The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, September 23, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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    or. 7 :-v
ttklt MtntBtvut
No. 16.
New York Governor Represent
ed by Imposing Array of
If He Wins First Point He May
Resign and Submit Case to
People Next Election.
( tty United Press Association)
Albany. X. Y., Sep. 18. called to
order this morning at 11:55 by Sen
'ator Wagner, Governor SuUer of
New York was today placed on trial
before the conrt of impeachment.
The governor was represented this
morning by an imposing array of
counsel but did not appear in person
in, the senate chamber.
Hut little business beyond the work
of swearing in its members was done
this morning and the court adjourned
at 12:55. Fifty-seven members of the
court, not counting the absentees
were present, including the members
o ftlic court of appeals.
Attorneys for Sulzec this morning
announced that they proposed to pre
sent an objection to the jurisdiction
of the high court and its membership.
It is believed that the exception will
not be sustained but counsel for the
governor expect that ruling on tins
question will enable them to obtain
some idea as to the attitude of the
justices of the court of appeals.
The majority members of the court
decided every question except when
it comes to the formal impeachment
of the defendant, which requires a
two-thirds vote.
CRv United Press Association)
Albany. X. Y.. Sep. 18. If Gover
nor Pulzer succeeds in obtaining a rul
ing from the court of appeals tl;at
the assembly exceeded its powers in
impeaching him. it is understood
among his close friends and advisors
that he m-iv consider the wisdom of
resigning from the governor's office
and appealing to the voters independ
ently at the next election. He told
his friends 'hat he would like to have
the entire question of his "recall"
sidniiitt'1 to a vote of the people in
stead of to the politicians. He inti
mated tint if he could fh'd a way of
putting the cause up to the rank and
file he would adopt it.
serve as mvcm
Published Report That He Will
Act As Sjecial Envoy Doiied
by Secretary.
( I'.v 1'nited I'res- Associion"!
Xew York. Sep. IS A flat denial
of the reports puhli.-hed to .the effect
thai President W'il on and Secretary
of State Win. J. ltryan have asked
F.x-President Roosevelt to serve as a I
r-ecial amba-sad-.r for the purpose!
of persuading Great. Hritain and Ger-1
many to reconsider their determina-:
tion not to participate in the Panama i
exposition, was voiced today by Col
onel Roosevelt's private secretary.
Reports that Roosevelt is contem- ;
plating a trip to Rus-ia were also de- j
nied today by Secretary Harper. !
In the presence of immediate rel
atives. Miss Teleen Leech, second;
daughter of Rev. D. IT. Fccch. and
Russell A. McCully. of Hood River,,
were united in marriage at the par
sonage f the Methndi-t church Iat
evenimr at ciuht o'clock. Rev. Leech
performed the ceremony. I
Afterward- an excellent, -upper was
served the newlvweds and their r-l- ,
atives at the Hotel Hammel. The !
dining room was prettily decorated
for the n-c;ic!."n.
T.riter the couple were driven in an
aunmohi!e to Salem where they will
visit wi'h friend for a few days.
They will visit at various other points
bet ire trnintr to Hood R iver. where
:'tv will he ;st ho:n to frie'irU
after October fir-! at Xestledvn fruit
ranch near that placr. roth the b-i di
nt' d rrn.-vn a-e LTaduve nf the Ore
gon AsjTKultn-al C'l-j- The for
mer T-vlmted in l'C rrd the latter
in JOnO
News crt This Pae '
hue coming day
will be observed here
Will Be Honored Next Sunday
at First Christian Church by
Special Service.
Xext Sunday Sept. 21st, will be ob
served as Home Coming day in the
Firs: Christian church. It is expect
ed that most of the members and
friends will be back at home by that
time. A special nine weeks revival
campaign will be launched, during
which a record of attendance of mem
bers and friends upon the Sunday and
mid-week services will lie kept. Each
one is provided with a record card
for that purpose. The services d tir
ing this time will be specially ar
ranged and- it is hoped to have a re
vival of interest along all lines. The
series will close with .two weeks spe
cial meetings in November.
Literature dealing with various
phases of the church work has been
prepared and is being put in the
hands of the congregation. A spe
cial sermon appropriate to the oc
casion will be preached by the pastor
next Sunday and the choir will fur
nish some special numbers of music.
A number of social functions arc be
ing planned to help in creating an in
'erest. This campaign is projected
with the hope that it will be a good
beginning for a successful year's work.
Married By County Judge. Yester
day afternoon Melvin O. Arnold, age
20, of Scio. and Tda L. Funk, age 20
of Scio, were united in marriaec bv
County Judge McKnight. Following
the ceremony the couple departed by
rig to Scio, and will make their home
on a farm near that place.
