The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, August 19, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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No. 83.
Considerable Routine Business
Transacted and Passed
Paving Inspector Reports; Take
Off Hydrants to Be
Meetimr last, night, the council
transacted considerable routine busi
ness and oassed several ordinances,
and discussed many matters under the
head oi "new business." All of the
members were present including Chief
of Police and Building Inspector
King, City Engineer and Paving liv
snector Penland. and Street Superin
tcnuent JllllKill. ine nunuies ui me
previous meeting were read and ap
proved and the report of the commit
tee on accounts and current expenses
containing scores of bills, was read
and adopted.
The committee on fire and water
recommended that the Oregon Power
Co. construct take off hydrants on
Water street at the intersections of
Lyon and Ferry streets, which was
The report of Paving Inspector
Penland was read and approved. Ex
tracts from the report are as follows:
Paving of alleys according to plans
and specifications completed. Por
tions of work on alley between Sec
ond and Third street from Lyon to
Ellsworth streets are, held up on ac
count of lateral sewers not being laid.
Sixth street completed to Jefferson,
patch work on uneven places to be
done today. Committee on streets
and public property has accepted 1912
hold over contracts for pavement of
Water street from Lafayette to Main
as completed.
Petition of J. D. Stcdham and 30
others for opening of Denver street
from Second south across railroad
tracks was read and referred to com
mittee on streets and public property
with instructions to file recommenda
tions by next meeting. Councilman
Lyons spoke in favor of this matter
by stating that it was feasible and
necessary, citing that the opening of
the street would convenience resi
dents of that section to a great ex
tent. Councilman Johnson asked for a
report from the street superintendent
relative to the graveling of Jefferson
street from Jefferson to Water. Mr.
Junkin said that nothing has thus
far been done pending the action of
the railroad company in furnishing
gravel. He was instructed to proceed
with the work today of hauling gravel
on the street tn fill up holes.
The following ordinances were
An ordinace to ascertain the prob
able cost of improvements to Sixth
street from Walnut to Elm streets,
to assess the proportionate share of
such probable cost of the improve
ment, of grading and graveling. The
improvement is to cost $228.02 to be
paid bv property owners as follows:
Lena C. Marshall. $84.69: D. O.
Woodworth. $84.70: W. A. Kjmscy.
S17.46; Ira Cadv. SI 1.45: Elseha Voss.
$14.66: W. L. Jackson, $14.65.
An ordinance to repeal sections one
and three of ordinance Xo. 155, en
titled "an ordinace to tax, license and
regulate public wash houses and laun
dries and to define what shall con
stitute the sarrtc." passed by the coun
cil May 10, 1887.
An ordinance fixing the time and
place of regular meeting of the coun
cil and the compensation of the mem
bers and repealing ordinance No. 137
entitled "an ordinance relating to the
meetings, powers and compensations
of the city council." passed August
18. 1885. Ordaining that regular meet
ings of the council shall he held on
the second and fourth Wednesday
in each month and the mayor and
councilmen each shall be allowed $1.00
for each meeting they attend, to he
paid quarterly.
An ordinance to repeal ordinance
o. b4y entitled an ordinance grant
ing to G. L. Ranch the right to supplv
the city of Albany with gas" passed
bv council June b. lyu.
An ordinance to determine the cost
of improvements to Hill street from
First street to Ninth street, to assess
the proportionate share of such prob
able cost. The improvement is to
cost $1329.92 and is to be paid by htc
property owners.
An ordinance providing for the im
provement ot .ixth street trom nl
nut to him street, nrovidine cns;
i,.ii,t n K .rr.i-,.,1 V.
agn -d.
An ordinance providing for the im
provement of II ill street from First
to Xinth street.
An ordinance rehting to construc
tion of sidewalk on Railroad street.
E. Stewart Retires His
Interest Taken Over By
Local People.
Tile Halscy Enterprise says:
A considerable change took place
in the ownership of the Halsey State
Hank the latter part of last week when
the stock formerly held by F. E.
Stewart was taken over by William
Mc.Mahon, Mrs. M. C. Bond and son.
U. M. Bond. Mr. Stewart's people
recently locating in California gave
him the notion to move to that state,
and lie sat about making the neces
sary arrangements which this com
pletes, he having sold his residence
property to Dr. T. K. Johnson.
