The Semi-Weekly Democrat- W.M. IL IIOKXI IJKOOK, Kditor and Publisher Entered at the posionhe at Albany, Oregon, as second-class matter. Published every evening except Sun day. Semi-weekly published Tue3 days and h'ridays, lib'SINESS MATTER. Address all communications ami make all remittances payable to the Dem ocrat Publishing Co. In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old as well as new address. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily Delivered by carrier, per week....$ 10 Delivered by carrier, per yet,.'- .'' hy mail, at end of year 3.5U By mail in advance, per year .'. 3.00 Semi-Weekly At end of year $1.50 When paid in advance, one year.... i.25 ti.ASM 1' I ED RATES Ic pur word for first publication; Jc per word thereafter, payable in ad vance. Minimum charge of 25c. Established in 1865. FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1913. CLAMORING FOR DISHONOR Mark Sullivan in a recent issue of Collier's weekly makes the following comment upon the criticism of Sena tor Chamberlain because he propos es to stand with the progressive Dem ocrats on the tariff iiestion: "Although it is now generally be lieved that forty-nine Democratic sen ators will vote for the tariff bill and pass it, efforts to induce individuals to play the parly traitor do not cease. The attempts go on in spite of the wholesome fear which the lobby inves tigation has put into the hearts of the representatives of special interests. The tariff graft dies hard. A thor oughly reactionary influence on the Pacific Coast is the Portland "Ore gotiiau." I n a recent issue is criti cises the senior Democratic senator from Oregon, M r. Chamberlain, for supporting President Wilson's bill, in cluding free wool : "As a matter of fact, it is in Sena tor Chamberlain's power to defeat the free-wool provision of the Under wood hill. The two Louisiana sena tors, who intend to vote against the bill because it places sugar on the free list, will join any oilier two Demo cratic senators lo defeat the free-wool cause, and they have given this assur ance time and again. Senator Walsh of Molilalia is ready to join the Louis iana Senators, if a fourth Democrat will come in and vote against free wool, hut he is not disposed to waste his vole, and openly break with the administration, unless, by breaking, li-di something.' "Hy the way, has the 'Oregonian' received from Senator Walsh any such formal assurance as this of his will ingness to be a party traitor? If it is tin I r no Senator Walsh has a high interest in getting it denied promptly and forcibly. The 'Oregonian' contin ues : "'So if Senator Chamberlain would army himself with Senator Walsh and the two senators from Louisiana, he coiil I defeat the free wool clause, anil force a duty of 15 per cent.' "It's a perfectaly practicable plan. Nothing prevents it except individual honor." FOOL LAWS. . The curse of the nation and of ev ery state in the Union is too much legislation. Elect a .man to any let;Maiivc office and the first tiling 1. 1.. i ii.-.'iui to him is to .stand .sponsor ( ! . ii ior a multitude of new ami untried law?., lie imagines that pos terity will hint by the quantity and not the quality ol the legislation which was fathered by him diiiin his service as a public oliicial. It never occur to him that he could perform a e,t eater ser ice lo the public if he would linn his hand to the work of weeding out the rapidly accumulating iiele and out-of-date laws on our statute bonks. The world is lull ol const i iu ti c statesmen. They arc a diui ou the market. What is needed is more de-truelie statesmen. Their icld of activity is unlimited for there are enough tool laws on the .statute bonks to keep ihein busy fining their entire uuiiie of office. Someone has truly said that "the Km eminent which uoxerus least gov erns best." There is more truth than poctiy in this .ilcnu"it. It isn't ncc cssaty to piescube by law what brand of break fast food a man shall pur chase, imr is tt expedient to make any other useless ami idiotic law tor the Mdc pmposc of Kiatiuing the v.iniiy of some ambitions but misguided law maker. Yet Uoitgressmeu and mem bers of the legi -d.ti in e continue to pile up law alter law, most of which are wor-c than ue!ev If the citizen would .mid In-lit lc ! e should -prnd at b ast t w enl thi ce out of c cry twenty (our lioui of fach d.iy in foimiii Inn i m-H ot I lie 1 aw s of the land. Thev cl .hhc with eciv moon and sometimes oftener. j Every lei-lator lias the opportun- ll y of hi. hie to earn the undying ! raiitudc of the down in hi-tory as Hut to do this he public and to goaccoulJl3 AilniinislrLtor ot the es , , . , : late of Nancy Muehlenhotf, deceased, a truly great man j an(, t,)e County Court of l hm Cou)) must destroy and i ly Oregon, has fixed Saturday, the i:ot create leM;itsj;i. Who the fir.