FROM TRIP EAST "D. ..JARRESTED HERE OH DhUWIi 13 IN flLuHNT .,., -: UHAMUb Returned From 7 Weeks Bus iness Trip and Is Glad to Be Home. COMING YEAR WILL BE PROSPEROUS ONE Had Successful TripWill In stall Ladies Department' to Store. Continued from Wednesday, Auk. 13. Mr. Albert Sternberg bus just re turned from ;i .seven weeks trip through the East and .South. When interviewed this morning relative to business and his trip, he said: "Yes, 1 am glad .to be hack iitjain and breathe the cool fresh ait ot Albany and this valley, where I have always lived. "Having covered southern and cen tral Males and after taking careful note of condition n, a comparison shows that in general (be Willamette valley crop outlook appears better ami the general outlook of the West superior to that of any other section visited,' '.said .Mr. Sternberg. "While visiting in Kansas ami M isottri, t he lerniometcr registered 108 in the shade, the crops being badly burned by the heat and the people of those ei'lioiiA praying for-ram." Mr. Sternberg had a very success ful and pleasant trip, bonking sonic large business for the Albany Tau nhiK company, the output of which will soon be greatly enlarged. The increased demand for Oregon Hem lock skirling' and its general use by the Ira ling wholesalers and harness makers of (lie Kastern and Southern stales, makes it imperative that the eapacity of I be Alhanc tannery be in creased at an early date. An announcement made this morn ing lliat will be of more than ordi i ' i r V interest to the ladies of this community relative to bis business here, is that, in addition to the large and complete men's store, a new la dies depart men 1 i- to be added and will occupy the quarters formerly used by the Km pi re Theater. A completely new line of fix! ures for this dcpartmeii will be added and with the spacious new display windows and attractive entrance which has been nrovid d will make this one of the most attractive ladies' stores in the vallev. The iew -.tore will be known as "VI . Sternberg & Company's I.a ilie.; S'-op." While in Xew York. Mr. Sternberg secured (be services of a enmnetent resident buyer and representative, thoroughly experienced in ladies .ready-to-wear apparel. And with hi assistance purchased a complete and Up to :r toe!; of eloaks, nits, -hoes and 1 1 dies furnish ine-.s. I'verv gar ment will he entirelv new and fash ioned by Ibe- country's foremost de sip, ne rs. A later aunonncrment will be nude to the public as to the opening dale of the new d'-nartnieu which will be on or about September I. Decedent of Famous Abolition Martyr Here to Speak to Girls. "John Brown's Body lies a mould- j tiring in the grave, but his soul gots j marching on." There was the spirit of the martyrs , of old in the noted Kansas Abolition ist, John Brown, when he gave his hie to tree the black slaves, and there is that same martyr like spirit in Nell Brown -Groves, grandaughter of the famous border fighter, as she gives her life to the great fight against white slavery and help homeless working girls in the large cities. Nell Brown-Groves arrived in Al bany yesterday and will spend two or three days here in the interest of the work of organizing homes for working girls. She will give an in teresting lecture at the Baptist, church Kriday night, Aug. 15. speak ing on the "Actual Living Conditions of the Working Girl and its Relation to White Slavery,' illustrating her talk with startling facts and confessions as given by the girls themselves. M rs. Groves has spent t wo years in slum work, and several years in vestigating the living condition of the homeless working girl in the large cities in t lie United States, and is now W, A, Iden Wanted in Tulare County to Answer Charge Against Him. f r -' CHIEF OF POLICE KING MADE QUICK ARREST Prisoner Was Travelling Under AliasAdmitted Identity to Officer, spending her life in helping these un ion una tc Kirl-, in order that (hey may lie able to live' an honest and upright life on their meaner incomes. This is a very worthy cause, and one in which every one should be in terested, as tiie army of working girls come from the best homes in the laud, and their deplorable circumstan ces are lit lie known to the general public. The facts as to how ami why the social evil lb rives have been sup pressed loo lung, and modern fair minded, self reliant men and women demand the truih. Mrs. Groves is a violinist of rare ability, having studied since child hood with some of the best instruc tor, and having plavcd with many of the larger ore he -Iras ihiouejiout the I 'uited Slates. She will render a number lit" iolin -tdos dining the ev ening. The admission to the lecture will be llli'. and it is hoped that every body who can will be present as this money is Used toward helping ;nit cause. Arrested this afternoon shortly af ter 3 o'clock in the office of the Te bault Real Estate Co., where he rep