0 E ! PERSONALS AND NEWS iQIII 7PR FI1W ..fiTrn rnn. nnrnn UULLLII U I UUU nuito mum sntuu Train Brought to Stop by Foil ed Block Signal. Train Men Covered When Investigate. SAFE DYNAMITED; SACKS OF MONEY OBTAINED Robbers Escape In Engine Which Later Runs Wild. Of ficer Killed During Pursuit. Continued from Friday September 26 (By United Press Association) Tuscaloosa, Ala., Sep. 26. Three masked bandits held up and robbed the New York-New Urleans express of the Alabama Great Southern rail way at Euglewood ear)y this morn ing and escaped with a $100,000. The gang fled with the locomotive of the train robbed, exchanging shots with a posse pursuing them with a switch engine. - Distancing their pursuers, the outlaws evidently abandoned the en gine at a lonely spot. The locomotive stopped forty miles from the scene of the holdup when the steam became exhausted. During the pursuit one of the deputy sheriffs shot and killed another officer by accident. The train was brought to a stop by a fouled block signal at Englewood station. While the train crew were investigat ing, the robbers rushed them. Keep ing Engineer Daniels covered by re volvers, the bandits ordered the fire men to cut ofi the coaches from the engine, express and mail cars. The fireman refused, and was felled by a blow irom a revolver butt. Having cut the train themselves, the bandits compelled Daniels to pull the express and mail cars a short distance ahead, and broke into the.ca.rs with dyna mite. Later they dynamited the safe, gathered up two sacks of money, with their pockets bulging with greenbacks, boarding the engine when they saw the sheriff's posse approaching on the switch engine, one of them act ing as engineer, and opened the throt tle, with the posse in close pursuit. INDEPENDENCE MAN LEASES SHEDD HOTEL Shedd, Or., Sep. 26. (Special to Democrat.) Al Nelson had business calling him to Halsey Thursday. Lon Davis of Halsey was in Shedd Monday. L. L. Price returned from Newport Thursday. E. Dive was a shopper at Shedd Thursday morning. Frank Neldon, the jeweler, took the 5:53 train for Halsey Wednesday evening. E. M. Stone and family returned from Independence Wednesday even ing. James R. Wiggens of Tacoma, Wash., was in Shedd on business Thursday morning. An S. P. train hit three of C. A. Push's horses some time last Sunday night, killing one and crippling two. W. XI. Beals, Jr., went to Drain last Saturday evening to visit his wife. The Messrs. John Halverson, F. St. John, C. W. Kennedy. H. J. Far well, Moro Acheson, and R. M. Ache son, attended the I. O. O. F. lodge in Halsey Saturday evening. C. H. Hill, with his wife, left for Independence Tuesday where they they will make 'their home. R. M. Grove is building a modern bungalow on his ranch east of town. School opened here Monday morn ing with an enrollment of S3 students. C. J. White of the Valley Lumber Co. was in Shedd on business last Tuesday. C. J. Bacon of Portland was in Shedd Tuesday on business. McNeil & Hoover, of Albany, were in Shedd on business last Tuesday. Kenneth McCune made a business trip to Albany last Tuesday. E Mergenthau Testifies That Sul zer Asked Kim to Be Easy With Him on Stand. HEALER KILLED Thaw's Lawyers Given to October 6. (By United Press Association) CALLED OVER LONG-DISTANCE PHONE BY GOVERNOR Sulzer Wins Important Point at Morning Session by a Vote of 49 to 2. Body Found In Business Sec tion of Los Angeles Covered With Church Literature. WAS SEPARATED FROM HER HUSBAND MONTHS AGO Robbery Not the Motive Claim the Police. Husband Wealthy Resident of San Diego. SENIOR CLASS OF HIGH. SCHOOL ELECTS OFFICERS Meeting Thursiliiy noon, the Albany Hijjh School senior class of 191.1-14, elected officers for the ensuing year, as follows: President, Deliner Gil dow; vice president, Miriam rage; --t'cretary, lo!le Thompson; treanr er, Marshall Woodworth, and class Whirlwind editor, Dora Stewart. Other classes will elect officers during the coining week. 