-.i to act o;i the lie lUtftfestion A SERIOUS CHARGE. The Democrat lias always entertain ed a high reg;:rd for William . I'.ry au. When Pre.-idciU Wilson an-1 nounced that the position of secretary! of state had been tendered to the Com-; nioner we were gratified. We behev-! ed that he would make good, and he has. j Mr. Rrayn has been a member of the Wilson official family for nearly I a year, during the greater part of which time many grave and import on questions of state have been hand led successfully. The only charge made by the opposition is that Mr. ilryan has accepted a Chautauqua en 3 vcenicnt. Certainly a man again- whom no more serious charge can be lodged, has made a most efficient pub lic official. O NEW MEXICAN AMBASSADOR. When President Wilson accepted ; the resignation of Ambassador Hen ry Lane Wilson and announced the j appoiutenient of ex-Governor John Lind of Minnesota as the official rep resentative of this government in Mexican territory, he took a long step towards ihe proper solution of the situation south of the American border. Ambassador Wilson has at all times been a bitter partisan of the I Inert. a faction in Mexican politics. He has represented a small coterie j of financiers, rather than the govern ment of the United states. Hy both training and temperament he was un fitted for a diplomatic post and has demonstrated his lack of diplomacy whenever the opportunity presented itself. Ex-Governor Lind, on the other hand, is a man of wide experience, and of undoubted ability. Unlike I lenry Lane Wilson, he is in sym pathy with the administration in its Mexican policy and can be depend ed upon to put forth his best efforts in straightening out the affairs of chaotic Mexico. The Democrat congratulates the administration upon the exit of for mer Ambassador Wilson and upon the debut of John Lind as a member of the diplomatic corps. News on This Page is From Daily Issue of TUESDAY. AUGUST 5. (? w PERSONAL MENTION. Chas. I). Alexander was visiting friends near Seio Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. V. Itnbh returned this noon after spending an outing at Newport. Miss Lola Wade left this noon ou a brief business trip to Kugene. C. M. 1 1 insler of Uoseburg, was a business visitor here yesterday. He stopped at the Xew llammel hotel. Mr. ami Mrs. K. Rexford. of Dallas, Tex., are registered at the New llam mel hotel. They are here looking over the country and visiting with rlatives in this section. Mrs. I K. Stearns of Ilalsey visited with friends here over night. George II. Graves of Salem, trans acted business here this morning. W. W. llranstetter, of Kugene, was a business vishors here yesterday af tenio" n. K. H. Graves and family, of Otym pia. Wash., are registered at the New I Limine! hotel. C. IL Lewis and family left on the morning train for Newport. I.N-Judge Fee of Pendleton was transacting legal business in Albany yesterday. M i s. K. A. 1 low ard and daughter, accompanied by W. F. 1 1 oward aud son, were passengers on the morning eraiiontrain for the bay. Pick Lyon is at the hospital recov ered from the effects of a minor op era: Lm. his toe having been A. I". Schmitt of the First National Hank returned last night from a few days visit at the bay. o Notice of Appointment of Adminis trator. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been dul v appointed Administrator with the Will nneed of the I'state of Harry I Mi!U. De ceased, and all person luiug cl lims against said estate are required :o present said claims with proper vo.:ch ers within sj months from tins date at the office of Gale S. Hdl. Gu-u-k U.i nk huitdmg, Albany, linn county. Oregon Dated m:ut 5. !.l 11 KKY S I TAK I' M1.LS. Administrator with the Will Annexed. GALK S MILL. ' Attorney for Administrator AS 15-22 -N S5 Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby ivcn that the un- derailed has tin day tiled his tmai will be ! 