L E0SEBJI1LLIH READINESS mm uuwn in ntftLin All Men Who Have Made De claration Over 7 Years Ago Must Apply 3y Saturday. Important Witness For Defense Is Located in Buffalo. Says He Expected to Return. - FAILURE TO APPY WILL MEAN A LONG DELAY John S. Smith, Chief Naturali zation Examiner, Writes County Clerk Marks. Cntilinucd fnnn Saturday, Srpt. 20 Tin t all men who have mafic dec larations of intention for citizenship more than seven years ;to must ap ply for sc-cuml papers he fore next Sat urday is the statement 01 John Speed Smith, Chief Naturalization Kx.'inihicr for Oregon, Washington ami Idaho, in a letter to County Clerk .Marks to day. If application for final papers is not made before that date the appli cant will have- to file a new declara tion of intention in which event he will have to wait at leaM two years before he can apply for final papers. Mr. Smith's letter, which wives full information rcardm this matter is as follows: "I deem it. proper and only fair that yon he advised of the pnsiliou of the bureau of natin ilixnlioii relative to ilee la rat ion -i of intentions on t In var! of aliens made prior to Septem ber 27, I'HIn. A division of the U. S. district court fnr the Kasleru district of Arkansas, We-ieru division, in the c.im f in re Wehrli. reported in 157 h'eb., holds ill.- seven vcar .limita tion placed upni) declarations of in tention under the pre-ent naturalia lion law fact of lune 2'), I'Mlu), will also apply h obi law declai at ions made prior to September 27. I'JOfi. iii the date said new l.'W be-:une op era'ive, to-wit. Sent ember 27. I'M to. Therefore, all -rich dec lar.it ions, in the opinion of the bureau, will become invalid for naturalization purposes on and after September 27. !(U. and all Veliliops for n;iurilintiuii based upon such old declarations on and a fter September 27, 11 3. will be opposed bv this office for the reasons staled 1 1 is therefore -M""cste'1 that when an applicant for cilienship calls up on you to fib- a petition that vou ad-vis,- him of the iew of the bureau of naturalization, that lie in:1 v decide whether to file a petition based upon such old declaration, or surrender the declaration and nr'ke a nee- one. w'ucb of com--' WMiihl mean a delav of t wo vears bel'i t" he could file a petition for citizenship based thereon. "l! nin-l be uu-'cr-too.! that I am niilv Kivini; vou tlie views of the bu reau of naturalization, and this dues liou can oulv be decided authoritative ly by the decision of the court in each individual case " (Ty United Press Association) Albany, X. V., Sep. 20. In spite of his statement to the contrary, Gov ernor Sttlzer is nearly a physical wreck. His close personal friends are worried over his condition in spite of his assertions that he is in ood health. While a physician has not yet been summoned to the executive mansion, it is admitted that he is un der the care of his wife. A fter Sulzer's lawyers have ex hausted every Icjjal technicality in the impeachment trial it is claimed that the governor will appear in person before the court but if he does it will be against the advise of his lawyers. Buffalo, Sep. 20. Louis Sarecky, secretary to Governor Sulzer, who was expected to he one of Sulzer's best witnesses in the impeachment trial at Albany, but who disappeared from the capital the evening the case was called, lias turned up here. He said he made a business trip to this city and has no intention of attempt ing to escape from the legislature's jurisdiction. He intends to return Monday to Albany. SFATTI.F PAPER FOR LIBFL Asks Daniatpr. in tlio Sum of F i t f V Tho'.r.VMl Dollars For Allied I itv;!ci;s Maltrr. IA Cited I'ics. A Senile. Wa a . S. ;. J 1 -e.am.l . sti : p. i SSi.n t .1 .m.:.:.- to, ! lib, 1 uas ioda tiled here b t on- grc sunn Hi.ui aiuisi Alde.i Ide-' llu ii, edilor hi :':e Sc.itlK" i inu and tin- rimes Pi inline coiu'.ni ! I ii I ,'c c o : ii ; '1 . 1 1 : 1 1 it l - alleged lliai the libel was , ,fii :ni! l c 1 in a : i.vnl attack made in the 1'nm-s upon tiie plaint ill. follow sin; a spt a '!: i Hi - . an made in co: :-j e-. Alllotli; the alleged libelous reie;- is a I elei enec :o 1 lie pi i in n 1 1 i" an f.litoiial as. "Keneadc I'.rv.in," " l'lie one most contemptible enr tlvit cc:'' u i -it! mi w In; 'Cxi in n i n'imi'iinh This is i he m coml ml t iled b . I'-'iUii'iii.ui H:.ui aur-: i'.u- Sea;-, tie ;'.:nei am! is .m oiiti ou lb ol a i feud bet vx i cu the V a sbim; . -u poli licun and I iie I'line-. the I. 