'The annual ivtion of officers of the student body will take place the first Mon day in October. JUDGE SENTENCED DIGGS AND CAMINETTI TODAY Granted Twenty Days Addition al Time In Which to Perfect Their Appeal. (Bv United Press Association) Albany, X. Y., Sep. 26. Sworn testimony that. Governor Sulzcr asked him to commit perjury he- fore the Frawley Senate Commit- tee was given at the impeach- (Si mont tri:i! this afternoon bv Sll- t.... r..i,i: WrtrL-c (S) TmmmiiMj.. nft,-r Culver the head with a blunt instrument. was nominated Peck declared he I piece of gas pipe covered with brown gave him $500 for his campaign t. paper was found near the body and fund. On July 4th he said he iw;is evidently used by the murderer. W Was Mllipuuilill-U ".V ink x y- committee. "1 went to tne ex- w ecutive offices." Peck testified, (By United Press Association) Los Angeles, Cat., Sep. 27. Mrs. Rebecca P. Gray, 55 years of age, and a well known Christian Science prac titioner here was found mur 'dered in a downtown office building early this morning. The body indi cated that she, bad been beaten on "and showed Sulzer my letter, asking him what to do. He said. rT 't.T., T ffcL-ofl wh.-it rniild Concord, Sep. 26 The governor he (lo if nucr o:uh and ie an. swered, 'Oh, do as 1 m going to w do forget it.' " today gave Thaw's lawyer until Oc tober 6 to prepare briefs in support of their claims that Thaw ought not to be surrendered to the New York authorities. The governor has not officially announced its decision. Miss Sutherland Accepts Position. Miss Mary Sutherland, the domes tic science teacher, has accepted a nositioin in the state university at Stillwater, Oklahoma, and will leave ' tbau (By United Press Association) Albany, X. Y., Sep. 26. The pros ecution in the impeachment case sprung a sensation late this afternoon when it recalled Henry Mergenthau. "Almost immediately after my re turn from Europe, testified Alergen- Governor sulzer called me ov- . r. .;:,, fnr there next wctk. under a vear's er the lonir distance telephone. He;, , , . ... . engagement. Miss Sutherland's sal- invited me to come to Albany ary will be $1500. During the last Miss Katheiine Chambers returned this noon from a few days vacation -pent at Xewoprt. J. V. lloches. of Amity, was a vis itor in the city today. L. O, Redding, of Portland, trans acted business here this morning. A. B. Smith and wife, of Portland, are gr.csts at the Vandran. H. E. Morton slept one hour this noon in a chair in the lobby of the St. Francis. County Fruit Inspector D. V. Rum baugh went to Salem this morning to he in attendance at the fair. He will :ssist in installing the Linn county exhibit. The corpse was covered with books and Christian Science literature and was found bv a charwoman who screamed and fainted when she dis- j covered the murder. The floor and walls were spattered with blood and there were marked evidences of a struggle. According to detectives there was no apparent search made of the mur dered woman by the murderer. They are firm in their belief that robbery was not the motive for the deed but arc unable to give any other theory. Mrs. Gay came here some time ago divorce from her husband, John Gay, a wealthy citizen Wayne Fronian has enrolled at Button's Business College. He de posited $75.00 in McCusick & Co's. bank to be paid to Mr. Button when he graduates and is placed m a posi tion. Ask the hank about this guar antee. s26-27 wk s30 (By United Press Association) San Francisco, Sep. 27. CamincMi and Uiggs who were convicted of white slavery because of their elope ment with the Xorris and Warring ton girls to Reno, Xevada, were to day sentenced to the penitentiary and given an additional slay of execution of twenty days in order to perfect their appeal to the higher court. The government's attorneys made no ob jections to the granting of the ad ditional time. Miss Tillie Eckert returned this noon from Xewport. G. H. Graves of Salem, as a busi ness visitor in the city today. Mrs. Louis Solomon of Xorth Cove, Wash., is .visiting her sister, Mrs. Mead, of Portland, is a