The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, July 04, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly
I'uhlishcil ly
Managing Kditor.
Entered at the postofficc at Albany,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
Published every evening except Sun
day. Semi-weekly published Tues
days and Fridays.
Address all communications and make
all remittances payable to the Dem
ocrat Publishing Co.
In ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as
vvcll as new address.
DelivcrcJ by carrier, per month....$ .40
Delivered by carrier, per year - 4.W
by mail, at end of year 3.5U
tiy mail in advance, per year 3.00
At end of year $1.50
When paid in advance, one year.... i.25
Ic per word fiw first publication; Jc
per word thereafter, payable in ad
vance. Minimum charge of 25c.
Established in 1865.
FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1913.
A Practical Clergyman.
. Claiming that the wrong uf the
dance lies in its abase- and not in ihe
dance itself. Cmuect'cut pastor
proposes to lease the Lake Park Ounce
hall and will cumin.:, what tic terms
a model place, "hi; prevalent hus,
trots and tangos will no bane-1 from
the hall and 'the youii-f pi:oph will he
compelled to adhere rigidly to ihe
new rule of dancing .it least six inches
There is a great deal of wisdom in
the statement of the cutern clergy
man, and more tha i a little common
sense in his practical method of re
forming the modern dance.
Preaching against existing condi
tions is good, but it o'leu limes re
quires more than advice frontc the
pulpit to accomplish a re:i! reform.
A preacher in charge of a dance halt
may not be a pleasing spectacle for
those who have certain ideals as to
the dignity which should a'.tai'h to
"men of the cloth," but the Democrat
would sooner trust a daughter m a
dance hall conducted by a minister of
the gospel than in one conducted by
a man whose only interest in the place
is the number of tickets whih are
converted into gold coin.
Dignity is an excellent thing for any
professional man to have. A certain
amount of it is essential for any man
of good breeding, but when dignity
interferes with plain duty, the former
should be temporarily relegated to
the rear.
One thing is certain and that is that
the majority of young people dance.
If they can't dance at home or in
some respectable and properly regulat
ed hall they are apt to dance in a
place of less respectability. It is a
condition and not a mere theory which
confronts those who are interested in
reforming the modern fades in danc
ing. The Democrat does not contend that
every pastor should conduct a dance
hall similar to that conducted by the
Connecticut pastor. Local conditions
are different in different communities
and the need of such an institution
is not apparent in Albany.
The Democrat does however, com
mend the Eastern clergyman in cast
- ig his dignity to the four winds, and
applying practical methods where
practical methods appear to be the
only way in which the local conditions
of his particular community can be
properly met.
Complete and aloolute di orce
from Wall direct influence is the aim
of the new administration currency
ill. President WiNon will not con
sent lo a mere formal separation. The
decree intiM be final and absolute,
thereby treeing legit e industry
from the stock gamblers of the na
tion's metropolis.
N'cver has a man received more ap
plause from the small Republican mi
nority in the grand stand, or more ion from the gi eat ma jor
ity of -oher, sensibte and fair minded
people, than foi tm r Putted States At
torucy L-ab. Me played to the gal
leries but fi'Uml the audience limited.
The strongest atguiucnt in favor of
the "hotuu" sstcm" of (uivcrnott
West, is Ihe character of the opposi
tion. He has shown rare discretion
in the selection of his enemies.
The is not ptrpatcd to n
sert an intimate kr.ow h-.lec oi
the lite and cli.ti .ictct istics of Con-
fs-.ii;;iti I aifcrly is as essential t,
the aver.iec American citien ;i; an
accurate knoulcdee of the contents o:
the "Scnnop oil the Mount " To III
Oiegou cony! esstii.m, however, the
former is of far greater imporu:! .
In the official Congressional Direc
tory, it required more words to :n
torhi the public of the virtues oi Laf
firty than it required to prencb the
most famous sermon in Bible hi-iorv.
Now the autobiography of t.ic "vit-n-tleman
from Oregon" was written :Y
himself and it look just seven hundred
and eighty words to paint the picture
to his entire satisfaction. That is two
hundred wors more than is con
taiued in a press service upon which
hundreds of daily newspapers rely,
in keeping their subscribers posted u
the news of the world.