resented himself to be a prospective land buyer, V. A. Iden, alias C. M. Dickey, was taken into custody by Chief of Police Griff King, upon wire instructions from Sheriff W. V. Col lins of Turlare county, California, where he is wanted on several charg es of alleged felony. Iden was supposed to be traveling with an eighteen year old son but stated that his son left him to go to work, lie admitted his identity. lie is now confined in j;:il awaiting the I action ot the Laliiornia authorities j wiio have been notified by Chief King of the arrest. Iden has been here since August 10 stopping at the Vaudran hotel. The record established bv Chief King ! in intercepting the man is considered ! marvelous in police circles, lie re- I ccived the telegram only a snort j while before the arrest was made. Af ' ter looking around the city and con i suiting the hotel registers, Chief King i followed the man to the real estate of- lice on I. yon street. "Is this Mr. Iden," said the chief upon entering. ! Without hesitating, although he caught breath suddenly, Iden promptly answered in the affirmative. 1 The officer told him he was under arrest on a felony charge. Iden sub- ; milled to arrest piarefully. Later be id ui it ted Ids identity to the officer. Me will res! here in cm tody pending :.e action o" California ,.i;eriit. It is understood that Iden is wanted at j Yi-alia, Calif., to answer the charge . ayaiusl him. i Details concerning any of the charg- ! es einihl rot be learned. 1 C. W. Tebault. president of the Te- , bai'll Real Kstate company, in whose office Iden was arrested, slatetl this afternoon that the man had represent ed himself to be a prospective land buyer and that he owned property in i ',!,,. v. tiu-1' lit de ired to trade for Willamette Valley property. Mr. Tebanli s;nd t ! ,i I den introduced himself as C. M. Oickev. KABO LACE FRONT CORSETS In the New Fall Models A satisfactory lace front Corset at a Reasonable Price A model for every figure. Priced $2.00 and $3.50 pair Agents for Standard Patterns FLOOD'S STORE 334 WEST FIRST STREET Agents for Kabn Reducing Corsets SHiPPED TO MILL CITY WHEN FAILS TO PAY FINE Charged with drunkenness, Al Mc riride, who was arrested yesterday af ternoon by Chief of Police Griff King, at the Southern Pacific depot, was arraigned this morning before Police Judge Van Tassel, after spend ing the night in the city hastily, plead ed guilty and was finejl the usual sum. In default of the fine, MeMride was -suspended from the city and this morning in company with three other men, all of whom hailed from Port land, including MeMride, and holding tickets and a Portland employment airencv certificate for work, left lor Mill City. M c Bride was arretted yesterday liiie attempting to board the Mill City train in a drunken condition in evading the orders of the conductor, lie promised the police judge not tp get drunk again. REFORM SCHOOL AGE LIMIT HAS BEEN SET Boys between the ages of sixteen and eighteen will not he received at the slate reform school henceforth. The slate board of control ha-; or dered the return to the sheriff of Washington county of Or in La Course and Dan Ward, each seven teen years of age. Sixteen-yea-'-o'd boys may go to the reform school and those of eighteen to the peni ; tcntiary, but there is a problem re I laiiug to those between these ages. HOMESEEKERS HATES ARE PUBLISHED BY RAILROADS w. Mark Weatherford returned this noon from a trip to 1 iamsburg. Mr. and Mrs. X A. Tibbitts left '.hi, morning for Crater Lake by automobile. ! Mrs. Herbert Anthony arrived la ui r!u from llrcueubu-di ! lot Sprin ' v! .MV she spent an outing and is ; gne-.: at the home of George j Mugbcs. j Mi:s Lila Patlon returned thin i noon from four days outing at Xew- port. Robert Deer of Lebanon was a business visitor' in the citv vesterday. Those having friends anywhere in the East will he glad to know that the railroads will put into effect again the homeseckers' rates to the west from September 25 to October 10. From Chicago the rate one wnv will be $38. from DesMoines $32.50, and jjiom .uihbouri river points ami ; from other points in the same pro j portion. These tickets are to any point on the Pacific coast within the boundaries of the United States. .There will be many taking advantage of these rates to come west. Visited in Salem. Da n Hurl ey and V. H . Ho ga n , well known business men of Albany, were in the city yesterday, visiting friends and transacting business. They motored to Salem from the Hub city. Statesman. I Constable John C.ttHn returned this : rnoi' front a trip to Oakville and Po- P.orn to Mr. and .Mrs. James Irvin, , nria am! other points in that section baby boy. 