The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, September 26, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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No. 17.
Many Improvements. Better
Equipment and MoreTeachers
Dominate Beginning.
Instructors HaveBeen Assigned
and All Will Be in Readiness
Final Arrangements Will Be
Made for "Albany Day" at
Scio Fair, Sept. 26.
With many improvements, better
and added eauioment and more teach
era, the Albany public schools opened
this morning and the prospects look
better for the largest attendance and
biggest school year in the history (J
the city.
Between eight and nine o'clock this
morning from every direction, came
children of every age, some laden with
books, others carrying a tablet and
pencil, while others carried nothing.
Some with forlorn looks, others with
radiant faces, 'happy and expectant,
glaring and gleaming beneath tan
coated cheeks. To some they have
fallen from the seventh heaven, to
V triers they have just entered the sev
enth heaven, for the summer is over
'iairi winter is coming.
City School Superintendent C. W.
Boettichcr and his corps of teachers
have' been busy receiving the vast
throngs of young Americans today
and by tomorrow everything will be
all arranged for the resumption of
the routine school work.
Assignment of teachers for the var
ious schools are as follows:
High School Lloyd Marquam,
principal, E. A. Hudson, manual train
ing; W. E. Woods, mathematics; L.
Sharp, science; G. E. Finnertv. com
mercial; Louise Blackwell, English;
May Lewis, typewriting and short
hand; Maude Miller, German; Zilpha
Galloway, history; Rae Atherton, do
mestic science and art; Lulu Heist,
German and history.
Central School M. M. Gilbert, prin
cipal and eigthth grade; Myrtle Wor-
ley, seventh grade: Minnie McCourt.
overflow classes from seventh and
eighth grades: Marguret Riley, sixth
grade; Nellie Pate, fifth grade; Letha
rate, fifth grade; Lottie Morgan
fourth grade; Letha McCullough, third
grade; Veronica lracy, second grade
Zella Burkhart, first grade.
a Madison school O. D. Bvers, prill
aipal and eighth grade; Mrs. Maude
Strauss, seventh grade: Mrs. Maude
Traser. sixrh grade: Bertha Braden,
fifth grade; Lillie Hull.- third grade
The transportation and excursion
committee of the Albany Commer
cial club will meet tonight with the
executive board in the parlors of the
club, following the regular weekly ses
sion, for the purpose ot discussing
plans for the proposed excursion to
the Linn county fair at Scio Septem
ber 26, as launched at a previous meet
ing of the club.
At that time the matter was placed
in the hands of the excursion com
mittee and the conference tonight is
expected to determine all of the de
tails of the trip.
The excursion was first, planned for
Thursday, September 25 but owing to
meets here on that day, the date of the
the Knights Templar conclave which
proposed excursion was postponed a
day later.
It is the plan on this date to have
as many local people join a special
excursion to the Scio fair. This date
has been set aside by the fair associa
tion as "Albany Day" and a special
program has been arranged. It is
probable that a special train vill be
run to Munkers. From there special
conveyances will be provided, for .the
Albanyites to the fair.
The personelle of the excursions
committee is as follows: E. H. Mc
Cune, William Bain. G. W. Tavlor.
Fred Dawson. Joseph H. fRallston,
William M. Eagles, and W. A. Barrett.
Considering the Advisability of
Making More Charges Against
Governor Sulzer.
Body of Late Mayor of New
York Buried with Military
Honors Today.
HtAui run urn
Many New and Old Studeuts
Will Attend This Year; In
structors Return.
submitted: ARGUEMENT
Impeachment Court Hears Plea
of Councel Against Right to
Try New York Governor.
(By United Press Association)
Albany, N. Y., Sep. 22. Whether
the Tammany lash will force addition
al articles of impeachment against j
Twenty Thousand Followed Re
mains to Cemetery; Half a
Million Saw Procession.
