The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, July 08, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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i7 -'l
No. 72.
Or. U'i
Wtmln H
Carnival Spirit Is High and
Festive Season Began in
Blooming Style.
Hundreds of Local People Are
in Attendance; Many Will
Go Tomorrow.
Numbers of lbcal people left on the
morning trains today lor Salem to
attend the Eighth Annual Cherry Fair
and tile joiiit celebration of the Fourth
of July. Hundreds are expected to
go down tomorrow.
Salem, Or., July 3. After pains
taking preparations on the part of the
various committees of the cherry fair
the grand opening took place this
morning at 10 o'clock at the pavilion
on Church street between Court and
State sterets.
The auto parade, it is said, if wea
ther permits, will be one of the best
ever seen in Salem as many merchants
and others have spared no time in
arranging their machines and to make
the procession just what it ought to
The city is interested in the fair,
from the little ones up through the
various ages to the oldest inhabitants,
and with the many who will be in
from outside of the immediate com
munity, many arriving on all trains
from farther points, the crowds prom
ise to be great; the only thing re
quired being fine weather.
Salem is well decorated and flags
and bunting have dressed the city in
her holiday clothes; the people are
aroused, the planning has'been of the
best and a great time during the next
three days is anticipated.
Noted speakers will address the
prune growers in the armory at 2
p. m., and the great chautauqua opens
at 3 o'clock in the big tent erected
on the Willamette university campus
where there will be given an opening
program by great artists who will en
tertain and instruct in the most pleas
ing manner.
With bauds playing, street sports
and acrobatic stunts pulled off, the
latter at '2 p. m., probably on the court
house grounds and the former on Lib
erty and State streets at 4 in the af
ternoon, the youth of the city and
surrounding country will have their
fill of happiness.
Chautauqua and band concert in the
evening will wind up the first day of
the cherry fair and the entire pro
gram of the day will be presented in
a manner such as to show the crowds
just what is to be expected in the way
of royal entertainment during the three
days of festivities.
The carnival spirit is up and 'he
tide is rising hourly and from the
start this morning until the end Satur
day night things will be doing fait
and furious in the Captal City.
N. Q, Barton and wife, H. Freder
ick and H. Leptein, partners doing
business under the name of Albany
Plumbing and Heating Co., G. L.
Tucker and Ezra G. Harris are named
defendants in a suit filed agaihst them
this morning by the Lebanon Lumber
Co. to recover $233 for lumber, shin
gles and other material which the
plaintiff company alleges were deliv
ered to them between December, 1912,
and February 1913 and which they
have never paid for. The plaintiff
company asks the court for judgment
in this amount and reasonable attor
neys fees.
Statements are aga.n is
mailed to subscribers who are
behind more than one year on
their subscription, Xo one has S
intentionally been ocr!ooked 5
and the editor assures delin- &
quent subscribers that he will 5
':-. it be ' ',mlrd it a (heck or
? money order is sent by return ?
m ail. The date on which your
subscription expire is now
plainly tamped on th. wrapper
y of y-ur paper. tf
S News on This Page is
Fr"m Dsilv Issue of r
? THURSDAY. JULY 3, 1913. 8
Prompt Action of Motorman:
.Prevented What Might Have !
Been Serious Accident.
But for the prompt action of the
motorman on the street car, an auto
mobile driven by W. A. Barrett would
have been badly damaged, shortly be-
lore 1 o'clock when a collision be-
tweeu the car and the aiuo happened
at me corner oi niisworiu auu nisi
The street car was .returning from
the depot and Barrett was driving his
car down h I U worth street from the
garage. Although he saw the car
approaching, by-stamers say that Bar
rett speeded up in an effort to cross
the track ahead of the car. For some
reason or other the auto failed to re
spond to the throttle and when di
rectly across the track it was struck
broadside by the car. There was one
other occupant ot the car besides Bar
reit but neither was injured. The dam-;
age to the auto was slight and prac-
tically no damage was done to the!
street car. Eye witnesses say that ;
tiie quick action of the niotorman pre-1
vented what might have been a serious!
o j
Task Accomplished bV COUnty
, . ' ..