The regular quarterly meeting of
the stockholders and directors of the
bank will be held soon and it is ex
pected that all the necessary changes
in officers and management will be
made at that time to keep everything
in perfect riming order.
The expressions of regret of the
fact that Mr. and Mrs. Stewart are
going away are numerous, as their
sojourn in Halscy has been pleasant
and profitable, both to themselves
and to those with whom they came
in contact in a business as well as a
social way.
Two Concerns May Refuse to
Honor Policies They Held
on Academy.
Pendleton, Or., Aug. 13. Because
a $3000 insurance policy was taken out
in the Pacific Mutual company on the
Pendleton Academy and was trans
ferred to Henry T. Hill, who trans
ferred it to Lincoln and Beulah Mea
dor, of Walla Walla, without the
knowledge of the Citizens Insurance
Company of Missouri, which had al
ready insured the acedetny for $6000,
both companies indicated today that
they will make a rigid investigation
of the recent fire whch destroyed the
"G Com ,'pSlfe r agent for
the Pacific, intimates that the policy
taken out in his company is invalid, i
The $6000 was taken out when the
property belonged to Thomas Hall.
Unrh, i. Irnm Hill n,wl sold il ,
, i,. mi p,,,,',it h m
Snot. "bany cSmer
; ,T7 11 1 "
is here to attend the adjustment meet-1
A. S. Cone, Aged 86, of Butter
ville, Recalls Early
That he was here when Albany was
laid out as a town site and that he
can remember distinctly the early
wild west days in this section of the;
valley, was the statement made this
noon by A. S. Cone, age 86.
Mr. Cone passed through the city
this noon enroute home from New
port where he has been spending a
portion of the summer for the benefit
of his health. His home is at Butte
villc. Despite his extreme age Mr.
Cone is hale and hearty and finds his
way over the country as he did in
his younger days.
"I was here in 1847 and saw Al
bany laid out," he said. "My but
how things have changed since then.
Little did I dream to see all this im
provement in what I consider a re
markable short time."
Mr. Cone is an acquaintance of Fred
Westbrook, engaged in a pleasant chat
with the Albany man, who took him
from the Southern Pacific depot in
his automobile to the Oregon Elec
tric depot.
) News on This Page is
) From Daily Issue of v
i ,t ... n , .
Tne Democrat dc-ire- to
1 cure
ne:il correspondent at
Shc'M-. riair.view. Harribiirg,
I.ebnnan, Brownsville. Sweet '
I I"ine. Solo, and all other points '
in the comity not already repre-
; -entod. Anyone desiring to act
the retiresentnive of the paper '
wiil please inform the ma-v-e-
ni' "t ?. an enrlv date. T2.Vtf
Californian Arrested Here Yes
terday Talks Guardedly
of Charges.
Says Son Is Accountable For
Their Traveling Under
An Alias.
With his face red from excite
ment and apparently suffering from
a nervous strain, W. A. lden, alias
C. M. Dickey, arrested here yester
day on charges of felony upon in
structions from California, when vis
ited at the county jail this morning
by a Democrat representative, talked
guardedly, stating that he was ignor
ant of the charges against him.
Chief of Police King made the ar
rest upon wire instructions from
Sheriff W. W. Collins of Tulare,
Calif. According to reports from
there, lden is charged with imbez
zlcment, his transactions alleged to in
volve $50,000, in disposing of mort
gaged properties, lie is said to be a
prominent real estate dealer of that
"The only thing that I can ac
count for the charge against me,"
he said, "is that six months ago I
purchased 30 head of cattle, to later
find that they had been mortgaged.
1 sold the cattle regardless of the
mortgage at $90 per head." He
forced a strained laugh when told that
! his transactions arc said to involve
$50,000, claiming that there was notb
' ing to it.
"My son Wade and myself left Tu
! lare after leaving the rest of the fam-
j ilv at Long Beach, for a tour of the
j Northwest, about July 17. We went
" ' "uo V1.'" "" '- 'i T; " '
j " , nclud g the g
nefit.of my heal,.,5 and rl-creatio,
RcrninB we stopped off at various
!'1:ic '",.W?S ' L'y -C.T'"8
here. I lived here ten years ago, re
siding at Tangent, where I was a
i i i i i :.. ,1.-
"""""T. I 11. 1 M- piec e. ... uii-
South Methodist church many times.
f in the real estate ..
iWe were on our way home. My son
not tired of the trip and T let nun go
j on home and T received a telegram
this morning saying that he had join
ed the family at Long Heach.