(By United Press Association)
New York, Sep. 22. Despite a cold
driving rain more than twenty thous
and people followed the hearse bear-
Governor Sulzer through the state ' ing the body of the late Mayor Gay-
assembly is uncertain. The more rab- nor from the city hall to the old 1 nn
id Tammanyites are today insisting ity church. Drawn by sixteen black
that as a supplement to the accusa- horses, the funeral car was preceded
tions already made, the governor be by eight policemen and eight firemen. with libeline assemblymen 1 On both sides of the hearse strode
Mrs. Ed Smith and daughter. Miss
Ethel of Mt. Pleasant near Scio, ar
rived in the citv this mornine on the
motor and will return this evening cannot he taken of the truth or tal
after doing some shopping. , sity of this statement, they say the
Mrs. Keiley, ot 1 nomas, a tormer case will tall ot its own weignt.
and usurping their power. Others
are opposed to this course and as
sert that it would be a sign of weak
ness. The only grave accusation, the
supporters of this view contend, is the
one relating to the governor's cam
n.iiin exnense statement. If the im
peachment court or the judges of the
court of appeals holds that cognizance
compositor at the Democra oftice. is
visiting at the home of W. A. Cox.
Mrs. Ina hinley and daughter ot
Crawfordsville are visiting at the
home of W. B. Chance.
Returned from Medford. Dr. and
Mrs. W. H. Davis returned Saturday
night from a trip to Medford. The
doctor says that the Medford people
are enthusiastic over the prospects
for a greater Medford but he believes
that Albany has much the best future
of the two places.
D. O. Woodworth Back. D. O.
Woodworth, proprietor of the Wood
worth Drug Company returned today
from an extensive eastern trip dur
ing which time he visited his old home
in Xcw York state and met many
friends and relatives. He says that
he had a delightful trip but is glad to
be back again in Albany.
FormerAlbany People Here. Mrs.
Faer and daughter Mrs. Ed. Zyess of
Portland are visiting with friends and
The impeachment court is sched
nled to convene aKain at two p. m
today when Attorney Marshall for
the defense will continue nis argu
ment against the legality of the pro
the honorary pallbearers, all of whom
were men of national reputation. Fol
lowing the car were the members of
the various municipal boards, com
mittee from the United States senate,
house of representatives, state legis
lators and representatives of the ar
my and navy from every important
city and state. It is estimated that
more than a half million people stood
bareheaded in the rain as the proces
sion passed through the streets..
Albany, N. Y., Sep. 22. Counsel
Marshall for Governor Sulzer this
afternoon ended his arcrument before
the impeachment court against the ! finIr 9nri fr,rnl tokens from the widow
legality of the proceedings. He de- ami children covered the casket. The
clared the action nf the assembly was suhway suspended operations for five
Ex-President Wm. H. . Taft and
Acting Mayor Kline lead the proces
sion of honorary pallbearers. The de
parture from the city hall was most
impressive. Police Commissioner
Waldo who marched behind Taft
sobbed openly. He was a warm per
sonal friend of the former mayor.
The stars and stripes, the mayor's
That many old studeuts as well as
new ones will attend the Albany Col
leeg this year, that members of last
years faculty are here to take up the
coming year's work and that practi
cally everything is in readiness for
the opening ol the institution next
Wednesday is indicated by the fol
lowing news notes:
Hours of registration:
Monday, 2:00 to 6:00 p. m.; Tues
day, 9:00 to 12:00 a. m. and 2:00 to
5:00 p. m.; Wednesday. 9:00 a. m. to
12O0 a. m. Oneninsr chanel assembly.
Wednesday, 2:00 p. m. First recita
tions. Thursday. 8:00 a. m.
A Boys' club has been opened at
the corner of Seventh and Hroadalbin
streets which is expected to reduce
materially the cost of living to stu
dents. Good rooms and good board
will be furnished at actual cost.
