The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, September 19, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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7ou Rsalks ih&i Yon Oly Have
10 HIS F
Skipps Out Back Door of the
Restaurant and Is Driven
Away in Buggy.
Easterners Daily Visit Com
mercial Club for Information
About Country.
Prisoner Was Serving 25 Days
Jail Sentence for Violation
of Liquor Ordinance.
Cuiilinm-'l from Wc'liiesrlay, Sept. 17
Hum l;i tint; tin- e-L-ajn: ol I larry
Thaw from Mattrwan asylum, and as-
sislnl liy l wo friends, Fred kizer.
who is scrvniK a 2x day jail sentence
for violation of tnc "hip pocket lie
nor ordinance," made a desperate at
tempt to escape yesterday afternoon
at 4 o'clock.
1 1! charge of Police man Aii .M ar
shall, Ivizer was taken to the Pidlman
; cM;nirant for supper. l'ini-.liinLf Ins
meal Kizer arose and went I r the
sink at the rear of the restaurant
supposedly to ct some water. Mean
time Marshall retained his seal near
where Kizer had caleu the meal.
Kizer walked to the kitchen door
and eiiLjatfed in conversation with
the cook. Later on he pushed the
door open and went into the kitchen.
Marshall then asked UotiKhiss, the
proprelor, to ko into the kitchen and
lell Kizer to come out. Douglass in
formed the officer upon his return
that the prisoner was not there.
Marshall immcdiatcfy rushed into
I he kitchen and out I lie hack door.
Stopping at Hryant's blacksmith shop
at the comer of the alley and Itroad
alhin street, he was informed that
three men in a lniifny just rushed
past at breakneck speed.' Investiga
tion developed that they had tfonc
through the alley to Kerry street,
then turned soiilh to KirsI street.
They drove at terrific speed to the
lnidi;e. crossing at a Kallop.
Marshall intercepted the first auto
mobile, which was Dr. Mavis. Depu
tising Mil Klkhorn ami Men Cellan.
the officer ami his two deputies piled
into the machine and were driven hy
Oeortfe Crawford at terrific speed in
nirsnit nf ilu fugitives.
After driving frantically, Kizer and
Ins two accomplices, Koy Kizer and
Mill Sayliir, were intercepted near Lu
ther's hop yard, in Menton county,
one and "ne half miles north of here.
"You can't take inc." shouted Roy
Kier. "I'm in another couutv."
"If I net niv hands on you, I'll
show you who I'll lake." replied Mar
shall as he climbed out of the ma
chine Me was followed closely by
bis deputies.
Fred Kier was told to jet out and
lie obeyed. Marshall inrnfi his pris
oner over to Men t'lelan and Savior
was niveu in chaise of Klkhorn.
Meantime Kov Kic nMiiained in 'tie
biunrv. As Marshall pla.-ed bis foot
on the lop -trp to yet into the lunj
L'V to drive tlic ri back to the citv.
Kier iinnpetl out of the other side
and nil for the brush Marshall took
lip t ':e pnr-i'i! I" t the iiutitiv e it
aw. iv through the brn-h,
Tlie t wo capt i es were rel nrm il
here and Kier was placed i' i:rl
Siv'or. a mere vuiilli. was vbused
and told lo before Recorder)
Van Tassel 1 1 i iitiinin; f'r a bear-
in-: Rov Kii r. ihotwb of the one j
Mj; Ihitne i- in S.ilrin where tl i-- mm-
dci s'o,., he is employed as , . ,t !
', I. ;s been in the eitv for the p'li ;
two ! vs .i"d ete- .1 v " in
lv-,-. ,, p.-..,-M-e l're.1 Im '
et ; i i u i; V i. a mo, i.-b tor 1 i" ,
in S dc-v The prisoner i-. a coo
and it i- inn!er-tood that lliev belom; '
lo a eoo'.'- bfotlie'-boo-I ui'iop R.n j
convMhed Mavnr Colbert relalie
1-red. release ami u u ..U tb:M what-'
ev er the reco-der did u as a-recablc '
to hi in ,vordin-dv Rov con-nlict
!-. ie -o'-.'e!', w mo inn-nned bim that
u on Id sen. re i he pri .nu" s re
Meeting wit!' tliis failure in bis (f
'"nls. local otitcer- are of the opin
ion that the attempted e-cape was
deliberated planned The t'iii;it i c
' M 'Ke o't'ieeis tliev were uoim; to
I ndependence.
and wonld have served his time out
t'-e xi! 'o additional e!iarv;e
ha- bee- pvcfe- -e ' o-w )um .ml
it" t1' o d -e w i:l p(.d-Iv be ic'eised
Kov Kier I x rot been n. - e-v en c '
l"hat many Ka-tern people are noiv
Koiritf through this section looking
the eountrv over In:.. :hai few a :e
iiuyintf laud, was the stitcincnt made
in i not i.nitf ry m ...riKer .-mc w o ;
o: tlie Coninieictal club.
