fa'"-"11'!' CK. M 1" VOL. XLVIII. ALBANY, LINN COUNTY. OREGON", FRIDAY, JUNE . 19: No. G9 LYLE BiGBEE GOES PORTLAND Young Man Injured in Railway Accident Here Saturday, Out Yesterday. INJURIES CONSIDERED COMPARATIVELY SLIGHT Will Be Cared for in, Portland by Company; Will Leave Hospital Wednesday. Although the victim of a serious ac cident Saturday morning when he was struck by an Oregon Electric train, receiving injuries to -the extent of a badly bruised .shoulder, two cuts on the head and numerous minor bruises and cuts. Lyle R. Kigbec, who was tak en to St. Mary's Hospital after the ac cident, was able to be up yesterday ;md with his wounds bandaged '.eft on the 9 o'clock Oregon Electric train unaccompanied for Portland where he will receive attendance at St. Vincents Hospital. Upon hearing of the accident offi cials of the railroad sent word that it would be their desire that the injured young man go to Portland or if he me "erred he could remain in the hos pital in tin's city. Bigbee decided to accept the proposal of the company and will remain in Portland until Wednesday after which it is believed that he will be sufficiently recovered to return, it having been determined that his injuries are comparatively slight. A more detailed account of the ac cident was learned this morning in an interview with C. F. Bigbee, father of the unfortunate young man. "He said that his son was returning to the city from the gravel'pit by the way of the ties. At the point where the accident occurred, the Oregon Electric tracks and the Southern Pacific rails run parallel for quite a distance. Hearing the train coming and although he was walking on the Oregon Electric ties, he supposed that he was on the South ern Pacific right-of-way. Upon hear ing the whistle on the oncoming train blow several times in rapid succession, be glanced over his shoulder just in time to see the train nearly upon him. ReMizincr that to save his life he had to iumn. which hp did iust as the train struck him. Mr. Bigbee discredits the statements made that his son struck a switch but stated that the young man was hurled with terriffic force to the side of the right-of-way. T.vle Bigbee ha manv friends here and in Fugene. To attest this fact. severnl nhone calls were received at the Democrat office during Saturday afternoon and evening, from peonle inp'irinr farther information of the ncrirWt For the nnt winter Bigbee Ins hern a Mi'dnt. in the University nf Oregon ad ! n graduate of the lbanv Hifh School. He was a mem ber of Me nitrbiPT tnff of tbn univer tv ten-'i and ocrunies a similar posi tion with the Albany Athletics. OUT DOOR RASKET BALL TO BE FEATURE OF SUMMER Teams of Two Railroad Com panies Will Compete for Honor in Series. A series of outdoor basketball Karnes will be a unique athletic event in Albany this summer. Teams com posed of employees of the Southern Pacific and Oregon Electric railroad companies in this city will contest for honors in this series. The games will be played on the grounds of the Cen tral public school. As soon as the weather permits the team will be organized and after each has held several short preliminary practices the scries will be on. The Central school grounds has partially been placed in readiness for the games. V. D. Wtishburn arrived this noon from Rrow-nsville where he has been the guest of friends during the picnic. lack llammcl left this noon for Sliedd on a brief business errand. Mr. and Mrs. John Marrs and son were in the city this morning. They returred home to Lacomb this noon. J. C. Galbraith, of Turner, after attending to business matters here this morning returned this noon to his home. ? S ? P ? ,T News on This Page is From Daily Issue of T MONDAY, JUNE 23. RAINS Ml AI BIGHT TI'iiE SAYS WEATHER KAN Intermittent Showers Have Not Caused Any Damage; Bumper Crops Expected. Intermittent showers which have fal len here during the past week have neen called by farmers of this sec tion "the rains that produce thousands of dollars." County. Commissioner Butler is authority for the statement that the rains will produce four times as much as they lose. Slight damage has been done to the cherry crop but the con census of opinion is that the strawber ry crop is uninjured thus far. Very little of the grain crons have been tak en clown