30r.Ii day of August, 1913, at the iiocrat's i hour of one o'clock p. m.. for the set ' tlemcnt of said account and the hear j ing of objections thereto. Any and all persons having objections to said ' account are hereby notified and re quired to be present in the above en titled court at said time and present such objections as they may have to said account. Dated July 29th, 1013. LLOYD G. ANDERSON. Administrator of the Estate of Nancy Muehienhnff. Deceased. GALE S. HILL. Attorney for Administrator. Aug. 1-8-15-22-29 STATEMENT of the First National Hank of Al bany, County of Linn, State fo Ore gon, showiiiR the amount standing to the credit of every depositor July 1st 1913, who has not marie a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of his deposit, principal or interest, for a period of more than seven (7) years immediately prior to said date, with the name, last known place of resi dence or postoffice address of such depositor, and t he fact of his death, if known. Name of Amount Depositor Fohu Dashney $ 2.25 C. F. Goiu . 12.35 A. K Ihiddleson -25.61 Chas. Miller 6.60 Fred R. White 6.26 STATE OF OREGON, 1 )ss ) County of Linn T, O. A. Archibald, being1 first duly sworn, depose and say upon oath, that I am the cashier of the First National Hank of Albany, County of Linn, State of Oregon: that the foregoing" statement is a full, true, correct and complete statement, showing the name, last known residence or postof fice address, fact of death, of known, and the amount to the credit of each depositor as required hy the provi s. ui papier i-t- oi me ucnenu i-aws or urcgon, iw. O. A. ARCIIIRALD, I Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of Tulv. A. D. 191.1. (SEAL) PAULINE RURCIT, Notary Public for Oregon. W-J25-1-8-15 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. C. II. Cummings, Plaintiff, vs. John D. Walton, and also nil other persons and parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the com plaint heiein, Defendants. To John D. Walton, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein: In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby notified that C H. Cummings, the plaintiff herein, is the holder of certificate of delinquency number 131, issued by the Sheriff of Linn County. Oregon, on the 7th day of December. :9"8, for the suni-.of $374, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for the tax-1 es for the year 1907, together with j penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon real property situated in Linn County, Oregon, which is assessed to J. D. Walton, and of which the de fendant John D. Walton is the owner of the legal title as appears of record, and which is particularly described as follows, to-wit: The "North half of the Southwest quarter of Section Thirty-two (32), Township Thirteen (13) South. Range Pour (4) East of Willamette Meridian, Linn County, Oregon. Y(.u arc further notified that the plaint iff has paid taxes on said prem ises tor stihscquent years as follow- all of which payments, together with the ce-tifieate of delinuuenev. bear intcrer at the rate of fifteen per cent per annum from the date of the sev-j eral payments: rs. Dale Paid. Amr. Rate nf Tax Interest Mar. 23, IW $3 40 1W Mar. 24, 1 10 $2.S1 15 per cent. l." per cent. 1010 Mar. 22. o $n.55 15 per cent 1011 Mar. 23. 1012 S7.2S 15 per cent 1012 May 15, PM3 SS.25 15 ner cent. Total amount paid ince the issu ance of the certificate of delimiuencv, i J2S.37. , You are hereby further notified that I the plaintiff will apply to the Circuit j Court of the county and State afore , aid for a decree foreclosing the Hen ; against the propertv above described and included in nid certificate of de linquency; and you are hereby sum ; nioued to appear within ixtv days aner the date of the first publication of thi-. nmtuon . exclusive of the dav of 'he t"rt "MiMic.uiori. and de j fend this action or pay the amount due a above shown, together with costs and accrued interest; and in case of vour failure to do so a de cree will be rendered foreclosing the ben of s.iid taxes and ros( normmt the laud and premises .above described Tli? Minimns i ptihl-shcd hv or der of the Honorable P. R. Kellv. Tudge of the C;rcuit Court of the State of Oregon in and for I.iiiu Coun ty. wb:rh said order was made and d.Mcd Jure 16. 013. ard which re quires that this (Ptniinvs he published once each week for rire consecutive w eeks. T'e d.itf nf the fi.