The Semi-Weekly lemocrat rV.Mi-hci hy DEMOCRAT I'L'BUSHl.N'G CO. :. ii HuRNiUkOOK, "",K:"b " ' Lniered a: the p()t.!iie at Albany. Grewn. a? ie- nd-cs; s matter. Puliliiht.3 every tvt-nmj; exec; I Sli.)- day. c-3 ' puLJi 1 uci ; day It id a... ! Aiaiiigii-u r..J:t..r. Addrcs a" co::nriUrjir.itir.rjS anil rr.aVt i aii remittances payi!.'e so ir.e Lcm- ; ocral I'ti'. Lo. ' In oiOcimn L-f adre. soN scr-Jt.:s h-uji5 -.Jay .dd a e.l a new addr-s. SUfcSCKH'TION RATES i Daily j Delivered by car:;tr. per mor-lh $ 4 ! Dciivcltd by an?fl, ptl fi. 4 !.0 ! by mzsh nt end '-4 yi-ar by ma-i 3i advance, per year JU'C) : t Semi-Weekly Al end of year $ Whi-w p?mI in ad. !:-nre. orse year 1 -15 CLASSIFIED KATES 1c per word f--r first publication; h; per word thereaticr, payat.le in ad vance.. Minimum chaise of 2:c Established in 1365. TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1913. Keep the Races. A eonlemjGrary ob'etts t b;rx race as a feafsre o ounty fair. Now in the humble 'amt-n -X the writer, a memorial ervj-:c w-.-uld be truly exciting a? rcvinjor.-J to an old fashioned county fair vision; a hor&c race. Big j'tropkii. M.w.drd chick ens and canned jam may irive vreat attraction lo the hoarw-ii 3j-ji h" .i man ha a generous sii;ir of red blood in hi veins, he uiaa7Jy e:iiryf a contest between jcn .." Wljelher he be GreeV, Jen-, heather, or Gerlile. shere is a3y that latent love oi conte'l Hrnenhcrc in hi na ture, and thoe who have never ex perienced the thrilJ of tciiji ihc hord es nannirg neclc-to-ntc jj-at I - quar ter pot have mii-j-ed a tca1. treat Poor Econoiry. During the last ve-ion of the 0:!i fornia Vgitlalure the m of $3..Crl, KlO was ajpTOnaJed for th- main tenance of the State Univeri-My Df thi. fain JiVtft.rXifJ i io be ued tx cluMvely for the iuiinorl of he vri- cultural departmenl. Oregon might profitable f-oHot- The lead of California in mating more lib eral appropriation; for it, intimation of learning. We now have the be; ABTimllnral college in the Yvt zr. our Mate university vhould be e--id to none in the ame territory. Tv withhold fund necessary for th j.r.-,p-cr ecjripmenl of the university i : economr. Damaging Evidence. X'ritc me fully about yotir con-jres-sman, how he can best be icachrd. Wr.uld get up new jeiiiion, nt.t only at Garden City, but at Syhia a-d ;b er jdace. Also have as many letter vent as po-.sille. Letlers lo yorr net? conpresman from substanti?l emo crais, are very advisable." The above telegram was sent by a representative of the si. cat tru-t to F. A. Gillespie of GuriVn Cit Kanva. and ia yesterday i;ude a part of the record in the congi;m(. ial "lfb'y" investigation. Othtr letters f rm more din-;g-ir.g natt:re were also rr.ide jit; of the record and proved c ..:'-bn ely that tiie siicst intr rests !i.i-.e been exert nfy ;n:1:iti' c e ibie to direct Hirislatson at Washi'-ion Wi;tijct if llw't liiti'htng pnt , wi be treated in .Mhny in tir.-o fr t KTai'gtr. 4th of li:- ceVbraor !