busi--iess visitor in the city today. E. 11. Craven left this afternoon for Portland on a business errand. He will lettirii Monday. Thomas C. Fiuuean, ir:iveliug rep resentalive of the Oregon Journal, Portland, w;i in' the city this moru mg. Kola Xeis, a hop merchant of Salem is a visitor vi be city today, lie is stopping at the llammcl. two years she taught in the univer sity in Dakota, but the winters there were too severe for her. Shedd, Or., Sep. 26. (Special to Democrat.) J. R. Gibson, of Inde pendence, has leased the Hotel De Hill from C. H. Hill and will take possession next week. It is the in tention of Mr. Gibson to remodel the lintel and ouen a first class' house. Mr. Hill has leased a bop yard at be made. Independence and leit lor that place Tuesday. Manv Apply for Citizenship. morning three made application for second and two for first citizenship papers at the county clerks ottice. Those for second papers were Chris topher Howell, Norway; Christopher Shelvig, Norway; Paul Linbcck, Hun gary. For first papers, Paul Shel vig, Thos, Lien, both from Norway. Numerous applicants have been seek ing information and the indications and sec him, hut I toid him that that i of San Diego, who has since re-mar- was impossible. When Sulzer asked tied. me whether I was going to testify in the impeachment proceedings, I re plied that I bad been subpoenaed. .'I hone vou will be casv with me Sul- This'zer said but I told him that 1 would be forced to recite the tacts, tic men asked me if I could treat affairs with me as a personal matter and 1 told him that I could not." (By United Press Association) Albany, X. Y., Sep. 26. By a vote of 49 to 2, the impeachment court to day decided it proper for the attor neys for the defense to inquire of con- Application of Democracy Discussed. Valencia, Pa. Sept. 25. "The Fur ther Application of Democracy," was the main subject discussed at today's sessions of the national conference of the National Federation of Settle ment Associations which opened a a three day's meeting yesterday. Cornelia Bradford, of the Whittier settlement house, Jersey City, X. J., opened today's discussions. Other speakers today were: Mary E. Mc Dowell. University of Chicago settle ment house: John L. Elliott. Hudson Guild. Xew York City, and Henry Moskowitz MadUon settlement house, Xew York City. Some of the sub-top-pics discussed were: - The persona! opportunity afforded by the settlement as a field for con structive Democratic service: how to engage the . people in supporting neighborhood work: the neighborhood as a center of community action, par-j , ' ..ii.. .I.... 1 Jl, ,, h l K 11 til 1 IV 1 1 1 1 if u 1 1 ml: if, i in i nuy'i "ii- proveni'ert associations; relation of the settlement to broader aspects of political and industrial democracy; Special group meetings and sight-seeing trips about Pittsburg were on the program this afternoon. Jane Adams of Hull House. Chicago, will open the discussion on "The Struggle for Life cation Above the Poverty Line. Min-topics will be. "Minimum Standard of Liv ing and Life;" "The Pressure on the Home Widows' Pensions minimum wage trade unionism for women." are mat many more applications wm . ? . . s . canmaicn fd as to whether or not. the contribution was intended for use exclusively for any given purpose or as to whether it was intended to permit the gover nor to use it lor what purpose ho pleased. The result is considered a decided victory for the governor and bis attorneys were greatly pleaded with the ruling. The work of the impeachment court for the next three days will he largely routine, consisting of the examination of subscribers to the campaign fund. The first excitement is expected when Governor Sulzcr's private secretary. Louis Sarccky takes tlvc stand. Stung By Wasp; Dies in 20 Minutes. (By United" Press Association) Truro, England, Sep. 26. Stung in the jugular vein by a wasp. Lady Jane Molesworth today died 20 min utes later from loss of blood. Lady Molesworth is well known among the royalty. Good Roads Campaign Starts Denver, Sept. 25. Commercial and good roads organizations of Colo r.ifln tndav started a movement pre paratory to launching a general west- Caught Fish Before Breakfast. crn erw.