as yet and it is believed that when the harvest season comes, the yields will far surpass those, of the past few years. Farmers appear to be elated over the showers and say that they look forward to a bumper crop. Local VVieather Observer, F. M. French, started this morning that no damage has resulted from the rains and that in his opinion, if they should continue for the next four davs, no notable damage would be done. He said that the rains came at the right time. GAME POSTPONED HERE YESTERDAY ACCOUNT RAIN Contest Will Be Played at a Later Date as Silverton Wants Scalp. The rain yesterday caused the post ponement of the game of baseball which was to have been played here at the Athletic park between Manager Al. Senders' Athletics and an aggrega tion representing the city of Silverton. With prospects unfavoralbe for a bright day, Manager Senders called the game off by telephone early yes terday morning. However, the game will be played at a later date and it bids fair to be one of Albany's most hotly contested games of the season as Silverton has a strong team and are anxious to get the local teams scalp. Grounds for this desire are em bodied in the fact that Silverton is an active contender for the championship of the valley this season and they real ize that Albany in a fair way stands a chance for this honor. PERSONAL MENTION. S Editor Humphrey of the Jefferson Review was attending to business mat ters in Albany Saturday afternoon. Dr. O. F. Demerest, of Cottage Grove, was in the city last night. He is registered at the 'Hainmel. -Miss Aline Davis of Corvallis, was the guest of friends in this city yes terday. II. Ellis, a business man of Dallas, transacted business here this morning. Vie is registered at the Hammel. A. C. Turner of Portland is visi.ing at the home of C. E. Howland of 10th and Washington streets. Mrs. H. Stcrnhau and son, of San Francisco, are in the city on a visit at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. P, Cohen. This is her first visit here for fifteen years, and she sees a re markable transformation in the place of her girlhood (lays. R. Volkman of Crabtree was trans acting business in Albany today. Miss Hazel Saylor returned this noon from Lebanon where she was an over Sunday visitor with friends. Grover fiirtchett, a theological stu dent wlro is in charge of a church at Alsea. arrived in the city this noon from that place and will visit his par ents in Jefferson for a few days. F. M. French left this noon on a Southern Pacific watch inspection tour over the Wendling branch. Dr. Russell Wallace has returned from Chicago where he has been for the past two months taking a p;t graduate course in surgery. Tie vis ited other place-, in the East while away. ! ' s t s m Sfatnunti are ng.iin lnvnir mailed to eubrriber who are si ' behind more t'lan oni year on ! thfir . description. Xo one has intentional! v been overlooked "' and t lie editor assures dbn- T.tfnt M'bscrihers tint h will !.., 1 ..ff- if :, hr.-k or ' money order i cnt by return J " in;ul The da;c on whi-'h your n'bsrriptK.n expire is now 1 'ibmlv Mvnn-M on th. wrapp'-r 11 of your paper. tf E S People and Veterans of Eugene Were Royal Hosts to Visitors. ALBANY MAN WAS ELECTED OFFICER OF GRAND CAMP Annual Encampment of Survi vors of Late War Closed Saturday Afternoon. Eugene. Ore.. June 21. (Special to Democrat.) The election ot Jay H. Upton of Scout Young Camp, Port land, as department commander, and the selection of Salem as the next meeting place, the r.nnual encampment of the United Spanish war veterans tiwjuuiiii-u luu.iy ;ii noon, upton was elected on the first ballot. William E. Risley of Phillips Camp, Albany, and E. R. Lundburg of Scout Young Camp, being other nominees. Other officers were elected without opposition as follows: Senior vice commander. A. W. McLaughlin, Eu gene; junior vice commander, Carl Abrams, Salem; department inspector, Harvey Wells, Portland; department chaplain, J. B. Ingram, Fort Stevens: judge advocate, Robert J. O'Neill. Portland; surgeon. Or. W. O. Asselin. Salem: marshal, W. G. White. Eugene. The hundred or more visiting war veterans in Eugene were entertained and feted on every hand. Prom the j time of the arrival of the special ex cursion train from Portland at noon' Friday till the end of the business