The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, September 09, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Was Given Hearing This After
noon Before County Judge
Were Brought Here Last Even
ing From Sweet Home by
Deputy Sheriff Slavins.
Cnniinued from Saturday, Sept. 6.
Bareheaded with her hair streaming
down her back ami wearing a red
sweaier with a pair of overalls reefed
at the bottom, Stella Morgan with
Melvin I'eebler, also bearheaded and
weary from a thrilling attempt to
cross the mountains with his irl
companion, riding horses alleged to
have been stolen, arrived here last
night at o'clock in the custody of
Deputy Sheriff II. R. Slavins, who
arrested them at Sweet Home yes
terday morning. Slavins also re
turned the two horses, the buggy and
a saddle, alleged to have been tak
en by the youthful runaway couple.
Upon arriving here Deputy Sheriff
Slavins immediately turned his pris
oners over to Sheriff Kodine. Young
I'eebler was placed in the eounly jail
on a warrant sworn out against him
by the Albany Stables on a charge
of larceny. The girl was turned over
to her sister.
Concerning the ;trresl Deputy Sher
iff Slavins said be found lliem in the
woods near Sweet Home, where I hey
had spent the night. He took Ihcm
unawares. "Throw up your bamU,"
he shouted ;is he walked in upon
t hem. I he hoys hands immediately
went up hut. the girl, who at th
was holding a small six shooter, re
Speeding of Motorvehicles on
Steel Bridge is Checked
by County Court.
Thut the provisions of a notice
placed on the steel bridge yester
day, regulating the speeding of auto
mobiles and motorcycles and apply
ing to teams as well, will be rigidly
enforced was the declaration of Con
stable John Catlin this morning.
"J-'or the benefit of automooilUts,
motorcyclists and drivers of teams,"
said the constable, "I would like tor
it to be known that drivers of ve
hicles exceeding a speed limit of six
miles per hour in crossing the bridge
hereafter will be Mibpeeted to arrest
and upon conviction will be fined
from $10 to $!'). All teams will be
required to walk and motorcyclists
are cautioned not to exceed six miles
per hour. I have been detailed by
the county court to watch traffic
across the bridge and for any viola
lion of the new regulation I am In
structed to arrest any person and
this 1 most certainly will do. East
driving across this bridge has cost
the county much money in repairing
damage in keeping up the bridge and
it is to this reason that the court has
resorted to this drastic action."
Constable Catlin has already stop
ped manv automobiles and motor
cycles and cautioned the drivers
about the new regulations before they
were allowed to proceed across the
'Long Hoped For But Never
Expected Battle" to Take
Place at Last.
Corvallis, Or., Sep. 6. The Times
iays the following concerning the
ill game tomorrow : i
700 Seats, Portion of $1200
Worthof Scenery and Asbes
tos Curtain Arrives.
George Rolfe Manager of Rolfe
Theatre, Made Wonderful
Declaration Today.
Albanyites Will Have Oppor
tunity to See Attractions as
Patronage Warrants-Bligh.
filled to ohey until roinui.ttidid ;i I .1.,
second lime hy the ollieer. Although
she llirew up her hands. he ilill held
the re vol ver, 1 hrealeninij the of Meet
as he eame I o wards 1 hem I tow
ever the arrest was negotiated peace
fully and the prisoners nave no trou
ble euroiile.
When I hey were taken hi charm1
by Sheriff l'odiin- the nitl, it is said,
insisted that she be placed in jail al
m. She reeutrd the sheriff's inler
ferne in the matter and maintained
lliat it was none of his business.
Yonnu 1'eebler is aeeiedited as
saying that they were minute In
I'endletou to lake in the roiinup, ibat
he intended to work for their sup
port and th;it thev would travel jitl
as Mieinls. Me denied llial the;
(ended lo My to pel married, or
they posed as brother and sister,
suhsi.iu 1 ial reason is ejven for
escapade .other than thev wauled to
ti avid together atd a wav from
l-'ullowinj; ;, heariii'.: this afternoon
be tore County Ind-e Me K niulil j
. -oiiUP I Velder was ordered to I lie I
reform ''"'id. 1 1 e will be laken to
llial histituiinn sometime thi- ev
ening. Present in 1 lit court room
duiim: Hie hearing were Mr. and Mrs.
C P. I'eebter. foi-ler parents nf the
voiith ami Stella Morgan.
