The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, September 02, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Pres. Crooks Answers Pertin
ent Queries as to Lo
cal Institution.
Shedd Man Who Shot M. E.
Nicewood Will Serve
Term Here.
Judge McK night Announces that
Road Bosses Are to Be
Chosen by People.
Splendid Chances Offered
Study Various Subjects
in Albany College.
I'.-iul Ackeniiail, who pleads I guil
ty ycstcriirty before Jmle Kelly to
lilt charge of shooting M. Ii. .S'icr
wooil willi a 21 caliljre rifle i" the
fact last December near SheiM, while
the latter was liuuxy riilnii with Ails:,
Te,,.,a lirock, ,e-ker.a's sweet- NEW PLAN BECOMES
heart, was sentence'! to six ino:i::is
in the county jail this morning lol- '
lowini; a brief lieariiiK in which jtv- i
eral states witnesses were ca'.'etl to
Following the pleading oi ;he -le-
feinlant yestenlay .'itternoon, Attor
ney Whitney lor the (lelense, called
several witnesses to the stand to tes
tify as to Ackernian's Kooi charac
ter and record previous lo the shoot
ing. Those who testified in his be
half were S. i'reerksen, of Albany, W.
11. 1'owers, of Shedd, II. I! Springer
of Albany, ami Frank llulbert, of
Continued from Saturday Aui-Hst 30. ; Shedd.
" The first witness called this inorn-
, . Hill by District Attorney Gale S. Hill.
"1 am freiiienlly a ked Miie,tions , fjr lhe M;it(. wa . Nj E xic:ivoijl,
coiicernuiK the altitude of the aca- Ackernian's victim. He testified that
demy of Albany CollcK'e toward the , (1L. ,,.ft.n,alll c;,,R. ,,,, iKhim the Imtf-
I I l.w.l, ,.l,,,..l ll,,. u-rt' i Hue bv 1 ..... , .-. , i.
mi. u ins" .,, ,,.v ; - j uv ii;uiC( nielli aurl nasiiiiiK a sc.ticn-
Primary Purpose Is to Create
More Harmony and
Unity of Action.
Complete Showin;
of Fall Goods
Practically every section of the store, now full
of New Merchandise
inn- :k-:k rlliv. w c o Olll iiisiiiil-
lors leach ils subjects, and related
questions," said 1'resideut Crooks,
"ilisapprehensions seem to be fre
quent; hence it seems well to make a
public .statement.
"First of all Albany CoIIckc has
been and is must friendlv to the Al
bany llie,h School. Personally, I ar
gued for the addition of two years to
the two years' course; I spoke in
favor of the new hiedi school bllild
iiiK of which we are all proud. Tem
porarily these improvements did hurt
Albany CoIIchc in its academic de
partment anil it was understood that
this would be the result. Hut the
greater wood o ftbe town and the ul
timate Kood "t the collecialc depart
ment of our inslinitiou prompted
such action. We all de:,irc lo have
our local IukIi school continue lo in
crease its efficiency rapidly, as it
semis to us to have been doin in
the past few years.
"Hut to answer ipie.t ions, we do
aecepl in our academic students who
have completed lhe ciKlhlh (jrade
work. VY provide a four year course
equivalent to and al si identical
willi school course We pro
vide thai strong students Ml iv earn
five credits a yc;t for three years
ti. e. pursue five sluilies lor three
years), and sae one year's lime in
preparation for collctte. This is al-
lie;ht, fired four shols . One lodged m
his face and it is still there nccnrdiiix
to his testimony, one nipped his ov
ercoat, another hit the bugy and the
loiirih went wild.
Miss lirock, the cause of the
shooting, was the next witness called.
She testified she had Kone with Ack
erman occasionally for two years, but
denied that she was ennat?el to lllni.
She said she was compelled to ignore
him because of his persistent efforts
and threats. She asserted that he had
threatened her willi bodily harm.
Mrs. Charles Arnold, sister of Miss
Hrock. testified that she heard Ack-
eruiau tell the young lady he would j u,,,.,- rn.-icl work. The court lias oh
get even wun in- iuhk
,l.,wii if he had to serve a life term
The Road Supervisors of Linn
county for the year 1914 will be elect
ed by the people.
Counlv fudge McKnight announc
ed today that the county court had
agreed on this plan of selecting su
pervisors. Inasmuch as the law re
quires that the county court shall ap
point supervisors they cannot be elect
ed directly by the popular vote hut
the court will call a meeting ill each
district of the county at which all of
the voters can gather and express
their choice for supervisor in the
manner as school meetings are held
and tile man receiving the mapori'.y
of votes at the meeting in each road
district will be appointed supervisor
of that district by the court.