Asked why he was traveling under
rh name of Diekev he replied in un
certain words. "Oh, that was my
son's doings. He has a friend by that
name and suggested that we register
under that name to see if Mr. Smith
would know us. I told the hotel man
my real name."
"Will vou fight extradition?" he
was asked.
"Believing as I do, that this thing
is spite work on the part of my ene
mies." he replied. "I most certainly
will if T find this to he the case when
the warrant arrives."
At Tdcn's reuuest Sheriff Rodme re
tained Attorney Hilycu to visit the
prisoner in in i I this morning to uis-
cuss this matter.
The outcome of the
: consultation w
that thev would
wait the arrival of officers from Cal
ifornia before acting,
Tden reiterated his statement of last
niirht that "I will give $10,000 cash
bail if T may be permitted to return
to California alone or T will pay an
officer for his time and expenses if
I may return in his custody."
Without as-signing any reason for
the rhnnup hut nresumahlv bemuse
j tne officer was not thoroughly in love
iith his position and therefore not
sufficiently active in the work of im
pounding dogg Poundmaster John
Catlin was last night relieved from
his duties and C. H. Oliver appointed
in his place.
Since assuming his duties Catlin
has not killed any dogs and it is
claimed by one member of the coun
cil that he has therefore failed to
qualify for the office.
Oliver was at one time poundmas
ter hut he was removed from office
because he exercised too much au-
: thority. Complaints came pouring in
1 to the city authorities because of the
manner in which he performed his
duties and .Officer Catlin was appoint
ed to fill the vacancy.
Cons'able Catlin always been a
capable and efficient nffirer
en pa lil e and efficient officer.
j Banks Have Big Deposits.
The HaUry Bank now has deposits
""Hinting tn over ?7? and the
i.dd Innl- about MfififO. money that
m s fo-nvrlv kept in 'he .Mbanv
Clara S. Groshong Has Started
Suit Against Husband on
Grounds of Cruelty.
Many Allegations Are Made in
Complaint Filed by Marion
County Woman.
Charging that he beat her about
the body with a heavy rope and tried!
to force a horse to tramp upon her,
Clara S. Groshong has filed suit in
the county circuit court against Ju
seph E. Groshong for divorce upon
the grounds of cruel and inhunuui
The plaintiff is a resident of Marion
county. She was married to Gro
shong in Vancouver. Washington, Xo
vember 26, 1898. There are no child
ren. In her complaint the plaintiff
claims that at all times she has treat
ed the defendant as a loving wife but
that on the other hand he has trcued
her cruelly and inhumanely, with per
sonal indignities.
According to the allegations, Gro
shong has conceived, without cause,
a violent dislike for Nora T.
Donaldson, a daughter of the plaintiff
by a former marriage, treating her
cruelly and indecently. Groshong is
alleged on several occasions to have
struck and beat the child and when
the mother interposed turned his
wrath upon her.
On July 31. 1913. according to the
complaint, the defendant in a 'it of
ngcr struck the plaintiff a number
of times with a heavy rope and tru'd
to force a horse to trample upon her
The plaintiff allege:, that the de
fendant is of a morbid and melan
choly disposition r.nd has often
threatened 'to kill himself and to kill
her. She claims that he has failed tn
support her and that he has .been
the means of their livelihood. Mrs.
Groshong was formerly Mrs. Cla-a
S. Donaldson. She ar.ks the court to
dissolve the bonds of matrimony and
restore this name to Iicb.
Property involved :n the suit con
: riti'tes rea! propel tv of nine ic es
in two tracts of four n nd five ii '''on
each and nersona' iroperty nf the
v.-lue of $500, ii'l 1 longing to the
plaintiff. Sh-1 stipulaus in her com
print that she is wVliug to transfer
the five acre tM..t to the defending
Attorney C. F. Ros of Silverton rep
resents the plaintiff.
F.ugene. Or., Aug. 14. The audi
torium of Villard Hall at the Uni
versity has been treated to the first
coat of tinting since it was built.