Large Tomato. A tomato measur
ing 15 inches in circumference was
left at the commercial club this morn
ing, The product is considered a freak
judging from its enormous size.
We2ther and River Fair. The
range of temperature yesterday was
S7 to 46 degrees. The river this
moining is 1.1 feet, being .2 of a foot
lower than yesterday.
Club to Meet Saturday. The first
session of the season of the Modern
Trevelcrs club, a matrons literary or
ganization, will be held Saturday af
leruon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. C. H. Stewart on West Sixth
street. All of the members are urged
to be present.
Cuts Hand With Ax. While chop
ping wood yesterday at his home.
President Crooks of Albany College,
severely cut his left hand. Several
stitches were taken in the gash and
today he is wearing his arm in a
Left for Lowa. Leaving this noon,
lohn Robson. is on his way to Iowa
where he will visit at his qld home,
renew acquaintances and meet rela
tive? he has not seen in many years.
He will be gone for several week.
Scale Repair Car Here. Oregon &
California scale repair car M. W. 100
is in the Southern Pacific railroad
yardsw having arrived here last night
fmm the south. It is cnroulc from
California points to points in Wash
ington state.
P'J',f. College Lot. Closing ;i deal
tliis afternoon Fred P. Xutting sold
to Y. D. Mixtcr, an Albany College
:'.:i:;ni.-, lot. at the corner of Ferry
ami Tejuh street. Mr. Mixler in
tends to erect a handsome home soon.
Lyon street Closed. Lyon street
opposite the new K. of P. temple is
badly torn up as the result of work
on the car track ai f the con-truclion
of a -ewer from the new building to
the main line. The street is closed
ts a re Mill. Workmen this morning
began laying new ties under the car
Date is Changed. Owing to the
Knight Templar conclave which is to
be held iu. Albany, the proposer! ex
cursion of Albanyites tu the Scio fair
as launched by the Commercial club,
has been changed from Thursday un
til Friday. The dates of the two
event- conflicted. The fair associa
tion has been notified of the change
and obligingly offered to lay their
plans accordingly.
Wallowa County Clerk Here.
County Clerk Charles Itilycu of Wal
lowa county, slopped oft here tliis
noon en route home after attending
the conference of county clerks in
Portland, to visit with his parent-,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Itilycu Mr. Hil
yeu i a former Albany man and is
well known here.
Meeting Postponed Owing to the
small attendance, the meeting of the
River-idc Cemetery Association,
which was called fur la-t night at the
Commercial club. w:t postponed mud
next Tuesday night at the club at
-'clock. Member of the association
who were pre -en t last night ex
pressed surpri-c that such little in-ert-st
was di-playid i" the enterprise
by the lack of attendance.
Marks Returns. County Clerk W.
I.. Marks returned ye-lerday from
Portland, where he has been since
Mr in day a fending the conference of
county clerk- with State ln-urance
Commis -inner Fergn-on, relative t -.
he propo-ed new accounting system
fi.r the various eonmic of the state
Mr. Mark ::!(,! that a conirv cl
-iaM'C' organized at the cio
:"g bam;-!-.-t la-t night.
Charles Furtherman Who Se
cued Evidence Against Arson
Trust, to Face Trail.
Claimed He Robbed Safe and
Extracted Confession; Copies
Sold to Defendant.
t By United Press Association)
Chicago, Sep. IS. Startling charges
were todiy made against Chat les F.
I'urthmanii, an hives: ig.i' or of tho
states attorney's office ; nd the ore
man credited with terming out mem
! i s of the so-called aisen trm-t,
which resulted in his arre: upon the
charge of selling the prosee-uio i a-c-rets.
Fui ihmanu alleges '.hat ne ,is
the vicim of a frame tin. hut is un
:.iv to ae count for $250 in marked
.,d!s in hi possession.
States Attorney Hoyne charges
that Furthmann robbed the safe two
weeks ago, extricated arsonist Fink's
confession and sold copies to friends
of the defendant for $20.10.
The disclosures have caused a sen-
c-ttinM In ,-w-M,-i',l .,..-
I Charles Furthmann has perhaps
done more m breaking up the arson
trust in Chicago than any other man
in the state. It was largely a result
of his work that evidence was ob
tained against the ringleaders and
some of them sent to the penitentiary.
He has been connected with the dis
trict attorney's office for several
years and was' considered one of the
best detectives in Chicago
Will Go to Owner of Be&t In
dividual Farm Exhibit at
Linn County Fair.
