15 HEBE LAST NIGHT Linn County Senator Talks of . Duties of His New Federal Office. COULD HAVE BEEN MEMBER OF DIPLOMATIC CORPS When Income Tax Becomes Ef fective, Most Important Office In State Says Appointee. Co.itimu'il from Saturday, July 2 Arriving in Albany last, night for the purpose of attending 'z meeting of the Masonic lodge, Senator .M. A. Mil ler received congratulations from hir Albany friends upu.; Ins confirmation as collector of internal revenue for Oregon, the appointment having yes terday hcen lut iiiaily approved by the United States senate. "I will leave tor Portland next week," said Senator Miller to a Demo crat representative, "and will assume my duties as soon as my bond is ap proved, 1 expect to discharge the duties of the office strictly in accord ance with the law and will give the .vork my personal attention at all times. When the tariff bill passes and the income tax becomes effective, it will materially increase the duties of my new office. In fact it will be the mu; important federal office in the Mate. I much prefer this appointment to a position on the diplomatic corps for I can better keep in touch with tin1 affairs of Oregon." Senator Miller is a native of Linn county iiiid has served for fourteen years as a member of the Oregon leg islature, h'or eight years he held the on 'ice of mil if ma I ronimil teemaii and was a delegate to three national conventions, hi each convention he wi-, a strong supporter of the can didacy of W. J. Ilryaii. lie now holds po-ition as member nf the board of regents of the Stale University and Lis always been interested in educa tional matters. Kor thirty years he has resided at 1 -ehanon and has always been active in the political, business and social life of that city as well as in the politics of the entire state. Hundreds Were Arrested, Con victed and Fined for Various Offences. "Howdy Pap" and then you were "cloughed in" as the term may be given, for last nig lit was "Moose .Night" at Arnold's Carnival and the Moose just had a dickens of a time. Moo-iC were everywhere and yet no where, that is if you can call jailed by that name, for just as soon as one of these gentlemen would come acros.1 with the accredited salute of "Howdy Pap," he was spotted and "sloughed in" until the jail, just a play one temporarily erected on the grounds, for the occasion, was brimming full of all kinds of Moose. Then the court was opened and in turn each of the prisoners were given a hearing and each one was convicted and fined on various charges. Here arc some of the charges preferred against the pris oners: for being too fat, being a sin gle man, being married, too small, bow legged, having a smile that won't wear off, chewing tobacco, walking flown the street with a lady, and one man was convicted and fined because he couldn't dress within five seconds. All of the offenders were fined from 50 cents to $5 which they gladly paid to he released. Over $150 was col lected in fines. The carnival will give its last per formance here tonight. All the big free open air attractions will be given at the usual time. SHEDD IS A TOWN OF MANY BACHELORS SAYS REPORT The Shedd reporter's atention was called recently to an article in the ( regon Journal which stated that there are 35 widows in Ilalsey. This is a slight mistake as there are 39 widows in Ilalsey and we figure that there are about that many bachelors in Shedd. Would it not be expedient for Shedd and Ilalsey to hold a get-together meeting? Ilalsey Knterprise. Miss Ruth liodine is the guest of friends at Newport. Mrs. Catherine l;inch is the guest of friends at llrownsville John Maly, of Corvallts, transacted business here yesterday. S. C. Baker of Brownsville, trans acted business here yesterday. (I. A. I lomer, of VVaterloo, trans acted business here yesterday. Miss Lillian Thompson, of Corval lis, is the guest of Miss Kthel Whel-ler. COUNTY SUES 10 ENJOIN ELECTION Marion County Intervened To day hy Suit to Suppress Oicotts Call. GALLOWAY HELD ELEC TION UNCONSTITUTIONAL Estimated That It Would Cost Linn County $4000; Will Save Counties $150,000. Salem, Or., July 12. (Special to Democrat). Marion county today in tervened in the suit brought by A. C. Libby to enjoin Secretary of State Olcott from calling the special elec tion which the legislature ordered to be held this l'"all to pass on the mea sures on which the referendum has been invoked. The county court and county clerk of Marion county filed the petition for intervention alleging that it will cost Marion county $10,000 to hold this election and that there is no authority of law for it. It is claimed that even if the bill for the election should be held constitu tional there is no provision whatever for Marion county or any other county of the state paying the judges and