I Inrlc Minlc inn llanii4iA0
uiumi) hi a i no auu igpuucio
Is Large One.
Eleven hundred county warrants
have been issued at the county clerk's
office in the past two days. Warrants
have not been issued yet on ail of the
bills allowed at this term of court and
it is believed the total for the month
will reach at leats 1300.
The task of writing eleven hundred
warrants in two days which was ac
comnlished bv Count v Clerk Marks
and his deputies is a big one. Mr. I
Marks and Deputy County Clerk Rus
sell both worked until 11 o'clock both
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings in
order to accomplish it and got the
warrants out in a rush, owing to the
fact that many who have been doing
road work flie past month wished to
secure their money before the Fourth
of July. Practically all of the war
rants for road work had been issued
by noon today.
The large number of bills allowed
by the county court at the present
term is due to the fact that more road
work is done in this county in June
than in any other month. All of the
road supervisors sent in big payrolls
this month and of the 1100 warrants
thus far issued 850 were for road
Ng Poon Chew Was One of the
Strongest Speakersat World's
Citizenship Conference,
That he was one of the strongest
speakers on the program at the
World's Christian Citizenship confer
ence in session at Portland, when he
held spell bound an audience of 10.000
people, is the opinion of Rev. D. H.
Leech, who heard Xg Poon Chew, de
liver his masterful address at the con
ference' yesterday.
Xg Poon Chew is to appear on the
Albany Chautauqua platform during
the coming assembly. "At the con
clusion of his address," said Rev.
Leech, "I managed to speak a few
words with him. I asked him as a
special request to deliver that address
at Albany and he said he would be
glad to. I think it was one of the
most masterful as well as interesting
and educational, that I have heard
in many years. Xg Poon Chew is
undoubtedly a master of oratory."
In the presence of 15 couples last I
night at the home of Mrs. Yates, 430
Jackon street, the announcement of !
the engagement of their daugbtter. ;
Miss Golda Yates, to Mr. Earl Can-;
field was made. The tmrriagc is to
take place in August. The evening :
was .er.t in a jolly social session ;
with games affording pleasant enter-.
tainment. Dainty refreshments were j
erved. !
o i
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parks motor- j '
cd to Corvallis this morning where I Mrs. W. A. Barrett left this morn-1
thrv will visit with friend. I in for Newport where hc will spend
Mrs. Ida Warmock left for hrr ' a portion of the summer.
!..", at Tillman after spending the Cedrick Clark, of Corvallis is reg
night in the city. j Utercd at the St. Francii. i
I i
Street Superintendent Junkin
Has Been Busy Man for
Past Three Weeks.
Recommendations Effect Var-
ious Parts of City; Much
Work to Be Done.
That Street Superintendent Glen M.
Junkin has been an exceedingly busy
man during the past three -weeks was
indicated last night at the meeting of
the city council when he submitted
the biggest recommendation yet to
come up before the council for street
improvement which was read and
adopted. By its ailuptfon sidewalk
and curbs in many sections of the ci'y
are to be constructed and is indicative
that much work of this nature is to
be done here during the summer.
By its adoption sidewalks and curbs
in many sections of the city are to be
constructed and is indicative that
much work of this nature is to be done
i i . i
uerc uuriug me summer.