".nd nine out of every ten of
tlieni." -aid Mr. Stewart, "alter tour
ing the Northwest, stat" that tlie Wil
lamette alley i-, the place."
S'-oies of -.Ira niers mc visiting th
c'lib daily, seeking information rela
tive '.o the country. 1 hey are people
noiu all parts of the ami ;he
.ivu;it,'i- uutuber of tben are here fo
lic purpose of looking over the conn
t ry with a view of locating, while a
h i'L'e majority are merely tourists."
.".lanagcr Stewart is of the opinion
i 1 : ;i I tliis means that at a later season
p( ojile frrttn the Fast will begin to
inoe westward to make their pe'ina
nen; borne. lie says the average run
oi' the siiaugers appear lo be invest
ors ud land buyers.
County Assessor Fisher Has
Completed Summary of
Property Valuations.
PROPERTY IS $26,448,625
Em wlhSch (to do yojsar slhopipiEg balzzs
Ws Ca Assiet Yoz. If Yos. WO Visit TH Sirrs
Irb Schultz Sustains Serious
Fall While Fishing in Alsea
As the result of a serious fall he
sustained while fishing in the Alsea
country .Monday, Irb Schultz is lying
at his home in Sunrise with his knee
cap fractured in three places.
Schultz, in company with Tom Al
exander, the liuotyper, left here last
Kriday in the la Iter's aiitoinible for
the Alsea conn try on a fishing and
hunting expedition.
According to the story told by his
companion, Schultz was fishing on the
hank of a stream ami in flipping his
fly the hook caught on the limb of a
tree. Krom the rock ledge upon
which he was standing he was unable
to extricate it and was in the net of
climbing the tree which was over
hanging rie stream when he lost hts
foothold, slipped and fell 25 feet to
a rock "?ilge ami slid in several feet
of water. Alexander at the time w;is
fish'ng tonic distance farther up
stre.'iin and how Schultz managed to
cral cm of the swiftly moving cur
rent is i miracle and his escape from
drowtng is considered miraculous.
bpon uragt,n;g himself out upon
upon the bank, S'dstiltz's call for help
was hcai.l by Alexander, who imme
diately came to the injured man's as
sistance I i ( w;k. carried some dis
tance and loaded into the automobile
ami carried lo the nearest railroad
station, where he was placed on a
train, lie arrived here yesterday and
was met at the depot bv Mrs. Coff in
Wr automobile and carried home.
Pr. Wallace was called and rendered
medical assistance. The injured limb
was placed in a planter cat and it
will be necessary for the patient to
be taken to the hospital for an x
ray examination, before the fracture
can be set.
Substantial Increase Over Re
port of 1912; Detailed State
ment Is Given.
County Assessor Karl Kisher ha
just completed his summary of the i
valuations of the assessable property !
in Linn county for the year 1913. j
The summary shows that the total ,
taxable property exclusive of public ',
service corporations and household j
goods is valued at $26,448,825. j
Last year the total taxable prop-;
erty including household goods and
public service corporations, such as
telephone lines, railroad and other
items, was valued at $26,042,295.
The 1913 summary thus shows an
increase over that of the year of 1912
of $406,530. With this it must be
borne in mind that household goods
ami public service corporations are ex
empt from the county tax roll tliis
year as the taxation of these corpora
tions are now done through the state
department. Mr. Kisher stated this
morning that the exemption of house
hold goods lowers the estimate of the
tax summary about $4lX.000. and oth
er items at least $200,000. iiut for
this an increase in the valuation of
property in this county during the
year would be over a million dollars.
The various items included in the
summary as compiled by Assessor
Kisher, follows:
Acres of tillable land, $6,671,750.
Acres of non-tillable land, $11,208,
195. Improvement on deeded or patent
ed lands, $1,282,135.
Town and city lots, $1,631,110.
I inproveinents on town and city
lots. $1,904,305.
Railroad bed. $80,000.
Rolling stock on logging roads.
Miles of water ditches, $6,700.
Automobiles, engines, and manufac
turing maehinerv. 316.920.
Merchandise, '$837,320.
Ka rmiug mud cm nits, wagons, car
riages? etc., $209,360.
Money, $79,080,
Xotes and accounts. $573,040.
Shares of stocks, $355,150.
Horses and mules. $658,210.
Cattle, $454,085.
Sheep ami goats, $89,365.
Swine. $40,020.
Dogs. $8,160.
Total taxable property exclusive of
mi It lie service corporations. $26,448,-825.
d.f him
r.-A in lb.
ens!, Mb
,d.v CUM
.-'tdd. Mr., Sep. 17. (.Special lo Mrs. It. S. Powers went
lo llaii'ishurg Kriday on business.
