u.h.u. rnuraaun Uniqn -stock yards good nnurnnnnsnnoLCC UHOUUUftUUIILdd Hundreds Hear Illustrated Talk on Civic Improvement at Presbyterian Church. SPEAKEK COMPLIMENTS AL BANY ON PRESENT SHOWING Points Out 2 Essential Things Beautifying City; Uni formity and Unity. in Cniilinui-d from .Salunkiy, June M in liuililinj; up :t pritly Mrccl, two lliiNK-. arc c eiiui.l, accu.'illilK l'ruL I't cK, ol liic- i J. A. (., in Hi-, ailiiri:.- a, tin: l.iiiu n rn -.a; u. i. in cliuirii lal iu.,11, i uriiiny : . 'i ..inly ly a'ljmn- i'.iK niii-ny inv.n..- uiiimnuiiy for t lie .same kin',, ul a lift; in 1 1 if parking anil mjh...i hi r.lirnll-ry and plants, anil unity c.ills ior ailjuiuniK owner;, uniiii.i; iii ilifir "ink in Mich a way that earn will have the benefit ui liic Dllu r n inipnn cinciils. i'rof. I 'iik !h iiitruiluccii liy A. L. i i Iut, prc-nicilt ul Hie I'illh street I iiipnn ciii.'i l clllh, ami spoke fur an ahilK' Ills talK wan lauu a pictures, all eastern i-iiiK pcaker, thoroughly cape li.les, lionr, illi:.''.i l$u: .11 a pic ;.i cam. -:. lie t (,.,iji!itlicnliil Alhauy "II the .-plenili I Mart alon ci;c lines, al reaily uciliK one ui the prillic-l cities in l!:c -tali'. I'iflh -Heel, wilii ils elec li. e i:, e pieMiils a line appearance, hut n. cds sunie Iriininiiin al places. 'I ke mpul Modi may In uilc very atli.'ii liie nr ruincil liy I i" iiianaijc- n ii i : i . I he Filth I'lul ui llie euurt hur-c -liulihl have an attractive ell lr: ce, one with a", iioitin,' appear au c. IIciIkcs shuiihl nnver mi nearer llie -iilewalk than llie line ui llle hi.u.c. left hack In make llie view iru.-c upen, ami il is well tu keep ski ;ili':ery ami plants hack. Al the l.l t cnil is a hluck about opposite the Maili nil slreet s, huul hnihlillK thai would make a tiood Harden iur stu dents, with po-sihilities ui a pretty place. The hiith self.ol hilihliiiiK he Iweeii Third ami Fourth strci'f wimlil he improved by some lluslun or ,,ll cr ivv nil llle stiles anil Mow ers ami shrubbery, now jil-t set clown in ii lawn. Alunu ueneral lines speaker cla sifieil lamlseape nanleiiiiiK as urinal ami natural: llie former showine, stl.iie.ht lines nr curves in the setting of shrubhci v ami plants, the latter lllinij- ill KloU-.. Simplicily is 111 kevuole ui the be-l results. Aulullil the ivie. he considers til ll.v.'nu llie he -1 llie l-.nhsli ivy caiinol he controlled. Ivy shoiihl mil iiu on wonilcn btiihliuvts, lint up wire frames mar the hllihluur. I;ussincs in settings is always oh- jeciiouable. Ihc mass plot is tin tu :i Mi lliiliit, with proper iletails ii t lie It inc. of shnibbcry. It wouhl be a koiI thine; if tree eoiihl be conlvollcl by .1 cily. Anv wav sireets should he ore.inicd anil a uniform tree -chvteil. lie consul ets the X'orwav maple, becau-e ol ils slow K"owth. :ce best. Horse che-lnuls .uc a poo irec for paikinu". but nice set lurk. A luiMllre of Irces in the pai'.intr has a bail effect. K;eiisi e ho.i'cs arc nol necessary fie- a prc'.ty pl.ie .iilsl common ko'i-cs niav he in iile cry oretly ly proper oi n.imcm.ilion wilh such ll,it"is as uiotnine. i;lorir. cerlinit cu cu'iilurs. vines, even hops, etc Cattle Market Is Steady. Hog Trade Surpassed AH Records, Sheep Business Slow. KerriM- for l lie week have l f ii Omli: 1525; cnlvcs 27 X, lion-, -'.sc., ("a i tic market steady to strong all u'i-k. The general run ol stci-r- ha iccii altovu the avt-rage in ftiality, the ritlk -elling $7. 75 Ifi SH.25. Several llai it (.ah iur ina t,'ra- cattle sold 1 1 hit;! i er price . 1 he steers in tin-. Lipii.eiit brought 5.S.7.1, the litiicr: S.(i) an the calves S'J.fXI. Outlet has H'cii very goud and the market .seem-. in In- (iii very sound hasis. There is i poor demand lor stockers and lecd- on account ol the high w;uer, hicli condition will he eliminated in ihc near future. The hog trade surpassed all record ince 1 0 1 f V for a single week. Prices made a Oiear gain of 80c m seven ;v-. Market ripened strong Monday l $K.60, which was a 20c gain over the previous week, ami hy i-'riday lop pualilv liLdtl swtne was celling -trontr ;ti S'XVO. Receipts have hien very lih- ral hut huymg has heen on n large al'- and the supply was quickly h-orhed. T:-n'"-;icihms in the 1wcd hou-e have heen very feu due 1o the Tttrlit receipt s and slow demand for mill ion. Kxlra clioirc yearlings are wnvlh 4 75 lo 5c and ewes $4.50. The Inmh trade U in vcrv fair -hane and nrime -nrii-ir '-lock h" had a irnwl on! hi, pric-v ranging f-om $o.00 to ?r75. BIG GAME OF BASEBALL SCHEDULED FOR TOMORROW GORVALLIS PEOPLE ARE ENTHUSIASTIC TWO My MEN PURCHASE ALBANY VETERINARIAN SAVES ALBANY COMMISSION CO. KELSO CLOTHING STORE : COLT'S LiFE AFTER ONE FAILED : BUYS SPAOLDING CORNER Will Take Active Part in Pro gram for Corvallis Day, July 17. Missall and Knapp Will Leave Soon with Their Families to Make Their Home. LARGE CROWDS WILL ATTEND FROM THERE Secretary Murphy of Corvallis Commercial Club Writes Interesting Letter. It v:i? learned this morning that Mtr-, .M i.