The primary purpose of this plan,
the judge said, is to create more har
mony and unity of action in the var
um mad districts to encourage vol
lor it.
Cyrus Arnold asserted on the wit
ness stand that Ackerman had said
that he would shoot Xicewood the
first time he saw him with Miss
Hrock. licit h Miss Hrock and N'ice-
w I testified that they were afraid
of Aekeruian.
In pronouncing sentence Judge Kel
ly said that tile defendant should be
thankful that he was nut charged with
murder in the first degree, lie said,
however, that it was one of the clos
est cases 'Mi lo come under his Mir
isdiclioii The minimum puuishuicit
for sii, h a ci inie is six months in : he
served that sometimes in the past
where there has been a bitter contest
of the road suprvisorship, the people
of such districts have not worked to
gether harmoniously for road im
provements and they believe that
when supervisors arc chosen in open
election, where all voters will have a
chance lo express their preference, it
will tend to promote more harmony
and united effort in road building.
Ml llw. I.nne of the COUIltV COlll't
lo see more road work accomplished
Womens' Ruff Neck Sweaters all
colors, $3.00 to $6.50 ea.
Childrens' Sweaters all colors and
styles $1.25 to $4.00
Messaline Petticoats, all shades, at
$2.95 ea.
Fancy Velvets and Velours
for coat and dress trimming'. Just the
trimming you have been' looking' for.
Suitings and Coatings to suit everybody.
Agents for
ALMits for
Kubo Reducing
5) S
several days for repairs.
Expected Home Tomorrow. Mr.
and Airs. b'red V. Nutting' who have
been enjoying a week's visit with
their daughter Miss I-'lo and a broth
er of Mr. Nutting in Seattle are ex
pected to return home cither this ev
ening or sometime tomorrow.
Cut Hand while Practicing. While
practicing witii the local firemen yes-
Sidewalk to Be Installed. The side
Odd Fellows to go to Salem. A
large number of local Odd Fellows j
will leave tomorrow morning for Sa-
lem to attend the funeral of the late
li. J. I licks who died in that city the
fore part of the week. The deceased
was a member of the local lodge.
The funeral will be held tomorrow
afternoon and interment will take
place in the Salem cemeterv.
Returned from Outing. Reporting this moniinar bv Ed. Derrv. for the
a pleasant outing, he caught ; Craft meat market. The herd was
many fish, Justice of the Peace L. j rounded up and purchased in the sec
L. Swan returned vestcrdav from an . tion arnmiil Coburrr. Mr. Cmft stnf-
terday, preparatory to entering tlie outing m the Siletz country in com-; cd this morning that they are a splen
fircmen's tournament, John Warner 'nany with Attornev C. E. Hawkins! did bunch of animals a'nd that thev
ot J oledo. J hc judge lias been gone are on exhibition at the slaughter
for about a week. pen near the cemetery.
walk on the west side of the new
Bligh theater will soon be installed.
Workmen have been busy for the
past two days leveling the grounds
and placing it in readiness to receive
the gravel preparatory to laying the
Butcher Receivs Steers. A herd of
splendid steers was brought here
slipped as he was ascending a ladtler,
arid grabbing a small tin sign to sup
port himself, received a severely cut
hand. I lus morning the injury is rc-
umty in 1014 than in any pic-, ported much improved.
in tin
ceding year, saui -t M Truck Broke Down. One of the
-We hope to accon pns i un """"Mllnl(ir trucks of the Albany Commis
the tax burden
lowed only in ease i tin
and most diligent s
very stroug-idents.
penitentiary, but uiuhr the litigating ; H'C 0.lin,nn
that lhe road
William Reed. Died at Son's
Home al Ripe Age of
87 Years.
"Alums! all of in r regular college
professors do some leaching in I lie
academy. Professor Totbet has all
the work in inalhetua tics; Professor
White who has his Masters degre
fn 'in ( 'alii f oi n ia I 'uiver-diy, in
ence : Professor I-'lo in coiuiner
iS;rrr:::H yesterday morning
from long teaching a. id yens of post-
l'I idii id studv. I r. I iCM lhraclit.
Miss Irvine and lhe president of the
college leach no academy claws. Or.