ine loiiowmg are tne street im
provements called for in the recom
mendation report:
Cement curb on north side of Sixth
street, south lins of lots 5, 6 and 7,
block 15: cement curb north line of lot
5, block 22. Cement curb on south
side of Sixth street, north line of lots
2 and 3 in block 21. Cement curb on
south side of Sixth street, north line
of lots 3 and 4 in block 4. Cement
curb on south side of Sixth street,
north line of lot 1 in block 10. Ce
ment sidewalk and curb on east side
of block 15. Montgomery street, (East
ern Addition), cement sidewalk and
curb on west side of block 102, Mont
gomery street (Eastern Add.), cement
sidewalk on north side of block 102,
on Ferry street (Eastern Add.), ce
ment sidewalk on north side of lot 1
in block 54 on Seventh street, cement
sidewalk on north side of lot 4 in
block 129 on First street, cement side
walk and curb on east side of lot 5
in block 4 on Broadalbin sereet, ce
ment sidewalk and curb on north side
of block 62 on Eighth street (Mon
tieth Northern Add.), cement sidc-
wolk and curb on the north side of
block 33 and 40 on Sixth street, ce
ment sidewalk on Railroad street on
west side and adjacent to west half of
northwest quarter of block 105 in
Hackelman's Add., cement sidewalk
on Tenth street on south side and ad
jacent to west half of southwest quar
ter of block 77 in Montieth's South,
ern Add. Also on Calapooia street
an west side of and adjacent to west
half of southwest quarter of said block
77 in said Add., cement sidewalk and
curb on east side of lot 5 in block
2 on Botter street (Eastern Add.), ce
ment sidewalk on- north side of lot 3
in block 3 on Second street (Eastern
Add.), cement sidewalk on north side
of lots 1, 2 and 3 in block 103 on Sec
ond street (Eastern Add.), cement
sidewalk on west side of lot 1 in block
11. .Montgomery street (Eastern Add.)
"JZT mV'!.!80 -f l0', '
(Eastern Add.)
Jefferson and Albany Young
People Were Married at
Court House.
County Judge Bruce Mc Knight sol
emnized a double wedding this after
noon at the court house when Jack
Eugene and Effie Smith, both of Jef
ferson, and Eddie F. Chance and Mary
Hilton, both of this city, were united
in marriage.
Applying at the county clerks office
Eugene asked Mrs. Daisy Savage Babb
for the license who complied with the
request while Chance made the affi
davit. At the completion of the mak
ing out of the marriage license blank
Chance turned in e'lmnnp .mil mneli
to his chagrin, said: "N'ow. old
you can do the same thing , for me."
The blank filing cerromny was again
performed hy Mrs. Babb after which
the bashful grooms to be sauntered
out of the clerk's office, joined their
brides to be where thev were waiting
in the ball and escorted them into the
county judge's office, where the cere
monies were performed while the
couples acted, as witnesses for each
After Considerable Discussion
City Council Adds Another
Official to List.
His Duties Will Be 10 Inspect
All Paving and Sewer Con
struction in Progress.
The city council last iii;4ht created
the office of paving and sewer in
spector and John R. IVnland, the citv
engineer, was empowered to perform
the acts of this office.
The city of Albany now has a build
ing, plumbing and electric inspector.
The duties of the new officer will be
to inspect the paving of both side
walks and streets, when it is in the
course of being laid, to ascertain that
it is being put down properly and ac
cording to plans and specifications.
He is to hold up any violation of tlu1
specifications and order it lo be re
laid and to report such delinquency
to the council. He is to perform sim
ilar duties in connection with the lay
ing of a sewer line.
Considerable discussion ensued when
this matter was brought up by Coun
cilman Johnson. Heretofore, th; com
mittee on streets and public property
has acted in this capacity, and aUo
the street superintendent but it w;
contended that it would be best to
have one man competent to perform
these duties. The fact that frequent
complaints have been registered rel
ative to alleged unsatisfactory laying
of pavement entered into the discus
sion. It was held that bv the annoint-
ment of a paving inspector, the coun
cil as a whole would be relieved of
such criticisms and responsibility.
Councilman-Lyons made the motion
to appoint Mr. Penland to this po
sition, contending that work which
is costing thousands of dollars is wor
thy of rigid inspection and he held that
what is -worth doing at nlj is worth
doing well. He said that what i ev
erybody's business is nobody's busi
ness and that this was the main com
plaint he had against the custom pre
vailing neretoiore relative to inspec
tion of paving.
Much paving is to be done here
soon, including the paving of streets
with gravel bitulithic and side wn Iks
with cement walks and curbs and from
these indications the paving inspector
will have considerable work'to do.
Owners and Assumed Names Filed
County Clerk W. L. Marks announc
ed this afternoon that many papers
have been filed in this office, pursuant
to the passage of a law bv the last
legislature requiring all of those doing
business under an assumed name to
file the name of the concern together
with the names of its owners.