-ack o; erte:p'ne i t? ! i the faiJi'-vs oi 5: !i strec i pr owner. A Wive Judge. I:: an j,d!:t cdAtrci before the atio ;'-.;! Vtt a.s-o-iitton. I'nitt Staitr l;:r-.cT JnU-r Smith McFher un r-i Ion-it drlrrnird the nght -.'f ihe pnbik pros :i cuticie membern of the Vri h and bar. Judce Mcl'her m take the po-iton iha; a rirre j'.id:ciil veneer it. mt suf ficient to retan the rtspect of the peo ple for the rotrt.. He acrt that the )t:dgr a-t hrman and must be subject to tr i.atte cr tsism for their act ior a any v!" er pnh'-c sen ant. The pjM:hrd rejnt of hit addf indicate- that it comes from a bi$. broad, brairy nun. and not from wme legal "bullhead" -mho by onie ;iifer twrn of the See! of fortune, fca Ween , elewtej o the brrch. The a b'r- i. in fa( at fo'low : "A i'-"1ge nnt nmand repect He cannot cof-.mand ffpe-t by be Comf;,jf a tr:l:-t, or y ca;irg a aat. or a ir.orrin oat or a white tie. 1 or by spewing in terai tones. To ;-y he rhou!'i ht horcrl : unccratoo-'. ! ; i- rot mtich to the credit of a man to l 2'.e a:u o: u.-l "e "'We ire i:te i:i ;-Srirt Kent of the l'r: t i 5: So should fur e c v.: ti;en of an; "' "i :-': t-.r-j- d: t-il oz tcmc-t.c ir.f vr.i'.e it d'-'c'iui-d rt::!Tn :r.d .-t"3 I'-e '".-'h m ' i" r :' .u V't'l itv. .u, ! Hilre'i ""i VMlTK, fi UTt'C-rjlh-. jiVl'l d":" Ij "C."a- c.d a toiM irir.ntTt v:r:ile is-r. a m'ni'i fcrr i hirVty sn-d an e"-e M" i-ood!!e- He came here in 'Jf t.:z Trith ar.CiV'r r:;;i'f -rife sr;ij ;.in;-'j t3-e chr.Trh it te i:Tj': chir.ct. Ke owe u several do!!ar? for the r,:ji,'r a liirge hijl, tr-d yo-n cculd jTy'ff f biOcVr, 3ie -cud Lnir-g. -Jtrcs Paid It AIL" and w; think he : right he rever pr-ia r:-iy-ihir.g himfelf. He : btzritd ir. a-beflo cafkel and hi many frie::r threw p;;lrn leaf fan in trt grave, ii rn-jy need t.ien:. m .o:r"i-.r.i.r :13 be a farcrite rc?t:;:a T'- -',r r-'A owj . Suppressing a Panic Ju-J a, the New Jersey bose ci;s- covered that they were dealing with , a r.ew kind of governor in Woo ;ro r j Hot, Mr. C. F. Biiley, and Mrs , Wibon, so Wall street discover ibati-- H. O'Brien, and all oiLeri mteret- . . , ,. . , , , , - . !cd J" estate, gieeting. it is dealing with a new kind oi p-c,-; J:1 lhc name oi the tSate o: Oregon. ident, sys the New York World .tab- lished policy in the matter of s.hlr-j ... , , . . , fatal Washington waned until the hud beiran until confidence a-" credit were undermined, and then turned the United Siates treasury over j 10 Wall street, while the stock-gamb- j irson and estate of D. C. Flint, an ihe club rooms during the after ler salvaged what thev could frons incompetent, to sell ill of the real . jn the evening a dance will be i -n. v . P'eTty oi id incompetent. !o:tn: ven bv the Third companv, O. the wrxk. The ilon policy is to Beginning at the Southwest corner of g.. ii honor of the visitors.. ' suppress the panic at the start and ; Ciaina sixty township ten (10.1. .j final b-ainc eion of the no at the finish. 1 ranee two l2 west of the Wil- : encampment will he held on Saturday' Nothing could have teen more lime-1 f;fflt-1f -Median, in Linn Counn, , forei10on? ap(3 the e- T,arade a'd . , . , - -'re-Lon. running thence east tonv : conffrririr of he "in-ikf" df-irre Tril3 y than Secretary McAdoo s announce- j (4fl; ru.liT14 , ,1 ouihe- t comer of ' ".njC':inc 5,J ,J;C ,T1'jKC cegree trtu . . i ' en .