Portland, Or., Sep. 18. (Special to
Democrat.) The prize list of the
I. um county fair, which opens next
Wednesday the 24th, has been in
creased by the addition of a handsome
-tcrling silver cup which is put up
by the Oregon Electric railway sys
tem. This will be given for the best
'individual farm exhibit, comprehend
ing quality and quantity, or variety of
marketable commodities. Traffic
.Manager Skinner, of the O. E. in an
nouncing the giving of the special
m'ize informs Secretary She ton of
the Fair association that it is desired
to have the best of the prize winning
exhibit turned over to the company
for exhibition uses in the east. It is
not customary tor the electric line
to put up trophies for community
fairs iu point off the train line. How
ever, the Albany Commercial chin
has been instrumental in making
!-:nown the worth of this fair ami its
ml en did exhibit which are reeog
lized by the company. The O. K. i
.cry active this season in exploiting
he re-otirccs of Oregon among home
-eeking easterners as a great many
of them are in a mood to quit the
-tales where there has been so many
losses from drouth and other cau-es.
Certified Copy of Ordinance
Served Upon L, E. Moe
Yesterday by King.
Thirty days from yesterday another
car. one that i in "first class condi
tion or order" will be plying be
tween the Southern Pacific depot to
the we-t end of Ferry street, in place
of the present street car.
At least this i- demanded in an or
dinance pas-ed by the city council at
thV la-t meeting and it calls for a
car equipped with an airbrake.
Furthermore, the ordinance stipulat
ed that the change hould he made
within 30 days ;:fter a certified ropy
of the ordinance has been served up
on the management of the road. A
certified copy wa served ve-ttrdav
! v Cniet r.t police Kin;' at the m--t.o'ce
of p.-vord-r Van Ta-M-1 Ti;-or;
I- F. Mo.-, .,::, manager of the
! ''orih.ud, I-higeiM- & Pastern Mailwav
i With Moe in pose -slon of thi'
h rurrent, plainly -tipulati:g its prow-ions
for the ic:-!l vion of a car in
i "first rl.Ts condition." local people
i may r--t ac-wed tint on or b fore
he eiLTl; t-'-: :i of 'fctober the ne-v
I o'dinati'-c will be fully complied with.
Motorbus Employees Walk Out
Today and 10.000 More
Threaten to Leave Posts.
General Strike of All Trans
port Workers Is Feared As
Result of Unrest.
(Hy United Press Association)
London, Sep. IS. Because they
were forbidden to wear union buttons,
all employees of the Tilling Motor
bus company today walked out and
the union officials notified all other
companies that all union men, num
bering 1U,(XH) will walk out tomorrow
unless the Tilling company yields to
the demands of the strikers.
The strike situation iu London and
in other portions of Great Hritain is
serious. The transport workers in
Dublin are out and the situation is
critical at Liverpool. Ticups iu other
large cities are reported and it is
feared that the outcome of the pres
ent difficulty will be a general strike
among all .transport workers in the
country. The unions iu London have
issued their ultimatum to the motor-
hits companys and decline to com
promise. It is probable that all union
men employed by t lie bus companys
will he out tomorrow morning.
Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Venable. nee
Miss Grace Hughes, returned yester
day from Fugene and are at home to
their tnends at highlit and herry
Made Run of 21 Days and Aver
aged Approximately 2000
Bushels Per Day.
After a run of over 21 days, aver
aging approximately 2,1 H 10 bushels
icr day, the throhing outfit belong
ing to Anthony Austin, conipleled
the season this morning shortly after
M o'clock.
The machines were brought here
this morning ami will undergo a
cleaning before being stored away for
i he winter.
The last crop tkre-hed wa that on
the Freeman place one mile .-out It o;
here on the Tangent road near l bi
rd d fair g rou ntls. The machine was
run onto that place yesterday and
ompleted the job this morning short
ly after 8 o'clock.
Two thousand bushels per day
conceded to be the average run dur
ing the entire period of 21 days. Some
days a much higher number would
be threshed ami on others the num
ber would fall lower. On one day a,
high as 2SfH) bushels were threshed.
This included oat and wheat.
Mrs. L A. Hidden of San Fram-i-cn
is with the Kinne Mercantile Co. for
a few days showing the late-t models
in Koval Worcester corsets.
McNaughton Brothers Promise
Revelation in Staging Play
with Home Players.