Former students have been return
ing for several days and new ones
have beirun to arrive. A. L. Lacev
came in from Crcswell last week. He
and Lester L. Osborne of Bandon
are rooming together at the Boys'
club. Arthur Jones of Myrtle Point,
who was here two years ago in the
academy, has since graduated at his
home high school and has returned
for college work. He will room with
his brother Louis at the Boys club
Mr. Frank Hatfield from Central
Point is perhaps the first out-of-town
sophomore to appear on the campus.
Mr. Irvine Custer, also a sophomore,
is expected today from Coquille.
Miss Laura Anderson, professor of
German, returned to Albany at noon
tdday after a years' absence in Eu
rope. Miss Winslow Hutchinson returned
Saturday from a week's outing at
Newport and has since been husy re-1
ceiving the newcomers at Tremont
Charged with Criminal Assualt
Upon Adelaide Ruiter a
Minor Female.
.revolutionary, amounted to overturn
ing of a stable government, ana will
lead to anarchy.
Special Item of Interest Was
Reported on Operations for
Tubercular Spines.
Jessie Bell, second grade; Elizabeth j rc,.ives ; this city.
ut. M.Uon it.-a , Dr. Marv Marshall and Dr. A. P.
B , . limacjr iTi.v.i buaiu a. j. w an. iv - - -- - --- -
Y' Ihompson,. alten(j business matters. D. S. Mc- Howells attended the monthly mcet-
Willianis, a leading merchant of Hal- ing, ot the 1'ortlana ustcopatmc as-
ev. s;ent the dav in Albany. Mr. location nciu Miuruay evemnR in ine
Ryan, first grade,
ti Manle SehooL
principal and sixth grade; Pansy Col
bv. fifth grade: Margaret Stewart
fourth (Trade: Rllth ThomnSOn. third : u 'ur: i: . 1 -.-cmMv rnrm rf thi hnild
1 I r t i r i I, i i lllldlllb 1V1JUI IS III NIKS UIIIWIIK l J
t"d!i: NrncI cm,ltZ' ,seco"d Rrade:i ii.'ley and savs business is good. , in.
Maude Wills, first grade. To Ktudv Medicine. I n leave the A profitable meeting is reported
East School Mrs. Anna Hodgkins, ,-. ,,., t . .t. I ...-it,. An esnecial item of interest was the
I Hart, a graduate of Albany high ! icport of Dr. Otis F. Alsin, osteopath
U. hr,r,t mw I Alhnnv roller will an ic surgeon, on operations performed
n Portland w here she will enter ml- : by him for tubercular spines. This
lege of the University of Oregon to ; operation consists of the transplanta
stiuly medicine. ' tion of bone from the tibia to the
Is 7th of Family to Enter College, i spine for the purpose of causing fixa-
That C. H. Stewart has sent seven ' tion of the spine and thus by rest giv
of his family to Albany college was i i"K nature a better opportunity of ov
a statement made this morning. With ' crcoming the disease,
the entrance of Bob Stewart this This is a new and exceedingly deli-
morning, the seventh member of the catc operation and marks a distinct
family registel.d as a student in the advance in the treatment of certain
institution. This indicates that M r. I stages -of Potts disease (or tubercular
Stewart is an ardent supporter of the i spine.)
college. I
Weather Data. The range of tern- .nuPn ruin ninnin
peraturc for 24 hours ending at 7:30 FN.II1 YFll F Nfl P RN h
o'clock this morning 69 to 42 degrees. LHUUILU I II1HL I IUI1IU
The river is 1 foot.
Back from Newport. Fred Daw- :
orincipal; Sara Jewell and Marv Kel
ley. Special teacher, music and art
Emma A. Rice. Supply teacher Mrs.
B. Leatherman. ,
minutes during the funeral. Colonel
Roosevelt was unable to he present
owing to pressing engagements.
Eleven Reported Injured. Train
Bearing Physicians Dis
patched to Sceneof Accident.
