The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, August 29, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly
Editor and Publisher
Entered at the postotiice at Albany,
Oregon, as second-class, matter.
Published every evening except Suu
llay. Semi-weekly published Tucti
days ami Fridays,
Address all communications and make
all remittances payable to the Dem
ocrat Publishing Co.
In ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give 'fl us
well as new address.
Delivered by carrier, per week....$ 10
Delivered by carrier, per year .... .i"1
hy mail, at cud ol year 3..S:J
lly mail in advance, per year 3.0U
At end of year $1.5(1
When paid in advance, one year.... i.25
lj.-iSm f I III) KATES
ic per word for first publication;
per word tbereaflcr, payable in ad
vance. Minimiiiu charge of 25e.
Established in 1865.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1913.
Thee lines are dedicated to the
dog, faithful in his devotion to Hie
human animal, a friend who never be
trays and never forgets a kindness.
Ill sickness and health, in prosperity
Wid adversity his affliction is the
same. When others forsake I lie ilias
tter, when he becomes a social and
financial outcast, when misfortune
frowns upon him and llie human hy
pocrils who once called themselves
his friends have turned their backs
upon his poverty, Hie dog remains
faithful lo the end and his loyally
is only measured by his ability to
lie who has never known (he boy
hood joy of a lion's companionship,
who has never turned lo his canine
playmate in hours of childhood dis
tress and found holh sympathy and
comfort, has missed something in life
which is really worth while. Hut he
who has really enjoyed 1 1 1 i s privilege
and who therefore knows, and can
apprccialc Hie pleasure it brings lo
the liltle folks llllisl necessarily be a
friend of dumb animals.
Ingratitude, lack of loyally and false
friendships are numbered anions the
unforgivable vices of the human fam
ily. They have caused more heart
aches and sorrows than a hundred
wars, yel the poor, maligned ami much
libeled dog has none of the frail
ties. He is more human than many
of those who have been endowed by
their creator with the shape and form
of mail.
If the Democrat were to rewrite a
iiolaliou from a well known author
anil make it applicable to present day
conditions, it would read, "Man's in
humanity to animals should make a
stronger and more lasting impression
upon those who believe in dculiiiK ol"
exact justice to dumb brutes as well
as to the human species."
In the September Woman's Home
Companion Ralph Waldo Trine writes
an article on the "Value of a College
Education" in which he says that the
average college student has liltle or
no sympathy for the unreal, the te
dious or the questionable, and goes
on to say:
"Things have got to be made vital.
They must have the ring of the gen
uine. Many are familiar with the
story that is often told, at New Ha
ven. A pic. idler was lo address the
student body ill the chapel. Shortly
belore the appointed time he asked
the president of the university whe
ther the lime for his address would
be limited. 'Oh, no,' was the pres
ident's reply, 'speak as long as you
like, bin there is a tradition here at
Yale chapel that no souls are sacd
after t u enty minutes "
Sti auve craft lu e from time to
li'iu cat anchor in .Uiu waters
of Sin Piego Haihoiu. California,
s.ivi a writer in she September Wide
World Magazine, but tl: stiangest
of all cone lo anchor wiun the Chi
iicsc ex-puatc. Minister, -laer, and
rebel junk, Nmg Po t Peaceful WaveV
alter a loui- voyage across the Pa
cific, dually swung the title on her
cable-.. This ancient cratt with a
! u k and sauguiuai y re oi and en
sloped m fie my-teiy ot the Oiient,
i- a hundred and -iiy years old. hav
ing been built in the year It
con -t i nc ted of teak. iron-wood.
eboin. and other Oriental woods.
V'CM'nt it is a ilo.nn - InMon.ut inn
cn'M. and font. mis a gim-M'-ut' co!