Local theater goer- will -ee on
Wednesday, September 24th the
swift moving tale of love and adven
ture of Fugene Walter's, "The Wolf"
which will be staged at the Pligii
under the auspices of the Loyal Or
der of Moo-e. nnrler the direction
of Me Nati ght a n I!ro.., professional j
-how producer, assisted by local tab j
through the varum., humorous and
j drama'ic scenes of life in the Cana- I
! dian wilderne. '
A special orchestra .double ciai-
b-t u eeii act and hevitind .
effect- are bei:,g arra::"-d for a
e Moo-e will fcpare no r xpen-e
Kike t hi- the Iran iter attraction
;r 'easnn.
.--ah are being held daily and
e-5 and intere-t dord.ived bv
the lo'-a! talent retainer!, i- a source
of I'm gratification to M- N'amrli
':ih J!r'"v They promt -e a revrdalion
it thi- comedy-drama with
the best "f local talent of Albany.
Brought Back Four "Green'
Deer and Compliment Their
Many Friends with Steaks.
Tanned by wind and sun and with
a two weeks' urowth of beard on his
face, "Miir Itouan. returned last
night from a deer hunting trip in the
mountains 15 miles back of Kiddles
llogan was accompanied bv I. 11.
Scott, Walt. Winkler and F. P. llal
timore. Scott and llogan were join
ed by the latter two just prior to
closing the hunt. I hev bronuht back
four "green" deer ami this morning
were distributing choice steaks among
their friends. The Democrat force
appreciates a fine steak as a token
from 1 logau.
When the party left here two weeks
ago it included llogan. Scott. M. Mc-
Alphiu. W. A. Cox and C. H. Peter
son, of Portland. All but Scott and
llogan deserted the original party
and returned home for one tiling and
another. McAlphin was taken down
with rheumatism, and Cox and Peter
sou had business awaiting their at
tention. However they stayed with
the expedition long enough to see
eight deer brought down by various
members ot the party, hnjoymg the
outing to the fullest extent of the
meaning, llogan and Scott stayed in
; he mountains until yesterday and
even thev were reluctant to return.
a ft) $ ?
J w w vs w w W (?) w w W W w w v:
Charged With Hunting Out of Sea
fon. Charged with hunting quail in
Linn county out of season, George
II lack, was arrested by Constable
.lohn Catliu yesterday at a prune dry
er on the Corvallis road upon com
plaint of Heputy Game Warden
Hremmer. Ulack was brought here
arraigned iu the justice court and
pleaded not guilty. I lie case was set
lor trial October 4.
Expected Home Today. P. A
Young, Paul Wire, and John French
re expected home today. I hey have
ccn hunting deer m Southern tire
'on fur the past ten da vs and from
'-ord received here during the week
'ave bar I much success.
Services Held Sunday. Morning
er vices will be held in St. Peter
Fpiseopal church Sunday coin incite-
'ng nl 11 o'clock. Archdeacon Cham-
' ers will conduct the services. All
;re eordiallv invited to attend.
Make Home in Corvallis. Leaving
'his morning, L C. Gardner and
daughter M iss Pern icr? went to Cor
vallis to make llieir home. Wilfred
Gar tlner, a son of Mr. Gardner, lias
accepted a position there with a clo
thing store as window t rim t tier and
this is the reason the Gardners have
moved there in order to be together.
Marriage License Issued. County 1
Clerk Marks issuer! a marriage licence
vesterday aficrnoon to Fdmond I'.
Paine, age 22. Laeotnh, and F.ffic M.
Powell, age 17,nf Lebanon.
Tallest Woman to Register. Mis
Puelah Ilinhley. the efficient and af
fable stenographer of the Commer
cial club, has the distinction of being
the tallest woman in Linn couutv to
register as a voter and is perhaps
numbered among (lie youngest, her
i "" hehnr '-'hen as 21 and her height
'ei:-g S feet 1-2 inches. Mi-s I link
ley reiislcred at the county clerks of
fice yesterday afternoon.
Leave for Newport. I .eavimr thi
t'ternonn, Mr. and Mrs. Far! Fisher,
vent to Newport where they will
-peiul a few days outing.
Attend Mediral Convention. Leav
ing yesterday I r. W. II. Davis of Al
bany and two Lebanon physicians.
Mrs" Month and Hoss, went to Med
ford where ihey will attend the slate
Oregon Medical Association con veu
I ion.