-.ryV:! for the permanent ifn- r,.iiin.r tin e.irlv and iroinir fishin procment of roads, simultaneously in the Willamette within the city lim with the entry into Colorado of a j jts t j: Kcjth, advertising manager large party of automobilists from St. j Df ,1C Hamilton store this morning Joseph and Kansas jLity, .Missouri, j na(j i,:iss for breakfast- lie caught 1 he motorists arc inspecting i'1 string of four in le kock island mgnway irom .n. jusupn tcrs 0r an hour. l hey are pir.cing ma'. Kcrs TARIFF CONFEREES PLAN TO REPORT TODAY Democratic Senators Claim Lower Rates Are Assured as Result of Conference. (By United Press Association) Washington, Sep. 27. The Dem ocratic tariff conferees plan a com plete report today. They will hold a final conference Monday with Re publicans before introducing the re port in the house. It is not believed the measure will b- i ndy for the president's signature i't'iV c the end of next week, i ..c iJciiiocratic sen ators claim a victory of two thirds ol of the items oer which there are any controversies. Yiicy assert that most of tiie lower rate are assured. The .conferees however, are expected to !i a rrce over the cotton fi'U!re to Denver at all cross-roads and forks between two cities. 1 he hignway at L-ol-Kansas, joins the Golden , licit Colin- follows that route to Denver. ! 1" portion m I he tninnniiR itc- !'he motorists left St. Joseph SePiOtn- W. R. Shlrin, M. D., diseases of eye and car a specialty. Kvcs tested than thrce-Mliar- I spectacles guaranteed a perfect mi. ;ny style nt lensc or frame. Of-ti'-c over CnsiVIt hank. wk slf The Big Why ! The reason I am dating' so many sales is 1 hat Auctioneering is my specialty and not aside line. The following" dates are taken, which date sliall I reserve for you? ;,.ii H Walter Smith, 2 miles north of Colnirtf June. I' arm 5'lSeiit 16 E L. ilanerland, 1 mile west, 2 miles north of Shedd, 4 head of horses, 19 head high grade Jersey cows, farm implements, '"s'lM)' ,?7vA9'Uari)cr, 3 miles norlh of Junction City, 19 high crude' Jersey cows, 7 2-ycar old heifers; 7 2-ycar old steers; 5 calves; 11 stock hogs, wt. 140 lbs. 1'arm imp., household goods, CScpt. 18th John Edwards, on the Harry Batcman place 4 1-2 les N W of Brownsville on the main llrownsville-Shctld road. 4'hca'd of horses, 12 head high- grade Jersey cows, sheep, hogs, farm implements, household (roods, etc. Sep. 19, U. H. Marks, 5 miles north of Ilarrishurg, general farm S'llSep. 20, Belle Steele 1 1-2 miles north of Jefferson. 9 head of horses, farm imp, household goods, etc. Sept. 22. T. . McClure 2-12 miles south of Alhany on the Tangent Road, general farm sale ' Sept 22, T. J. McClure, Alhany. Gen. farm sale. Sept J W. Coleman, 1-2 mile east of I farrisliurg. Sept! 2.i. Coleman. I larrislmrg. Gen, farm sale. Sept 24th John A. Mcliridc estate 3 miles west of Shedd, 15 head high-grade draft horses including 2 registered Clyde marcs, 10 head high-grade Jersey cows, some hogs and general farm ma- Cl's"epry25, Cunningham Bros., 2 miles south of Ilarrishurg. 20 head of horses, 23 head of cattle 160 sheep, hogs, farm imp etc Sent 2ith John W. Pugh estate, 2 miles south of Shedd. 18 , head of high grade draft horses, 20 high grade Jersey cows, 1 complete threshing outfit, sheep, hogs, farm machinery, and household goods. Sept 27 Chris Widmirr, 1-12 miles east of Harnsbur. Sept 27 Chris Widincr, Ilarrishurg. Gen. :a:m sale. Sep 30th. Amos Ramsey, Halsey, gen. farm sale. Oct 6th J K. Davis, 5 mi. so. of Alhany, gen. farm sale. Oct'. 