The Semi-weekly democrat. (Albany, Linn County, Or.) 1913-1926, July 01, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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No. 70.
PRFfiFnFNT MS . ! s-c- professor will
i iil.uuui.11 i Miiu niwr unrnrPTUin nnnnrpp
Khl-N hh UK HHh
ULUl I.UM1UUIUMI.U. , - . . . ....
Will Speak on Improvement
of Fifth Avenue.
For FirstjTime in History of
Circuit Court. Judge Waives
Case of Lois Bates Against the
Oregon Electric Terminates
in Favor of Defendants.
Of great interest to Albany people
generally will he the ailtlress of Froi.
Peek, of the O. A. C, at the United
Presbyterian ehnreh tomorrow (.Fri
day) nie;ht, at S o'clock or. civic im
provement, a subject of vital .concern
to the people of the city just now.
Prof. Peck will arrive tomorrow
noon and will go over Fifth street
carefully, in his address making some
special suggestions; but the body of
the address will he along general lines,
with a scries of fine pictures, which
ivill lie thrown on the canvas at the
church. It is desired that every body
in the city, if possible, attend. Prof.
Peck is said to be one of the best
students of civic improvement in the
i auntry, and our people besides being
instructed will he given entertainment
of a higher order. Admission free.
For the first time in the history ol
the circuit court, the court's instruc
tions to the jury were waved yester
day afternoon at 5:30 o'clock in Cir
cuit Judge Kelly's court, when the
taking of testimony in the case ol
Bates against the Oregon l'lectiic
Railway Co. was complete! after at
torneys" on both sides had waived argument.
The case was a damage sun iiieu
against the railway company by Louis
Kates, of near Tangent, in which it
was alleged that the company in con
structing its lines had injured a pri
vate road leading to plaintiff's prop
erty to the extent of S10W1 damages.
The case went to the jury at 5:30
o'clock and a verdict was returned
within 15 minutes in favor of the de
fendant railroad company. Attorneys
Wcathcrford and Weathcrford rep
resented the plaintiff and Attorneys
Gale S. Hill. Cary and Kerr the de
fendants. Thy case was the last one to come
tip in the present term of Judge Kel
lev's court and had occupied its at
tention all dav. As it was getting
late and the attorneys feeling the ef
fects of a steady grind of court busi
ness for nearly two weeks, the at
torneys on both sides waived argu
Judge Kellv remarked that he sup
posed that the' would not be avers
to bis waving instructions to the jury
and much to his surprise ' they took
him un. The jurors appeared to ac
cept this termination of the trial with
much favor. They were accordingly
excused, to bring in a verdict within
15 minutes after retiring.
Judge Kellv stated this morning that
in the 20 years he has been a member
nf tlm Oregon bar. he has never be
fore heard of such a precedent being
The jurors who heard the testimony
in the cae are a follows:
M. L. Forster. Ta-igcnt: C. N. Mo
Tv'ev. Albanv: II. D. Haight. Knox
Ttinte: R. S. Acheson. Shedd: T. W.
Prickett. Lebanon: Terry Parker.
TMai"view: J. R. Morris. Lebanon: V.
V. Pfeiffer. Albanv H. R. Pherrill.
Ham-nnrtr: Hcnrv Dittmer. Tangent:
W. M. Abbott, Scio: R. B. Miller. Albany.
A. Goldblatt Promised to Dis
pose of Canine and Here
after Observe Ordinance.
City Attorney Swan Admitted
That Observance of Ordin
ance Was Only Desired.
They Arrived This Morning from
Portland and Spent an Hour
at Gun Ciub Grounds.
J. K. Reid, representing the Peters
company of San Francisco, Cal
ifornia, and I. M. Fisher of the Selby
Smelting & Lead Company, arrived
this morning from Portland and took
a few shots at the blue rocks on the
grounds of the Albany Gun Club.
Thev were conveyed to the grounds
by 'V. A. Ballack and J. R. Baltimore,
F. P. Xutting acting as score keeper.
Both Reid and Fisher are crack shots
and made a good showing at the
It Will Require Bonds in the
Sum of $5000;to Secure
His Release.
Prisoner Is Now Serving Time
in County Jail Pending
Outcome of Appeal.
Coining up in I he municipal court
tin's morning for i rial, the ea.-e chary-,
ir.g A. Goldblatt with violation of the
dog ordinance was dismissed after the
defendant had stated that he had made
arrangements to dispose of the dog
and after City Attorney 1.. L. .Swan
admitted that the observation bv dog
owners of the ordinance was what is
(knifed bv citv officers.
tioldblatl, who conducts the place
of bttsines called the l!lue Kront Ex
change under t lie name of K. Gold
blatt, a seven year old son of his, was
charged witli allowing his dog to run
at large contrary to tire late ordinance.