Heretofore. the rough plastered walls
have greeted assembly speakers and
the commencement guests. The walls
and ceiling arc cream color, the stage
is tinted brown and the woodwork
is being painted buff. The painters
declare they have covered up five
acres of space since beginning the
job last week.
Delos C. Foster returned Tuesday
night from Delano Beach, Wash.,
where he attended a meeting of the
employed officers of the Y. M. C. A.
The funeral of Mrs. J. M. Cornelius,
who died very suddenly at her home
on the Crabtrec road four miles cast
of town, was conducted at the Cen
tral Christian church by Dr. F. W.
Emerson yesterday, at two o'clock.
Interment was in the city cemetery
near the church. Mrs. Cornelius had
been afflicted with heart trouble for
some time and passed away suddenly
on Monday evening while at tending
to her household duties. A son and
daughter, together with her husband
and aged father arc left to mourn her
taking away. The family has resided
in that community for many yt.tr4
and a large circle of friend assem
bled to pay tribute to the esteem in
which the deceased was held .
Prominent Salem Man Here.
Hon. Walter Tooe. of Salem, was
in the city this noon on his way home
from N'ewport. where he been ev
i ra! wee',:. Hi-, twin ons, rorres
''indent' for several papers, remained
for the season. Mr. Tooe was protn-
ent for years in politif-al circles, be-
' a candid-iti- "ii the Republican
'! ! et for congressman.
j Bligh Theater May Be Allowed
to Install Attractive Ad
vertisement. That
the new Bligh theater may
m attractive electric sign
across l'irsi street in front of the new
building was indicated last night at
the council meeting.
The mui.ter was brought by
Councilman Blount at the iustauce
of Conrad Meyer, representing T. G.
Bligh. By the fact that there is an
ordinance prohibiting the construc
tion of a sign over so many inches of
the sidewalk, except on special oc
casions or by special permit, the mat
ter was referred to the committee on
ordinances with instructions to
vestigate it and report at the next
meeting. The sentiment appeared to
he tavorable in the matter.
The sign with the word "Bligh" is
to be strung across the street by ca
bles. The letters will be three feet
in height and will contain 32 bulbs.
It is to be neat and attractive and
substantially erected. It is hoped by
the management of the theater, ac
cording to a statement made by Mr.
Meyer, that the sign can be installed
for the opening of the play house,
which has been planned for Septem
ber 8.
Addressed City Council Last
Night and Stated That In
tention I. as Good.
Claiming that he and his backers
entertain the best of intentions, G. L.
Ranch, to whom a gas franchise was
granted sometime ago and which be
came null and void following, the fail
ure to tile bonds within the tunc
specified, addressed the city council
last night stating that he did not want
to give up the proposition and giving
his reason for the failure of filing
bonds as due to the present financial
After hearing what Mr. Ranch said
and holding a full discussion upon the
matter, the members of the city conn
cil as a unit showed a disposition to
reconsider the matter in the form of
reintroducing and rereading the old
ordinance granting a franchise to Mr.
Ranch, although an ordinance had
been passed during the meeting re
pealing it. This was decided and ae
cordingly identically the same ordi
nance was read twice and is to he read
the third time at the next meeting.
Clashes With Mayor Gilbert
Over Dog Ordinance. Will
Take Case to Courts.
Declaring that he has consult-
fS) rd bis attorney and that he will
commence suit against the city
of Albany to test the so called
dog ordinance and also recover
) the two dollars which be claims
was wrongfully and illegally col-
lerted from his mother bv ex-
Poundmaster Oliver. Prof. F. L.
Wilson this morning called at
the Democrat office and author-
ized this paper to say that be
would fight the case to the limit.
Mr. Wilson asserts that two
days after the incident he spoke
to Mayor Gilbert and was as- &
'v surcd ly that otticial that his w
money would be refunded. This
is denied by the mayor who con-
v tends that there was no positive w
agreement on his part to refund
the money, or to sec that the
sayne was refunded. At the
meeting of the council last night
the mayor cast the deciding vote
against making a further investi-
gation of the case.
The early varieties of plums are
coming into the city in large
mianttties, most of them being han
dled by the local stores. The fruit
union, however, is taking a few, pack
ing them for shipment. A few apples
are also being packed by the union.