ses sion Saturday at noon there was something to do and something to see, and Saturday afternoon, given up to pleasure entirely, was spent by the vis itors in various ways best suited to their different tastes. The parade after the arrival of the excursion train was a surprise, The committee had expected a delegation of perhaps 50, but twice that number arrived. The Eugene Radiators and a large number of members of the local post of the G. A. R. volunteered to escort the visitors downtown, and they, with the military band and the 100 local veterans, made a parade far beyond expectations. At Friday afterrion. session a res olution was unanimously adopted by the encampment memorializing con gress to bring Brigadier General Thomas M. Anderson, retired, to the rank of brigadier. EUGENE MAN DELEGATE TO POULTRY CONVENTION E. J. McClanahan Will Repre sent Oregon Branch at Atlantic City. At a meeting of the Oregon branch of the American Poultry Association, hild in this city Saturday evening, E. J. McClanahan, of Eugene, was chosen to represent the Oregon branch of the National convention of the associa tion to be held at Atlantic City, N. j in August Fifteen member sof the Oregon branch were present at the meeting, Portland. Eugene, Roscburg, Albany and Estacada being represented in the list of members present. E. J. McClanahan. of Eugene, presi dent of the Oregon branch, presided at the meeting and Edward Schearcr. of Estacada. secretary, officiated in that position. ALLEGATIONS ARE DENIED IN ANSWERS TO COMPLAINTS Attorneys Weatherford and Weatherford File Two Replies to Suits. Filing answers in behalf of .!ic de fendant. Attorney Weatherwv l and! VYa!bcr;ord. this morning ph ed on I re.-oid two documents denying f.irbj and r very allegation made in ro.n-1 plaint filed against their clien. 1 The ca-cs in question are ( AV. ' IvW njM-V't A. K, fHatt nnd Wil-Vfd ' Jon. , : gainst P.. f. Payitp T!n cor.in'.iint'- were file.) eometjn'r :iuo : ami i-ivovc financial matters, pertain ing to the pay tnent of pronm-ory notes. The plaintiffs allege tint the defendant executed not", in their lie half which have past fallen due and' they trek to recover on same. The ; ae of misrepresentation plnvs an important part in the Miit of 'Tones c Pavne. Albany Has Largest Gravel Pits on the Pacific Coast; Will Supply Ballast. ROAD BED TO BE SOON PUT IN GOOD SHAPE Gravel Pits to Be Opened Sat urday; Steam' Shovels to Be Installed. Eugene, Ore., June 23. (.Special to Democrat.) Albany has the largest gravel pits on the Pacific Coast from which ballast will be taken soon for the ballasting of the Monroe-Eugene branch of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern railroad. . The rails of the new road were con nected at Monroe Saturday and all that now remains to be done is to put the track in "ship-shape" for the haul ing of traffic, is to ballast where need ed. There is still some ditching to be done at several places and this has been delayed by the breaking of the steam ditcher' at Lake Creek Wednes day. The ditcher was . sent to the shops at Albany for repairs and was put into working order and returned to the front Saturday. The gravel pits near Albany will be opened and the hauling out for bal lasting will begin about next Satur day. A large steam shovel for load ing will be installed next Thursday. These pits are the largest on the Pa cific Coast and have more than 700,(XX) yards of gravel easily accessible. It will possible take out 200 carloads of gravel a day for ballasting the line after they have been opened. R. F. Smithwick, engineer in charge, was -itr' Eugene today looking after work connected with the engineering department. Fine Berries. Some of the finest berries the writer has ever seen were being exhibited on the streets of Albany Saturday by T. F. Robinson and C. H. Oliver. The box contained just seventeen berries of the "Democrat" variety and were grown in the Robinson yard at M0 East 23rd street. The "Democrat" is an Eastern berry, having first been raised at Rattle Creek Michigan. OVER 150 ATTEND BIG CAMP MEETING AT TURNER Special Train Left This City Yesterday Morning at 8:30 o'Clock. Over one hundred and fifty Albany :eopL went lo Turner yesterday on a special train to attend the annual campmeetiiig services of the Christian