Shan- h;'s had very superior prepara
tion for a pc ie rl lun-uage-;. 1 u mod
ern la Ullage much depends on pro- .
tnincialion, which can hardly he learn
ed wiihoni life abroad f i-s nder- j
-on returns in Se pi ember from a '
year's slndv at ISerliu and Heidelberg
uni ersilies and was a nio-.t ueccss
ful instructor before her year abroad.:
Mi-s Hutchinson will h:ie chaiuc of
the l-'rencli in addition to academy
l'"neh h She has h;id three Milliliters'
in l-'i a nee, lari'cly in Pari--, after -d
yearv of college and university Mudv." :
'( Ipporluuilies lo Mudv foreign Ian
e. u aye under such excellent inM ruc
tixii a-e rare, nor can students of high
school aee usually secure injunction
ui'dei a faculiv o mature, so experi
enced and of lhe training
of s,i mi.lmv eais rese.iivl and eiadu
ale siudv in towns the size ot lluny
Our ac.idrinv "ill not lotu; oiler such
opportunities, for the professors now
employed will either be restiicted to
college classes only within I v. it or
three veai's or the academy depart
tuent will be discontinued.
"The discontinuance of the acade
my or its complete separation as to
building and instructors from the col
lege proper is under con-ideration.
To answer another miestion. it is ex
pected that whatever action in ay be
determined on shall take effect not
cither than Sutetnl.r 1M
"eain. as lo disciphnc Our nieth-
ircumstances in the case, .cKertuau i '' , ' , i -o I.-'ict
uutv iaiU " ,"u-.l,l,,i"e ...v, ;:"'.
s urn i ie. inieresieu in uiu lo.i.-.,,....-
J. i MOM V. U. IUUM tll II UI1.1 1110111111,4
i on itroaiiaiiiiii mi ecu somiluuhu ku-
uien the term in the c
Ackerman look his fate calmly ami
alked steadily out of the court ro.nn
i charge of t ii'i'icer liilycii.
arc very
oi the
William Kccd died at the home ot
;is sou Kl ward Uced IS04 hast hirst
street al J p. m. yestenlay. lie was
bom near Mount Vcrnorn, Knox
county. Ohio, He, ember Jo, I SJ5 and
was M7 years. S months and cJ day.-,
of :ii-e. The deceased w as man ied to
Angeliiie I . amber t h'cln nary loth,
istr. She preceded him to the grave
by marly 1.1 yens. Kleven children
w'as the "result of this union, nine of
which are living. The deceased also
leaves ,S grand children, 17 great
gr.indchildi en and 0 great great
erandchildren. He alst leaves a
luotluT and one sifter. He has re
sided near Albany most of the time
tor the past JO years. Hc was a mem
ber of the t'hurch ot (lod to which he
continued faithful until death. In
let incut will take place in the Shel
bui n cemetery.
iion of L'ood roads, ns they
..c.ui in i he unbiiihlimr
community and everyone ought to he
willing to contribute something to
, -o-M their construction and mainten
ance. Since the repeal of the poll tax
and the exemption of household
uoods from taxation, hundreds of peo
pic are prevented from helping in the
work of road improvement when it is
.d! done by taxation."
"For this reason," continued the '
judge, "we are intending to inaugur
ate a very active campaign for vnlun- 1
teer road work for 1"I4. An effort
will be put forth to encourage every;
one who is able to contribute work;
or funds toward road building. Con- j
siderable volunteer road work has
been done in this county heretofore
and the result of that work is liov-n
very plainly n the mads of the dis
tricts in which it has been accom
plished. We believe that through
well directed volunteer work and ju
dicious expenditure of the money
raised by taxation for roads in l.iun
counlv. "more work can be accom
plished in PM4 and better cesuiH as
work than by increasing the rate
road work than by increasing the rate
of taxation for road pumoses as it
;-as been observed that better work
is accomplished bv men working vol
. untanly and willingly for road im
itroyeinent than when thev are work
ing wrong with the transmission. The
accident made it necessary that the
disabled vehicle be towed to the
garage where it will be laid up for
FOOM 1 Albany State Bank BIdg. Home 303 Bell 457-R.
On the Way South -Hud Ander
son. the fighter, passed through Al
bany estet d
the wav to M
ittg only for wages on the road."
"It is not the plan of the c nirt. '
however, to set aside one lay foi vol
nr, leer road work as has ben done in
I M issouri recently," announced the
judge, "That plan is all right hut wf
; think that more will be ac 'ompiished
by continuous work eavriei' through
a the proper time for mid huddu.g.
- intend to have as ,-oo;l mn's in
; I inn county as any road- in :h. state,
''here has been a vast im m .tuent
u the roads m the past tew vcirs an
the plan of the cour: no: -rlv to
Tlh New Fall Gdb f all KikdlsSo ar
ara imoi albls ft slaaw a Fwll Mime aft ftias ftsrme, as aSi
kg slhiipinniffiiifts are
not here, Tsut will hs oa sale iss a few days, however we aire slkcmssg snrsaiffiy nsw
p alii eras in every dejMurfaneat ftib&ft are ftJie seasms best.