Younn Peebler refused to lalk
much oonct -rnimr bi o;i He would
onlv lalk upon i'ho iHt";tioninw and
d, numerated but Imle disposition j
,,,. 1, .lH. it he s.nd thev had,
planned to no a io -s the nounlaiiis j
u d slav awhile to return here later. 1
M.. admitted his miilt. On the other,
hand the uirl talked Ire-dv. rl.nmnu- 1
six- was the cause of the whole at- j
for he -aid ihe bov acted under 1
Corvallis baseball enthusiasts will
time j he highly pleased to know that the
A many AlhlcMcs will play the Corn
els her on Sunday. Since the early
season, efforts to get the Athletics
011 the list has been unavailing. The
I lub city team has had a full schedule,
at least I his was urged, and in one
way ami another the effort to se
cure a game has failed. When the
Albany firemen, M ay fir Gilbert and
1 illier good sports were here on La
bor Day ami were permilled lo carry
Mil IMMIIMR .IMtl Mil .M.I " . (Ur (,
out anv ti 11 1 1 U-asantuess. lie visitors1
concluded that Corvallis spoils were
not such a bad lot and entered readily
into negotiations f,r a baseball game.
This deal was finally eon sum ma ted
and the Athletics will be here Sun
day. What the Comets wi'l do to
die Huh eilv bunch is a inarler of
in- (inestuui. but the bovs hone to re-
lhal 1 trieve the honors lost on Monday.
No This certainly will be a strenuously
1 he I contested came, and well wn-ci h t he
price of admission. Albany has a
team with a record, but Core, Mis al-o
has a team that is playing lull these
With the arrival during the week
of 7MJ seats, a portion of nlJoO worth
of scenery, an attractive asbestos cur
tain and various other equipment,
work of placing the new Uligh thea
ter in readiness for the auspicious
opening is now being rushed Work
men have been busy mglu and day
getting the interior of the handsome
building in shape. Carpenters, deco
rators, painters and an imported
stage setting expert arc al) busy.
Plans have been laid hy T. G.
Bligh, of Salem, for whom the theater
is being constructed, for an auspicious
opening 011 September 16. The op
pening night will be marked with
special ceremonies, to be announed
later an extra high class vaudeville
and moving picture program.
Work of setting up the chairs will
soon commence. J. II. Ilradley, of
the Grahach Pacific Coast Scenic
Studio-, of Portland, with assistants
has practically completed arranging 1 w,il(. U-adin
die stage. -Mr. Uradley is an old of jlis fricnd
lime theatrical man and is an expert!
in his line. He was sent here by j
the scenic studio to install the various I D. M. John of Corvallis transacted
drops, wings and curtains for the ; business here this morning.
stage that were made in Portland. 1 C. F.. Stanard of MrnwiisviHe. is reg-
The stage sceuerv represents master- istered at rhc St. Francis.
ful work and is very attractive. The Hob Shinn has returned from a trip
j management ol the theater is proud ; To -Salem.
I of the asbestos curtain and it is the! Henry acksou of Tangent was
lonly one in town. It is absolutely numbered among the tnsine.' visit
fire proof. j ors in Albany today.
The interior of the new theater 1
building which was. erected by Con-1 y R Shinn M D dishes of
pad Meyer, to lease to .Mr. Ilhgh. will , ailli'(.,ir a SH-cialtv. Kvcs tested
' present an attractive appearance when ; a;)(, ...j ynai anteed a perfect
(completed, and the turiiisluugs and fjt VU 0v,c of ,cnsL. or franIc. of.
: wall decorations are installed. I lie s t;0(. nVt;r cAisiek bank. wlc s'Jtf
.auditorium and balcony is so con-, Wt, ,K(re Morc ti;m :1 ,T,,zen c:lIis
Utrneted that the stage is plainly seen 1 f()f vmnifr . ;mti Vimng women to
irom cveiy se.o. dcmuo my , nnr . ;is clerks, ca-iners. ottice ns-
its. there are two boxes on 1 ...... rtl. fnr ,'oan an,i
e.u n Miue m ai un .uiu i w room while attcinliuir college. It von
-s in die rear ol the orchestra seats,.' wlh Mwh ;, paoc hiress Button's
where ladies may sit during a pei -1 (.,.:.,,. rolb--e. Albanv. Ore.
"5.? dlv &w
That he led the first cow to be re
ceived in Cordova, Alaska, through
the streets of that city, after it was
unloaded from a freight steamer from
San Francisco, was the declaration
made today by George Rolfe, man
ager of the RoUc theater of this city,
who in company with District At
torney Gale S. Hill and Cloyd D.
