The Scmi-Wcekly Democrat I'tlhllM cl by DKMOCKAT PUBLISH I XG CO. WM. II. liuKMIlKuuK, Managing Editor. Kmcred at the puMutiKc at .Uoaiiy Oregon, an hL-fdiitl-i-l.-'iv. iiuiiiiT. Published every evening except .-inn clay. Semi-weekly pubh-iiei 'Lie.. ild s and Fridays. liU.SIXhSS 4IA'I'I t-.K. Address all coiiummicaiions and ni;tl. all remittances, payable to the Dii) o'crat Publishing t-o. In onlenng changes of address, snij scribers should always give old a well as new address. SUBSCRIPTION KATES Daily delivered by carrier, per month.... $ .40 Delivered by carrier, per ye.- .uli by mail, at end of year 3,S!i liy mail in advance, per year .3.00 Semi-Weekly At end of year $1.50 When paid in advance, one year.... i.25 U.AS-il hi ED KATKS lc per word for first publication; 'ic per word thereafter, payable in ad vance. Minimum charge of 25c. Established in 1865. TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1913. CHAMBERLAIN AND LANE The Democrat offers no apology for the attitude of Senators Chamberlain and Lane in reference to the wool schedule of the Underwood tariff bill. Both Oregon .senator made a light in the Democratic caucus fur a slight duty on wool, and were defeated, lie cause I hey were unsuccessful tin amending the wool section of the tar iff act, a partisan Republican press would now have the in repudiate the entire measure. For I hem to do so would be political treason. Chaiiiberlin and l.ane were elected lo the Unit eel Stales Senate oil I in: Democratic ticket. The Democratic party has always been opposed io the theory of high projection and lias al ways been at war with Cirri r foslered monopoly. When the ( )regn Sena tors were elected it was assumed that Ihey would fidlill to the letter the pledges contained in the I ciuoer itic national platform. I "or them to now refuse their official sanction to a bill which will afford relief from the pre sent intolerable and exevs-iv. duties, because it does not entirely conform to their own personal idea-, v;)uhl be a repudiation of both party and prin ciple. That they have not yielded lo the Washington "lobby" is a matter of congratulation lo (he Senators from Oregon. BETTER LAW ENFORCEMENT A drastic ami -speed ordinance has been prepared and introduced by i Salem councilman. The propped or dinance provides a penah of not uss than five or more than twenty days in jail in case of conviction. INiys'cian; only are excepted by its provisions and they must carry n red cross on (heir cars in order to escape pro-ecu-lion. If officers can be secured ith enough moral courage to enforce the law properly it ought to pass. Th trouble with the average anti-speed or dinance lies in (he unwillingness of !uc officers to insist upon the enforcement of its provisions. Many officers hes itate when il comes to placing the owner of a motor car under arrest while Ihey display remarkable courage when it comes to taking into custody a defenseless holm. According to estimates made by New York attorneys who have been ruga get I in making an inventory of the est. He of tin late .1. IV Morgan. I he heirs uf the financier will pay into the li c.iMii v the Mini of $ bHHI.tMi. The total ahtr of the estate is pi. iced at $im.lX..AV. In (he face of the-e fig ures it would appear that the inheri tance tax could be increased to $'), IXH.XH without working any great in justice to the heirs. GOOD COUNSEL "The problem of the de'iui'uent child is the problem u the broken home," said Supi. M. M.-ek, of (oise. Idaho. In lore the i'n;, ciMtv of Oregon Summer School, "if a boy cr girl goes w roug it almost always pioes to be the case that thcr death ti; tlivoice has epar:re I the pav:its, Wheic lather ami m ;hcr are bxinj. and hiug together, :!w child las the best chance for moral development." To nioi hei ' and .'at lici's. who tor some triial cause, nuv be , niiem plaling dtxorce, the w-'id- of Sn.u'im-t-xdent Meek at e rcspi c . tntlv c m mc"ded The obligation of i.-'ii' to eh Id and child of patent is th-- sougc-t known to the human family. Personal ti.ippinf" slunild be :id.o to the respnu-ibibiy of l eai 'i'.; a i t'M'lv. 1 'c u a child the conns, 1 ;ind ci.mi'mm on ship of a lather m a mo her an.i i. t;:ke l!o:il 'i l'll 1 II :hl . !! bv all the bus ot r.i'av- Tn-e M is i; n t'-f e i.c c i-es w !u re divorce is a near blemj e. : cerueil. but in anv event, the hu-bidii the ne. and t'-e clnhli cn .re all ac tol s ill one of ll!e's ti i die JAMES J. HILL'S ADVICE. Commenting upon the rece.:: 'iic.m- : in-,, in the Wall Street sto.