Mis. J. K. Davis took the south
humid train lor Kugcue Kriday even
ing. Mi. Ha Ms had business call
in.; him to lb.inv hiidav.
Mis. . M Heals Jr., went to i
Giants I'.iss M o m lay to isit re la-!
.ics. j
Mi. Cha. Ha is .uid wile iMlcd ,
llne.h Keeper at ll.iHey Sunday.
Mi. Jonas Hye ul lacotua, Wash.,
was in Shedd Moudav to visit Mrs.
Chas. D.ius ami Al. Nelson.
I te Anderson ot Alh.iu v was in
Shedd List Sanii u.iv on business.
Mi'. W. I i oiuii;, irotu Maine, is
out on a iot witii his coumu, J. It.
Co; net;.
Mi. K Ackenn m paid a Sun
da t" hi- om, who bc- near llal
scy. Mi. I . 1. Kent It-ft lor Indepen
dence Kriday to bun his wile home
from the hop vard.
Mis. 1. Si. John and children re
turned from the hop ard at Indepen
dence Saturdav
Mr. J. ones Kelly and son Chde
made a business nip to Iciterson
Mr Chas. Kuks of Tangent was in
Shedd Moudav on businc--.
Mr. James kelU and Y. W Kent
, e! ; w b.o s to the i elonu
) yf) ;i , i) ,i) ;Sl 0 ?
t1. y ,i) y y i. ? y y y y v i y.
Marriage License Issued. This
Judye Mek.uiiiht tins nior"i'r united
in marriage Ceorge V. Sliaw and
I telle Cuunninhain. both of I laNcy.
and ai'cd respectively o5 and 3(i. It is
the second marriage for both and Mrs.
CtinniiiLiham was among the l.inn
county widows receivini pension unlet-
the willow's pension law. Shaw-
is a prosperous farmer of near Hal-1
sey. They returned to that place!
tins noun w Here tliev will make their
! onie on the vonr.i'-; farm.
Assumed Business Name Filed.
1. A. McDowell and wife a- proprie
tors of the McDowell Shoe Co. this
inornitu; filed with Hepu;y County
Clerk Ruins Russell, an iiumnl busi-ne-s
name document.
CihiIMifeifii Dresses '
Wool dresses, good patterns, substantial- j
Iv made. Sizes o to 14
years in navy serges, and
black and white checks at
$4.00 to $7.50
Wash Dresses that will
wear well; sizes 2 to 6 yrs.
and 6 to 14 at
50c and $1
(i(5W - K.
Children's two-piece, fleece lined and
wool Underwear. Full
sizes that are made to wear
25c to 75c
Union Suits in fleece lined
wool, the kind that actual- 1 1
Iv keeps the cold out
50c to $1.75
All weights and sizes in Boys' and The best girl's waist that is made.
Girls' Stockings All sizes in hook or button fronts
15c and 75c 50c to $1
Dress Gd Sdhi! Supplies
Cotton serge, ripplette, crepe, plisse, Tablets, pencils, pens, pen holders,
galatea, Madras, chanibrry, percales, ink, mucilage, rulers, knives, eras
ginghams, challies for school dresses ers, paste, for school use
Will Attend Willamette University.
Among Albany young ladies who
will attend Willamette University at
Salem, are Misses Kieth Van Winkle,
Elmo Ohling and Pauline Penebaker.
They have departed tor the Capita!
City to enter school. Miss Penebak
er is the only one ot the three who
will make her debut as a university
co-ed. Misses Van Winkle and Ohl
im; will commence their second year.
Old Fashioned Bicycle. An old
fashioned hit;h 'wheeled bicycle at
tracted considerable attention yester
day evening in the central residence
district as Hob Stewart, son of C. H.
Stewart, rode the relic ot hy-gone
ilavs through the streets.
Experimenting with Model Aero
plane. With a Miniature model, of a
cross between an aeroplane and a
monoplane. Henry Kish. son of L. H.
bish. has been experimenting in flv
ing. meeting with marked success.
I'lte little machine is woudcrt'ullv con
structed of the best material with all
of the characteristics of a big ma-
.iune wuu me exception ot a rudder
and balancing planes. The motive
power is luruished bv a number ot
heavy rubber bands, ingeniously at
tached to the propeller. When they
are wound the machine is placed on
the pavement and released, when it
jjoes sailing across the street, arising
gracefully into the air.
Finished Hop Picking. That the
yield on 50 acres was 50,00 pounds :
of kops, was the statement made this
afternoon by an employee of the
Luther hop yard, located 1 1-2 miles
north of here. Tlie picking was fin
ished tody and the hop checks will be
cashed at the hop house tomorrow.