Iiv'iori of C'i"(S.- torture instiu-
"Ws. welt s. , xu.,. ls 0,.,
V w i 'u d foi. -iv' i -ran it-; cage-.,
'tin i!ing An oi tU, limn Jm-a' fit, ad
'he li' , I ',is anei.'Mi v-c w is ned
in -tic i vsio i . -r s mi ., r
and slaver. She is equipped with sev
eral small cannon, mounted on tri
pods, that can be carried lo any point
on the ship. These curious pieces of
ordnance are said to be two hundred
years old. The masts of the vessel
are oi ivou-wood, and local carpen
ters and mechanics were invited to
come on board and try to penetrate
tuciu with augers and gimlets. The
vessel's record is given as follows,
I753, built at I'll Chan, China; 17,
used in a revolt against Emperor Kea
King (during this event over one
hundred and fitly pri-oncrs were be
headed at one lime on the deckj:
Itt'lb, seized for piracy a:wl smuggling;
IK14. set on fire; 1X2.1, confiscated by
Lord Xapier for acting as a slaver
and smuggler, and was later captured
by "Chinese Cordon" in the Taipmg
Rebellion and driven ashore ill a t
phoon in I.S04, tool; pari in lac
Baltic of Nanking; 1011, captured by
the rebels at the liat'.lc ol Hankow,
and in 1012 was once niof; wrecked
by a typhoon. In the lar.e.' part oi
1912 il was once more aloat an-l head
ed for I lie- L'nilcd States, where it
arrived in the e irly pari ol l'JI.I. I;
is difficult to say whether l.iere 1
anywhere on the seven seas another
ual't afloat with so long am! varied
a record as that po oesed hy the
junk now lying in Sal1 Diego Harbour.
) !fi )
News on This Page is 'f
'') From Daily Issue of
8 ft ) S
Notice is hereby given that the lln
iicrsigncd was, by an order of i he.
Circuit Court oi the Stale of Oregon,
for I. inn C unly, in I )cpartmenl No
I in that certain suit wherein Andrew
Shearer wis plaintiff ami Ida Pugh,
I;. I'. Van hleei, and Mary Klvi Van
Fleet, his wife, George W. Huffman,
a minor, Kiiiina Jnnkin and David
Junkiu, her husband, Marv A. Wright,
lames A. I'ngh and Charlotte I-:.
I'ugh, his wife, Annie E. Kendall,
and A. M. Kendall, her husband,
Ada Jackson, and llenrv, Jackson
her husband, (liner Tctherow ami C.
D. Tctherow, his wife. Miles Tcth
erow an. I A. II. Tctherow, his wife.
Clyde Tctherow, Anna Wier and
John Wier, her husband, Kffie Pierce
and E. E. Pierce, her husband and
M. A. Shongh, were defendants, dnlv
made and entered of record on the I
.Hint nay ol July, PJI.i. appointed ref
eree lo make sale of (he premises
hereinafter described; same.
All the right, title and interest of
the defendant. George V. Huffman,
and being an undivided one-sixth in
terest of, In and to the following de
scribed real property, towil: Be
ginning at the southwest corner oi
the Donation Land Claim of Jesse
W. Pugh ami wife. Notification No.
2(M0 and Claim No. 45, in Township
.-Mimii, ivauge t west ol he Wl -
lamctle Meridian, Oregon, .-mil run
ning thence niirlli along tin- west side
of said Donation Land Claim IS 75
chains: thence oast 26.59 chains
thence south 20.21 chains: thence west
15.65 chains: tlicncc North .82 de
grees 25 minutes West 11.10 chains,
to lilt place of beginning, contain
ing 52.S.I acres, more or less, all King
and being situate in I.iuu Coiiulv.
and Stale of Oregon.
Now Therefore, in pursuance of
said order and of the Statute in such
cases made ami provided, 1 will on
Saturday, the 27th day of Septemlier.
I ''1.1, at one o'clock p. m. of said
day. at the front door of the court
house in Alliany, I. inn Countv, Ore
gon, sell at public auction to t lie holi
est bidder, for cash in hand, all the
null!, title and interest of the above
named defendant, George W. Huff
man in ami to the above described
real property.
Haled this 2rtlh day of Aug
a s5-l.MO.J6 Sole Referee.
In the Circuit Court uf the State
of Oregon for I.iuu Countv. De
partment No. 2.
Ina C. Ituhite, plaintiff,
I r. G
To 1
Huhite. defendant.