Miss Esther I.cech of O. A. C. is
visitiner here at the home of her par
ents. Rev. and Mrs. D. H. Leech.
Mrs. Hnttic Stilson left yesterdav
afternoon for Lebanon where she will
visit the next few days.
M. D. Davis Writes County
Clerk Marks for License
for Better Half.
That (here is plenty of deer in the
section of Linn county above Mill
City and that no trouble would he
encountered in bagging the limit is
indicated by the following letter re
ceived this morning by County Clerk
VV. I,. Marks, from M. D. Davis who
says that his wife, who is a crack shot
will attempt to out shoot him:
Please find me a hunting licence for
Mrs. M. D. Davis, a-e 27, hair black,
eyes black, weight 150 pounds, height
5 feet 6 inches. She is a crack shot
and says that she i" going to try and
get three deer before I do. We are
out on our honicMrnd and have srrn
ne many as seven drer in one bunrh.
It will be an eay matter to hag the
Mill City. Oregon
Mrs. P.. G. Hall returned yesterday
from P.rownsvillc accompanied by her
father, J. K. Stewart.
Mrs. J. D. Turnidtfe and son iVrcy.
arrived in the city this noon from
J. K. Mitts of Mohlla, pnrd
thromrh the city thi morning one hi
way to Newport from Drain.
Sherriff Bodine Receives Word
from Marion County Sheriff
to Effect.
sheriff Hodine is in receipt of the
following from Sheriff L.sch, of Mar
ion coiimy ;
AneM woman charged with forgery,
dt -,-c rined as toUow: about 5 led,
lit) pound?., J5 years, complexion dark,
dark eyes.
She is accused of passing four
checks at Salem Saturday. Her sys
tem is lo pick up the name of sonic
resident ot the city, who lives in the
outskirts and buys a Mnall bill oi
goods and asks to have them delivered.
lieu delivery is made the merchant
linds that, he has been duped.
At Salem he bought furniture at
three places and a red sweater, which
is the o::ly article she got away with
and may at the present lime be wear
ing it. She dresses ordinarily and one
may think to sec her that she is the
wife of a working man. She bought
and passed the checks on old business
men who say that they did not in the
least suspicion her being a crook from
her manner and appearance.
Aotity the merchants of Albany to
be on the lookout. If found arrest her
and notify me."
Mayor Gilbert Makes Mention
Upon Complaint of Members
of Street Cleaning Dep't.
A matter mentioned last night at
the council meeting hy Mayor Gilbert,
it placed m vogue, automobiles will
not be permitted to stand on l'irst
street longer than a specified tune
Mayor Gilbert made the mention
upon complaint of members of the
street cleaning department who com
plain that they nave much trouble
cleaning the streets caused by the
numerous automobiles standing dur
ing the day at the curbs. The matter
was merely brought up for what it
was worth and the mayor cited that
the street was none too wide and
stated that it would be just as prac
ticable for auomobile owners to leave
their cars on the side streets. The
sentiment of the council indicated that
some day this plan would have to be
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Johnson left
this noon for Eugene to spend the
Fourth of July as the guest of friends.
Mr. Johnson before returning will go
to Drain on a brief business errand.
Mrs. J. C. Way and family went to
Newport this noon to spend the week
Many Minor Matters Were Dis
posed of; Hill Street to
Be Improved.
Resolutions of intention to improve
Hill street from Ninth to First street,
by grading and gravelling, was read
last night before the city council and
An ordinance for the improvement
of Sixth street from Baker to Jefferson
street, by gravel bitulithic, according
to usual plans and specifications was
read and passed.
An ordinance to require the Port
land, Eugene and Eastern Railway
Co. to repair its street railway tracks
at the corner of Lyon and Kir. si
streets, by replacing brick and putting
in new ties, was read and referred to
committee on ordinances to report at
next meeting. I he bill was intro
duced by Councilman Cameron.
Special committee recommended
that a new map of the city be bought.