'of the county. KEGON STATE I' AIR WILL OPEN ON SEPTEMBER 29 1 1 1 : Tin- Sl:iU' l'';iir vi -n.HU.l-., S.lli'l i-D' ninio u 11 1 i I vl.titm'il In In' .mil pn -mid ;mmi;il 1 opi'it III l. Si'ilt'llllu'l (K-iuK-r -I ;i wlinli- ivi'i-k ol' pK'ii . t Ivor $.11.1 VIII will l.o 100 Hop Pickers Wanted. j W'.iiiH .I lilll Imp pii-kiTS at Asli . Cn-cnt- yard 10 milos north of Albany I ami 1 I niik'S west of IVver. All iMVi'-.irv eonvenienoes furnished. Register at llu' Wooilwort h Drm ollu Oi ii tlu' lair ,lHl ani' apply to llootYr 2 anil ''r" p'mno l.l Jot'iorsoll. It i w al2tf I College Notes. ran rasmon books iow on sale i Pictoral Review Patterns for September Now In New Fall Shoes Are Here m his m FXEBCISE ATTACHED TO BIS ROPE Polo A'ulorpon Paradort l.ittlo Canim Through Stroet Attractod Attention. With a little do;' attached lo the end tf a lar;e rope, the other end wrapped in voiK around his arm. Pete Anderson took the don ,,n ;in exereisiue stroll this moniini through the main (reets ot the buine-.s triet. The sight attrai'ted eonsideiabli Irntion. as Mr. Anderson par through the streets with the little e:t nine. l..nly able to stand up under (he pie-nre ot the rope, beim; ably and liinu.inelv. aeeordini; to Mr. An derson, assisted by its m.i-ter. Altln.nh not a-sii;nlnL: any particu lar reason tor taking the doj- through the streets attached to the bin rope, Mr. Anderson was bent on fully eotn plyinn with the "don ordinance" by rot allowinn his don to run at laryo. The siyht was witnrssed by Maor Gilbert ami several other city ohi ciaK and much nun intent prevailed as a re-nlt. t ten. d in preiuiuius on agricultural. The eni (dlment at Hut ton's llu- exhibit or ck. poultry, texiile and othVr nos t'olh-e. Albany, has Some ot the attr.ictiuii-. will i aces, -In Hit im; tournament, band concerts, eugenics c cluldreu's pl.iv ground and ther tree attractions, iueludiun Hyd d 3J. I'rot". HuttiMi 150 durin.n the yc now reach cts at least and i b;les one rinn circus Reduced rates on all er vmp ground-railroads. ANOTI1KR GAMI5 PRESKKVE KSTABLISIIKD IN LANE Two more students ot" Pu!;onV Hu-iuess College were placed in post-. 1 free tions as stenonraphers ami bookkeep- this week. . as on the 1 r illy. many ants a cnat'ir I'ean informs us that he secured another name preserve faun of M ill on A wbrey near lie is trying to secure as s pos-ibli' mi that the phcas- not all killed off when the !ore than new pnpi!.; !.a . sig nified their intentions of utendi'ii? Hut tint's Hr.siuess College hen m nine Sept. 1st. r.utton's Husiiu'ss Col!en tcachos ; a cnndete inisiness in three months arid wail one year lor their pay. Knroll now even if von ben in "until Liter as you will s;te 50 ; er cent in tuition. wkly a!5 dlv alJ dls r.ided KNOK BUTTE PKCKASKH WAS LAID TO K EST TODAY The fnneial "i r ices of the late Mi s Cornelius, who died vesterdav at bet home rear !", l'-ntte held I!:is afternoon at the family home. Inter im til took place in the family c e me ter y. CITY COUNCIL WILL MFKT THIS EVENING AT 7:30 The renular nu e'iiu: of die cii v eoui'cil will be held this evening, con evuiiu: at 7 , 1 te K . It is under stood that ni niv tmpo' t nil matters are Id oceupv the attention f the ci! '(('ets it'c'pil'"" the'e- ot p.i-s-tun "everal ordinance Much rou tine huine-s is awaiting ilisposition !ioitinn season luiiins. Not the own- , er ot the kind on which a name pre ser e itself is I.-cated ean kill the name birds there, no matter how much da mane they may do.- - Reni-ter. KINNE MERCARGANT1LE CO. 15 NOW A CARPORATION Articles Incorporating Big Dry Goods Concern Were Filed This Morning. I-'OH S l .K HI aorc traol at imltli cml ol T.ikona street, just east ot the new eollee site, l.avs tine lor thi-iou into 1 or J aeie tracts. Al so !ion-e ami lot at eotrer ot .srtl ami t.'alaiooi.i streets. For terms ai'plv to o. A. Arehilvtld. at First National II.-ii'k. A4S-t illy-wkly 1-'1K SAl.K 1 aero tract northeast' of OaU ille Station. All in cultiva tion ami uvioil laml. For terms see O. A. Archibald at First National Hank. A4 S4 .llv wklv Last Week of The An iclv inn the Kinne Meicanttlc t"o. wire tiled this nioru mn with lepuiv Conuiv Clerk K. M. !usell. t i die K. Kinne, I'ertlia S Kinne ami A. W. 1 lubls are named as in coi pot atoi s. The duration of the new corporation -hall be unlimited. 1 lie obuv; and Inisvu of the new tu buy ami eu and nvner- 1 in merchandise iptiou in Albany .11 icipure I'V put ciia or pe H'C t'-M! allv to d kind and de-ct eNewiiere. To or o'.hciwtse sucli real sonal tnopertv as may In to conveniently cart y on the busi ness. 1 lie principal office a-.'d place of business of toe corporation ,.:al! be the ctt ot Albany. The company is capitalized at ?!?, The capital !.vk is d-xMcd in to 1 5i shares (f b c u:. Are You Going to Build ? Let Us Save You Money on Your Mill Work Of all Odds and Ends left from the Clearance Sale Visit This Store Every department has a special offer ing for you this week. YOU CAN BUY IT FOR LESS HERE CHAMBERS & McCUNE ALBANY'S I. FADING CLOAK anJ Sl lT STORE 1-Hks' Temple, First ami I.yoti Streets. Albany, Oregon