The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, July 11, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Today Is "Woman's Day" and
Scores Have Been in Attend
ance Since Morning.
Charles Miller of Jefferson Was
Prominent in Oregon Politics
for Many Years.
Big Reception Will Be Held This
Afternooon at 4 o'Clock;
Conference Held.
Continued from Wednesday, July 9
Today is "Women'!. Day" at the
Scores of women and representa
tives of various civic organizations
and women's clubs throughout Linn
and Benton counties and delegates
from all of the leading clubs of this
city arc spendiiiK the day at the Chau
tauqua. Commencing at 10 o'clock this
morning and lasting until 11 o'clock,
a conference of women's clubs was
held at the the W. C. T. U. headquar
ters. Many subjects were brought up
and discussed informally and at the
conclusion of the meeting the ladies
repaired to different sections of the
grounds and enjoyed a pleasant so
cial session.
At 1:30 o'clock this aftnrnoou the
representatives of women's clubs of
this city and neighboring towns who
were nrcscnl at the conference met
formally in the auditorium when the
big '-onfereuce was held. Reports of
work accomplished by the various
cli-bs were given by respective mem
bers and plans for the future were
divulged. Different subjects were
bromrht up for discussion and debate,
embodying civic nnd social problems.
At 4 o'clock this afternoon a recep
ti was tendered the vUiting elub
w ncn by the Albany clubwomen.
The reception committee will be
"otii"osed of t'ie presidents of lite
v;rVMs clubs of (hie citv and they are
a- follows: Mrs. HrnnVlta lirown,
"'"'''"nii; Mrs. T. K. W-nthcrford,
!'-iV ImnrnvpmeMl club; Mrs. C. M.
Vi'mv Modern Travellers cbibMrs.
'V T. Uniririi, Sha'-ospeiiro club; Mrs.
H. V Palnief. Twentieth Century
club: Mrs. S. S. Train. Leisure TTnur
Tlnuk Hub: Mrs. T. M. TTnwkins. Tues
day dub: Mri, F.rl tbcr. Wednes
dav Hnnk cbdi: Airs. K, C. Brande
lierrv. Tlmrscfav nonkclub: Mrs. Mary
T KHIv. Pvtbim Sisters' dub: Mrs.
A. Ai"tin. ATndrrn TVfarilta club: Mrs.
.1. S. Van Winkbv H. D. W. club.
The cnnimitt1 having in charge the
.T-ran-remrnts of (he dnv is composed
of a '"ember from each of the above
t'"nnd lttbs and are tven that or
ri -,c follows r Mrs C. W. Winn. Mrs.
Fred Dtw on. Mrs. C. V. T.ittlrr. Mrs.
n. M Attain. Mrs. T. K. TTaiiTht. Mr.
T To.-' mit.. Mr,. rc;' Cnthev.
Mr. XV. T.. Marks. Mrs. F. M Pngh,
'rs. C H. nnrfgraf, Mm. G. M. Tun
kin and Mrs. W. S. Weaver.
Estimated by Southern Pacific
That It Costs Fifty Cents
W!ien Brakos A i.
J That Charles Miller an old $
i and highty respected pioneer of S
') the Wiliamctte valley passed J
rii aw;: this morning at his U'jtnc 'si
'? in tile viciuty of Jefferson was &
'v the word received in Albany late
ri) this afternoon.
The deceased has always been
Cs active in Oregon politics, having
at one time been nominated for
congress on the populist ticket.
Later he was nominated for con-
gress on the Democratic ticket
as a member of the state legisia-
ture from Marion county.
He leaves three daughters and
a son to mourn his death, his
wife having died several years
The funeral will he conducted
by the Masonic lodge tomorrow
afternoon. D. P, Mason of this
city will conduct the services and
will be pleased to have other
members of the Albany lodge ac-
company him.
First of Latest Issue Was Re
ceived at Navy Recuiting
Station There.
Arrrangement of Stars on Late
Emblem Differs from Former
Frank N. Parent Writes Inter
esting Letter of Big Cele
bration Held There.
Hreitenbush Hot Springs, July 5.