-all and Knapp, who for several years conducted a grocery store on Main Mi'eet and who sold out ahout a year ago, have purchased jointly a clothing store in KeUon, Wa-di. -Mr. Kjiapp is in Washington making i lie neceary arrangements to take over the store and within a few day- Mr. Mi.-sall and his family will leave here to make that place their future home. The Knapp family go later. Me-irs. M is sail and Knapp have heen previously occupied in the cloth ing hti-iness. having operated a simi lar store jointly in Minnesota before coming here. If Weather Permits the Largest Crowd of Season Will As semble at Athletic Park. If the weather permits, the largest rowd that has attended a hall game ihi seauii will witness the content it Athletic park tomorrow afternoon it o'clock between Salein and Al bany. Several hundred tans will accom pany -ihc "Senators to Albany if threatening w eat her does not eaue ! anci llatiou ol the special tram en-; ,-ed over the Oregon Kleetric lo bring the crowd here. ISaker, who is considered I he be--pitcher in the Willamette valley and the main strength of the Salem team will be in the box for the visit firs while. I'atlerson will pitch for Albany. Miekcl, one of -the heaviest hitters on the local learn and I.. Higbee are buth out of the game on account of field for Albany and Kennard will lielhl tor Albany and Kennard will lie placed in his old positiion at short, .is Cornell who held down short in ihc first game with Salem is playing wilh hv Si. Paul team. Albany will have the following players:" I . Patterson, c; W. Patter son, p; Colbert, lb; Swanu. 2b: Ken nard. C. Higbee, Kyals. It; Motison. cf: Hughes, rf. Cbevne of Portland and Salisbury of Albany will umpire. The Corvallis people are entluiMas lic over the Albany Chautauqua and that they will take an active part in the program ct aside as Corvallis Day, which has been designated as; July 17, is indicated in the following; letter received this morning by Man ager Stewart, of ahe Commercial club: "1 am in receipt of your letter of the Jbth instant stating that the 17th of July will be '"Corvallis Day." Our local daily papers will give 'that fact considerable publicity and we will do our part to advertise your Chautau qua. A committee has been appointed lo arrange a program for the Corval lis day exercises. As soon as the committee is ready to give tiie matter .'uy publicity the program will be sent to you or llie Albany papers so that pi:hl:city may be given to it there. "I presume that you have read that Co! a His and Kugene were to assist Monroe to selebrate the arrival of llie P. K. c' K. from Eugene to Mon roe. The date set for this celebration was indefinite but about the tenth to llie t'if'.ee'ilh. Believing 'that the Al bany Chautauqua is worthy and that Corvallis l;ould plan no events dur ing that period, I took up the matter with Mr. Mark Woodruf. publicity agent of the P., K. & P.. and quote herewith his reply : 'I have had the M on roe eclebrat ion matter up wilh Mr. Strahorn and can assure you that we will not fix the date for 'hat af fair until after lulv 31 when the Al bany Chautauqua adjourns. We are glad to co-operate with you in this. ;p-d I will try to take in the show al Alb'Miy myself.' "1 trust you will be able "to prevail upon the railway company." cont ni ne Mr. Murphy's letter, "to delay the departure of their late trains to Corvallis so that the evening pro grams may be witnessed." Mrs. E. McPherson left t'm? moi n imr fur Garfield. Wash., where she will visit with lricnds during the n; tu rn c r. Dr. W. B. Cook Responds to CalA at Plainview From Winfiled Churchill. But for the prompt response of Dr. W. II. Cook, a veterinary surgeon of this city, a valuable colt belonging to Wiiield Churchill, a pro-perous far mer residing near Plainview, would have bled to death yesterday after an uiiMiece.