DIES AT HOSPITAL Deceased Had Been in Poor Health for Months; Suffered from Heart Trouble. RESCUED FROM RIVER BUT DIED FROM SHOCK Former President of the First National Bank Had Large Circle of Friends Here. Continued iron i VtMliiu.-(l;iy, July 16. In poor heal til and his mind tem porarily unbalanced, II, yV. L;mik1oii, toniicr president, and cashier ot die i-n.si Aauonai mink 01 this city, tins alteriiooii ju.;(cd ofi tliu dock at the tool ol iiiuadalhin street and attempted to diuwn hiniselt in the Willamette river. Liar Jtilyeu, who was fishing on the dock when l-aiidon pulled oil his coat and vt'M, ran up llroadalhin street and informed Waldo Anderson and i'. 1'. Shue 01 TaiiKfiU that a man was attempting to drown himself. Ander son secured a rope and Slate jumped into Hie iner, caught Laiuidou secure ,y around the .shoulders, ;.nd with the aid of the rope which had been thrown nut hy .nderson made the shore in safety. A quick call brought Dr. W. 11. Davis ami Dr. Ktisscll Wallace to the scene, and ihe man was hurried to St. .Mary's hospital. There the phy sicians worked . over him for more than a half hour before the water was extracted from his ItniRs. lie finally regained the power of s eirh and was able to answer Ihe fi-w questions put to him by his at t'.'iidiuK physicians. Kor a time it was believed that he would recover but the . net; was too much for his weakened syslim and he died of heart trouble tiits afternoon at 1 :M) p. m. t'rar Kilyeu who was lishinu on lite dock at the time Mr. Lanf-don made Lis appearance, stated that the latter remarked, "This is a cold day to take a swi;u," and as he concluded the sen tence proceeded lo take off his coat and vest. Waldo Anderson who talked with him on the way to the dock noticed that he was suffering either from men tal excitement or physical pain. It was at first reported thai the deceased look a dose of poison while on the dock, but this was found upon examination of physicians to be erron eous. The deceased had been failing in health for several months ami recently! returned from Newport where he went to regain his health. The news of his death came as a distinct shock to f eirele of friends in Al b.uty. A more complete account of bis life will appear in a later issue of tVe Democrat. LOGANBERRY HARVEST IS N FULL BLAST NEVADA IN WILL STOCK RANCH WITH BLOODED CATTLE Has Purchased Four of Famous Shorthorn Herd Belonging to Hugh Fisher. Desiring to slock his lare farm lo cated in the Alsea valley with regis tered cattle, J. C. Carsons, has pur chased one hull and three cows of the famous shorthorn herd belonging to Hugh Fisher, all of which arc reg istered, ami will ship them to his farm. Mr. Carson has been scourinu Ihe country for blooded cattle and has thus far purchased quite a larc herd. It is his intention to specialize in the imi-iul,' '.-I c;i!.te oT this nature. He recently located in the Alsea valley, coining from Lincoln county, Xcvada, and is an authority oft cattle. PLEADS GUILTY TO CHARGE; PAIS FINE AT VARSITY CITY Jewelry Dealer Convicted of Making False Statements in Advertising Sale. Kiikciic, (Jr., July 16. Tile first coil wc:ion in Kiikciii; iiir viul.'ition of the :.t;iti' I;iv in rcuai.l lo faUc advurtis- iiiK was made yc u-rd.iy, when Stan ley lliornc, who hail been conduct ing in auction sale of jewelry for a few days, pleaded Kliilly to the offense and was fined $J5 in Ihe justice court, lie advertised that lie hail a stork- v:i1- ued at ?X5IK), which had to he sacri- liced, hut had sworn before the county assessor thai his slock was vahii'd al only $550. The Merchants' Protective Association, of huucnc, instigated the prosecution. 1. T. Nicklen. seeretarv of the association, declares that here- fter all violators of this law will be prosecuted. MAYOR OF COHVALLIS ISSUED PROCLAMATION The following is Ihe proclamation issued by Mayor Taylor, of Corvallis, loday: Corvallis, July ldth, 191.3. To the Citizens of Corvallis: Thursday. July I7lh, having been declared Corvallis IJay at the Albany Cl.aulauiitin, and great preparations have been' made to make Corvallis Dav the banner Chail taucpia Day: 1, Walter K. Tavlor. mayor of Corvallis, do now proclaim I to be the duty of all loyal citizens I Corvallis. who ran do k,. In .it...,., I the Albany Chautauqua on Corvallis luy. The two cities should be one spirit, art! everv effort lo tmiii- these communities in the common bond of friendship should n tw tli,- hrarty rm-our:i'.;ciuei!t of all. (Signed) WAl.TKR K. TAYLOR. Mavor. POISONED WITH SEA WATER WHILE BATHING AT NEWPORT FILED AGIST 11 I G. H. Robinson Arrested Yes terday Charged with Pur suing 11 Year Old Girl. HE MAKES EXPLANATION IN THE POLICE COURT Judge Van Tassel Dismissed Matter After Hearing Statements. U. M. Stevenson, of Salem, is rejj Mercd at the Ilaiumel. 