( mldhlatt had previously employed
Johnston to attack the sufficiency ol
'.lie ordinance. Mr. Johnston had
looked into the matter ami advised
Mr. Goldblatt that the ordinance could
not be successfully attacked and Mr.
Goldblatt in open court admitted he
had permitted his dog to run at large
in violation of the ordinance, stated
that he had arranged to dispose of the
d'ng, that it would be removed from
the city this afternoon and that hence
forth he would observe the ordinance.
In consideration of these matters.
City Attorney Swan admitted that ob
servation of the ordinance was what
was desired and stated that it was
not the desire to impose punishment
upon the people who would observe
t lie ordinance and moved that the
case be dismissed, which was granted
by the court.
Goldblatt was arrested late last
week by Policeman King on com
plaint of oeople in the neighborhood
of the Albany High School.
Left This Afternoon at 3 o'clock
Accompanied by His Wife
for Seattle.
MishapsyHHappen in Nearly
Every Kind of Vocation
Throughout State.
SalemOre., June 26. Accidents In ;
the industries of the state for the ',
month of May totaled 420, nine of
winch were fatal, according to a re-1
port made public today by Labor j
Commissioner Hon. the industries
in which the accidents occurred and
the number in each, are. Carpenter-.
2: electric. 12. 2 fatal: logging, 31,
6 fatal: machine foundries. 52; paper
mills, 47: railroad yards, 31; railroad
trainmen, 24: sawmill yards. 9: saw.
planing, shingle mill-. 74: teaming. 11:
warehou-e, 12; mi-cellaneous, 4S; to
tal. 420.
R. S. Roberts of Peoria was a vis
itor here yesterday.
George Xessling, of Dallas, trans
acted business here yesterday.
Mr. and -Mrs. J. A. Carey, who were
married here Monday afternoon, left
yesterday for their home at Shelbnrn.
O. T. L.arsen, of Independence,
transacted business here yesterday.
Mrs. Ada Pulrin, of Mill City, pass
ed through the city yesterday after
noon on "her way home after visiting
with friends at Portland.
Mrs. L. II. Towties, of Lyons, vis
ited friends here yesterday.
J. M. llrown, of Scio, was a busi
ness visitor here yesterday afternoon.
Miss Mary Swann, of Mill City,
visited friends here yesterday. j To represent Albany Lodge B. P.
C. W. Clifford, of Lyons, attended O, E. Xo. 359, as a delegate at th
hu.-iness matters here yesterday. 1 grand lodge of 1'lks which wil con
L. R. Ray, of Mills City, was a vis- Vene at Rochester. X. V., July 7 and
nor in the city yesterday morning. j last one week, A. V. Howersox. past
Towner'of Uiownsville. pass-j ;'lted ruler of the local lodge of
, . . . . i ,, '.Iks, accompanied by his wife will
' i - t' " cv y, t?:d:iv noon o1;: , ' , . J . - , , , -
' 1 , ! this attcrnoon at 3 o clock for
. v.a to Po.'tkr.'.d. Seattle to join the special train which
Miss Ueatrice Hanke, who has been will convey the Pacific Coa-t delegates
rim rnii-st of her sUter. Mrs. L. L. t" the East.
Pott returned vest-rdav afternoon;, ' K !o(1f to attended
, w lmt.ii. m Thomas. "' one Watc from every lodge in
. ,. , , ,, - , , ,.i America and Mr. r.owersox is the rc
Mr. and .Mrs. i. numpnrey cipicilt of a rarc Ilonor in ,cinW chosen
c-tenlay lor Granite -Mountain wnere : rw ; delegate. Ihe special train whicl
hw will te::d a portion of the sum-, was chartered for the convenience of
Charles Thomp-on and J. K. P.
Tate this afternoon withdrew the
bonds iurmslied bv them ot mi mi eaen
in behalf of James Hart, who was in
dieted by the grand jury in Marcl
on two separate individual counts
of violation of the provisions of the
local option liquor law. Since being
dieted . Hart has been out
bonds. The cases: pending against him
are still on Judge belly's bar dock
et and will not probably be tried until
the next term oi court.