-sful attempt of a neighbor hood doctor to perform an operation on the animal. Noticing that the colt was suffering, Mr. Churchill consult ed a doctor residing near Plainview who upon examining the equine de cided that an oreation was necessary but was unsuccessful in his attempt to perform it. Mr. Churchill then called Dr. Cook at Albany who hur ried to Plainview and by prompt ser vice saved the colt's life. William Ritchie returned last night from a protracted business trip to mint in California. Deal Closed Yesterday; Busi ness Will Be Moved to New Location in Sixty Days. Closing the deal yesterday for the piircha.-e of tile Spauhling corner, for merly occupied by the Spauhling Lum ber Company, the Albany Comiuis--ion company propose to move their place of business to their new location within the next sixty days. The lot is HiO by 156 feet and will give the commission men ample room for con ducting the large business which they have already acquired in Albany. While the consideration for the prop erty has not been given out it is un derstood that Messrs Eastburn and Austin paid a big price for the property. George S. Sandstrom and son Bert went to Lebanon this noon, where Mr. Sandstrom will attend business matters. I i tlmsc to1 tuiiaii the -eitthucnt le mmiu: tu i. :i rre-CPled I" i-ten beir A le- -o-oii-iderinio 25 WIDOWS HAVE APPLIED FLAG DAY WILL BE OBSERVED SUNDAY AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Exercises to Be Conducted in Sunday School; Music Suit ed to Ocassion. County Clerk Marks staled this n.iruin'! thai thus far 25 widows have n':ed application for pensions under the pio is ions ! the recent law I a--ed bv the la -1 legislature, provid i' 4 ; - for those who are in I'-.etl. Ti.e rminiy court is r.ow inves- suiiiL :he applications and will re- .:! up"ti them sometime within the ct lew days. Cecil I 'nun is acting as Southern 'Pacific 1 rain director during the ah -;'!-e of Hub Fletcher, who is visit : ., c. k end in Portland. lVVf.'ii- sJU, With practice exercises, Flag Day will be observed at the Christian church tomorrow at both the morn ing ami evening services and during iug the Sunday school. Special exercises will be conduct ed in the Sunday school and at both of the regular church services th pa si or will preach on patriotic top v It . (. . i'.::n: oi pa-tor ol ' the church enjoys an emiaMc iA.pu-1 :.iiion here as an orator with a wide; scope of knowledge at his command.) With touching pathos ;md refined hu- ! r.ior. Rev. Fiuci son as a patriotic ora- ! tor is hard lo excel ami iho-e w ho J attend the er:ce- tomorrow may ex- pect a strong and forcible message : ,w one that will be intensely iutet-e-ting. i T!:e choir mti-:.c is e-pivi.tlly ar I'.r'id for the occasion. I'he utrn i ing w iVsl.ip w iil conrncK'c a: liKd I o'clock and the evening -erices will ! commence at S W o'clock. They Want Your Orders for CUD PERSONAL MENTION. M:-s Maigarei S'uith. a popular viMing sterographer of litis ci:y, who wciii to Kin-tiui receutU tor a i-r. with her parent'. i cpec:c i hick July S. F. Shuntiman. of :';e Oregon Pocr So., let-, this noon for Com all:- on i brief hu-ru'-s err arid in the hr.ci'c-l of tl-.c company. 'iiinin;i:- p.is,ed tl'ionh t!;c noon ior Portland. lie row re-ili;c in - tvciic a:M tormci'iy d here. o o-- t. - V'u- he-:. W.'s1.- . ffl Hugh Cu 1 citv WA- Mirtsurol and Tilted If Desired Two Big Specials in Children's Dresses Children's Dresses in ginghams, percales and tissues, sizes 2 to 6 at 98c each Children's Dresses, sizes 8 to 14 Special $1.19 each No need' to nuike the children's clothes Thess styles ;re distinctive and becoming Agents for Standard Patterns FLOOD'S STORE 334 WEST FIRST STREET Agents for Kalm Reducing Corsets At the Time This Ad Was Written Today, the First Day of Our Wear eady to Sale $7 .S5 The store was packed with women buying Suits, Coats and Dresses as iicer before in the history of this store. No such price reductions were ever made at any Clearance Sale. NO RESERVE, every Suit in the store at the following reduced prices, less than half : FOR ANY SUIT IN THE STORE UP TO $17.00. INCLUDING WHITE, NAVY AND BLACK $7 .85 $9.70 $12.45 $16.80 1 .;- ,uy -nil -eiiiii;; up to ?1.(X1 Por any Suit sclliny up to $23.50 -.r nny Suit elliny up to $34.I"1 $14.60 $23.40 $25 For any Suit sclliri; up to JJS Al For any Suit f clliti ir up to S4S.IX1 For any Suit cllins up 'to $73.00 Tonight Visit this' store for Shoes, Oxfords, Pumps, Hosiery, Gloves, Knit Un derwear, Muslin Underwear, Cor sets, Waists, etc. Buy the Best Brands for Less ! CHAMBERS & McCUNE F'k-' 'lYmpIe. l :t :ri.l l.y.m Streets. .Viluny, Oregon ALBANY'S I. FADING CLOAK and SIM T STORE