'Iter hax - ! iiii; been ei seven- m it j ie isin oil tlu- public .c; - ol' t":c coi-resnan . Will He Tiicd Monday. I'h.nlcs' Millr:. who .ousted cU'id.i b I'hiel ol l'ob,e Kmc. on a ch.nc f appt opt ia: mN a eaineta ir.'tn -'red 1 .i so-i's di -toi e. v, a- at i aincd in lllsticc Swan'- const c eril.i v and I' c c ,se .x ,s : : : 1 W-nLn Motor Not Muffled v'h.no'd wnli :ola:i..M "''c -ime.o; cut-out oldt P '..'. V If . i' v''. : !,.; i ol ilbs, w i'c iiuMiimc. b I'luet of Police Kimj and tal.cn be toie Kccoidct an 1 a--el xxbo d.s nti--d the case. M.usli w,i, yoini company ith a f tiend on another mac I line cm cute to Salem In li-e pobec com : ,,i -b cl.iHin d Ins inn - lb 1 -v l- b-o'.e- o-f P.! M.'lllM,l to CITY NEWS. v ts, Bridge Laborer Injured. Clarence Koss, a youth of this city, employed with a crew of Southern Pacific workmen who are taking down some unused bridges on an abandoned sec tion of the Woodburn-Xatron branch of the road near Crabtree, was ser iously injured yesterday when a tim ber struck him on the back of the head knocking him to the ground M feet below. The injured man was brought to ibis city on the Lebanon train and taken to the hospital. Linn County has Tall Men. Linn county boasts of t wo brothers, both of whom are more than six feet four inches in height. They are Krauk W. Steingrandt, who is six feet four and three iiiarters inches tall and Antonio 1 1. Steingrandt, who measures six leel four and one quarter inches. An other brother. Joseph II. Steingrandt. is six feet inn- inch in height. All three of the brothers reside near the town of h'oster. Meets Next Week. All arrange ments are now completed for the session of the Ira ud Coin u under v. Knights Templar, to be held in this city September 25. "One of the fea tures of ilu- day will he the big parade at I p. in. Judge Kelly in Salem. Judge Per cy Kelly, who sits in department No. I of the Marion county circuit court, spent yesterday in Salem. Me was busy at the court house on official bu-incss and returned to Albany yes terday afternoon. Albany at Scio Fair. l-'riday. Sep tember Jo. has been selected as Al bany day at the Scio fair, and a large delegation will o from this city. Many Kntries for Eugenics Section. I titries for the cip'cnies section of the hci;on slate fair are pouring into the office of the superintendent. The most physically perfect baby from Southern Oregon: from Kastern Ore yon; from the Central I evclopment l.e.u'.ue country; from the Willamette V'allev and from the Coast, town.. ill be in evidence, and when the final -coring has been done t recoil will u n don bled I v hax e maintained it s : cpiit a I ion as the home of the ino-t perfect type of child Died in Portland. -Mw Clara I Read, u He of the late Win C. Read, died l-ridav. September P, 1U at the aye of S.l years 1 I months and 22 davs. I iriei d mtmccs will be held at the Mob.' lM Imne-d Parlors. Portland, i lie bv lie t V. Poliny. Sunday a' ':a!f p. i -t t x o I ii! emu ul it t ite Mt Scott cemetery. The de 'i.tsed was a fotun-r Albany resident, Kirst Issue Arrives.- The initial i ce of the I nt e mountain Tribune. 1 forme -1 the 1 ch. in on Tribune, has ma le lis appearance. I lie neat littiel coim'i y weekly is published at Su eel 1 1 'c h ' 1 Pnyyev, who formerly' .i - t ''c ed:: or of the San: lam News a: N i c 1 Her cdMim; the l'i ibuuc at I c! .iron Mr. I luyycr ha s been in l''e newspaper bu-iness in I inn conn t for the pa-t J5 years. Watering Trough Installed. A alcMny liouyh for horses ha- been nt-l i!led at the corner of Pourth and Madison streets, in the block of Mad ison school. It is conveniently local- l ed. where nearly all teams entering; the eit from the east pa-s. j Pishing Up River. - l.caxiim by boat v e-lei da a i:ei noon. Street Supcrin ttudeiM lunkm. Chief of Police ns !.n an I Mr. Puyh of tl c IVuUer Mard waic Co arc tishiny up t!te Willam- ; ei:e. 1'liey will return today Answer to complaint Filed. - -k ing that pl.ii nt it l 's complaint be dis- di.bm M-me:-!- to he tacl. M 1; P.ion. t!i-,.--ch l.vecs We-t'-e:-to:d ami ea t hci tot d, filed en an--wer this m,.;-m?iy to jbe comp! ;m: uieiican I tfc Hid. ccident luminance i'o l-., .oisu rr and defence, the de ! ;e ".iM ol ins'.