ru l hL LANUUUfi IS HELD TODAY Hundreds Pay Their Last Re spects to Former Townsman This Afternoon. BOB JOHNSON SAYS PRUNE CHOP WILL BE LARGE I Corvallis "Prune King" Attends Albany Chautauqua and Talks of Crop Coi) di lions. CORVALLIS PEOPLE VISITED ALBANY CHAUTAUQUA WILL ! CLOSE TOMORROW! i i I I SURVEYbRS MAKE WORK ON THREE STITCHES TAKEN IN P. E. a E. STREET CAR TRACKS LAO'S HANO ACCOUNT OF FALL Hub City Gives Up Day to the With Splendid Programs and REMAINS LAID TO REST WITH MASONIC HONORS Sermon Preached by Rev. Ges elbracht; D. P. Mascn Con ducts Services atCemetery. Continued from Friday, July 18 One of the largest funerals ever held in the history of Albany took place at the Masonic Temple this af ternoon when the friends of the late E. W. Langdon assembled to pay their last respects to the" former banker and fellow townsman. A beautiful and touching tribute to the deceased was paid by Rev. F. H. Geselb'racht, who briefly reviewed his lifes work, calling attention to his many noble characteristics and point ing out his wonderful capacity for making friends. The remains were escorted to the cemetery by the members of St. Johns lodge and laid to rest with the full Masonic honors, a short preliminary service having first been conducted at the temple, and the impressive Ma sonic burial service being, conducted by Past Grand Master D. P. Mason, at the cemetery. The three great lights of Masonry were carried bv John V. Althouse, the oldest member of St. Johns lodge and the following acted as pall bear ers: O. A. Archibald. Chas. H. Mew art. Ralph Knotts. J. C. Irvine. Harry R. Cusick. P. A.-Goodwin, Ralph Mc T'Hinie and A. Abraham. The honornrv nail bearers were: T.. C. Marshall. J. K. Weatherford. D. P. Mason. C. B. Winn. W. R. Bilvcti, fudge H. H. Hiewitt. Ralph K. Ohling. and Charles Wieder. Once an editor of an Eastern news paped and later Uie owner of a plant at Corvallis, Bob Johnson, the "Prune King" of Oregon, was included among the prominent Corvallis business men who attended the Albany Chautauqua yesterday. While admitting that he was for merly engaged in the newspaper game, Bob insists that he has reformed and had led a decent and honorable life ever, since. When asked by a Democrat repre sentative in regard to the prospects for a good crop of prunes, Mr. John son stated that he has never been more optimistic over tlie crop condi tions than he is this year. He. looks for a bumper crop and is making prep arations for the largest harvest in the history of his big orchard. BOTH ANKLES SPRAINED IN FALL FROM BOX CAR While riding on the top of a box car in the railroad yards this morn ing, Roy Gentry, a brnkeman in the employ of the Corvallis & Eastern, in stepping from one car to the other, slipped and fell to the ground with terrific impact, landing on a rail. Both of his ankles were severely sprained. The unfortunate mun was carried to the home of his sister, Mrs. A. C. Baker, 116 Cleveland street, where he was attended by a physician. This afternoon he is reported as resting comfortably. Mr. Gentry's home is in Marion but while here he resides at the home of his sister. IMPORTANT VALLEY RIVERS ARE TO BE SURVEYED NEW FEDERAL LAW IS OPPOSED BY SPORTSMAN There has been some' misunder standing among local sportsman as to the summary of the game laws printed in yesterday's Democrat. The laws as printed were state laws and have no bearing upon the proposed new federal regulation which would take out of the hands of the state the regulation of the open and closed season for wild game. If the federal law goes into effect the open season for ducks and otiicr wild fowl will be from September 15th to December 15th. This would work a great in justice upon the people of this section of the state for there is no duck shoot ing until after Thanksgiving. AGEDI NDIAN POLICEMEN PASSED AWAY AT SILETZ R. L. Harrison, a government engi neer, last Friday began making a sur vey of the Clackamas river with a view of determining its power possi bilities, according to announcement made by State Engineer Lewis. He will also during the summer and fall make similar surveys of the Hood riv er, the Sandy river, the Santiam river, the McKenzie river and the Middle Fork of the Willamette. The govern ment and state are co-operating in this work, each bearing halt the ex pense. Citizens of Heart City, and Day Was Banner One. BUSINESS MEN OF TOWN CLOSED STORES FROM 1 TO 5 Hundreds of Albanyites Join in Welcoming Corvaliisites on Grounds. Yesterday was 'Corvallis Day" at the Albany Chautauqua and the resi dents of the Benton county capital made it the banner day ot the