QUAnhiES COM Chairman of Mines Bureau Is Here and Confers with Mining Committee. RESEARCH IS TO BE MADE IN THIS SECTION The Valley Is in Need of a Comprehensive Drainage System Is Opinion. Cfjut jiiiif l from Saturday. August 16 That a research now and their wi be made as tu the qualifications of quarries in this sec I ion by the Oie Kim Bureau of Mines and thai ilui: far much worthy material lias been found here, was indicated yesterday at a conference of interested parties at I he Comui(.rcial club. II. N. S.awrie, clu-irmaii of the Ore Bureau of Mines aul ycolotfy commis sion, arrived in Albany today after lour of the southern pari, of the state in the interest of the bureau. J lie purpose of his trip was to familiarize In in sell with conditions and people, and to send out at first hand as much as possible of the mineral and eco nomic theological resources of the stale. 'Mr, I.awrie yesterday afternoon Held a conierenee with the mining committee ol Ihe Commercial club of which A. M. Hammer, Wialdo Ander son and John McChesney are mem bers. This section is in need of a compre hensive drainage system both for the protection of waou roads and to in crease the agricultural yield. Pursu ant to assisting in this development, the bureau proposes to test the avail able clays in its laboratory at Corval lis lo ascertain their qualifications for the manufacture of tile at points well located for distribution. With this in formation won on first band and pre sented from Ihe authoritative source of the bureau of mines, many eastern manufacturers in in h be encouraged to investigate conditions which would lead to co-opcralioii lo install such a system. In Indiana thirty million dol lars has been spent in drainage with a result of increasing the yield from 50 to KM) per eenl. There has been a l.irne amount of money expended and for this reason the bureau work is outlined to increase internal de velopment. Recently there has been much inter est manifested in Portland for the se curing of an Oregon stone suitable for the const rue l ion of the Portland post office. (Ji tarry operations can not be carried on wilhout public con tract and there has been so little sup-! port from I he county and slate in ! aralvins; local stone that the mining ! of build inn stone has not been ex lensi e in b euon. 1 lowever, there is a la re quantity of stone in Ore gon, tiranile, sandstone, and marble for interior decorations. The bureau is niakiuK a research of the quarrirs in (his section and will in the near future report as their qualifications. Railroad extension into the Blue River and (Juarlville sections of this county will develop a substantial in come from metal mining. The ores are base ami will require smelt inn. but K've them transportation and they will sustain development at a K"od profit. The bureau of mines according to Mr. I.awrie is ready to test all sam ples of road material submitted by count v courts, road engineers or oth er officials and to report upon their qualifications as road material. Rolfe and Hill in Alison. The Oemoerat today received a souvenir postal card from 1eo. Rolfe win in company with lis;-t ; t ' nov 1 1 ill, is seeing -he si i h t . i f A'-iik," Ccorce says (bit it co ;m S ii to pet into a pic, me sh v .i. 1'. it! em country ant lie cm huy a b:ol paise of advertising qu.'e f t a l-.n'ar month. C. A. Ilarlcll and wife, the former proprietor of the Oregon Hotel of Cottage C.rovc and 1.. 1.. Hill of the same p! IV R. V iVcsthrook and wife of the St. Are You Going to Build ? Let U Save You Money on Your Mill Work NEGRO PRISONER ESCAPES FROM CHIEF OFPQLICEKING While Officer's Back Is Turned Bootblack Leaves- Res- ; taurani. ! I, sea pin a out of the back door of the Oregon restaurant, George, the negro bootblack, is at large and offi cers believe that he is on his way to .Salem afoot. George was arrested early this morning by Chief of Police King on a charge of drunkenness and placed in the city jail to sober. Jt was his second offence within the past month. After remaining in jail all of the morning and part of the afternoon, Chief King took the prisoner to the restaurant to give him his dinner. While the officer's hack was turned, George sneaked to the kitchen door and slipped out the buck way. Upon missing the man the officer immedi ately inquired of Ins prisoner's where abouts, lie was told that the man ran out the back door. Mounting his bi cycle, wtheer King conducted a hur ried search of the neighborhood but could not find (he escaped prisoner. Chief King communicated the case to Police Judge Van Tassel who ad vised him to give the chase up. Its a Girl. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wil kins this morning a ten pound girl. This is the third child, the first two having been boys and Marry is buy ing ten cent cigars for all of bis friends. PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS TAKE LONG POWER CONTRACT Sign Up With Oregon Power u0. for Term of Years; Con tract Executed This Week. That the Portland Flouring Mills, of which T. H. Wilcox of Portland is the president has confidence in Al bany and is well satisfied with the ullook in this city is indicated by the fact that they have signed tip a con tract for a term of years for power fur both the Red Crown and Maguo- ia mills which are operated in this city. The former is the principal mill conducted by the Portland company here, the latter having been sold lo (he ( tregon Klectric railway when it be came necessary for that comnanv to run its freight line through the prop erty. The Portland Flouring Mills have however, secured a lease on the property and are now using it largely ware House purposes. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. K liner Tavlor of Alsea returned home today alter a visit at the home of lieorge V. Hughes. X. S. Olson, of Mrowiisville, ar ed this notm from Corvallis, where has been in the interest of the Superior Hospital association of Ore gon, of which he is president. lie' will organize the work in this city. i lie ohiect is to luruisli members with medical, surgical and hospital care when sick or injured. K. G. Morris, of I. a Grande, was in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Wright ami son of Pasadena, Calif., were regis tered at the St. Francis toilav. Thev irmed in a louring car ami are mak ing the trip to Portland. O. T. l.arsen of Independence was registered at the St. Francis todav. D. V. Merril returned todav from Cascadia where he has been eniovinu; ii outiuir. He eauuht snnif fish and says he had a delightful time. .Mr. I-rank lonkhu ot l.os Gatos. California arriwd this morning and is visiting her uncle, W. Meade. Clarence Tebault. city editor of the iVmoerat left today for Newport where he will spend a couple of days. A stronger attraction than the sea bieee drew Mr. Tebault to the coast. Mrs, S. S. Gilbert. Gladys and Ted dy returned last night from an ex tended visit with relatives at various points in Washington. They had a delightful trip. Attorney I.. G. l ewelling. Win. llo flich and Theodore Holtich left this noon for AImu where they expect to slaughter a few deer. They went pre pared for both fishing and hunting. Miss Merle Knox of North Dako ta, is a i;uest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powell. Mrs. J. K, Hulbcrt has returned h om California where she has been visiting relatives. 0. E. TRAINS WILL RUN ON WATER STREET LINE According to an auuoutu'cmen: :ii.i,!e t!n inotnnie. by loc.il Oiceon I Itclric oti'.ci.i!-.. the trait's on that Iv't- i uMit will run tlii iu h il:e city ! W .iter street Imc to Wc-l l il'lli street and will then back down 1" !''c depot on I'H'.h and L on. V'.n- i" :c l is N'cn in.ole m o:,!er to ietum Mr uoiknien to nnkc some iiivisvw', imp! o cnu-nts 111 the ro.id hc.l Maul .-Heel and the de- Tot THE WHEAT HUB Extension of Corvallis & East ern from Detroit Will Open Up Big Territory to Hub. CLAIMED THAT EXTENSION PLANS ARE NOW COMPLETE Oregon Electric Will Also Make Albany Terminus; Big Mills Will Be Established. Portland, Or., Aug. 16. (Special to Democrat.) That Albany will be one of the largest milling towns in the entire state of Oregon if the present plans of the Corvallis & Eastern rail way materialize, was the statement made by a man close to the railroad situation in Oregon here today. For years the C. & E. has had in mind the extension of this line from Detroit and a number of surveys have been made but not until recently has the necessity of the extension appear ed so urgent to the railroad officials and milling interests of Western Ore gon. With the opening of the Panama canal, the export trade in wheat and other products raised in the eastern portion of the state will be enormous. The milling interests arc prepared to handle this crop and propose to mill a large portion of it in Albany. The construction of the new road will open up a large wheat region which has heretofore been neglected and will materially increase the production of this cereal in Oregon. In addition to the proposed plans of the C. & E. the Oregon Electric is abo planning to cross the moun tains and thus obtain a portion of the carrying business which will be de veloped in Eastern Oregon. The ter minus of both of these lines will be in Albany and it is therefore assumed that a large portion of the milling business will be done at the terminal point of the lines. Just when actual construction work will commence could not be ascer tained but it is stated on good author ity that both lines will be in opera