Cditor Democrat, Dear Sir: I think
all the people who have visited this
place in the past would be interested
lo hear of the great celebration we
had here the Fourth.
Wc arc awakened at 3 a. ni. bv two
terrific powder explosions, which
shook the sleep from us and re-echoed
through the early morning stillness
of these vast forests.
I he morning was spent in watch
ing the roasting of a sheep over a pit
luiru Willi live coals made trom vine
maple wood.
At noon a splendid barbecue dinner
was served when the mutton was
placed on the tabic whole and carved
before us.
The tables were set for forty people,
under some of the beautiful cedar
trees which abounded here.
At noon the warm sun shone forth,
to gladen the heart of every sick per
son. The dinner consisted of everything
in the market, and mountain trout for
those who cared not for mutton, also
a delicious assortment of cakes, pies
and oranges.
The afternoon was occupied with
strongly contested races, baseball and
other features. In the evening we
had our usual cainpfirc and song ser
vice, which was followed by beauti
ful fireworks, for which we are verv
thankful to Mr. John Outerson of a
D.-if-oit tnri
After this some of the more active
members of the party danced on the
croquet grounds, (o the music of a
mouth organ.
There was something doing all the
time from $ a. m. lo 11:30 p. m.
Kvervone is expresing themselves
as having had the greatesi Fourth in
their meniorv.
Yours truly,
Through the efforts of Knight W.
Wheeler of the Eugene U. S. Navy
recruiting station, one of the small
first issue of the new United States
flag has been received and is on exhi
bition. The difference in the new flag
is the arrangement in stars, necessi
tated by the admission last year of
two new states into the Union, namely
Arizona and New Mexico.
The first American flag was official
ly adopted by act of congress, June
14, 1777, this act reading:
"That the flag of the thirteen Unit
ed States by 13 stripes, alternate red
and white, that the Union be 13 stars.'
The design of the flag was sug
gested by the coat-of-arms of the
Washington family which contained
both the stars and the stripes.
The next change occurred Jan. 13,
1794, when the flag had 15 stripes and
15 stars, The third change was made
in 1818 and the number of states hav
ing then increased to 20, the stars
increased lo that number. The stripes,
however, were reduced to 13, symboli
cal of the original colonics. This act
i of congress provided that on the ad-,
j mission of every new state into the.
Union, a star be added and that such 1
I addition shall take effect on July 4, 1
next succeeding such admission,
j Subsequent changes were nnde tin-
: til 190C). when the flag cont.vned 45
j stars. Til 1909 this mini he- wn in
creased by one and in 191.? bv two.;
' Op Julv 4 the newly designed flag
was adopled. Tn the centra of Mir
; blue field is a group of 13 -,tars for
1 the original colonies. Surrounding
this group is a circle of 25 -star-: for fie i
; states admitted un to 1876. (he KiC.
j year period of American independ-
j encc. Mate added to the Unn"i n'e
! the centennial yer appear outside the
1 circle. Eugene Register.
Has Been Stranded in the East
with Pets Because of
Severe Heat.
Because of the extreme heat in the
Middle West, Pamahastka has been
stranded with his pts in Iowa, sev
eral of which are suffering with sick
ness, and therefore will be unable to
fill his engagement at the Chautauqua
tomorrow, according to information
received this morning by the manage
ment. In place of Pahamasika's en
tertainment the Sierra Quartet, of
San Francisco will appear on the pro
gram in the afternoon. Those who
attended are assured a pleasing en
tertainment as the quartet comes high
ly recommended and will present sev
eral features which were not includ
ed in their original program.
Wi A. Elder Jook charge of the
Stayton postoftice Tuesday, July 1.
All his friends will be pleased to
learn of his success and no daubt
"Art" will make a good postmaster.
W. S. Waters, the retiring post
master has faithfully served the pub
lic nearly sixteen years. He was ap
pointed in 1897, during McKinley's
administration. "Cap," as he is fa
miliarly called is getting well along
in years. He is a member of the lo
cal G. A. R., having served nearly
five years in the Union army.