The Democrat has heard a good
deal about Lafferty. We of coure
realized that he was a man of more
than ordinary ability, but not until we
learned of the space consumed by him
in the Congressional Director', did
we realize the insignificance of Oregon
as compared to the greatness if the
author of the biographical sketch con
rained in the records at the national
If rich men were as popular on elec
tion day as they are when waited upon
by a local committee requesting lib
eral subscriptions for some munici
pal enterprise, more oi tnem wouki nc
elected to office.
A L'ood noliticiau never leclincs to
accept a suggestion made by some
well meaninor constituents. He takti
it under advisement.
McNab should .-e.tivc sumo very
itttring offers from the vaudeville
Notice is hereby itiven that the un
dersigned has been bv the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, duly
appointed administrator '-i the estate
cf Anna M. Yanti-, fa . of said Coun
ty deceased. All persons having
claims againM the estate of said de
ceased are hereby required to pre
sent the same, with '.he proper vouch
ers, to the under sigiK'd, at his res
idence, near the Ci'y of Albany, in
Kiid Linn Couutv. wi'hiu six months
from the date of ;his notice.
Datd this 3rd dav of July, 1913.
Attorncvs foi Admini.-tra:or.
U-il.lS 20-A 1
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned was on the 30th day of June,
1913, duly appointed administrator of
the estate of James It. Jenks by the
County Lourt of Linn County, Ore
go n. Any and all persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same to the un
dersigned at Tangent, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof, duly
verified as by law required.
Dated this 30th dav of June. 1913.
F. E. J E X K.S.
Administrator of the Estate of James
M. lenk-i, deceased.
W E AT 1 1 E R F O R D & V I: AT HER
Aitys. for Admr.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executrix of the estate of
Rose K. Young, deceased, has filed
her final account with I lie County
Clerk of I. inn County, Oregon, and
the Cnunlv ludgc has set the 21st dav
of July, at the hour of 10:00
o'clock a. m. and the county court
room of said county as the time and
place for hearing objections to said
final account, if any, and the settle
ment thereof.
I.. I.. SWAN'. Executrix.
Fri. w Ju20-27-JuI4 -11-18
Notice is hereby given thai the till
dctsigued have been by the County
Couit of l.iuu County, ( Ircon. dnlv
appointed eveculo-: of the' last will
and testament of lohn A. Mcliriilc.
late of said county, deceased All
persons having claims against the
estate of said dec .! arc hereby re
quired to prtscnt the s.mie. with
proper vouchers, to Hi.- ::n,lersigned.
at the office oi llevitt ,v So. in the
City of Albany, in s ud county, and
State, within si nionths iroin the
date oi this notice
Dated lune (.. I'M,,.
I K I!. Mi-UK 1 nr.
Ill'WI IT & SOX. l-Xecutors.
Attornevs for I'vicutois
June 0 1.! 20 .V July 4
Administrator's Notice.
To all the creditors and heirs oi
Martin Moss, deceased, and to all
persons in any wise interested in the
estate of s.ii.l deceased.
ou and each of you arc hereby
notified that, lite undersigned has
tiled bis final account in the conitv
com l of I inn County. Oregon, in th.
matter of the estate oi Martin Moss,
deceased, and said court, has fixed the
-'Sill day oi July, l'M.t. at the hour o:
lt o'clock a. Ml. of said day a the
time for heaving and settling ot ..i!
objections to s.od account. TS-r
fore all persons having any ohic.-lion
to sii.l account are hereby notiMi.l
lo appear and iile t'le Miitr m - ,;d
court on or before said la-I it.c'K' Me,l
Dated this dav of lune. I'M.'.
C.I'lMCtiF II Mil's..
Ailniiris!- itir oT s.iul de- -.ncd ;
w k mi yi r. I
.rto-pev lor Xili'tinistv ,-or I
l'ri hut J." lltI4-ll !S' ;!
Unknown Foreigner Believed
to Have Suffered Temporarily
with Mental Abberration.
Taken into custody yesterday after
noon near Knox Butte by Policeman
Griff King, an Italian, who is alleged
to have demanded food at several
farm houses and when refused at one
place drew a knife in a threatening
attitude, was brought to this city and
this morning was examined before
the county court by Dr. W. H. Davis
as to his sanity, after which the phy
sician recommended to the approval
of the court that he be taken to the
poor farm for a few days to rest.