-.iin to tiie sontne.tft corner oi take place in the anernoon. A num- ment that he was prepared to issue ; Section thirty-four 34), thence ter of veterans livir at Springfield S".fLH.lClCI in emergency currency north on the east boundary of said . have promised to come over in suto under the Aldrich-Vreeland act. Wall I tTllon thirty-four a di-.tance of sev- mobile, and convev the visitors to that street recovered immediately from its; hyvteria and its bankers, with char - act eristic patriotisin, began to de- nounce the secretary for his "absurd offer." The fact is now pointed out with ! a wealth of detail that there is plenty t of currency in circulation and that no emergency currency is necessary,, but forty-eight hours ago Wall street as pointing out with an eual wealth rf detail that one of the disturbing elements of the situation was, the ne cessity that would exist in a few week ior immense sums of monty to mof the crops- H-e truth is that there was plenty of money all the time, and except for the condition of the European money market, there was no reason whst cier fur Wall street's attack of nerve Pro inc it is the mot inspect in service that the treasury ha rendett J liy it offer of emergency cvrre:x"y H'ill stTtet" hy-:eiia a rapi:l inrocu'ating the entire country, ad tVe W:l.on p.dministntion 1:2 Mvp ptd the roi'cr.'f leiore it became crious. HANK BROWNSVILLE PEOPLE WILL VISIT CHAUTAUQUA C. H. Stewart Says That Head J quarters at Picnic Was In j teresting Feaiure. J keturr.i',; list nicht from a three 'days ertj-iMs: carrpa'cn in the in terest of t be A'bary C" 'ttitjiuua at I 1'rowr.M :Ilr durn; the PioTreer ic j nc. C. H. Ste.rt tr.ted this m.-rrn: I that many people from th;.t city at-d ! the nrrocndjr,tf terrttc-ry -wil s:tei:d j the ct-mirtfi- ae?rS!y hch wili con- vere in I'-rvart" P-rk July T. and ! 'a-t untd July t ! Stewart sy tKa: the Oartaia- ! ';na headqsart ers etaMihed at j Pr..- niii!e d'iri-:fi the p?cric a one of the mtn ffatufe i4 the celebra- ' tKn and :hit bcrdrfd of m--; tted it. -eekir-c ir.formatK-a abont the j Chantacqaa. .!ach bteratcre i hr , ti!ric the a-enMy a jtvrn -iit an dMr. Stewart i of the bttt ftVat te beadgaartf r . po e t be jo' OJ-mrecWerterted j v.J ;n wi; - . the attendance at tc Chactat. ,ci Mr. Mr. R W Frv ar-J tf' ad -.Isufihtrr M; Ror-ert. rd bt ht form BrowrM:!e i;t atte,J're te punk. itni i D IHVUTT PDHUTrn itina. u. n. ninii unnuiLU A DIVORCE YESTERDAY Wiil Assume Former Name; Each Will Keep Title to Own Property. corO: ncc with a t:pjli;;..T en .to sonte necks igo, the:e sri :ert whtn.LyC::. Vy;.;i ap j'-dsc .Met i.ii court te?i-Koiv : n : . t r d ; -.1. Kifell Vyai:. 5 c.ij- -(. u !.-c decree anii to rc- " --jiTr.e r.-.!73e o; Lydsa F.ahrr. the k;n-r vtit ra:;:e ff her former huian'd. .i 'cil-b own Allany brewer. Eich -if i; e 5-;j.r::e? are sndt;.ei7de:j;ly weaj- h y s i': d e a : ii i : t e; f hi or her o w n r TC'Ptriy. w::h '.he exception tht: Mr. Vi'yait Ttieived htr hwfband's tQuity hi 4 c;.cref of l;-md on the Bite Line t o& '3 . C r c- o n i a n . A. J. Ri:h:yr'.3on. superintendent c-f i(. i.tre:.ro3 Ek-.i:tric railway, wa? in :he c::y yriterofiy o.n official raiiroid 'fitr-. iie returned to hi home in Porijand thif :n-orninj after spencirg tnt r.iirht at the Hair.raeL D. W. air ewer vrent to Turner lfci r.oon to s.:ttnd the camf meetrs now :ii prc-gres at that place- Kews on This Page is Frcm Da:lv Issue of FRIDAY, JUNE 20. CITATION. Jn the Cu-n:y Cou:l of i!:e State oi Or yon, ioi Linn Coucty. in ir.e mutter ol ir.e :-taie o: tne titate and g-xiTW3iZty at D. Flint. an inconspttem. . ! To L. c. Fjmt, Htibert Ear&er, . Vrf. Alma Cumnui.g.s Rolla White. i.ihu.n H. IS hate. Mr. L, M. you are hereby cited and required to i . . i-inn. at the court room ibereoi. 