Bo.b Fletcher is back again on the
job as train director at the Southern
Pacific depot. He has been laid up
for several days with sickness and
during his absence his position was
filled bv Cecil Conn.
In an interview given out to the
Democrat this morning, F. S. Mitchell,
secretary of the grange, declared that
the failure of the city authorities to
provide hitching places for the farm
ers' teams is keeping many farmers
away from the Chautauqua grounds.
According to the regulations adop
ted by the committee in charge of the.
grounds, teams are not allowed in the
Films for the Farmer" and the
"Dairy that Pays a Profit" are the
titles of two splendid articles in the
current issue of the Country Gentle
man. For sale by Riley Lobaugh and
he says that they are of momentous
interest to farmers. Telephone him
for a copy and it will be sent by mail.
i Frank W. Smith said in the Corval
lis Gazette-Times: "With almost ev
ery house occupied in the city ot Cor
I vallis, that is in any way fit to rent
at the present time, Corvallis will be
! in need of a lot more modern houses
i for people to rent when the college
; opens again. Why should not the
i man with means build a few new
j -iiim that none may be turned
away? This is the way to build up
the city. When the sewer is com
pleted in the northwest part of the
j -ity, that section ought to build up
j wry I'aM, as lots are very reasonable
' in pince Sewerage and drainage is all
! thai end oi the city has needed."
Perhaps it has mwr occurred lo the! ir.iveler thai it actually com, a
railroad company money lo Mart and
Mop lis tram-., o much the
Southern Pacini company has had the
problem in estimated with a view to
gelling the exact ligurcs. While au
thorities differ on the estin ate, it
see m ipiile well established that e ei y
! brake ai e apphwi! mi an
average sized passenger train and pow
er again applied to set it in motion,
the railroad company is out from fifty
to sixty cents. It costs about that to
take c.ito of the wear and tear upon
apparatus, to allow for the strain on
the track, to provide power to pump
the air and to the steam thai
starts ihe wheels revolving.
ibi tlie Pacific system ol" ihc South
ern Pacific company with hundreds of
train daily, it can teadily be -cen that
uiiiHvess.u stops aie expensive, that
is stops which aic rot made lo load
and unload passengers.
For tin icason alone, to sav noth
ing of the mole imj'oi'.int ones ot de
lay lo pa-srngn - .in.i merchandise,
the railroads ,u e doing their utmost
to run trains t!i , v ithout de'.n
Poll hie liacks, long and liciinent sid
ings, carettiHv in-pecicd and kept up
eotiipment aie among the things iki:
official' aie co"-unl striving t,
keep trat'lie lolling o one benefits
more than a tail road in keeping the
ira'tie in motion once it -t us so th.r.
it may go from point of origin to dc
linalion with a lew Mops ,i, pos-iMc
1 le Piybcc has utmud from e
bio'g wbeic he plued ImII nndav
J. F. Miller, a travelling man from
New York t'ity. i in the citv, stop
ping .it tbe Hotel Uaninir!. He is a
brother t I iw of Wilb on Fagh-s.
Mr. and Mr. John M. French and
babv. left this noon for a few davs'
outing :it N'ewport
Mantiha, Canada, Fditor Democrat:
My attention ha been called lo an!
account in your paper of the attitude
! of the grangers of I. inn county lo ihe
proposed m ttleiiicnt ol" IoitU-ohor in
:. ..! locality. As 1 have been iiutne
! !:;.;i iy acpi ii;;ted with the l'a--.a !i tn
i I 'ukhobor settlements for the lat
i M years, working as chool teacher
iiid municipal official, and resident
I most ot that time in a Pukhobor ;1
lage, I hope you will grant me the
I conrti -y of your columns to correct i
1 soMie mi-ialvL's of ihe l.iiui coium
, iiangers in regard to thete people
The Pukhobors who propose to et
j lie in Oregon are neither, on the one'
', members ot the rather autnera:- j
; ic community presided over by P"'er i
iVeiigin. nor haw they, on the ether
hand, anything to do with the iin '
band of ''Pilgrim" fanatics (about JO
,ui number out of ncaih HMXO Puk
hob.H s set tied in this conn: i y wh
' periodically shock the tender seusi- ,
bilities of the 'orthwe-t Wanted l
, hce b parading the pramcs in a stare
of nature It is an intu-'iee to con
nect them w iih either.