This action on the part of his bonds
men caused Hart to go further into
the custodv of the sheriff, as he is at
the present time serving time in the
county tail tor the to produce
bonds of $1500, imposed upon him by
lud'-e Kellv this week as the result
of an appal taken in the two cases in
which the defendant was convicted
iointlv with T. IX Kennedy last, week
In order to have secured his freedom
in these cases. Hart would have been
required to furnish bonds in the sum
of S.ra). Ifart is now confined m the
countv jail with $5000 against him
necessary to secure his release, pern!
ing the outcome of his appealed cases
and the indictments against him.
It is believed that if Mart is content
'o remain in jail until the outcome ol
the appeal, as it anpears improbable
that lie will be :.ble to tiirnish bail
1,e will have served several months,
for which he will not get credit on the
original sentence. However it, is the
belief that if he is successful in se
curing bonds within the next two of
ibree da vs. he will have the appeal
Eagle Cap Mountain Is to Be
Scene According to Word
Received by W. L. Marks.
That a class will be initiated into
: order of the Knights of Pythias
is .summer on the top of Eagle Cap
Mountain, the highest point in the
Wallowa range was the information
ecetved today by W dlard L. Marks,
f Alb::ny, chairman of the publicity
ommittee of the grand lodge, from
II. Gwiun. of Pendleton, grand
haneellor of Oregon.
The initiation will be conducted by
Kinsmen Lodge, Xo. 87, Knights ot
vthias. of Wallawa. The date for the
initiation has not been fixed vet nor
ive the details of the matter been
.leveloped but it is planned to confer
til three ranks of Pvthian knighthood
the summit of the mountain. The
,'eremonv will be the first of its kind
the Pacific Coast and probably in
ihe entire countrv.
Sheriff John A. Jones Arrived
Yesterday Afternoon for
Chief of Police Austin Arrested
Fugitive from Justice Here
Saturday Afternoon.
It Is Wondered If They Have
Been That Much Benef'u
to the Farmers.
"T!h' UiU v;ivn have cnt us abom
1)IK) a day," says Manager Hot!, of
lite F.unenc I'm it Growers' associa
tion. "Whether Ihcy have been that
much benefit to the (jraiti farmer- in
litis section of lite country is hard to
determine. They have played havoc
with our berries and the chances for
cherries urow less every day that pass
es in which as much rain has lalleu
is has in each of the hist 10 days.
It insures us a ood vegetable cron,
however, and we may have till 111
more beets, beans, tomatoes and other
vegetables to can." Kuj;ene Register.
Miss Tressa Acheson Became
Wife of George A. Perret
Last Evening.
S'r.t-.-nu nt i are agnin Invito
mailed to tb;criber- vh."' arc
behind n -re than cnt- year on
heir ibscrii tv n. No one has
tu nti' Mini iv iieen - -nn
I P. Devancy returned last even-;
ni? from Lebanon where he attended
u-ine?.! matters.
M:- Mary Iarker i in Eugene
!'.ere -he will vi-:t for several weeks
.villi friends.
V. P. C!::'".ce left yesterday for
Hcrlin where In. will a'.teiul to bu i-tit-r-i
the Elks will leave Seattle Saturday vniirnr lady and i
ane moon at o clock. .i r. and
Ir. Ilowcr-nx will :pend the Fourth
of July in Washington. D. C, where
tbey will vi-it I'rc-ident Wil-oti. for
I'ecau-e of the ab-ence of Mayor Gil
the purpose of coninicnding him on
hi- free -ugar and wool policy.
The marriage of Mr. George A.
Perret and Miss Tressa Acheson oc
curred last evening at 8 o'clock in
Portland at the 1iome of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George S. Acbe
on. Rev. W. A. Spaulding of the
Third Presbyterian church performed
the ceremony in the presence of 45
trieiuls ami relatives. J he ring cere
mony was used.
The home was prettily decorated
with marguerites, syn'nga, pink roses,
weet pens and ferns. Following the
wending an elahoralc collation was
served the guests.
Miss Acheson is a former Albany
John Kobson and family will leave
today for Newport where they expect
to spend a months outing.
Dennis Merrill left this morning for
Euuene on a brief business errand.
S. X. llraden, of the Fisher, Ura
den Furniture Co., left this afternoon
for Minneapolis, where he will visit
for a portion of the summer with rel
ative s.
C. W. .Clark, a business man of Cor-j
vallis, is registered at the St. Francis.'
W. T. Newman, a night clerk of
l lie I Intel Multnomah, Portland, vis
ited in the city this morning. He left
this noon for Salem.