-- r-ce com1.' my Art Ct.ift Will Move Monday. I" c Mbmx -t I'ta!!. Mis.es i'r:-. b'. and I ones, p; o:m iet i c - m'V will mo e Va'ion P o' bnib!i-c Mond ,x P-c new place ;s !cen .diced a"d ie- HANS SCHMIDT MAKES COMPLETE CHANGE OF FRONT Asserts That District Attorney's Office Will Not Get Anything Out of Him. Fully Three Hundred Will Be In Attendance at Grand Commandery Conclave. THURSDAY, SEPT. 25 IS DATE OF MEETING Seventeen Commanderies Will Be Represented-Big Par ade Will Be Held. All arrangements have been com pleted for the entertainment of Grand Commandery of Knights Templar on Thursday, September 25. Bruce Commandery of CorvalHa will be in attendance, with all of its members. Salem, iuigcne and Port land will send large delegations and al together 17 commanderies will be rep resented. It is expected that fully three hundred will be in attendance. Wednesday evening Temple Com mandery of this city will exemplify the work in the Temple degree for the entertainment, of the advance ar rivals. The Grand Commandery will con vene on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. At 1 o'clock the parade will be formed at Masonic Temple and will proceed east on First street to Ells worth, south on F.lls worth to Sev enth, west on Seventh to Washington, north on Washington to Sixth, east on Sixth to liroadalbin. north on Uroadalbin to First where parade will pass reviewing officers then proced west on First to the temple. Sesi(m wil convene at 2:31) o'clock, concluding at 4 o'clock. During the afternoon a reception will be held in the parlors nf the Masonic temple for visiting ladies and thev will later be shown about the citv in autos. From 4 until r the members of the commandery will be shown 'about the city and given short auto trips. At S o'clock ;tt the armorv a reception xvili be held. The Albany high school b.-Mid will furnish bund music and there will be an orchestra at the tem ple and at the armory. The decorations will be very elab orate and will far surpasse anything yet seen here. The temple ami the 'vniory will appear in gala attire dur ing the session. The decorations are in consist of irious kinds of floxv cfs and greenery, together with ban kers and others articles. The service f a proiVs-iond artist has been se- ured t make the decorations one of ihc most creditable ever put up in the citv. (Tly United Press Association) N'ew York, Sep. 20. Changing front completely, Hans Schmidt astounded the authorities today by intimating he might fight to escape electrocution despite his declaration made yester day to the effect that he is ready to die at any time. Conversing with his fellow prisoners, Schmidt asserted that "District Attorney Whitman will find himself up against a stone wall if he tries to get anything out of me." Members of the health department suspect Schmidt may have used forged death certificates in other cases and are conducting an investi gation. They believe that Anna Au muller is not the only victim of the prisoner. ALBANY AND COMLLIS REPORTS GIVEN TO PRESS WILL PLAY FINAL GAME! ANGER SECRETARY BRYAN ! Says He Has No intention of Tomorrow ai"ternoon at Corvallis, ' Giving Up LeCtllfe DateS Be- iiniii Kaiuc ui uie series, ueiwccii inc. . . . n ... local team and the "Comets" will be I CaUSe OTAClVerSe LritlCISm. played. Kach team lias won a game and tomorrow's contest will decide the championship between the two. Therefore a hot contest may be ex pected. W'th the exception of Kirk. Al bany's lineup will be practically the same as last Sunday. Bigbee broth ers will again appear in the lineup and Lyle liigbee will pitch. D. Cat terson will catch. Fans who contemplate attending the game may secure a round trip tick et to Corvallis for 50 cents on the Oregon Electric afternoon train. River is lower. The range of tem perature yesterday was 84 to 46 de greec. The river today is 1 foot. (By United Press Association) Washington, Sep. 20 Expressing indignation because the report has been given to the press that he in tended to cancel his lecture dates on the chautauqua iatform on account of the criticism incurred by lecturing while holding a place in President Wilson's cabinet, Secretary of State William J. Bryan today gave out the following statement to the United Press: "This evening is merely my last lecture this