-t publica tion of tli is n; mtu oik i Tune 20 1013. All proves .I'c'ing m?v UiM. rcsidi- nnd panrrs in this pro he served ppo'i Gale S r w-t'dn t-e State of t a.hV.'i hereafter men- ;om t! ed. ! TV" at lham-. tVrm. th P'lv C VI F S 'MT.T.. i 1"M !Ht Attorney. vr Tty j?rp n WF TTTFR i'v,,.v o-, rnpn -V7- l-'MMS 25 Aug .m,-w fo- r ' SOCIAL AND LEADERS INCAflNERY Corvallis Women Work Order to Save Big Crcp of Beans. In DOWNED APRCK? AND RESPONDED TO CALL Manager Tinker Says They Are Making Most Effic ient Employees. Corvallis, Or., Aug. 5. Corvallis so ciety women are this week donning their aprons and working valiantly to save the great bean crop of this sec tion, estimated to be about 40 car loads, worth $50,000 when canned. The local cannery, operated by the Ren ton County Growers' Association, could not secure sufficient workers, to snip the beans that pour into the plant in large quantities every day, and Saturday issued a call for' more helo to save the crop. This morning the women of the Episcopal church appeared at the plant and enrolled as workers, saying they will devote all the time they can snare duinir the week to this work. While they will give their wages to the church, their principal purpose is to prevent any loss of the crop, that is a new and important industry in this district. Miss Margaret Sue! I, former head of the women's department at Oregon Agricultural College, and Mrs. Gcnc- u - ieve Baum Gaskius, prominent musical circles, originated the niove- ment and are among the workers. Oth- er women's organizations arc taking iin the plan and the cannery opera tions this week will take on the ap pearance of a society function. Man ager Tinker, of the association, savs these women are making most effi cient employes. MRS. GRAVES PASSES AWAY IN OHIO East Knox Rutte, Aug. 5. (Special) Mrs. Graves, the daughter of J. T. Stewart, died at her home in Pember ton, Ohio, Saturday. Mrs. Stewart has been with her daughter for the past few months. t Sheriff's Sale. lty virtue of an Execution and Or der of Sale to me directed, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County, in the case of V. Cladek, plaintiff, versus George W. Poole and Izetta Poole, his wife, II. A. Ferrer and Mary A. Earrer, his wife, and Terezie Cladek, defendants, which said Order of Sale was issued out of said Court and bv me received on the 16th day of July, 1913, I will on Wednesday, the 27th day of Au gust, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of the Court House in Albany. Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following de scribed real property, to-wit: Reginning at the southeast corner of Sec. 36 Tp. 10 S. R. 1 W. of the Willamette Meridian. Oregon, run ning thence S. 2") chains, thence West 30 feet, thence North 19.55 chains to a point which is 30 feet south of the sout hboundary line of said Sec. 36. thence west 40 chains more or less to the east boundary line of a 5175 acre trnrt fmivvrd tn Antnni Stonntiek I hv deed as appears of record at Page ! f Vnlmno fiO Wn.nrd nf rwd ! thence North 13 degrees 30 minutes Rant 30 feet more or less to the N. E. corner of said 5175 acre thact so con- !,...,..., t Atn ct,,-,t, ti,,.n,.n V ; 50 deirrees West 10.35 chains to tli I N. W. corner of said 51.75 acres tract ! en conveved to Antonc Stenanek. I thence ,. 4,s degrees W . l.oj chants. thence N. 22 degrees 15 minutes K. 1 1 chain, thence S. 50 degrees F.. 1 2.50 ! chains, thence N. 22 degre" 15 min- I'tcs K. 40 ehnins. thence N. 72 degrees ; .'0 minutes V. 13 chains more or less, thence X. 22 degrees 15 minutes K. 24.1 chains to the N. boundary line of ; s;ml Sec. 3' thence Fast on the North boundary line of said Sec. 3rt. 33 75 chains more or less to the N. K. corner -it said Sec. 36, thence South on th , F:it boundary line of Sec. 36, 80 chain more or less to the place of heiriuning. containing 320 acres more - less, nil situated in the county of T.ii'ti. Stnte of Oregon. To sitisfv the judgment rendered in f ivo- of the plaintiff and against the dffenadnts. George W. Poole and TetM Poo'e. 1'is wife. TV A. Farrar n-'d Mar A Farrar. hie wife, for the sum of $10,330 with interest thereon at the rrte of sj per cent per annum from the 4th dav of December. 10 1, and for the further sum of $500 at-tar-ievs tees; and to saitfv a iudg nent and decree obtained hy Terezie TVidok against the defendants George W. Pole nd Tftte Pno!. his wife, V, V Farra- n"d Vnrv A Farrar. hi w;', for the full um of $5,000 with interest thereon at 'he rate of ix v- .-fit i"l fron the 4;1 d?y of TWemhrr. 111. t t'-t n''d for ', pirt be si-m of $250'"" attorney fo - s v'i' tor the ensf s aid dibure. .... 