Sheriff Bodiue took the man to that
place this afternoon.
The Italian's name could not be
learned as he could speak little or
no English. It is believed that he
has been suffering from hunger and
fatigue which caused him to suffer
temporarily with mental aberration
and it is thought that this accounts
for his actions at the farm house when
he was refused food.
L. L. .Swan and son Thomas spent
Sunday visiting at tile home of Mr.
Swan's parents at Crawfordsville.
Miss Nellie Snvder returned yester
day from Plainvicw where she visited
with friends for several days.
VV. J. Morgan, of Plainvicw, trans
acted business here yesterday after
noon. J. S. Nicewood was .a btisines svisit-
or here yesterday from Tangent.
PS)ii)iS9 '
1 News on This Page is 1
From Dailv Issue of
TUESDAY. JULY 1. 1913.
I., ;..iti rn..t r tt. c,n. r
Oregon, for the Count- of Linn.
UCJ,II lllieill .Ml.
l.i., l." w;t.. ..a r r t:i
her husband, F. li. Powell, and S. M.
i oweu, i laiuuiis,
Marlha Marrs and John Marrs, her
husband, Horace M. Propst and Jane
Doe Propst, his wife, Alvis L. Propst,
his wife, and Mary Roe Propst, his
wife, Nina P. Propst and Dale D.
Propst, defendants.
To Horace M. Propst, Jane Doe
Propst, Alvis L, Propst and Mary Roe
Propst, four of the above named dc
endants and all persons unknown hav
ing or claiming an interest or estate
in Ihe property described in plaintiff's
In the name of the state of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint o flhc above
named plaintiffs on file with the clerk
of the above entitled court on or be
fore the 1st day of August, 1913,
same being the date of the last pub
lication of ibis summons as prescribed
by order therefor duly made in the
cause herein by the Honorable Per
cy R. Kelly. Judge of the
Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon,
for the County of Linn, and vou arc
hereby notified that if vou " fail to
.ippv.ii ami answer saui complaint as
herein required, the plaintiffs will ap
ply to the court for the rcliei demand
ed in plaintiff's complaint on file here
in: for a decree that the plaintiffs,
Marv F.. Wilson, F. R Powell and S.
M. Powell and the defendants, Mar
tha Marrs, Horace M. Propst, Alvis
I.. Propst. Nina P. Propst and Dale
D. Propst, are the owners in fee
simple of the following described real
property, to-wit:
neginniiig at a point that is five
chains wesl of the northeast corner of
the Donation Land Claim of Samuel
Simpson Not. No. 1862. in Township
'""ae -s o. i west of
the Willamette Meridian. Oregon.
, same being the northeast corner of
I the tract of land heretofore set apart
i" iviiici-ca i owe 1 1 nv decree of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
lor Linn County, made and entered
on the loth day of November. 10114
and running from tlience west 131
rods: thence south d(i 2-3 roils- ilien,-
least 131 tm: then.-e north 66 2-3
j rods, to the place of beginning, con-
1:11111111 .Ml l.-res 1 1i
. . . ' 'ess. an in
I .inn Couutv. State of Oregon. And
for a decree that s.,i,l real property
be partitioned among the plaintiffs
and defendants J:,., hereinabove
Honed a-vording to their respective
rights, innntitv and duality rel.'.tivelv
considered, except the portion be
longing ! ti,,. defendants. Hora -r
M. Propst. Alvis T . Propst, Nii-a P
Props, :.d Dale D Propst. and for
i decree that the interest of the de-
' ''isi herein named be sold
a"d the proceeds arispig therefrom,
alter paving -he pro ni oi' the '-o-l
.111,1 .IisN.rsetnents nf ,;, ,)(.
;-n,l to t. :,id Hora,-.- M. Propst.
Mvis T. Propst, Nina P Propst and
Dale n. Propst. affording to their
Irrspcftivc right and that t'-e cost!
and expcrses of this suit be paid
pro rata bv the several parties, ntain
l;ms and defend mis, interested here-
m according to their sev eral interests
;!'! thit sod cost, ae,! expenses be
i a lien u-'on the everat i!ei-,.i of tV
joa-ifs. .,), ;,-f t,i ,,,,,v()lts j
V',l to t'-e i!ove desc-:!-ed real nron-e-P.