15th. J. C. Burke, 2 1-2 miles southwest of Halsey. Gen. farm sale. Free lunch at noon. These arc all big tin. Remember the dates and conic early. BEN T. SUDTELL, Auctioneer, Halsey, Ore. 1425 K. lt St'. Albany, Oregon. I'rof. and Mrs. Wilson attended the fair at Scio yesterday. Mrs McBeth of Portland ha her 23. PERSONALS AND NEWS FROM MILL CITY Mill City, Or., Sep. 26. (Special to Democrat.) Miss N. J. Cahler spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. M. W'adsworfU and incidentnlly celebrated her father's 71st birthday. She returned to take up her new work of leading the Blich orchestra. A new roof is being built on the Patton and Hill pool room. kuucral services were hem today oi the late Mrs. Helen Hays and largely attended by old settlers. Born to Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Ma son, a fine big boy Sepl. 23. N'ed Richards. Cha, Broket and r.ec Carlston were in Salem on Mon day. Robert Mlsner spent three days with his sister in Portland. 'ohn A. Shaw and J. K- Weather ford were up Monday on businc-s, striving o.cr night. I"i-e auc"d.ii'ce is expeccd at the hi-l locul daive Wednesday evening. partment of L. Matthews. Mrs. V. E. Yates, formerly of Linn & Benton Real Estate Co., and wife ramp in vestenlav cvetiinir from their Edmund Parker went to Portland ; ,-:irm m..,r Brownsville, where they this morning to spend a few days va- I have bene attending to the harvesting of their clover crop, which produced a very satisfactory yield. They will Mrs. S. W. Henderson has returned from Corvallis where she attended the state W. C. T. U. Convention. E. Durrenberger of Lebanon, vis ited the Democrat office this morn ing and renewed his subscription. Hugh Cummings, of Corvallis, at tended business matters here yester day. H. T. Hendryx and family of Port tand, were visitors in the city yester day afternoon. R A. Elliott and wife, of Salem, were guests over night at the Hotel Hammel. Glen Fox, hotel runner for the Hammel, went to Portland this morn ing. L. D. Ludy, of Salem, attended busi ness matters here yesterday. Edwin P. Hughes and wife of Ash land, were guests at the Hammel last night. Mayor W. K. Taylor and wife, of Corvallis, returned home this morn ire, after attending the K. T. conclave. Miss Mamie Steven returned this noon from Newport where she spent the summer. I.cRoy D.'Leedy. of Salem, is reg i'trred at the St. Francis. yiss.Vealherford left yesterday af ternoon for her home in Olex. Orc- "on. after two week's visit with her tirot'-er, Mark Wcatherford. I"t-:i Dr-ent of Mvrtle Point, at- of Cribfe. is a drl bt-sinecs matters here this ' ,rer be in the city a few days attending to j business matters. j E. A. Johnson, of the Albany Flour i and Elevator Co. went to Tangent this noon to attend business matters. I Milton McGuire went to Shedd this noon to do some electrical wiring for the Ralston Supply Co. F. M. Rcdficld left this noon for Portland. W. H. Savage and wife, of Corvallis, returned home this noon after attend ing the conclave. W. E. Grace, the retiring grand commander of the Knights 1 emplar, returned to his home in Portland this morning, after attending the conclave. Levi Day, of Harrisburg, transact-1 cd business here this morning. 1 C. H. Glascr, and wife, of Lebanon, , are guests at the Vandran hotel. j Hugh Crogan, of Foster, is a vi-l itor in the city today. T. O. Redding, of Portland, is a business visitor here today. J. J. Langmack of Portland, trans acted business here yesterday. J. E. Haley, of the S. P. Co is a visitor in the city today. He is stop ping at the Vandran hotel. i?. O (3 S' Nws Beginning Wirh This Mad V 1' Fro-i th' Oiilv 'ssu' of "9 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 3 !.. '.. : i -. - o v WE HAVE THE GOODS YOU NEED The Variety Is Greater Than Kver. Values Hettcr Than Kvcr Before Warm Underwear Women's Fine Rib Fleeced Union Suits in white, extra good at $1.00 suit Children's Wool Union Suits, white or Grey, all sizes, $1.00 Suit. Children's. Cotton Union Suits, all sizes 50c to 75c suit. Kabo Front Laee Corsets The only sat isfactory front lace Corset at a moderate price $2.00 and $3.50 pair Agents ior Slamiatti Pilterns Mil 'STYLE If FLOOD'S STORE Mi Vvr.ST F1 i'.ST ST!KBT Agents for Kabo Reducing Corsctn U.r. : btisirf s itor in the civ tod-.v.