BLAST HOLDS UP TRAINS : M BWl 0. E. SYSTEM FIRE NEARLY WIPED OUT FALLS FHQ SCAFFOLD THE TOWN OF SHERIDAN i AND BREAKS BOTH LEGS MERCURY AT 88 ON i BA10FBIVER Warmest Day of Year Record ed; People Feel Effect of Sudden Heal Wave. Farmers Glowing Cut Stumps! ' Hear Wibonvilie This Morn- ! ! ing Are Blamed. FORECAST INDICATES MORE WARM WEATHER Farmer- while biav idii near Wihonville, ! out tuiiii).- this morn-: iug, c.nht'l ail oi the trains on the I Oregon Kltctric railway system to j Members of Albany Antleied I Herd Have Chartered a Special Train. Members of Northwest Asso ciation Meet to Dispose of Routine Business. Intire Business Section Is Des-j Newport Resident ("Vleets with troyed. Loss May Reach $00,000. Serious Accidei.t While Shingling Hotel. 0ther Places Swelter Under Higher Temperature Than Albany and Vicinity. FIIRFMF RRFTi-i P RM V.'il I tine business anr oilier minor matter: BE HOSTS TO HUNDREDS! "vTfor an "Jour's recess' Continued from Saturday, July 19. The warmest day of the year was recorded bare yesterday by local Wea ther Observer Scth l-reiich, with a maximum temperature of 88 degrees at A o'clock in the a;u-rnooii. Accord ing to the forecast it will continue warm and fair. However, comparing tlic record of yesterday with mat of previous years the temperature is far from being a record breaker, considering that this is ihe month of July. The coiilra-t with the cool weather oi' June and early July was sufficiently great, however, to set electrical fans whirring madly, people to gasping and (tiling for cooling drinks and to bring ;:luntt a 50 per cent increase in the amount of vacation talk. The unusual heat of yesterday was roticcd from n o'clock when the iher lonuier made a quick jump over the mark registered .".t X o'clock. It grad ually went up during. Ihe rest of the day tmlil 3 o'clock when the highest temperature of the day was recorded. At 7 o'clock the thermometer began to drop. The coolest place to be found was at Chautauqua park and even there during part of the day it was decided ly uncomfortable. The lowest lem ".anire recorded yesterday was 58 degrees and that was early in the morning. The highest temperature Thursday was 84 degrees. . According to a report from Eugene the people of that city sweltered un der a temperature of (l degrees yes terday, which was eight degrees high er I haii il lias been any day this sum mer. A slight breeze all during the day made the day tolerable and no one considered the heat excessive. The minimum temperature was 46. l'o-Mland t-ffered a maximum tem perature of 02 at, 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon which was t J; r 1 city's hot- 1 Going into session this morning at This morning 1 It) o'clock in the Hammel Hotel grill the following: room, twenty members of the North-: ne business section of Sheridan !wct Crcamerv association nro 11,1. ; V' Uc1.' put, and several resi- be held up today from 9:30 o'clock uuiM I :Ia o clock. Following one of the upheavals, ac cording to word received here this morning by Agent iloydar, caused by one of the blasts, a big obstruc tion struck the trolly wire, tearing it down and causing considerable dam age to the wire line. Linemen and a section gang were quickly dispatched to l he scene, where they have been busily engaged all of the morning. Work of repairing tfic damage was completed shortly after 1 o'clock. The breaking of the main trolley wire cut off the electricity of the entire sys tem. Traffic has been exceedingly inmcd- I as a result ot tne accident, as an tn ,rn t m..Mu. tnmnrrnw .mil U'MIL luuu i"j'-n ine picnic, scores MVu;vilI r,..t.i a wtuu or me irams on me roau nave oeen ; , , . . . , MeKenzie : 'f t, e v- lev , H 7' V , m,n:i' r" scnt fire h d "cws delaved. hour trams due to arrive! . . fr . . r, , . , "t tne .iue have a)o signified their ! n fitdif thi flimoe r,.i;.1,.;it0 i. i. : :n ..... ..... nvpr :i the iMnir ni tlif lMrfs fit f i; ' iiiIpiu imw ..,i: i ... . " " - v -" - iicre ournig me nio.iiiiiK not i : , . t-7 , """"" aim a inoai i about 14 miles nwav uul g is anticipated. i about 22 miles. The rrnv Picnic to Be Held on Banks of McKenzie Will Be an Enjoyable Affair. Newport, Or., July 19. (Special to Democrat.) Jesse Wheeler, aged 2S, son of W. D. Wheeler, proprietor of the Cliff House fell from a scaffold thirty five feet high while shingling and broke both legs at noon yesterday. The right leg was broken, above the ankle, and the left below the knee. It will probably not be necessary to am putate. Internal injuries are uncer tain. Wheeler was shingling the new ho- nP before the meeting ! ;r?v'' J? a 'iiall resr,t-r.m;. V " iV I" C hU Prominent creamery men from all " cr.iire nusincss section there u;7i; a d ue on his feet over the valley are in attendance, in-1 -a Vl 'e ! sveraT peo- le nw e ; cident and eluding members of the association i "rj wo'der K1 tohe was not .'I!!1. :Url'ncSn,em' Uhon Cor- i " - - 'Z S ;! Wiled, but that he remained conscious. v.uii.i .inn ariuu otner towns ol tins , v., . 7 , section of the vallev. i so"',h s,.'!e of ,l,c nver wcre destroyed. I lie tire rased a little mord than itjirec hours, but was not out at mid- hlks irom . ,,;,ri,( a -.: ...i,,,! .... i Oregonian contains : the monthly meeting of the orga- j '"i""5 ryva as a result ot a lire ligation to dispose of the general rou-wl,!ch st!,rtcd to,"lu at " c ock line, anr other minor matters i !,d . 4wu')t. '',r.ea covering three i.iocks on tne soiitll sine ot tile Vam hili ri-er. The loss will reach he- I the meeting will las, the res? of the en $330,000 and S.000, with $100,- ! day, adjourning at 6 o'clock. Nothing j (Xl?r,,n5ur:",ce- , . I of particular importance has thus far -,c ,,r.e .Ma.r!c,J lrom.. a Ji'" come in, before il ,,.,! , -rnv,- -N.!o.lon in a small res! P,,: , ... " . . t-t tl I.ari;e delegations Alhany Elks have secured a special fortlantl. Salem and Roseburg is is ' jy' here until this afternoon. J. K. Sha.v, of Mill City, visited ill the city last evening. Careltou and en- stores were a con- i.ane county capital. It is assured that eniovable otitin .u te.iM i'J iue.ii tiha ui iii.iue mc ror tne entertainment nl thp vis- i . n m . , . . rip and the number will probably be itors, there, will be a program consist-1 m"n wain'th ? w'hf't'Vo'e '"fhe5: ec, ?ain will leave here at VV ?,-h ... o. .he hydran t. h. b.lii, M,-Cnlh-h. of KiiL-ene. trans-1 x-.i nVl,.,-k i,. il.n r.,rnim :m.l will ! 1 1K1 ,i,i.i . :,i ' " p'-p iierce was tne neat on the . south lifted business here this morning. reach iuigcne shortly before 10 'basis for the dinner to be served -itiS"i? i 'i- rlvcrv .. hred Harris went to Eugene this , o'clock. Returning the train will leave 1 noon. Two motiou p"ct,,re camera 1 1 ,H i'!?,', c'1r,r''lRC"i'"''?1" noon on a bnet biisincr.s errand. L.ugene about 3 o clock m ina even- will recoril the festival in films str-L- i i, i . . I.. I.. Wleder wnt to r.llgene this ; ing. - -i,-ti'JL-.ti- noon to look 'after business matters, j Included in the delegation froin Ibis Deputy District. Attorney Dan John- city will be a number of residents! ston went to Ilarrisburg this noon on I of Corvallis and Lebanon who arc I a brief business errand. members of the Albany lodge The! I'l-.mber of Albany Elks at ihe picnic lest day of the season. will be augmented also by a large del-i According to a statement issued by egation of llarrisbmg men who are Ihe forestry -ervice headquarters here ! members of the local lodge. Some of the haze seen, is from the heat, as! them will go tr Eugene direct irom! there is not a timber (ire ill the en- i I larrisburg .