Fred I-ooiiey, of Jefferson, was a
visitor here this morning.
John Gallagher and family of Leba
non were visiting with friends in ibis
city this afternoon.
R. Sbelton, a justice of the peace of
Scio. i transacting business here this
II. R. Sherrill. of Harrisburg. re
turned to his home I his noon after
spending the last 10 d.'vs here as
juryman before Judge KcIIys bar.
A fter securing requisition papers
from Governor Vet yesterday after
noon, Sheriff John A. Jones, arrived
lure on the 5:.5 o'clock Oregon Elec
tric, and left at 6:.10 o'clock with
lliarles T." Newman, alias Charles .
Freeman, for Nelson ville, Nebraska,
where the prisoner is wanted on a
charge of forgery.
After ehuliug justice for 1 year and
5 months, Newman was captured here
last Saturday by Chief of Police Aus
tin, upon information furnished him
by the authorities at Nebonville.
The crime which Newman is charg
ed with was perpetrated January 31,
PH2, and shortly after it was commit
ted. Newman skipped out. He was
traced west by the authorities, who
discovered that he was located iu
Washington. However, before be was
intercepted, be left the state and came
to t Iregon. 1 1 e has Ifven residing
here for the last three months and
has been employed as a laborer.
fter receiving the information con
cerning the man, Chief of Police Aus
tin conducted a quiet investigation for
several days, which resulted in his ar
resting the man Saturday afternoon.
Chief Austin was armed with only
meagre description of the fugitive,
who upon his arrest was placed in the
county jail where he has since been
Will en arrested he was inclined' to
plead ignorance of the charge against
him, but later admitted his guilt. New
man admitted to Chief Austin that
he has been going under ;:ii assumed
name while here and that he has been
travelling about the country to es
cape detention.
Upon arriving here, Sheriff Jones
fitllv nleni i tied the prisoner. I he
sheriff made a quick trip after the
man, spending only 55 minutes here,
leaving at fi:.10 o'clock on through
passage for Nebraska,
Mistake Made by Foremon of
Lebanon Paper Brings
Pertinent Query.
t.ti.l t'te . 1 1 1 . r
rs tint l;
i 4 tl 4 'i t 4 4 5 s '.1 z z i
Warranty Deed.
M. M. Gilbert nnd wife to Minnie
J. Hart, I. nts in block 5 in ISeanl's
Ad'l. to town ot T.tni-'cnt. $450.
f.. M. Vi-:ill et al to It. K. Mc-
, Kennev. Si i ncre in ec. 1 J). I',
S. R. 3 we t. J10.
lohn G llrown. and wife to John
' l".'.--vr anil wife. 99 r.ore- in Tp. 16,
i S K. 4 we-t. I'et.y. 9:h. 1912. SI.
V.. K. I.vmatt to Cli.i-. P. Pool. June
trrn. lr'1.V l.Ki'e in Sec. 10. T;i. 13,
Miss Lola R. Jordan, of Indiana
" i Wedded to Albany Man. Who
Aids Another Pair.
4 we-t.
1 M
Nfws on This P?se is
Trcm I3;W lc of
re Stanton to Oella A. IMwavls
i 31 -t. 1913. I.anrl- in l.lo..-k 25.
K;.!-'on'. a! 1 to Lebanon. SHI.
-! i ri -ii - to F!i Raker ar! wife.
S-n. .1913 I aore; in 5cc. 13.
i Tp. !:. 3 i Iu.'k i.
i Marriage License.
! ?..Vt W .-:.!",. ir 23. ai.I An-
I ; i !.. r.n.r. : '. b..,'i ,,f Srio
1 ..- ,. K :..-;.
.. !,..': . f . b. Orcvon.
Ilia H. Ilodine. -lierifl of Linn
eoutitv. wa- marrie'I !a-t niL'ht in
I'ortlanil by He'.". Hetiiamill V.tlJi'-r.
pa-tir r.f tbe Fir.-t Me-.linli-t Kpi--eopal
rbnrrb, rit Dr. Yonn-.r'-, ri--i-'lenre.
221 Kleventb -tret. T!se bri'ie
wa Mi-' Lola Rei.l Jordan, who ar
rteil in Lortialt'I 'jnite reretitly fr-itn
Morri-town, Ind. Sheriff Ilodine ai--o
fitrnrrd in another wcblir:r. a1
Charles J. Randall and I.ydia Rliod,
were at Dr. Yonm'': home to lie mar
ried at the -rune time.
The t-o eo'iiile- act d a- wi:re--e-for
each other.