c lerks of election. Judge Galloway granted the county's petition to inter vene so this question as well as the question of the constitutionality of the law which was raised in Libby's suit, will go up to the supreme court for decision. The case will probably come up in the supreme court next week and a decision as to whether or not the elec tion will be held will probably be rendered soon. In passing on the case in the circuit, court here Judge Galloway held the election unconsti tutional and if the sunreme court upholds his decision it will not be nec essary to hold the election. l.inn county officer-; estimate that ihis proposed special election, if held, will cot I. inn counly at least $4000 and probably mor-' in the direct ex-pen-e-s of the election to sav nothing nf the interruption of tit her count v work and extra help in the cottntv of fices preparing for the election. Fig in!,r the cxpen-c here as the average for counties of the state it will be een th:if the eoimtie-i nf the the et jJett ror i er V alues our Take advantage of our July offerings in buying your Summer clothes Why not buy that switch you need at our July hair goods sale? Latest models in R. & G. and Kabo Corsets, at 90c pair Heavy Jumbo stitch, ruff neck sweaters, all colors and You have paid 8.00 for this number $5.8 each Cadillac dresses for children, 2 to 6 years, special 98c ea. Cadillac dresses for children 8 to 14 years, special $1.19 ea. Agents for j Standard Patterns FLOOD'S STORE 334 WEST FIRST STREET Agents for Kabo Reducing Corsets will save approximately $150,000 of Judge Galloway's decision is upheld in the supreme court and the special election avoided. Linn county has a larger population than the average county but many of the others are much larger in territory so their ex enes would probably be as great so this i believed lo be a conservative estimate of the expenses of the election. of the counties themselves and docs j not include the expenses of the state. ! which would probably he an additional I $50,000. j C. D. Austin went to Newport yes 1 terday in the interest of the Albany I Commission Co. i Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Anderson and family arc at Newport where they will ; pei:cl a tew days outing. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Simpson re- ; turned yesterday from Brownsville af- jter viiting with relatives. President II. M. Crooks of Albany j College, returned this morning from a 1 l-M-'jp.; ; tr;n to Portland. MISS CONSTANCE PIPER TO APPEAR IN PIANO RECITAL Invitations Issued for July 17; Miss Piper Visited Here Recently. Invitations have been issued to sev eral Albany people by Mr. and Mrs. lulgar B. Piper, of Portland, to a pia no recital to be given by their daugh ter, Miss Constance Piper, assisted by Mrs. Delphinc Marx, contralto. The recital will he held at the Multnomah Motel ball room, Thursday evening, July 17. Miss Piper is an accom plished pianist and -completed her studies during the past winter in the Boston conservatory of music. Re cently she was the guest of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Cusick, of this city, during which time she w.'f! honor ',ruct of mam social fum- MAKES SHIPMENT OF HOGS AND SHEEP FROM HALSEY Hugh Cummings, the stock buycf for the Union Meat Co. at Portland, was here last week and his associates, .Messers Taylor and McMahon, ship ped three cars of sheep and hogs. Mr. Cummins.-! informs us that he has shipped a car of stock for eacii day since the first of the year, over one hundred and eighty cars. On the 10th of next mouth Mr. Cummings will start for Chicago with 30,000 head of sheep for Swift & Co.. Ilalsey Enterprise. tions. Miss Piper is a cousin of Miss Grace Langdon, daughter of E. W. Langdon, a former Albany banker, who visited here at the Cusick home at the same lime. Miss Langdon now lesides in Portland. E5HB!B3E!HS.5 &3 A, 3 For nearly 50 years we have been in the Clothing and Furnishing Goods Business. j We do not say so much about cheap prices. We realize that the demand is tor quality at the right price We attribute our success and continued years in business to the large support we SKive irom people who want good iiisrciianihss at a fair price, and an assurance that we stand back of everything we sell In July Each Year We Hold Our H i-Annual. of all our Seasonable Goods. These Sale Goods are from our regular stock and not bought to sell cheap. The Sale includes Men's, Youths,' Boys' Suits, Shoes, Hats, Underwear, Shirts and Sox $27.50 Suits 25.00 Suits 20.00 Suits $21.50 16.35 13.65 Boys' Knickerbocker Suits Three Special Lots $1.95, $2.95, $3.85 Don't Miss These $1 Union Suits . . 75c Iletmesh Union Suits . 40c 50c Work Shirts . . 38c H y TX t TOk I lie 1 Slain 'UiOllllllg o. "-"( West l'irst St. Albany