,..., ,vl;.l .j f., SI, ,tl of,rr
"id fit-'l-e-- relic' as c'.-,ll
in eaniiv.
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ef t 1011
f,- T :.,.;.-..
lr V TI, t 'J 15 15 ,.st
Will Hold Biggest Session of
Year During Remainder of
Present Week.
June Big Month for Road Work;
Rains Have Not Deterred
Highway Construction.
Convening tomorrow morning at 9
o'clock the Linn county Cvurt will
hold the largest session of the pres
ent year. It is expected that the court
will remain in session the remainder
of the week.
More road work is done (luring the
month of June than any other month
in the year and it is to this reason
that Uie largest session of the court
is held the first of July every year.
Although the rains have somewhat
deterred the road work this season,
nevertheless much road work has been
done throughout the county and for
this work warrants to the number oi
approximately 800 will be passed up
on by the court. It is expected that
over 1200 warrants in all v.-ill be au
thorized by the court during the com
ing session, which will leave between
300 and 400 as general fund warrants.
There arc no mr-.ttcrs of particular
importance to come up during the
term. All of the work consists of the
general routine of business with an
extraordinary number of road bills
to be audited. It was stated this morn
ing that several road petitions are to
be acted upon.
The county road construction work
is by no means completed for the sea
son as it is understood that much
more road work is to be done through
out the county during the present
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Linn County.
C. II. Cummings, Plaintiff,
John D. Walton, and also all other
persons and parties unknown claiming
any right, title, estate, lien or interest
in the real estate described in the com
plaint' heiein, Defendants.
To John D. Walton, and also all
other persons or parlies unknown
claiming any right, title, estate, lien
or interest in the real estate described
in the complaint herein:
In the name of the state of Oregon:
You are hereby notified that C H.
Cummings, the plaintiff herein, is the
holder of certificate of delinquency
number 131. issued by the Sheriff oi
Linn County. Oregon, on the 7th day
of December, 19W. for the sum of
$374, the same being the amount
then due and delinquent for the tax
es for the year 1907, together with
penalty, interest and costs thereon,
upon real property situated in Linn
County. Oregon, which is assessed
to J. D. Walton, and of which the de
fendant John D. Walton is the owner
of the legal title as appears of record,
and which is particularly described
as follows, to-wit: The North half
of the Southwest ouarter of Section
Thirty-two (321, Township Thirteen
(13) South. Range Four (4) East of
Willamette Meridian. Linn County.
You are further notified that the
plaintiff has paid taxes on said prem
ises for subsequent years as follows,
all of which payments, together with
the certificate of delinquency, bear
interest at the rate of fifteen per cent
per annum from the date of the sev
eral payments:
Yrs. Date Paid. A int. Rate of
Tax Interest
1008 Mar. 23. lono S.V40 15 per cent
1'XW Mar. 24, loin S;. 80 1; ccnt
I'MO Mar. 22. 101 1 Srt 55 15 pcr ccnt
1011 Mar. 23. 1012 ,7.2S 15 per cent.
1012 May 15. 191.1 N ,35 15 pcr cent.
Total amount paid since the issu
ance of the certificate of deliniiuencv.
S2S 37,
You are hereby further notified that
t!' plaintiff will apply to the Circuit
Court of the county and State afore
said for a decree foreclosing the lien
against the propcrtv above described
ami included in said certificate of de
linquency: and you are hereby sum
moned to appear within siMv days
after the date of the first publication
of this summons, exclusive of the
day of 'he first publication, and de
fend this action or pay the amount
due as above shown, together with
costs and accrued interest: and in
case of vour failure to do so a de
cree will be rendered foreclosing the
lien of said taxes and costs against
the land and premises above described.
This summons is published bv or
der of the Honorable P. R. Keliv.
Ittdge of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon in and for Linn Conn
tv, which said order was made and
dated June lo. lu. and which re
quires that this summons be published
once each week for nine consecutive
weeks The date of the first publica
tion of this summons is Tune 20
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding mav be served upon Gale S
H-!i. residing within the State of
Oregon at the address hereafter men
tioned. GT F. S HILL,
District Attorney.