0f t''is pV;"';iV "' eiU n tt nomvp, LIBRARY ROOK! FDR LAWYERS ID THE BANK BUILDING Room Is Used by Hewitt & Son and Attorney C C. Bryant. Both Have Large Library. Occupying four large and commo dious rooms on the second floor of tiie new First National Bank build in..', iiie law firm of Hewitt & Sox row has one of the best appom:cd law offices in the city. The firm occupies rooms 208, 209, 211 and 214, the last named ro m be ing used jointly by the firm of Hewitt & Sox and Attorney Bryant as a li brary. The library has been provid ed for ihe attorneys in the building by the bank, and is a great conveni ence to tn. members of the legal pro fession who have office rooms on that floor. Not only have Attorneys Howiu & iox nioveJ to new quarters, bit: have ;Isc provided their rooms with new solid oak furniture rhroughout. SUNDAY BALL GAMES WILL BE DISCONTINUED Owing to the light attendance dur ing the last two or three Sunday base ball games, the management has de cided ot call off games scheduled for the present. This is believed to be due to the fact that scores of people are away on vacations and that hun dreds go to Newport every Sunday. Recause of the slight attendance of the past three Sundays the team has gone in the hole quite a sum and rath er than take chances of going further in debt the management has taken the course of discontinuing games for the present. However, later on in the season when indications are more fa vorable for n larger attendance, the games will be resumed. TWENTY-FOUR INCHES OF BLACKBERRIES Thirteen blackberries laid side by side in a row measured 24 1-2 inches, ac cording to a statement made by Phil Hakituorc last evening, who said that the phcuominal yield was grown in his home garden. The berries arc considered of unusual size. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court f the Slate of Oregon for Linn County. C. H. Cummingi. Plaintiff, vs. W. C. Stearns, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, defendants. To W. C. Stearns, and also all oth er persons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate, lien or in terest in the real estate described in the complaint herein: In the name of the State of Oregon: You arc hereby notified that C. H. Cummings, the plaintitf herein, is the holder of certificate of delinquency number 116, issued by the Sheriff of Linn County, Oregon, on the 7th day of December, 1908, for the sum of $3.21, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for the taxes for the year 1907, together with pen alty, interest and costs thereon,- upon real property situated in Linn Coun ty, Oregon, which is assessed to the defendant W. C. Stearns and of which he is the owner of the legal title as appears of record, and which is par ticularly described as follows, to wit: The Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Four (4). in Township Eleven (II) South of Range Seven (7) East of Willam ette Meridian, in Linn County, Ore gon. You are further notified that thi ; plaintiff has paid taxes on said prem ises for subsequent years as follows, ; all of which payments, together with i the certificate of delinquency, bear ; interest at the rate of fifteen per cent per annum from the date of the sev ; eral payments: Yrs. Date Paid. Amt. Rate ol ! Tax Interest ! IW Mar. 23, 1000 ; 1900 Mar. 24. 3910 ; 1010 Mar. 22, 1011 I 1011 Mar. 23. 191? ; 1912 May 15. 1913 i Total amount p $4.95 15 per cent. $5.24 15 per cent. $6.21 15 per cetit. so.tfj la per cent $6.40 15 per cent. aid since the issu- aree of the certificate of dclincmenev $28.62. You are hereby further notified ; that the plaintiff will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the hen against the property above de scribed and included in said certi ficate of delinquency: and you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, exclu sive of the day of the first publi cation, and defend this action or pay the amount due as above shown, to gether with costs and accrued inter est: and in cae of your failure to do so a decree will he rendered foreclos ing the lien of said taxes and costs againt the land and premise! above described. This summon is published hv or der of the Honorable P. R. Kelly. Tudge of the Circuit Conrt of the State of Oregon in and for Linn Coun ty, which said orr'r was rade and dated Tune 16. 