Returns from Long Commercial
Trip. Returning lat night, Knox
llai'-rl t. a commercial traveler for the
pa nlding I ntpleinent company, is
'nine after a -evera! months trip
1 ron out the middle wc-t, from
Mexico to Canada. Mr. Maight made
i 'rip throiiudi Mexico. He re-.
orts he is glad to he back, where
"you have rain" but never failing
Skating Rink Opin. The ska tint'
ink on F'r-i and Maker is now op ml
The mana-.o Men; promi-es to main
tain llie bes; of order and combr-t a
f;rst rlas- place
W. C. T. U Elect Officers. -Meet -intf
vesterday afternoon, members of
tin- local W. C. T. 1 ' , held the animal
e.-ion and rlected officer- for tle
iMi'-ning yr-ar. A larie ntniibir at-
t' t.di-rl. pej.orts of offi. its for th"
year -liowed a I'-marha bb- recrrr for
'he ot ir inia'ion M'ficerv elect ,-d
Pre-ideiit. Mrs. I. F. Plain; vice-pt e h .
idr-i'!, Mrs. ;. Hannner; corrr--
P'tpdin secrefirv. Mrs. J. L. Irvine:
-o-dirg r-eret.irv. Mr-. Ilenriert:-Ur-.v.--..
and -i ea-nrer, Mi-. J. W.
Sustains Fall on Sidewalk. Cat r h-
:!i i'.rr fool in a hob- in the sidewalk
on Lvnn -ire-t near Thirl street, Mrs
o' -i MrChesnev. fell anil sustained
minor bruises. Mr-. MeChe-nev was
rri :r 1 v.av hr.iiie a cc i , n p;t II ie r bv Mr.
M i-Chesney. when the a - id'-tit over
to'k her. Her injuries are not mt-ioits.
Administration Measure Gets
Big Republican Vote and
Support of Progressives.
Atl Amendments Are Promptly
Voted Down After a Short
'1 Vote on Currency Bill.
1'or 2S6
Against 82
Majority 202
(Hy United Press Association)
Washington, Sep. IS. Hy a vote of
286 for, and 84 agaiusl, the administra
tion currency bill today passed the
house of representatives. Many Re
publicans and all of the progressive
members of the house supported the
hill. t
Prior to its final passage the' op
position submitted a large number of
amendments, all of which were
promptly rejected by the majority
The vote on the currency measure
was a surprise to many of those who
have been iu close touch with the
financial legislation at Washington.
While at no lime since the opening
of the present session of congress
has there been any doubt hut what
l he Democratic members would re
main firm in supporting the admin-i-tratioii
bill, it was expected that the
opposition would muster a much larg
er vote against the measure.
Miss Mary Smith relumed lliifi
norm from Jefferson where she has
been the guest of friends.
Miss Hazel Maker, of Corvallis, is
the guest of friends in the city.
Guy Harvey, of Grants Pass, trans
acted business here this morning.
J. S. Daring of Portland is regis
tered at the St. Franc-is.
J. It. Fddy, a business man of Port
land, transacted business here today.
Victor Leweaux and sister returned
this noon from San Francisco.
Clav Allen of Seattle Lands
Position of United States
District Attorney.
( liy United Press Association)
Washington, I ). C, Sep. 18. That
Governor Folk of Missouri will be apr
pointed as solicitor of the state de
partment was the statement given out
in oflieial circles here I his morning.
It is understood the nomination will
ire sent to (he senate lliis afternoon or
tomorrow morning.
Governor Folk wa- a candidate for
president last year but tin- electoral
vote of M issonri went to Speakt r
Champ Clark under an agreement
among the Democrats of his native
itate. He has always been identified
with the progressive wing of his parly
jnd has for years been a close per
onal friend of Secretary of State
Win. J. Mryan.
Governor Folk Nominated.
Washington, D. C, Sep. 18 The
following nominations were tor lay
sent to the senate. Former Governor
Folk of Missouri, for solicitor of the
state department and Clay Allen, of
Seattle, as federal di strict attorney for
the western Washington district.
S-vr: il .plrn.Iid erirs of vi lli
oi'ti, tun Iiiiim- while (unuj'S. f . n r
'l.:itn;nitii -IU! ir liri-ts ;itli! mil l;ini
iirflinM-r. fc.iiii iitrii-s In llie , 'lirinl
inlit-tiiil f.-iir nf I !, - I. inn ('minly
l .iir v I i. 1, i lo hi lil ;n Si-i. . of
: M1.....V l.,..,
1 ' t- i ' j ,r 1 1 iurl tiiiii(. wrrr f'lniisli
i .1 In- Mi hin (',,!;, s,, ,,f William
M. ('nuk. .-ill. I the ,in, .inifl.nv-
if. wire t'uri'i lMil hv l.illaml Alli-n,
vim ,,f ( wi-m K Alli-n.
Tin- .i riiii. -i. tnr arln illv raiscil
i v Inn voiitln in L' in. ii.s at llnir rr--lnliic
lii.ini-s. Tlirv wen- liken Id
il'e .-nnrl linn-e this niorninu for sliiji
i iii't In Ihe fair.