Rauch, both of this city, recently
returned from a three weeks' tour of
Mr. Rolfe relates the incident. "We
boarded a steamer at Seattle on which
were a number of stampeders from
California, enroute to the Sunshine
strike. Arriving Cordova, we went
to Seward and returned to Cordova,
just as freight steamer arrived from
San Francisco with goods and pro
visions consigned to those going to
the strike. Included in the shipment
were several horses ana one cow
friend whom I had made on the trip
from Seattle, asked if I wanted a
job. I went with him and he asked
me to lead the cow up to the bam,
which I did while he followed with
the horses. People flocked from ev
ery direction to sec it and I was fol
lowed by a large crowd all the way
up the street. Later I learned, from
which I consider an authortative
source, that it was the first cow to
appear in Cordova. That's as far as
the cow got into Alaska, for the own
ers found out that they could not
get her across the Skoli pass to Su
shanaand she was sold to a butcher."
Having no particular reason to
doubt Mr. Rolfe in his declaration in
claiming such a rare honor, the fore
going was tfiven. upon an agreement
that "George" will be the "goat." To
substantiate his declaration Rolfe is
exhibiting pictures of himself taken
the cow. He mviteu an
to inspect them.
Anthony Austin Has Made Re
cord Running Threshing
Outfit for 37 Years.
Old School Books Can Be Turn-
ed in at Stores As PartPay
1 nient on New One.
Has Operated Machine in One
Section in Linn County for
Past 25 Years.
fieetitfT ntm 'ri r In rFi t li ! r ( ir h r
I was stnniliiiK on the (lock, a j years he has ,)ccn engage J in run
ning a threshing outinv is the rec
ord of Anthony Austin, of tin's city,
now 011 his thirty sevench year, who
when he is not directing the opera
tions of his threshing outfit is Al
bany's chief of police. During this
time Mr. Austin has used several opt
fits, has been the victim cm' many ac
cidents, receiving scores of injuries all
from which lie -recovered, and is per
haps more familiar with
That the text books of the Albany
public schools this year will be some
what changed, was the statement
made this morning by Superintendent
C. W. Botticher.
"There has been some misunder
standing among the school patrons,"
said Prof. Hoetticher, "concerning the
change in text books as the result of
an article appearing in a Tortl ind
papers that the text books of the pub
he schools oi that city would not
be c!::.nced until next yea-. i wish
to siate l'i.v. this does not apply to
Albany but only to Portland. The
text bonks of the local public schools
will be somewha: changed this sea
son and a full list will be published
later. Old hooks can be turned into
the book stores as part payment for
new books."
Miss Heulah Hiukley, .stenogra
pher at the Commercial club, return
ed yesterday from a few days visit
with friends in Portland.
years ago. For twenty-five years,.
Sir. Austin has operated a machine in
Linn county, in one territory, cover
ing a section within a radius of 10
miles of Albany.
fr A'irtin mvs that the averace
harvesting I ..:(.I,!J nt r ;nll rnnutv irrair. crons
conditions than any one man in this tn;s scasoIT are: oats, 40 bushels to
section. Few have been engaged as tnc acre; wleat, 22 bushels and clo
consistently in the occupnticti as Mr. I ver 5 to gt wjt, some running as high
Austin, and at the present time he as g He savs that the average size
i'j. perhaps the oldest thrcslicrAian in , Df Ljrm county farms and the crop
this section. I yields have not deteriorated during
At the age of sixteen Mr. Austin j ;i,c past tcn years to any great ex
began operating a threshing machine ; tent.
in Illinois, his birth state, when he: fr Austin has a picture, taken in
assumed charge of an outfit for an-; jo2, showing the threshing outfit
other man. Later he acquired: an out- ,-,! hands lined up for the photogra
fit of his own. After threshing mjpher. In the background is a sack
Illmois for twelve years, Mr. Austin I p;c f 192s bushels, threshed in one
came west, located here, pnreiinsed , forenoon, which is claimed to be the
another machine and has sine-.' been j largest run made in a half day bv a
engaged in the business, with thu ex- threshing outfit in this section, the
crption of one year, when other busi-; run was ie on tne Terrill ranch
ncss interests detained him from go- for prcd Holmes, located four miles
ing in the field. That happened 24 cast 0f here.
Government Jobs Are Open to
Linn County Young Man
Under Civil Sorvice.
ladies 111a v Mt during
tonnaiHU" witlioii; mnovini; mcir n;u ;
Aillioi';Ji thr luiililiili; is absolutely j
liri' proof, many rxirs ;irt: n o icU-d itt ;
(isf of liri'. Some o! thc-'c exits will
he llirowu open afttr a performance
when the bolide is ennvded, which
will he a soutve of inueli convenience.