-'c iinrxei, ! Janic-. J. iiill gave the stuck gar.!!lcr.i j -nine round aihiee. The great "Km- : pire Builder," spoke in part as ful-low-: "What U the matter with Wail street, anyway? Are they going crazy , over there? Everyone is a bine a- indigo, and half the people do not i know what they are blue about. All that the people have to do in time; like the-e is to keep a clear head and aoid getting rattled; then everything-: will come out all right. Take it from me. the ni'tn who sclU the United States "shoft" is going to suffer like the mi-chief. He will have to take his medicine ami it will not be sweet, either. The money market is a good deal of a problem, but it will work out all right. Such complications as we have had of lae are troublesome, but they are insignificant compared with the offsetting factor of good crops and the wealth that will result from another bountiful harvest. "I want to say, too, that the Wash ington situation is all right. To hear some people talk you would suppose that the administration was bent on upsetting things. That is perfect fool ishness. I was at the capital the other day and talked to all the leaders, and I know that they are aiming to do the best tiling for the whole country." When a man of Mill's standing ex presses himself on financial questions, his opinion is entitled to more than ordinary weight. He is not given to speak lightly on any subject of public importance and has perhaps given the financial situation more careful thought and attention than any other man in America. His words will at least stiffen the snines of the Wall street "money changers." The common people have confidence in the administration and need no encouragement. o Mrs.- J. W. Alcorn is the guest of friends at Lebanon. Mrs. Earl Iteeson, of Portland, for merly of this city, is the house guest of Miss Agues Thompson. Mrs. T. H. Hawkins, after visiting with their daughter. Mrs. A. S. Nich ols, returned to her home in Portland yesterday. John French returned yesterday from a short outing at Newport. Mrs. French and baby will remain for a few weeks longer, Miss Martha Montague, of Lebanon, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hammer. She will attend the Chau tauqua while here. Mrs. V. D. Tcnks of Tangent was in the city this morning. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. Depart ment Xo. 2. Chas, Kolb, Plaintiff, vs. Elizabeth Kolb, Defendant. To Elizabeth Kolb, the above named defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff in the above entitled court and cause, now on file in the office of the clerk of the said court, on or before the 2bth day of August, 1013, the same being the last dav of the time prescribed in the order for publication thereof: and you are here by notified that if yon fail lo appear and answer said complaint as herein required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, viz: a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and fur ther relief as to the court may seem just ami equitable. This summons is served on you by publication in the Semi-Weekly Dem ocrat by order of the Honorable D. It. MeKuiubt. eountv judge of Linn Comity, made the 10th day of July, PH3. The date of the first publication of this summons is hilv 15. WU. I be hist dale of publication is August 26, ELMER RICHARDSON' Attorney for Plaintiff. W'Jyl5 22 20-A5-12-10-26 Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has this day tiled his final account as administrator of the estate tit" Henry Muehlenhoff, deceased, and the County Court of l.inu County, Oregon, has fixed Monday, the 11th day of August, 1U, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. for the sett lenient of aid account and the hearing of ob jection thereto. Any r.nd all per sons having objections to said ac count are hereby notified ami recjtiiretl to be pre sen', in the above entitled Court at said time and procut such objections as they may ha e to said account. Dated Inly X 1'M.t i.i.ovn g. Axni-usox. Administrator of the estate of Henry M uehlenhot:. Deceased. GAt K S. HILL, Attorney for Administrator. .18-15 2JO A 5 Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has thi-i day filed his final account as admini-trator of the estate of I'lla Alexander, deceased, and the County Court "f 1 i".n County, t 'regou. ha- fixed Wednesday, the ,'thh dav of July. I'M,, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. for the e:t lenient of said account and the heating of objections thereto Anv and all per sons haxiug ohuvtioiis to said account are hereby notified and re;iii:ed to be present in the aboe entitled Coin t at s.iid time and present such oh ice tioiis as thev may ha e to -aid ac D He.' In-- t'V.