'i Albanv, in w:d coumv, on ednes- jo clock m the afternoon of that day, I lhtn and ll',tTC J? -h,ow faicff- ai7.' - made by this cour in the above en- T3Uea matter nutitonzang empow- , Hotel Smeede. The first business ses erine A. G. KnatJt. as cusrdian of the mia-,- tii -- ana seventy-nve one Jioncreas 5 1 chains co the center of Crab - ,ntc crrt-K: thence down said creek ,a pC'int eiyht and fifty hundreds S..5"0 I i cr:air:s n,'r1h irm ine soutn oouna- ary oi said Claim sixtv iW thence we-t thirty four t54 ) chains thence south eicht and nftv huridreds .50t taininc'ihir:v-three )"Jrre. 'more! or less. ; ! lr,t' of ht County "Ccurt of Vbe S:ate of I'recon. for County of l-mn. with the Seal ot s:.: a Court at- vin G3-v ii.- , VApV- deceased re hereby required tr ir.AD . L- MARK. 1 present the ame. with proper y.-uch-- Clerk, , r5 0 he urders:crr!ii '.. at the First ... p' M. Rl'SSEI.L. Sav-ints Bank, in th' Citv of Albanv. W-Ttie. J10-17-2-M-K. Deputy. : MJ(j cotmty. wi: six months , -C ; fr--m the date "f t": -- tice. Registration of Land Title. in tne Circuit Court o: the Mate oi Oregon for Linn Countv. In the matter of the application of) W r.iamtite Land C.'mprv. an Ore-1 gon cor;.tTaiKn. regi to the k::d in ?a:d a;. cn"-td. :o-wj!: B.'cnrirj at a po:t br.UT-. ',ary line of and N-mi'u'.t- We-t foJ'J -from tht 5. W. corner -: U"i;-d -i An"---wiff. Not No ri, CI": Tp. 31 S R 3 Y W-V trr the title j lication ce- ; n the Wes: :h 1 degree :in d:tant re IVtr.ation .i Cc-x anc No 40. in Mct, Linr.t Craiiv. rd:;-y lint .- Claim Xr. : ' V i j I,, 1; , , -n1M ,.f the -r r: . W. 44i. - aionje ctn-' Wet boun- 49: ther:re East 'mtr.c. ci?n- ' lesl d:;rv !: ! S 1 Jcirre J it m:v Notice. ' -- i Wiu.rt I n-'t-j. r t: st on JO?.V an ti d-v of bvr Med bv n "7 'i'citiftr w-, i"'t I.and C"m-Cf'i-t of Lira ' tI ret:tra- d W-!h.-e Circti reiroi. ti and above tecrtrr! N. t or before . D li:.t ir:d von appear rth d:v t T-?v of JV A. 'j-r-c why sixrh e jante-d. the ( "eed ard t i-.i accordmc, ; t 'ration. ad .-( 1 from d:- ' a'f:vo- . nil r,--re hf t.iken a drrrec w-'I ! the ""vf of T c the .ami in tre"- r r-v I hive he-err-to :h; : c.y ot june - V 7 VVRK O.-s-rtv C?e-V cf I ri ( --tv.0-e- u., " - -n. ad ft.ofr.n) C'erk of the rtvt Cot:-t C---Tv. 5--e TV-led C r . VFT1J,"Rr .-RD WF THFR VFW'TT - c-. ' sr-n : A:----( - "-- -,r;H-,-f WAR VETS MEET1KG li EUGENE TODAY United Spanish War Veterans Gather at Annual Reunion and Encampment. OVER 175 WILL ATTEND THE TWO DAYS SESSION Program of interest Arranged for Visiting Comrades by Eugene Camp. r.oaruj:: a ptciLJ :rii::i iroin x" ori- sajjd tjji mc-rnjeg ai 10:15 o'cloci, conveyiijg nearly 175 Spacih ar 'tterun irom a'.o:;; Uit imc to tht aa j.ujl reunion a::d encampment at Lu y:":t. a Lre dtityation irom ir-e iuc:il camp oi vettrai: wii! attend the :.G Lay ion at the Yaruy Ci:y. "i";:oe who conipoied the locl con::n i;ent from Camp P:j:p No. 14 were: R. C Churchil!, F. C. Sieiimchtr, r. Ii. Weslbroofc. A. C. Laker, W. A S::liburj S. C. Worrell, W. V. Mer ril!. M. H. Ell:, Geo. Koh'e. Frank Stuart. Vv". S. Ei-ley. Win. Morn?. General Lawtoa