G. I'.uhite, above named de-
In tiie name of the State tf ( i e
gon, yon are hereby required to ap
pear and answer tltt .Miiml i in
i plaintiff filed against you in the ahoy
entitled court anil cause on o- lu-foia
the Teti'h d.iv of October. ,u
I date being i weeks foljowin.' t!ie
me piihiicat ion oi tins sun'm-niv
being the time prescribed h the
court for answering the comprint nf
tdaiutifi in the order of publication of
this summons; ;in,l if you fail t ap
pear and answer -aid comphiiro on or
before the Tenth d;tv of Ociolu-.
ll.. for want the rent plain: n't will
apply to the court for a decr.-e dis
solving the bonds of inatnmonv ex
isting between plaintiff and d.-fend-ant
.111,1 awanlinj t!ie ciistotlv of t'-.-three
minor children. Hen. 1.. C. and
I.. M Huhite. to pluntiff u- l t r
plain-it'f's costs and dis!ursei"tMts-
Tl is summon is served on von by
publicatiin thereit ii" the Alhanv
I .i new .p (pet puldislu-d vcini-
weekly, in pursuance of an order of
Hon Percy K Kcllv. Judge of the
Third Judicial ismc: of tho Stare
ot Oregon, m.ule in eViinhev-
! banv. Oregon, and dated an. I entered
Ion the -5th day of ugust, I'M., p-e-;
scribing the dite of the first pnMi
eatiou of this summons on Vug ust
t.-'v P1.1. and the date of the last
'publication on October 10th. 10,l
j Vttornev tor Plaintiff
w .Oi- s5-U l) V O.'-IO
Shcdd. Or.. Aug. 25. (Special t:
Democrat.) The homtj of Mrs. C. K.
Marlon was the scene of a very n
joyalde event Tuesday, Ah if. 21. when
the Green hack Social and Imuro c
ment club met in regular nionthsly
session, with about thirty-five ladies
in attendance.
The following" program was fen ti
ered: Sinj-'inir America; prayer, led by
Mrs. Todd; recitation. "No Halt Way
I loings." fessie Todd ; piano solo,
M i-s Meda Brown ; address. M:ss
Sutherland ; piano solo, Miss Yantis
of Salem; recitation, Mrs. Hazel Ack
erman. The club was very tortunate in hav
ing with them Miss Mary Surherland
who gave a very instructive and inter
esting talk un Parent Teachers' as
sociations and the IToihc Wife's
r.eagite. Miss Sutherland is an ar
tist in her line of work and all wish
to hear her again.
Following the literary program a
short business session was held in
which an outline of the work for the
wititer was discussed.
It was rlecidcd that (he club pur
chase new curtains for the windows
and in ot her ways . on tribute to t li c
beauty and attractiveness of tho
school room.
After hearing the reports of the
different committees the nu-eiing ad
journed after giving Miss Sutherland
a riing vote of thanks.
A fter adjournment the hostess as
sisted by by several young ladies
served candy to her guests.
The ladies of the club are to be
commended for their energy and in
terest in the upbuilding of tlte com
munity. CITY NEWS.
Accosted Small Girl. Chief of Po
lice Griff Kiiiy ;is called to the East
End tins innrnint; to look after a man
who accosted i he ten year old daugh
ter of Carl Sniirstein. It is alleged
that the man attempted to entice the
little pirl to leave home and tfo with
him, offering her money to to so. Up
until l;i te this afternoon the officers
had not located tiie man.
Have Returned from Portland vis
it. Mrs. Willis E. MeElroy and child
ren Amies and Earl of Portland who
have been visit in ur for the past ten
clavs with Or. 1). ,l. Jones and ibuitfti
ter, Miss Kosella, of Sodaville, passed
t liroiiLjh here tohy on their way
home. Mrs, MeElroy and children
express themselves as having had a
mo-;t enjoyable visit.
Overcome by Heat. J. O. Johnson,
trouble man on (he ( )reiyon Electric
Kail wav telephone line, suffered a
sunstroke while working on the line
between 1 larrishurg and Junction
City. 1 1 e was brought to his home
in this city, where ho is slowly re
covering. Two Bachelors were at Newport.
Returning last night from Newport,
Edward Harrett and Pap Crawford,
two prominent Albany bachelors,
were Sunday excursionists to the re
sort, where they say they put in an
afternoon of enjoyable recreation.
Return from Fishing Trip. Re
turuinir yesterday Walt Middle, of
the Will jewelry store, has enjoyed
a fi-diing and hunting trip in the Cas
cades for the past two weeks. He re
ports an enjoyable outing and says
lie had splendid luck with the fly.