1013. and which re quires that this summon be published once each week for nine consecutive weeks. The date of the first publi cation of this summons i Tune 20, 113. All process and paner in tM pro ceeding may be served upon Gale S. n;l. residing within the State of Ore ron t the address hereafter men 'oned. G T F S. THT.L. Piriet Attorney. ''-- YV rv: In S !"-22 V'Mnv, Oregon 2-7T- T-,'4-n-l-25 Auel- HIS DEED -TO LAND REFORMED August Kroschell Alleges in Complaint That Attorney Misunderstood Him. INTENDED FEE SIMPLE TITLE FOR DAUGHTER Conveyance Was Made As Life Estate Favoring Charles and Lillian Czarske. Alleging that his attorney misuntler stood his instructions relative to mak ing ont a deed conveying property to his daughter, August Kroschel has filed suit in the count circuit court against Ida Czarske and husband, and Charles and Lillian Czarske, praying the court to reform the instrument. On June 9, 1913, the plaintiff owned the west half of the southwest quar ter .il Heck 104 i.i I I ic. .eu.'an-s a.ui' tion which he later turned over to his daughter, Ida Czarske, instructing At torney L. M. Curl to draw up the deed. In tiie cmplamt it is alleged that ow ing to the plaintiff being a German and that he speaks the English lan guage with difficulty, the attorney mis- I'lider-tood the instructions of the the plaintiff, and instead of making the conveyance in the form intended, wrote thedeed in the form of a life estate to the defendant, with the fee simple title vested in Charles and Lillian Czarske. Heretofore the plaintiff and defend ants, according to the complaint, have been laboring under the belief that the conveyance was made to the de fendant in fee simple and that it was accepted through a mutual mistake of all parties concerned. Attorney L. M. Curl represents the plaintiff. Charles L. Baker, manager of the lulian Note! at Corvallis, is registered at tiie Xew Mainmel. Administrator's Notice. To all the creditors of the estate of Chloe Htiber, deceased: You and each of you are hereby notified that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Chloe lluber, deceased, by the county court of Linn county, Ore gon; therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same with the proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof to the under signed at his residence at near Jordan in Linn county, Oregon. Dated this 25 day of Julv, 1913. PETER R. BILYEU, Administrator of the estate of Chloe Huber. deceased. W. R. BILYEU, Attorney for Administrator. July 25-A 1-8-15-22-29 Application to Register Title. In the Circuit Court ot" the State of Oregon for the the County of Linn. In the matter of the application of William Boguc, to register the title to the iollowing described premises, to wit: Beginning at a point in the center of the County Road leading from Corvallis to Kendall's Bridge, said point being West 11.04 chains and S. 45 degrees E. 2.S0 chains distant from the N. E. corner of the Dona lion Land Claim of Joseph Robnett and wife, Not. Xo. 2007, Claim No. 51, in Tp. 12, S. R. 4 W. Willamette Meridian, Linn County, Oregon; said claim corner being also the S.W. cor ner of t'.le Claim Xo. 36 in said Tp. and R.; Thence S. 45 degrees E. 27.10 chains along the center of said Road thence S. 36 degrees W. 36.51 chains lo the center of .Muddy Creek, thence down the center of said creek to the South boundary line of said Claim Xo. 51, thence X. 53 degrees 15 minutes W. 10.71 chains to the S. W. comer of said Claim, thence following the meander line of the Willamette River , down stream in a Xorth Westerly di j reclion to a point which is S. 54 dc i grees V. 45. SO chains distant from j the point of beginning, thence X. 54 j degrees E. 45. SO chains to the point oi ucgiuning, containing io-t.uu acres. Applicant and Plaintiff, vs. Charles Commons, and "All Whom It May Concern, defendants. To All Whom It .May Concern: Take Notice, that on the 3rd day of July. A. D. 1913. an application was nieu ny wiuiam oogue m the Circuit , Court of the State of Oregon, for I County, for inital registration of ! the title to the land above described. ! Son: unless you appear on or before the Sih day of August, A. D. 1913, and show cause why such application should not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered according to the prav- of the application, and vou will be forever, barred from di-puting the . same. I Witness my hand and the seal of the i aid Circrit Court, this 3rd dav of July. A. D. PH. ' W. L. MARKS. County Clerk and e.x-officio Clerk : of ti e Cir.-tiit Court of Linn Coun I ty.-Orcgon. : (SKAIA J. p. YATES. Applicant. Attnr-'rv. I JvlMS-:- Al-8