Cmp No. IV. Unit ed Spanish War Vtieran of Eugene a:ted bv the CoTnniercr:! club, has made ail preparation ;o entertain the 1Ch.;V and tomorrevr. The pecil train -srii; leave Portland aT s 0-ciock this mornir.e. bearing a delegation from thtt citv. Vancouver ,n(i jr. snH nirl-in-nT 1- jr0m Salem and A3 ban v en- 7,m L-pon .hc arri-vaj cf the excursion . F.P,rf th v.itor tct met hy lhc veteran in a body, and by the iicjc vuiimcu v iih v"-JJJJiJt j wai uul- TOom and' the men marched down town t.-rT-d bv t W?l m-nl-. vrovjded for the cccation. Trie vis , itor were given a ride over the city ; cub- aT!(3 a! 2;'t were dined at the ritv Iste in th aftrmnnTi. ' ' o Cha. H. Glos. a lawyer of business here C"rvall;s, transacted lJU- "uiik 1 o EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. . ':-M ht!tb' P?v.en that the un. dersitmed has been duly appointed by the County Court of Linn County. Oregon, executor of the last will ad .testament f !arcaret Irvine, late of vSlt, i-it,. ..t r.f I Dated May 27, 39:? 1 IRVINE, Executor. HEWITT & SOX. Atv-rntvs f"r Ev-- W-May 27-June 3-"3 G-1 7-2-4 REGISTRATION OF TITLE. ! In the Circctt Cou-t Ortcon u t Lirtn Co, t the State tf -: In the matter of the Application of Henry 1. Sheldon, t- -egiter rtie to the fflhjwmg ce-crtbrd premisi'. to- w:t Ltcinr-ir.g ;;t the - st c '-mtr n L.-t One O.i in F-l.-k 5ix t'.i of town o: North brown.- L : n n C or n t y . ? t e of O r c i : and mr.r.irc inrr, th ence E:,t sh-nv: t--e N rt h lrs r, d i rv of s d i'-h.'cV 37 ftct. thence Sv-Jth pataHel to the Wfi b;'und::rv ci the s:.:d BLx-k K -5 f.-tt to the S, nth bound ary of I..; t Two '2' of .aid I'h.-rV. thence Wt-M ;-.Jone the South ivmid irv ci s.::m1 iast ran-it d ix 22 feet to the S- 'tithtast corner .- f sxd Lot On? U therce S nth Tn feet., thence Wt st nsrvU 1 t-t the S-jrth h nnd ;ry . i said i'io-k Ii5 jtt to the 511 Wtsi b..-Jj;dliry of aid Bhk. thtnre erdantft. North 115 feet to the place oi be- ;::ni:- and btinc wuv!n the cor nt o- rh'c IT)-t of the Citv of Fr'"jrr- i1'e in Linn Ccxnty. Stite of Cresor. A ct-st a;l w hom it may c--cm. P'tcrcaritfL Tak rotice that on th - 2Sth div cf !aT. 19!?. n a:rbcatv-n -jrat vied by the Md Henry I Shrld -n in the C"i.-n:t Court r.f the State yi O-con. ' Ltrn C I tv-r miti.-.i rtcitra- t?' ' ot tne tr :r:led. f the brd ab-ve de- Nw nn!es y-i ar-pnr rn or before the 2Tnd day of July. WLV and h-w-carse w hy such apphcatc-i jhj-j ne t be eriTed. ibe .rr.e w:I Ve 'a';en a o nff-.s'1 and decree will be en tered acc.-rd-rc t? the prayer --f the P:s? i:- J-k rAv 0: Ma v. 1513. i v." t T U t hid;-; Attf-rev? f-f .-b NEW SCHOOL BSARD MS McElmurry Takes Oath of Office. Dr. Davis. Chairman and Tomlinson Clerk. hi- c-iih o: c-n::t ur.c t.-;? ta-:;ej a? 3 n:cn-.btr. Mr. M:::r- ;L;vLeiy "idSfS -fv J1.;.v.:1':::;::r;;ni":-- :or. a?, cV;iirn:a;i :.r.e -crd snd L. ToiTilifc-n re-tat-ctea a cltz'ii :c-C.-.y id: Pioneer? FLcnie. GQRVALLIS 000 FELLOWS Thirty Members of Order Were Guests of Albany !. 0. 0. F. Wednesday Night. Thirty member of the Corralli I. O. O. F. hired the Corvaliis Transfer truck and several automobile to con vey them to Aibarsr WeQ-eday even ing, where the AJbanj Oddfellows roya!!y entertained in their honor. The Corvallisite put on the decree work of the order and later were guests at an elaborate banquet served bv their Albany brethren- 0 , v way to Albany in a drenching rain, one machine broke down and several prominent CorvalHsites. including W. K Taylor, candidate for city mayor. 