unity county ;LUTk Kussi-11. Ihev i s.j,v wore married at w-nnrt. rrtw v Hollo- i ..n.,n... ,... : j: NEW PHYSICAL DIRECTOR ! AT LOCAL lU.Um I. J. Campbell of Emporia, Kansas, Will Take Charge of Albany Association Lads. Mr. II. J. Campbell of Emporia, Kaunas, and wife left Emporia .Mon day and is expected to arrive here Thursday to become a physical direc tor for tiie local V. M. C. A. Mr. Campbell is a graduate of Kan sas University and ha spent one year at tiie V. M. C. A. Institute Training school at Chicago. During 1910-12 lie was physical director and coach for Win. Gold, at Liberty, Missouri. During October a competitive mem bership contest will be inaugurated be tween the city organizations oi the Sa lem, Albany and Eugene V. M. C. A's. New members are joining at the Al bany club every day and are counted in the contest. Albany expects to win the contest easily. Mr. Ilerbman of the Albany associa tion has been detailed to Lorvallis- in the interest of the V. M. C. A. lec ture course ticket-selling campaign, which is being carried on through Al bany ami the surrounding territory. He will return Monday to assist in the canvassing here. Those desirous of tickets who have not yet been vis ited may have them reserved by phon ing the club rooms at Third and Broadalbin. W. P. lietin and wife, of Scio, are business visitors here today. Henry Cramer, of Lebanon, trans acted business here this morning. Mrs. C. P. Davies, of Toledo, ar rived last evening to spend the day shopping here. 'Mrs. E. Craig, of Eddyville, is visit ing friends here today. Family Loyal to School. Mrs. C. II. Stewart, of this city, graduated from Albany College in the institu tion's first class in 1873 and today her '. seventh child to attend the college enrolled as a student. Robert Stew art, who matriculated at the college today, is the youngest child of Judge , and Mrs. Stewart, of this city. Their' other children who have attended Al bany College are Stanley I. Stewart, of Lebanon: Dr. W. Edgar Stewart, of Portland; Mrs. Mary R. Ralston, of Albany; Ralph Stewart, of Nevada,; and Mif-i Ki-'e Stewart, of Albany. I Investors Here. Declaring that the ! Willamette valley is the greatest spot they have ever seen. Messrs. Qutcst 1 and Lombard, of Switzerland, are '. touring the valley, after a tour of the j United States, with a view of making' investments. They are heavy invest-! ors and have Oregon Power Co. se- ; curities. They arc thoroughly satis-j fied with the Willamette valley and i speak in the highest terms of the ad vantages here. ' 1 i . ' i ! I j.! i ; jji; i I I, ; ' ' 1 i : ''! ' The Hais of Diriias&re".? Diffareai aaJ Baits? Ssita aaJ Cotis SURVEYING? 0? PENLAND & EATON KOOM I Albany State Bank Bldg. Home 303 Bell 457-R. 100 STUDENTS ABE hat tl'c prospect-; are bright for big hool vear at the Albanv Col lege, is indicated by the fact thai more students are enrolled this year than in at least the past two years. At present with indications that i:ore are to come, there are hsO stu-luv.-.s enrolled. Sixty are in the col and academic courses and forty In the conservatory of music. Many new students are nr. inhered among those enrolled, while the old students are practically all back. The gain in enrollment over last year is a substantial one. The freshmen class has 17 students and the sopho more 15. A. F. Autuiu, of McMinnvillc, i .files t at the Vandrau hotel. There witi be no religious services at the Y. M C. A. tomorrow. G. E. Mervian, of Salem, is at the Mam mel. A NEW A local paper that covers the County, State and Nation with an accurate and reliable news service The Albany Daily Democrat Now Has a Telegraph News Service Furnished by the United Press Association of New York City Why take a Portland Daily when the Democrat will give you the news of the world and all of the local and county news for a less price THE DAILY DEMOCRAT BY MAIL IS $3.00 per annum $3.00 1.50 six months 1.50 .25 one month .25 UMUSUAL ME Tlk lasft mi it Mir, iinia!Sy SStadl wlhlfl nun if r The exclusive styles, that are simple but beau tiful are particularly desirable. The season's best materials, in the newest shades, have been tail ored into the many different styles, from the se verely plain tailored to the nobbiest of garments. But absolutely every garment has the style and SNAP that is so much desired by all. See the new suits that have just arrived ! They are entirely new, exclusive and good in every par ticular, the best styles that the New York markets had for this season. Twenty hunting licenses were iued i::g i jrty minutes tins afternoon by County Our!; Marks and deputies, making a total of 47 licenses issued during the day with more still going out. County Clerk Marks stated this af ternoon thai for the past three days, an aver;.ge of 30 hunting licen.-es have been issued. This indicates that quite a few will hum pheasants when the s.;;:on opens on the ;'t.- of the month and thai the guns will pop in every dire:tiou. E. R. Olin and son, of Mill City, are at the St. Francis. R. E. Eree-e, of Crabtree, is a vis itor in the city today. C. Raifsnider came in from Tangent today and after attending to business matters here, including the renewal of Democrat subscription, will re turn this evening. DEAL suradl Fun id) nr .pinnieiiafts o ; pir- air ehw n w n mi I