-l ' K'o l l' W'M' K. . i.! r' c rc of I-"!!.-. Vex o 't - Dec -.-ed K V S 1 ? I I ' . rt-- v V '-i-- '.v In! I S 1 :J NINTH STREET ImPRGVED (Q;titinu cd from 1 ge L ) council required the Portland, Eugene -v Lantern raiy.vay company to re;a:r i,e car uac.-. at the corner of hirst and j-vo.i .-.ireei.i by tearing up tiie nck- .oil pavement and replacing a with new material, flush with the established grade of the street. '1 lie : -"onipany was given 00 days to miakc ; the improvement and the recorder was iii-true ted to send a copy ot the ordi nance to President Strahorn today. The committee on streets anil pub lie property rendered a report which ; was adopted, recommending the open- ing of Ja!: street from. Salem to San-i tiam roads. j I.. M. Curl, chairman of the building ' committee of the Knights of Pythias ! temple, applied to the council for per- j ;.ii-sion to file the plans and specifi cations of the building for approval. I L uner the new ordinance it is not 'e-isary to follow this mode of pro cedure and 'Mr. Curl was told that it he applied to the citv recorder to morrow the plans and specifications would be investigated by the building inspector and if satisfactory the per mit would be issued. A. E. Fin ley, of the Corvallis Con crete Co. addressed the council rela tive to a concrete post his company is manufacturing and which has been proposed to the city for its cluster lighting system. The post as repre sented in a blue print presented a pleasing appearance, and its measure ments are given as 20 inches square at the bottom tapering up in a round pillar, 8 inches to 6 inches at the top and mounted, standing 12 feet 8 inches in height with tree lights. With all equipment':, including wiring it will cost $24. The members of the rnim eill will go to Corvallis to inspect the post. (-,. AL SAYLOR IS REPORTED MUCH IMPROVED TODAY Although he suffered a slight stroke of appoplexy, which over took him suddenly Tuesday morning, A. L. Saylor, the well known and highly esteemed night watch man, was reported at his home this afternoon as resting comfortably and the doctors are looking forward to his eajly re covery. Although still confined to his bed, a marked change is reported in his condition today over that of yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Simpson have returned to Brownsville. Mrs. J. B. Littler of Harrisbnrg, is attending the Chautauqua. S) (5) C-") Cj i News Beginning With This Head Is iTom Daily Issue of " FRIDAY, JULY 11. ' t! () f) O Notice of Appointment of Adminis trator. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been dulv appointed Administratrix of the Instate of George McL art. I 'eeeased, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to present said claims with proper vouchers within six months from this date at the office of Gale S. Mill. Cusick Hank Building. Al bany. I -inn Count v. Oregon. Hated lime 27th, 1(U. MARY ELIZABETH ROIMXSOX. Administratrix. GAT. F S. TITT.T. and HEWITT & SOX, Attorneys for Administratrix. W-Jul 1-8-15-22-20 CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, lor Linn County. In the matter of the e.-tate of the estate and guardianship of D. C. Flint, an incompetent. To l. C. Flint, lleibert Harher, Mrs. Alma dimming s Rolla A. White. Lillian 11. White. Mrs. L. M. Howe. Mis. C. F. liailcy, and Mrr i. 11. O Urieu, and all others interest i ed in said estate, gieeting. in the name of the tSate of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of l.inu. at the court room thereof, at than v. in said countv. on Wednes day the oth day of July. 1H.L at 1 o'eloclt ti". the afternoon of that day. then and there to show cause, if any, why an order of sale should not be made by this court in the above en titled matter authorizing ;'iul empow ering A. ti. Knapp, as guardian of the person and estate of D. C. Flint, an incompetent, to sell all of the real ropeilv of incompetent. ;o:wit: beginning at the Suthve:"t corner of Claim sixty iHh, town -hip ten 1 10). south, range two (J west of the Wil kime'tc Meridian, m T.;,vi Count. Oregon, run v.'v.: g thence cast forty (40) ehah's to 'he southeast corner of Seel ion thirty -four t .UL t lienor north on the e: -t hound u y of said section thirty four a distance of ev en ami seventy-i've one hundred i " 7?) chains : i the center of Crab tiie reek, thence down aid rrerk t" a p nut eight and it ft v hm-dred (850) chain no--tli im the outh tvuind :ry of -said CI rin sixty thence thi-tv fo'-- r4' e1 lii-s henef ::h en; !;ttv dreds (S 50) con- Pi'i'i, more Ho- of the trr it- t. .. 