5. N- Wilkin s. and others- were oblig ed to hire a farm team to convev them -i t4v r.-i,. -JlJa was the excuse offered when thev ar- 1 c.ttu ine -.cruict a5 reao m rive-d home this moraine, havins fail- HI1 J11onl airw2rd5 and Judge ed to return with the Corvaliis crowd Kt,' announced that he would pro late last Tlch-L The automobile "ouP,;e fn.ncc. Monday morning at w-Jf brought back to the citv todav. ?,c!V r.Dl-,T,CU Att?r"e-V GaIe 5 Other member? of the crowd were a H:1 Deputy Dan Johnston com bedrarrled ficht when thev reached j I'fJd prosecution and Attorneys nome iast evenmz. but it is the con- census of opinion that the trip was j royal welcome received at Albanv making up fcr the discomfort on tht way. C'orviiJh Gazette-Times. Mr. Glen Elkans after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Hack elman, left this noon for 3ner home at Grams Pass. REGISTRATION OF TITLE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. ! In the matter of the application of Luelia Holiidar to Register title to1 ti iV.iir.B-r, .rn-'t,r.Tr,;r.t j wit: Beginning at the -quarter section j corner between Sections 53 and 34 in , Tp. 10 S. R. 2 W. of the Willamette ' Mercian and running thence East r3 1-3 rod: thence South 320 rods: tt-r. v.;, 1.? - North rods; thence West 90 rod: , f "cke,;T I-ebannn : C N. McWey. AI Thence North SO rods, thence Eat'lla'.: Henr Dittmcr, Tangent: W. 80 rods to the place of bein'nning. , p,eter. Albany: John Robson. Ab containirc 85 zcres more or"le?s in31 f- J? Simon, Albany: Frank Linn countv. Orecon. ! Crldwell, Crabtree. Arainst Mr. Kate Eilveu, wife of J .ATtrnryf Gnrlnml. of Lebanon. Peter Eilveu. 2nd All Whom it ntav i y eathertord and Weatherford are for i Take notice it on te 2?:h dav y.ty. 1913. an api-liration -ra filed by I :e fid I.nsla Holiiday in the Circuit i Corn of the 5:ae ?f Orecon. for Linn ; Connrv. for initial resrif t-ation of the ; tttle of the land t!o"e de?criled. i Ko tjrtle? toj rnprar on or be- i fr re the Z2ni clay of i-jlv. jojj. aBj 1 j fhow cata? rhr nch application I ' 'honld rot be jrranted. the sunt will ; . jle taken a? conferred and decree wili; Re'iilents of Fifth street, all ages. he entt-red according to th prayer t-x arc. earnestly retjtiested to be present : the at'-. iicant ard yr.-j n il! t f'-ctver ,'onieht at a lawn party, on the south : ' -i- 5 'rom rU-vatinc the sa-e . corner of tiie courthouse block, i Dated this 29 d-.v of fT. iot.1. ' to 9 o'clock, for a social session. W- L- MARK5. ? cream and cake will he served iCorntr Clerk of Linn Co-ntr. Ore- n! there will he a short, infor- con .and ec-oftrio Cltrk of the.' Proiram. The ohiect is to cet entitled cocrt. WFTHERFORD & WE THFR FORD. Attorney f;r Apirnt J 3 7-24-11-15 Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Ores on. frr th- County of Linn, De partment No. 2. Minnie C. Eicker. Flaintiff, vs. A. L. j E : ck er . Dt f en da n t. i To A. L. Eicker, the aVove named; dciendant : In the name of the Stnte cf Oregon ' yen are hereby required to artear at1 i -n,L -?..PT k ,hc aK7V01 5M' ,hf umy court author fCK "d t.P-ntmentof C. A. Pugh. JtJ C-urt Kithhi sL eek from the 4 on p ,!lf deceased, as ailministr.i date of the fin psMicatx-n ri this ' ' the estate of the $20 500 SlvSS, ; M-W.lN.Kh. who died s-o r.