-.nd ,-oinc will probably tire northwest. I'll:.' the excursion train at Albany. : Wheeler is attended bv Dr. Minthorn mil is resting easy. Frank Wills and Edwin Fortmiller, who have been on a protracted tour of the east, including a trip throughout N'ew York stale, are expected home this afternoon. Mrs. G. Green, of Mill City, is at tending the Chautauqua. stant menace to the firemen and resi dents of the city who joined in fight ing the flames. Six of the workers were prostrated by heat and smoke, and fell colse in on the flames, but they were picked up and borne to safety before seriously Jnjured. A BIG SAVING TO FARMERS CON KEY'S Are You Going to Build? Let Us Save You Money on Your Mill Work The Crown Silo One of the Best on the Market, Has All the Advantages a Silo Can Have The Stave as Shown in the Cut Is Superior to Any Other MB Simplest, strongest, most t erfect door and ladder. The door opens in the least space of any swing door. Con siructed so that swelling or shrinking caiKict cause the door to bind or ad mit the air. And is guaranteed not to fall or collapse. The cost of this silo is small, com pared with others, and gives the far mer ami dairyman the cheapest and best feed to be had. It makes winter feeding more profitable than summer. Saves all that loss and annoyance from flies tormenting stock. Sold on money-back agree ment. If you know what flies cost you, you will use Conkey's Fly Knocker. If you don't know, then let us tell you some eye-opening facts. Gallon, $1.00; half-gal., 60c; quart, 35c. F L Y K N O C K E R PLY KMOCKER Get It At Murphy's Seed Store 225 W. 2d .St. Id Per Cent. Discount If You Cut Out and Bring In This Ad. WW1" W i' I ".;iv,-i;;v-,,'v i,1 ",'W-i-'.'JAV ii-1-;!'.' lifii Trices arc better In winter, cows give as much as .summer, when fed silage, stock fatten without grain, saves grain or feed hills. Better and cheaper feed than kale; always ready to feed; no hauling ill wet weather and cultiug up your farm. soubv w c sCHULTZ Bell Phone No. 76 Home 144 , ALBANY. OREGON. Mwwe You Ewer Gwsa It a TiWunglktt Hw Iffinay Tiinra Yun Caurn Ua a Sweater inn a Yaair? Get Better Values For Your Money Take advantage of our July offerings in buying your summer clothes Why not buy that switch you need at our July hair goods sale? Latest models in R. & G. and Kabo Corsets, at 90c pair Heavy Jumho stitch, ruff neck sweaters, all colors and You have paid $8.00 for this number $5.85 each Cadillac dresses for children, 2 to 6 years, special 98c ea. Cadillac dresses for children S to 14 years, special $1.19 ea. AKetits for Slamlard Taltcrns FLOOD'S STORE ,U4 Wl.ST FIRST STREET AgiMits for Kiibo Ri'JtK-ini; Corsets In th Wmtoi, day anadH iraiglhift Kim ths Sprang, dlopBuadls na ftJa Weaftlneir But Oh! In the Summer, that is really the time you need it. Why ? Think that out, then you'll realize you want one Now Come, See Our Stock Complete line of good Suit Cases, matting, fibre and leather. Trunks, well-made, very serviceable (It is surely Summer now, and you'll travel some) REMNANTS HALF-PRICE ON WEDNESDAYS Be Sure to See Window No. 2, It's Interesting SUITS ... $9 and $12 Don't Forget the Shoe Specials, See Window 1 PARASOLS at Low Prices, a good variety, one should certainly be yours Although the sun shines now, it is sure to rain next Fall. Then use a Moulton Wireless Umbrella (Only Obtainable Here) 47 YOUN- h (! r. O EST. 123S