The new matoriahi that are going- to be most pouular, are now arriving; from New
York. The first shipment is now here, containing; Whipcords, Diagonals and Bro
caded Snilings.
A full line of colors, including the new shades, Indian red, brick, raspberry and
Copenhagen, are now ready in Charmeuse Silks, also Chiffons.
Silk Poplins are now on sale in all staple shades.
dentlv and diligently student need "g outlil with him and the party will
only be at the eolh-ee for i c itations probably camp out during the jour
which eenerallv clo-e .it .1 til n. m uy.
and beein at S iH) a -u The attempt : Kruit lleavv. At the prune or- , in everv wav possible
of lhe instiiuliou is to niovide the chard of S, Newbv, on the Jefferson . this work and keep th
Horn aucouver on no iliU murovem-."it but to fit-
1. Me has a camp- i tl. .,xt..nd it until there arc
good roads all over the ;om"c and it
s the hope of the court, thro-ijli in-
ouragement ot volunteer ru: vvtk
, accoinphsn
t -s for ro;.d
waiine-l sort oi
pheie Tin-re is ,i
t.u ian teaching 01
teaching methods
tha- no studiMM c.t
snotisiliil't v tot iMii
The backwatd xtn.!c-
:dis, pt om account o
has iudiv idual co icb
tutu Mtoeellicr I hi
are few td.u es in t t i
dmi'c and collec pte
pursiieil i
.is eontm
hen sober
the police
One Drunk in Jug
Pee King w is c ilu d to 1;
Pacific d.-pot tin's m.i .1
an unknown ilrunk lie
ed in the ci'v iad a-ul
iMioiiyh to appear before
iude will be an li-ned
this a'tertioou.
Many People Going to Hop Yard,
--An interesting siv:ln at (he Soutli
cm I'acitic depot this noon was sev
eral ti nek loads of camping outfit?
and hop picket implements. cnrouW
from Lebanon to the 1 n depot! done t
hop yards. The luce me w as aecoiir
"anied by scores of l eha nm people
Tin 1 -ti.i n .'t 1110s- road. ester day a large branch mea-
h so hit civ no sec- ui nig about si inches m diameter
r tniluence Tur ' split off the trunk of the tree, so
a-;' mi individual heavy was the burden of fiui:,
u ivonl d.iilv re- ... , ,. . .
IMMC I'cacncs v u nipia in i..iii.
window are some pcacho grown up
on lhe 1 a v 1 of T. It. Stewart, l'lu
aie of -Jio I' ':tlv Traw ford auety and
will measure between 11 4 and U, 1-4
iuc lies in c u cut nfei once. Mr Slew art
-ays that evetv resident of Albany
should plant a tew peac.i trees for
uoinesttc consumption
City Council Meets Tonight. The
citv council will meet tonight for the
toil l',"T,"i1' f t eceix ing and acting on
Pius tor mo taviui; 01 sewn 011 0.1
ker. Kailroad. v and Oak street.
I'h ts is to be an important meeting
of thr council and it is expected that
scores of bids w ill be recoi ed. as
t.eie is ki-eu tivalrv tor the contracts.
on and studv
r the stedenl
evere illness
: on his re
v 0 tha: there
mi w tun e aca
atoi v courses
phi poses trom increasing
better advantage.
Fire Drill Held Last Night. l ast
Independence, Or.. Aug. JS As
time for beginning of the hop harvest
draws near, the town is filling up with
pickets who have come to help us
harvest the crop. F.very train is now
loaded, and from now on it will be
impossible to get out of tin city on
tune. The picking will not begin un
til next week, but hundreds of pickers
have already come and are coming in
e.uly so a-, to get the best camping
The weather is Mill good and the
aitahtv ot the hops keeps up. On ac
! night a fite dull was held in the torm count ot the pgttt vieut in some varus
' of a thrilling run made bv the full it is impossible to tell yet whether
fite department to an imaginary blae the crop will be heavy or light. All
at the corner of Itroadalhm and Konrt yards report full crews of pickers,
'strctts, following the sounding oi the and it is expected that all of ihc crop
.tl.nin will be saved this year.
inateeslt yua yona. W&glh silks, silk mull siimdl ws&h Fm1
ThB mw Fall
Isisteo ehw sta&dl
cepiliioinially slcgvcir,
air ini(giro jlxiw
s Aat air x