Left North Bend This Morning
at Eight o'Clock; Landed
at Gardiner.
j Edward, L. Bryan, aged 78 years,
who ha lived in Walla Walla county,
for the past 14 years, died September
19 at his home in that city.
Mr. Brown was born in Missouri
An May S. 1835. He was married to ' son, the Albany and Newport drug-'
Leah Anna Reser, in Kingston, Mis-1 gist, is back from the latter place
aouri, in 1859. and in 1863 crossed the j where he spent a big portion of the
plains and settled in Linn county.
Uregon, where he resided until 14
years ago, when he moved to Walla
To enjoy perhaps a final outing of
fBv United Press Association)
Everett, Wash., Sep. 22. Overland
Passenger trains number 3 and 4 of
the Great Northern were wrecked this
morning near McKileto. Eleven arc
reported injured and one of them is
said to be in a critical condition.
A broken axle or a defective rail
ditched the cast bound train, scatter
ing wreckage over the westbound
tracks. The westbound train crashed
into the wreckage. A special train
bearing physicians, nurses, medical
supplies etc, was at once dispatched
to bring the injured to Everett. A
wrecking train was also dispatched to
the scene of the accident and is now
clearing the tracks.
Mrs. J. Wi Bounds and son Frank
of Eueene, were visitors here yesterday.
(My United Press Association)
North Ueud, Or., Sep. 22. Av-
iator Edward Steele left at 8
o'clock this morning in his by-
droplane on an ocean trip to Ya-
quina Hay. The distance from
here is one hundred miles. Avi-
ator Steele stated before his de-
parture that he expects to make
the trip in three hours actual
flying time, it is claimed that
this is the longest ocean trip
ever attempted on the coast.
Gardner, Or., Sep. 22. Avia-
The Arrest Occurred Yesterday
Afternoon in Tool House of
Charged with criminal assault upon
the person of Adelaide Ruiter, a mi
nor female, Frank Albrecht was ar
rested yesterday afternoon by Con
stable John Catlin upon complaint of
the girl's father, H. J. Ruiter. Taken
before Justice of the Peace L. L.
Swan this morning. Albrecht waived
examination and was bound over for
the action of the grand jury under
bonds of $3000.
The arrest occurred yesterday af
ternoon shortly after 5 o'clock in a
tool house of the Southern Pacific
located just south of the city limits
where the railroad crosses the water
According to the story told the of
ficers by Ruiter, father of the girl,
who resides in the south end, he and
his wife returned home yesterday af
ternoon from a buggy ride, to find
their home in turmoil and several em
pty beer bottles strewir about the
room. He said that when they left
the daughter was at home alone. Find
ing the home in this condition he im
mediately sought the girl when he
was told by a neighbor that, she had
gone walking up the railroad track
with a man. Ruiter ' then notified
Constable John Catlin who in com
pany with his step son John H. Dud
bridge, proceeded to the scene.
..Arriving at. the Ruiter home, they
were joined by the father of the girt
and proceeded up the railroad track.
Coming to the tool house, ami notic
ing the door ajar, Catlin and the two
men opened it and walked in. There
they found Albrecht and Adelaide in
a compromising position. A bottle
of beer was beside them.
The girl was completely exhausted
and apparently lying in a faint when
the men entered. She was assisted to
her feet but could hardly stand under
the influence of liquor. Assisted
home by her father, it is claimed it
was sometime before she regained
her senses and vowed she did not
know what had happened. Today she
is reported as fairly recovered.
Albrecht was brought, to town and
placed in the county jail. Following
his appearance before Judge Swan
this morning, Albrecht was returned
to the county jail.
tor Edward Steele arrived here
fifty minutes after leaving North
Bend. lie ran into a rain storm
and was compelled to land. He
will soon resume the trip to Ya-
Aviator Passes Florence.
Florence, Or., Sop. 22. Aviator
Steele passed here safely. He is
traveling at a rapid rate of speed on
his trip to Yaqiua.