church which have been in progress there for three days. The train left this city at 8:30 o'clock in the morn ing and returned after the evening services at the Turner Tabernacle were completed last night. It appeared to be the concensus of opinion that the services were greatly enjoyed by the crowd attending from here. On account of the services at Turner and in order to let alt of the members of the local Christian church have an opportunity to attend them, the services in that church were ad journed yesterday. O STRAWBERRY CROP LARGE ENOUGH TO SUPPLY DEMAND Polk County's Harvest Brings Price Down to Average of $1.25 a Crate. I'olk county's strawberry crop is! I.'irife enough lo supply the demand this sta-on, according to a report re-1 ceived this morninif, and there has J been --uch a quantity of berries as to bring the price down to an average of! 1,25 a crate. The growers, however, ' arc making no complaint. as the yield ' is sufficiently large to injure good profil-. The frequent rains have help-! ed the crop iminen -cly. especially when followed by warm weather. ! Nearly every one i buving a good supply of strawberries owing to the it'i'b ratc price anil the extraordinray i ivo'l flavor of the berries. - PAYS $10 AND COSTS Arthur Kemp Who Hails from Airlie Imbibed too Freely of Joy Water. Charged with drunkenness and Jis ordcrly conduct, Arthur Kemp was arraigned before l'olice Judge Van Tassel this morning and plca.ic.l trini ty to the charge. He was iined Si'.l and costs which he paid and was re leased. Kemp rvas arrested last nisht n i hsl street about, 8:3(1 o'clock by the niuht officers and he became so vio lently enraged over his arrest that the otlicers had to praeticallv' overpower him before he was lodged in the city bastile. Kemp slave his residence as Airlie and said that he came to Albany to consult with a physician, lie said'thal while on the train a friend offered him a drink and that, one called for an other, lie said that he did not feel the effect on (he train but just as soon as he Rot off he became exceedingly unsteady on his feet. Miss Grace Gill is in Scio visits, with her mouther. Mrs. M. C. Giff. LADIES OF l C. I II. URGED TO ATTEND MEETING Arrangements Will Be Made to Co-Operate at the Chau tauqua Assembly. At the renular r.icetiiiK of the union which will be held tomorrow after noon arrangements will be completed for maintaining headquarters and a rest room at the Chautauqua. It is the purpose of the W. C. T. U. to assist in any way it can, the man agement, in making pleasant arrange ments for the comfort of those who come to the Chautauqua from outside the city, so the large and commodious tent purchased by the Union for Chau tauqua work will be located in some convenient place and will be at the disposal of visitors. Conferences can be held there by organizations desiring to hold informal meetings, and a gen eral rest room will be maintained. A full attendance tomorrow after noon is desired. SECRETARY. 5SS 9 S PERSONAL MENTION. s 4) After visiting at the home of Mrs. W. E. Rogers, Miss Esther lllackburn returned to her home in Lebanon Sat urday afternoon. Mis Arelia llirch and brother Sam uel lift Saturday for Riekerall where they will visit a portion of the sum mer with relatives. M iss I sabelte Garland of Lebanon who has been a guest at the home of II II. Hewitt and Win. Itain for sev eral days returned Saturday night to her home. Miss Mary K. Southerland, who is to have charge of the domestic sci ence department of the Chautauqua, arrived in the city Saturday afternoon from her home in Grand Korks, N. I). II cr parents are residents of J. inn county, residing at Shedd, where she went after reporting for duty to Chau tauqua officials to visit them until the assembly convened. Mrs. P. W. Arnold is the guest of her mother, Mrs. M. C. Gill of Scio. She will return home the fore pari of the week. Captain W. A. F.Ikius, of Lebanon passed through the city tliii noon bound for J'ortland. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDowell were among the Albany people attending the picnic at Ilrownsvillc Saturday. Miss Olga Krickson, of I -dipeniing. M icli., arrived this noon to spend a portion of the slimmer here with rel ntives and friend -t. She will lie the guest of Mrs. Peter Paulu ami Miis V.'lma Davis while here. Mis F.rkk--on is a former Albany young lady and is a graduate of the commercial department of the Albany College. Fred Westbrook was visiting with frt'-tid- in Kugrne yesterday. W. H. Chance returned last night from a bii'ine-s trip to Crawfofdsvillc ai aM-uut labor commissioner. C. K. Itrnre nnd wife returned today fro-n a trip to Kugcnr where the lat ter has been for the past cek visit ing with relative!i, W. Jack -on. of Kola, is registered at (he St. FrancK W. H. Davidson, of Salem, trans u ted business here thin morning. 10 BOOTLEGGERS Judge Kelly Imposes Fines and Jail Term on Hart and Kennedy. EACH RECEIVES $600 AND 60 DAYS IN EACH CASE Court Will Probably Hold Over During Week; Harrington Vs. Miller Up. James Hart and J. D. Kennedy who were convicted on two separate joint indictrivents last week in Circuit Judge, Kelly's coihi-civ tMHtguy of ''violation ui the provisions of the local option liquor law, were arraigned this liiorii- ing at 9 o'clock before Judge Kelly and received their sentences in one i case each of $-'30 and A) davs in jail j and in the oilier by a fine of $350 and ' days in jail. According to Judge Kelly's verdict each ol lender is to pay a total of $600 and serve a term of 60 days in the county jail. The jail sentence is the maximum and the court's decision was based largely upon the fact that the. convicted bootleggers have been re peatedly before tiie roin-t r... t;...:i..- charges. I hroiigh their attorneys, D. A. Iirown of S.-ileiti fin, I r i ui.:. r . . . J- ,i,uicy, ol this city, the defendants immediately , ri"-"' ' me .supreme court. Illde-e ki v r,r;v,! tl,.,: i i $15K) each which will be furnished. niiorncy irate s. iiill and Deputy District Attorney Dan John ston prosecuted the case for the state. i'lie cases wgrc tried Wednesday and Thursday and the jury in one case deliberated only 15 minutes before it reached a verdict while the jury in the second case was out over three hours before reaching a decision. An ap peal was instituted in both cases. In the two indictments the convic ted bootleggers were charged jointly of the sale of intoxicating liquors ill viol.'i lion nt ilm 1......I n. t: i 1 .....II UjMIIMI !l,Ur lilW on June 7 to W. M. McDcrmott on v,nu- v ii.ii gc and lo William Allplllll on the other. The next case to conic up in court before Judge Kelly is the suit of Har rington against Miller. The trial will probablv be completed late this after noon. Judge Kelly will probably hold court nearlv nil nf tlm .ol il. ...... being much more business to occupy HIS .11 ICilllOU. ONLY 2 LEBANON EDUCATORS OF LAST YEAR REELECTED Several Will Get Married and Others to Go Into Other Vocations. Lebanon, Ore., June 22. Of the 14 teachers in the Lebanon public schools last year only two have been re-elected for the next year. Professor lin ker, superintendent, will attend the Stale University next year. Other teachers will attend school, a few will go into other vocations, it is rumored, one or two will get married anil di rest have secured places in the other schools. Next year there will he 16 teachers in the schools and 15 of these have been elected. Those elected are as follows: F. Thordarson, of North Dakota, super intendent; high school teachers. (). S. Kirseher. of X e w York ; Ruth Peters and Lucille Davis, of Corvallis. and I'earl Bradley, of Hood River; grade teachers, K. D. Hops, eighth; Jessie Keed. seventh: Clara Van Cleve, nixth ; I'rankie Allen, fifth: Miss TIiotimiwui fourth; Mamie McKnight, third: lt:,v Haletou, third; lunula Fuller, second; Jessie Wild and Winnie Pct;yhort ,irnnr.rv. Peddlar Arrested and Fined. Arri.t,.,l fr I.IK ... .! ..... ..... .... -ijiv-i. I.IC ICS II, - on the streets without a license. J. J. vine who nans irom t,aliloriua was arraigned before l'olice Judge Van Tassel this afternoon and pleaded guil ty, lie was fined $5 and costs which he paid and was released. Cole was arrested by Officer King who has not iced the man trying to dispose of his wares. l;. W. l.".ibo nf I'eorra, w.i. lii- M.iy visit. r ... the .-.ij yestcr iay ;!c returned home this morning. I Jackson of Portland was visiting relatives and friends in the vicinity of Albany nu Sunday. Mr. Ja k-ou is a former re-ident of Linn county and has a large circle of friends in Albany.