When the Pukhobor- came to I ;n
ada nearly 15 wars ago t'-.ev were all
members of the Yerigini'e loniniiu
ity, They regarded Peter Yertgin as
'e ire i-n -:mu ot" O'p-t. avd rewed
niv has; utterance as final and in--!
ed anrhoiitv. The imc air of
Western Canada was not congenial to
this belief and very shortly there arose
ichets who refused to bow to Peter.
I !ie-e left the t'oiiiinnni; - often with
nvine ti ibiil itions - took up individual
homestea.N. and be,". one worthv etii
. f- of the coi'irrv, si;.. ror ;ing es-
W. P. Ireland of Corvallis. visited
with his daughter. Mrs. M. P. llatu
inel. yesterday.
H. 11. Hewitt returned this noon
from a business trip to Me M innville.
J. C Hummel went to Portland this
morning on a brief business trip.
Mrs. W. H. McCov and two child
ren, of Spokane, arrived this afternoon
and will be the guest of her sister-in-law.
Mrs. F. M. French for a few
days after which they will go to New
port to spend the rest of the summer.
tablished schools and churches, ard
join i the local grain growers' as
sociations. Many have now achieved
the success due their intelligent hard
work, and are row turning to Oregon
as offering a better climate and more
congenial work than our Western
prairies, together with conditions of
natural -urroundincs approaching the
favored parts of their native Cau
casus. They are men the settlements
here can ill afford to lose, and Oregon
is tortumte to g iin them.
Were the Oregon colonists either
Verigintte or ta-'-ted w - the 'T-1--.:!
m" cm. 'ioes T should igroe with
Mr. Parker a-d his gr:,:.go in their
,,.(.-,... attitude, but as the matter
reallv tao.'.s. T believe that the gran?
crs of Finn county have only to be
c.'vn aci" il'ited with tV new e'-
ts v"-ecte them, n-d that M
' "ker himself will, in (he near future.
v, l s.-tp-ed th it he could ever have
oi"Osed their coming,
1 uviv "'Id t1, it 1 h ive no iotfest,
.'he.'! o indirect hi 'he movement of
the PuVhohors to Orrgo. and tht:
1 write nnre'v in t' c h'te-est of truth.
! o'" fi'r nPv to n wohv pro-de i
Lowest prices on seasonable merchandise
Long silk gloves, black, white and
tan, 75c pair
Good dress ginghams, pretty patterns
and fast' colors, 8 l-3c yd.
50c Corset Cover embroideries, 39c
Clearance sale prices on corsets, mus
lin underwear, shirt waists, suit cases
and children's dresses.
Sweaters and mackinaws for your
summer outing at Clearance prices.
Agents for I FT HOTY QTOP F Ae"ts for
Standard P JLUUL U O X W L1V Kabo Reducing
Patterns 334 WEST FIRST STREET Corsets
The McDowell Shoe Company's
Shoes at Money-Saving Prices
Every Summer. Shoe at Prices
Unparalled Anywhere in Albany
Remember we have been
in business less thnn a
year, and every pair new
this season, and all were
exceptional value at the
regular price
Women's White Linen Shoes with
White Flexible Welt Soles.
$3.00, $3.50 now 2.48
$4, $4.50 now $2.95
Women's Pumps. Button Oxfords and
Two Strap Pumps.
$2.50, now $1.95
$3.00, now 2.65
3.50 now 2.95
Think of the pleasure you can get
out of these in the hot, dusty days in
July and August.
35 and 50c Infants' Soft Soles now 19c
Tan or black button or lace, now $2.65
4.00 now 3.35
4.50 now 3.65
5.00 now 3.95
$3.50, now $2.95
Sizes 5 to S now 69c
Sizes S'? to 1 1 now S9c
Sizes V2 to 2 now 1.09
The above are simply a few of the attractive Bargains. Come to the store
for hundreds more
Try McDOWELL'S First
33S West First Street
Opposite Post Office