He leaves six children: Albert F.,
and Charles P., of Albion: Elizabeth
C. Harmon, of Denver; rs. Anna
L. Dunham, Edwin R. Bryan and
Sam H. Bryan of Walla Wnlla.
summer, conducting his store in that
city, curing tne summer, tne loca- the season a large automomic tour. bj stock is thc rcsuU of a RCI1
tion of the Newport store was chang-1 mg party left here yesterday morn-1 & , . , ,
cu to larcer nuarters. ino- for the banks of the Willamette ; crous patronage of thc people of Al
Albany Won. Yesterday afternoon i river below Peoria where a most en- ; bany and vicinity in thc case of thc
at Corvallis, the Albany Athletics de-1 joyable picnic dinner was served af-! Albany Art Craft and accordingly that
icateo tne corvaiiis comets in a , ter winch the ariernoon was spent in : ,,,.,; ia-,v ini li-nwl.
Claimed to be the finest peaches
ever harvested in I. inn county, Miss
Helen V. , Crawford completed liar
vr stint; her crop near Lebanon of
5X) bushels yesterday.
! It is claimed that Miss Crawford,
Necessity for larger quarters and who is a resident of near Lebanon,
has thc distinction of being thc only
lady horticuluralist in the county and
has made a thorough success of rais
ing thc fine crop.
StnrtinK into school at the same
time 12 years .inn, Miss I.urlinc
Brown and HiikIi Kirkpatrick, of
Lebanon, went through the cinhtll
Krades of the public schools and thc
fonr years' course in the Lebanon
Hih School in thc same classes and
next week they will enter thc Uni
versity of OrcKon together. They
probably will be in the same class
throughout their course in that institution.
DuritiK their course in the Lebanon
"nil School both Miss Brown and
Mr. Kirkpatrick were prominent in
debating. Another coincidence is that
Miss Brown is a daughter of William
M. Brown, who has served as post
master of Lebanon for several years,
and that Mr. Kirkpatrick is a son of
II. Y. Kirkpatrick, who succeeded Mr.
Brown in office recently.
Mrr,. T
visited friends here yesterday.
pleasant diversion.
Rame of baseball by a score of 11 to
. . I his was thc third game of the
i series and cives Albany the chamuion-
ship of the two teams, the local team ! Mrs. Anthony Austin. Misses Winnie
H. Cradlebancn. of Salem, havinir won two nut of three. Corval- Austin and Hazel leffries. Mr. and
lis won the Iirst name on their uia- Mrs. ulen Junkin and daughter. .Miss
sonic new quarters in thc substantial
carried in tnrce autotnonnes, tne ' , , i i. ti,
bK party was composed of Mr. and ' vali'nai Hank.
With this advantage, Misses Can-
field and Jones, thc proprietresses,
Five Killed in New Jersey Explosion.
(By United Press Association)
Camden, N. J., Sep. 22. Five men
were killed here today in an explosion
which occurred in a gelatin mixing
A total of 107 voters registered in
Miss Pansy Colby, of Newbcrg, has i mond. Two games were played at ; Wilma. Mrs. W. R. Hand and daugh- 1 j ' , :i,ron:i(,(, Vmi as ! ,Mm Ir,.r, ,l,lc IJ"PO"t J.ow.kt com-1 i,mn COUnty last week. Total up to
arrived to teach the coming winter in i that city and thc other here last Sun-j ter Miss Fulah, F. M. French and
the high school. (day. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Austin and child
Mrs. S. K Barnes of Corvallis vis- new inger tngagen. ueo j. ton- rcn, ana Clarence icnaun
ited friend here yesterday afternoon
Miss Willetta Wright left this
morning for Brownsville where she
will each school during the winter.
Miss Wright was a teacher in thc
Brownsville public schools last win
ter. R. G. Lant. of Crabtree. attended
business matters in the city yesterday
S. L. Overton, of Brownsville, was
a business visitor in the city today.