-mpiaict as herehy required. ri.itit tr;;e a decree pnved ' f r to the Mid rom-.'iatnt herein, 'in. to. the i. seems enritibic This snrr.m--j -e-Tti- eei;;y lsrmoc it o-ce a week for i c:fcJttve eek br o-.le- '. the li-o. D. P. M-Kn-sVt. Cotttttr lr,-t- of Li C'..itr. O.-e.-n. n Mai . jotj. s-d'tbe date of ?.. r-iiicatton hcrcc-l '0- X May li. i- r tv,vT C. C. FJO NT. and rtrer re.:tt as t.i BOOTLEGGERS ARE GAI Jury Deliberates 3 Hours in Deciding Second Case Against Hart and Kennedy. JURORS WERE UNABLE TO agree until midnight Al Newman Is Now on Trial for Shooting Officer Lcomis at Lebanon. After deliberating lor three hours, the jury in the cae of the state aauin?t James, Hart and J. D. Ken-i'-c-y. reached a verdict oi guilty Just night at 12 o'clock. i he case wl; tried on the charge or the second joint indictment ag;.int the defendants in which they were alleged to have sold liquor in viuia- , lion of the Jocai option law to Wil liam Allphin on June 7. The following composed the jury which heard the te-timo:y in the ce: J. W. Prickett, South Lebanon: H. l. Haight. Knox Butte; J. R. Mor ri. Lebanon: J. W. Miller, Haisev; W. M. Abbott. Scio: H. R. Sherrill, Harriburg: John Robson, Bl M. Hus ton. Charles Carter. W. A. Ledbetter, Edward Washburn, S. L. Haley, all of A loan v. vjuiiiy IV iijiii uciuic viiluii juuyc Kelij' yesterday morning at 9 o'clock, the case occupied the attention of the court until 8:45 o'clock last night, when the introduction of testimony was completed. A few minutes later the jury was excused and it wa3 not until midnight that an agreement was : ",'rM"' U1 '"cii. ..i.u j. j. n im- :ev the defense. It is understood that had it not recn ior tiie two jurors nangir.g out ! alirr?oon. A turv was empanelled agreement would have been reached on the first ballot. The case of the state against Al. Newman, who is charged in r.n in dictnient with assault with a danger weapon was tr.ken up by the court this morning at 9 o'clock. Newman i accused of shooting George W. iomis. a policeman ot Lebanon, . w,ttl a ?eyAyT- in th thlPh on heb" n'nr-v f- whne re51?t,"& nrrest on a drunk c.';,3rSe-, Tite cae will prohrbly occupy the attention of the court until late this amiiiwil. .- Jill tis CiiipaiiCMCl shortly before 11 o'clock this morn- mg. The members of the jury are a follow: H. D. Haiirht. Knox Butte: William Abbott. Scio: L. F. Albanv: H. R. Sherrill. Har- rinurz: i. . or. Hr.lsev: . W. ! S. Hill for the state. TO GET-TO GETHER TONIGHT r-eonle nt the treet together for it improvement, ami n well tor them to know each other better. Come e.irly .with your own nsiffes nons. and help make the event one of importance to the street, through which o many people pass on tiie electric line, o ADMINISTRATOR APPOINTED FOR $29,500 PUBH ESTATE Ipon furnishing, hotnls in the sum J ' cuu J."" ne estate consists nf real nroD. erty of the estimated v.iln r.f jOll.tW, e4 the deaseJ. hi. wif, ,.,in4 r- M. Reckar.l, rtlii,p,,, MVC. ur. iti" .''',l"', n-Vig the "-act of a r ull hv,l) ,1 mw, ,.v f a. In ; KV,k"' '' . a -n ire-.(mrn -r j-""-f -.1 'tr-e &-15 17 :4-July 1