Vddress- AI'mpv. Oregon
W F-J Tue:2-27- Ttil-t 11-18-25 Aug 1-8-1522
Unknown Man Was Taken into
Custody This Noon at Depot
But Was Released.
Because he resented their rebuke
for attempting to drink a bottle of
beer on the northbound train which
arrives here at 12:40 o'clock, a man
whose name could not be learned and
who boarded the train at Eugene for
Salem, became so abusive to the con
ductor and brakeman according to
their story, that they wired here for
a policeman to appear at the depot
and arrest the man upon the arrival
of the train and accordingly Gi iff
King took the alleged offender into
According to the story told by the
man, he was sitting in his seat when
two men sitting behind him offered
him a drink which he accepted and
when he was in the act of drinking
tht brakeman jerked the bottie from
him and threw it out of the window.
He said they took his hat check away
from him and told him he ivou'd have
to lea.-e the train at Albany He sa-d
he refused to do this, contending that
he had not committed an otfense de
serving this punishment. On she oth
er hand, the train officials said that
the 'nan abused them.
Afier investigating the matter Pc
hceiiii.n King (ended to lei ihe man
go r-.nd at 2 o'clock he resumed h's
lo'irney 10 Sa'cm by way o" tli; Ore
gon Ll'fiKr.
C. D. Ranch, the expert court re
porter, spent yesterday in 'Salem at
tending Judge Kelly's court there.
Father Lane is visiting Mt. Angel.
Miss Lucille Snyder returned this
noon from Plainvicw.
Mrs. F. E. Wilkins arrived yester
day from Loma, Mont.
NIi-s. Homer Mitchell is back after
visiting for several months ill Mon
tana where her husband is living no
a homestead.
Bob Fletcher returned last evening
from a week end visit with friends in
Mrs. I. E. Lobaugh. son and daugh
ter. Miss Esther and Master Kenneth,
returned last night from Portland
wheer thev have been the guests of
friends and relatives.
In the Circuit Court f the State f
Oregon for Linn County.
C. H. Cummings, Plaintiff,
W. C. Stearns, and also all other
persons or parties unknojvn claiming
any right, title, estate, lien ot interest
in the real estate described in the
complaint herein, detendants.
To W. C. Steams, dnd also all oth
er persons or parties unknown claim
ing any rin, uue, estate, lien or in
terest in the real estate described in
the complaint herein:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby notified that C. H.
Cummings, the plaintiff herein, is the
holder of certificate of delinquency
number 116, issued by the Sheriff of
Linn County, Oregon, on the 7th
day of December, 1908, for the sum
of $3.21, the same being the amount
then due and delinquent for the taxes
for the year 1907, together with pen
alty, interest and costs thereon, upon
real property situated in Linn Coun
ty, Oregon, which is assessed to the
defendant W. C. Stearns and of which
he is the owner of the legal title as
appears of record, and which is par
ticularly described as follows, to
wit: The Southeast quarter of the
Southeast quarter of Section Four
(4). in Township Eleven (111 South
of Range Seven (7) East of .Willam
ette Meridian, in Linn Couutv, Ore
gon. You are further notified that the
plaintiff has paid taxes on said prem
ises for subsequent years as follows,
all of which payments, together with
Ihe certificate of delinquency, beat
interest at the rate of fifteen per ccnt
per annum from the date of the several-
Yrs. Date Paid. Amt. Rate ol
Tax Interest
108 Mar. 23. 1000 4.0; pcr cc,
1909 Mar. 24. 1010 85.24 15 per cent'
1910 Mar. 22. 19H j;r.2l 15 per cent'
1911 Mar. 23. I9!2 S5.82 15 per cent'
1912 Mav 15. 1913 8S.40 15 per eP,..'
j Tola' amount naid since the issu
! a"ce of t'-e certificate of dclinouencv
; S28.M
i You are hereby further notified
i that the plaintiff will apply to the
j Circuit Court of the County and State
! aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the
lien against the property above de
( scribed and included in said certi
; ficate of delinquency: and you are
j hereby summoned to appear within
! sixty davs after the date of the first
i publication of this summons, exclu
sive ot the day of the first publi
cation, anil defend this action or pay
the amount due as above shown, to
gether with costs and accrued inter
est: and in case of your failure to do
so a decree will be rendered foreclos
ing the lien of said taxes and costs
agains the land and premises above
This summons is published bv or
der of the Ho-orable V. R. Kcllv.