"Tli is theater will aecoin mod
any plav Albany will demand."
This U the eoneeiisus of opinion of
Mr. IMiuh and Vr. Bradley, expressed
last veninir while they were talking
of the capacity ot" the stae ami the
"1 am Komi; to iiive the people of
Albany opportunity to sec attractions
as their patronage will war-ani. The
biucr the patronage the becrer thi
attraciion. I a-sure tl-em there will
never be an overcharge. If they pay
me Iweiilv cents to see a vt'ow, they
will j;et that much wortli and noth-
1 i 11 tr more nor less." ; 1
That's how Mr. Itlinh expresses hr's'f
ipleiition when interviewed by a Oftn-H
1 octal representative. j
Are You Going
to Bmkl?
Let Us Save You Money
on Your Mill
I. He
her direction
Maine for th
deeply denr.
young lYcM
and thai -he wi
wbole tiling. She
ed over the fate
Xo charge was id
following i- in p.ul the
.!iem lii-isic mailed oiu lo ihe r
:n.i-lers oi I. mil coillllv iionl W'.ish
ingloil :
Hie I'nilcd Slate- t'ivil Service
v oliuills-unl announces an open com-
The Big Why !
The reason I am elating so many
sales is that Auclkueeriiig is my
specialty and not a side line. The
following dales are taken, which
date shall I reserve for von?
Sept. lNih John Edwards on t e Marry Hateman place 4 1-2
niitles N. W. of liro wtrsville on the main l.lrownsville-Shedd road.
4 Head of horses, Z head high- grade Jersey cows, sheep, hogs,
farm implements, household trootU. etc.
Sept. 24th John A. MeMride estate 3 miles west of Shedd, 15
hear', hih-grade draft horses including 2 registered Clyde mares,
10 heatl hiyh-grade Jersey cows, sonic Iioxs and general farm ma
chinery. Sep.. 26th John V. Pugh estate. 2 miles south of Sliedd. 20
high grade Jersey cows, 1 compkte threshing outfit, sheep, hogs,
farm machinery, and household goods.
Sept. 16, K. L. ! r.merland. 1 mile wot. 2 miles north of Shedd. 4
head of horses. 19 head high grade Jersey cows, farm implements,
household goods, etc.
Free lunch at noon. These are all bty sales. Remember the
dales and come early.
Sep. 15, Walter Smith, 2 miles north of Cohurg June, Farm
Sep. 17, V. A. Harbor. 3 miles north of function City. 19 high
grade Jersey cows, 7 2-year old heifers; 7 2-year old steers; 15
calves; 11 stock hogs, wt. 140 lbs. Farm imp., household goods,
Sep. 19. R. If. Marks, 5 miles north of Ilnrrisburg
general farm
9 head of
Sep. 20, Helle Steele 1 1-2 miles north of Jefferson.
horses, tann imp, household goods, etc.
Sep. 25. Cunningham ttros., 2 miles south of Harrisburg. 20
head of horses. 23 head of cattle I(0 sheep, hogs, farm imp. etc.
BEN T. STUDTELL, Auctioneer, Halsey, Ore.
. ins, imf ir n:,s neen ihiihmh
t'i. . ilie Hen ton count v aulhoi iiiei
will investigate the cae.
I pelitive examination on the ilate and (
it the places named aboe, a
a re- i
Restaurant Appeals Case
Against It; Won injustice
Mrs. Jennie Powers Has Pur
chased 320 Acre Tract of
John Moore.
NutU'e oi aiM'i'.il Uom uic juslwo :
1'iMin lo tlw i-iiviiii I'onrt iili-il
tin morniui; willl I'ounly I'lcrk
Murks in the r:ii' of AuciiM Wiinl
liorn ;i . i 1 1 -1 M.irlin ilinl W. II. Hl
rr for rr"oi'ry oi llloiU'V.
Tin' cm1 a trii'il i" lilslioc
Swan's coin l itu- lore pai l oi
nioiilli wlu-n a imminent was ;;ion
Ihe plainliif. Tin' .-asi' ;ini-o ov-r
work tlonr lv W imllioril in the ilf
trinlant's i-oniplaint ior whi.-li it was
alli-iiiMl hi ilitl not riH-ciit his;is.
Ai'ionliili; to llic pl.iintiti's I'oniplaint
lie workcil as a rook ior IJl lavs
r-oiniiu-in-iut' in 1-Ylnii.uv lat lor
whioli lie was to rivciw $1 per tlav.