Go to Shelburn to Visit Leaving
this morning for Shelburn, Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Ha una Is will visit for a
week or ten days at the Meiser ranch
near that place.
Notice of Appointment of Adminis
trator. N'oticc is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
Administrator with the Will Annexed
of the Estate of Harry I. Mills, De
ceased, and all persons having claims
against said estate arc required to
present said claims with proper vouch
ers within six months from this date
at the office of Gale S. Hill. Cusick
Hank building, Albany. I. inn county,!
I 'regon
Dated August 5. IU 1
t Administrator with the Will Annexed.
1 GA l.E S. HIU., j
Attorney for Administrator. I
i AS I
In the t ircuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Linn County.
R. H. Ward, plaintiff. 1
I Viola Ward. Defendant. '
To Viola Ward, the above named
In the name oi the State of Ore
gon. V on are hereby reijinved to ap
pear1 in the ahoxe Com t :o answer the
. Complaint of Planum filed against
you in this cause, on or he ft. re the
Jud day of October. Nk. The date
ot the first publication of tins Sum
mons is August Jhi,, Wl.V and tiie
k'-t day of publication Thereof is the
.'i d day of October. 1I.; and on are
mviiied that if on fail :o appear and
answer the t'onipiaint ii this suit as
herein required, the pla'"tit: will take
a decree again st you for the relief
prayed lor in sard Complaint to-w it ;
Eor a decree of said Court di-solvin
and .in nulling the marriage contract
now existing be: ween von, said de
fend. int. a-'d the aid i ' im'if
Tt'.is vn mmons is pr-M'-he.! bv or
der of D. M McKnig''t. County Judge
of the County of If-'. S'.i'e of ( re
gon, made a'd d ia-,i A'1- ry in
said County. August IS h. w X '
Dat- of l-'irst pub,;,M-:on to ?.c .
gust JJud. P'l.l D,i;e of p-abli-c.itton
to be Octo'ur ,hd ll'.!
Attorneys for PI o-tift.
Gas People Attack Amended
Complainl and Deny All
Franchise Was Alleged Illegal
Because It Was Passed at
Same Session.
Eiling an answer to an amended
complaint instituted against them by
the city of Albany, W. If. Guldrick
and the Title Guaranty & Suerty
company, admit, deny and allege var
ious allegations but pray that the
amended complaint lie dismissed and
that they recover from the plaintiff,
their costs and disbursements.
The case arose over the grunting of
gas franehine September 27, 1911, for
which the defendants gave bond,
which was declared forfeited after the
alleged specified time, when the de
fendants failed to fulfilf the obliga
tions set up.
In their answer the defendants de
ny generally each and every allega
tion contained in the .plafn tiff's
amended complaint but admit that
the Title Guaranty & Surety Co. is
a corporation under the laws of
It is alleged that the ordinance
passed by the council granting the
franchies is void, invalid and of no
legal effect whatever, because it was
passed at the same session of the
council, which were held contrary to
the statutes of the state of Oregon.
It is further alleged that any accep
tance of the ordinance or any bond
given guaranteeing the performance
of its provisions was an attempted
acceptance and promise of an illegal
paper. It is also alleged that var
ious provisions of the franchise are
in direct violation of the laws of
the state which further makes it void,
invalid and illegal.
Attorneys Chickering and Gregory
and L. M. Curl represent the defend
Meeting yesterday afternoon in the
i office of Attorney Carl E. Sox, the
j recently elected board of trustees of
the Riverside Cemetery Association,
transacted initial business and elec
ted officers.
The election resulted as follows:
F. H. Pfeiffer, president: Ered C.
Veal, secretary; Mrs. Mabel C. Simp
son, treasurer. The remaining mem
bers of the board of trustees are L.
E. Hamilton and D. H. Modin.
Other matters were transacted and
with their completion the board ad
journed to meet at a date sometime
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has this day filed his final
account as Administrator of the es
tate of Nancy Muehlenhoff. deceased,
and the County Court of Linn Coun
tv. Oregon, has fixed Saturday, the
AUh day of August. 19k?, at the
hour of one o'clock p. m.. for the set
tlement of said account and the hear
ing of objections thereto. Anv and
all persons having objections to said
account are hereby notified and re
quired to he present in the above en
titled court at said time and present
such objections as they mav have to
said account.