1 HhimherK and wife, of liar i'Mmr,;; are here atleiidini; the Chan-l:ntpia. Although he was arrested yesterday, charged with wilfully pursuing and fol lowing one Kate Hastings, J. ti. Rob inson, after appearing before Police Judge Van Tassel, and giving rea sons lor bis actions, was dismissed without having the charge filed against him. Robinson was arrested yesterday af ternoon near Letnke's store on West Ninth street, by Acting Chief of Po lice King, while in pursuit of the girl, whose age is given as 11 years, alter a long chase through the city streets. According to statements made in the police court by Robinson, it appears that he has been acting as guardian of the girl, while she was residing at bis home. Robinson stated that he feared the girl has been careless in the care of herself and that she had disregarded the advice from him witr regard to the company she should keep. He said that on several occa sions she had falsely told him of go ing to care for a sick friend but that he later found out she was consorting with men. He said he was account able to her mother for her care. He gave as his reasons for following her. that he was afraid she was running away. As no complaint was registered bv the girl and from statements made bv Robinson in court. Police Judge Van Tassel decided to dismiss the "lati.er ard Robinson was released from enr.tndy. Rev. K. G. O. Groat, the- Rantisi minister 'it Col la go Grove, who with hi wife ha In-cn attending ",-uif-iu-(jua, . left todav for home. He ex-m-f himself as beinir hiahlv nleas- -d with the program at Cliautninivi and will do what he can to further the interests of the association in hi locality. I.. G. T.ewelling went to Salem yes-in-day on leen! business. Wilfred Gardner transacted busi ness in luigeue yeterday. Miss Viola Kroschel returned lion da v from a two weeks' visit with rel atives and friends in Kngenc. Annus Stewart and wife went .to x o 'he morning train to ! the next two weeks outing. FOR SAT R Steam hav bailer. rrm pb'te. IV M. Payne. " V'wiv Ore -in- V0''!!'' ' Dr. Lowe, July 30-31 A Laqje Amount of Lucious Burrics Are Being Handled Here; Driers Taxed. 1 .ii;;anbc!Tv harvest i o:i i.: earnc-l and the dririi are bu-y li.i:;dliii.; tliej l.irge crop produced by ihe u j in t hi., section. Although the i 1 1. i 1 i ye. if i-. not tinte as high a, it j was laM year it i good ami the grow-j e; . are unite opti;uilic over the ' cliaiices I or remuneration lor their I'llljillt, I ; iei - in ,iriou ectiou - ol tlu- j com in !i.ie been mviiio! lo help in1 handling ihe product of the bounteous oiii put. Throughout 1 .tun ami Ken ton eouniiev According to an auihoritatix e slate meiit tlii-t e will be several thousand pound" of tliied berries to di-poo ol this year. Next year it is expected two times as much owiuii to ihe huge amount winch will come into bearing at that time The new Saturday K veiling Post went on sale today, See Riley l o hatigh and secure a copy. S S. Kleins, of Portland, is slop ping at the II annuel. M;s. l M. lU itev, and Mrs. M. K. Mct'arlfee. of SiUerton. are here at tending the Ch.mt.uniu a. Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. Shaw went to Neuporl this morning to spend a few days outing. M is Gi ace 1 .angdon, of Portland, is t'.e -.Uf-l of relatives here. Mrs. K. W. Horsky has been called lo Stay Ion by Ihe serious- illness of her mother who is suffering from an attack of heart (rouble. Kinmett Mason, wife and daughter, left this morning for 1 larrisom ille, Mo, via San I'Vanci-co and V Paso, to visit with friends the remainder of POOM SURVEYING? s PENLAND & EATON -Albany Stale Rank BliV Hc-.io 303 Bell 4S?.R. The Crown Silo Owv nf t!u !cst on the Market, Ilw.Ml the Atlv;uit;iues :i Sil.' C'.n Hr, Tl e Siavc -sSSownin the Cut U Superior to Any Other '.:,""tttT:' .-tn-ii;'! : : '; WJ, .-!- 5..,."j mUi-M' -'-ii... ;.' '.'