II. I). ILaiKht, who has served on
the jury for the last 10 days in the
eirenit eotirt, returned this morning
to his home near Knox llntte.
M. L. h'or-ter, of Tangent, after
f the I,..,-.. ,i, in ,1,, . .,.,,. i i,,
local hich school She lias many : IlU hnmr ,his ,,',;.
i n 1 1 1 i nei -" itiMi i or i lie mm -cvrn
Lebanon, Ore.. June 26. In his hnr
lo Ret to press with the issue of
"he Lebanon Kxpre" on May
a i the foreman hiM-rted a birth nolirc
uiuler the " h'or Sale" head on the
classified advertising pane.
Kereiitly a Utter was received from
Ohkosh, Wis,, askinK the publisher
to find out what the price of the child
was and askiiiK further if the sale of
surplus children was a common prae
lii'e ill ( Jiei;on.
o - -
vcars f'e lia made her lioine in fort
land. The groom is a well and favor
ably known young man of the Rose
City. He is employer! a? a collector
f"or :he Damascus Creamerv Co.
Demand for Cars Indicates
Wonderful Improvement in
Financial Situation.
That hii-inr -s condition arc im
provipLr throuu'iiout the otin'ry i in
('i. riK-d :y a btter receivr d yeter-I;-.v
by .1. A Howard. repre-fTi-t
- it' w for t! Kanitih-r aiitoinobilc
..-Kinpa ny.
oriliii- : the letter t!ie coiiipnir,'
.iH-.ped 'i:h order- and can '
e ;i n i t i i ti c at w !i i i- ii t h e will
hie to make thipni'Mit of car .
-nmpariv show- a net increase in
e.s of 'H per rent r.vrr jhal of
re -rdiiw year, a.-co-din'.' to the
i;;:i''if by .r m a :i.'iL.'em !?.
Hfni. fin C. Mo-ier. an attorney .if
! Portland, wa in the city yesterday
on business, lie was rci-.tcrcd at the
1 I lanuuel.
J. W. Miller returned this morning
I to his home at Halsey after serving
j as a juryman in Judge Kellys court.
H. S. Ai'he-rtn, returned this morn
j ing to his home at Shedd.
J. K. Moni-. a juryman rluriug the
recent term of the circuit court, re
turned to his home at Lebanon tbi'
J. V. Pricked, of Lebanon, return
ed home this noon.
M. Kelly, of Shelbnrn. returned to
; his Imme tin's morning.
j Mr-. Ii. II. Hob s !. ft ye-t. rrlay for
Mil! Citv uboe -he will be the sjur-t
of friends,
Irvine Ache-on returned la-t even
ing from a -hort vi-it at Siiedds yes
terday afternoon.
Mark Wcat'-hnord .-eiKmcl l.i-t
!!. g l.-'i:n a -" i - r t bn ii". s- 'np '
That his recent election for a third
lime as grand commander of the In
dian War veteran of ( )rcgon came
without any -olk-itatiou frmu him and
in i.ict oer his pioie-i, wa the -tate-made
t'ida lo a !eiiio:rat represen
tative by Cyril- Walker, who recently
i et ii rued from the state meeting of
war derail at Port land.
A prominent member of the organi
zation from Portland wan placer! hi
nomination against the Alb.irrj" veter
an but receive only viv votes,
against fifty fr (.'yru- Walker.
T. G. Ai d---
n. ret t: r ii'-'I
aft-r s. .,-,"!-j'ir"i!.'i!i
Children's Playground.
i T'lii-..' to a ' :i t -iietit LO'. en of
?!.i . ::!-rr;:. b;. J. S ",-n Winkb- .
Le f ".aut..iviu boird. tb" children'
l.ta-.'n.Mt.d -a ill be a feature at th
r-oM:-ds u.-.iu ll i- ye;ir The . I ih
rl-'t dej.artme"! nil! he ll:ider eompr
'cut management.
New Arrivals Expected Soon.
I learned thi - ai'ternofiu that
W, T. Cooke and family, recent arrival-,
to (irevii) ii'iin I'eori.i. 111., will
ome to Albany to lo-ate. They are
ev ted lu re from Portland some
time the end of the week. Mr. Cooke
will take over the find yard of fleorgi?
Uoolvy and Sum-. :ivi will conduct the
b'lsiiie- as hefi to!".. e.
V r; ril; ( !e vem.'cr. a i"( mer Vhany
.N!i-s Kmh Porline is the guest of
: to She will return home
,; e end of the week.