season. I will continue lecturing in the future as long as I please." When asked in regard to his income from this source during the present season. Secretary Bryan stated that it would be a trifle over $7,000. Old Educator to Locate in Eugene. A. S. Mc Dnua hi. formerly superin tendent or the Linn county schools, arrived in Eugene yesterday and will brine his faintly here to locale. Mr. McOonald is one of the best known educators in this jutt of the stale, hnviii'v latiuht at many points in Linn and Lane counties, lle'brinus a sou who grndtuMed !a - t lune at The P illes and xvho will enter the univer sity. Register. o '" (.' V iV N ' ' v Democrat Wants Correspondent ? The 1 Vmocrat de-ires to sc- & cure a loc al correspondct at (? 1,1 Shedds. riainvicw. llarri-hurg. I ehanan. I'rownsville, Sweet 1 1 nine. Scio. and all other points'?1 in the county not already repre- sented. Anyone desiring to act C1 il as the repre-entatix e of the paper ' 'V" will plea-e inform the manage- V meut at an early dale. 1-M-tf Fisher, Br;ulen& Co.1 I'TNl.RAI MUI-CTORS AM) rNDFRTAXl'RS Undertaking Parlors. ;frd nd Brotululbin LADY ATT EM V NT Both IMioncs Kun.ixvay this Mm ninn. I'm j ' r,-i i 1 )- .in .nrfi'o'Mie .it l c cniri-i oi In'., ! ed tn an imijcv w.on . 1. :'',.! Are You Going to Build? Let Us Save You Money on Yovir Mill Work Attend Hemon County Fair. I i Manager Stewart of ;!,e I'o'inncii ch:b dl attend tl-.c l'.cMtn cotiv Ml today. FIRST CHRISTMAS SUGGES' Tt may seem a little early but such is not the case Photos of the better grade are becoming more popular each year as presents. Owing to the fact that we are not able to get satisfactory help at Christmas time we ask you to come now and have them made. As a special inducement to come innowwc do not ask you to call for the pictures till Christmas. it CLIFFORD'S STUDIO The Place Where You Get Twelve Presents for the Price of One Next Door to Post Office. FREE! FREeY FREE! Public Demonstration September 27th ;;iver of tfasoiine ever DiiniKint anil T. C. THE WORLD-S GREATEST POWER-PRODUCER, carbon solvent and produced, will lie demonstrated at our store SATURDAY, SEPT. 27, by 1". V. Sheldon. Irotn the lactory. Till- KUKK DKMOXSTRATION Wll.l. POSIT1 VF.I.Y IXCRKASE THE POWER AND COMPRESSION' Ob' YOL'R MOTOR I Ri).l hi TO 3) PER CENT, providine; yon have run 100 railed since vonr valves were ground last: it" n-ed evcrv 3l'Ki miles, von will never aejain be compelled to have them urnnnil to remove carbon. RUN AROUND THE AUTOMOBILE OR MOTOR. CYCLE AND BE CONVINCED. APPLIES TO STATIONARY ENGINES, PUMPS. CATAPIL LARS, CULTIVATORS. AND ALL FORMS OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION MOTORS. The talk of Five Million People throughout America who are owning or operating Automobiles, Motorcycles, Motor-Boats, Aeroplanes, Tractors and Stationary Engines. 66 P 1 THE WONDERFUL POWER PRODUCER Has Been Successfully Tried and Tested mmmmmmaataaaaim. By These Factories: . Fiat Motor Co. Buick Motor Co. Oakland Motor Co. Nordyke & Marmon Chalmers Motor Co. Pierce-Arrow Motor Co. The Ford Motor Co. The Studebaker Co. Cadillac Motor Co. Overland Motor So. Mitchell Motor Co. Lozier Motor Co. Alco Motor Co. Oldsmobile Motor Co. Packard Motor Co. Peerless Motor Co. Firestone-Columbus Co. Maxwell Motor Co. Many Others. It is now endorsed and recommended by over SO per cent of America'? leading Automobile manufacturers. Read What Tetxlaff , World's Champion Says : F. W. DANNATT. January 13, 1913. Manufacturer of CARBON-NIT. 1656 Winfield St., Los Angeles, Cal. Dear Sir: The fact of the base of your CARBON-NIT being a light lubricating oil convinced me that it is absolutely harmless to use in the cylinders of all gasoline engines. After successfully running your fluid through my Fiat I am now in position to rec ommend CARBON-NIT to all owners of automobiles, motorcycles, motorboats and stationary engines. VERY truly yours, TEDDY TETZLAVF. Teddy Tetzlaff, Barney Oldfield And the World's Fastest Racing Drivers All Use "CARBON-NIT" There Are now 50.000 enthusiastic uers in the Stnte of California alcne of thu wonderful "POWER PROPUCtR" and SAVER OF GASOLINE HULBERT-OHLING HARDWARE COMPANY ALB AN V OREGON EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE GUNS AND AMUNIT10N STOVES. RANGES AND HEATE1 Gallon Size $2 ( Sri',.0" ) Quart Size 75c