101 J W T SHE USES T08A00Q; HE WANTS DIVOHGl L. A. Messing Claims Spouse ; Invitation ci Eugene Lodge Ac- Have Been Pronounced Best Misrepresented herself to i cepted Last Might by B. F. Attraction Tnas Far Appsar Hini Before Marriage. 0. E. of Albany. ing at Chautauqua. MANY ALLEGATIONS ARE MADE IN COM LAINT Wants Separation on Grounds of Desertion After Trying to Reform Her. Claiming that his wife prior to their marriage represented herself as a re spectable and industrious woman of good habits and thn afterwards prov ing to be addicted to the drink habit, an excessive user of chewing and smoking tobacco and snuff, L. A. Messing, has started suit for divorce from Donia Messing, in the Linn county circuit court on the grounds of desertion. Messing is a young jeweler, and at present resides in Linn county. He and his wife were married at Grants Pass, July 29, 19US, and in his com plaint alleges that the desertion oc curred at Phoenix, Ore., January 15, 1910. There are no children. According to further allegations in the complaint, Mrs. Messing, is charg ed with consorting with young men, who furnished her with means to car ry on her vices. The plaintiff charges that this caused unpleasant talk and friends severely criticised him for con tinuing to reside with his wife. In the complaint it is claimed that when the plaintiff would refuse the defend ant tobacco and whiskey, she would become violently enraged and during one of these fits of passion deserted him at Phoenix, Ore., in 1908, after he had persistently tried to reform her. The plaintiff further claims that he moved from town to town in hopes that his wife may change her tactics and in order to be rid of the gossip following his wife's episodes. On the other hand. Messing in his complaint claims that he is a sober, upright and industrious man and that he stood more than any ordinary man would stand from an inhuman and cruel wife. Loyd Templetou, of Malsey, trans acted business here this morning. E. J. Holland, of Scio, is registered at the St. l;rancis. Tom Alexander and family motored to Mill City yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Alexander. remained at that nlace to visit her relatives and friends for a few days. J. H. Scott, a well known memher of the grange from Tangent was trans acting business in Albany today. Frank Cleavengcr returned to Port land yesterday afternoon, after visit ing with his father. Wilmer Swank has returned to his home at Graner. J. M. Hawkins is in Portland attend ing business matters. H. R H annuel, who has been visit ing at the home of his uncle. A. V. Peeson, for the past few days, left this morning for Bellingham, Wash., his home. Registration of Land Title. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. In the matter of the application of Willamette Land Company, an Ore gon corporation, to register the title to the land in said application de scribed, to-wit: Meginning at a point on the West boundary line of ami Xorth I degree .Vi minutes Wet 5'vJl chains distant from tht S. W. corner of the Donation Land Claim of Anderson Cox and wife, Xot. Xo. 6, Claim Xo. 40, in TP. 11 S. R. 3 W. Will. Mer.. Linn County. Oregon, thence X". So degrees 45 minutes F. 41.00 chains to the Fast boundary line of said Claim Xo. 40; tl-enee X. 1 degree .V minutes West Jl lV chains to the center of the County Road: thence X. "0 degrees 25 minutes W. 44. 00 chains along cen ter of said Road to the West hound-try line of said Claim Xo. 40; thence S. 1 decree 30 minutes Fast 30.75 chains to the point of beginning, con taining IIS 5 acres, more or less. v. F. M. piaek and S. G. Talia. and all whom it may concern, defendants. Notice. To Whom It May Concern: Take notice that on the 10th day of Tvue A. D. 101,1. n application was filed bv said Willamette Land Com pany in the Circuit Court of Linn County, Orecon. for initial registra tion nf the title to the land above described. Xon- miles you appear on or before tht 2Sth day of July A, D. 101,1, and show cmee win such nnplicat'on !vtll not be granted, the same w'lt he taken a confessed ind a decree will he entered acoordinc t- the nraver of the .vplu-itiort. and you wiM be forever barred from di ru';rg the tune. In witness whereof T have hereunto et nv hind n" ! O'r eal of said Civ'.t C-Mi-t this 10;), ,ilv nr June Ti 101 X "TT T ) w. T T -RKS fi",i''v C1 '1-.