. """1 0.1 -I pare nii-r l.i.uu-r. I i:c il-ior opens 111 the p:nv 01 any wine. iloor. Co:l 1. it -o tl'at e'!in or shrinkinij ' - t' Ii'im Mml or ai :lte air. Ami is .wnarantced not 11 or eoll.'.pse. e . of this silo is small, com '1 with otlters. ami (jives tiie far am! ilairvman the eheapest and fieil to !, lt-11! 1 1 ,,, ,L.. n - more pro;i:i!-h' t!ran snmiiirr. 1 VfT'-.., t.m, .ni 1 rues are better tn inter, cow !'e -ls ,01 ,itncr. when fed Mlase. stoek i.itten without urain. saves uram or feed hillv Better and ohrapor feed than kale; always ready to feed; no hauling in net weather and emtiii)j up your farm. sou. ,,v w. C. S C H U LT Z Bell Phone No. 76 Home 141 ALBANY, OREGON. Leonard Gross, baggagemaster at the Southern Pacific depot, went to Newport Sunday and after a day's stay with his family, who have been there for a couple of weeks, brought them home with him yesterday. They are delighted with the place and would like a permanent home there. 'They mild have stayed longer this time but for the fact that Prentice Gross tayed in the sea water too long and was so severely poisoned that his body and limbs swelled clear out of proportion. There will be no afternoon delivery irom the local stores tomorrow after noon aid W. A. Eastbum to a Demo crat representative this morning. The stores will all be closed and the busi ness men propose to attend the Chau iU(tta at I p. m. William :Uack and wife left this morning for Rid?eway. Wash. NEW METHOD OF HANDLING DISOBEDIENT WIVES Sheriff Gellately of Benton county passed through on the noon train with Mrs. Lulu Smith of Corvallis, who was committed to the Oregon training school for incorrigible girls, this morning at Corvallis. It seems that Mrs. Smith who ap pears to be about 17 years old would not obey her husband in regards to company she kept and otherwise, and her mother with the consent and ap proval of her husband applied to the juvenile court to have her adjudged incorrigible, which was promptly done this morning and the alleged incorri gible wife was placed in charge of Sheriff Gellately who took her to that institution this noon. STATE WILL BUY 1100 ACRES IN EASTERN OREGON The desert land board has author ized the purchase of about 1 100 acres of land in Crook county to be used ts reservoir sites for the Tumalo pro ject. This action was taken on the recommendation of Attorney Gener al Crawford, who investigated the mat ter. Prices range from $11 to $70 an acre for the land. Mrs. R. B. Richardson and Miss An "fr T.elle Richardson who have been guests for several weeks at the home of Attorney Elmer Richardson of this city, left today for Ontario. Califor nia, where the latter will accept a po sition in the public schools. Mrs. Richardson is a mother of the local attorney and Miss Richardson his sister. G. L. Ranch of Portland, arrived in the city this morning, to attend busi ness matters relative to the gas fran chise granted. The Southern Pacific examination car was taken to Eugene this noon. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Babb re turned this noon from Eugene where they were the guests of friends. Mrs. J. M. Chambers, of Cottage Grove, is attending the Chautauqua. Hr. Elmer Gipe went to Newport this morning for a few days outing. C. R. Drew left this morning for New Haven. Conn. The McDowell Shoe Comnanv's HouseCleaningSale New, Seasonable Shoes at Overwhelming Reductions , WOMEN'S TAN BUTTON SHOES 15-button style $4 and $4.50, now $2.95 WOMEN'S WHITE NUBUCK BUTTON SHOES Four styles to select from $3.50, $4, $4.50, now $3.15 WOMEN'S WHITE LINEN SHOES with flexible welt soles $3, $3.50, now $2.48 Very Woman's Low Cut Shoe in the Store 1-4 to 1-3 Off. MEN'S SHOES All our $3.50 Shoes and Oxfords Now $2.65 $4., now $3.35 All new up-to-date styles MEN'S SUMMER WORK SHOES $3.00, now $2.70 3.50, now 2.95 BOYS' SHOES REDUCED $2 to $3, now $1.48 to $2.29 according to size. The above are simply a few of the many attractive Bargains we offer RpmPtTlKpr We have only been in business 338 West First St. ten months and have no old styles. Opposite Post Office Store Closed All Day, Thursday Preparing and Arranging Stock for the Greatest Clearance Sale We Have Ever Held Watch for the Big Circular at Your Door Thursday Please Notice Every Price Sale Opens at 9 o'Cloek A. M. Friday July 18th CHAMBERS & McCUNE ALBANY'S LEADING CLOAK and SLIT STORE Klks' Temple, First and Lyon Streets, Albany, OrcRon