Returns to Portland. Mrs. Vida
Ma-ton Johnson, ot Portland, for
merly of Albany, her native city, re
turned home toda'- after a visit with
friends here, the guest of Mrs. L. K.
Wood and others. Mrs. Johnson is
n w a clerk in the L. S . court of
Portland, under Judge Wolverton.
where she has been for several years.
Some Foundation. "That's some
foundation for a post office and fed
eral building," remarked Sam Wor
rell tiiis morning, pointing to the
new hitching rack erected yesterday
on the lot at the corner of Second
and Hradalbin streets bv Street Su-
1 pcrin ten dent Jun kin's street depart
........ j- V':en Srrn wa told the
difference between hitching racks and
building foundations he laughed at his
Home from Hospital. After lying
three weeks in St. Mary's hospital
following an operation. Miss Sue
lireckcnridge was taken to her home
on South Kerry street yesterday af
ternoon, where she will probably be
confined for a short while before be
ing able to be out.
Suit for Partition Filed. Praying
that partition on real property be
made and for referees to make such
and for equal costs and disburse
ments, Margaret L. Ramer, Sarah E.
Lease and her husband G. A. Lease
have tiled suit against Eli Ramer, and
wife, Martha E. Thompson and hus
band. Henrietta Tracy and husband,
and Rosamiah J. Ramer, for dividing
land in township 11, section S, range
1 south of W. M.
Inventory and Appraisment com
pleted. Appraisers of the estate of
the late Prank M. Furnish, have
tiled their report in the probate court
showing personal and real property
of the value of $1174.60. The ap
praisers are E. G. Cox. V. A. Works
and TV H. Cade.
Fisher, Braden& Co,
1 1 li.lor n . i.iir I'll Uti. :-'rl ami
1..:.... I ii
Bolli Phonos
I'.tl S.nUr i .ir.i .! ,. .1 .-i.... I'n. I. iv K. :i. in. ,,li- :'.i:r
i'!vi';;r .11' .idling :i jiii-.:icr t.i i'i.lpi' i '' .iN'ill .1 link .ICO.
K.II.iiw-h: ;i InMira; !,. i. t : 1 ?.M M'. I'- '''Hi' "i'"'- I" AIL .inv
' -1. - - i!. I., T i i v , 'I'll..-.:. iv.
!'! .."' n,.t!wi .-. m i.ii- Wtili.inl Slu'w ll.i.l !.;'.;.ns.
:., .-...! n M .1,.,.. ,- .M)ll IHIII AIIUIIV I'll.'-.: IV
i:. ...;,..? !"., ... .,. ? ). Mi P.m. Unit ,.f I flMiiun.
t .!V 111- lu-.-n : -: I : r i . 1 l". It l'ui.!..n. N:..i:,i. trliii::c!
M.'ii- .v mo; rrm
' ..i.l 'i ll, 1, ,, I,.,, M--- 1 .u l:,i..'l! i-.i.:-,- '-.I .,i-
. .... .-in ,v i::."i i- k in I ' ,vi. ..! ! i'..'-.
Vi.. V..v Smis'i i- . Si'n .l.i ,-v,.m-tt Mi-. l!.-n-
' .,. , mil i;.i lo in liii.
Mr. .in.! Mi- I.. I- Sinul, f S,.,. "",''c,''
l..iii. i-it.n- in tin- i-i;v o.- -----
iri.liv " IS M...:!;t.U, .,( I'in:i.l,..
K. K OMiiii; I.-ft vr. Ii-i ,l.iv I'm '''''' !"''. ii' i i' i.'.liv
1 t ! mill iiiim Iu wen! i,i l!..:nr N:,1. Y i- 1 1 ' i-i -',..1 li t:
liis I'.niii to -ii. i't i.i- jii in 1 1 p i: of ;i I1.'. II. i..ii I.1: K.'-i-'ill; o'l .1 Ini-iiH'-s
tt St.inliv Sh'i-ii. of l; . n. Mi. V 1' S.. is i mif.i .it id.-
villi' i. i ilii-- lu-r i.ti . Mi W 1-.H1U- nf !iii .li-ui'iu-r. Mi. !':i-.l
I! t ' i.i' "i i' i .in NiHtoii, of IVmUiuI
Are You Going
to Build ?
Let Us Save You Money
on Your Mill
To Get Ready for Fall. We Can Please
You in All Your Wants
Corduroys Are Good
We arc sliowinjv two exceptional values
in Corduroys, in all good shades. It
comes JS inches wide.
Priced 75c and $1.00
New l'ereales for Fall, in good colors
and new patterns 10c, 12 1-2 uinl
15c vd.
Suit Cases of All Kinds
You'll need a new Suit Case for tlie
State Fair. Mattings and solid leather
cases, at
$1.65 to $S.50
Standard Patterns for Fall now
Aiicn'iS for
A'iits for
Kalxi Reducing