Manager Crawford said yesterday that
the pears won hi begin to conn in
si, me time next week, and then
fMtnirs would begin to get more live
ly at tha lace. Capital Journal.
o -t
Miss Mabel Weiger came down
from Canbv last evening and this
'Horning left for Mill City where she
has accepted a portion in the offices
'lie Hammond Lumber company.
While here she stopped at the home
of A. W. Heeson.
Question As To Seizure of Dog
While in Local Store Again
Presented to Council.
Vote Stood Three to Three
Among Councilmen. Mayor
Opposed to Investiga
tion of Case.
Contending that he had been wrong
ed by the council, feeling that the
matter ought to be rccunsiucreu ami
that lie ought to be reimbursed in
the sum of $2, Prof. F. Ludwig Wil
son addressed the council last night,
slating "the facts in the case" rel
ative to the grabbing of a dog be
longing to his mother, Mrs. Frances
Hson, by ex-l'oundinasier uuvcr,
in pursuance to the "dog ordinance."
Mr. Wilson stated "that the dog
was taken while it was peacefully
standing at his mother's feel. Asked
why lie took the dog, the poundmas
ter replied that, it was at large. When
my mother asked the return of the
dug and the officer replied that she
could have it back by paying him
$2 which she did. The dog was then
Councilman Lyons then addressed
the council. "This is an entirely dif
ferent view of the incident than any
thing we have heard before," be said.
"This dog ordinance is thoroughly dis
gusting to me anyway and 1 strongly
recommend that the council look fur
thcr into the matter."
Mayor Gilbert said that on several
occasions recently he has seen the
dog 25 feet away from Mrs. Wilson
in attempting to refute a statement of
Mr. Wilson that the dog has remained
under the close observance of its
mistress. "Where?" tuickly asked
Mr. Wilson.
Council Blount informed the assem
lily that the only way to keep a dog
from being impounded is to keep an
eye on it, "for the officers are after
them red eyed."
Mr. Wilson then arose. 'I feel
that I have been wronged in the case.
I feel that I ought to get along with
my fellow men and that a tax payer
might to have his rights. 1 have been
urged to institute a suit for the re
covery of this money."
Then Councilman Lyons moved that
the matter be referred to a commit
tee for investigation, suggesting the
health ami police committee. . There
was no second to the motion. Coun
cilman Johnson then suggested that
the matter be referred to committee
on ordinances. This not meeting with
approval the fire and water committee
was suggested. Following a declara
tion by Councilman Hulbert that it
appeared to be a trivial matter to take
up the time of the council, the mo
tions were lost.
Later in the evening after Council
men Lyons and Johnson held a con
sultation in the lobby, the former en
tered the council chamber and ad
dressed the mayor.
"We have talked this Wilson mat
ter over," he said, "and it appears to
ine that something ought to be done
in regard to it. I move that the com
mittee on health and police be in
structed to investigate the matter."
The motion was voted down, May
or Gilbert casting the deciding vote.
The vote stood in favor of the motion,
Hulbert, Johnson and Lyons; against,
Simpson, Cameron and Itlount.
Prof. Wilson then left the council
chamber. Upon leaving the council
Mr. Wilson strongly intimated that
he would institute suit as it was said
earlier in the evening "upon the prin
ciple of the thing."
Councilman Lyons offered to bet
$100 that the dog ordinance could be
set aside by the courts.
Returned from Deer Hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Palmer, of Port
land, formerly of this county, were ill
the city this noon on their way home
from Newport, where Mrs. Palmer
and her sister in law, Mrs. Perry Pal
mer spent several weeks. While they
were there, K. V. and Perry Palme
did some hunting in Douglas county,
getting two fleer, two bear and a wild
cat. E. V. Palmer, with the Portland
Railway Light ftt Power Co. for sever
al years, was recenlly promoted to in
spector, covering the entire lines of
'he company, over two hundred miles
in all, a recognition of competency
and faithfulness to fluty.
Race Suicide Problem Solved.
A solution ff the race suicide nrob-
i lem is given in this morning's Ore
I gfinian in a picture of the family of
; Mayor Gilbert of this citv. It con
sists fif Mavor, Mrs. Gilbert, then Le
ibind. Helen, Carl, Grace. Walter,
1 Glen, Dorothy, Richard and Jack Gil
1 liert, eleven in all, presenting a long
line that is hnnnd to a'tract attention.
I one that would mat ex - President
I Roosevelt himself stop and ta'.e mi-
tic e.