tion before the opening of the big canal. SCIO AND SHEDD ARE AT WAR OVER CITY SLOGAN Editor of Santiam News Claims That "The Dairy City" First Discovered by Scio. The following rout the Santiam News indicates that the people ot Scio will not part with their town slogan : "At its regular meeting the Shedd Commercial club adopted a slogan for that place, "The Hairy City." An arch will he erected across First street in trout of the post office and the new hank building with that in scription. Albany Democrat." " The slogan. "The Dairy City of the Willamette Valley," was adoptcil by the Scio city council over five years ao; also by the Scio commer cial club about the same time, and has been used on all the stationery and literature of this organization since that time. "If Slieilds wants a slogan anil is not original enough to invent one, for the love of Mike, why don't they at least have the decency to go outside the county to steal the slogan of an other town?" Fditor Tip Humphrey, ot Jeffer son, arrived this noon for an after noon at the Huh. 100 Hop Pickers Wanted. Wanted 100 hop pickers at Ash Grove yard 10 miles north of Albany and 1 12 miles west of Dover. Ail necessary conveniences furnished Register at the Woodworth Drug I storv and apply to Hurler Hrothcrs. I Hell phone l.ix Jet'lcrson. w al2tf FOR S.M.K 10 acre tract at south end of Takena street, just east of tile new college site. Lays fine for division into 1 or J acre tracts. Al so house and lot at corner of .rd and Cal.ipooia streets. For terms apply to O. A. Archibald, at First National Hank. A4S-4 dlv-wklv FOR SA1.K SO acre tract northeast of Oakvillc Station. All in cultiva tion and cood laud. For terms see O. A. Archibald at First National Hank. Vt S4 dlv wkly Fisher, RmdemV: Co 1 TNT.RAl. IMRKCTORS AND rNDKRTAKKRS I'ndiT.atvi.iK Tarlor-. ;'rd and PrttittMlhm r ' ADY .VI I I MUNr Both Phones PORTLAND AND THE ATHLETICS WILL CLASH Good Game on Boards for To morrow and Many Local Fans Expect to Attend. Every baseball fan in Albany is ex pected to attend the game tomorrow between the Bradfords of Portland and the Athletics. There was no game iiere lat Sunday owing to the light attendance of the past several weeks but it is believed the attendance will increase so that games may be played each Sunday during the remainder of the season. The Hradfords after a strenuous time in which they re port unfair treatment, defeated Dal last last Sunday by a score of 7 to 3. AH the Portland teams have strengthened their lineups and the Bradford claim they have one of the fastest amateur teams in the city. Patterson and Patterson will be the battery for Albany tomorrow while Whetstone and Born will work for the visitors. The game will begin promptly at 3 o'clock. Bradfords Albany Uoni c D. Patterson Whtestone p W. Patterson Stepp lb Ryalls Stranahan 2b Swann Morgan 3b Colbert Brown cc Kennard Lind If Baker Briygs cf Monson Boyatana rf Salisbury TYPHOID DUE TO IMPURE MILK SAYS DR. DAVIS City Health Officer Makes In vestigation of Cases Reported and Thinks Water Pure. That the cases of typhoid rcnorted yesterday by local physicians are not due to the water supply as given out by a citizen of Albany, but to impure milk sold by a private family to some of the local people is the opinion of Dr. Davis, city health officer. As soon as the cases were reported Dr. Davis made an investigation and while he has not concluded the work he feels satisfied that the eases can not be attributed to the city water sup ply but to impure milk. CONDITION OF LYLE BIG BEE IS UNIMPROVED Lyle Bigbee this noon returned from Newport, where he has been three or four weeks for the benefit of his health. The injury received several weeks ago on the Oregon Klectric at this city has been affect ing him and it is thought the injured place in his head will have :o bo re opened, fearing that a niece of gravel is inside affecting his brain. OREGON POWER CO. WILL ELECTRICITY According to the Portland papers tlic Oregon Power cinpany has closed up a contract with the Portland. Eu gene & Eastern Railway company to furnish power for that railroad on all iifiMcen ,'uein ami I KllUl'Ilt' Tln enw mill -it IVi1I-, ...III also he furnished with power from the same company and a .13.000 volt line will also be run to Albany in addi tion to the one now in operation. KAB0 LACE FRONT CORSETS In the New Fall Models A satisfactory A Priced Agents for Standard Patterns TAXPAYERS GET IM KICK READY County Equalization Board Will Meet at Court House September 8. PROPERTY OWNERS MUST REGISTER COMPLAINT Assessor Earl Fisher Is Busy with a Corps of Assistants on Work. Owners of DTODertv ill Linn roimtv should concern themselves in the meeting of the board of equalization to be held at the courthouse in this city, on