Dated Inlv .Nth. WX
Administrator of the Estate of Nancy
Muehlenhoff. Deceased.
GA l.E S. Hlkk.
Vttornev tor Administrator.
Aug. l-S-15
Notice of Final Settlement.
N'oticc is hereby given that the
mnlorsiijnei! executrix of the estate
oi ". II. K.attri.ler. (lecc.Kcil. has
this day filed her Tinal Account with
the Clerk of I. inn County. Oregon,
and the ludec of the Countv Court
has fixed the 5th day .of S,pt.. 101.1.
at the hour of one o'clock p. in. for
hearinir objections to said Account,
if any there he. and for the settle
ment of said estate.
Dated this 2nd da of Ancust. 101.1.
FO R r,
Attornevs for Adtnin's'r-it-ix
a S-22-2Q s 5-12
Administrator's Notice.
The UT'dersigMed having been duly
appointed Administrator of the Es
tate of lien McFlhiney. deceased: all
h.'xrttg claims ag,tint aid
F'e are hereby notified to present
'.,.... .,r,ve!v critic ' at the office
o-Wm S Ri.t.-v. VV-v O.ccon.
witSn six tuont'is frotu this date
P.-e.l t' is " ' . A 101.1
V" S R!U I'V
r-,.r,.,.v for Administrator
a.VO) s5-1M0
' Waterloo Man Arrives Late
but Rounds Up County Clerk
and Judge.
Left with Bride for Hop Yard
j Where They Will Spend j
j Their Honeymoon.
Arriving here last night enrotue to ;
a hop yard at Independence a
young couple stopped over long
enough to look up Deputy County
Clerk K. M. Russell and County Judge
McKnight, in order to be married.
The couple was Ered A. Smith,
age 21, of Waterloo, and Ruby G.
Hawk, age 19, of Sweet Home.
A physician also figured in the
hunt, of a little story, which has been
entitled: "A Couple Married after
Open Hours. It was necessary tor
the prospective bridegroom to secure
a health certificate as required by
the new law.
Deputy County Clerk Russell was
first rounded up and then County
Judge Mc Kiuight was detained. The
doctor was later intercepted and with
the necessary certificate. Smith rush
ed up to tiie county court house
where the license was issued at 7:30
o'clock. Then the couple went into
Judge McKnight's office shortly af
terwards where the nuptial knot was
tied. G. W. J lawk, father of the
bride made the affidavit for the cou- .
pie. i
After the ceremony the couple pil
ed into a big wagon loaded with a
camping outfit and hop pickers im
plements, and wended their way hop
yardward where they will spend their,
honeymoon picking hops.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Meckley who
have been visiting at the home of
Rev. W. P. White returned to theiir ,
home at Tacoma yesterday.
E. 1). Harrett of the Oregon Power
Co.. returned last night from a two
days business trip to Portland.
H. P. Morton is spending a few
days at the Coast.
, Mr. Elmer Taylor of Alsea re-1
turned home this morning after a vis-;
it at the home of G. W. Hughes.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hughes and
daughter Norton arrived yesterday oil !
a visit with relatives.
J. K. Moon of Eugene transacted
business here this morning.
Hruce McDauiel, editor of the Wil-:
lamette Collegian, the college paper!
of Williamette University, of Sak-tn.l
passed through the city this noon ei:
route to Newport. j
J. Ered Yates ,an attorney of Cor-;
j vahis, transacted business here ihtsj
! afternoon.
1 E. C. Morgan, an insurance man ot '
Portland, transacted business here:
: this morning. '
k. M. Myerley. of Newport, was a
vi-itor in the city this morning,
j City Engineer J. R. Penland was
a business visitor to Harrisburg yes-1
E. A. Johnson transacted bu-iness
in Tangent yesterday.
Administrator's Notice.
To all the creditors of the estate ot
Cliloe Hither, deceased:
You and each of you arc hereby
notified that the undersigned has been
duly appointed administrator of the
etate of Chloe Huber. deceased, by
the county court of Linn county, Ore
gon; therefore, all persons having
claims against said e?tate are hereby
notified to present the same with the
proper vouchers within six months
from the date hereof to the under
signed at his resilience at near Jordan
in l.inn countv. Oregon.