Imaril anil loiUinn. It is si-t np lliat
$1. oi lliis inoiU'V was paid. TIh- jus
t no coin I on .nnust l k.ivc jiihk
in,-tit to tin- planum in llio Mini
suit oi wlik'li it is I'xpivli'il lo make
tn tilir-alion to till a v.u'atu'y in tin'
position ot rural carru v at Scio. Ore..
Sat., IK't. 4tll. ami ol'uer vai'.nu'ii'S
as ihry may occur on rural routes at
nostotliocs in the- ahove nauicil coun-
uiiUss u is n Html lo nc ni me in-
scrvicc in nil any ,l" I ( tu.irit savs:
aucv Pv reiustaleuu'ill, iiausui. oi i 1,-5 lM1nic t owcrs. who result's
promotion. The usual entrance sal- ;lt (u. corner of '1'liinl avenue, west,
ary toi; carriers is lroul lVt to , an, Ailauis street, has bought a .iJI'
?i.,lti per annum. 1
A sc. I'1 to 55 ( one the ilale ol the
examination. The maximum 's
waived in cases of per- ous honoralily
.lischarijeil irom the l'nite.1 States
military or naval service.
i An applicant must have his actual
j domicile in the territory supplied hy
a post oince 111 the county tor wuuii
Ihe examination is announced.
The examination is open 10 all male
citieus ot the I'nitcd Slates who
can coniplv with the requirements.
Application form I .Ml. and full in-
iorinalion coucernini: the require- , o
mellts o the exauiiiiatiou, can he -e- .,
ure l from ihe secetarv of the local Buttons llusincss (. olleSe. Albany,
cx.innnn.c '.0....I or the postmaster has sr.ulii.ited and placed 111 posi
, r ,i. ..I...... ,nm..,1 aliove ' lions the tiilK'Wini: duriui; the past
1 .1.. ir vi'i'ivil S.-rvice t'oiii- i t w vi weeks; 'ema lirifiin, with the
mission. Washington, P
KiiKene, Or., Sep. 6 The KiiKene
tann lliree lin es west 01 neu-
iotttain. in lleuton county, from John
Moore, who takes as part payment
Mrs. Towers' residence here. The
farm which Mrs. Towers secures is
X miles from Monroe, an equal dis
tance from Corvallis and nine miles
from Thiloiiiath. She w ill soon move
to th.e place to take active manage
ment while Mr. Moore and t.imily will
mine to l-'imene to reside Ihe deal
.involves between J'l.iW and SlO.IXXl.
jV. .1. Van Order & Co. negotiated
. the sale.
New Goods in Every Section of the Store
Kubo Lace Front Corsets
in satisfactory popular priced models
$2.00 and $3.50 pair
New Ruff Neck and Norfolk
Womens Sweaters.
$2.50 to $6.50 ea
(i. II. Petit t. tlic n.iinvirw mer
chant, w;m attrndinif to lniMiie.s nut
ters in Albany today.
Horn Nr.u, Orcuon. ep
tombrr 1-t. 1'Jl.V to Nlr. and Wt
V.. Kcnay, a son,
Mrs. F.. Sloan left this mornins
br iVndb't.'ii to .Uti'tid the round m
and to vUit with relatives and tiiemls.
Miss Melissa Martin went to N-v-
of PM't ye-itevday to spend a tew days
on tin
I Mis Harriett Van Tasstdl at
Newport spcmlm a tew tlav on tint;
Dr. Kavanani;b made a protession-
.1 .. .11 .f 1,..,U V,..t.M ll.lV
The Kalston VUvlric company i posthly tul. t upiis are placet in po-
V installing a new -twitch board m the sitions unmetttateiy upon iiranuaiion
' First National Hank building. I 1 s4-.r wk 0-1.
1 lulhert-Ohlini; 1 laid ware Co.. Al
I bany : Zona Cirittm. Albany Steam
l.atnulty. Albany; Rcna Hooher. Cor
vallis Creamery Co., Corvallis; Mabel
Yei;n Corvallis Creamery Co., Cor
v.illi: Willia Cratt. larker Hardware
Co, Albany. Each of these is work
ini; as both stenographer and book
keeper and none took over three
months to graduate in the combined
; course. Eive others were placed in
positions before. Viierc are five
t lines as many positions as we can
Womens' Coats in the Newest Styles now on
Display. Yon can't help liking them.
Ilig Cotton Blankets at
$1.00 pair
BijJ Wool Nap Blankets at
$2.50 pair
Coatings and Suitings
in the best styles and values
in town
Agents for
Agents for
Kubo Reducing