Monday, September 8 for a six day session. Taxpayers will find it to their ad vantage to examine the tax rolls oi the county when completed and before the mcetin.j cf the county equalizatin board and if they believe thev are u- equitably assessed should be ready to picseiu lun iniormation to me Doara. After the adjustments are made by the board, no changes are permitted and the tax collector can give receipts only upon payment of taxes as shown by the rolls. Taxpayers who neglect to appear before the board and then hovyl at the tax collector only waste their, own time, make a nuisance of themselves and try the patience of the officer who cannot help them a par ticle. It will be useless to go before the equalization board with only a gener al complaint that certain property is assessed at too high a figure. If the assessment is too high, be prepared to show it by comparison with the as sessment on other property of like character and in the same locality. Assessor Eearl Fisher and a corps of assistanats barely find time for eat ing and sleeping these days, for there is a tremendous lot of work to do to complete the rolls in time for the meeting of the board which under the new law is held a month earlier than usual. L. L. Potts left yesterday Ilwaco, Wasington, where he will spend a week visiting at the home of relatives. He has a cousin residing at that place who is in the bakery business. PARKER LEAVES FOR OUT- 1NU IN THE MOUNTAINS Roy Parker, the shoe man at the Hamilton store, left this morning with his family for a two weeks' outing at Detroit. With a brand new fishing license authorizing said Parker to fish and take fish, will no doubt have a tendency to reduce the cost of living for at least two weeks. PORTLAND NEWSPAPERMEN WILL NOT ARRIVE TODAY It was reported late this afternoon that the Portland newspaper men who are touring the valley will be unable to reach Albany before 10:30 tomor row morning and owing to the fact that .Manager Stewart found it im possible to ohtain a crowd at that time. Sunday, to receive the delega tion, no formal reception will be ten dered to the visitors when they pass through the city. lace front Corset at a Reasonable Price model for everv figure. $2.00 and $3.50 pair FLOOD'S STORE 334 WEST FIRST STRKHT JOHN W. GARLAND CALL ED By DEATH TODAY Well Known Pioneer of Linn County Died After a Short Illness. After a short illness from ap pendicitis. John V. Garland, a pioneer of Linn county anc'. a res ident of this city, passe away late this afternoon ;.t St. .Mary's hospital. .ir. Garland was operated up on Thursday ?nd his physicians entertained but little hope of his recovery. His appendix broke and early this afternoon it was announced that he could not live more than two or three hours. Arrangements for the funeral have not, been made at the hour of going to press. PROFESSOR BRIGGS RE TURNS FROM DEER HUNT Prof, and Mrs. Briggs. two young est sons and Mrs. Hriggs' mother, ar rived this noon from Cottage Grove, beyond where they have been taking an outing for several weeks, hunting and fishing. Prof. Briggs has been engaged as superintendent of the s:hools at La Grande, California, for next year and will go there next month. Mrs. Briggs and children are so well i'leased with the Albany schools they v-ill remain here the coming year. PRESIDENT OF SOOTH DAKOTA COLLEGE HERE Rev. Calvin H. French and Dr. H. M. Crooks Will Fish for Trout in Mountains.' Arriving last night, Rev. Calvin H. French, a prominent educator and president of the Huron college of Hu ron, South Dakota, is a guest at the home of President H. M. Crooks of Albany College. Rev. French is associate secretary of the college board of the Presby terian church of America and as an officer of this organization has a vital interest in Albany College. He will confer with President Crooks and the board of trustees of the local school. and dnnbtlnce innl-o enmn o,. as to the future plans of the institu tion. Next week Rev. French and Dr. on a fishing trip in the vicinity of De- UUII. ALBANY PEOPLE ATTEND FAMILY REUNION AT LEBANON A family reunion w-as held Sundnv at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Kalston m which upwards of thirty iuldren and erand children met ar the parental home. There were pres ent, besides Mr. and Mrs. Ralston, . Kirkoatrick and fnmilv. imird Landstrom and family, of this city; J. M. Ralston and Wife, Fred Fort miller .111,1 f-im;i,. .,.,.1 m:-- 17 " " 3 turn .,iisa i , mine Griggs, of Albany; E. U. Lee and t'.i,.l.. f T7 , r t mi i.iigene auu v. Lee, Ot Junction City. Criterion. Rni,M, !-i;..L.l.. .1 1- t r .iiiiimj, me popular ami et- ficient stenographer at the Albany Commercial club rooms has returned from lu-r vacation at St. Helens. Agents for Kubo Reducing Corsets