Committee on streets and public prop
erty recommended that Eighth street
sidewalks be constructed according to
regulations. lioth reports were adop
ted. Seventeen residents of near Kirst
and Oak streets petitions for the re
placement of a small electric light
at the corner by a larger one, which
was referred to a committee on street
and public property, as was also two
other matters pertaining to the grad
ing and gravelling of Ninth street,
and the installation of hydrants at the
foo of Perry and Lyon streets.
Recorder Van Tassel was instructed
to apportion the quarterly allowance
of 25 between Ex-Kirc Chief Hock
spiVr and Chief Morsky.
The matter of paving the blocks
north of Kirst street on Jefferson and
Mroadalhin streets came up again for
discussion. Imperative nerd for (hi
improvement was cited and it was in
timated that an effort should be made
to get the (docks paved but nothing
-l-'finite was done.
Albany and Salem Send Hun
dreds of Excursionist to
Attend Huge Festive.
Attractive Programs at Moose
Carnival Draw People from
Far and Wide.
Largo delegations of local people
left on the several trains lor Kugene
this morning to' participate in the big
Moose carnival and celebration in
progress there. Hundreds will go
there tomorrow to spend the glorious
Kugeiie, Or., July 3. In spite of
the rain Eugene's carnival moved mer
rily on. Large crowds were charac
teristic of yesterday's events ami more
people are expected today. Special
car service to Springfield, needed to
accommodate 750 persons who came
from that place was inaugurated yes
terday afternoon and will be repeated
today. Krom Cottage Grove, Ches
well and neighboring towns consider
able numbers of persons have conic.
Today, from Albany and Salem, ex
cursions of 150 and 300 persons are
Today is the first real day of the
celebration. Beginning at 2 o'clock
the day is filled until midnight. The
first event scheduled is a foot racing
and pole-climbing program at' Ninth
avenue and Pearl street. Prizes of
$5, $2.50 and a box of cigars have been
offered for the first, second and third
man to reach the top of the telephone
pole. A sack race and an egg and
spoon race for girls, each carry a
dollar prize for the winner.
Immediately following at 3 o'clock,
the Albany Roadsters meet the Moose
baseball team at the county fair
ground. The Albany team has been
organized all season and comes here
intending to make Albany heard. At
5 o'clock Audis, the balloonist makes
a second ascension from the grounds
at Olive and Tenth avenue west. His
exhibition yesterday was almost per
fect. Rising almost perpendicularly,
he cut loose with his parachute when
at a height of 100 feet, and came to
the ground on Olive street less than
two blocks distant from the point at
which he rose. His descent was rapid,
but he lit unhurt on a soft lawn.-
In the evening begins the scries of
dances which are held the remainder
of the week in the armory. Hender
shott's full orchestra has been . en
gaged., insuring splendid music. The
dancing begins-at 0 o'clock. All are
Will Relinquish Job Tempor
arily July 5 for 60 Days
Leave of Absence. .".
j Applyinx before the 1 council last
I niht, Chief of Police Anthony Alls
' tin, was granted Ot) days leave of al-
sencc during which time he will he
j engaged in preparing and conducting
his threshing outfit.
Chief Austin's furlough will take
' effect July S and he will remain away
j from his official duties until Septem
1 her. The council dill not appoint an
I acting chief and it is not known who
will act in this capacity. However,
I it has been intimated that one of the
, present policeman will act.
Gooseberries and Currants.
I'.. C. Roberts, of widowers pension
fame, presented County Clerk Marks
this morning with two splendid
bunches of gooseberries and currants
which were raiseil on his farm near
Lebanon. . The beries arc worthy of
note because of their size and the
ir 1 1 1 1 or 1 1 1 1 1 y of growing.
Slight Rainfall Recorded.
The rainfall for the past 24 Vmrs
is Mi inches. The range of tempera
ture for the same period has been 'fl
to .it) decrees. The river is at the 52
'not stae.
Mr-. K. K Ronklidge returned to
her home in Portland this noon after
' i-itii'g with friends here for the past
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard lielshee, of
Moro. are gursts at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. I) If I.cech. Mrs. Ilelshce
is a niece of Mrs. I.erch.
K I". Ilornini? of Corvallis is regis
tered at the St. Francis.