- Td eT-of:''io o't': of t'-e Ci-cvt f-v.'rt of 1 !ni Coitw. Orogo-i. uru-fT 5- SO, 'M-r,ov for I-;r-:4 T.d 1 S '?? LOCAL ELKS WILL MM mm SPECIAL TRAIN CHARTERED: LOW RATES SECURED Will Be Held on the McKenzie River; Fine Program for the Event. That the members of tiie Elks lodge of this city will accept Ihe invitation of the Eugene brothers and attend the Elks picnic and High Jinks which will be held on the beautiful McKen zie river on Sunday, July 20th was definitely decided at a meeting of the entertainment committee of the local order hist night. According to the invitation 1500 red side trout will be tried for the visiting brothers and a program consisting of music, sporting events and other at tractions has been provided by the Eugene lodge. Included in the pro gram will be six vaudeville acts which will be put on tinder the direction of Hendcrshott's orchestra. A special train has been chartered by the- local lodge which will leave over the Lebanon-Brownsville branch for the scene of the picnic on the morning of July 20th. Special rates have been secured from the Southern Pacific Railway and tickets mav be secured at Dawson's drug store, Mc A loin's or Whitakcr's. The picnic will be held on the McKenzie river at a point south of Coburg. and the local lodgmen are urged to bring their fishing tackle, a prirc having been offered bv the Eugene lodge for the largest trout caught by any member in att?"danc. Tt will be a "stnrr" affair and every member of the B. V. O. E. is urged by the committee to join the excursion. F. H. Lester, of San Francisco, and George G. Lovejoy, of Portland, pass ed through the city last night by automobile enroute to Portland after touring the con them section of the valley. C. L. Thrasher and Grant Pirtlc left this morning for Detroit where they will cast their flys for the next three days. William Hell and wife, of Xcwburg, arrived in the city last night to visit with friends. They formerly resided here. Mr. Bell is the proprietor of a leading hotel at Xewburg. Notice of Final Settlement. Xotice is hereby given that the un dersigned executor of the last will and testament of Mathew Aeheson. deceased, has filed in the County Court of Linn Couiuty, Oregon, his final account as such executor, and said Court has fixed Monday, the 4th day of August. 1913. at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon as the time for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. L R. ACHESOX, HEWITT & SOX, Executor. Attorneys for Executor. Tues. Jul l-S-15-22-29 NOTICE. Registration of Land Title. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. In the matter of the application of John T. Miller, to register the title to the land in said application de scribed, tnwit: Beginning at the Southeast corner ; of the Donation Land Claim of John i Miller, Sr.. being Xotificatiou Xo. '506 and Claim Xo. 63, in Township 13 South. Range 4 West of the Wil- lamette M eridian, in Linn County, j 1 Vegon. and from thence running a or 1 1: -t j . c ai : to t a e a on n ea -: ; corner of aid Claim Xo. 63: thence ; I West along the Xorth boundary line I of said claim. 20.41 chains: thence South parallel to the East boundary line of said Claim, 44.13 chains to the South boundary line of said Claim: thence Eat 20.41 chains to the place i of beginning, containing 90.07 acres. more or less, YS. The Board of Trustees of Albany College, a corporation, and all whom it may concern, defendant. To the Board of Trustees of Al- I bany College and All Whom it May ' Concern: ! Take notice, that on the 27th day of jjune. 