Tudge of the Circuit Court of the
State ot' Oregon in and for Linn Conn
tv. which sa'd o-der was made and
dated Tune In. I0J3. and which re
nuircs that this summons be published
once cac'i week for nine corsccriVr
weeks. The date of the first pnb'i
es.ion of this summons is Tunc
1913 " '
Ml process and papers in t'-'s nro--e-ding
mav be served unon fle
"'". r.-si.tipg ..!,.: ;.,. of n,.
-it the address hereafter men
tioned. r. T F S TTIT T..
Pi"ift Atto-nev.
ddrfts; M'isiiv Orcr-oi
'V w-: T-"02 r. T-.14-11-18-25 Aug!
8 15-22.
Members of Retail Merchants
Association Met Jointly with
Commercial Club.
Elaborate Collation Served
Afterwards; All Stores Will
Be Closed the Fourth.
Meeting jointly in the Commercial
club parlors last night, members of
the Albany Retail Merchants Associa
tion and Albany Commercial club,
held a rousing meeting, during which
several civic matters were discussed
and the annual election of officers of
the association was held.
Among the civic matters discussed
at the meeting was the proposition
of having an all day holiday during
the Fourth of July. Upon motion it
was unanimously decided that all
stores would close on that day. Other
matters came up for discussion but
as no definite steps were taken, they
are withheld from publication until a
later date.
Before convening the joint meeting
the members of the Commercial club
met long enough to transact routine
business, such as allowing bills and
pass upon minor matters.
The election of officers of the Mer
chants' association resulted in the re
election of all the old officers, who
are F. J. Fletcher, of Beam-Fletcher
Co.. president: S. N. Braden, of Fish-er-Braden
Furniture Co., secretary,
and T. G. Hockensmith, of S. E
Young & Son, treasurer, who will
again serve for the coming year.
After the adjournment of the meet
ing, all those present were served a
splendid collation in the club rooms,
which was supplied by both organi-
M. F. Reibin Sends Interesting
Letter from Canada and
Explains Difference.
Verigii-.,, Canada, June 26th,
Editor of Democrat: There was an
article in the Democrat respecting our
"Society of Independent Doukho
bors" which is incorporated under the
laws of Oregon and desiring to estab
lish settlement.
We feel that it is our duty to give
explanation on this subject.
It is quite true that Doukhobor
"Community" to which we previous
ly belonged are farming all lauds in
common, and all luisincss. is transact
ed by their leader who has unlimited
power over said community, and that
it is quite true that a small number
f said community members (about
15 per cent of 7000) become religious
fanatics and are practicing foolish
ideals (Communitv has no asvlum-
I for Ihosc who unfortunatclly become
insane). But wilh us, "The Society
j of Independent Doukhohors" is ab
1 solulely different.
J We left Community simply because
j we want to be independent anil arc
I i" need of no leaders whatever and
that we can't tolerate Community
! "King" as it is in said paper,
j Most of us had homesteads in Can
1 -ida ami have our deeds for same
.and we have already been separated
from the Community for over 7 years
j and the reason that we want to im
migrate to Oregon is simply that we.
: desire to live in warmer climate.
1 We arc Christhns industrious, so
I her and harmless people. We arc in
j favor of education and are quite pre
pared to comply with all the regula
tions and laws of Oregon.
All land that wc bin- will he held
Wndividually by every man who pays
tor it.
Wc regret very earnestly that wc
were mixed by the grangers with the
"Community Doukhohors" to which
we have our sincere objection and that
a very wrong opinion may be iornied
by the public on account of this mis
understanding. Any further information desired
may he obtained from M. F. Reibin.
secretary of the Society of Indepen
dent Doukhohors, 133 l.vnn s;rcet.
Albany. Ore.
Or you muht inquire of
cm! Gov erni-.ieir. r.i Sas:,-:(
about Ihe "Independent or (
M I'. KF
'armer I
Dr. F. M. Sharp of the Albany Col
lege condpeied Sitndav services in a.
church at Shedd.