Hated this ,!av of Inlv. 101.1.
FF.TER R. nii.YFU.
Administrator of the estate cSf Chloe
Hubcr, deceased.
Y. R. nn.YF.y,
Attornev for Administrator.
July 35-A I-S-15 22-29
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the last will
and testament of Anna Schlosser. de
ceased, has filed in the Countv Court
of l.inn County, Oregon, his tinal
account as -itcli executor, and that
-! I Court his fixed Monday, the
I5th day of September. 19U. at the
nour of ten o'clock in the iorenoon
as the 'ime for the hearing of oSiec-io-s
to iid fi-al account, and the
s 'tletnetlt thereof.
Attorneys for Adnihiisf-itor
wkly al5 to S 12
Owner cf Great Mountain Re-
sort Announces Extensive
Lumber on Ground for .Some
of These Buildings to Be
Erected Soon.
A new iwo-story hotel, a dancing
pavilion, twenty cottages for the ac
commodation of campers and a new
bath house containing eighteen rooms
are the improvements planned at Uel
knap Springs, bl miles east of Eu
gene on the upper Mcivenzie river,
says the Eugene Guard.
Howard Hawk, of 1'ortland, one
of the owners ot the resort, visited
the springs last week and announced
that these improvements will be
made, the work to begin at once.
Lumber for the buildings is now be
ing sawed at a mill on the Yale place
a mib from the springs.
A hotel is the one thing lacking at
ih is resort to make it one of the most
popular watering places on the Pa
cific Coast. Belknap Springs could
easily rival I Lot Springs, Ark., and
other famous resorts of the country
with Uic expenditure of a consider
able sum of money in improvements
and with the building of a railroad
from Eugene. The camping grounds
there are ideally situated. Nature
seems to have had in mind a summer
resort when it caused boiling hot wat
er to gush forth from the mountain
rocks at this place. It provided a
level tract of several acres in extent
just across the river from the springs,
and it i on this flat that the camps
and hath houses are suituated and
where the new hotel will be erected.
A rustic bridge spans the river and
connects the camping grounds with
the springs. The hot water is also
conveyed in troughs on this bridge
from the springs to the bath house
and the swimming pool.
Lumber is on the ground at the
present time for the erection of the
20 cottages. Work on these struc
tures will begin at once and they will
be completed by the time the season
opens next year. Another big im
provement to be commenced this fall
after the pleasure-seekers shall have
left will be the erection of the new
bath house to take the place of the
old one which has been in use for
many years. The new house will
contain 18 rooms, all fitted with up-to-date
sanitary tubs and other fix
tures. This will be a great improve
ment over the present arrangement.
Manager Ernset Sloan also an
nounces the immediate erection of a
commodious dancing pavilion.
A. B. Williams Files Charges
Against Former Partner
Charles McGougan.
Alleging that Charles McGougan
has appropriated $5700, for his own
personal use, belonging to a part
nership between them, A. B. Wil
liams has filed suit in the circuit court
for an accounting.
According to the complaint, the
two men entered into a partnership
July 1. 1908. for the purpose of pur
chasing lands to plant orchards and
other agricultural products. Each
ms the owner oi an undivided one
half interest, both advancing money
and performing services for the con
cern until April 13, 1912, when the
partner-hip was dissolved. The con
cern was located at Medford.
The plaintiff asserts in the com
plaint that by an agreement between
himself and the defendant, the latter
was to collect in all money due the
concern at the time of its dissolution.
This it is claimed was done to the
extent of approximately the above
amout but it is charged that the dc
tendant has failed to turn over the
amount due the plaintiff. Attorneys
Weathcford and Wcatbefrord repre
sent the plaintiff.
County Judge McK'ni -I t this morn
ing granted the petitio-i of Scth Rais
trick as administrator of the $.150 es
tate of the late John R. I -ee, who
died in Portland about Aug. 12. 101.1.
At the time of his death, the home
of the bereaved was in England but
:'c her- made his home witli Rais
trtok at Rrownsville. T'-e onlv heir
at l.:w oi the c-tatc is William I.ce.
lather of decea-ed. who is a resident
ot Ilradford. i:ngl. nd. The deceased
is a rewphew of the administrator's
' ' " '' C micron and wife have
' '-o n ai o -t' ; at Foley