1013. an application wa filed ! by said John T. Miller in the Circuit i Court of I inn County. Oregon, for i initial registration of the title to the ! land above described. Now utile j you appear on or before the 4th day 1 of Ancut, l13. and hoiv oaue why . uoh application shall not be granted, the same will be taken a confessed and a decree wilt be entered ao ; cording to the pr.iver of the anrdica i tin. a ?d you will be forever bare 1 fro"i tli-pn:ir g the same. Wit'u-ss tv. v hand r'ud the of the s-iid Court this 27th dav of Tune, i V D. 1013. " . ! W. L. M RKS. C:v-:!t Con- of I i C-OV. SDN PIET TUAPPEAH TOHiGHT HAVE DELIGHTED BIG ; AUDIENCES AT CONCERTS Mg Poon Chew, Eminent Chin- ese Crater, Will Be Here Tomorrow Afternoon. I Singing to a large audience at every performance, the Sierra Quartet, com posed of two women and two men, ha e bct-ii pronounced the best at tractions thus far appearing on the Chautauqua program. Xo small amount of praise has been centered on these four rare artists. They have been showered with laurels because of their musical ability and have had an unprecedented reception from Albany music lovers, attested by the- large audiences greeting them at every concert and the thunderous ap plause and encores accorded them, number after number. Last night the entertainment was mi surpassed, judging from a. standpoint of musical presentations and from the attendance at the Chautauqua the managers arc highly elated over the success of this quartet. They come here highly recommended and with spiendid credentials, and it has been slated by a member of the Chautauqua hoard that they have more than dem onstrated the worth of all the laurels showered upon them from elsewhere. The tpiartet will make its last ap pearance tonight in full concert, com mencing at S o'clock and it is believed that they will be greeted by the larg est audience of any previous concert. With scores in attendance, Miss Mary E. Sutherland gave one of her most interesting instructions in do mestic science this morning. This fea ture of the Chautauqua iesnojuiyg ture of the Chautauqua is enjoying splendid success and interest from the ladies and misses of the city. At 10 o'clock, Prof. Lee Emerson Bassctt presented an interesting lec ture recital on "Kipling." Prof. Bas set t's department is proving to be quite a drawing card and scores have been regularly attending his lectures, especially the members of the various literary clubs of the city. At 2:30 o'clock this afternoon Prof. Bassett gave another lecture recital on "Julius Caesar," which was attended nearly en masse by the Shakespeare club aside from numbers of others. Perhaps the feature of the Chautau qua that is enjoying the most interest and the largest attendance is the Bi ble school, conducted by Rev. F. T. Conner. In making his announce ments last night from the platform in the auditorium. Rev. W. P. White said: "I wish I had time to tell you all more about the Bible school but I want to take the privilege of saying this: that it is simply grand and that I sincerely believe that it is the most interesting and educational feature of the Chautauqua." At 4 o'clock this afternon the class work and lecture by Miss Sutherland in the domestic science department will again take place. During the same hour the class work conducted by the members of the O. A. C. will also take place. Tomorrow is looked forward to with interest as Xg Poon Chew, the eminent Chinese orator, will make his first appearance at 2:30 o'clock, speaking upon the subject of "The Awakening of China." A stereopticou lecture that promises to be of inter est will be the feature in the evening. REGISTRATION OF TITLE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. In the matter of the application of ! iei.i Holii.lay to Register title to tide following de-cribed premises, to wn : Beginning at the quarter section corner between Sections 33 and 34 in Tp. 10 S. R. 2 W. of the Willamette Meridian and running thence East 53 1-3 rods: thence South 120 rods: thence West 53 1-3 rods: thence Xorth 40 rods: thence West 80 rods: thence Xorth 80 rods, thence East 80 rods to the place of beginning, containing SO acres more or less in Linn county. Oregon. Against Mrr-. Kate Bilveu. wife of Peter Bilycu. and All Whom it mav concern, defendant. Take notice that on the 2Sth dav of May, 1013. an application was filed by the said Luella Holliday in the Circuit Court of tlte State of Oregon, for Linn County, for initial registration of the title of the land above described. Xow unless you appear on or be ""c the 22nd day .f July, jo-. amj show cause why Mich ' application -ho;:ld not be granted, the anc will sc taken a confessed and decree will he entered according fi th? prayer nf he a-.ipheani and y.-u will be forever !:--. !ro-,i .lis put ing t:,e M1,. Dated this 20 dav of Mtv 10)3 W. L. marks! County CUrk of Linn Countv. O-e- gon .and ex-o::i'eio Clerk " of the r--c entitled court. (! T WFTHrRFORn WE THER- V-y K M K T ' s: g i " t T . derV DO t" .? 1 1 S TVputv rv tor A Ar.nrrty for A" W T"! 1 S-15 ' 24 TI p.;? I