" (?, T ' (5 ? ?' (?
: I? ;T V 1
lin. a lyric tenor, has been secured by 1
Manager George Rolfc of the Roltc
theater, for a two weeks engagement.
V F.i ickon and C. B. Seowc, of.
Tonieht he will sing "Mother Ma-! Corvallis, were in the city yesterday.'
chree" and "Mighty Lak' A Rose."! Dr. J. H. Robnctt left on thc 0:30 ;
Mr. Conlin is a singer of rare ability i train this morning for Portland where S
and comes to the Rolfe h'ijhly rcc-; he was called in consultation on an:
ommended. j insanity case.
To Become Benedict. This after- J W. B. Chance left on the south
noon Deputy County Clerk Russell , bound train this morning on his semi
i'sucd a marriage license to Charles j annual eastern Oregon trip. He will
Leonard of Salem and Miss Cora May ! be gone six weeks.
Curry, of Albany. They will be mar-j H. Mtcklin of CorvMlis was a busi
ried this evening at the home of thc ! ties visitor in the city this morning,
bride's parents. Mr. Leonard is a J Tom Nol:m. of Corvallis, visited
former Albany young man and while friends here yestcrdav.
here was engaged as a civil engineer. Mrs. T. R. Metzger and daneHr
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 At one time he was oeptny rouniy 1 ,n iw 'r i.. .Mr-tger ft mmm-,v
t ii) 1 surveyor. At present he is engaged for Salem where thev will nerd a
?:?;ir3:5,'!m tne profession in Salem. few d-iy.
sure their customers of the latest and . was jjroke amI thc p,ant wrcckc( . 1 ".; ".clud.rig September 2) is 2(.
most varied line of art goods ever as- l( j By precincts: South Lebanon, 34;
embled in this city. No fixture. North 1 larrisburg, 33; Slielburn, 2K;
and other improvements are to be in- j W. C. Breckenrdige went to Leba- West Albany, 23; Jlalscy, 16; Fast
stalled in thc new quarters and it will j 11011 this noon to visit with his daugh- j Albiiny ,15; Albany, li; Cal'apooia II;
be a great credit to the business sec- ter Mrs. Stewart. I N'nrtli Sri. 11- K rmv ' lti!tii. i,.ll
Miss Sue Brcckenridgc went to . ri'""'- 7; Santium, 7; Tangent, 4;
I Portland this morning to visit at the , rawfordsville, 3; Orleans, 3; Center,
Laura Anderson, of Inst years' I'ome of relatives during the next J'1' 2 lN'rt,J . r"ttb"V'11 j
tion of Albany.
News cn This Page
n:i T"e M
faculty of the Albany College, nrriv-! month
-d this afternoon from her home at! W. L. Norton, of Corv.illis. was a
Beaver Falls, Penn., to a-sume Wt ' huims visitor in the city today,
position at thc college again .his year, j William P. Crowcll and K. A.
Miss Anderson 'luring the summer Cripp'., of Medford, attended business
lias enjoyed a trip throughout Furope. inntters here yesterday afternoon.
Jack Morrison, of Kugcne, visited' yA(:i ,con:irr. a rancix-r of near
:"K h'-TC yrstetday. . Hubbard, and a former Albany man,
-rter rr'urr"! 't home at j. attniding business matters here this
'e-- r, tvion :iff"- vi-jfing here.1 rnoon.
1 ' ' " Cm it r .'v Snyder, wife and son of
' are visitors in thc city today.
j South Brownsville, 1; On-k Creek, 1;
j Sweet Home, 1 ; Syracuse, 1 ; Tall
1 innii, 1. The following precincts have
1 reported no regiitrations at atl: Fos
1 ter. Fox Valley. South Harrisburg.
Jordan, Kingston, Laconib, Nor til
Lebanon, Price, South Scio, Sodaville,
O, D. Byers, of Independence, ar
rived yesterday to take charge of
Madison .school.