fourth annual assembly. Wearing badges inscribed: Ihe Heart greets the Hub." fully 350 resi dents of Corvallis, headed by Arthur Clarke, president of the Corvallis Commercial club, visited the Chautau qua yesterday. Practically all ot the business nous es of Albany closed in the afternoon to observethe day, hundreds of local people passing the afternoon in the Chautauqua park with the visitors. Many of the Corvallis visitors ar rived by automobile but most of them came on a special train, which did not return until alter the niglit program. This train reached Albany at 1 o'clock and the visitors were met at the depot bv a reception committee and escort ed to the Chautauqua auditorium, where they were welcomed by Presi dent Ellis, of the Chautauqua asso ciation. An hour's Droirram was then given under the direction of the Corvallis Commercial club, Rev. J .R. N. Bell, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Corvallis, delivered and ad dress and musical numbers were ren dered by Miss Lena Ttartar, contral to, and Miss v,orence Bovdti, eel, list, accompanied hy .Mrs. May liaD bitt Rcssler. pianist. i After the program the Corvallis women were entertained by the At banv women in a reception. The entire day was most enioyably passed and scores of Corvaliisites were loud in their praise ot the hos pitality of the Albanyites. Aside from the hours program pre sented under tlje direction of the Corvallis Commercial club, the cel ebrated Brahms Quartet of Chicago, appeared in a musical prelude of half an hour. At 3 o'clock Walt Whit comb, the renowned orator and hu morist from Tennessee gave his fa mous lecture on "The Horse Race." This is the lecture Mr. Holcomb be came famous with and numbers of those who heard him pronounced it a rare treat. At 4 o'clock Miss Sutherland gave a most interesting and instructive dem onstration to the domtic science class, when half of a beef carcass, sup plied by D. E. Xebergall. was cut up before the class, the name and food value of each piece being explained. At 8 o'clock, before a large audience ! the Brahms Quartet appeared in final . full concert. Ideal Weather, Season Is Fittingly Waning. MOTHERS WERE HONORED AT THE ASSEMBLY TODAY Miss Willis and Stevens Con cert Company Are Leading Attractions Tonight. Returning to Port hind lliis noun, Francis I'. Kurtz, 11. L. llonlitld, and John R. Williams, surveyors, this morning completed their work of sur veying the tracks of the Portland, Eu- . .t . . . ;-.v o.u,..ti,y ;t; :!ie corner of Lyon and First streets, precedent to the repair work to he done there hy the comp;r:y within the next few days, as required by an or dinance passed by the city council re eutly. The bricks bordering the track are to be replaced, the pavement re const rue ted and new ties are to be put in. o that the surface of the track bed will be flush with the street. While running down a board walk on Fast First treet veiterdav. little Kenneth, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. i LobauKh. stumbled, and in his head long plunge, ran a long sliver into the palm of his right hand, inflicting a long deep gash. Or. Riggs was called jaiul found it necessarv to take three I stitches in the wound. ! i The physician stated that the in jury was not a serious one. F. C. Roberts, of Lebanon, went to Eugene this morning. S. C. Simpson was a passenger to Eugene this noon to attenud business matters. Asphalt Being Laid. The asphalt is now being laid on the Mock ot Sixth street between Baker and Montgomery street, preparatory to completing its paving by gravel bl idithic. It is expected that within the next three days the paving of the Mock will be completed. F. N. Gilhert of Portland, transact imI business here this morning. Mose Lane Was One of Few Re mainingRogue River Indians on Reservation. Toledo, Or., July 18. Mose Lane, one ot the very tew remaining Rogue River Indians, died at his home on the Siletz reservation near the agency, last Sunday after a short illness. Mose was brought to the reservation with several hundred others of the Rogua Rivers 40 years ago, and of this large number there are now but four or five left. Mose was 61 years old and had been a member of the Indian police force for many years. He was the "strong man" of the reservation and, while always a peacemaker, was fear ed by every would-be bad man on the reservation. He was of great assis tance to the authorities and a tower of strength to the Indian police force. CONTRACTS TO BE LET FOR ECONOMICS AND GYMBUILOING (5- PERSONAL MENTION. J. E. Montieth, of Scio, is registered at the bt. rrancis. A. C. Audrey of Crabtree was in Albany this morning. Alice Bunnell, of Corvallis is at tending the Chautauqua. D. J. Evans, of Grants Pass, is reg istered at tnc M. rraiicis. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Duncan are in Salem visiting with friends. Charles Lynch, of Mill City was an Albany business visitor vesterday. G. V. Parker of Eugene, transacted business here yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. George, of Xiag agar, are visiting with friends here. F. H. Stroal, of Eugene, was a busi ness visitor here yesterday afternoon. D. J. Crickelair went to Halsey this morning on a brief commercial trip C. W. Tebault returned last night from a brief business trip to Port land. Archie Boyes, of Corvallis, formerly- r. i I hie Mt v visiter! friotirlc tifr yesterday. -Appointment ot a county sealer ot I Senator Be;in of Enno w in Al- eights and measures is another duty I bany yasterday and while here waslacin6 the county court, according to a guest of L. G. Lewelling. a new lull passed by the 1913 legisla- Albert L. Kullandcr, of Corvallis. lure and which is now effective. The formerly of this city, was among the new law provides for a state sealer visitors from that city here yester-;of wcjj,lts and measures and autho ta' izes the appointment of a state dep- Mr. and Mrs. George K Ncvhis, of uty. I addition, it i provided that Portland, arrived this morning to at- nle county court of every county tend the tuneral ot the late E. W. shall appoint a county sealer whose THERE IS PROBABILITY OF NEW COUNTY OFFICIAL Office of Sealer of Weights Was Created by Passage of Law. With splendid programs and ideal weather, the Albany Chautauqua en joyed a large attendance yesterday. It appears fitting that this shoud be' the case with the waning of the Chau tauqua season here. Tomorrow with a gigantic union j Sunday service in the evening, the Chautauqua will brought to a close1 after a triumphant and most success ful season. Today, in honor of the end of the Chautauqua and in honor of the dear est friends on earth, was observed as "Mothers' Day" and everything was done for the pleasure of mothers, who were much in evidence on the giounds throughout the day. The leading programs of yesterday and today and pronounced hy the man agement to he the best attractions of the Chautauqua with possibly one ex ception, was the entertainment pre sented by Miss Maude Willis, dramat ic reader and the Maude Stevens Con cert company. Vesterday the concert company gave a prelude to Miss Willis dramatic re cital and last night Miss Willis pre sented a prelude to the full concert by Miss Stevens company. An unpre cedented attendance greeted these rare artists at all performances. Each one in their various entertain ments made a signal hit. Miss Willis is not affiliated with the concert com pany hut a separate attraction in her self. Her press agent, it would seem. has lauded her as high as the sky but to hear her it would seem he didn't do her justice then. Miss Willis is perhaps one of the most remarkahle and talented readers ever to appear here and she deserves all of the credit given her. The Maude Stevens Concert com pany did more to entertain an audience last night in their hour's program, than all of Ihe quartets or Alpine sing ers appearing durinnr the 'two weeks of the assembly. Miss Stevens is a whole show herself and is unquestion ably an artist of impersonations of rare ability. Miss Edith Welch, is a brilliant violinist, and the expression that glows interestingly in her face, while she playr-, lend undaunted charm to the music. Miss Charlotte Chamberlain, as a pianist and whist ler, attested by the reception accord ed her last night. Tonight Miss Willis will make her last appearance. The concert com pany will give a prelude to this en tertainment commencing at 7:30 o'clock. This evening's program virtually clones the Chautauqua from a stand point of enraged attractions and it is expected that the auditorium will be I filtod. Officers of the association to whom much credit is due for the success of the assembly are: President, Dr. M, U. Ellis: vice president, L, E. Hamil ton: sivretary. J. IT. Ral'-ton. treasur er. William Banr manager. L. It. J Stewart: directors. E. TL McOne. A. C. Schmitt. W. A. Eastburn. J. S. Van (Winkle F. M. French. H. E. Morton. , C F Sox T. L. Tomlinron, Rev. D. 1 TF. Leech, D. O. Woodworth, and Mrs. Henrietta Brown. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallis. Ore., July IS. At the annual meeting of the board of regents of the Oregon Agricultural College to be held in Corvallis Saturday. July 19. bid will he opened and the contracts let for a home economics building and a men gymnasium, in addition to the regular business of the session. This meeting of the board will be the occasion of the first official viit of Supt. T. A. Churchill to the college. Langdon Walter Kline, a prominent business man of Corvallis, spent yesterday here enjoying the "Corvallis Day" ex ercises at Chautauqua. D. H. Bratton and wife have re turned from a trip to Portland. They spent several days in the Rose City and had a dcliglittiil trip. Mrs. F. E. Stewart, of Halsey, is here attending the Chautauqua. Elton Blake of Salem, was a busi ness business here yesterday. duty it shall be to "visit at least once each year during his term of office every place of business where any scale is kept for purposes of trade, and try, test or prove such scale, weight or measure, or such device. and where they are found to be ac curate shall seal the same with the seal to be kept by him for that pur pose, and when found to be inac curate shall condemn the same and mark with a tag forbidding the fur- tnrcr use thereof until made to corn- Party of Young People Go to Lebanon j To leave this afternoon for Leba ; linn, a party of prominent young peo ple will he the guests of Mi-s Isa belle Garland, at a dancing party to be t followed by a dinner party this cven j ing. Members of the party were: Misses Greta Fortmiller. Elsie Bain, Gerty Taylor, Helen Hulbcrt. Julia i Crowcll. I.ora Taylor, and Messrs. ! Neil Bain, Park Stalnaker, Clayton j Tbin, Gordon Barrett, Clyde Roberts, J Con Stewart, Halsey and Buford I Payne. til ir wi'tli tUn .1 1.. II Tl Messrs. Samuel and Robert Living- -un m.-.Hn tl,. nf tone left yesterday for Mill City sealer of weights and measures to where they will be employed by the i institute criminal proceedings against Hammond Lumber company. any person whom he discovers in G. C. Cate. former student at the i violation of the law regarding weights Oregon Agricultural College and now i ant measures. j Miss Lcona Kerr, of Corvallis, i daughter of President Kerr, of O. A. : C. is the guest of Miss Blanche Ham ' IP el. Dr. L. L. Chandler, of Cleveland, i Ohio, is stopping at the Hammel. Murray Marvin, formerly of this city - but now of Monroe, where he is cm , ployed with a surveying crew, passed ' through the city this noon to Portland ! where he will viMt with his parents V- and Mr W. Tf. Marvin. Engagement Announced. The engagement of Misr, Constance Portland Property Destroyed. 3 Fire broke out on Morrison street in Portland early this morning nnd the !o is etimat- V P(i nt $;;nnn Full particulars were not av.iihhle at the time of going to press. resident of that city, was attending to j bu-inc-s matters in Albany today. A nine pound boy was born last , night to Mr. and Mrs. Newton. W. A. ' hastburn is now a grandtather and Guerner. of Centralia, wr-sh, to Rob Albany in't big enough to hold him. ! in A. XeUon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. ar.f Mrs. E. H. Langdon. of H- A 1on of this city has been Seattle, arrived this noon lo attennd announced. The wedding is to take the tuneral of the late E. W. Langdon, . t,,ace metime in the late summer, who was a brother of Mr. Langdon. j Mrs. Scully, who has been the guest i"5' Ol re :iT1vr hnrc thf nnct Fntt? Hn-e pa -j, . oi rei.r.ivcs ncre ine past tew nays re- ; - . y turned to her home in Portland this Scws B',?'' With This Head U ni,,: accoTni.,. h- her niece SATUDAVr JULY I . "SS.Mi's Ir.inccs H.ia, who will vimI u) J -j, T. I ni.U .1 . f. .i ' . J 3. Fisher, braden& Co FUNKRAI. 1)1 RI( (TORS AM) L'NDKRTAKKRS Undertaking Purlor. ?r nnd Brondtilhin jTS- UI)Y ATTENDANT lioth I'huncs SURVEYING? sT. PENLAND & EATON KOOM 1 Albany State Bank Bldg. Hone 303 Bell 457-R. AJHJ-M-JIIP-lrlAliUil;BiJ:iaiJ1--m The Great Clearing Sale Is Half Over One week from tomorrow will put us in shape for incoming fall goods. During the week there will be many odds and ends that will he put out at' just a fraction of their worth. All Summer Goods Must go regardless of their cost Suit Prices Coat Prices Way Down Millinery Four Lota Represent This Big Section $1, $2, $3, $4 FOR ANY HAT YOU CHOOSF, Some merchant says we are juggling prices but never, mind, what we lose, you gain. It's just our way of doing business, get rid of the left ov ers. No second hand goods to offer you next sea son. They will be fresh merchandise right off the griddle. Anyway Our Prices and Our Merchandise Will Appeal to Your Good Judgment How About It Are You Next ? TWO MILLINERY APPRENTICE GIRLS WANTED HAMILTONS ALBANY'S BUSY STORE 5) wilh her for the next few days.